翻译句子扩大范围背诵版 (1)

翻译句子扩大范围背诵版 (1)
翻译句子扩大范围背诵版 (1)


1. 耳朵是用来听声音的器官,鼻子用来闻气味,舌头用来尝滋味。

The ear is the organ that is used for hearing. The nose is used for smelling. The tongue is used for tasting.

2. 要想着美好的事情,要沉浸在过去的快乐中,并满怀感激之情。

Dwell on the good. Be consumed by past joys and obsessed with gratitude.

3. 一般而言,富人的确要比穷人幸福,但尽管金钱可以增加幸福,这种效


It is true that the rich are happier, on average, than the poor. But while money boosts happiness, the effect doesn't last.

4. 关于能量,有这么一条基本的知识:相似频率的能量会互相吸引。

Here is a basic fact about energy. It is attracted to energy of a similar frequency.

5. 1999年,Imagine同时在130个国家演奏。

1990, Imagine was played simultaneously in 130 countries.

6. 虽然手势可以像其他民俗那样进行历史、地理、比较和结构方面的研究,


Gestures can be studied historically, geographically, comparatively and structuraly, like other kind of folklore, but very few such investigations have been made.

7. 《远大前程》是英国著名作家狄更斯所著。

Great Expectations was written by the famous English writer Dickens. 8. 任何人只要在因特网上搜索一下,都会知道2012世界末日预言与玛雅


Anyone who searches the Internet knows that the 2012 Doomsday is connected closely with the Mayan calendar.

9. 从前大家都怀疑是先有蛋,但是我们现在有了科学证据,证明是先有鸡。

It had long been suspected that the egg came first but now we have the scientific proof that shows that in fact the chicken came first.


1. 即使是最好的厨师,有时也会做出不好的菜来。

The best cook sometimes makes bad dishes.

2. 诺基亚公司推出了全新智能手机,以期重新占领智能手机市场,与苹果与安卓抗衡。

Nokia unveiled a new crop of smartphones that could put the company back in the smartphone race with rivals IPhone and Android.

3. 十年来,亚欧双方在相互尊重的基础上,开展了广泛多样的合作,政治对话不断深化。

Over the past decade, guided by the principle of mutual respect, Asia and Europe have carried out extensive and diversified cooperation and deepened political dialogue.

4.虽然人们可能在乘车(in transit)途中用餐,但他们却可以买到从寿司

(sushi) 到有机色拉(organic salads) 等越来越多的健康食品。

While the food may be eaten in transit, people are increasingly being offered healthy fare from sushi to organic salads.


The want of his family forced him to leave off school.



Many countries are now using English so much that they are starting to teach their own particular brand of the language with different forms of sentence construction, for example.


1. 与其他欧洲人相比,英国人基本属于腼腆、沉默的(resereved)人,很


The Englishmen/British, compared with other Europeans, are basically shy and reserved who doesn't easily have formal conversations with strangers.

2. 很多东西是钱买不来的,幸福就是其一。

Happiness is one of the things that money just can't buy.

3. 5月,在密西西比州(Mississipi),天气异常闷热(warm)。

The weather is usually warm in May in Mississippi.

4. 房间里有一扇窗户,透过它人们可以看到大海。

There is a window in the room through which people can see the sea. 5. 每天下午四五点钟喝上一杯茶,吃一点儿点心,相互之间再闲聊几句,


There is a scene to be witnessed everywhere in England at four or five p.m. when people enjoy a cup of tea, with snack and a bit of



1. 他是个有天分而且热爱生活的年轻艺术家。

He is a young artist who has talent and a love for life.

2. 研究生不仅要掌握专业知识,而且要提高社交能力。

Not only should graduate students master academic knowledge but they also should improve social skills.

3. 近年来中国经济发展迅速,尤其是旅游业。(tourism industry)

Recent years have seen/witnessed the rapid economic development in China, especially in the field of tourism industry.

4. 他的一生都致力于帮助那些经常被人忽视的人,也就是那些贫穷的人,


He was devoted to helping those who are often overlooked: the poor, the abandoned, the sick and the dying.

5. 我们开了一次会,劝大家到群众里面去。后来许多人去了,得到了很好


We held a forum and advised them to go among the masses. Later on, many did, and the results were very good.

6. 我还清楚地记得第一次来北京时的情景。

I still remember clearly the first time I came to Beijing.

7. 女生在学校收获更大,这是因为女生在关注未来,而男生在关注女生。

Girls achieve more at school because they are watching the future, while the boys are watching them.

