






1. ----Could you carry this box of books for me?

-----______, but I have a pain in my back.

A. That’s easy

B. I’d like to

C. I’ll help you

D. No problem

2. Jennie is the kind of person you ______love or hate.

A. both

B. either

C. all

D. only

3. In the shop Ellen finally chose a tool that _____ be used to cut wood with.

A. must

B. should

C. could

D. need

4. The new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she_____.

A. arrived

B. will arrive

C. is arriving

D. arrives

5.______ he left school at 16, he still managed to become a very successful business man.

A. Unless

B. Even though

C. As if

D. Until

6. Steve works very hard because he has a big family _______.

A. to support

B. supporting

C. support

D. supported

7. The fish tasted good. I mean it is ______.

A. available

B. delicious

C. warm

D. cheap

8. I’ll have Hudson _____ you to your room.

A. take

B. took

C. taken

D. to take

9. You are standing ______. Would you mind moving aside?

A. by the way

B. on the way

C. in the way

D. off the way

10. Peter found a note on the door, _______ him to go to the teacher’s office immediately.

A. tell

B. told

C. telling

D. to tell

11. In the city, the prices of vegetables are ______ than those of meat.

A. higher

B. highest

C. the highest

D. high

12. Women are smoking two extra cigarettes a week, ______ with four years ago.

A. compares

B. compared

C. comparing

D. to compare

13. You did well in the math exam; you _______ have done a good job of preparing for it.

A. will

B. should

C. would

D. must

14. A successful man is one who had a chance and ______it.

A. put

B. gave

C. took

D. brought

15. When the heavy storm started, john and his family _____the area.

A. had left

B. leave

C. have left

D. will leave

16. Mary has got herself into a situation_____ she can turn to nobody for help.

A. why

B. where

C. while

D. which

17. He has such a big dog _____ no one dares to go near his house.

A. which

B. that

C. as

D. so

18. ----Shall I give you a ride as you live so far away?

----Thank you______.

A. it couldn’t be better

B. of course you can

C. I’d love to

D. My pleasure

19. The meeting has been ______ until Friday morning.

A. put away

B. put off

C. put on

D. put up

20. My watch stopped, and I was late _____ school this morning.

A. to

B. for

C. at

D. in




Personally I think trains are exciting and romantic. I must 21 that trains are not important means of transportation in the US, but I

do have some 22 with them.

When I was a child, growing up in a small town with very little 23 ,

we used to go to the station to watch the passenger trains coming in. There was something 24 about the steaming, roaring string of cars coming

into view around the mountains, slowly growing larger and 25 and finally 26 crowds of strangers onto the platform.

I took my 27 train trip when I was ten years old. I went with my elder sister to visit our cousins six hundred miles away. The train--so loud and violent on the outside--was 28 and rocking inside. We were very excited, and as that was also our first time away from our parents,

we felt somewhat frightened too. However, because I had 29 so much,

I was a little disappointed when I was finally one of the passengers I

had 30 for so long.

As a college student, I 31 ride overnight train to my roommate’s hometown. We could never afford a 32 , so we played cards, sang, ate, read and talked 33 we finally fell uncomfortably asleep in the straight-backed seats.

My idea that trains are 34 may come from the fact that my husband

and I took the train on our honeymoon, spending extra money to eat in the dining car, and 35 the window as the desert scenery slid past.

Now, when I make a trip, I always fly or drive, and 36 are not

a very important part of my life. 37 , every time I hear the train whistle faraway on a quiet night, I can always feel the 38 in my heart

to pack my bags and jump on board, entering a 39 world of motions, sounds, sights, and experience which just aren’t 40 in the dull environment of an airplane.

21. A. admit B. believe C. predict D. ensure

22. A. trouble B. fun C. photos


23. A. education B. entertainment C. work D. money

24. A. boring B. satisfying C. exciting


25. A. smaller B. louder C. noisier D. faster

26. A. spilling B. throwing C. removing D. shooting

27. A. only B. first C. second D.


28. A. gentle B. small C. big D. rough

29. A. experienced B. knew C. thought D. expected

30. A. waited B. appreciated C. watched D. trusted

31. A. used to B. ought to C. could D. must

32. A. ticket B. seat C. meal D. sleeper

33. A. until B. since C. before D. after

34. A. exciting B. romantic C. beautiful D. comfortable

35. A. leaning against B. standing by C. looking out of D. sitting beside

36. A. trains B. cars C. planes D. boats

37. A. Still B. Therefore C. Indeed D. Instead

38. A. possibility B. preference C. impulse D. impatience

39. A. common B. gentle C. quiet D.


40. A. mentioned B. matched C. discussed D.






We do not usually think about how our language works. Talking is such

a natural, everyday activity that we do not often stop to consider how

it actually works. When we do study our language, though, we are often surprised that we are able to understand our conversations. Words can mean

so many different things. However, it turns out that the speaking situation helps a lot in making language work.

