

select model,speed,hd
from pc
where price<1000

select model,speed as gigahertz,hd as gigabytes
from pc
where price<1000

select maker
from product
where type='printer'

select model,ram,screen
from laptop
where price>1500

select *
from printer
where color='true'

select model,hd
from pc
where speed=3.2 and price<2000


select class,country
from classes
where numguns>=10

select name
from ships
where launched<1918

select battle
from outcomes
where result='sunk'

select name
from ships
where name=class

select name
from ships
where name like 'R%'

--!f)找出所有包括三个或三个以上单词的船只名字(如King George V)
select name
from ships
where name like '[A-Z]%[a-z][ ][A-Z]%[a-z][ ][A-Z]%'


select maker,speed
from product,laptop
where product.model=laptop.model
and hd>=30

select maker,speed
from product inner join laptop on product.model=laptop.model
where hd>=30

select product.model,price from product,pc where product.model=pc.model and maker='B'

select product.model,price from product,laptop where product.model=laptop.model and maker='B'
select product.model,price from product,printer where product.model=printer.model and maker='B'

select maker from product where type='laptop'
select maker from product where type='pc'

select pc1.model,pc1.hd,pc2.hd,pc2.model
from pc as pc1,pc as pc2
where pc1.hd=pc2.hd
and pc1.model<>pc2.model

select pc1.model,pc1.speed,pc1.ram,pc2.ram,pc2.speed,pc2.model
from pc as pc1,pc as pc2
where pc1.speed=pc2.speed
and pc1.ram=pc2.ram
and pc1.model>pc2.model

create view R as
select pc.model,speed,maker from pc,product where pc.model=product.model and speed>=3.0
select laptop.model,speed,maker from laptop,product where laptop.model=product.model and speed>=3.0
--select r1.model,r1.maker,r2.maker,r2.model
select R1.maker
from R as R1,R as R2
where R1.maker=R2.maker
and R1.model
select distinct maker
from product
where model in(
select model
from pc
where speed>3.0

select distinct maker
from product
where exists(
select *
from pc
where speed>3.0
and model=product.model

select *
from printer
where price>=all(
select price
from printer

select *
from laptop
where speed<=all(
select speed
from pc

select model,price
from ((select model,price from pc) union (select model,price from laptop)union(select model,price from printer)) as modelprice
where price>=all(select price from
((select model,price from pc) union (select model,price from laptop)union(select model,price from printer))as modelprice)

select maker from product where model in
(select model from printer where color='true'
and price<=all(
select price from printer

select maker from product where model in(
select model from pc where ram<=all(select ram from pc)
and speed>=all
(select speed from pc
where ram<=all
(select ram from pc)))



select name,displacement
from classes,ships
where classes.class=ships.class
and displacement>35000

select name,displacement,numGuns
from classes,ships,outcomes
where classes.class=ships.class
and https://www.360docs.net/doc/782854473.html,=outcomes.ship
and battle='Guadalcanal'

(select name from ships)
(select ship from outcomes)

select c1.type,c1.country,c2.country,c2.type
from classes as c1,classes as c2
where c1.country=c2.country
and c1.type='bb' and c2.type='bc'

create view bo(ship,batttle,result,name,startdate,enddate)
select ship,batttle,result,name,startdate,enddate
from outcomes,battles
where outcomes.battle=https://www.360docs.net/doc/782854473.html,

select ship
from bo as bo1,bo as bo2
where bo1.ship=bo2.ship
and bo1.battle<>bo2.battle
and bo1.enddateand bo1.result=’damaged’

create view cs
select battle,name,class
from ships,classes,outcomes
where ships.class=classes.class
and https://www.360docs.net/doc/782854473.html,=outcomes.ship

select cs1.battle
from cs as cs1,cs as cs2,cs as cs3
where cs1.country=cs2.country
and cs1.country=cs3.country
and cs1.battel=cs2.battle
and cs1.battle=cs3.battle
and https://www.360docs.net/doc/782854473.html,<>https://www.360docs.net/doc/782854473.html,
and https://www.360docs.net/doc/782854473.html,<>https://www.360docs.net/doc/782854473.html,<>https://www.360docs.net/doc/782854473.html,<>https://www.360docs.net/doc/782854473.html,

select country
from classes
where numGuns>=all(
select numGuns
from classes)

select class
from ships
where name=any(
select ship
from outcomes
where result='sunk')

select name
from ships
where class in(
select class
from classes
where bore=16)

select battle
from outcomes
where ship in(
select name
from ships
where class='Kongo')

select name
from ships
where class in(
select class
from classes
where numGuns>=all(
select numGuns
from classes as c
where bore=c.bore))



select avg(speed) as avgspeed
from pc

select avg(speed) as avgspeed
from laptop
where price>1000

select avg(price) as avgprice
from product,pc
where product.model=pc.model
and maker='A'

select avg(price) as avgprice
(select price from product,pc where product.model=pc.model and maker='D')
(select price from product,laptop where product.model=laptop.model and maker='D')
) as sprice

select speed,avg(price) as avgprice
from pc
group by speed

select maker,avg(screen) as avgscreen
from product,laptop
where product.model=laptop.model
group by maker

select maker,count(pc.model) as modelcount
from product,pc
where product.model=pc.model
group by maker
having count(pc.model)>=3

select maker,max(price) as maxprice
from product,pc
where product.model=pc.model
group by maker

select speed,avg(price) as avgprice
from pc
where speed>2.0
group by speed

select maker,avg(hd) as avghd
from product,pc
where product.model=pc.model
and maker in(
select maker
from product
where type=’printer’)
group by maker

create view AAA(model,speed,maker)
select pc.model,speed,maker
from pc,product
where pc.model=product.model
select laptop.model,speed,maker
from laptop,product
where laptop.model=product.model

select maker
from AAA
where speed=(
select max(speed)
from AAA)


select type,count(class) as countclass
from classes
group by


select type,avg(numGuns) as avg_numGuns
from classes
group by type

select avg(numGuns)
from classes
where class in(
select class from ships)
group by name

select class,name,launched
from ships
where name in(
select min(name)
from ships
group by class)

select class,count(name) as countname
from ships,outcomes
where https://www.360docs.net/doc/782854473.html,=outcomes.ship
and result='sunk'
group by class

select class,count(name) as countname
from ships,outcomes
where https://www.360docs.net/doc/782854473.html,=outcomes.ship
and result='sunk'
group by class
having count(name)>=3

select country,sum(numGuns*countname*bore*bore*bore/2)/sum(numGuns*countname) as avg_Gunsweight
from classes,(select class,count(name) as countname from ships group by class) as s
where classes.class=s.class
group by country
order by country

create view britainship
select class,type,numguns,bore,displacement,launched
from classes,ships
where classes.class=ships.class
and country='Gt.Britain'

select numguns,displacement
from britainship
where launched=1919
