初中英语语法考点解析also,as well,too,either辨析

初中英语语法考点解析also,as well,too,either辨析
初中英语语法考点解析also,as well,too,either辨析

初中英语语法考点解析| also/ as well/ too/ either辨析

all/ whole

Ⅰ. 二者意义(“全部、都、整个”)相同,然而词序不同。

Ⅱ. all用于冠词,所有格或其它“限定词”之前。

whole 则用于冠词之后。如:

①all the time. ────→the whole time.全部时间

②all my life ────→the whole life.我的一生

③all this confusion ─→this whole confusion.整个混乱状况。

Ⅲ. 如果没有冠词,或其它限定词,whole不能与单数名词连用。可以说:

①The whole city was burning.但不能说:

②Whole London was burning.

Ⅳ.whole 和all 与复数名词连用时意思不同。Whole 的意思为“全部”,而all的意思则近乎“每一个”如:

①All Indian tribes([traib]部首) suffered from white settlement in America.


②Whole Indian tribes were killed off.有些印第安人部落整个被杀光了。Ⅴ. whole 一般不用来修饰不可数名词(包括物质名词)

①可以说:all the money 或all the wine

②不可以说:the whole money 或the whole wine.

③The whole of = whole 与单数名词连用。它用于冠词、所有格之前。the whole of the time.

the whole of my life

the whole of this confusion


allow/ permit/ let/ promise

Ⅰ. allow“允许、许可”,一般指听任,或默许某人去做什么,含有消极地不反对的意味。如:

①We allowed him to depart.


②Who allowed you to leave the camp?


③I can’t allow you to do that.


allow 也可表客气的请求。如

①Will you allow me to use your pen?


Ⅱ. permit “允许、许可”但是正式地许可,含有比较积极地同意某人去做什么的意味。如:

①I will permit him to do so.


②The sentinel permitted the strangers to pass when they had given the countersign.


[注]:allow 与permit 的涵义虽有差别,但在语言实践中,它们常常被通用着。如:

①Smoking is not allowed here.此处禁止吸烟。

②Smoking is not permitted in this theatre.


Ⅲ. let.“允许、让”它可以指积极地允许,但更多的是着重指不予反对和阻止其后所跟的宾语要接不带to的不定式用以表示客气的请求时,可与allow通用。且更具有口语色彩。如:

①Her father will not let her go.她父亲不会让她去。

②Don’t let this happen again. 不要让这种事发生了。

③Please let me know what happens.请告诉我发生些什么事。

Ⅳ. promise “答应”“允诺”。与以上三个词的意义不同,用于主体答应自己要作什么的场合。如:

①He promised to begin at once.


②I promised (him) to attend to the matter promptly.


③They promised an immediate reply.



almost/ nearly

Ⅰ. almost“差不多、几乎”有very, nearly 的意思。如:

①He has almost finished his work.


②Almost no one took any rest.


Ⅱ. nearly “差不多、几乎、将近”指一差距一般比almost 大。如:

①It’s nearly five o’clock.


②Nearly everyone knows it.


③He’s nearly ready.


[注]:almost有时可与nearly通用,但当其与no, none, nothing, never连用时,不用nearly。如以上almost的例①可以互换,但例②则不能。


alone/ lonely

Ⅰ. alone adj. “单独的”只能作表语。如:

①I’m alone but I don’t fell lonely.我单身一人但我从不觉得孤独。

②此外alone还可作副词。相当于by oneself,“单独地”“独自”

③I’ll go there alone.我将独自去那儿。

Ⅱ. lonely adj. “孤独的”“寂寞的”有时还可表示“荒凉的”“无人烟的”意思,与deserted意思相同。含有较浓的情感色彩。既可作定语也可作表语。如:

①We’re together most of the time, so we never feel lonely.