First, the speaking situation helps make words more particular. For

example, the word “dog”can describe a dog that a speaker saw in a dream. It can also be used to discuss a neighbor’s dog. No language has a separate word for the idea “dog that I saw yesterday”and another word for the idea “dog that I saw in a dream.”This is because the speaking situation makes it clear what speakers mean when they use words. So, when you have a conversation with your neighbor, the knowledge that you have a dog tells your neighbor what the word “dog” probably means in that situation.

The speaking situation also helps make language clearer. For example, the word “bank”has two possible meanings. It can mean “a place where people keep money,” but it can also mean “the side of a river.” So the sentence “I went to the bank” is not clear. It could mean I went to the side of the river or it could mean I went to the place where my money is kept. However, if the speaker is talking about fishing or going to the mountains, others probably know that “bank” means “the side of a river.”

The things that speakers say may not always be clear. Sometimes the words are not very particular, but the speaking situation can provide the meaning. Other times words may have many meanings. Then the speaking situation limits the right meaning. This extra knowledge from the situation is very important to understand language.

41.The passage is mainly about _____.

A.the best time and place to talk to others

B.how speaking situation helps language work

C.what to say in difficult situations

D.how our language works

42. According to the passage, we can safely say that _____.

A. a speaking situation does not affect the meaning of words

B. speaking is not very natural for most people

C. a speaking situation is not important

D. people often do not consider how talking works

43. By using the example of the word “dog”, the writer wants to show that _____.

A. a word may need to be explained in a conversation

B. a word may have different meanings

C. speaking situation helps people understand the particular

meaning of a word

D. the meaning of words is not particular

44. According to the passage, we can know the meaning of the word “bank”by referring to _______.

A. the time and the place where the conversation happens

B. the occupation of the person who uses the word

C. earlier or later parts of the conversation

D. a reliable dictionary


I turned 16 on Friday, but the Driver’s License Office in my small hometown was only open on Tuesday, so I had to wait through that extremely long weekend and an endless Monday before going in for my examination.

I came to the Driver’s License Office half an hour earlier that Tuesday morning, pacing back and forth on the worn porch waiting for the office to open at eight. I reviewed the driver’s manual for the hundredth time.

I was ready. I knew the manual backward and forward; I had made an “A”in my driver’s training course, and I was a genius behind the wheel.

Finally, the door opened and a weary-looking man in a brown uniform let me in.

“Let me guess. You want to take the driver’s test.” his voice was not enthusiastic.

“Yes!” I answered in excitement.

“Ok, fill this out, and if you pass we’ll go for a drive.”

I grabbed the test and rushed to the desk where I filled it out in record time. A quick check showed that my paper was perfect.

“Let’s get in the car.” He tossed me a set of keys, and I slid behind the wheel. Everything was going smoothly as we pulled out of the empty parking lot. I signaled a right hand turn, and we were on a deserted street. This was going to be easy.

“Turn left and go up Young Blood Hill,” he ordered. My hometown is in the mountains, and Young Blood Hill was almost vertical. As I eased up the steep hill and came to a stop at the top, I heard the car’s engine die. My heart sank. I would have to start it again without rolling back down the hill. I swallowed hard and turned the key; as I moved my foot from the brake, the car began to roll. I suppose I could have rolled all the way back to the bottom except for one thing. There was something behind me which stopped my roll with a rough shake and crash of glass—a police car.

The policeman wrote me a ticket as I looked over the damage, and the man from the Driver’s License Office slid behind the wheel. I waited until we had parked before I asked how long a person had to wait before taking the test again.

45. What time does “that Tuesday morning” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A.The morning when he made an “A” in his driver’s training course.

B.The morning when he knew the driver’s manual perfectly well.

C.The first Tuesday morning immediately after his16th birthday.

D.The Tuesday morning right before his 16th birthday.

46. Why didn’t the car roll back to the bottom?

A.The engine died.

B.It hit a police car.

C.The writer braked it hard.

D.The man from the Driver’s License Office helped make it stop.

47. From the underlined sentence “I grabbed the test and rushed to the

desk where I filled it out in record time”, we can know that ______ .

A.the writer didn’t like the man from the Driver’s License Office.

B.the writer was excited and eager to go for the driver’s test.

C.time for the test was tight.

D.the test paper was very easy.

