








1. What is the man going to do?

A. To use the toilet.

B. To have a rest.

C. To ask for a lift.

2. Why did the man give the money to the old woman?

A. To get more money.

B. To help the woman.

C. To have some candy.

3. What do we learn about Shawn?

A. He changes jobs frequently.

B. He is careless about his looks.

C. He shaves every other day.

4. What does the man suggest doing first tonight?

A. Playing tennis.

B. Seeing a movie.

C. Having a big dinner.

5. What does the woman want the man to do?

A. To get the work done soon.

B. To work extra hours at night.

C. To count on the information.




6. How long will it take them to get to the museum?

A. Around 6 minutes.

B. More than 20 minutes.

C. Less than 20 minutes.

7. What do we know from the conversation?

A. The woman has been to the place several times.

B. The woman must have looked up at the tall buildings.

C. The woman doesn’t like Mexican food.


8. What is possible relationship between the two speakers?

A. Relatives.

B. Colleagues.

C. Strangers.

9. What did the man do to help the woman?

A. He called the ambulance.

B. He fetched her some chocolates.

C. He rushed her to the hospital.

10. What is her son’s telephone number?

A. 2024-328 2576.

B. 2024-328 2756.

C. 2024-257 6326.


11. Why did the man hesitate when first told the news?

A. He knew he was not qualified.

B. He was afraid it would take too much time.

C. He was not interested in becoming a student leader.

12. What does the woman think about becoming a student leader?

A. It will affect one’s studies.

B. It is not suitable for a woman.

C. It helps to gain experience in social work.

13. What has the woman been doing?

A. Doing some research.

B. Attending theme lectures.

C. Working on a book.


14. What does the man claim about the speed limit sign?

A. It is not clearly visible.

B. He did not notice it.

C. It says 45 miles an hour.

15. What do we know about the man’s driving license?

A. It should have been renewed two months ago.

B. It is taken away by the police.

C. It is no longer valid.

16. What serious punishment does the man get?

A. He is given a ticket.

B. His license is canceled.

C. He is nearly given a warning. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。

17. What is the real gift the speaker talks about?

A. A diamond ring.

B. A hi-tech item.

C. A brain cancer.

18. When did the speaker get the gift?

A. About five months ago.

B. About three months ago.

C. About three days ago.

19. What does the speaker benefit from the gift?

A. She sets up a new family.

B. She is more loved and appreciated.

C. She makes fifty-five thousand dollars.

20. Why does the speaker tell us this story?

A. To share with us a positive attitude to misfortunes.

B. To push us to be more creative and open-minded.

C. To encourage us to seek this sort of gift like hers.


第一节:单项填空(共15 小题;每小题1 分,满分15 分)

请阅读下面各题, 从题中所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

21. The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the ________ to achieve it.

A. acquisition


C. determination

D. satisfaction

22. The infrastructure of a country is ________ makes everything run well, including things like transport,

irrigation, electricity and schools.

A. which

B. that

C. where

D. what

23. The Palace of Versailles, France’s national treasure, has ________ many changes in its century-long history

while keeping its beauty.

A. gone through

B. taken on

C. led to

D. showed off

24. — Where is Gary?

— He is at the library studying for his German test on Wednesday. In fact, he ________ for the test every day over the past week.

A. has reviewed

B. was reviewing

C. has been reviewing

D. had been reviewing

25. The man was in a ________ condition with severe injuries to his legs after being attacked by a shark in far

north Queensland.

A. skeptical

B. critical

C. practical

D. physical

26. In my opinion, one’s individual income does not wholly reflect the extent ________ one’s self-value and

social value are realized.

A. of which

B. with which

C. on which

D. to which

27. —Penny’s baby daughter narrowly escaped drinking the furniture polish on the coffee table. — Luckily for

her. She ________ sick or even died.

A. could have got

B. should have got

C. must have got

D. will have got

28. The majority of new businesses fail because, ________ they have a product or service that fills a gap in the

market, they usually lack the skills in sales, marketing, and administration.

A. now that

B. even if

C. as long as

D. as though

29. In the virtual laboratory environment created in the VR app, students can ________ a particular experiment

before doing them in a real lab.

A. reveal

B. reserve

C. preview

D. provide

30. — The movie Lalaland is awesome. It’s really a pity that you didn’t make it.

— Sorry, I ________. I was too busy then.

A. didn’t

B. did

C. wouldn’t

D. would

31. Owing to The Chinese Poetry Competition, publications on classical Chinese literature are __________ a

significant share of storage space at the bookstore.

A. taking up

B. dividing up

C. breaking up

D. putting up

32. Newly ________ chairman of the Chinese Basketball Association, Yao Ming has put reforming the domestic

game’s management at the top of his agenda.

A. appointing

B. appointed

C. being appointed

D. having appointed

33. — Never in my life ________ such an embarrassment. They threw apples at me.

— Well. Fortunately watermelons are out of season.

A. I received

B. was I received

C. I have been received

D. have I received

34. ________ individual players, we have a great team but the problem is that they don’t play football together

well at all.

A. On top of

B. By means of

C. In terms of

D. In case of

35. — I am worn out.

—Me too, all work and no play. So it’s time to ________.

A. burn the midnight oil

B. push the limits

C. go with the flow

D. call it a day

第二节: 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分, 满分20分)

请认真阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

When one hitchhikes — travelling by getting lifts from passing vehicles without paying, one 36 long hours either waiting at a likely intersection (岔路口) or 37 heavily down the road, and when I was so engaged, I found 38 in singing songs or in reciting the many poems I had memorized, or 39 the latest postcards I had added to my art collection.

I was in many ways the 40 boy on the road, in other ways the richest, and I was always happy to be on the road meeting new people, hearing new stories and seeing new 41 .

I have 42 been clever enough to analyze the motivation or drive for my hitchhiking, but I doubt that it was related to any 43 weakness. I have never been out of mind. Home was not exciting enough to keep me 44 to it. I had no material 45 of any kind to hold my interest for long periods of time staying home.

46 I was not unhappy with my family, my school and my friends.

When I was 47 , hiking with very little money and a thousand miles from home, I was convinced that I would 48 my journey safely, for I was quite optimistic as a boy then with 49 life before me. So it was with me when I was at sixty — I was still optimistic with so many 50 behind me. It seems that I was born to 51 at the world, and such men do not write tragedies.

The simple fact seems that whenever I saw that 52 road outside my house, I was 53 to explore what it was like. What Walt Whitman once said would always push me to go on : ―Afoot and light-hearted I take to the open 54 , healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever I 55 .‖That makes a difference to my life.