②a lonely / deserted island


aloud/ loud/ loudly

Ⅰ. aloud adv. “出声地”有使能听得到的意味。如:

①Please read the story aloud. 请朗读这个故事。

②They were shouting aloud.他们在高声地呼喊。

Ⅱ. loud. adv “高声地、大声地、响亮地”常指在说笑等方面。如:

①Don’t talk so loud.不要如此高声地谈话。

②Speak louder.说得大声点。

Ⅲ. loudly adv. “高声地”有时与loud 通用,但含有喧闹的意味。如:

①Someone knocked loudly at the door.


②Don’t talk so loudly(loud).



already/ yet /still

Ⅰ. already. adv. “已经”多用于肯定句中,通常与动词的完成时或进行时连用。也可用于疑问句,但不表真心的疑问,而表“惊奇”。它多置于句中。有时为了强调而置于句末。如:

①I’ve seen the film already.

②The train has already left.


③Have you already had breakfast?


Ⅱ. yet adv “已经、仍然、还”一般只用于否定句或疑问句,且常常置于句末。如:

①He hasn’t found his bike ye t


Ⅲ. still adv “仍然、还”可用于各种句中,且一般只用于句中。如:

①Do you still teach in that school?



①He is still(还)standing there.

②He is standing there stil l(adj.不动的、静止的)



also/ as well/ too/ either “也”

Ⅰ. also较正式,位置通常靠近动词,用于句中;且用于肯定句中。如:

①He also plays football. 他也踢足球。

②I was also there.我也在那儿。

Ⅱ. too 多用于口语,通常置于句末,前边须用逗号隔开,也可用于句中,且前后均须用逗号隔开,;用于肯定句中。如:

①He is a worker, too.

②The two cows, too, are white.


Ⅲ. as well 是副词短语,多用于口语,只用于句末。如:

①She not only taught us English but taught us maths as well.


②He is a teacher and a writer as well.他是位教师,也是一位作家。

Ⅳ. either 用于否定句中,常置于句末。在肯定句变否定句时,其中的also, too, as well都要改为either.

①Yesterday I didn’t watch TV and I didn’t see the film, either.



for / from / since

Ⅰ. 三者都能用来表示时间,但用法不同。

since “自从”,所表示的是一个时间点。可用作介词,也可用作连词,后接时间名词或短语,或引导时间状语从句;要求前面的谓语动词或主句的谓语动词必


①He has worked there since1989.

②She has lived here since she moved here.

Ⅱ. from “自从”只用作介词,表一个事情的开始点,可用于过去、现在或将来的时态。如:

①They worked from 7:00 to 12:00 this morning.

②We have been good friends from childhood.

Ⅲ. for 作为介词,后面接段时间,用于完成时、现在时、过去时和将来时,句中要用延续性动词。如:

①We’ll stay here for ten minutes.


②They have studied English for three yeas.


although/ though

Ⅰ. although conj. “尽管、虽然”引导让步状语从句,相当于though. 只是比though稍微正式些。多用于句首。though 用于非正式文体中,较普遍,但以下几种用法,不能用although. 如:

表强调时,要用even though,如:

Even though I didn’t understand a word, I kept smiling.


②. Though可用在倒装句中,如:

Young though he is, he is quite experienced.


③though可作副词,表示“然而”放在句末或其它位置。如:He said he would come, he didn’t though.他说他要来,结果他却没来。

[此外],although不用着副词。在英语中如果用了although 或though, 就不能再有but,但可以用yet或still; 反之,如果用了but , 就不能用although 和though. 如:

①Although he is in poor health, (yet) he works hard. = He is in poor health, but he works hard.虽然他身体不好,但他工作仍努力。

②Although it was so cold, he went out without an overcoat.虽然天气很冷,他未穿外衣就出去了。

③He is quite strong, although very old. 他虽然很老了,但还是十分健壮。Ⅱ. though 常用作连词,“虽然”。在口语中还用着副词,一般放在句末,意为“可是、然而”等。如:

①He didn’t light the fire, though it was cold.


②Though it was very late, he went on working.