48. What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. The man from the Driver’s License Office got a ticket.

B. The policeman drove the car away after the accident.

C. The writer failed the driving test.

D. The writer didn’t want to take the driving test again.


NANJING, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) -- Xi Jinping and Ma Ying-jeou will shake hands in their historic meeting scheduled in Singapore on Saturday, head of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council said on Wednesday.

The two-part meeting includes one session open to the media and another behind closed doors, said Zhang Zhijun, who is also head of the Taiwan Work Office of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, when interviewed at the Zijinshan Summit for Entrepreneurs across the Taiwan Strait.

According to Zhang, Xi and Ma, as "leaders of the two sides" of the Taiwan Strait, will exchange views during the closed-door meeting.

After the meeting, press conferences will be held by both sides. Later, the two leaders are expected to attend a dinner, said Zhang.

Zhang said the meeting will lift cross-Strait communication to a new high.

The landmark meeting is a breakthrough in face-to-face exchange and communication between the leaders across the Taiwan Strait after the relationship became strained following the events of 1949.

Zhang said the meeting will improve mutual trust and allow for an exchange of opinions on handling the cross-Strait ties.

In addition, the meeting will help strengthen the 1992 Consensus(共识), which was reached in talks between the two sides in 1992 and recognizes the one-China principle, and safeguards the peaceful development of cross-Strait ties, according to Zhang.

Zhang added that the scheduled meeting will also benefit regional peace and stability.

Also at Wednesday's summit, Chiang Pin-kung, former chairman of the Taiwan-based Straits Exchange Foundation, hailed the upcoming meeting between the two leaders as a milestone for cross-Strait ties.

Chiang told the media that he believed the meeting will give a boost to the peaceful development of cross-Strait ties.

49. According to the article, the meeting of the two leaders will _____.

A.be held at the Zijinshan Summit for Entrepreneurs across the Taiwan


B.be the first face-to-face communication between people across the

Taiwan Strait

C.improve mutual trust and benefit regional peace and development

D.be all open to the media

50. Which of the following statements about the 1992 Consensus is not true?

A. It was reached in 1992.

B. It recognizes the one-China principle.

C. It safeguards the peaceful development of cross-Strait ties.

D. It is an agreement between China and Japan.

51. Which of the following can best substitute the word “hailed” in the last paragraph but one?

A.sang high praise for

B. was concerned about

C. was impressed with

D. got well prepared for

52. Which might be the right sequence of the following events?

A. The two leaders shake hands in front of the media.

B. The two leaders hold press conferences.

C. The two leaders exchange views during the closed-door meeting.

D. The two leaders have dinner together.

A. a; b; c; d

B. a; c; b; d

C. a; d; b; c

D. b; a; c; d


Researchers found that women who had given birth might have a reduced risk of death from several common conditions than those who had not, according to a study released Friday by the Imperial College London (ICL).

The study, led by ICL researchers, was published in the journal BMC Medicine. It investigates the association between the so-called reproductive factors -- such as having children and breastfeeding -- and a woman's risk of death.

Researchers analyzed data from 322,972 women across 10 countries, including the UK, France, Germany and Sweden, with an average age of 50.

Each woman was followed for an average of 12.9 years. During this period, there were 14,383 deaths overall, which included 5,938 deaths from cancer and 2,404 deaths from circulatory system diseases, according to the study.

The team compared reproductive factors with risk of death from several common conditions, such as breast cancer, stroke and heart disease.

The researchers found that women who had given birth had a 20 percent reduced risk of death than those who had not. It was also found that there was a reduced risk of death (eight percent) in women who had breastfed compared to those who did not.

The risk of death from cancer was lower in those that had given birth

compared to those that had not. Within this group, the risk was reduced even further in women that gave birth to two or three children in comparison to those who had only one child.

"Hormonal mechanisms may explain the lower risk of death that we observed with breastfeeding, and having given birth, as these factors are associated with changes in hormone levels," said Dr Melissa Merritt from ICL, who led the study.

53. According to the passage, the risk of death from cancer is the lowest in women who _______.

A.have given birth to no child.

B.have given birth to one child.

C.have given birth to more than one child.

D.have breastfed.

54.According to the research, if a woman has given birth and breastfed, her risk of death will decrease by_____.


B. 28%

C. 12%

D. 16%

55.Which of the following might be one of the findings of the research?

A.Several common conditions lead to women’s death.

B.Reproductive factors are associated with changes in hormone levels.

C.Women who have given birth live longer than those who have not.