36. A. saves B. spends C. enjoys D. kills

37. A. walking B. running C. driving D. riding

38. A. comfort B. bore C. adventure D. pain

39. A. sending B. recalling C. designing D. buying

40. A. dullest B. busiest C. poorest D. laziest

41. A. movies B. shows C. landscapes D. exhibitions

42. A. always B. sometimes C. often D. never

43. A. economical B. moral C. physical D. mental

44. A. tied B. adjusted C. opposed D. exposed

45. A. conditions B. possessions C. preparations D. occasions

46. A. Otherwise B.Thus C. Besides D. Yet

47. A. lonely B. young C. free D. sad

48. A. continue B. complete C. combine D. control

49. A. experienced B. untested C. foreseen D. fantastic

50. A. blessings B. achievements C. differences D. challenges

51. A. smile B. spit C. shout D. sigh

52. A. beautiful B. rough C. mysterious D. dangerous

53. A. frightened B. determined C. worried D. surprised

54. A. road B. door C. window D. air

55. A. start B. choose C. know D. change

第三部分: 阅读理解(共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分)

请认真阅读下列短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

56. According to the above information, we know__________.

A. summer school programs are intended for the disabled students

B. one student can participate in two summer school programs

C. students can improve written language skills through programs

D. students have classes each day from June 20 to July 29

57. What is true of the two afternoon activities?

A. Both of them are free of charge.

B. They are held in the same area.

C. Students are asked to register by themselves.

D. Transportation service is arranged for the students.


With a presidential campaign, health care and the gun control debate in the news these days, one can’t help getting sucked into the flame wars that are Internet comment threads. But psychologists say this addictive form of vitriolic (刻薄) back and forth should be avoided — or simply checked by online media outlets — because it actually damages society and mental health.

A perfect storm of factors come together to cause the rudeness and aggression seen in the comments’ sections of Web pages, said Markman, a professor of psychology at the University of Texas at Austin. First, commenters are often nearly nameless, and thus, unaccountable for their rudeness. Second, they are at a distance from the target of their anger —be it the article they’re commenting on or another comment on that article — and people tend to go against distant abstractions more easily than living, breathing talkers. Third, it’s easier to be nasty in writing than in speech, hence the now somewhat out-of-date practice of leaving angry notes (back when people used paper), Markman said.

And finally, Edward Wasserman, Knight Professor in Journalism Ethics at Washington and Lee University, noted another cause of the vitriol: bad examples set by the media. ―Unfortunately, mainstream media have made a fortune teaching people the wrong ways to talk to each other. People understandably conclude anger is the political vernacular (行话) , that this is how public ideas are talked about,‖ Wasserman wrote in an article on his university’s website. “It isn’t.‖

In Markman’s opinion, media outlets should cut down on the anger and hatred that have become the model in reader exchanges. ―It’s valuable to allow all sides of an argument to be heard. To a greater degree, someone who is making a reasonable point but with an angry tone is hurting the nature of the argument, because they are promoting people to respond in a similar way,‖ he said.

For their part, people should seek out actual human beings to communicate with, Markman said — and we should make a point of including a few people in our social circles who think differently from us. ―You’ll develop a healthy respect for people whose opinions differ from your own; the back-and-forth negotiation that goes on in having a conversation with someone you don’t agree with is a skill and it’s not easy to master it,‖ Markman said.

58. Why do psychologists encourage people to stop attacking each other online?

A. The social problems are too complex to figure out.

B. The online media outlets will review the comments.

C. The action does harm to society and individuals.

D. The Internet users are easily attached to hot topics.

59. What can we learn from the analysis by Markman?

A. People are cautious to make vitriolic remarks online.

B. The targets online are more likely to be commented on.

C. Understanding the literal meaning is easier than oral language.

D. An argument with an angry tone can promote its power.

60. What is the author’s main purpose in writing the passage?

A. To show different ways of expressing opinions.

B. To reveal the severe problems of the public media.

C. To raise the awareness of proper communication.

D. To urge people to carry out actual offline communications.


Scientists should be allowed to change a person’s DNA in ways that will be passed on to future generations, but only to prevent serious and strongly heritable (遗传) diseases, according to a new report from the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Medicine. However, making changes to these genes in order to improve or change traits such as strength, intelligence or beauty should remain off-limits, the report authors concluded.

Changing the so-called germline (种系) is illegal in the United States. It has largely been considered ethically off-limits here as well, at least while bioethicists and scientists considered the unforeseen effects and unexamined moral dilemmas of using new gene-editing technologies.

However, scientists have moved forward aggressively to explore the possibility of changing disease genes in other adult human cells with a revolutionary technique known as CRISPR-Cas9. It is widely believed that gene editing of this sort could treat patients with metabolic (新陈代谢的) disorders, certain cancers, and a range of other diseases that arise from genetic mutations (突变) — without changing the germline.

Last year, Chinese scientists launched a trial that uses CRISPR-Cas9 in a treatment for lung cancer. While the trial’s outcome is awaited with high anticipation, scientists outside China have expressed concern that ethical reservations in the United States and Europe will put them at a disadvantage.

CRISPR-Cas9 makes gene editing more straightforward, more precise and far more widespread. As such, the National Academies’ report acknowledges that changing heritable DNA in eggs, sperm and early embryos is fast becoming ―a realistic possibility that deserves serious consideration.‖

The 22-member panel of scientists and bioethicists who produced the report completed a comprehensive review of the issues raised by that prospect.

Clinical trials involving germline editing should only be pursued to treat diseases that cannot be improved with ―reasonable alternatives,‖ the 22-member panel of scientists and bioethicists said. In addition, they added, scientists should convincingly demonstrate they are targeting a gene that either causes or strongly makes a carrier likely to suffer from a serious disease or condition, and that they have weighed the likely risks and benefits of changing that gene.

Finally, scientists should conduct long-term follow-up studies to know how gene editing affects the next generations. Public debate and discussion about the technology should continue, the panel added.

61. In what circumstances can scientists change a person’s DNA?

A. Making a person look much younger.

B. Protecting future generations from some heritable diseases.

C. Using the most advanced gene-editing technologies.

D. Changing the germline for a better function.

62. What is the advantage of CRISPR-Cas9?

A. It can treat diseases more precisely without changing the germline.

B. It can successfully cure people of most deadly diseases.

C. It can change genes in adult human cells.

D. It can stop genetic mutations.

63. What possible conclusion can be drawn according to the passage?

A. Future generations will live longer and become more intelligent.

B. Chinese scientists created CRISPR-Cas9 and put it into use.

C. The gene editing is strictly forbidden for moral dilemmas.

D. The gene editing research is still at the primary stage.

64. What does this report mainly talk about?

A. A new gene-editing technology and concerns about it.

B. A germline-editing technology and approval for it.

C. Clinical trials of gene editing and social values of them.

D. Some germline clinical trials and scientific effects of them.


When Peter Fortune was ten years old grown-up people sometimes used to tell him he was a ―difficult‖ child. He never understood what they meant. He didn’t feel difficult at all. He didn’t throw milk bottles at the garden wall, or tip tomato ketchup over his head and pretend it was blood, or slash at his granny’s ankle with his sword, though he occasionally thought of these things. Apart from all vegetables except potatoes, and fish, eggs and cheese, there was nothing he would not eat. He wasn’t noisier or dirtier or more stupid than anyone he knew. His name was easy to say and spell. His face, which was pale and freckled, was easy enough to remember. He went to school every day like all other children and never made that much fuss about it. He was only as offensive to his sister as she was to him. Policemen never came knocking at the front door wanting to arrest him. Doctors in white coats never offered to take him away to the madhouse. As far as Peter was concerned, he was really quite easy. What was difficult about him?

