

2000年Some people simply see education as going to schools or colleges, or as a means to secure good jobs; most people view education as a lifelong process. In your opinion, how important is education to modern man?

Education As a Lifelong Process

When education is mentioned, we can easily think of school, colleges and young people. In fact, education is so important in modem society that it can be viewed as a lifelong process.①

First, it's the requirement of fast-developing society, to accept education despite of your age. Our world is changing dramatically with the development of new science and technology. A person who completed his education at school in 70s or 80s may have encountered new problems when he is working now. The problems might have some thing to do with his major or other aspects. For example an accountant now must master the skills of accounting through computers, which is the basic tools for him, so he should also learn how to apply his job in a computer. No matter how old is he.

Secondly, education creates human character and moralities. Through education, youth may learn how to make contributions to the world. And the old may learn new things to enrich their lives. Through education, a healthy person can become stronger and a disabled person can have a new hope on his life. Man can find great pleasure by accepting education.

Thirdly, our modem society has provided everyone the chance to accept education. As long as you wish you could get education by attending night-schools, adult colleges, training centers and even long-distance education through Internet and TV.

Knowledge is limitless. And life is limited. So education is a lifelong process. (241 words)

2001年The Impact of the Internet on Education

The internet is making the world smaller and is changing every aspect of our life. There can be no doubt that the Internet will have greater impact on our society and economy. The impact, in my opinion, will be strongly felt in the aspect of education.

First, the Internet provides equal opportunities for all students, as long as they can get access to the Internet. In the traditional form of education, students who get higher marks in examination may enter a better school, and those who do not have to enter a relatively less good

one. With the Internet, every student is provided with the same sources of education, so they can get equal opportunities to improve themselves. In that case, the general quality of education will be highly improved in our country.

Second, the Internet poses a challenge, not a danger really to teacher. Traditionally, teachers are the dominator of education, and students are fixed to the instruction of several specific teachers. This, in fact, may result in the laziness of teachers, since there is no competition. With the Internet, a student may choose any teacher's instruction as far as he likes it, which is an incentive to the faculty of teachers. Faced with this, a teacher is likely to try his best to improve his instruction and this will in turn improve the educational quality of our country.

Last but not least, the Internet makes education more convenient for the students. A student can learn at any time he likes and, at the same time, save the money spent on tuition and board. All of these may head to a revolution of education.

After all, I am not exaggerating the influence of the Internet on education. It is true that the Internet may still remain out of the reach of some one and may be less amicable than human teachers. But the point is that, the Internet is sure to accelerate the development of education.

With the Internet, let us make the education of our country into a better existence!(342)(2002)The Most Important Personal Quality of a University Student

Everyone has one or more dreams. But it is much easier to set an aim than to realize it. In the course of obtaining success, we need a number of helps, either external or internal, and the personal qualities are of superior importance. Among the qualities, such as smartness, honesty, confidence, the most important one, in my opinion, is diligence. ①

We are sure to encounter a number of difficulties on the way to success. On one hand, we must hold on. On the other hand, we should make efforts to find the best solutions as soon as possible. We have to force ourselves to know more, do more, sweat more. Only working industriously can assure us of a good result.②

Being industrious means more work and less relaxation. So diligent people will complete their tasks in a shorter time than others. They will get more information and experience in their work. In the long run they will do their job better and better. Diligence also means broad knowledge and good public relationship. No one will look down upon an industrious person, and no employer will promote an idle one. ③

In addition, industry is a merit of our Chinese people. It is also a stimulus to Japan's recovery from the disaster of World War II. It is needed to realize our aims and to make our

country more prosperous. ④(219 words)

Suggested Titles:

Going abroad for further study; High divorce Rate ; T eenager Smoking; Will Phone Kill Writing; Money; South Korea Fad; On Recreation and Entertainment; Advertisement; Losing W eight; Going on Diet; Lifelong Education; A Boom in Adult Education; On

diploma and Certificates; Job Interview; Sharing Housework Benefits Children; My View on Compute(Robot, Mobile telephone); Part-time Job; Modern Child-Parents Relationship;Opportunity; On Examination; Job Hunting; Living in or out of the Campus; Keeping Pets;

Internet is widely enjoyed but at the same time severely condemned. Some people greatly appreciate it while others detest it as a devil who tempts many young students and pupils to go away from their classrooms。What is your opinion? Write an essay of about 400 words to state your view. (P154)

Internet----An Angel or a Devil?

