



NBA是美国男子职业篮球联赛(National Basketball Association)的简称,是由北美三十支队伍组成的男子职业篮球联盟,下面由店铺为你提供的nba中英文简介,希望大家喜欢。


National Basketball AssociationThe National Basketball Association (NBA) is the pre-eminent men's professional basketball league in North America. It consists of thirty franchised member clubs, of which twenty-nine are located in the United States and one in Canada. It is an active member of USA Basketball (USAB),[1] which is recognized by the International Basketball Federation as the National Governing Body (NGB) for basketball in the United States. The NBA is one of the four major North American professional sports leagues, which include Major League Baseball (MLB), the National Football League (NFL), and the National Hockey League (NHL).The league was founded in New York City on June 6, 1946 as the Basketball Association of America (Bnba中英文简介).[2] The league adopted the name National Basketball Association in 1949 after merging with the rival National Basketball League (NBL). The league's several international as well as individual team offices are directed out of its head offices located in the Olympic Tower at 645 Fifth Avenue in New York City. NBA Entertainment and NBA TV studios are directed out of offices located in Secaucus, New Jersey.


NBA是美国男子职业篮球联赛 (National Basketball Association)的简称,于1946年6月6日在纽约成立,是由北美三十支队伍组成的男子职业篮球联盟,美国四大职业体育联盟之一。其中诞生了威尔特·张伯伦、乔治·麦肯、迈克尔·乔丹、哈基姆·奥拉朱旺、沙奎尔·奥尼尔、科比·布莱恩特、勒布朗·詹姆斯、克莱德·德雷克斯勒、斯科蒂·皮蓬、卡里姆·阿布杜尔-贾巴尔、丹尼斯·罗德曼、蒂姆·邓肯、德怀恩·韦德、斯蒂芬·库里、阿伦·艾弗森、特雷西·麦克格雷迪、凯文·加内特、凯文·杜兰特、拉塞尔·威斯布鲁克、詹姆斯·哈登、凯里·欧文、姚明等球星,是世界上水平最高的篮球赛事。NBA的三十支球队分属两个联盟,分别是东部联盟和西部联盟,每个联盟由三个赛区组成,每个赛区有五支球队。NBA在每年的赛程开始之前会安排选秀与热身的季前赛,随后是常规赛,从每年的10月底开始,到次年的4月中旬结束[1] ,而季后赛(NBA Playoffs)在每年4月下旬开始,在最后决出东西部分区冠军晋级总决赛,七局四胜者为当赛季总冠军,总决赛中表现最优秀的球员获得总决赛MVP 荣誉,一般是得分最高者得FMVP,最有价值球员。此外,还有NBA全明星赛(All-star Game)作为一项表演性质的赛事存在,时间不定,为期三天,第一天是新星挑战赛,第二天为三分,扣篮,技巧大赛并各项目均有冠军产生,第三天是全明星正赛,由球迷票选的各东西部联盟球员参加。


Allen Ezail Iverson (born June 7, 1975)is an American retired professional basketball player who played 14 seasons in the National Basketball Association (NBA) for four teams. He played both the point guard and shooting guard positions. Iverson was an eleven-time NBA All-Star and won theAll-Star MVP award in 2001 and 2005.

Iverson attended Bethel High School in Hampton, Virginia and was a dual-sport athlete; he earned the Associated Press High School Player of the Year award in both football and

basketball, and won the Division nba中英文简介A Virginia state championship in both sports. After high school, Iverson attendedGeorgetown University for two years, where he set the school record for career scoring average (22.9points per game) and won Big East Defensive Player of the Year awards both years.

Following two successful years at Georgetown, Iverson declared eligibility for the 1996 NBA Draft, and was selected by the Philadelphia 76ers with the number one pick. He was named the NBA Rookie of the Year in the 1996–97 season. Winning the NBA scoring title during the 1998–99, 2000–01, 2001–02 and 2004–05 seasons, Iverson was one of the most prolific scorers in NBA history, despite his small stature (listed at 6 feet, 0 inches). His regular season career scoring average of 26.7 points per game ranks sixth all-time, and his playoff career scoring average of 29.7 points per game is second only to Michael Jordan. Iverson was also the NBA Most Valuable Player of the 2000–01 seasonand led his team to the 2001 NBA Finals the same season. Iverson represented the United States at the 2004 Summer Olympics, winning the bronze medal. He also played for the Denver Nuggets, Detroit Pistons and the Memphis Grizzlies, before ending his NBA career with the 76ers during the 2009–10 season.

