



21.--- Alice, guess what! I passed the driving test.

--- !

A.Sound good B.Very well C.How nice D.All right

22.The financial crisis has put the world economy in a difficult .

A.occasion B.condition C.evaluation D.situation

23.Some of the exercises appear to be ones that you have done, but after taking

second look, you will find that they are different.

A./; the B.the; the C.the; a D./; a

24.As most of their houses were badly damaged after the earthquake, many people had to be in a stadium.

A.put away B.put out C.put up D.put off

25.Aluminum (铝) isn’t found free in nature, owing to its always with other elements, most commonly with oxygen.

A.being combined B.having combined

C.combine D.combined

26.The beautiful mountain village we spent our holiday last year is located in

is now part of Guangxi.

A.which; where B.where; what C.that; what D.when; which

27.one has a child will one realize how great one’s parents are.

A.Until B.Until not C.It is not until D.Not until

28.--- Who has made a mess in my room?

--- Who else it but your naughty son?

A.could do B.could have done

C.should do D.should have done

29.Recently our school has introduced new personnel evaluating system with less emphasis on age .

A.and more on ability B.than more on ability

C.and more ability D.than ability

30.Women’s earnings are well below men’s educational differences that are decreasing between the two sexes.

A.in favor of B.in case of C.in terms of D.in spite of

31.Since of them don’t d rink, a bottle of wine will be enough.

A.none B.all C.nobody D.every one

32.Most birds find it safe to sleep in the trees, so they have eggs or young chicks, they don’t use a nest.

A.why B.when C.unless D.where

33.Of all the Olympic Torch Relays, the Beijing 2008 Olympic Torch Relay traveled the largest distance, the greatest area and involved the largest number of people. A.contained B.crossed C.included D.covered

34.You’d better not call me between 3:00 pm and 5:00 pm, for I an important examination then.

A.will have B.would have

C.will be having D.will have had

35.The heavy snow swept across many parts of China, many people’s family reunion at the 2008 Spring Festival impossible.

A.made B.making C.to make D.having made



One day, not too long ago, the employees of a large company in St. Louis, Missouri returned from their lunch break and were greeted with a sign on the front door. The sign said,

“Yesterday the person who had been hindering(阻碍) your 36 in this company passed away. We 37 you to join the funeral in the room that has been 38 in the gym.”

At first everyone was sad to 39 that one of their colleagues had died, 40 after a while they started getting 41 about who this person might be.

The excitement 42 as the employees arrived at the gym to pay their last 43 . Everyone wondered, “Who is this person that was hindering my growth? Well, 44 he’s no longer


One by one the 45 got closer to the coffin(棺材) and when they looked inside it, they 46 became speechless. They stood over the coffin, 47 into silence, as if someone had 48 the deepest part of their soul.

There was a mirror inside the coffin—everyone who looked inside it could see himself. There was also a 49 next to the mirror that 50 , “There is only one person who is capable to limits to your growth: it is YOU.”

You are the only person who can revolutionize (变革) your 52 . You are the only person who can 53 your happiness, realization and success. You are the only person who can help yourself. Your life does not change when others change. Your life changes when YOU change, when you go 54 your limiting beliefs and when you realize that you are the only one 55 for your life.

36.A.performance B.progress C.program D.process

37.A.demand B.allow C.invite D.advise

38.A.started B.prepared C.opened D.held

39.A.learn B.accept C.realize D.find

40.A.for B.and C.so D.but

41.A.ridiculous B.obvious C.curious D.nervous

42.A.grew B.appeared C.improved D.developed

43.A.admirations B.attentions C.appreciations D.respects

44.A.at least B.at last C.at present D.at once

45.A.employees B.managers C.friends D.citizens

46.A.quickly B.finally C.obviously D.suddenly

47.A.upset B.depressed C.shocked D.embarrassed

48.A.broken B.touched C.trembled D.removed

49.A.letter B.sign C.mark D.signal

50.A.told B.warned C.wrote D.read

51.A.set B.make C.take D.get

52.A.career B.luck C.life D.business

53.A.exchange B.satisfy C.influence D.achieve

54.A.for B.upon C.over D.beyond

55.A.reliable B.responsible C.suitable D.valuable




Coca Cola is an American icon –and sometimes seen as a symbol of the country’s economic right. But one of the world’s famous companies will play a differe nt role during the 2008 Olympic Games: promoting Oriental (东方的) culture to the world.