8. 你答应了帮助他就应当去帮助他。

You should help him since you have promised to do so.

9. 中国人是勇敢的,中国共产党也是勇敢的,他们一定要解放全中国。

The Chinese people are brave, so is the Communist Party of China, and they are determined to liberate all China.


1. 强扭的瓜不甜。

You can take a horse to the water but you cannot make him drink.

2. 光勤劳是不够的,要看为什么勤劳。

It is not enough to be industrious. What are you industrious for?

3. 中国奉行透明的防御型国防政策,立足点是维护国家的安全和统一。

China pursues a transparent defense policy. The policy is defensive in nature and it is aimed at safeguarding China's national security and unity.


God helps those who help themselves.


It is hoped that the problem of traffic jam can be better solved in the future.


In listening tests, one should highly concentrate.

7. 热烈欢迎哈佛大学代表团来我校访问。

Delegates from Harvard are warmly welcomed to visit our university.

8. 据说这座古老的桥大约建于500年前。

It is said that the ancient bridge was built about 500 years ago.

9. 要解决问题,还需要进行系统而周密的调查和研究工作。

In order to solve the problem it is necessary to make a systematic and thorough investigation and study.


1. 和别的国家的情况一样,日本人在创业过程中,会把工作看得比孩子重要。

As in other countries, the Japanese have chosen careers over children, as they have grown richer.

2. 无论他们如何告诉我们,无论他们做什么,无论他们交给我们什么,我


No matter what they tell us, what they do and what they teach us, what we believe is true.

3. 每天下午三点到五点,他都要喝点红茶,休息一下。(black tea)

He drinks some black tea and takes a little rest from 3 to 5 each afternoon.

4. 有需要就要竞争,这是市场经济的特定逻辑。

One special law/logic of the market economy is that demand decides market.

5. 中国是一个拥有丰富的自然资源和众多人口的大国,这是众所周知的。

It is well known that China is a country with rich natural resources and big population.

6. 我们永远不要放弃。Never shall we give up.

7. 生活中,我们常常同时进行多项任务,试图适应多个不同的角色,一直


We spend so much of our lives multi-tasking and trying to fit into different roles that we forget who we truly are.


1. 他正忙着做饭。He is engaged in cooking now.

2. 春节过后,大家仍旧沉浸于节目气氛当中。

After the Chinese New Year, people are still immersed in the festive atmosphere.

3. 这部电影是由小说改编的。The movie was adapted from a novel.

4. 教室里禁止吸烟,手机必须关闭。

In the classroom, smoking is banned and cell phones must be switched off.

5. 爱美之心人皆有之,注重外表美也并没有犯什么条款,问题是凡事都要


Everyone loves beauty, and caring about one's physical beauty is not wrong. However, there is always a limit. Those who go beyond the limit will miss the real essence of beauty.

6. 20世纪上半叶的上海,曾经是中国工业、贸易、金融和商业中心,吸引


In the fist half of the 20th century, Shanghai was the industrial, trading, financial and commercial center of China. It attracted many foreign investors and once became an adventurer's paradise.


Human beings cannot live without food. Hence they need farmers.


There is an old path to reducing out impact on the planet. Live simply, meditate and consume less.


My daddy was my hero. He was always there for me when I needed him.



Once in the woods, there were both deer and wolves. To protect the deer, people killed the wolves, taking it for granted that the deer were then saved. However it turned out to be just the opposite.

11. 54岁的他一夜成名,他说:“如果这辈子想干点什么,不要只想着会有


At age 54, he became an overnight success. "If you have something you want to do in life, don't think about the problems,"he says. "think about the ways to get it done."

12. 我们愿意与亚欧伙伴及世界其他国家发展友好合作关系,携手并肩,


We will continue to develop friendly relations and cooperation with our Asian and European partners and other countries in the world and work with them to build a world of harmony, durable peace and common prosperity.