He was rated the fifth-greatest NBA shooting guard of all time by ESPN in 2008 Iverson officially announced his retirement from professional basketball on October 30, 2013.


NBA简介 中文全称 National Basketball Association(美国男篮职业联赛、美国篮球职业联赛,简称NBA),直译为美国篮球大联盟,简称美职篮。The ongoing national basketball association(正在进行的美国男篮职业联赛、正在进行的美国篮球职业联赛,简称NBAING)直译为正在进行的NBA联赛。 正式赛季 NBA正式赛季于每年11月的第一个星期的星期二开始,分为常规赛和季后赛两部分。常规赛为循环赛制,每支球队都要完成82场比赛;常规赛到次年的4月结束,每个联盟的前八名,包括各个赛区的冠军,将有资格进入接下来进行的季后赛。季后赛采用七战四胜赛制,共分四轮;季后赛的最后一轮也称为总决赛,由两个联盟的冠军争夺NBA的最高荣誉——总冠军。 缘由来源 1891年,加拿大人詹姆斯·奈史密斯博士,为了给学生们找一个冬季体育锻炼的方式, NBA球星(20张) 用2只破筐和一个破足球创造了篮球运动,这才有了今天的NBA。今天被人熟知的NBA成立于1946年6月6日。成立时叫BAA,即全美篮球协会,是由十一家冰球馆和体育馆的老板为了让体育馆在NHL比赛以外的时间,不至于闲置而共同发起成立的,所以NBA也被称之为“NHL的小弟弟”。1949年改名为国家篮球协会(NBA)并沿用到现在。协会总部位于纽约第五大道645号的奥林匹克塔大厦,现任总裁为大卫·斯特恩。NBA同时也是北美四大职业体育联盟之一,但是却排在NFL和MLB之后位列第三位。 标志设计 NBA标志是由一位纽约平面设计师阿兰·西格尔设计的,并在1969年首次出现在NBA 官方的宣传资料上。不过NBA官方没有正式公布过标志的设计者。标志的图案是一名侧身控球的篮球员的剪影;整个标志由红、白、蓝三种颜色构成,这与MLB(美国职棒大联盟)的配色一样,西格尔解释说是为了“在两个联盟的标志之间营造一种视觉和谐”。 编辑本段现任总裁


NBA简介 NBA是National Basketball Association的缩写(国家篮球协会)。成立于1946年6月6日。成立时叫BAA,即全美篮协会(Basketball Association of America),是由十一家冰球馆和体育馆的老板为了让体育馆在冰球比赛以外的时间,不至于闲置而共同发起成立的。BAA成立时共11支球队:纽约尼克斯队、波士顿凯尔特人队、华盛顿国会队、芝加哥牡鹿队、克利夫兰叛逆者队、底特律猎鹰队、费城武士队、匹兹堡铁人队、普罗维登斯蒸气队、圣路易斯轰炸机队和多伦多爱斯基摩人队。1949年BAA吞并了当时的另外一个联盟(NBL),并改名为NBA。1949-1950赛季,NBA共17支球队。1976年NBA吞并了美国篮球协会(ABA),球队增加到22支。1980年达拉斯小牛队加入NBA。1988年,夏洛特黄蜂队和迈阿密热火队加入NBA。1990年奥兰多魔术队和明尼苏达森林狼队加入NBA。1995年两支加拿大球队加入NBA,即多伦多猛龙队和温哥华灰熊队,使NBA 的球队达到29支,并且从1990年开始,为了更好的推广NBA,常规赛和季前赛也逐渐安排在美国以外的国家和地区,极大的扩大了海外市场。 NBA赛季前的选秀大会、季前赛、常规赛、NBA全明星赛、赛场美女啦啦队、NBA名人殿堂、世界范围的“球迷大会”、NBA梦之队,这些重要的元素构成了世界上最具观赏价值的职业联盟及联赛。与美国其他职业体育项目诸如橄榄球(NFL)棒球(MLB)或是冰球(NHL)相比,NBA是第一个跨出了国界的体育联盟,并产生了世界性的影响。精明的NBA总裁大卫斯特恩用了近20年的时间,从制造明星球员、标志产品的开发、销售,到电视转播权、球队的扩编、球员工资的平衡、球场的商业开发等等,NBA为现代职业体育与商业的完美结合,创造了经典性的神话;而以迈克尔乔丹为首的、充满个性的NBA巨星们则为NBA 带来了滚滚的财源。