The man who is in charge of the project couldn’t be more suited for the job. The American has lived in the country for about 15 years, speaks fluent Chinese, and considers Beijing his hometown. David Brooks, vice-president and general manager of the Olympics Project Group of Coca Cola China, who has lived in the country for more than a decade, said: "We are working very hard to create a lot of special different kinds of items that are very Oriental in character and have a strong Oriental identity. "There is a lot of curiosity around the world about the country and about Oriental culture. So, we think we also have a role and opportunity to show people so many things."

Coca Cola has launched its logo(标识) with the Beijing Games, featuring kites and lucky clouds, traditional elements in the Oriental culture. Brooks considers it a good start. "We are doing a lot of similar programs, and in the next 570 days or so, as we count down to the Games, you will see more examples with strong Oriental spirit and identity."

He certainly has a sense of history. "The Olympic spirit, which is an ancient spirit from over 2,000 years ago, is alive. It still lives through the Olympic Games in the idea of balancing the body and mind, and doing the best," said Brooks, who has been to three Games. "It's like a big family celebrating together. I think all the members of my team and I feel it is a special honor to be involved in the Games."

56.The underlined word “icon” in the first sentence can be replaced by “ ”.

A.sign B.image C.portrait D.picture

57.What can we know about David Brooks from the passage?

A.He is vice – president and general manager of Coca Cola Corporation.

B.He is living in Beijing with his family.

C.He has mastered at least two languages.

D.He is especially curious about oriental culture.

58.Why will Coca Cola cooperate (合作) with the 2008 Olympic Games?

A.Because it is a good chance to let the world understand Oriental culture.

B.Because there is a lot of curiosity around the world about China and Oriental culture. C.Because it contains a lot of enormous business opportunities.

D.Because it will promote Oriental culture to the world.


Pretoria, South Africa – Hundreds of swimmers play in the water along a South Africa beach. Suddenly a huge shark appears off shore and heads for the bathers. Before it can get close to the swimmers, the shark, for some mysterious reason, starts swimming parallel to the beach. Then it turns away from the shore and heads out to sea, leaving the swimmers untouched. Such a scene will soon become common along shark-in-fasted (鲨鱼成群的) shores. An electrical engineer from the University of Pretoria has developed an electrical system that repels (击退) sharks by controlling their movements. Confused by this action, the sharks end up turning away from the beach.

In this unusual shark-repellent method, an insulated (绝缘的) cable is buried on the bottom of the sea around a beach where people swim. When an electric current is sent through the cable, an electric field is produced in the water above the cable.

When shark swims into the electric field, nerve cells just below the shark' s skin will sense the field. The electricity produces a reflex (反射作用) action in the shark' s muscles, causing the dangerous animal to swim parallel to the cable. Confused by increasing loss of control of its muscles, the shark suddenly changes its direction and heads seaward, away from the electric field.

In a test of the invisible new shark-repellent system, a cable was placed around a beach in St. Lucia, an island around the beach a long time ago to keep sharks away from swimmers, and a net was left in place during the experiment.

When the electric field was left on for more than a year and a half, no sharks were found in the net. However, when the power was turned off,89 sharks ended up in the net.

Using the electric-wall method instead of net to protect bathers would avoid the needless death of many sharks, said biologists. Currently, thousands of sharks die each year when they become trapped in protective nets that surround holiday resorts in Africa and Australia. About 10 to 15 humans are killed by sharks annually.

59.Why doesn' t the shark attack the swimmers according to the passage?