③He said he would come, he didn’t, though.



always / yet

Ⅰ. always “总是;一直”常与一般现在时连用。有时也与进行时连用,但并不强调动作正在进行,而是表示“赞叹、厌烦、不满”等情绪。常用于肯定句中,放在“三类词”(情态动词、助动词、系动词本书称为“三类词”)之后,行为动词之前。如:

①We always get up before six o’clock.


②He is always thinking of others.


Ⅱ. yet. “仍然;还”常与not连用。用于否定结构中。如:①He hasn’t finished the work yet.他还没完成这项工作。


Not only…but also是英语中较为常见的一个关联词组。由于它的用法比较复杂,现对其用法及其使用中应注意的问题作一归纳。 一、主要用法 1.连接主语: Not only I but also Tom and Mary are fond of watching television.不仅我,而且汤姆和玛丽都喜欢看电视。 2.连接谓语动词 The Americans and the British not only speak the same language but also share a large number of social customs.英国人和美国人不但语言相同,而且有很多相同的风俗习惯。 注意:not only…but also连接的动词一般不重复,这与汉语不同。如汉语说“我不仅懂英语,而且懂俄语”,英语则说“I know not only English but also Russian”,而不说“I not only know English but also know Russian”.再如:“气体不仅改变形状,而且改变体积”,英译为“A gas changes not only in shape but also in volume.”(注意介词常重复) 3.连接宾语: The problem for the recipient was trying to guess not only who the sender was, but also what his secret feelings might be.收信人不仅要尽力猜出是谁的,还要推测寄信人内心有什么想法。 4.连接宾语补足语: Light and bright colors make people not only happier but also more active.浅色和鲜艳的颜色不但使人看了高兴,也会使人更加活泼。 5.连接表语: Shakespeare was not only a writer but (also) an actor .莎士比亚不仅是一位剧作家,而且是一位演员。 6.连接状语: If your friend reminds you kindly of your faults, take what he says not merely pleasantly but thank fully. 如果你的朋友善意地指明出你的缺点,你不但要欣然接受,而且要心怀感激之情。 7.连接从句:


英语语法专练 第一部分冠词 there ____“s”in the end of the word D. / 2.Mr. Wang is ____honest man. D. / is ____university student. D. / 4. ____ book is very useful. I bought it from____unknown little town. , a , a , the , an in ___Grade three is ____tallest in our school. , the, the , a, a , ×, the , ×, a moves around____earth,and they both are smaller than ____sun. , an, a , the, the C.×, ×, × , the, the 7. She was playing ____piano then. B./ should care for ____old. , a , the , a , the city lies on ____Yangtzi River. C./ doesn’t have ____lunch at home.

C./ 第二部分名词 there ____on that plate There are ____under that tree. chicken chicken chickens chickens need two ____to repair the table. of woods of wood of wood of woods know ____doesn’t runl so fast as light(光). sound sound are sixty ____in our school. teacher teachers teachers teacher Smith is a friend of_____. ’s mother’s ’s mother ’s of Mary mother’s 第三部分数词 always wanted to have ___of books and he has recently bought four ____. ,hundred ,hundred ,hundreds ,hundreds People’s Republic of China was founded ____,1949. October 1 October 1st October 1st 1 3friday is the ____day of the week.


初中英语语法讲解 在中考单项选择试题中,除了时态,名词的考查频率也较高。一般考查以下几点: 一、可数名词与不可数名词 在可数名词与不可数名词上一般出现这样几类,(1)分辨是哪一类名词,并根据结论做选择。(2)可数名词复数的不规则变化。(3)不可数名词的量化表达。所以,考生首先要能够明确哪些是可数名词,哪些是不可数名词。其次,还要知道可数名词的复数的变化规则。可数名词的变化规则一般是在单词后面加-s 或-es,如: 1desk---desks bed---beds piano---pianos hat---hats bag---bags photo---phot os 2bus---buses box---boxes watch---watches brush---brushes 3tomato---tomatoes potato---potatoes hero---heroes Negro---Negroes 4 leaf---leaves knife---knives 5baby---babies family---families 另外,还要记住一些特殊的名词的变化形式,如: Chinese---Chinese Japanese---Japanese Englishman---Englishmen Frenchman---Frenchmen Russian---Russians American---Americans