nba英文简介简短 本文是关于nba英文简介简短,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 nba英文简介(一) National Basketball Association The National Basketball Association (NBA) is the pre-eminent men's professional basketball league in North America. It consists of thirty franchised member clubs, of which twenty-nine are located in the United States and one in Canada. It is an active member of USA Basketball (USAB),[1] which is recognized by the International Basketball Federation as the National Governing Body (NGB) for basketball in the United States. The NBA is one of the four major North American professional sports leagues, which include Major League Baseball (MLB), the National Football League (NFL), and the National Hockey League (NHL). The league was founded in New York City on June 6, 1946 as the Basketball Association of America (BAA).[2] The league adopted the name National Basketball Association in 1949 after merging with the rival National Basketball League (NBL). The league's several international as well as individual team offices are directed out of its head offices located in the Olympic Tower at 645 Fifth Avenue in New York City. NBA Entertainment and NBA TV studios are directed out of offices located in Secaucus, New Jersey. nba英文简介(二) National Basketball Association "NBA" redirects here. For other uses, see NBA (disambiguation). National Basketball Association History [edit] 1940s and 1950s: The early years Further information: List of NBA seasons


同学们好,我今天给大家讲的是有关于篮球的知识。 关于篮球,我相信在座的很少有人喜欢,也很少有人了解,我来和大家谈一谈我对篮球的认识吧。篮球又被叫做“basketball team”,从它的字面意思来看,它讲究的是一个团队合作,就和我们这个班级一样,我们也是一个集体,我们也要精诚协作。 篮球从最早开始说起,怕是大家只知道迈克尔.乔丹,他被称作篮球之神,是很多打篮球的一个信仰,但我的信仰不是他,我的信仰是“勒布朗.詹姆斯”,他是永恒。 勒布朗.詹姆斯,1984年12月30日出生于美国俄亥俄州阿克伦,美国职业篮球运动员,司职小前锋,绰号“小皇帝”,效力于NBA克利夫兰骑士队。詹姆斯在2003年NBA选秀中于首轮第1顺位被克利夫兰骑士队选中。2003-2010年,詹姆斯效力于骑士队,2次当选NBA最有价值球(MVP)。期间曾于2008年帮助美国男篮获得北京奥运会金牌。2010年詹姆斯加盟迈阿密热火队,与德怀恩·韦德和克里斯·波什组成“三巨头”阵容。2012年,詹姆斯得到NBA个人生涯的第3座常规赛MVP,第1个总冠军和总决赛MVP。2012年代表美国男篮获得了伦敦奥运会金牌,追平了迈克尔·乔丹在1992年所创的12.7分纪录。2013年,詹姆斯获得第4个常规赛MVP、第2个NBA总冠军和第2个总决赛MVP,实现两连冠。2014年,詹姆斯回归骑士,与凯里·欧文、凯文·乐福组成“三巨头”阵容。2016年,詹姆斯带领骑士逆转战胜卫冕冠军勇士获得队史首个总冠军和个人第3个总决赛MVP。在第一场比赛,詹姆斯取得32分、11个篮板

