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按照我们一般意义上的理解,虚拟实验是相对于真实实验而存在的,两者的主要差别在于:实验过程中所触及的对象与事物是否真实。本文基于SolidWorks 三维软件完成的单级减速器的虚拟设计,并依据一般的CAD开发技术,具体针对减速器设计的特点,开发了一套减速器传动部件CAD系统,并详细介绍了减速器的各零件模块的建模过程。其具体的设计内容包含如下:①详细介绍并总结了应用SolidWorks三维软件完成的单级减速器的虚拟设计的背景及研究的意义和目的分析其在国内外的发展状况及趋势;②详细介绍并总结了基于SolidWorks的通用减速器部件设计研究的理论基础;③简单概述了CAD/CAM辅助设计的广泛应用及发展趋势及减速器零件的实体建模方法减速器零件的实体建模实例; ④详细介绍并总结了减速器装配原理减速器的功能模块的划分⑤详细介绍了SolidWorks实体装配的方法及过程,并列举减速器总装实例简述其装配过程。



With open markets and globalization, the user in the pursuit of high-quality low-cost and short delivery time at the same time, will shorten the product replacement cycle, which requires designers to change the traditional design pattern, to maximize the use of virtual design technology. Designers through the virtual assembly to check the size of the parts and assembly, and immediately amend the error; through virtual prototyping for virtual testing, and obviate the need to do more physical test. In this way, saving both time and cost savings.

Virtual design (Virtual Design) is to VR technology and CAD technology applies a combination of new technologies in various fields. In recent years, the commercial CAD software and the emergence of tools, such as: PTC products SolidWorks, Pro / Engineer, SDRC's products I-DEAS Master Series, UGS's Unigraphics and other products, and promote the development of virtual design. Based on SolidWorks software to complete three-dimensional single-stage reducer of the virtual design. SolidWorks software platform in order to detail a set of single-stage reducer of the body movement of virtual experiment system design and the core idea of modular,

In accordance with the general development of CAD technology, designed specifically for the characteristics of speed reducer, speed reducer transmission developed a CAD system components, and the establishment of the Blockset reducer. The design of their specific content are as follows: ①in detail and summarizes the principles of modular design and its core ideology, and, in this based on the modular design of the overall flow reducer, the reducer to the specific module division system;

②details introduced and summed up the tradition of hand-reducer mathematical optimization methods designed to achieve some of the computer processing of fuzzy parameters; ③ a detailed analysis of the general slowdown

CAD system browser in order to achieve the functions and the establishment of the CAD model of the function of the system; ④ reducer General summed up the type of design knowledge, and detailed in its treatment of different computers, on the basis of the experience of the establishment of a knowledge database; SolidWorks ⑤ detailed modeling of the two entities, and in accordance with these two different modeling methods to establish the reducer, respectively, standard parts library and non-standard parts library;

Keywords: reducer, modular, SolidWorks, Solid Model Library