German --- Germans child---children foot---feet man---men woman---women tooth---teeth goose --- geese deer---deer sheep---sheep 还要掌握不可数名词的量化表达有:a piece of、a bag of、a bottle of、a cup of、a glass of 另外,大家应注意:单数集合名词作主语时谓语动词“数的”变化:单数集合名词如class, police, family, school, group, team等。尽管形式上是单数,意义上都是复数,因此,一般要与复数谓语动词连用,例如: Class Five have a foreign friend. 五班有一位外国朋友。(这里的五班指五班的同学的。) His family are good to me. 他的家人对我很好。(很显然,这里的family指家庭成员。)当上述集合名词着重指“整体”时,意义上则是单数,因此,要与单数谓语动词连用。例如, Our school team often plays well in our city. 我们的校队经常在我们市踢得很好。(这里的team 指整个队,但意义上仍为单数,故谓语动词用plays. 初中英语语法讲解二、名词所有格 名词所有格有两种形式:一是加’s,一种是用of来表示。一般情况


also的同义词及用法有哪些 also是英语中的单词,它是什么意思的呢,通过下文,我们一 同来了解一下,欢迎阅读参考。 also的同义词及用法有哪些一 also的同义词:additionally, again, along, along with, and, as well, besides, conjointly, further, furthermore, including, likewise, more, moreover, plus, still, to boot*, together with, too 【解析】 adv.也; 同样; 并且; conj.另外; 易混淆单词:AlsoALSO 柯林斯高阶英汉词典同 1.ADV而且;还;此外You can use also to give more information about a person or thing, or to add another relevant fact It is the work of Ivor Roberts-Jones, who also produced the statue of Churchill in Parliament Square... 这是艾弗·罗伯茨-琼斯的作品,他还创作了议会广场上的丘 吉尔塑像。 2.ADV也;亦You can use also to indicate that something

you have just said about one person or thing is true of another person or thing. His father, also a top-ranking officer, had perished during the war... 他的父亲,也是位高级军官,在战争中牺牲了。 【同义词】 adv. 1. 也;还;同样地 toowellasbesidesinaddition 其他释义 tooeitherthenbesidessomoreoveryetadditionlikewisefurthermor ein 【反义词】 adv. 1. 也;还;同样地 neither 其他释义 neither 【中英例句】 1.Western interests would also suffer. 西方利益也会受损。


初中英语语法综合练习题 单项选择 1、The boy likes questions. A.ask B.answer C.to ask 2、We'll try there on time. % A.to get B.getting C.got 3、They hoped their mother soon. A.to see B.saw C.seeing 4、I'm glad you again. A.meet B.met C.to meet { 5、He often helps me my bike. A.mending B.to mend C.to mended 6、I heard Alice in the next door. ~ A.sings B.sang C.sing 7、The work is easy. Let him it by himself.

A.do B.to do C.doing 8、He saw Dick in and take a book away. A.came B.coming C.come 、 9、Does Jack want a writer A.be B.is C.to be 10、The boss had them from morning to night. A.worked B.working C.work 【 11、It's time home. A.to go B.went C.going 12、Tom is kind. He would like you. A.to help B.help C.helped 【 13、Don't forget your books to school. A.bring B.to bring C.brought


