


Once there lived an old man in a town. He always forgot a lot of things. So his wife always had to say to him,“Don't forget this.”

One day he went on a long way alone. Before he left home,his wife said,“Now you have all these things. You need them on your way. Take care of your things on the way.” He went to the station. He bought a ticket and got on the train with it.

About an hour later,the conductor began to see the tickets. He came to the old man and said,“Will you please show me your ticket?” The old man looked for his ticket in all his pockets but he could not find it. He was very worried. “I can't find my ticket. I really bought a ticket before I got on the train,”said the old man.

“I think you are right. I believe you bought a ticket. Al l right,you don't have to buy another ticket,”said the conductor kindly. But the old man still looked worried and said sadly,“You don't know why I'm worried. If I don't find my ticket,I can't remember my station. Where am I going? ”

( )1. The old man bought a ticket _______.

A. after he got on the train

B. before he got on the train

C. when the conductor told him to buy one

D. when he found he had no ticket with him

( )2. About an hour later,the conductor began _______.

A. to buy the tickets

B. to look for the tickets

C. to check(检查) the tickets

D. to show the tickets

( )3. The conductor told the old man that he didn't need to buy another ticket because _________.

A. the man was very old

B. he thought the old man had no money with him

C. the old man showed him the ticket

D. he believed the old man

( )4. The old man still looked worried because _________.

A. he couldn't get on the train.

B. he lost his ticket and a lot of money

C. he thought his wife would get angry with him

D. he forgot where he was going

( )5. Which of the following(下列) is right?

A. The old man went on the trip with his wife

B. The old man didn't find his ticket

C. The conductor was also an old man

D. The old man had to buy another ticket

The sun is always shining. But it can only shine on one side(边,面) of the earth at one time. When the sun is shining on one side of the earth, it is night on the other side.

At night, you can see the stars(星星). The stars are in the sky all day. But the light from the sun is so bright that you can’t see them. When night come, there is no light, and the stars are bright enough to see. The stars look very small. But some of them are even bigger than the sun. They look small because they are so far away from you. Big things look much smaller when they are far away. The sun is closer(近)to the earth than other stars, so it looks bigger.

( )1.When it is night, the sun ________ .

A. doesn’t shine

B. shines for a short time

C. disappears(消失)

D. shines on the other side of the earth ( )2.We can’t see the stars in the sky at daytime(白天)because ________ .

A. there are no stars there

B. the stars are much smaller than the sun

C. the bright light from the sun makes them not seen(被看见)

D. the stars come out only at night

( )3.The stars look small because ________ .

A. they are far away

B. they are small

C. they have no light

D. they are in the sky

( )4.Small things may look ________ when they are close.

A. bigger

B. small

C. near

D. far away

( )5.The sun looks bigger than other stars because ________ .

A. it’s bigger

B. it’s far away in the sky

C. it gives much bright light

D. it’s closer to the earth than other stars

You can find his little round eyes looking at you from shop windows, advertisements or even your own bed. Who is this cute bear that so many people adore? He goes by the name of Teddy.

Birth of a bear

Teddy bear came into the world in 1902. That year American President Theodore Roosevelt(西奥多·罗斯福), nicknamed(取绰号) "Teddy", went on a bear-hunting trip in Mississippi. During the hunt, Roosevelt came upon (无意中发现)a wounded young bear and ordered the mercy(安乐死术) of the animals. Soon afterward(后来,以后), a cartoon showing Roosevelt refusing to kill a baby bear was published in newspapers across America.

New York shop owners Morris and Rose Michtom had a great idea. They made a stuffed bear (毛绒玩具熊)like the one in the cartoon. They called it "Teddy's bear". Coincidentally(巧合地), the same year, the famous German toymaker Steiff created a similar stuffed animal. In only a few years, "Teddy bears" became popular with children and adults across America. And by 1920, their appeal (吸引力)made them popular in Europe as well. Today he is famous all over the world.

Teddy's appeal

Teddy's appeal has never changed. Small children have him as toys. Grown adults cherish(珍爱)him so much that many Teddy bears have become collector's items. No matter whether Teddy is old or new, a collector's item or not, his cute looks continue to melt(融化) hearts around the world

There was once a bad king (国王). All the people ___1____him.