It was not until he had been a grown-up himself for many years that Peter finally understood. They thought he was difficult because he was so silent. That seemed to bother people. The other problem was he liked being by himself. ①Not all the time, of course. Not even every day. But most days he liked to go off somewhere for an hour to his bedroom, or the park. He liked to be alone and think his thoughts.

Now, grown-ups like to think they know what’s going on inside a ten-year-old’s head. And it’s impossible to know what someone is thinking if they keep quiet about it. People would see Peter lying on his back on a summer’s afternoon, chewing a piece of grass and staring at the sky. ―Peter, Peter! What are you thinking about?‖ they would call to him. And Peter would sit up with a start. ―Oh, nothing. Nothing at all.‖ Grown-ups knew that something was going on inside that head, but they couldn’t hear it or see it or feel it. They couldn’t tell Peter to stop it, because they did not know what it was he was doing in there. ②He could have been setting his school on fire or feeding his sister to an alligator and escaping in a hot air balloon, but all they saw was a boy staring at the blue sky without blinking, a boy who did not hear you when you called his name.

As for being on his own, grown-ups didn’t much like that either. They do n’t even like other grown-ups being on their own. When you join in, people can see what you’re up to. You’re up to what they’re up to.③Peter had different ideas. In fact, he thought, if people spent less time joining in and making others join in, and spent a little time each day alone remembering who they were or who they might be, then the world would be a happier place and wars might never happen...

The trouble with being a daydreamer who doesn’t say much is that the teachers at school, especially t he ones who don’t know you very well, are likely to think you are rather stupid.④Or, if not stupid, then dull. No one can see the amazing things that are going on in your head. A teacher who saw Peter staring out the window or at a blank sheet of paper on his desk might think that he was bored, or stuck for an answer. But the truth was quite different.

65. It can be learned from the first paragraph that ________.

A. Peter liked playing practical jokes

B. Peter wasn’t particular about food at al l

C. boys generally did some crazy things

D. Peter knew why he was called ―difficult‖

66. Which of the following would Peter be most likely to do?

A. To walk around a lake for quite a while.

B. To break the neighbor’s fence for fun.

C. To tie a dirty dustbin to a dog’s tail.

D. To sleep in the tent with his friends.

67. Where can the sentence “You have to join in, or you’ll spoil it for everyone else.” most probably be put?

A. ①

B. ②

C. ③

D. ④

68. What is the main reason that Peter was co nsidered ―difficult‖ by grown-ups?

A. He was far from communicative.

B. He turned a deaf ear to others.

C. He did not do well in his studies.

D. He preferred to live on his own.

69. What might the author continue to write about in the following part?

A. Effective measures to help Peter out.

B. How the unique ideas Peter had amazed others.

C. Difficulties keeping Peter from learning well.

D. Further prejudice against Peter among grown-ups.

70. What can serve as the best title of this passage?

A. The Daydreamer

B. The Troublemaker

C. The Hard Nut

D. The Dark Horse


第四部分: 任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题l分, 满分l0分)

请认真阅读下列短文, 并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意: 每个空格只填1个单词。请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。

When it’s Not Quite a Wonderful Life

A 2011 study by researchers might make you think twice about holiday difficult emotions. They followed dozens of bus drivers for two weeks, looking to see when they flashed fake versus sincere smiles at their passengers. The results showed that on days when the drivers tried to put on an act and pretend to be in a good mood, their actual moods got worse. This was especially true for women. And another research suggests that people who really want to be happy actually obtain less happiness from positive experiences, apparently because their expectations are too high. Again and again, trying to gain happiness despite no preference seems to have the opposite result.

The results of the bus-driver study can be explained by researchers Oliver John and James Gross, who found that negative feelings like sadness or anger only intensify when we try to suppress (压制) them. That’s because we feel bad about ourselves when our outward appearance contradicts how we truly feel inside. What’s more, when we suppress emotions like sadness, we deny them the important function they serve. I f we don’t recog nize sadness we might not take the necessary steps to improve the situation. Expressing our sadness can also get comfort and compassion from those who care about us, strengthening our bonds.

Recently, scientists have also been paying special attention to the benefits of mindfulness. When you respond mindfully to an emotional trigger (诱因) , you pause rather than reacting, and then you can escape getting troubled by thoughtfulness. Rather than scold yourself, you simply notice what you’re feeling without judging that response as right or wrong. Studies suggest that a mindful response to a negative event reduces the amount of sadness we experience, is associated with less depression and anxiety, and may even carry physio-logical benefits, such as lowering our heart rates.

Unavoidably, the holidays will bring a mix of highs and lows. Perhaps the most important lesson to keep in mind is that this variety of emotions might be the best thing possible for your overall well-being.

That was the key insight from a study published in 2014 by a team of researchers from Yale University. Their survey of more than 37,000 people found that, after experiencing a greater variety and abundance of emotions consistently linked to lower depression, people took less medication, visited doctors less frequently, spent fewer days in hospitals, practiced better dietary and exercise habits, and smoked less.

In other words, sadness, anger, and other difficult emotions are like so many other parts of the holidays,


As a man was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains, and no cages either. It was obvious that the elephants could, at any time, break away from their bonds but for some reason, they did not.

He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and made no attempt to get away. ―Well,‖ trainer said, ―when they are very young and much smaller we use the rope of the same size to tie them and, at t hat age, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away.‖

The man was amazed. These animals can break free from their bonds at any time, but because they believe they can’t, they are stuck right where they are.











2014年苏、锡、常、镇四市高三教学情况调查(一) 数学Ⅰ试题 2014.3 一、填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共计70分.请把答案填写在答题卡相应位置上......... 1.已知集合{}1,2,3,4A =,{},4,7B m =,若{}1,4A B = ,则A B = ▲ . 2.若复数z = 13i 1i +-(i 为虚数单位),则 | z | = ▲ . 3.已知双曲线22 18 x y m -= m 的值为 ▲ . 4.一个容量为20的样本数据分组后,分组与频数分别如下:(]10,20,2; (]20,30 ,3;(]30,40,4;(]40,50,5;(]50,60,4;(]60,70,2.则样本在(]10,50上的频率是 ▲ . 5.执行如图所示的算法流程图,则最后输出的y 等于 ▲ . 6.设函数2()sin f x a x x =+,若(1)0f =,则(1)f -的值为 ▲ . 7. 四棱锥P - ABCD 的底面ABCD 是边长为2的正方形,P A ⊥底面ABCD 且P A = 4,则PC 与底面ABCD 所成角的正切值为 ▲ . 8.从甲,乙,丙,丁4个人中随机选取两人,则甲乙两人中有且只有一个被选取的概率为 ▲ . 9.已知2tan()5a b += ,1tan 3b =,则tan +4p a ? ? ?? ?的值为 ▲ . 10.设等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,若13a =-,13 2 k a +=,12k S =-,则正整数k = ▲ . 11.已知正数,x y 满足22x y +=,则 8x y xy +的最小值为 ▲ . (第5题)


2018届苏锡常镇四市高三教学情况调研二 英语 第一卷(选择题共85分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. How muchwill Jenny pay? A. 30 pounds. B.35 pounds. C.70 pounds. 2. What does the man want to do? A. Go to work on foot. B. Start work earlier than usual. C. Take exercise in the company. 3. What does the woman really mean? A. The man should go on playing tennis. B. She will give the man some tips on tennis. C. The man has a good reason to quit tennis. 4. What isthe woman doing now?