A.Because there are so many swimmers in the water.

B.Because the shark isn’t so hungry as to eat the swimmers.

C.Because of some mysterious power from the heaven.

D.Because there is an invisible electric field confusing the shark.

60.An electrical engineer from the University of Pretoria has developed __ .


2019年山东单招英语模拟试题(一) 【含答案】 第I卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 略。 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Starting Cycling We have two services designed to give people the confidence and knowledge to cycle successfully. Lessons All our instructors have been trained to National Standards level of “Bikeability”. This means you will be trained to a standard consistent across the whole country. There are 3 levels of skills to progress through. Children would start with levels 1 & 2, progressing from the playground or park to cycle on less busy local roads. Teenager and adult beginners can also learn levels 1 & 2 in an off-road and quiet environment. Confident teenagers and adults can broaden their skills by learning level 3, using multi-lane (多道) roads and larger roundabouts (环岛). We provide both a complete package of lessons for the beginner or individual lessons tailored to the client. You can ride a bike but don’t feel confident about right turns on multi-lane roads. Whatever the need we can address and practice until perfect! Everyone can be taught to ride a bike! We train both adults and children. We cover London Zones 1 & 2 The cost is £30 per hour. Guided Ride We know that riding on the roads in London can be scary, and if you have to navigate (确定行车路线) as well it can become a real hard task! The Guided Ride service takes all the stress out of it for you by providing the following: Route planned in advance to suit your skill level. Route map provided to you.


英语真题 I单项选择 1、—I need someone to help out at the study center. —OK,I ______ . A. may B. must C. will D. should 2、The fish taste good,I mean its _______ . A. available B. delicious C. warm D. cheap 3、Excuse me, __________ I cannot reach those boxes on the top shelf . A. because B. and C. so D. but 4、This is the third prize she_____ this year. A. wins B. won C. is winning D. has won 5、—Could you drop some books off at the library for me? — _________. A. go ahead B. with pleasure C. I do D. thank you 6、Some people prefer eating vegetable, while_______ prefer eating meat. A. the other B. the others C .others D. another 7、I will have Hudson ________ you to your room. A .take B. took C. taken D. to take 8、Have you ever been to the city ________ they talked about the other day? A .when B. what C. where D. that 9、You are standing _______ ,Would you mind moving aside? A by the way B on the way C in the way D off the way 10、I have not heard from my brother for a long time,what do you think _______to him ? A. happens B. happened C. has happened D. had happened 11、She ________ comes.—I mean she did not ,does not,or will not come at any time . A. never B. sometimes C .seldom D. often 12、—Is your camera like Bill's or Ann's? —No,but it's almost the same as________. A.theirs B.yours C.mine D. Hers 13、Peter found a note on the door, ______ him to go to the teacher's office immediately. A. tell B. told C. telling D. to tell 14、—Mr Smith ,can I use ________ department's car? —Sure, if you can find _______ key. It has been missing for three days. A. the;不填 B. 不填;the C .the;the D. the;a 15、Modern technology has _______ great change in our life. A. brought up B. brought out C. brought back D. brought about 16、Mary saw a boy steal out of the door. But he had disappeared ______she could stop him. A. as B. while C. until D. before


. 绝密★考试启用前 2019年陕西省普通高校职业教育单独招生考试 英 语 注意事项: 1.全卷共10页,总分150分。考试时间为120分钟。用黑色墨水签字笔、钢笔或圆珠笔直接答在试题卷上。 2.答卷前将密封线内的项目信息填写清楚。 I. 单项选择(共25小题,每小题1分,共25分) 第一节 从每小题的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,找出划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项,并将其字母代号填入题后的括号内。 例:deliver 【 A 】 A. demand B. inspect C. general D. develop 1. cut 【 】 A. rude B. ruler C. cute D. shut 2. word 【 】 A. sport B. work C. important D. forty 3. started 【 】 A. landed B. grasped C. forced D. stayed 4. busy 【 】 A. seven B. sugar C. upstairs D. sorry 5. chalk 【 】 A. calm B. walk C. physical D. arrival