also 用于实义动词之前 ▲also 用于实义动词之前 They also agree with me. 他们也同意我的看法。 I also began to be interested in crickets. 我也开始对板球运动感到兴趣。 also 用于 be 动词之后 ▲also 用于 be 动词之后 I was also there. 我也在那儿。 He is also an American. 他也是美国人。 also 用于第一个助动词之后 ▲also 用于第一个助动词之后 His sister has also gone to town. 他的妹妹也到镇里去了。 The leisure center has also proved uneconomic. 休闲中心业已证明利润不大。 also 有时放在句首 ▲also 有时放在句子的最前 Also, some students were tempted to add written comment of their own throughout the paper. 一些学生也冒险通过论文写出他们自己的评论。 I thought it was the perfect answer. Also, Tony and I had never done a historical subject. 我认为它是完美的答案。而且,托尼和我从没有作过历史科目。

also 不能放在句末 ▲注意:also 一定不能放在句子的最后。 但是 赵振才教授在他的《英语常见问题解答大词典》中列举了美国英语关于 also 放在句末的例子。 I must buy some bread also. 我还必须买一些面包。 They know him and I know him also. The son had gone also. 儿子也走了。 too 用于句子的最后 ▲too 用于句子的最后,可以有逗号,也可以没有逗号 “I'm feeling hungry.”“Me too.” “我饿了。”“我也是。” He's coming along too. 他也要来。 I have been to New York, too. 我也到过纽约。 She plays the piano, and sings, too. 她会弹钢琴, 也会唱歌。 too 放在所指向的单词之后 ▲too 可以直接放在所指向的单词之后。 I wondered whether I, too, would become one of its victims. 我想我是否也会成为它的受害者之一。 We, too, are going away. 我们也要离开。 She, too, comes from Scotland. 她也是来自苏格兰。 too 表示“也”时不能放在 be 动词之后


t o o e i t h e r a l s o a s w e l l辨析及练习题 TYYGROUP system office room 【TYYUA16H-TYY-TYYYUA8Q8-

t o o,e i t h e r,a l s o,a s w e l l辨析及练习(25题)too放在句子末尾,通常用逗号隔开. either在否定句中使用,但是放在句子末尾,通常用逗号隔开. also则放在系动词be之后,实义动词之前. as well 用在肯定句中,放在句子末尾. 选择too,either,also,as well填空。 soup is not easy, and being a good chef is not easy, ________ gave me advice and money ________. 3. He will go to town tomorrow, I shall ________ go. 4. I can't play the piano. He can't, ________. 5. My father likes reading, and I do,________. like you________ they coming ________ he wants to go ________, he should meet us at 8:00. can come with us. Nancy can come with us ________. am Canadian ________. can speak French ________. love chocolate. I love pizza ________. am studying economics ________. doesn't speak French. Sam doesn't speak French ________. speaks French. Sam speaks French________. don't love chocolate. I don't love pizza ________. cannot come with us. Nancy cannot come with us ________ have ________ been to Hong Kong. am ________ studying economics 20. I am a student, ________. 21. Lucy doesn't go to the party, ________. 22. Li Ming ________ took part in a ceremony. 23. She has knowledge and experience ________. 24. Bill can't stand game can't stand them,________. 25. I ________have to finish my work today.

also、as well 和 too 的用法区别

also、as well 和too 三者都为副词,意思很相近,相当于in addition,可以意为“还,也”,also 比as well 和too 更正式。 一、Also 在写作中很常见,但在口语中很少见,可以出现在句子的不同位置,通常置于主要动词之前,情态动词或第一助动词或be 动词之后,例如:主要动词之前: We also improved our customer satisfaction levels. 我们也提高了顾客满意的标准。 助动词be 之后: The reduced consumer demand is also affecting company profits. 消费需求的降低也影响到了公司的利润。 第一助动词have 之后: I’ve been working in the garden this week, and I’ve also been reading a lot.这周我在花园里工作,也读了很多书。 情态动词之后: Our students can also opt to stay in residence. 我们的学生也可以选择住校。 Also 还可以放在句首,用来强调接下来的或是开起一个新的话题,例如: It’s very humid. Also, you can easily get sunburnt. 天气很潮湿。而且,你很容易被晒伤。 OK, I’ll phone you next week and we can discuss it then. Also, we need to decide who will be going to Singapore. 好吧,我下周给你打电话,到时候再讨论。另外,我们需要决定谁将去新加坡。 当also 置于句末的时候,通常用too 或as well 代替,例如: She contacted him in the office but he didn’t answer the phone. His mobile phone was silent too/as well. 她在办公室联系了他,但他没有接电话。他的手机也没有声音。 二、as well 在口语中比also 更常见,而且经常出现在句末,例如: He should pay and maintain you as well. 他得给你钱,还得供养你。