A. Drawing some money. B.Looking for a hospital. C.Asking the way. 5. What arethe two speakers really talking about? A. Google. B.Love. https://www.360docs.net/doc/7a5724284.html,rmation. 第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟;听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6.Why does the woman make a phone call? A. To confirm a reservation. B. To cancel a reservation. C. To make a reservation. 7.When does the hotel have a special offer? A. In January. B. In February. C. In March. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。 8. What’s the main reasonthe woman calls the man? A. She invites him to go boating. B. She wants to borrow his car. C. She needs him to have hercar repaired. 9. What will the woman confirm with the man soon? A. Things he needs to bring. B. The specific time they’llset out. C. The person who will drivea car. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. What’s the probablerelationship between the two speakers? A. Friends. B.Strangers. C.Classmates. 11. Who will hold a piano partynext Saturday night?


2020届江苏省苏锡常镇四市2017级高三一调考试 数学试题 数学Ⅰ试题 一、填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共计70分.不需要写出解答过程,请把答案直接填写在答题卡相应位置上。 1.已知i 为虚数单位,复数11z i =+,则|z |= 2.已知集合A ={x |0≤x ≤1},B ={x |a -1≤x ≤3},若A ?B 中有且只有一个元素,则实数a 的值为 3.已知一组数据1.6,1.8,2,2.2,2.4,则该组数据的方差是 4.在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知双曲线22 21(0)4x y a a -=>的一条渐近线 方程为23 y x =,则a = 5.甲乙两人下棋,两人下成和棋的概率是 12,乙获胜的概率是13,则乙不输的概率是 6.右图是一个算法的流程图,则输出的x 的值为 7.“直线l 1:ax +y +1=0与直线l 2:4x +ay +3=0平行”是“a =2”的 条件.(填“充分不必要”、“必要不充分”、“充分必要”或“既不充分又不必要”) 8.已知等差数列{a n }的前n 项和为Sn ,a 1=9,9595 S S -=-4,则a n = 9.已知点M 是曲线y =2ln x +x 2-3x 上一动点,当曲线在M 处的切线斜率取得最小值时,该切线的方程为

10.已知3cos2α=4sin(4π-α),α∈(,4ππ),则sin2α= 11.如图在矩形ABCD 中,E 为边AD 的中点,AB =1,BC =2.分别以A ,D 为圆心,1为半径作圆弧EB ,EC ,将两圆弧EB ,EC 及边BC 所围成的平面图形(阴影部分)绕直线AD 旋转一周,所形成的几何体的体积为 12.在?ABC 中,,若角A 的最大值为6 π,则实数λ的值是 13.若函数f (x )=a x (a >0且a ≠1)在定义域[m ,n ]上的值域是[m 2,n 2](1


2018届高三年级第二次模拟考试(十) 数学(满分160分,考试时间120分钟) 一、 填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共计70分. 1. 已知集合A ={-1,1},B ={-3,0},则集合A ∩B =________. 2. 已知复数z 满足z·i =3-4i (i 为虚数单位),则|z|=________. 3. 双曲线x 24-y 23 =1的渐近线方程为________. 4. 某中学共有1 800人,其中高二年级的人数为600.现用分层抽样的方法在全校抽取n 人,其中高二年级被抽取的人数为21,则n =________. 5. 将一颗质地均匀的正四面骰子(每个面上分别写有数字1,2,3,4)先后抛掷2次,观察其朝下一面的数字,则两次数字之和等于6的概率为________. 6. 右图是一个算法的流程图,则输出S 的值是________. 7. 若正四棱锥的底面边长为2cm ,侧面积为8cm 2,则它的体积为________cm 3. 8. 设S n 是等差数列{a n }的前n 项和,若a 2+a 4=2,S 2+S 4=1,则a 10=________. 9. 已知a>0,b>0,且2a +3b =ab ,则ab 的最小值是________. 10. 设三角形ABC 的内角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c ,已知tan A tan B =3c -b b ,则 cos A =________. 11. 已知函数f(x)=?????a -e x , x<1,x +4x , x ≥1(e 是自然对数的底数).若函数y =f(x)的最小值是4,则实数a 的取值范围为________. 12. 在△ABC 中,点P 是边AB 的中点,已知|CP →|=3,|CA →|=4,∠ACB =2π3 ,则 CP →·CA →=________. 13. 已知直线l :x -y +2=0与x 轴交于点A ,点P 在直线l 上.圆C :(x -2)2+y 2=2上有且仅有一个点B 满足AB ⊥BP ,则点P 的横坐标的取值集合为________. 14. 若二次函数f(x)=ax 2+bx +c(a>0)在区间[1,2]上有两个不同的零点,则f (1)a 的取值范围为________________.


江苏省苏锡常镇四市2020届高三教学情况调研(一)一、填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共计70分.不需要写出解答过程,请把答案直接填写在答题卡相应位置上。 1.已知i为虚数单位,复数 1 1 z i = +,则|z|= 2.已知集合A={x|0≤x≤1},B={x|a-1≤x≤3},若A?B中有且只有一个元素,则实数a的值为 3.已知一组数据1.6,1.8,2,2.2,2.4,则该组数据的方差是 4.在平面直角坐标系xOy中,已知双曲线 22 2 1(0) 4 x y a a -=> 的一条渐近线 方程为 2 3 y x = ,则a= 5.甲乙两人下棋,两人下成和棋的概率是1 2,乙获胜的概率是 1 3,则乙不输的概率是 6.右图是一个算法的流程图,则输出的x的值为 7.“直线l1:ax+y+1=0与直线l2:4x+ay+3=0平行”是“a=2”的条件.(填“充分不必要”、“必要不充分”、“充分必要”或“既不充分又不必要”) 8.已知等差数列{a n}的前n项和为Sn,a1=9, 95 95 S S - =-4,则a n= 9.已知点M是曲线y=2ln x+x2-3x上一动点,当曲线在M处的切线斜率取得最小值时,该切线的方程为

10.已知3cos2α=4sin(4π-α),α∈(,4ππ),则sin2α= 11.如图在矩形ABCD 中,E 为边AD 的中点,AB =1,BC =2.分别以A ,D 为圆心,1为半径作圆弧EB ,EC ,将两圆弧EB ,EC 及边BC 所围成的平面图形(阴影部分)绕直线AD 旋转一周,所形成的几何体的体积为 12.在?ABC 中,,若角A 的最大值为6π,则实数λ的值是 13.若函数f (x )=a x (a >0且a ≠1)在定义域[m ,n ]上的值域是[m 2,n 2](1


2021-2022度苏锡常镇四市高三教学情况调查(一) 英语试题 第一卷(选择题共85分) 第一部分听力(共两节,满分20分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Which building is the drug store? A. The yellow one. B.The green one. C.The white one. 2. What can we know about the man? A.He is living in Oxford. B.He will leave for Oxford. C.He has moved out of oxford. 3. What is the woman advised to do about her children? A. Let them follow their interests. B. Punish them for their crime. C. blame them for being different. 4. How much does the man need to pay to rent a room? A.About S 85 a month. B.About $170 a month. C.About s340 a month. 5. What is the man doing? A.Finding a seat. B.Checking in.