One day he went swimming in the river. When he swam in the middle of the river, he suddenly felt ill. He cried out, “Help! Help!” At that time two farmers were working ___2___. They ___3___into the water_____4____ saved hi m. They didn’t know that he was the ___5____ until they pulled (拉) him out of the water.

The king was ___6____. He said to the farmers, “You’ve saved my life. Now you can ask for___7___. And I’ll do as you say.”

____8____of the farmers said, “My son broke his leg yesterday. Please send for a good doctor.”

The king agreed with (同意)him. Then he spoke to____9____ farmer, “What can I do for you?”

The farmer was very smart. He thought for a while (一会儿)and then he answered, “Don’t tell ____10___that we have saved you.”

( ) 1. A. doesn’t like B. didn’t like C. liked D. likes

( ) 2. A. near B. nearby C. far D. far away

( ) 3. A. swam B. walked C. lived D. jumped

( ) 4. A. and B. or C. but D. to

( ) 5. A. student B. doctor C. king D. teacher

( ) 6. A. quiet B. happy C. sad D. hungry

( ) 7. A. anything B. everything C. nothing D. something

( ) 8. A. One B. Two C. Three D. Both

( ) 9. A. the other B. the C. two D. the second

( ) 10. A. anybody B. somebody C. everybody D. nobody



It was very hot last Sunday afternoon, and (1)wanted to stay at home. Mike decided to go (2)

in the river. His brother Jim wanted to go with him. His father said, “Take him with you, Mike. He will do as you say.” Then Mike and Jim went out (3).

They got to the river (4). A lot of people were swimming in it. Mike told Jim to play on the bank. Then Mike (5)into the water. About an hour (6), Mike caught (抓住) two small fish, and then he swam to the bank. Jim was very happy. Jim found a tub (盆) and (7)them in it. The two brothers went home together.

Jim did nothing but (8)the two small fish swimming that evening. Suddenly Mike heard Jim (9) in the room. He (10)to Jim and asked, “What’s wrong with you, Jim?”“The two fish have died. I thought they were tired, (11)I took them out of the tub and put them on the chair. I only wanted them to have a rest,” Jim said.

Three men came to London_______ vacations . They lived in a very large hotel. Their room is on the forty –fifth floor.

One day they went to see a movie and came back to the hotel very late.

“ I’m very sorry ,” said the waiter(服务员)of the hotel, “But our lift(电梯)does not 2 this evening.”

One of them said to his two friends ,”We have to walk up to our room. It’s very_ 3_ . I think I know how to make it easier . 4 our way to the room, I shall 5 you some jokes; then you, John, will sing us 6 songs; then you, Peter, will tell us some 7 _stories.”

So they began to walk to their room. Tom told them many jokes. John sang some songs. At last, they came to the fortieth floor. They were tired and decided to have a rest. “Well,” said Tom, “Peter, will you tell us a 8 story with a sad end ?”

“I shall tell you a sad story,” said Peter. “It is short but it is 9 . We 10 our key in the downstairs room just now .What shall we do?”

( )1.A. for B. to C. with D. At

( )2.A. do B. stop C. work D. run

( )3.A. funny B. difficult C. helpful D. Early

( )4.A. In B. At C. By D. On

( )5.A.tell B. talk C. speak D. say

( )6.A.a lot B. much C. a little D. a few

( )7.A.interest B. interesting C. interested D. sad

( )8.A.interesting B. true C. exciting D. ugly

( )9.A. enough sad B. sadly enough C. sad enough D. enough sadly

( )10.A.forget B. bought C. left D. knew

Most students feel it difficult to remember new words __________ they begin to study English. Now I will give you some advice(建议).