Nowadays, “have you been on the line?” has replaced the traditional greeting “Have you h ad your lunch?” Internet has stridden into modern life in various fields.

Some people welcome internet as a labor-saving device and a new means of entertainment. They are amazed at the vast information brought in through the net with a light tap on the key. They also appreciate the convenience of it. Internet facilitates their work and life by ways of making friends, sending e-mails or increasing their trade volume within their own doors.

On the contrary, others argue that web is not yet something desirable at the moment. They also list their reasons as follows: firstly, many young students cannot restrain themselves from surfing the web day and night. As a result, they will neglect their study; secondly, many have become indulged in the world of illusions which will make them all the more difficult to adapt to the real society later; thirdly, some addicts sit before computers for hours running, and too much exposure will inevitably do great harm to their health, especially their eyesight. Besides, there is unhealthy content about sex, crimes or violence, but young people do not have a sound judgment. It’s probable that they be led astray.

As the old saying goes, “There is no fire without some smoke.” In my opinion, we should make scientific use of the favorable aspects of the net while keeping away from its dregs, making it a helpful aid to human beings. (248-26words)

(Amplified version) Nowadays, with the popularity of computers numerous of us have access to internet. So when friends and classmates meet with each other “H ave you been on the line?” will be the most popular greeting. It has replaced the traditional greeting “Have you had you lunch?” Internet has stridden into modern life in various fields as everydayness.

Some people welcome internet as a labor-saving device and a new means of entertainment. They are amazed

at the vast information brought in through the net with a light tap on the key. Things such as seeking useful information which used to take hours, days or even longer time can be done in the blink of an eye. They also appreciate the convenience of it. Internet facilitates their work and life because they are able to make friends with those who are at the other end of the globe, send e-mails to whoever they like to, and, think of it, increase their trade volume within their own doors! Owing to the existence of web, the barriers between different countries have disappeared and the whole world has become an “Earth Village”.

On the contrary, others argue that web is not yet something desirable at the moment. They also list their reasons as follows: firstly, many young students cannot restrain themselves from surfing the web day and night. As a result, they will neglect their study which will worry their parents and teachers who can do nothing but call for a stricter administration of net bars; secondly, many have become indulged in the world of illusions which will make them all the more difficult to adapt themselves to the real society later. And this undoubtedly goes against the idea of quality-oriented education; thirdly, some addicts ( “W eb Worms”) sit before computers for hours running, and too much exposure will inevitably do great harm to their health, especially to their eyesight. It is often reported that some students or even pupils toil themselves too much in the net bars. More often than not, they go without enough food or rest for several days until their health breaks down. Besides,there is unhealthy content about sex, crimes or violence, but young people do not have a sound judgment. It’s probable that they be led astray.

As the old saying goes, “There is no fire without some smoke.”Internet has its own advantages and disadvantages( merits and demerits).W e must not witness the fruit of great invention of science turn into a killer of social civilization and healthy development of our young generation. In my opinion, internet itself is not to blame. W e should make scientific use of the favorable aspects of the net while keeping away from its dregs, making it a helpful aid to human beings. (457 words)

Companionship Of Books

A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps; for there is a companionship of books as well as of men; and one should always live in the best company, whether it be of books or of men.

A good book may be among the best of friends. It is the same today that it always was, and it will never change. It is the most patient and cheerful of companions. It does not turn its back

upon us in times of adversity or distress. It always receives us with the same kindness; amusing and instructing us in youth, and comforting and consoling us in age.