及11个助攻。骑士队以97-86击败对手。他是继Johnny McCarthy 及魔术师约翰逊后,第三名球员在首场季后赛比赛取得三双。2006年5月4日,詹姆斯在对阵奇才的加时赛结束前0.9秒的绝杀,帮助骑士以121比120击取胜,拿到赛点。最终骑士在六场比赛将奇才淘汰。不过在第二轮,被底特律活塞淘汰出局。詹姆斯在季后赛取得场均30.8分、8.1个篮板及5.8个助攻。 在几年前,没有人看好骑士队,自从2003年詹姆斯进入骑士队后,这个队逐渐增强,不再被人小看,这个队里,詹姆斯一个人完全可以一打五,但他为什么还要传球给队友,并不是他一个人去单打独斗,因为他知道,他们是一个集体,每个人都有着自己的能力,他要让他们充分表现出来。15-16年的季后赛,其实已经没有希望再夺冠,这个时候是詹姆斯站了出来,作为团队的领袖,他没有露出一丝怯懦,最后终不负所望,带领夺冠。只要是季后赛,詹姆斯无一次不带他们打进总决赛,连续五次夺冠,这并不是一个虚名,他有自己的实力,他用自己的行动证明了。 当然,他也受过伤,他也曾累过,但他从未放弃过篮球,他曾经接受采访刚的时候说过一句话:“篮球就是我的信仰,哪怕我遍体鳞伤,哪怕我一无所有,我还有篮球,这就足够了。”这句话给了无数选手的鼓励,让他们一直前行。 他是我的信仰,我从初中就开始打篮球,这个时候我记住的并不是科比什么的,我第一个记住的就是他,他超强的意识给我了鼓励,他让我在无数次颓废中坚强起来,让我看到了无数次的希望。我也曾


NBA球队英文简介 nba球队众多,你知道一些球队的英文简介吗?下面由小编为你提供的NBA球队英文简介,希望大家喜欢。 NBA球队英文简介(一) The Los Angeles Clippers, established in 1970 and joined the NBA, is a belongs to Los Angeles, California in the United States as the base of NBA professional basketball team is part of the American Basketball League (NBA) Western Union Pacific Division.The Clippers had moved many times, the early 1970s into the NBA said for the buffalo Braves, 1977-78 season, the Braves moved to San Diego, soon renamed as the Clippers. From the beginning of the 1976-77 season, the Clippers for 16 consecutive season failed to enter the playoffs.1981 years team owners, Stirling became the team boss. In 1984, the team moved to Los Angeles. But always get rid of belly team identity, the best record is the division semifinals.Selected by the Clippers in 2009 champion show Blake Griffin, become a foundation for the future of the team and hope settings in the offseason with Chris Paul to join, the Los Angeles Clippers officially entered the ranks of the NBA teams.

NBA 球队中英文一览表

NBA 球队一览表 Western Conference 西区 Golden State Warriors 金州勇士队 LA Clippers 洛杉矶快艇队 LA Lakers 洛杉矶湖人队 Phoenix Suns凤凰城太阳队 Portland Trailblazers (简称Blazers) 波特兰拓荒者队Sacramento Kings 沙加缅度国王队 Seattle Supersonics (简称Sonics) 西雅图超音速队Midwest Division 中西部区 Dallas Mavericks 达拉斯小牛队 Denver Nuggets 丹佛金砖队 Houston Rockets 休斯敦火箭队 Minnesota Timberwolves 明尼苏达木狼队 San Antonio Spurs 圣安东尼 Utah Jazz犹他爵士队 Vancouver Grizzlies 温哥华灰熊队 Eastern Conference 东区 Miami Heat 迈阿密热浪队 New York Knickerbockers (简称Knicks) 纽约尼克队Philadelphia 76ers 费城七十六人队 Orlando Magic奥兰多魔术队 Boston Celtics 波士顿塞尔蒂克队

New Jersey Nets 纽泽西篮网队Washington Wizards 华盛顿魔法师队Central Division 中央组 Atlanta Hawks 亚特兰大老鹰队Charlotte Hornets 夏洛特黄蜂队Chicago Bulls 芝加哥公牛队Cleveland Cavaliers克里夫兰骑士队Detroit Pistons底特律活塞队Indiana Pacers 印地安纳溜马队Milwaukee Bucks 密尔瓦基雄鹿队Toronto Raptors 多伦多暴龙队 NBA 各种统计术语 assist:助功 block shot:阻攻,盖火锅儿defensive rebound:防守篮板球field goal percentage:投球命中率field goal:投球命中 free throw percentage:罚球命中率free throw:罚球 offensive rebound:进攻篮板球rebound:篮板球 scoring:得分 steal:抄截