Not only...but also 1. not only … but also 应连接两个相对称的并列成分。例如: Not only Mr. Lin but also his son joined the Party two years ago. (连接两个主语) I not only play tennis but also practise shooting.(连接两个谓语动词) He plays not only the piano but also the violin.(连接两个宾语) They speak English not only in class but also in the dormitory(宿舍). (连接两个地点状语) 注 1 :She not only sings well but also dances beautifully. = She doesn't only sing well but also dances beautifully. 注 2 :句子 He not only plays the piano but also the violin 不是好的文体,因为 but also 之后的成分与 not only 之后的成分不对称。 2. not only … but also 连接两个分句,当 not only 位于句首时,第一个分句中的主语和谓语要部分倒装表示强调,而but (also)后的分句仍用陈述语序。如: Not only is the teacher himself interested in foreign films,but also all his students are beginning to show an interest in them. 不但老师自己对外国电影感兴趣,就连他所有的学生也开始对外国电影感兴趣了。 Not only does Miss Li like music, but (also) she likes sports. 李小姐不但喜欢音乐,而且还喜欢体育。 Not only does the sun give us light but also it gives us heat. Not only did he speak English correctly, but also he speaks it fluently. Not only is this young man clever but also he is hardworking. 【注意】 1. 就近:指谓语形式取决于离它近的主语。 Not only the students but also the teacher reads English every day. 2. 一致:not only 与 but also后面所接的词类要一致。 She can not only sing but also dance. 3. not only … but also 不能用在否定句中。例如: 误:They don't fear not only hardship but also death. 正:They fear neither hardship nor death.


英语语法专练第一部分冠词 1.Is there “s”in the end of the word? A.an B.a C.the D. / 2.Mr. Wang is ___ _honest man. A.an B.a C.the D. / 3.He is ____university student. A.a B.an C.the D. / 4. __ book is very useful. I bought it from unknown little town. A. A, a B.The, a C.The, the D.The, an 5. _________________________ ___girl in ___Grade three is tallest in our school. A.The, the, the B.A, a, a C.The, ×, the D.A, ×, a 6. ___ moon moves around _____ e arth,and they both are smaller than sun. A.The, an, a B.A, the, the C. ×, ×, × D.The, the, the 7. She was playing _ piano then. A.a B./ C.the D.an 8. ___ young should care for __ old. A.The, a B.The, the C.A, a D.A, the 9. _______________ The city lies on Yangtzi River. A.the B.a C./ D.an 10. ___________________ H e doesn ' t have lunch at home. A.a B.the C./ D.that 第二部分名词 1.Is there _ on that plate? There are under that tree. a. some chicken b.any chicken c.some chickens d.any chickens 2. ______________ We need two to repair the table. a. block of woods b.blocks of wood c.block of wood d.blocks of woods 3. __________ We know doesn't travel so fast as light. a.sound b.sounds c.a sound d.the sound 4. _______________ There are sixty in our school. a.woman teacher b.women teachers C.woman teachers d.women teacher 5. _______________________ Miss Smith is a friend of . a.Mary 's mother 's b.Mary 's mother c.mother 's of Mary d.Mary mother 's 第三部分数词 1. ___________________________________________________________ He always wanted to have ___of books and he has recently bought four ________________. a.hundred,hundred b.hundreds,hundred