Men often discover their affinity to each other by the love they have each for a book—just as two persons sometimes discover a friend by the admiration which both have for a third. There is an old proverb, “Love me, love my dog.” But there is more wisdom in this: “Love me, love my book.” The book is a truer and higher bond of union. Men can think, feel, and sympathize wi th each other through their favorite author. They live in him together, and he in them.

“Books,” said Hazlitt, “wind into the heart; the poet’s verse slides in the current of our blood. We read them when young, we remember them when old. W e feel that it has happened to ourselves. They are to be had very cheap and good. We breathe but the air of books.”

A good book is often the best urn of a life enshrining the best that life could think out; for the world of a man’s life is, for the most part, but t he world of his thoughts. Thus the best books are treasuries of good words, the golden thoughts, which, remembered and cherished, become our constant companions and comforters. “They are never alone,” said Sir Philip Sidney, “that are accompanied by noble thoughts.”

The good and true thoughts may in times of temptation be as an angel of mercy purifying and guarding the soul. It also enshrines the germs of action, for good words almost always inspire to good works.

Books possess an essence of immortality. They are by far the most lasting products of human effort. T emples and statues decay, but books survive.Time is of no account with great thoughts, which are as fresh today as when they first passed through their author’s minds, ages ago. What was then said and thought still speaks to us as vividly as ever from the printed page. The only effect of time has been to sift out the bad products; for nothing in literature can long survive but what is really good.

Books introduce us into the best society; they bring us into the presence of the greatest minds that have ever lived. We hear what they said and did; we see them as if they were really alive; we sympathize with them, enjoy with them, grieve with them; their experience becomes ours, and we feel as if we were in a measure actors with them in the scenes which they describe.

The great and good do not die even in this world. Embalmed in books, their spirits walk abroad. The book is a living voice. It is an intellect to which one still listens. Hence we ever remain under the influence of the great men of old. The imperial intellects of the world are as much alive now as they were ages ago.



2000年Some people simply see education as going to schools or colleges, or as a means to secure good jobs; most people view education as a lifelong process. In your opinion, how important is education to modern man?

Education As a Lifelong Process

When education is mentioned, we can easily think of school, colleges and young people. In fact, education is so important in modem society that it can be viewed as a lifelong process.①First, it's the requirement of fast-developing society, to accept education despite of your age. Our world is changing dramatically with the development of new science and technology. A person who completed his education at school in 70s or 80s may have encountered new problems when he is working now. The problems might have some thing to do with his major or other aspects. For example an accountant now must master the skills of accounting through computers, which is the basic tools for him, so he should also learn how to apply his job in a computer. No matter how old is he.

Secondly, education creates human character and moralities. Through education, youth may learn how to make contributions to the world. And the old may learn new things to enrich their lives. Through education, a healthy person can become stronger and a disabled person can have a new hope on his life. Man can find great pleasure by accepting education.

Thirdly, our modem society has provided everyone the chance to accept education. As long as you wish you could get education by attending night-schools, adult colleges, training centers and even long-distance education through Internet and TV.

Knowledge is limitless. And life is limited. So education is a lifelong process. (241 words)

Li’s Comments:



example,2、3方面都没有for instance,不公平。盖因时间关系。





⑥本文最大的优点是:2、3、4 段条理分明,紧扣主题。首句为Topic sentence, 让



2001年The Impact of the Internet on Education

The internet is making the world smaller and is changing every aspect of our life. There can be no doubt that the Internet will have greater impact on our society and economy. The impact, in my opinion, will be strongly felt in the aspect of education.

First, the Internet provides equal opportunities for all students, as long as they can get access to the Internet. In the traditional form of education, students who get higher marks in examination may enter a better school, and those who do not have to enter a relatively less good one. With the Internet, every student is provided with the same sources of education, so they can get equal opportunities to improve themselves. In that case, the general quality of education will be highly improved in our country.

Second, the Internet poses a challenge, not a danger really to teacher. Traditionally, teachers are the dominator of education, and students are fixed to the instruction of several specific teachers. This, in fact, may result in the laziness of teachers, since there is no competition. With the Internet, a student may choose any teacher's instruction as far as he likes it, which is an incentive to the faculty of teachers. Faced with this, a teacher is likely to try his best to improve his instruction and this will in turn improve the educational quality of our country.