2017-2018学年度苏锡常镇四市高三教学情况调研(一) 数学Ⅰ试题 一、填空题:本大题共14个小题,每小题5分,共70分.请把答案填写在答题..卡相应位置上...... . 1.已知集合{1,1}A =-,{3,0,1}B =-,则集合A B =I . 2.已知复数z 满足34z i i ?=-(i 为虚数单位),则z = . 3.双曲线22 143 x y -=的渐近线方程为 . 4.某中学共有1800人,其中高二年级的人数为600.现用分层抽样的方法在全校抽取n 人,其中高二年级被抽取的人数为21,则n = . 5.将一颗质地均匀的正四面体骰子(每个面上分别写有数字1,2,3,4)先后抛掷2次,观察其朝下一面的数字,则两次数字之和等于6的概率为 . 6.如图是一个算法的流程图,则输出S 的值是 . 7.若正四棱锥的底面边长为2cm ,侧面积为2 8cm ,则它的体积为 3 cm . 8.设n S 是等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和,若242a a +=,241S S +=,则10a = . 9.已知0a >,0b >,且 23 ab a b +=,则ab 的最小值是 . 10.设三角形ABC 的内角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c ,已知tan 3tan A c b B b -=,则cos A = .

11.已知函数 ,1 ()4 ,1 x a e x f x x x x ?-< ? =? +≥ ?? (e是自然对数的底).若函数() y f x =的最小值是4,则实数a的取值范围为. 12.在ABC ?中,点P是边AB的中点,已知3 CP= u u u r ,4 CA= u u u r , 2 3 ACB π ∠=,则CP CA ?= u u u r u u u r . 13.已知直线l:20 x y -+=与x轴交于点A,点P在直线l上,圆C:22 (2)2 x y -+=上有且仅有一个点B满足AB BP ⊥,则点P的横坐标的取值集合为. 14.若二次函数2 () f x ax bx c =++(0) a>在区间[1,2]上有两个不同的零点,则 (1) f a 的取值范围为. 二、解答题:本大题共6小题,共计90分.请在答题卡指定区域 .......内作答,解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤. 15.已知向量(2sin,1) aα = r ,(1,sin()) 4 b π α =+ r . (1)若角α的终边过点(3,4),求a b?的值; (2)若// a b,求锐角α的大小. 16.如图,正三棱柱 111 ABC A B C -的高为6,其底面边长为2.已知点M,N分别是棱11 A C,AC的中点,点D是棱 1 CC上靠近C的三等分点. 求证:(1) 1 // B M平面 1 A BN; (2)AD⊥平面1A BN.


江苏省苏锡常镇四市2012届高三教学调研测试(一) 数学 2012.3 1.已知集合{}3,2,1=A ,集合{}4,3=B ,则=B A . 2.已知复数i z 21-=(i 为虚数单位),则=2z . 3.已知命题:p 直线a ,b 相交,命题:q 直线a ,b 异面,则p ?是q 的 条件. 4.某公司为了改善职工的出行条件,随机抽取100名职工,调查了他们的居住地与公司间的距离d (单位:千米).由其数据绘制的频率分布直方图如图所示,则样本中职工居住地与公司间的距离不超过4千米的人数为 . 5.如图,给出一个算法的伪代码,已知输出值为3,则输入值=x . Read x If 0≥x Then 13)(2 --←x x x f Else )5(log )(2+←x x f End If Print )(x f 6.已知角α(πα20<≤)的终边过点)3 2cos ,32(sin ππP ,则=α .

7.写出一个满足1)()()(-+=y f x f xy f (x ,0>y )的函数=)(x f . 8.已知点M 与双曲线19 162 2=-y x 的左,右焦点的距离之比为3:2,则点M 的轨迹方程 为 . 9.先后投掷一颗质地均匀的骰子两次,得到其向上的点数分别为m ,n ,设向量),(n m =, 5<的概率为 . 10.等差数列{}n a 中,已知158≥a ,139≤a ,则12a 的取值范围是 . 11.已知a ,b 为正实数,函数x bx ax x f 2)(3++=在[]1,0上的最大值为4,则)(x f 在 []0,1-上的最小值为 . 12.如图,已知二次函数c bx ax y ++=2 (a ,b ,c 为实数,0≠a )的图象过点)2,(t C , 且与x 轴交于A ,B 两点,若BC AC ⊥,则a 的值为 . 13.设)(n u 表示正整数n 的个位数,)()(2n u n u a n -=,则数列{}n a 的前2012项和等于 . 14.将函数3322-++-=x x y ([]2,0∈x )的图象绕坐标原点逆时针旋转θ(θ为锐角),若所得曲线仍是一个函数的图象,则θ的最大值为 .


2019~2020学年度苏锡常镇四市化学高三教学情况调查(一) 2020.03 注意事项: 1.本试卷分为选择题和非选择题两部分,共120分。考试时间100分钟。 2.将选择题的答案填涂在答题卡的对应位置上,非选择题的答案写在答题卡的制定栏目内。可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12N 14O 16Na 23Cl 35.5Ca 40Fe 56I 127 选择题 单项选择题:本题包括10小题,每小题2分,共计20分。每小题只有一个选项符合题意。 1. 实行垃圾分类,关系生活环境改善和节约使用资源。下列说法正确的是() A. 回收厨余垃圾用于提取食用油 B. 对废油脂进行处理可获取氨基酸 C. 回收旧报纸用于生产再生纸 D. 废旧电池含重金属须深度填埋 2. Mg(NH)2可发生水解:Mg(NH)2+2H2O===N2H4+Mg(OH)2。下列表示相关微粒的化学用语正确的是() A. 中子数为8的氧原子:18 8O B. N2H4的结构式: C. Mg2+的结构示意图: D. H2O的电子式: 3. 下列有关物质的性质与用途具有对应关系的是() A. NH4Cl溶液呈酸性,可用于去除铁锈 B. SO2具有还原性,可用于漂白纸张 C. Al2O3是两性氧化物,可用作耐高温材料 D. Na2SiO3溶液呈碱性,可用作木材防火剂 4. 室温下,下列各组离子在指定溶液中能大量共存的是() A. 0.1 mol·L-1 HCl溶液:Ba2+、Na+、AlO-2、NO-3 B. 0.1 mol·L-1 MgSO4溶液:Al3+、H+、Cl-、NO-3 C. 0.1 mol·L-1NaOH溶液:Ca2+、K+、CH3COO-、CO2-3 D. 0.1 mol·L-1Na2S溶液:NH+4、K+、ClO-、SO2-4 5. 下列实验操作能达到实验目的的是() A. 用向上排空气法收集NO B. 用装置甲配制100 mL 0.100 mol·L-1的硫酸 C. 用装置乙蒸发CuCl2溶液可得到CuCl2固体 D. 向含少量水的乙醇中加入生石灰后蒸馏可得到无水乙醇 6. 下列有关化学反应的叙述正确的是() A. 铜能与FeCl3溶液发生置换反应 B. 工业上用Cl2与澄清石灰水反应生产漂白粉 C. 向NaOH溶液中加入过量AlCl3溶液可得到氢氧化铝 D. 实验室用MnO2与1.0 mol·L-1的盐酸加热制取氯气 7. 下列指定反应的离子方程式正确的是() A. 用Na2CO3溶液处理水垢中的CaSO4:Ca2++CO2-3===CaCO3↓ B. 用稀硝酸洗涤做过银镜反应的试管:Ag+4H++NO-3===Ag++NO↑+2H2O C. 用氢氧化钠溶液除去铝表面的氧化膜:Al2O3+2OH-===2AlO-2+H2O D. 工业上用过量氨水吸收二氧化硫:NH3·H2O+SO2===NH+4+HSO-3