D.Having children might reduce women’s risk of death from some


IV. 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)

56. English is very ______(重要的)and many people enjoy learning it.

57. His uncle is a ______(科学家), he works in Beijing.

58. This is an _____(空的) box, could I have a full one, please?

59. He is neither blind nor ____(聋的), he can see and hear anything well.

60. He often _____(借) books to us, and we return them to him as soon as possible.

61. We’ll have tea in the garden _____ (代替) of in the sitting-room.

62. He is _____(渴的).he wants something to drink.

63. Teacher’s Day is _______(九月)10th.

64. I will feel _____(自豪的)when I see the National Flag of China.

65.He has a good idea to _____(解决) the problem.

V. 书面表达(10分)










Dear classmates,

Good afternoon!

Today is December 8th. The college entrance exams are really around the corner

now._________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

2018年英语高考2卷 试题及答案

2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语 (考试时间:120分钟试卷满分:150分) 注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2. 作答时,务必将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷及草稿纸上无效。 3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)(略) 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Summer Activities Students should read the list with their parents/careers, and select two activities they would like to do. Forms will be available in school and online for them to indicate their choices and return to school. Before choices are finalised, parents/careers will be asked to sign to confirm their child’s choices. 1 / 18

2 / 18

21.Which activity will you choose if you want to go camping? A.OUT. B.WBP. C.CRF. D.POT. 22.What will the students do on Tuesday with Mrs. Wilson? A. Travel to London. B. See a parade and fireworks. C. Tour central Paris. D. Visit the WWI battlefields. 23.How long does Potty about Potter last? A. Two days. B. Four days. C. Five days. D. One week. B Many of us love July because it’s the month when nature’s berries and stone fruits are in abundance. These colourful and sweet jewels form British Columbia’s fields are little powerhouses of nutritional protection. Of the common berries, strawberries are highest in vitamin C, although, because of their seeds, raspberries contain a little more protein (蛋白质), iron and zinc (not that fruits have 3 / 18


英语真题 I单项选择 1、—I need someone to help out at the study center. —OK,I ______ . A. may B. must C. will D. should 2、The fish taste good,I mean its _______ . A. available B. delicious C. warm D. cheap 3、Excuse me, __________ I cannot reach those boxes on the top shelf . A. because B. and C. so D. but 4、This is the third prize she_____ this year. A. wins B. won C. is winning D. has won 5、—Could you drop some books off at the library for me? — _________. A. go ahead B. with pleasure C. I do D. thank you 6、Some people prefer eating vegetable, while_______ prefer eating meat. A. the other B. the others C .others D. another 7、I will have Hudson ________ you to your room. A .take B. took C. taken D. to take 8、Have you ever been to the city ________ they talked about the other day? A .when B. what C. where D. that 9、You are standing _______ ,Would you mind moving aside? A by the way B on the way C in the way D off the way 10、I have not heard from my brother for a long time,what do you think _______to him ? A. happens B. happened C. has happened D. had happened 11、She ________ comes.—I mean she did not ,does not,or will not come at any time . A. never B. sometimes C .seldom D. often 12、—Is your camera like Bill's or Ann's? —No,but it's almost the same as________. A.theirs B.yours C.mine D. Hers 13、Peter found a note on the door, ______ him to go to the teacher's office immediately. A. tell B. told C. telling D. to tell 14、—Mr Smith ,can I use ________ department's car? —Sure, if you can find _______ key. It has been missing for three days. A. the;不填 B. 不填;the C .the;the D. the;a 15、Modern technology has _______ great change in our life. A. brought up B. brought out C. brought back D. brought about 16、Mary saw a boy steal out of the door. But he had disappeared ______she could stop him. A. as B. while C. until D. before


全国高等院校运动训练、武术与民族传统专业考试模拟题 (华一体育) 英语 I.单项选择(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1. ----Could you carry this box of books for me? -----______, but I have a pain in my back. A. That’s easy B. I’d like to C. I’ll help you D. No problem 2. Jennie is the kind of person you ______love or hate. A. both B. either C. all D. only 3. In the shop Ellen finally chose a tool that _____ be used to cut wood with. A. must B. should C. could D. need 4. The new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she_____. A. arrived B. will arrive C. is arriving D. arrives 5.______ he left school at 16, he still managed to become a very successful business man. A. Unless B. Even though C. As if D. Until 6. Steve works very hard because he has a big family _______. A. to support B. supporting C. support D. supported 7. The fish tasted good. I mean it is ______. A. available B. delicious C. warm D. cheap 8. I’ll have Hudson _____ you to your room. A. take B. took C. taken D. to take 9. You are standing ______. Would you mind moving aside? A. by the way B. on the way C. in the way D. off the way 10. Peter found a note on the door, _______ him to go to the teacher’s office immediately. A. tell B. told C. telling D. to tell 11. In the city, the prices of vegetables are ______ than those of meat. A. higher B. highest C. the highest D. high 12. Women are smoking two extra cigarettes a week, ______ with four years ago. A. compares B. compared C. comparing D. to compare 13. You did well in the math exam; you _______ have done a good job of preparing for it. A. will B. should C. would D. must 14. A successful man is one who had a chance and ______it. A. put B. gave C. took D. brought 15. When the heavy storm started, john and his family _____the area. A. had left B. leave C. have left D. will leave 16. Mary has got herself into a situation_____ she can turn to nobody for help. A. why B. where C. while D. which