Last but not least, the Internet makes education more convenient for the students. A student can learn at any time he likes and, at the same time, save the money spent on tuition and board. All of these may head to a revolution of education.

After all, I am not exaggerating the influence of the Internet on education. It is true that the Internet may still remain out of the reach of some one and may be less amicable than human teachers. But the point is that, the Internet is sure to accelerate the development of education.

With the Internet, let us make the education of our country into a better existence!(342)Li’s Comments:


②2、3、4、5 段条理分明,紧扣主题。首句为Topic sentence, 让阅卷老师一目


③合并5、6段,(第6段即为伸展句)权当conclusion,没有归纳,只说the Internet

is sure to accelerate the development of education.过于笼统空泛。




(2002) The Most Important Personal Quality of a University Student

Everyone has one or more dreams. But it is much easier to set an aim than to realize it. In the course of obtaining success, we need a number of helps, either external or internal, and the personal qualities are of superior importance. Among the qualities, such as smartness, honesty, confidence, the most important one, in my opinion, is diligence. ①

We are sure to encounter a number of difficulties on the way to success. On one hand, we must hold on. On the other hand, we should make efforts to find the best solutions as soon as possible. We have to force ourselves to know more, do more, sweat more. Only working industriously can assure us of a good result.②

Being industrious means more work and less relaxation. So diligent people will complete their tasks in a shorter time than others. They will get more information and experience in their work. In the long run they will do their job better and better. Diligence also means broad knowledge and good public relationship. No one will look down upon an industrious person, and no employer will promote an idle one. ③

In addition, industry is a merit of our Chinese people. It is also a stimulus to Japan's recovery from the disaster of World War II. It is needed to realize our aims and to make our country more prosperous. ④(219 words)

Suggested Titles:

Going abroad for further study; High divorce Rate ; T eenager Smoking; Will Phone Kill Writing; Money; South Korea Fad; On Recreation and Entertainment; Advertisement; Losing W eight; Going on Diet; Lifelong Education; A Boom in Adult Education; On diploma and Certificates; Job Interview; Sharing Housework Benefits Children; My View on Compute(Robot, Mobile telephone); Part-time Job; Modern Child-Parents Relationship;Opportunity; Job Hunting; Living in or out of the Campus; Keeping Pets;

Li’s Comments:




③首句似讲勤奋者可怜。In the long run,目前要吃点亏。只有最后一句对主题






⑦句子结构简单单调:18句只有2句为复合句。语言说不上优美。学生A Boom in

Adult Education:At present, a great many people are willing to sacrifice either primordial human joys or high pay for the simple reason that they thirst for knowledge and yearn to embrace a more prosperous future. Adversity gives an impetus to the battle of his life. etc. 记住:狗嘴吐象牙,写作时多想想精、泛读老师,把口语老师抛到脑后。多用idiom: fast, quickly ---- rapidly, swiftly----develop by bounds and leaps;

twists and turns.

⑧语体common,用词没什么出采之处。谚语:The early bird gets(catches) the

worm. 为避免过滥:The cow that’s first up gets the first of the dew.勤劳才能享到幸福。Diligence is the mother of success(good luck). Diligence outstrips poverty.



Is A Little Learning Dangerous?

There is a famous saying: “Know everything on something and know something on everything.”, which exhorts us to make a profound study in a particular field and at the same time get a broad scope of knowledge in every aspect of human civilization. But does the latter part of the maxim give us an excuse of making a little learning on whatever subject? Some people might claim that knowing a little about everything can be symbolic of one’s immense erudition. However, my answer is an absolute negation, because a little learning is dangerous and should never be advocated.