2019年~2020学年度苏锡常镇四市高三教学情况调研(一) 数学Ⅰ试题 一、填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共计70分.不需要写出解答过程,请把答案直接填写在答题卡相应位置上。 1. 已知i 为虚数单位,复数11z i =+,则z = 2. 已知集合{}{} 01,13A x x B x a x =≤≤=-≤≤,若A B ?中有且只有一个元素,则实数a 的值为 3. 已知一组数据1.6,1.8,2,2.2,2.4,则该组数据的方差是 4. 在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知双曲线22 21(0)4 x y a a -=>的一条渐近线 方程为23 y x =,则a = 5. 甲乙两人下棋,两人下成和棋的概率是 12,乙获胜的概率是13, 则乙不输的概率是 6. 右图是一个算法的流程图,则输出的x 的值为 7. “直线1:10l ax y ++=与直线2:430l x ay ++=平行”是“2a =” 的 条件.(填“充分不必要”、“必要不充分”、“充分必要”或“既不充分又不必要”) 8. 已知等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,19a =, 95495S S -=-,则n a = 9. 已知点M 是曲线22ln 3y x x x =+-上一动点,当曲线在M 处的切线斜率取得最小值时,该切线的方 程为 10. 已知3cos 24sin(),(,)44ππ αααπ=-∈,则sin 2α= 11. 如图在矩形ABCD 中,E 为边AD 的中点,.2,1==BC AB 分别 以D A ,为圆心,1为半径作圆弧EB ,EC ,将两圆弧EB ,EC 及边 BC 所围成的平面图形(阴影部分)绕直线AD 旋转一周,所形成 的几何体的体积为 12.在ABC ?中,()(1)AB AC BC λλ-⊥>u u u r u u u r u u u r ,若角A 的最大值为6 π,则实数λ的值是 13. 若函数()(01)x f x a a a =>≠且在定义域[,]m n 上的值域是


2017~2018学年度苏锡常镇四市高三教学情况调研(一) 物理2018.03 注意事项: 1. 本试卷包含选择题和非选择题两部分.考生答题全部答在答题卡上,答在本试卷上无效.本次考试时间 为100分钟,满分值为120分. 2. 答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号(考试号)用书写黑色字迹的0.5毫米签字笔填写在答题卡上, 并用2B铅笔将对应的数字标号涂黑. 3. 答选择题必须用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑.如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其 它答案.答非选择题必须用书写黑色字迹的0.5毫米签字笔写在答题卡上的指定位置,在其它位置答题一律无效. 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共31分) 一、单项选择题:本题共5小题,每小题3 分,共15 分.每小题只有一个 ....选项符合题意. 1.下列各式属于定义式的是 A.加速度a= F m B.电动势 E n t ?Φ = ? C.电容r 4 S C kd ε π =D.磁感应强度 2 3 2.如图所示为从静止开始做直线运动的物体加速度—时间图象,关于物体运动下列 说法正确的是 A.物体在t =6s时,速度为0 B.物体在t =6s时,速度为18m/s C.物体运动前6s平均速度为9m/s D.物体运动前6s位移为18m 3.高空滑索是勇敢者的运动.如图所示一个人用轻绳通过轻质滑环悬吊在足够长的倾斜钢索上运动(设钢索是直的),下滑过程中到达图中A位置时轻绳与竖直线有夹角,到达图中B位置时轻绳竖直向下.不计空气阻力,下列说法正确的是 A.在A位置时,人的加速度可能为零 B.在A位置时,钢索对轻绳的作用力小于人的重力 C.在B位置时,钢索对轻环的摩擦力为零 D.若轻环在B位置突然被卡住,则此时轻绳对人的拉力等于人的重力 4.一带电粒子在电场中仅受静电力作用,做初速度为零的直线运动.取该直线为x轴,起始点O为坐标原点,其电势能E p与位移x的关系如图所示,下列图象中合理的是 5.一长轻质薄硬纸片置于光滑水平地面上,其上放质量均为1kg的A、B两物块,A、B与薄硬纸片之间的动摩擦因数分别为μ1=0.3,μ2=0.2,水平恒力F作用在A物块上,如图所示.已知最大静摩擦力等于滑动摩擦力,g取10m/s2.下列说法正确的是 A.若F=1.5N,则A物块所受摩擦力大小为1.5N B.若F=8N,则B物块的加速度为4.0m/s2 C.无论力F多大,A与薄硬纸片都不会发生相对滑动 D.无论力F多大,B与薄硬纸片都不会发生相对滑动 F A B


2015-2015学年度苏锡常镇四市高三教学情况调研(一) 数学Ⅰ 2016.3 一、填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共计70分。 1. 已知集合}3{R x x x A ∈<=,丨,}1{R x x x B ∈>=,丨,则=B A . 2. 已知i 为虚数单位,复数z 满足i i z 34=+,则复数z 的模为. 3. 一个容量为n 的样本,分成若干组,已知某组的频数和频率分别为40,0.125, 则n 的值为. 4. 在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知方程1242 2=+--m y m x 表示双曲线,则实数m 的取值范围为. 5. 为强化安全意识,某校模拟在周一至周五的五天中随机选择2天进行紧急疏 散演练,则选择的2天恰好为连续2天的概率是. 6. 执行如图所示的程序框图,输出的x 值为. 7. 如图,正方体1111D C B A ABCD -的棱长为1,P 是棱1BB 的中点,则四棱锥 C C AA P 11-的体积为. 8. 设数列}{n a 是首项为1,公差不为零的等差数列,n S 为其前n 项和,若1S ,2S ,4 S 成 等比数列,则数列}{n a 的公差为. 9. 在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,设M 是函数x x x f 4)(2+=)0(>x 的图像上的任意一点, 过M 点向直线x y =和y 轴作垂线,垂足分别是A ,B ,则=?. 10. 若一个钝角三角形的三内角成等差数列,且最大边与最小边之比为m ,则实数m 的取值范围是. 11. 在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知过原点O 的动直线l 与圆056:2 2=+-+x y x C 相交于不同的两点A ,B , 若点A 恰为线段OB 的中点,则圆心C 到直线l 的距离为. 12. 已知函数???≤≤+-<≤+-=,, ,,642)2(log 404)(22x x x x x x f 若存在R x x ∈21,,当64021≤≤<≤x x 时,)()(21x f x f =,则)(21x f x 的取值范围是. 13. 已知函数a x f x +=-12)(,)1()(x bf x g -=,其中R b a ∈,,若关于x 的不等式)()(x g x f ≥的解的最小值 为2,则a 的取值范围是. 14. 若实数y x ,满足44442222=++-y x y xy x ,则当y x 2+取得最大值时, y x 的值为.