1. Do not waste(浪费)time in learning a list of English words. It is the hardest way __________ English words. How do you learn to speak Chinese? You did it by ____________ carefully to the people talking to each ____________. You can find radio programs, TV programs and records, and listen to them carefully. The best way to learn all new words is ____________ ear. As you listen to more and more dialogues, you will learn how English is pronounced (发音)in phrases and sentences. Of course, it is not __________ to learn new words. You must learn how words are put(被放) ___________, and why some in English are emphasized (重读)

2. Some people have found that they can learn the names of everyday objects(物体) such _________ box, bottle, cup, desk and so on, in the following way. They write the names of subjects on paper and put the paper on ____________. They say the words. ____________ this and see if this way works for you. If it does not, then go on to practice your dialogue.

Jim was a worker. One of his feet was bigger than ___1__. He couldn’t __2____ the right shoes ___3___ his feet. One day his friend Mike said to him “___4___ don’t you go to a shoemaker?

A good shoemaker can ____5__ you the right shoes.” __6____ Jim went to the shoemaker near Mike’s home, very soon the shoemaker finished the work. Jim___7___ the shoes and wasn’t happy. He ___8___ the shoemaker, “ You aren’t a __9____ shoemaker! I wanted you to make me one shoe bigger than the other, ___10___ you made me one shoe smaller than the other.”

( )1. A. other B. the other C. another D. that one

( )2. A. see B. look for C. find D. find out

( )3. A. for B. with C. on D. of

( )4. A. When B. Where C. How D. Why

( )5. A. make B. pass C. do D. give

( )6. A. Then B. But C. So D. Because

( )7. A. saw B. watched C. found D. looked at

( )8. A. said B. said to C. spoke D. talked

( )9. A. good B. bad C. right D. kind

( )10. A. then B. and C. but D. so

A young officer was at a _________ station. On his way home, he wanted to __________ his mother to tell her the time of his train, so that she could _________ him at the station in her car. He looked in all his pockets(兜), __________ found that he did not have the right money for the telephone, he went outside and looked ____________ for someone to help him.

At last an old soldier came by, and the young officer ___________ him and said, "Do you have change (零钱)for ten pence?"

"Wait a moment, " the old soldier answered, beginning to _________his hand in his pocket, "I'll see whether I can help you. "

"Don't you know _________ to speak to an officer?" the young man said angrily. "Now let's start _________. Do you have change for ten pence?"

"No, sir, " the old soldier answered____________.

Paul loves his wife and children very much, and they love him, too. __1__, it isn't easy to live with Paul. He gets angry __2__, and he doesn't smile much. He's very__3__. He doesn't have many friends.

Paul's wife, Linda, is very __4_. She's kind and always smiling. She likes to __5__ jokes and make people __6_.She's never quiet for long and __7__ get angry with others. She has a lot of friends.Paul and Linda often fight about their children. Linda thinks Paul is too strict with them. He shouts at them a lot. He __8__ that they're only children.

Paul thinks Linda is too easy with the children. She lets them do whatever they want __9_. However, she corrects (纠正) the children when it's__10__, and they listen to her. She doesn't shout at them, but they obey her. She is very kind and patient.

( )1. A. And B. However C. But D. So

( )2. A. more easy B. easily C. more slow D. slowly

( )3. A. good B. kind C. happy D. serious

( )4. A. same B. different C. the same D. the different

( )5. A. say B. speak C. talk D. tell

( )6. A. laughing B. crying C. cry D. laugh

( )7. A. ever B. often C. hardly D. always

( )8. A. knows B. doesn’t know C. forgets D. remembers

( )9. A. to go B. doing C. going D. to do

( )10. A. necessary B. good C. angry D. bad

There is an old English __________. It tells us that we must go to bed early and get up early in the morning. Then we shall be __________. We shall also be rich and clever. This is true. The body must have __________ sleep to be healthy. Children of young age should have ten __________ sleep every night. Children who do not have enough sleep cannot do their work __________ and __________they are not healthy.

The body also needs __________. Walking, running, jumping and __________ games are all exercise. Exercise keeps the body strong. Exercise __________ helps the blood (血液) to move around __________ the body. It is very important. Our blood moves to all parts of our body. The head also needs blood. Exercise helps us to think better.

The sun is always shining.答案答案:D.C.A.A.D

Jim was a worker.答案

Bcada adbac

A few friends went on va答案

Acbda dbbcc

__________ is an old English saying答案

There healthy enough hours’ well maybe exercise playing also inside