西部 西南赛区 圣安东尼奥马刺队(S.A. Spurs) 所在城市:德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市(San Antonio,Texas) 老 板:皮特霍特,八千万($80 million),卡特彼勒公司 主教练:格雷格-波波维奇(Gregg Popovich) 主球场:AT&T中心球场(AT&T Centre) 可容纳人数:18797人 球衣颜色:主场-白色、客场-黑色 进入NBA:1976年 曾获荣誉:3次总冠军(1999年,2003年,2005年) 简介:NBA的创始球队之一,最早时球队大本营在达拉斯,队名为“达拉斯橡木队”,1970年更名为“得克萨斯橡木队”,1973年移师圣安东尼奥后改名为“马刺队”。“马刺”是骑马者钉在鞋后跟上的一种铁制的刺马针,以此为队名,可以反映出美国西部大开发的时代特征。 队徽: 孟菲斯灰熊(Memphis Grizzlies) 所在城市:田纳西州孟菲斯市(Memphis,Tennessee) 老 板:迈克尔海斯利,8.5亿($850 million),收购经营不善的公司。从电脑销售员起家,创下偌大的家业,迈克尔精于从破坏中寻找商机,到现在已经成为拥有40家子公司的CEO,灰熊的崛起似乎验证了他的能力。 主教练:麦克-弗拉特罗(Mike Fratello) 主 场:金字塔体育馆(The Pyramid) 可容纳人数:19351人 球衣颜色:主场-白色、客场-灰蓝色 进入NBA:1995年 曾获荣誉:未获总冠军 简介:灰熊队于1995年诞生,当时作为NBA海外扩张计划的一部分,主场设在加拿大的温哥华市,并以加拿大西部非常有代表性的动物“大灰熊”给球队命名,象征着篮球的力量。2001年,灰熊队迁回美国田纳西州孟菲斯市,更名为孟菲斯灰熊队。 队徽:


库里英文简介 Stephen Curry, born on March 14, 1988 in Akron, Ohio, USA, a professional basketball player in the United States, is a team guard who plays for the NBA Golden State Warriors. Stephen Curry in 2021 through the draft into the NBA has been effective in the Warriors, rookie season selected for the best rookie first team; 2021-15 season with the Warriors won the NBA championship; twice elected regular season MVP, twice selected The best team first team, 4 times selected All-Star Game West starting lineup. Stephen Curry in 2021 with the US team won the World Championships in Turkey, in 2021 with the US team won the Spanish Basketball World Cup attack: Stephen Curry is good at dribbling jumper, shooting can cover the entire halftime. Curry ball excellent, you can find one-on-one through the ball to find a shot opportunity, a large number of three from the dry pull. As the body is thin, Curry is not easy to enter the restricted area, playing the lack of aggressive. Curry is not really the traditional point guard, but he projected too much deterrent force, it is easy to attract opponents defense attack, library to create teammates scoring opportunity is very strong. But Curry is also prone to mistakes, sometimes adventure pass. Defense: Defensive end library because the body is too thin, need protection, but the library quickly, shot quick, good defense effect. personal life Stephen Curry's father named Dell Curry, was the 20th century, the eighties and nineties NBA famous shooter, 1993-94 season won the annual "best sixth man", the 1998-99 season to 47.6% of the hit Rate to become the regular season "three kings", Curry has been his father as his idol. Stephen Curry's wife is Ayersa Alexander Curry, who is known in the church activities where both parents are involved. Although after graduating from


关于nba科比介绍英语短文 科比·布莱恩特,一代人的偶像,NBA 20年间最伟大的球星。2016年,科比正式退役,告别了为他带来无数欢笑泪水的球场。小编精心收集了关于nba科比介绍英语短文,供大家欣赏学习! 关于nba科比介绍英语短文篇1 Kobe Bean Bryant (born August 23, 1978 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) is a National Basketball Association player for the Los Angeles Lakers. He is also the son of NBA player Joe "Jellybean" Bryant. Bryant spent much of his childhood in Italy, where his father played professional basketball, and speaks fluent Italian. Bryant entered the NBA at the age of eighteen as a high school student in the Philadelphia. He was originally selected by the Charlotte Hornets, but never played for the team. Within weeks of being drafted, the Hornets traded him on July 11, 1996 to the Los Angeles Lakers for center Vlade Divac. Though young and somewhat introverted, Bryant's immense talent made an immediate impression with his teammates on the practice court. He married Vanessa Laine on April 18, 2001 in Dana Point, California and their daughter Natalia was born on January 19, 2003. His parents initially disapproved of the marriage, but have since reconciled with Bryant. Bryant's career trajectory as an NBA player out of high school has been exceptional. By the age of 24, Bryant had won many individual awards, and had been named to the All-NBA team multiple times. He is regarded as one of the best players in the NBA. Bryant helped lead the Los Angeles Lakers to three consecutive NBA championships in 2000, 2001, and 2002. The Lakers also ventured to the 2004 Finals against the Detroit Pistons, but lost four games to one. Following the loss to the