2017-2018学年度苏锡常镇四市高三教学情况调 研(一) 语文 2018年3月 注意:本试卷共6页,20小题,满分160分。 考试时间150分钟。请按照题号将答案填涂 或书写在答题卡相对应的答题区域内,将答案直接书写在本试卷上无效。 一、语言文字运用(15分) 1.在下面一段话的空缺处依次填入词语,最恰当的一组是(3分) 陶器从最初的零星出现到大规模、大范围地生产,有特定的社会文化▲。陶器制作历史悠久,累积重重,要从▲、交互作用的社会文化现象中对其 ▲,仍任重道远。 A.因缘错综复杂寻根究底B.因 缘错综复杂追本溯源

4.在下面一段文字横线处填入语句,衔接最恰当的一项是(3分) 古典小说是先哲留给我们的精神财富,我们应当很好地去学习和应用。既然是古典小说,是一定历史阶段的产 物,▲,▲,▲,▲,▲。如果善于学习,善者固然可以育人,其不善者经过批判分析,也可能发挥其反面教材的作用。 ①就不免带有历史性的局 限 ②即使优秀的作品也难免有不纯之处 ③择善者而从之,其不善者而去之 ④有精华也会有糟粕 ⑤需要有分析、有批判地进行学 习 A.①④②⑤③B.①②③④⑤ C.①④②③⑤D.⑤③④①②

5.下列对北京2022年冬奥会会徽“冬梦”理解不恰当的一项是(3分) A.以汉字“冬”为灵感来源,借用书法元素,彰显了中国传统文化底蕴。 B.用汉字笔画的变形展现冰雪运动员的英姿,体现了冬奥会运动项目的特征。 C.其中充满韵律感的线条,寓意要顽强拼搏、历经坎坷才能获得圆满成功。 D.赋予汉字“冬”以动感和力度,代表了奥林 匹克运动的激情、青春与活力。 二、文言文阅读(19分) 阅读下面的文言文,完成6~9题。 徐锴,会稽人。锴四岁而孤,母方教兄铉就学,未暇及锴。锴自能知书。稍长,文词与铉齐 名。元中,议者以文人浮薄,多用经义法律取士,锴耻之,杜门不求仕进。铉与常梦锡同直门下省,出锴文示之,梦锡赏爱不已,荐于烈祖,


2019-2020学年度苏锡常镇四市高三教学情况调研数学试题 一、选择题:本题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1.过抛物线24y x =的焦点F 且倾斜角为60?的直线交抛物线于A 、B 两点,以AF 、BF 为直径的圆分别与y 轴相切于点M ,N ,则MN =() A .3 B .23 C .23 D .43 2.若,a b 是从集合{}1,1,2,3,4-中随机选取的两个不同元素,则使得函数()5a b f x x x =+是奇函数的概 率为( ) A .320 B .310 C .925 D .35 3.已知双曲线22 22:1(0,0)x y C a b a b -=>>的左焦点为F ,第二象限的点M 在双曲线C 的渐近线上,且 OM a =,若直线MF 的斜率为b a ,则双曲线C 的渐近线方程为( ) A .y x =± B .2y x =± C .3y x =± D .4y x =± 4.已知抛物线2:2C y px =(0p >)的焦点为F ,准线为l ,O 为坐标原点,点P 在C 上,直线PF 与l 交于点T .若2 3 PFO ∠= π,则PF PT = A .14 B .13 C .12 D .2 3 5.已知点A 是函数()sin()(0,0)f x x ω?ω?π=+><<的图像上的一个最高点,点B 、C 是函数()f x 图像上相邻两个对称中心,且三角形ABC 的周长的最小值为222+.若0m ?>,使得 ()()f x m mf x +=-,则函数()f x 的解析式为 A .sin( )24 y x π π =+ B .sin( )23 y x π π =+ C .sin()4y x ππ=+ D . sin() 3y x π π=+ 6.执行如图所示的程序框图,则输出的 ( )


2018-2019学年度苏锡常镇四市高三教学情况调研(一) 语文1试题 2019年3月注意:本试共8页,21小题,满分160分。考试时间150分钟。请按照题号将答案填涂或书写 在答题卡相对应的答题区域内,将答案直接书写在本试卷上无效。 一、语言文字运用(12分) 1、在下面一段话的空缺处依次填入词语,最恰当的一组是(3分) 鲁迅曾区分两种读书方法:一种是“看非看不可的书籍”,那必须:一种是“消闲的读书——随便翻翻”。前者目的在求知,不免;后者意在消遣,自然更可体味到读书的乐趣。至于获益,则实在 A.费尽心机正襟危坐难以名状B.费尽心机道貌岸然难分轩轾 C.劳神费力正襟危坐难分轩轾D.劳神费力道貌岸然难以名状 2.把“这也难怪好的书店老板,于‘生意经’外,还加上一点文化味”。这句话填入下列文段中,衔接最恰当的一项是(3分) 书店是商业活动的场所,老板当然也以赢利为主要目的;可经管书籍毕竟不同于经营其他商品,它同时也是一种传播文化的准精神活动。①正是这一点,使得读书人与书店的关系,并非一般的买卖关系,更有体威相关、一损俱损一荣俱荣的味道,②书业的景气与不景气,不只关涉到书店的生意,更从一个特定的角度折射出当代读书人的心态与价值進求。③书业的凋零,“不胜感伤之至”的不只是书店的掌柜,也包括常跑书店的读书人,因其同时显示出文化衰落的 迹象。④ A.①处B.②处C.③处D.④处 3.如果要从历代文人中为梅、兰、竹、菊各选一位代言人,按顺序匹配最合适的一项是(3分)A.苏轼杜甫陆游陶潜 B.苏轼屈原陆游王维 C.林逋杜甫郑夑王维 D.林逋屈原郑變陶潜 4.对下面一段文字主要意思的提炼,最准确的一项是(3分) 人一直事欢幻想,所以有神话、家教、文学,人越来越理智成热,从前的想已无法满足現代人的精神需求,人一直在寻找幻想的新形式。在今天,这种新的幻想形态已经卓然成形,那就是 料幻。从前人信神,现在人信料学,它们都能给人提供安慰和希望,但料学的安慰和希望比从前 的神真实可信,从这个意义上,科学不但是现代的神,而且比旧神受加威力强大。科幻是科学神 话的最佳载体,或者说是旧神话与科学的合体。 A.神话、宗数、文学和科幻等都是人类幻想的结果 B.科学从本质上来看和神话、宗教、文学是一样的 C.科幻是人基于对科学的信仰而创造的新幻想形态 D.科幻将会取代人类社会曾经出现的各种幻想形式 二、文言文阅读(20分) 阅读下面的文言文,完成5-8题 邵山人潜夫传 陈维崧 山人名潜,宇潜夫,扬之通州人也。生即聪敏异常儿,以授以经生家言,则恚甚,不肯读。或