As we know the points of knowledge and theories in a particular subject are usually not isolated from each other. Instead, they are closely related and comprise a complete(integrated) theoretical system of the discipline. And the deeper one gets into it, the more thorough one can understand (comprehend) the knowledge he’s already learned (grasped),for the later knowledge(information) can supplement and perfect the former theories and hence fortifying one’s comprehension. So a mere knowledge of one or two aspect of the system of a subject can be too narrow and superficial (shallow), and thus will result in a one-sided perspective of this field. Sometimes, the use (application) of a little knowledge of something can be completely misleading when the precondition or the cause and effect of it is ignored. As a result, many bad (undesirable) consequences or even tragedies would appear(arise) in people’s daily life due to their half knowledge. Take people’s diet as an example. Most of them know that spinach is a kind of vegetable good for health(healthful vegetable);they also know that bean curd is a wholesome food high (rich) in protein. But people are seldom aware of the fact that these two kinds of food, when meeting (mixed) with each other, will develop a chemical reaction and

thus producing something bad for digesting. Some people ignorantly eat them together only to do (bring about) negative effect on the health. Therefore, a mere knowledge of the nutritional value of a type of food is not enough; one has to know further—from its inner structure to its basic ingredients. Meanwhile, some relevant chemistry knowledge is also necessary. So to prevent mishaps from happening and for the sake of one’s own welfare, one should not be satisfied at a superficial knowledge.

Ina broader sense, a little knowledge will even restrain the development of people and the whole (entire) society. In the academic field, if a learner ceases at the initial stage of a study, he could never make any scholarly attainment. And only those who get the most profound knowledge of a subject can receive (reach) the crown of scholarship. Likewise, in the research field (world), the attitude and determination to reach the bottom of a matter is a must quality of any scientist. They are supposed to plunge into an intensive and in-depth study and research. Only in this way can new scientific breakthrough be made and new products be created which can be a stimulus to the society’s development. On the contrary, a loose and easily complacent mind among scholars would put the academic field in a stalemate; a knowledge on the surface and refusal to do deep research would deprive the momentum of society’s development, leaving it at a standstill.

Thereupon, a little knowledge is dangerous, both for individuals and for the society as a whole (at large).So never stop the pursuit of knowledge and try to be a well-informed citizen as well as a meticulous learner.


Last but not least, the Hollywood films also conform to specific cultural demands. Take this year’s Academy Awards as an example, nominated movies include both high-cost productions like The Lord of the Rings and subtle, more moderate budgeted projects like Lost in Translation, these films suggest that Hollywood movies maintain a basic balance in keeping the style of its own and absorbing diverse cultures. Hence, the Chinese filmmakers should spare no efforts to present original domestic films to foreign viewers. We will be left behind if we stick to the so-called orthodox. For instance, Couching Tiger Hidden Dragon was acted by Chinese actors and through cultural icons, but actually its style and structure of the movie all conform to a Hollywood formula. This partly explains why it appeals to a wider range of audiences from different cultural background. In a word, the Oscars are very important to Chinese filmmakers. Nominations are a kind of approval by international peers of their achievements. As China’s market improves, its movie industry will get stronger and will eventually cash in on the Oscars. 2023年专八作文范文MOOCs第2篇 1)抓主旨 根据讲座结构上的特点可知,开头部分往往会对全文的主题和分述的要点加以说明,即使不是第一句,也会是紧随其后的几句,因此要格外留意。


专八英语作文范文(20篇) 专八英语作文范文第11篇专八英语作文范文第16篇专八英语作文范文第20篇 Some people are committed to their dreams and work hard to achieve their goals.What is guiding them is a kind of illusion.Some people think that illusion is good for success while others argue that it is not so good because it may get people unrealistic.As far as I am concerned,illusion is necessary in our life only if it is encouraging and realistic.There are several reasons.First of all,there is power in illusion.The illusion can lead people to the path they want to go on and it gives us passion.We need to live each moment wholeheartedly,with all our senses so that we can find pleasure in the fragrance of backyard garden,the crayoned picture of a six-year-old,and the enchanting beauty of a rainbow.The illusion can be enthusiastic love of life that puts sparkle in our eyes,a lilt in our steps and smoothes the wrinkles from our souls.Secondly,we are born with wide-eyed,enthusiastic wonder as anyone knows who has ever seen an infant’s delight at the jingle of keys or the scurrying of a beetle.It is this childlike wonder and illusion that gives enthusiastic people such a youthful air,no matter how old they are.For example,the famous cellist Pablo Casals would start his day by playing Bach. Music,for him,was an elixir that made life a never