一、选择题 1.—_________ is it from Wuxi to Shanghai? —It’s about ________ drive. A.How long; a two hours’B.How far; a two-hours C.How far; two hours’D.How long; a two-hour 2.Alan usually goes to Harbin in .He likes playing with snow. A.May B.July C.September D.November 3.With the ________ of society, our environment is becoming worse and worse. So we should do what we can ________ our environment. A.development; to protect B.developing; to protect C.development; protect D.develop; protect 4.—I hear your family have made up their ________ to India next month. Have a pleasant journey. —Thank you. A.mind travelling B.minds travelling C.mind to travel D.minds to travel 5.—Why do you get up so early? —Because my home is far from the science museum. It’s ________bus ride. A.fifty-minutes B.fifty minute’s C.fifty-minute’s D.fifty minutes’6.Some ________went to Japan to help when they knew that many ________ lost their homes in the earthquake. A.Germen; Japanese B.Frenchmen; Japaneses C.Germans; Japanese 7.—What does your mother have for dinner? — A.Chickens and tomato B.Chicken and tomatoes.C.Chicken and tomato.8.Look, this is________ bedroom. A.my father and mother’s B.my father’s and mother’s C.my father’s and mother D.my father and mother 9.Good food and_______help her_______better. A.exercise; study B.exercise; studies C.exercises; studying D.exercises; to study 10._____________ mother usually cooks for ___________ at the weekend. A.Lily’s and Nick’s; them B.Lily and Nick’s; the m C.Lily and Nick’s; their D.Lily and Nick; their 11.My sister and I like eating two _______ and some _______ for dinner. They are really delicious. A.salad; eggs B.salads; eggs C.salad; eggs D.salads; egg 12.-Can I help you?

also和as well 的区别

Also和as well的区别 also用语句中.I also like English. too 用于句末.I like English,too. either只用于否定句.I don't like English,either. as well(as)用于肯定句的句末.I like English as well. I like Englishas well as math.=I like English,and I like math as well. 一、as well 用法: 1、as well常用作状语,作“又;也”解,相当于too 或also,常位于句末,无须用逗号与句子分开.如: I am going to London and my sister is going as well (=going,too). 我要到伦敦去,我妹妹也要去. I not only play the guitar,I sing as well(=I also sing ). 我不但,而且还演唱.

2、as well 在口语中也可用于句中,作“也好,也行”或“倒不如”解,用来缓和语气.如: You may as well go、 你去也好. The weather was so bad that we might(just)as well have stayed at home. 天气太坏了,早知道如此,倒不如呆在家里为好. 3、as well 可以直接用于just后,用作应答语(可视为It's just as well、的省略),作“幸亏,幸而;无妨;没关系”解.如: —We were too late to see the film. 我们去得太晚了,没有看上电影. —Just as well、I hear it isn't very good. 不必遗憾,我听说电影也不怎么样. 二、as well as 用法


初中英语语法专项习题1-名词82页附参考答案1. ( ) 1 She was very happy. She in the maths test. A. makes a few mistake B. made a few mistakes C. made few mistakes D. makes few mistake ( ) 2 We need some more____. Can you go and get some, please? A. potato B. potatos C. potatoes D. potatoe ( ) 3 _____are____for cutting things. A. Knife/used B. Knives/used C. Knife/using D. Knives/using ( ) 4 What big____ the tiger has! A. tooth B. teeth C. tooths D. toothes ( ) 5 Please remember to give the horse some tree___. A. leafs B. leaves C. leaf D. leave ( ) 6 -Can we have some ___? -Yes, please. A. banana B. oranges C.apple D. pear ( ) 7 On the table there are five____. A. tomatos B. piece of tomatoes C. tomatoes D. tomato 2 ( ) 1 They got much ___ from those new books. A. ideas B. photos C. information D. stories ( ) 2 He gave us____ on how to keep fit. A. some advices B. some advice C. an advice D. a advice ( ) 3 When we saw his face, we knew___ was bad. A. some news B. a news C. the news P. news ( ) 4 What___ lovely weather it is! A. / B. the C. an D. a 3 ( ) 1 -Would you like___tea? -No, thanks. I have drunk two____. A. any, bottles of orange B. some, bottles of orange C. many, bottles of oranges D. few, bottle of oranges ( ) 2 He is hungry. Give him ___ to eat. A. two breads B. two piece of bread C. two pieces of bread D. two pieces of breads ( ) 3 It really took him:___ to draw the nice horse.