江苏省苏锡常镇四市2014届高三5月教学情况调研(二) 数学Ⅰ试题 命题单位:苏州市教育科学研究院 2014.5 一、填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共计70分.请把答案填写在答题卡相应位置上......... 1. 函数1y x =-的定义域为A ,函数()lg 2y x =-的定义域为B ,则A B = ▲ . 2. 设2i z =-(i 是虚数单位),则||z = ▲ . 3. 在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知双曲线2219x y m -=的一个焦 点为(5,0),则实数m = ▲ . 4. 样本容量为100的频率分布直方图如右图所示,由此估计 样本数据落在[6,10]内的频数为 ▲ . 5. “π 2 ?= ”是“函数()sin y x ?=+的图象关于y 轴对称”的 ▲ 条件.(在“充分必要”、“充分不必要”、“必要不充分”、 “既不充分也不必要”中选一个合适的填空) 6. 已知S n 为等差数列{a n }的前n 项和,a 1 = -1,S 3 = 6,则S 6 = ▲ . 7. 函数()1e ln y x x =≥的值域是 ▲ . 8. 执行右面的程序图,那么输出n 的值为 ▲ . 9. 在1,2,3,4四个数中随机地抽取一个数记为a ,再在剩余的三个数 注 意 事 项 考生在答题前请认真阅读本注意事项及各题答题要求 1.本试卷共4页,包含填空题(第1题~第14题)、解答题(第15题——第20题).本卷满分160分,考试时间为120分钟.考试结束后请将答题卡交回. 2.答题前请您务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置. 3.请在答题卡上按照顺序在对应的答题区域内作答在其他位置作答一律无效.作答必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔.请注意字体工整笔迹清楚. 4.如需作图须用2B 铅笔绘、写清楚线条、符号等须加黑、加粗. 5.请保持答题卡卡面清洁不要折叠、破损.一律不准使用胶带纸、修正液、可擦洗的圆珠笔. 结束 开始 n ← 1 S ← 0 n ← n + 1 输出n Y Y S > 20 S ← 2S + 1 N (第8题) (第4题)


2019-2020学年度苏锡常镇四市高三教学情况调查 英语2020.4.9 第一卷(选择题共85分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What does the woman think of gardening? A. Tiring. B. Boring. C. Enjoyable. 2. Why does the man call Johnson's office? A. To ask for sick leave. B. To have his car repaired. C. To put off the appointment. 3. What does the woman mean? A. She won't sit next to John. B. She doesn't like the movie. C. She enjoys talking to John. 4. Where is the man probably now? A. At home. B. In the office. C. In a restaurant. 5. How much does the woman pay for her tickets? A. $8.8. B. $10. C. $11.2. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟;听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。


苏锡常镇一模龚露答案解析 答案汇总: 听力 1-5 CCABA 6-10 BCBAB 11-15 BCBAC 16-20 AABBC 单选 21-25 BDABD 26-30 ACADC 31-35 CDBBC 完型 36-40 CCADC 41-45 DCBAD 46-50 BCCAA 51-55 CBDCA 阅读 56-57 CD 58-60 BCB 61-64 ACAB 66-70 BDCDCD 任务型 71. preparations 72 Benefits/ Advantages/ Importance Significance 73. freedom 74. recharged 75 easier/ easy 76. companies 77.discovery/ discoveries 78. anyone /someone 79 annoy /upset/bother /disturb 80. fun/pleasure / enjoyment joy /happiness 单选单选总体不难,考察词义辨析比较多。注意第31 题前缺后缺用what,用what 引导宾语从句的考点。此次单选错1-2 个比较正常。

答案: 21-25 BDABD 26-30 ACADC 31-35 CDBBC 解析: 第21 题B 考察词义辨析和固定短语 guilty conscience。尽管被评为年度国家教师,她仍然对于自己在孩子身上花很少的时间陪伴而感到愧疚。guilty conscience 表示内疚,类似的还有have aclear conscience 问心无愧,A 抱怨C 承诺D 妥协均不符合,故选B。 第22 题D 考察词义辨析。作为中国史上最高票房的动画片,《哪吒》于2019 年8 月在北美上映。A 舒缓,放松B 恢复修复,归还C 注册D 发行放映,故选D。 第23 题A 考察词义辨析。中国的科技巨头华为发布了一款名叫“鸿蒙”的新操作系统,有望能代替谷歌公司的安卓系统。An alternative to 固定短语,表示可以替代…B 激进的C 学术的D 抽象的均不符合,故选A。 第24 题B 考察虚拟语气。——你听说过网红博主李子柒吗?——当然,我多想成为她,让世界都看看中国博大精深的文化啊!虚拟语气提示词wish,且表示对现在的虚拟,用过去式,故选B。 第25 题D 考察动词搭配。经济学家一直以来都聚焦于教育的概念并把其看作一种投资。以长远的目光来看,这种投资通常对于学生个体和整个社会都会得到很好的回报。A 到处走走;逃避;说服;传开来B 组成;补足;化妆;编造C 不挂断电话,等一下;继续D 取得成功,得到回报,故选D。 第26题A考察连词。尽管越来越多塑料袋造成的环境影响是有据可查的,很少有人能理解塑料微粒的危害。表示前后对比,转折,含有“尽管“意思的只有while,故选A。 第27 题C 考察独立主格。亚马逊雨林被认为是地球之肺,基本上都在巴西境内。独立主格结构作状语,由宾格或主格+动词的现在分词或者过去分词组成。此句中空格处所填指代亚马逊雨林用it,因此选C。 第28 题A 考察非谓语动词。她在演讲中穿插了几个笑话,很好地抓住了听众的注意力。work 这个动作是主语she 主动做出的行为,用ing 形式,故选A。 第29 题D 考察定语从句中关系代词的使用。过去的几十年见证了中国许多科技成就的产生和发展,其中超级计算机“神威·太湖之光“的开发就是一个很典型的例子。神威是众多科技成就之一,因此用of which,故选D。 第30 题C 考察时态。如今中国外卖软件数量的不断增加使得这个国家到处都是外卖盒和塑料袋。首先主语是thegrowth 三单,排除A D,其次时间提示词nowadays,根据语义这件事正在发生,用进行时,故选C。 第31 题C 考察what 引导宾语从句。电子书受到越来越多关注的现象反映出该产业的不断攀升趋势,我们把它叫做“数字化优先”。介词towards 后面缺少宾语,后半句call 后面也缺少宾语,前缺后缺用what。what 在宾语从句中作call 的宾语,故选C。