第二节从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将其字母代号填入题后的括号内。 例:It’s the _____ hotel in the town. 【C 】 A. good B. better C. best D. nice 6. Congratulations _____ your passing the entrance exam. 【】 A. up B. to C. by D. on 7. He can play the piano very well, _____ his sister ca n’t.【】 A. but B. and C. as D. when 8. A good friend is someone _____ you know well and like. 【】 A. which B. what C. who D. whose 9. _____ terrible weather we’ve been having these days! 【】 A. How a B. What a C. How D. What 10. I am thirsty. Will you please give me _____ water? 【】 A. some B. any C. few D. little 11. The young couple were walking _____ in the street when I saw them. 【】 A. hand with hand B. hand by hand C. hand in hand D. hand at hand 12. The teacher told us that the sun _____ in the east. 【】 A. rises B. rose C. raises D. raised 13. I’d like to hear it by our music teacher. 【】 A. play B. played C. playing D. to play 14. We are thinking about_____ a sports meeting next month.【】 A. hold B. holding C. to hold D. to be held 15. John, wait a minute. I’ve _____ important to tell you. 【】 A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing 16. If I _____ Jessie, I would discuss it with her myself. 【】 A. know B. knew C. knowing D. to know 17. My brother doesn’t like classical music and _____ I. 【】 A. so do B. nor do C. or do D. nor am 18. The manager was about _____ when the telephone rang. 【】 A. leaving B. starting C. to leave D. to starting 19. I will tell Mary the news as soon as I _____ her this evening. 【】 A. see B. saw C. seeing D. have seen 20. The professor started early _____ he could get there before 9 o’clock. 【】 A. in order that B. in that C. so as to D. in order to .


全国高等院校运动训练、武术与民族传统专业考试模拟题 (华一体育) 英语 I.单项选择(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1. ----Could you carry this box of books for me? -----______, but I have a pain in my back. A. That’s easy B. I’d like to C. I’ll help you D. No problem 2. Jennie is the kind of person you ______love or hate. A. both B. either C. all D. only 3. In the shop Ellen finally chose a tool that _____ be used to cut wood with. A. must B. should C. could D. need 4. The new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she_____. A. arrived B. will arrive C. is arriving D. arrives 5.______ he left school at 16, he still managed to become a very successful business man. A. Unless B. Even though C. As if D. Until 6. Steve works very hard because he has a big family _______. A. to support B. supporting C. support D. supported 7. The fish tasted good. I mean it is ______. A. available B. delicious C. warm D. cheap 8. I’ll have Hudson _____ you to your room. A. take B. took C. taken D. to take 9. You are standing ______. Would you mind moving aside? A. by the way B. on the way C. in the way D. off the way 10. Peter found a note on the door, _______ him to go to the teacher’s office immediately. A. tell B. told C. telling D. to tell 11. In the city, the prices of vegetables are ______ than those of meat. A. higher B. highest C. the highest D. high 12. Women are smoking two extra cigarettes a week, ______ with four years ago. A. compares B. compared C. comparing D. to compare 13. You did well in the math exam; you _______ have done a good job of preparing for it. A. will B. should C. would D. must 14. A successful man is one who had a chance and ______it. A. put B. gave C. took D. brought 15. When the heavy storm started, john and his family _____the area. A. had left B. leave C. have left D. will leave 16. Mary has got herself into a situation_____ she can turn to nobody for help. A. why B. where C. while D. which

山东电子职业技术学院单招英语模拟试题 含答案解析

2016年山东电子职业技术学院单招英语模拟试题(含答案 解析) Ⅰ.单项填空(共20小题;每小题分,满分30分) 1.His experiments ended in _____, in other words, he was ______. A. failure ; failure B. a failure ; failure C. failure; a failure D. a failure ; fail sat back on the chair, listening to Mp4 and _____ at ease. A. looking B. looked C. being looked D. to look 3. As a critic, his writing is far too ______. A. attractive B. active C. ridiculous D. subjective was ____ with the long and _____ speech ,but he tried no to show it . ; bored B. bored; boring C. boring ; boring D. bored; bored many times, he finally understood it . A. Told B. Telling C. Having told D. Having been told 6. It was raining heavily. The girl felt cold and so she stood _____ to her mother. A. close ; B. closely C. closed D. closing is famous _____ a writer ______ his popular books.