2018年全国一卷试题答案解析 A篇: 21.A由题目中的book in advance可对应第一段最后reserve your spot before availability可推知答案。reserve→预订,出现在2016年全国三卷语法填空中。 22.D由题目可定位到文章第三段原文“entertain you with the most interesting stories”可知答案。 23.D由bicycle tour可定位到文章最后一段provide v.提供(八年级下册unit3)由文 章最后两句,可知答案。 B篇: 24.B由文章第一段but后可知,这是题目的答案“but she is cooking up storm in her latest role”但是她正在烹饪在她最新的角色中。latest最新的(七年级上册)late迟的,晚的→latest adj.最新的。 25.C.由题目定位到第二段“with the help of chef Matt Tebbutt offers top tips on how to reduce food waste.”厨师Matt Tebbutt帮忙提供好的建议关于怎样减少食物浪费。 C选项“Matt”在做饭问题上给susanna提供帮助。 26.由第四段可知,在这里由8部分组成的系列节目中susanna主持.save money:good food.这个节目是紧跟着ITV’s save money:good heal+n这个节目的,交代了Good Food这一部分产生的背景。 27.文章多次体现出文章的主旨:1.第一段最后:how to prepare delicious and nutritious meals on a tight budgetc预算,济源市高三二模完形填空发现。2.susanna 主持的节目Save Money。3.最后一段中的on a budget,less expensive。 干扰项C:让你自己成为一个完美的厨师,有些片面,文章主旨是在有限的预算下, 做出同样美味的食物。 C篇: 28.B:由hunter-gatherer times定位到文章第一段第三行“devdoped their own patterns of speech independent of each other代出他们自己的独立于别人的语言类型”及最后一句“they spoke perhaps 12000 languages between them”他们彼此之间讲 说的语大概12000种。


绝密★启用前 2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15. 答案是C。 1. What will James do tomorrow? A. Watch a TV program. B. Give a talk. C. Write a report. 2. What can we say about the woman? A. She’s generous. B. She’s curious. C. She’s helpful. 3. When does the train leave? A. At 6:30. B. At 8:30. C. At 10:30. 4. How does the woman go to work? A. By car. B. On foot. C. By bike. 5. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Classmates. B. Teacher and student. C. Doctor and patient. 英语试题第1页(共14页)


2012年全国普通高等学校运动训练、民族传统体育专业单独统一 招生考试英语真题 第一卷(三大题,共120分) I单项选择 1、I need someone to help out at the study center. OK,I ______ . A may Bmust Cwill D should 2、The fish taste good,I mean its _______ . AavailableBdelicious Cwarm Dcheap 3、Excuse me, __________ I cannot reach those boxes on the top shelf . AavailableBdelicious C warm Dcheap 4、Thisis thethird prizeshe_____ thisyear. A wins B won Cis winningDhas won 5、Could you drop some books off at the library for me? Ago ahead Bwith pleasure CIdo Dthank you 6、Some people prefer eating vegetable, while_______ prefer eating meat. Athe other Bthe others Cothers Danother 7、I will have Hudson ________ you to your room. Atake Btook Ctaken D to take 8、Have you ever been to the city ________ they talked about the other day?Awhen B what Cwhere Dthat 9、You are standing _______ ,Would you mindmoving aside? Aby the way Bon the way C in the wayDoff the way 10、I have notheard frommy brother for a long time,what do you think _______to him ? Ahappens Bhappened Chas happened Dhad happened 11、She ________ comes. I mean she did not ,does not,or will not come at any time . Anever Bsometimes Cseldom Doften 12、Isyour camera like Bill's or Ann's? No,but it's almost the same as________. A.theirs B.yours C.mine D. Hers 13、Peter found a note on the door, ______him to go to the teacher's office immediately. Atell Btold Ctelling Dto tell 14、Mr Smith ,can I use ________department'scar? Sure,if you can find _______key .it has been missing for three days. Athe。不填B不填;the Cthe;the DThe;a 15、Modern technology has _______great change in our life. Abrought up Bbrought out Cbrought back Dbrought about