初中英语语法宾语从句讲解,专项练习及答案 注意!宾语从句小口诀: 宾语从句三注意,时态语序引导词; 主句一般现在时,从句不需受限制; 主句一般过去时,从句须用相应时; 陈述句转化that引,一般疑问句用if/whether, 特殊问句疑问词,引导词后陈述式。 一、基本讲解 1概念:在句中担当宾语的从句叫宾语从句,宾语从句可作谓语动词的宾语,也可做介词的宾语。eg, Hesaid he was good at drawing. (动词宾语) He asks himhowlongMike has beendown . (动词宾语) Miss Zhang is angryatwhatyousaid. (介词宾语) 2.连接词 (1).陈述句转化成宾语从句时,引导词用that,口语中常常省略。 e.g,She told me (that)she would liketo go with us。 (2)以whether或if引导的宾语从句,主要用来引导一般疑问句意思或选择疑问句意思的宾语从句,从句同样是陈述语序 eg, Iwonderif/whether u have toldthenew toLi Lei . 注意:一般情况下,whether和if 可以互用,但有些情况例外。 a。当从句做介词的宾于是只用whether不用if eg,We are talking about whetherwe’ll go on the pinic. b. 引导词与动词不定式或not 连用时, 只用whether. eg,Please let me know what to do next。 Could youtell mewhether u go or not? c。if当如果讲时, 引导的是条件状语从句, 这时不能用whether. (3).特殊疑问句转化成宾语从句时,引导词用特殊疑问词;引导词后要用陈述句语序。 E。g.Could youtell me what's the matter\wrong with you? 特殊情况::当doyou think后接特殊疑问句转化成宾语从句时,句式结构应为引导词+do you think+陈述句语序. 3。宾语从句时态 a。当主句是一般现在时,一般将来时或祈使句时,从句不受主句的限制,根据自身的需要选用相应的时态.例如: Doyou know(if/whether he hasseenthefilm)?

also,too 和 either 的用法区别练习

都有“也”的意思,also,too 和either 三者不尽相同,有的差异很大,但是只要找出主要位置,就基本上能完全定位它们。 一、请用 also,too 或either 完成下面的句子 1 Henry is very athletic. He loves swimming, surfing, snowboarding and skiing. Jason _____ loves to swim and surf, but he hates all winter sports because he can't stand cold weather. 2. I am taking a great art history class at the junior college downtown. Sarah is in the class _____. We both love it. 3. I don't really like tomatoes. My brother doesn't like them _____. 4. Frank didn't like the layout of the apartment. He _____ thought the location was rather inconvenient, so he decided to keep looking for a place to live. 5. Mr. Harris doesn't speak a word of French! He doesn't have any international experience _____. So, I really feel he is not the right candidate for the job. 6. Three experts came to the conclusion that the project had to be terminated at once. I, _____, finally realized the project was too dangerous to proceed. 7. Sharon was exhausted from a hard day's work and she wasn't in a party mood _____, so we decided to stay in and have a quiet evening at home. 8. Dave has been living and working in Poland for over five years. He has _____ been taking night classes in Polish the entire time, so he speaks Polish very well. 9. Sam has a guidebook and a map of the region. He has a compass _____, so I think we should let him guide us out of here. 10. Sharon realized her boss had been embezzling money from the company and she wanted to go to the authorities. Doug, _____, thought it was time to call in the police. 11. Judy: That was the most suspenseful movie I have ever seen - I really loved it!Cindy: It was really exciting! I _____ thought it was really well made! 12. Judy: That was the most suspenseful movie I have ever seen - I really loved it!Cindy: Me _____!