2012年全国普通高等学校运动训练、民族传统体育专业单独统一 招生考试英语真题 第一卷(三大题,共120分) I单项选择 1、I need someone to help out at the study center. OK,I ______ . A may Bmust Cwill D should 2、The fish taste good,I mean its _______ . AavailableBdelicious Cwarm Dcheap 3、Excuse me, __________ I cannot reach those boxes on the top shelf . AavailableBdelicious C warm Dcheap 4、Thisis thethird prizeshe_____ thisyear. A wins B won Cis winningDhas won 5、Could you drop some books off at the library for me? Ago ahead Bwith pleasure CIdo Dthank you 6、Some people prefer eating vegetable, while_______ prefer eating meat. Athe other Bthe others Cothers Danother 7、I will have Hudson ________ you to your room. Atake Btook Ctaken D to take 8、Have you ever been to the city ________ they talked about the other day?Awhen B what Cwhere Dthat 9、You are standing _______ ,Would you mindmoving aside? Aby the way Bon the way C in the wayDoff the way 10、I have notheard frommy brother for a long time,what do you think _______to him ? Ahappens Bhappened Chas happened Dhad happened 11、She ________ comes. I mean she did not ,does not,or will not come at any time . Anever Bsometimes Cseldom Doften 12、Isyour camera like Bill's or Ann's? No,but it's almost the same as________. A.theirs B.yours C.mine D. Hers 13、Peter found a note on the door, ______him to go to the teacher's office immediately. Atell Btold Ctelling Dto tell 14、Mr Smith ,can I use ________department'scar? Sure,if you can find _______key .it has been missing for three days. Athe。不填B不填;the Cthe;the DThe;a 15、Modern technology has _______great change in our life. Abrought up Bbrought out Cbrought back Dbrought about


从每题所给的 A 、 B 、C、 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. —— Do you often play ______ piano? —— Yes. I want to be another Lang Lang. A. the B. a C. an D. 不填 2. Mr. Smith is very kind. We all like ______. A. it B. her C. him D. myself 3. We usually have the first class ______ 8:00 in the morning. A. of B. in C. on D. at 4.Many people prefer to shop on the Internet. It’ s ______. A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D. less cheap 5.It ’ s cold outside. ______ your coat before you go out. A. Put on B. Turn on C. Put up D. Give up 答案: ACDBA 1. —— When ______ you ______ here? —— Two days ago. A. will; come B. have; come C. did; come D. do; come 2. There’ s an important football match today. I ______ miss it. A. may B. can ’t C. must D. needn ’t 3. I will try my best to stop my son from ______ the same mistake. A. make B. made C. makes D. making 4. These model cars ______ in China in 2013. A. are made B. were made C. make D. made 5.—— I saw David in the teachers ’ office this morning. Do you know ______ he was there? —— He went there to hand in his homework. A. how B. whether C. when D. why 答案: CBDBD