2018 年全国普通高等学校运动训练、民族传统体育专业 单独统一招生考试 政治 一、下列各题,各有一个最符合题意的答案。请把所选答案的字母填在题后的括号内。<每小题2分,共50分) 1.现代经济学认为,消费品价格的决定在短期内受到多种因素的影响.但就长期而言,影响同种商品价格的最重要的因素是【】 A.市场供给与市场需求 B.消费者的收人与偏好 C.生产成本与企业利润 D.商品功能与使用价值 2.市场经济条件下,商品间的交换往往是以货币为媒介的,这个过程在理论上被称为【】 A.商品分配 B.商品流通 C.商品实现 D.商品周转 3.2010年中国房价大幅度瓤升.政府出台了多项措施进行调控,如“国十条”,“9.29新政”等。政府干预市场经济运行是因为【】 A.中国是社会主义国家 B.中国实行全民富裕政策 C.政府是国民经济的管理者 C.政府是国民经济的所有者 4.银行不仅是金融市场的重要组成部分.也与人们的日常生活密切相关.如居民购买商品房往往需要按揭<贷款),提供按揭的银行一般是【】 A.中央银行 B.商业银行 C.政策银行 D.投资银行 5.劳动价值论认为.商品价值的增佰过程只在下列某一环节中产生.这个环节是【】 A.生产环节 B.分配环节 C.交换环节 D.消费环节 6.现在国家对虚假广告的查处越来越严厉,这不仅是因为虚假广告误导了消费者.而目虚假广告还剥夺了消费者的【】 A.公平交易权 B.知情权 C.选择权 D.求偿权 7.2010年12月,财政部下发通知,明确将教育部等各部委所属的600 多家企业纳入上缴红利的范围,并将央企上缴红利的比例调高至15%。从财政收人的角度来看.上述两项措施 扩大财政中的【】 A.税收收人 B.债务收人 C.利润收人 D.其他收人 8.2010年我国汽车的产销量位于世界第一,年销售量达到1200万辆,并推动了相关产业的发展,如橡胶产品、机电产品等。汽车工业的大发展,说明我国在“用机器生产机器”方面有了长足的发展,这从一个侧面反映出我国进人了【】 A.工业化时代 B.信息化时代 C.发达国家行列 D.全面小康的时代 9.近几年来,中国对外经济依存度<进出121/GDP)逐年上升,如2010 年,石油的进口量占到了中国石油市场的50%以上。依存度的上升说明【】 A.中国外贸越来越依赖外资企业 B.中国经济发展越来越快 C.中国外汇储备越来越多 D.中国经济越来越开放 10.一般而言.企业在年底都会给员工或股东发放年终奖或者进行分红。从分配角度看,奖金和分红获得分别属于【】 A.劳动所得、资本所得 B.技术所得、资本所得 C.知识所得、技术所得 D.劳动所得、技术所得 11.“人们是自己的观念、思想等等的生产者。但这里说的人们是现实的、从事活动的人


SectionⅠUse of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered b lank and mark [A],[B], [C] or [D] on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Why do people read negative Internet comments and do other things t hat will obviously be painful? Because humans have an inherent need to 1 uncertainty, according to a recent study in Psychological Science. T he new research reveals that the need to know is strong that people wil l 2 to satisfy their curiosity even when it is clear the answer will 3 . In a series of experiments, behavioral scientists at the University of Ch icago and the Wisconsin school of Business tested students’ willingness t o 4 themselves to unpleasant stimuli in an effort to satisfy curiosity. Fo r one 5 , each participant was shown a pile of pens that the researcher claimed were from a previous experiment. The twist? Half of the pens w ould 6 an electric shock when clicked. Twenty-seven students were told with pens were electrified; another tw enty-seven were told only that some were electrified.7 left alone in th e room. The students who did not know which ones would shock them cli cked more pens and incurred more shocks than the students who knew t hat would 8 . Subsequent experiments reproduced this effect with other stimuli, 9 the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard and photographs of disgusting insects. The drive to10 is deeply rooted in humans, much the same as the basic drives for 11 or shelter, says Christopher Hsee of the University of Chicago. Curiosity is often considered a good instinct—it can 12 ne