专八作文范文8篇 There is no doubt that the specific issue of sth./ 或接whether从句 has bee a pressing one, not only to the government, but also to individuals. From my point of view, this may attribute to the following contributing factors. / this surely has produced some serious problems below. One possible reason is concerned with … I t is well-known that … (对该原因进行解释) Besides, … also attributes partly to sth. Another thing that deserves our special attention is … (Apparently, if no action is taken, some serious problems would be aroused.) For example, … Moreover, another problem I should point out lies in the fact that … Last but not least, … As far as the thorny issue is concerned, several effective measures should be put into practice as soon as possible. In the first place... this sensible way has achieved some effectiveness in some areas. Moreover, … To sum up, the reasons/ problems of … provided above are a few of the many but are worth our special attention. It is certain that only the government and the authorities concerned join hands in solving this


英语专八作文 英语专八作文范文(通用14篇) 在学习、工作或生活中,许多人都写过作文吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?以下是店铺帮大家整理的英语专八作文范文(通用14篇),欢迎阅读与收藏。 英语专八作文篇1 The Role of Luck in Success It has been said that when people succeed, it is because of hard work and that luck has nothing to do with success. Although I believe that hard work is very important and is the surest way to success for most people, I must disagree with this statement. It cannot be denied that luck often plays an important role in success. For example, many important discoveries have been made by accident. There have been many cases of researchers and inventors making major breakthroughs while they were actually trying to solve another problem or create a different device. Furthermore, there is something to be said for simply being in the right place at the right time-perhaps meeting someone by chance who can offer a good job or rare opportunity. And of course, there are the rare examples of gamblers and lottery winners who beat the odds and achieve sudden and unexpected success. While the influence of luck cannot be ignored, this is not to say that one should depend on it and ignore the value of hard work. If one is willing to work hard, I believe that success will eventually be achieved, with or without the added benefit of luck. Moreover, hard work is often an essential ingredient of luck because it enables one to take advantage of a lucky encounter. If


英语专八作文 英语专八作文(通用25篇) 在学习、工作、生活中,大家都写过作文,肯定对各类作文都很熟悉吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。相信许多人会觉得作文很难写吧,以下是店铺为大家整理的英语专八作文,希望能够帮助到大家。 英语专八作文篇1 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Universities should give the same amount of money to their students' sports activities as they give to their university libraries. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. I disagree strongly with the idea that the same amount of money should go to university sports activities as to university libraries. Although playing sports is a wonderful way to learn about teamwork, strategy and reaching your goals, it should not be the principal focus of a university education. Students need the most up-to-date library facilities available to get the best education. Many of those facilities are very expensive to buy and maintain. These include computerized programs and access to internet research databases that students can use to find information all around the world. If a university is only offering its students resources of a decade ago, it’s depriving those students of a tremendous amount of information. Even the book and magazine budget of universities has gone up tremendously in last decade. More is being published on every subject, and every university wants to have this information available to its students. It also costs money for universities to keep their libraries