2010年全国普通高等学校运动训练、民族传统体育专业单独统 一招生考试 英语 注意事项: 1.本试卷分为第一、第二两卷。第一卷三大题,满分120分:第二卷两大题,满分30分, 共150分。 2.答卷前将密封线内的项目填写清楚。 第一卷(共三大题,共120分) 1.单项选择(共20小题:每小题2分,满分40分)。 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1.In those days,everybody in the Village___to church every Sunday. A. went B.has gone C.go D.will go 2.Don’t forget to lock the door___. A.No,I’m not B.Yes,I have C.No,I won’t D.Yes,I’m sure 3.The next meeting will take place___Tuesday morming. A.at B.by C.in D.on 4.I ran into Ted yesterday .I___him since graduation. A.hadn’t seen B.don’t see C.won’t see D.didn’t see 5.Jane went away ___I could say goodbye to her. A.when B.before C.until D.that 6.You should have your car ___as soon as possible. A.to fix B.fixed C.fix D.fixing 7.You will be shown around the city, musenms,sports centres and some other places,___other visitors seldom go. A.where B.which C.that D.when 8.Is she going to send the book back? ___not.I think she will keep it. A.Naturally B.Really C.Probably D.Necessarily 9.The news spread quickly ___soon everybody knew what had happppend. A.for B.but C.or D.ard 10. ___the truth,we are not willing to cut down on workers in order to out costs. A.Tell B.telling C.To tell D.To have told 11.I kept telling you about it ,but you ___listen. A.couldn’t B.shounn’t C.needn’t D.wouldn’t 12.I was at the office all weekend ___care of importhant business. A.taken B.to take C.taking D.take 13.I thought the film was pretty good,but my brother di dn’t thi nk___. A.yes B.too C.really D.so


从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. —— Do you often play ______ piano? —— Yes. I want to be another Lang Lang. A. the B. a C. an D. 不填 2. Mr. Smith is very kind. We all like ______. A. it B. her C. him D. myself 3. We usually have the first class ______ 8:00 in the morning. A. of B. in C. on D. at 4. Many people prefer to shop on the Internet. It’s ______. A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D. less cheap 5. It’s cold outside. ______ your coat before you go out. A. Put on B. Turn on C. Put up D. Give up 答案:ACDBA 1. —— When ______ you ______ here? —— Two days ago. A. will; come B. have; come C. did; come D. do; come 2. There’s an important football match today. I ______ miss it. A. may B. can’t C. must D. needn’t 3. I will try my best to stop my son from ______ the same mistake. A. make B. made C. makes D. making 4. These model cars ______ in China in 2013. A. are made B. were made C. make D. made 5. ——I saw David in the teachers’ office this morning. Do you know ______ he was there? —— He went there to hand in his homework. A. how B. whether C. when D. why 答案:CBDBD


2013年全国普通高等学校运动训练、民族传统体育专业 单独统一招生考试英语 第一卷(三大题,共120分) I. 单项选择(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 1. If you _____ hard, you may get a good job. A. study B. studied C. will study D. have studied 2. She is a _____ writer known by millions of people in the country. A. particular B. familiar C. popular D. similar 3. Would you mind telling me what you were doing _____Friday, March 13? A. during B. on C. at D. in 4. You did well in the math exam; you _____ have done a good job of preparing for it. A. will B. should C. would D. must 5. Even in winter days, Jane likes to have the window ______. A. to open B. opening C. opens D. open 6. A successful man is one who had a chance and _____it. A. put B. gave C. took D. brought 7.When the heavy storm started, John and his family _____ the area. A. had left B. leave C. have left D. will leave 8. Mary has got herself into a situation ________ she can turn to nobody for help. A. why B. where C. while D. which 9. At the telephone table he paused, _____ whether to ring the police station. A. wondering B. to wonder C. wondered D. wonder 10. This is the only shirt we have now. If you don’t want to take _____, you may come and have a look round tomorrow. A. another B. any C. it D. one 11. Nearly all of _____ young people interviewed believed that hard work was _____ key to success.