2010年全国普通高等学校运动训练、民族传统体育专业单独统 一招生考试 英语 注意事项: 1.本试卷分为第一、第二两卷。第一卷三大题,满分120分:第二卷两大题,满分30分, 共150分。 2.答卷前将密封线内的项目填写清楚。 第一卷(共三大题,共120分) 1.单项选择(共20小题:每小题2分,满分40分)。 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1.In those days,everybody in the Village___to church every Sunday. A. went B.has gone C.go D.will go 2.Don’t forget to lock the door___. A.No,I’m not B.Yes,I have C.No,I won’t D.Yes,I’m sure 3.The next meeting will take place___Tuesday morming. A.at B.by C.in D.on 4.I ran into Ted yesterday .I___him since graduation. A.hadn’t seen B.don’t see C.won’t see D.didn’t see 5.Jane went away ___I could say goodbye to her. A.when B.before C.until D.that 6.You should have your car ___as soon as possible. A.to fix B.fixed C.fix D.fixing 7.You will be shown around the city, musenms,sports centres and some other places,___other visitors seldom go. A.where B.which C.that D.when 8.Is she going to send the book back? ___not.I think she will keep it. A.Naturally B.Really C.Probably D.Necessarily 9.The news spread quickly ___soon everybody knew what had happppend. A.for B.but C.or D.ard 10. ___the truth,we are not willing to cut down on workers in order to out costs. A.Tell B.telling C.To tell D.To have told 11.I kept telling you about it ,but you ___listen. A.couldn’t B.shounn’t C.needn’t D.wouldn’t 12.I was at the office all weekend ___care of importhant business. A.taken B.to take C.taking D.take 13.I thought the film was pretty good,but my brother di dn’t thi nk___. A.yes B.too C.really D.so


2018年全国普通高等学校运动训练、民族传统体育专业单独统一 招生考试语文 一、语文知识:本大题共10小题,每小题4分,共40分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1.下列各组词语中加点的字,读音全都相同的一项是() A. 假.话假.设假.公济私 B. 计划.划.船划.清界限 C. 凶恶.恶.心深恶.痛绝 D. 内蒙.蒙.骗蒙.头转向 2.下列各组词语中,书写完全正确的一项是() A. 等候坐上客鞠躬尽瘁 B. 奢华牛角尖轻重缓急 C. 少许历程碑居安思危 D. 稍息居留权礼上往来 3.依次填入下面一段文字横线处的词语,最恰当的一项是() “春困秋乏”,这些随季节的生理性季节变化,看起来是很正常的,,有些疾病的表现也是犯困,将生理和病理混淆,很可能贻误疾病的诊断和治疗。 A.表现然而即使 B.表现那么如果 C.出现但是如果 D.出现不过即使 4.下列各句中加点熟语的使用,不正确 ...的一项是() A.她边走边笑道:“你贵人多忘事 .....,哪里还记得我们这些小百姓呢。” B.果然是人靠衣裳马靠鞍 .......,她这么一打扮,简直跟换了个人似的。 C.这件事八字没一撇 .....呢,你先别着急啊,咱们有的是时间来应对。 D.他们俩不打不相识 .....,自此变成了仇人,互相争斗怨恨了一辈子。 5.下列各句中加点成语的使用,恰当的一项是() A.五月的黄山是最美的,风景如画,气候宜人,前来旅游的人不绝如缕 ....。 B.谈起黄梅戏,这个年仅九岁的孩子竟然说得头头是道 ....,让人惊叹不已。 C.对孩子进行爱国教育不仅是学校的工作,更是每个家长任劳任怨 ....的责任。 D.这次物理竞赛,以前成绩平平的小明竟然得了一等奖,真让人另眼相看 ....。 6.下列句子中,没有语病的一项是() A.不管天气极其炎热,环卫工人为了大家有个干净舒适的环境,仍然坚持工作。 B.参观了这次科技展以后,使我们了解到了我们国家科技发展取得的巨大成就。 C.我们要努力构建体育宣传新格局,为体育事业改革发展营造良好的舆论氛围, D.兴办孔子学院让世界不仅更加了解中国,而且激发了外国友人学汉语的热情。 7.在横线处填入下列句子或短语,顺序最恰当的一项是() 钟鼓楼是中国古代用来报时的公共性楼阁建筑,,但每到年节,依然能听到浑厚有力的钟鼓声,成为京城著名的一景。 ①北京钟鼓楼是全国重点文物保护单位 ②气势雄伟,巍峨壮观