专八作文及参考优秀6篇 专业八级英语作文篇一 Along with the advance of science and technology, electronic products, such as computer, MP3,and cell phone and so on. Among them, cell phone exerts a big influence on our daily life.It has dramatically changed our way of communication and socializing. As to its virtues and defects about cell phone, peoples opinion are widely varied. Recently, a professor named Baron conducted a survey among 2000 college students and consulted their attitudes toward cell phone. Conclusion was reached that the biggest advantage of cell phone is that it can connect the users with other people through short message, which is very convenient compared with traditional letter writing and also very cheap with the telephone call taking into consideration.As every coin has two sides, the very virtue of the cell phone is also the biggest disadvantage,which makes other people can easily fine them with a call even a phone are gradually intruding upon the private space of people. For the most part, I agree with professor Baron s conclusion. Let me first illustrate its virtues. It indeed save much time and efforts when we want to find a helping hand.It also shortens the distance between people,no matter how far two people are, they can easily get in touch with each other through a call and tell each other about what funny or sad things they come upon. The most obvious advantage of short message is that it makes people familiar and intimate. Sometimes ,people feel awkward to say something to others through face to face communication or making a phone call, the short message come to rescue, all the discomfort will be diminished for the messages covering the emotional effect. Messages are very popular and prevailing when a festival or delightful event comes. People can pass their blessing and wished with decent to others,even they are just nodding acquaintances. For its defects, it is really annoying. Scan messages and harassing calls have gained access to us. We have to take time and energy to tackle these problems. And whenever we want to have a break or do some interesting things, we would be interrupted by phone calls or messages. Therefore, some people put forward their solutions that we could turn off the phone when we deem it is necessary or change the situation model of the phone to unreachable. These solutions really bring consolation to us, but they are very hard to apply. Suppose you are working for a company and yearning for promotion and increase in wages, you are hardly dare to do those things in fear a loss of big opportunity. Even if you are just an ordinary full time housewife, you are also incapable of doing that, simply because you have a large family to take care.Thus a new term was coined recently- cell phone syndrome, which refers to people can not live without cell phone. Some people even suffer from it that they have to force themselves to get away from cell phones. Though a lot of complaints about cell phone has emerged, its advantages, from my point of view, are far outweigh its disadvantages. Just as a saying goes that there is no perfect man on earth,so does cell phone. Thanks to cell phone, we are launch into a more efficient information change age. Every respect of our life are greatly benefited form it and it will uncertainly bring us to a brighter future. 最新专八作文篇二 You know you deserve it,but when it comes to asking for a raise,you get a little weak in the


2023年专八作文真题及范文(精选5篇) 2023年专八作文真题及范文第5篇 Financial Disparity: Not a Barrier for Friendship With the development of market economy in China arise the income gaps between people working in different fields: some earn good money; some make ends meet; some others live on narrow means. On top of many social problems this financial disparity may cause there is a claim that it affects friendship. The assumption seems reasonable but we may find it does not really hold water by taking a close look into the subject. First of all true and lasting friendship is built on common values pursuits or hobbies rather than similar incomes. Friends are those who agree with your life views and stick to the some principles those who encourage you when you lack confidence in meeting challenges and pursuing your dream or those who share your interests and appreciate your tastes. Indeed what strengthens these emotional bonds between you and your pals is not the same amount of wealth but spiritual commonalities. Of course with similar financial backgrounds you will probable know better about each other's life style but the difference in this aspect will not matter if you are mutually appreciated needed and trusted. The friendship between Marx and Engels--the two German revolutionists--is a case in point. The former was often in debt while the


作文范文 2000年Some people simply see education as going to schools or colleges, or as a means to secure good jobs; most people view education as a lifelong process. In your opinion, how important is education to modern man? Education As a Lifelong Process When education is mentioned, we can easily think of school, colleges and young people. In fact, education is so important in modem society that it can be viewed as a lifelong process.① First, it's the requirement of fast-developing society, to accept education despite of your age. Our world is changing dramatically with the development of new science and technology. A person who completed his education at school in 70s or 80s may have encountered new problems when he is working now. The problems might have some thing to do with his major or other aspects. For example an accountant now must master the skills of accounting through computers, which is the basic tools for him, so he should also learn how to apply his job in a computer. No matter how old is he. Secondly, education creates human character and moralities. Through education, youth may learn how to make contributions to the world. And the old may learn new things to enrich their lives. Through education, a healthy person can become stronger and a disabled person can have a new hope on his life. Man can find great pleasure by accepting education. Thirdly, our modem society has provided everyone the chance to accept education. As long as you wish you could get education by attending night-schools, adult colleges, training centers and even long-distance education through Internet and TV. Knowledge is limitless. And life is limited. So education is a lifelong process. (241 words) 2001年The Impact of the Internet on Education The internet is making the world smaller and is changing every aspect of our life. There can be no doubt that the Internet will have greater impact on our society and economy. The impact, in my opinion, will be strongly felt in the aspect of education. First, the Internet provides equal opportunities for all students, as long as they can get access to the Internet. In the traditional form of education, students who get higher marks in examination may enter a better school, and those who do not have to enter a relatively less good