Steph Curry introduction Stephen Curry was born on March 14 in 1988. He is an American professional basketball player, the secretary point guard, playing for the NBA golden state warriors. He is six feet three inches in height and his dad is former NBA player called Dell Curry who is one of the best shooters in the NBA history, hands down the basketball talent to him. So when he was a little boy, he had a dream to follow his dad step to play basketball in NBA and become one of the best basketball players in the world. However, Curry’s basketball career doesn’t go well at first. Lots of basketball coaches thought he was not high enough, not strong enough ,can’t defence even thought he looked like a girl.People even his family didn’t think he was able to play in NBA. When Curry realized what his dream is in senior high school of grade 2, he knowed that there was always work to do and he wanna be the hardest-working person in school. So he spent most of his spare time in the gym and just pactice,practice and practice. Because of his stature, almost all the basketball universities didn’t pay attention to him. Finally, the local school called Davis college offered scholarships for him and Curry finally joined this college. Although it was not a famous and large size basketball college, Stephen Curry took the first step toward his dream——to play basketball in NCAA(美国大学生篮球联赛) When he was in the junior year, Curry could average 29 points and became the best Scorer in NCAA.Then he announced that he would participate in the NBA draft in that year. Stephen Curry had a good performance in NCAA. Nevertheless, Curry was not sure that he could be selected in the NBA draft becuase NBA is a totally different league and people still thought he was too small, too short and too weak. Eventually, In 2009 NBA draft, Stephen Curry was picked at the 7th place by the Golden State Warriors.In this time, Curry took the Second step toward his dream——to play in NBA. Curry had a good performance in his cookie year. However unfortunately,the next two years, he had to struggle with ankle injuries which forced him to miss so many games that even those experts became suspicious on his future. Although physically injured, but the spirit was not injured.Thankfully, Steph finally went through his difficult time.After the injury, he was more determind to succeed.He didn’t let people who support him down.In 2014 and 2015 ,he was in west all-star line-up and he became MVP in 2015 and 2016 season. Mostly, he helped the warriors won the NBA championship in 2015.More and more people become his fanatical fans. Nowadays,Curry already becomes one of the best players in the NBA and has realized his dream.Through his story, we can learn how important it is to have a dream. It doesn't matter where you come from, what do you have or don't have, what you lack, what you have too much of. But all you need to have is undying passion for what you do, what you choose to do in this life. And push yourself to take you to be


nba英文介绍 NBA (National Basketball Association) is a professional basketball league based in the United States. It is one of the most popular and prestigious basketball leagues in the world, attracting a global fanbase and broadcasted in multiple languages. The league consists of teams from various cities in the United States and one team from Canada. The NBA season is divided into the regular season and the playoffs. The regular season is where teams compete to earn a spot in the NBA Playoffs, which culminates in the NBA Finals to determine the championship title. The league is divided into two conferences: the Eastern Conference and the Western Conference. NBA players are some of the best athletes in the world, known for their incredible basketball talent and skills. The games are played on basketball courts in various arenas across the country and have a significant cultural and entertainment impact on popular culture. The NBA hosts special events like the All-Star Game, featuring the league's top players, as well as competitions like


nba球员出场英文介绍 NBA Player Introduction (English) Good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to tonight's NBA game. It's time to introduce the players who will be competing on the court tonight. Here are the starting lineups: For the visiting team: 1. Point Guard - [Player's Name]: A dynamic playmaker known for his exceptional court vision and speed. He has a knack for finding his teammates in scoring positions and is a master at setting up plays. 2. Shooting Guard - [Player's Name]: This sharpshooter is deadly from beyond the arc and is known for his quick release and accurate shooting. He's a constant threat that can turn the game around in a matter of seconds. 3. Small Forward - [Player's Name]: A versatile player who possesses a combination of scoring and defensive skills. With his athleticism and ability to create his own shot, he is always a tough matchup for the opposing team.