2011 年全国普通高等学校运动训练、民族传统体育专业 单独统一招生考试英语 注意事项: 1.本试卷分为第一、第二两卷第一卷三大题,满分120分;第二卷两大题.满 分30分,共150 分。 2.答卷前将密封线内的项目填写清楚。 第一卷(三大题,共120分) I.单项选择(共20小题;每小题 2 分,满分40分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳答案。 1.—Could you carry this box of books for me? —__________but 1 have a pain in my back. A.That 's easy B.I 'd like to C.I'll help you D.No problem 2. Jennie is kind of person you_______ love or hate. A.both B.either C.all D.only 3. In the shop Ellen finally chose a tool that_______ be used to cut wood with. A.must B.should C.could D.need 4. The new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she_________ A.arrived B.will arrive C.is arriving D.arrives 5. ___________he left school at 16,he still managed to become a very successful business-man. A.Unless B.Even though C.As if D.until 6. Steve works very hard because he has a big family ________ A.to support B.supporting C.support D.sopported 7. Frank was very disappointed because he________the chance to win the game. A.will lose B.lose C.has lost D.had lost 8. My watch stopped, and I was late _________ school this morning. A.to B.for C.at D.in 9. She must have missed the train ,________she would be there by now. A.meanwhile B.otherwise C.sometimes D. therefore ,we all found it quite interesting. 10. _______The Emperor’s New Clothes


2018年全国普通高等学校运动训练、民族传统体育专业 单独统一招生考试 英语 题号ⅠIl III IV V 总分分数 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2.将答案涂写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 第一卷(三大题,共120分) Ⅰ.单项选择(共20小题:每小题2分,满分40分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1. Losing their way, they got out of the car and______________ the map . A. studying B. studied C. to study D. study 2. I'll try to get back in time, but I'm not_______________ any promises. A. saying B. telling C. making D. do 3. Presidents are no different from _____________ else; they are human beings. A. anybody B. somebody C. nobody D. everybody 4. Anna is very thoughtful. She always thinks about______________other people want. A. how B. when C. where D. what 5. I was so interested in digging that I did not notice things_____________ around me. A. to happen B. happening C. happened D. happen 6.--do we have to take off shoes before entering? --No, you___________. A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. shouldn't 7. Our aim is to allow student teachers to become familiar_____________ the courses . A. with B. to C. for D. of 8.---thanks for calling, Charles ---____________________. A. No thanks B. No problem C. I'd love to D. My pleasure 9. The fact that he's eating more is a_____________ that he's feeling better. A. mark B. sign C. proof D. notice 10. She lived in Rome for a couple of years,___________ she taught English . A. why B. Which C. where D. that 11. It is really bad luck, Susan had her car_______________ last week . A. stolen B. steal C. stealing D. to stolen 12.--- What do you think about the book . t part is a little dull . ---It’s OK, _______________ the firs A, and B. but C.so D. or 13. Whenever the team ____________, they feel sad for the rest of the week. A. loses B. lost C. will lost D. is losing 14. We only had a couple of hours to ____________ the signs before the exhibition opened A. break out B. watch for C. set up D. carry out 15. I missed the last flight, and ___________ I decided to stay at the airport .


2018 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语Ⅲ卷 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分) 第一节(共15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分30 分) A Welcome to Holker Hall & Garden Visitor Information How to Get to Holker By car: Follow brown signs on A590 from. J36, M6. Approximate travel times: Windermere--20 minutes, Kendal--25 minutes, Lancaster-- 45 minutes, Manchester-- l hour 30minutes By rail: the nearest station is Cark-in-Cartmel with trains to Carnforth. Lancaster and Preston for connections to major cities & airports. Opening times Sunday-Friday(closed on Saturday) 11:00 am-4;00pm, 30 March-2nd November. Admission Charges Hall & Gardens Gardens Adults: £12.00 £8.00 Gropes: £9.00 Special Events Producers Market 13th April Join us to taste a variety of fresh local food and drinks. Meet the producers and get some excellent recipe ideas. Holker Garden Festival 30th May The event celebrates its 22nd anniversary with a great show of the very best of gardening, making it one of the most popular events in the gardening. National Garden Day 28th August Holker once again opens its gardens in aid of the disadvantaged. For just a small donation you can take a tour with our garden guide. Winter Market 8th November This is an event for all the family! Wander among a variety of shops selling gifts while enjoying a live music show and nice street entertainment. 21. How long does it probably take a tourist to drive to Holker from Manchester? A. 20 minutes. B. 25 minutes. C.45 minutes. D. 90 minutes. 22. How much should a member of a tour group pay a visit to Hall & Gardens? A. £12.00. B. 9£.00. C. £8.00 D. £5.50 23. Which event will you go to if you want to see a live music show? A. Producers Market. B. Holker Garden Festival C. National Garden Day. D. Winter Market B Cities, usually have a good reason for being where they are, like a nearby port or river. People settle in these places because they are easy to get to and naturally suited to communications and trade. New York City, for example, is near a large harbour at the mouth of the Hudson River. Over 300 years its population grew gradually from 800 people to 8 million. But not all cities develop slowly over a long period of time. Boom towns grow from nothing almost overnight. In 1896, Dawson, Canada, was unmapped