专八优秀作文范文(通 用14篇) 专八优秀作文范文第5篇专八优秀作文范文第11篇专八优秀作文范文第12篇专八优秀作文范文第13篇专八优秀作文范文第14篇 As economic globalization accelerates, language plays a vital role in cross-boundary munication. An international language like English is inevitably popular among language learners all over the world. And there is a widespread concern whether or not to go abroad for one's English study. To me the answer is undoubtedly a yes, since it provides a chance not only to learn the language, but also to understand the culture. First of all, going to an English-speaking country is a better way to create an ideal language-learning environment. As it is said, when in Rome, do as Romans do. Thus it can be inferred that a better way to learn how Romans behave is to go to Rome and observe their way of life. It is also true with English study. In an English-speaking country, one is likely to be exposed to more chances to municate with native speakers rather than being


2023年度英语专八作文范文推荐(完 整) 英语专八作文范文篇1 today is march 8th, the new term, the last but the most important term of junior high has been on for more than seven days. it means that there are only about three months left for us to study. we suddenly feel that time passes so fast. we still remember the first day we e to this famous middle school, but now, two and a half years has passed. have you ever looked back and thought, what you did and learnt in the two and a half years? and how much did you learn from teachers, books or in any other ways?to ask yourselves, have you ever wasted time? if you say “never”, that’s very good. but if you say “yes, often,” it is so regretful. but everything has passed anyhow, we can’t get it back, so the only thing we can do is, to make better use of the time. from now on, study hard. it’s not so late that everything can’t be changed yet. everything is possible only if you try your best to do it. believe yourselves, “every man has his price.” maybe you


2022专八作文优秀范文(共6篇) (经典版) 编制人:__________________ 审核人:__________________ 审批人:__________________ 编制单位:__________________ 编制时间:____年____月____日 序言 下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢! 并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如工作总结、工作计划、合同协议、条据文书、策划方案、句子大全、作文大全、诗词歌赋、教案资料、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注! Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you! Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays for everyone, such as work summaries, work plans, contract agreements, doctrinal documents, planning plans, complete sentences, complete compositions, poems, songs, teaching materials, and other sample essays. If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please stay tuned!


19专八作文范文(通用9篇) (经典版) 编制人:__________________ 审核人:__________________ 审批人:__________________ 编制单位:__________________ 编制时间:____年____月____日 序言 下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢! 并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如工作总结、工作计划、合同协议、条据文书、策划方案、句子大全、作文大全、诗词歌赋、教案资料、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注! Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you! Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays for everyone, such as work summaries, work plans, contract agreements, doctrinal documents, planning plans, complete sentences, complete compositions, poems, songs, teaching materials, and other sample essays. If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please stay tuned!


专八英语真题作文范文(实用5 篇) The mindset of sacrifice is seen as an important part of the Chinese nation’s traditional virtues. Chinese often regard those as heroes who volunteer to offer assistance in times of crisis. Even children and youngsters in primary and middle schools are taught to learn from this kind of heroes and do something alike when confronting a similar circumstance. However, I hold an opposite view on this issue. Firstly, the new concepts of self-protection will not challenge or weaken the traditional Chinese virtue of justice and courage. On the contrary, it will be carried toward In a scientific and rational way. For instance, if primary students see a robbery on their way to school, they are advised to remember the traits of suspects and report the case to school and public security authorities. For high school students, they should report it first, and at the same time take some adequate actions to fight against criminals on the premise of fully guaranteeing their own safety. That is a positive and flexible measure to strengthen the self-protection awareness of students under the age of 18 for whom safety should be the first consideration. Given their physical strength and relevant training, it is not wise for them to stand up for justice at the risk of endangering their own lives.