科比的个人资料简介英语作文 Kobe Bryant, born on August 23, 1978, was an American professional basketball player who is considered one of the greatest to have ever played the game. 科比布莱恩特,生于1978年8月23日,是一位美国职业篮球运动员,被认为是有史以来最伟大的球员之一。 From a young age, Kobe showed immense talent and passion for the game, often spending hours practicing and perfecting his skills. 从小,科比展现出了巨大的天赋和对篮球的热情,经常花费数小时练习和完善自己的技能。 His work ethic and dedication to improvement were unmatched, leading him to become one of the most skilled and accomplished players in NBA history. 他的职业道德和对提高的执着是无与伦比的,使他成为了NBA历史上最有技术和成就的球员之一。 Throughout his career, Kobe earned numerous accolades and achievements, including five NBA championships, two Olympic gold medals, and 18 All-Star selections. 在他的职业生涯中,科比获得了诸多


关于科比的英文简介 科比·布莱恩特,前美国职业篮球运动员,司职得分后卫/小前锋(锋卫摇摆人),绰号“黑曼巴”。下面是店铺为你整理的关于科比的英文简介,希望对你有用! 科比·布莱恩特简介 Kobe Bryant (Kobe Bryant), August 23, 1978 was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, former US professional basketball player, the Secretary for shooting guard / small forward (forward swingman), nicknamed "black Mamba", the NBA Career (1996 - 2016) has been effective in the NBA Los Angeles Lakers, former NBA player Joe Bryant's son. Kobe Bryant is one of the best scorers in the NBA, and his career has won countless prizes, breakthroughs, shots, free throws, and three-pointers. In addition to the crazy score, Bryant's organizational ability is also very outstanding, often as the team's first sponsor of the attack. In addition Kobe Bryant is one of the best defender in the league, personal defense is very oppressive. On April 14, 2016, Kobe Bryant announced his retirement at the last home game against Jazz's regular season. 科比·布莱恩特技术特点 Bryant is a shooting guard, but also has the ability to play small forward position. In 2007, ESPN sports journalists voted out the history of the greatest shooting guard, the results Bryant second only to Jordan ranked second. Kobe Bryant is a high-yield scorer, his career averages can get 25 points, there are 5.2 rebounds, 4.7 assists and 1.4 steals, is considered one of the NBA's most comprehensive players. He is the first in NBA history to get 30000 points, 6,000 assists players.


nba球星简介英文300词 熟悉喜爱NBA的你,知道NBA球星的英文简介吗?下面是小编为你提供的nba球星简介英文,希望大家喜欢。 nba球星简介英文(一) If you ask me bout my favourite NBA player,the answer must be Michle Jordan 5 tears ago but now it changed to Yao Ming. The 2006-2007 regular season of NBA will start soon.As the center of Houston Rockets,the proud of our Chinese,Yao Ming is becoming more and more dominant in NBA,the first class basketball league has came to much more highlighted.Especilly in China,all the Chinese basketball fans see the Rockets as their hometeam.I'm the super fan of it.And of course,fan of Yao. Several days ago,Yao twisted his ankle in the match VS Orlanto Magic.It really depressed me as the unending injuries had haunted the Rockets for the last whole season.I am so happy to know later that Yao is alright and will be healthy enough to face the challenges of new season.He is always performing like a gentleman no matter in the match or in daily life.I think he is a perfect delegate of China to the whole world. nba球星简介英文(二) Stephen Curry, born on March 14, 1988 in Akron, Ohio, USA, a professional basketball player in the United States, is a team guard who plays for the NBA Golden State Warriors. Stephen Curry in 2009 through the draft into the NBA has been effective in the Warriors, rookie season selected for the best rookie first team; 2014-15 season with the Warriors won the NBA championship; twice elected regular season MVP, twice selected The best team first team, 4 times selected All-Star Game West starting lineup.