2016 年山东中医药高等专科学校单招英语模拟试题(含答 案解析) 第一节:单项填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1分) 21. I won 't go there. It 's late now. ____, it is raining so hard. A. That 's B. What 's more C. However D. So 22. After __ quick dinner, Stephanie likes to play _ guitar for a while in the garden. A. a; a B. a ; the C. the; a D; 不填 ;the A. should build B. be set up C. will be set up D. will build 24.You can never imagine what great trouble we have ________ the matter. A. taken to deal with B. taken dealing with C. took to deal with D. taking dealing with 25.Though he had felt that English was difficult to learn, he never , and finally he succeeded. A. gave up B. gave in C. gave out D. both A and B 26. ____ is certain is _ the mystery of Stonehenge has never been fully explained. A. It, that B. What, what C. It, what D. that 27. Professor Zhang gave all the textbooks to all the pupils, except __ _ who had already taken them. A. these B. ones C. the ones D. the others 28. ______________________ M y father always tells me that as long as I work hard my wish to be a scientist will surely . A. come about B. happen C. take place D. come true 23.I t is suggested that another school _________ in our city. What,


2011 年全国普通高等学校运动训练、民族传统体育专业 单独统一招生考试英语 注意事项: 1.本试卷分为第一、第二两卷第一卷三大题,满分120分;第二卷两大题.满 分30分,共150 分。 2.答卷前将密封线内的项目填写清楚。 第一卷(三大题,共120分) I.单项选择(共20小题;每小题 2 分,满分40分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳答案。 1.—Could you carry this box of books for me? —__________but 1 have a pain in my back. A.That 's easy B.I 'd like to C.I'll help you D.No problem 2. Jennie is kind of person you_______ love or hate. A.both B.either C.all D.only 3. In the shop Ellen finally chose a tool that_______ be used to cut wood with. A.must B.should C.could D.need 4. The new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she_________ A.arrived B.will arrive C.is arriving D.arrives 5. ___________he left school at 16,he still managed to become a very successful business-man. A.Unless B.Even though C.As if D.until 6. Steve works very hard because he has a big family ________ A.to support B.supporting C.support D.sopported 7. Frank was very disappointed because he________the chance to win the game. A.will lose B.lose C.has lost D.had lost 8. My watch stopped, and I was late _________ school this morning. A.to B.for C.at D.in 9. She must have missed the train ,________she would be there by now. A.meanwhile B.otherwise C.sometimes D. therefore ,we all found it quite interesting. 10. _______The Emperor’s New Clothes


单招英语考试题Last revision on 21 December 2020

从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. —— Do you often play ______ piano —— Yes. I want to be another Lang Lang. A. the B. a C. an D. 不填 2. Mr. Smith is very kind. We all like ______. A. it B. her C. him D. myself 3. We usually have the first class ______ 8:00 in the morning. A. of B. in C. on D. at 4. Many people prefer to shop on the Internet. It’s ______. A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D. less cheap 5. It’s cold outside. ______ your coat before you go out. A. Put on B. Turn on C. Put up D. Give up 答案:ACDBA 1. —— When ______ you ______ here —— Two days ago. A. will; come B. have; come C. did; come D. do; come 2. There’s an important football match today. I ______ miss it. A. may B. can’t C. must D. needn’t 3. I will try my best to stop my son from ______ the same mistake. A. make B. made C. makes D. making 4. These model cars ______ inChinain 2013. A. are made B. were made C. make D. made 5. —— I saw David in the teachers’ office this morning. Do you know ______ he was there —— He went there to hand in his homework. A. how B. whether C. when D. why 答案:CBDBD 1. The teachers ______ have come for a visit are foreigners. A. who B. whom C. whose D. which 2. —— Hi, Tony! Do you know ______ —— Yes. there is a coffee shop at the corner of the street. A. when I can get a cup of coffee B. when can I get a cup of coffee C. where I can get a cup of coffee D. where can I get a cup of coffee 3. Grace doesn’t want to move toNew Yorkbecause she thinks if she ______ there, she wouldn’t be able to see her parents very often. A. lives B. lived C. would live D. had lived 4. Not only my friends but also my father ______ interested in the new film. A. is B. are C. am D. were 5. —— Thank you for helping me with my physics. ——______. I hope you can do better in it. A. Good idea B. See you C. I’m not sure D. You’re welcome