初中英语句子翻译练习 翻译1 1.下次你应该早点儿来这儿。 2.你最好不要单独去游泳。 3.让我们开始讨论这个难题吧。 4.这箱子太重,这小孩搬不动。 5.每天我父亲去上班需要一个半小时。6.瞧!树下有一位老人正在观看孩子们玩游戏。 7.我感到这个问题很难回答。 8.虽然他们个子不太高,人也不太强壮,但他们是一支很好的队伍。 9.你的英语学习情况怎样? 10.当我们到达火车站时,火车已开走了。11.这位老人已当了30多年英语老师了。12.她脸色显得很焦急,因为她妈妈已病了些时候了。 13.中华人民共和国成立于1949年10月1日。 14.如果你不理解这篇课文,可以请教老师。15.这两种语言有什么差异? 16.为了将来更好地为人民服务,我们学习非常刻苦。 17.据说城里又建造了一所医院。 18.据说今天下午开班会,但你最好去证实一下。 19.她宁愿和我们一道去也不愿呆在家里。20.星期天我宁愿看书也不愿玩。21.这颗新星是一位中国科学家发现的。22.他给我们提供了一条有用的信息。23.请立刻给我带两瓶牛奶来吧。24.你们最好不要在大街上踢足球。25.他已被派到西藏(Tibet)工作去了吗? 26.教育上已取得了很大的成绩。27.不要嘲笑那些遇到麻烦的人。28.我把窗户关上你不介意吧? 29.做完作业后,他又接着给父母写了一封信。 30.他用了三周时间看完了这本书。31.不要躺在床上看电视,这对你的眼睛有害。 32.从那以后我不再是个学生了。33.我朋友因唱歌而出了名。 . 34.你吃得越多,长得越胖。 35.他告诉了我,我才知道这件事。36.你能告诉我从上海到北京乘火车需要多长时间吗? 37.从北京到上海的单程票价是多少? 38.我不仅会说英语,而且会说法语39.他给我们讲了那么多有趣的故事,我们都哈哈大笑 40.那城市的变化使他们感到惊奇。41.他们对你们的工作评价很高。42.如今,人们彼此间仍旧做着相同的事。


目标:1. 汉语转化成地道的英文 2. 讲英语词汇、句型激活 3. 头脑风暴 一 1.全市公立博物馆对学生免费开放。(open) 2.干嘛不在周末去博物馆看看?(why not +不定式) 3.友谊是有来有往的事儿,它是建筑在相互帮助的基础上的。(it, base) 4.简(Jane) 长得漂亮,有人请她拍时装广告。我认为学生不应过早参与商业活动。(feature, involve)(宾语从句) 5.我班同学每逢节假日都到周边社区去当志愿者/义工。(make it a rule) 6.学校艺术节即将来临,戏剧社的同学都忙于排演英语短剧。(be busy doing) 7.开学前夕,书店结账台前排起了长队,有时长得让你火冒三丈。(drive sb. mad)(so that 引导的状语从句) 8.大家都认为世上没有一种适合所有学生的教学方法。(it, agree/accept) 9.学习英语的最好方法之一是同母语使用者交谈。(approach) 10.在阅读时不要见到生词就查词典,往往生词词义在语境中可以猜出来。(come across) 11.学习方法因人而异。适合你的不一定对我有用。(vary)(what从句) 12.现在的高分并不意味着将来的成就。(not necessarily, mean/suggest)

13.如果把难词难句同可视事物联系在一起,记住它们就容易多了。(associate) 14.尽管他是个孩子,但他把这道难题解了出来。(让步状语从句) 15.并不是所有聪明的学生将来都会成功。在成长的过程中,还有别的因素在起作用。(factor, at work)(部分否定) 16.汤姆难得去老师那儿寻求解题方法;他说“自习”可以使自己受益更多。(seldom倒装) 17.对于学英语的人来讲,英式英语和美式英语同等重要,所以你都应接触。(be exposed to) 18.用电子词典或者传统词典都差不多。(difference) 19.汤姆不大重视实践。所以他同外国人交谈会紧张。(account for)(宾语从句) 20.汤姆口试不及格。这并非因为考试难,而是因为他信心不足。(not…but)

IELTS 写作句型整理Task1

IELTS 寫作句型整理:Task One Question Type: Line Graphs, Pie charts, Tables, Diagrams, Map I. introductory paragraph (I) 開頭第一句話可用的句型有… 1. A glance at the graph provided reveals/illustrates/compares… 例:(1) A glance at the graph provided reveals some striking similarities between the Chinese and US birth rates during the period from 1920 to 2000. (2) A glance at the two pie charts provided reveals the relative popularity of various leisure activities among European adults in 1985 and 1995. (3) A glance at the table provided reveals a number of striking differences between the major metro systems of the world in terms of age, scale and annual carrying capacity. 2. Given are/is …concerning/illustrating/comparing…. 例:(1) Given are two figures concerning criminality in Britain. (2) Given are two figures providing a comparison of internet use in five European countries (namely …) in 1995, 2000 and 2004, as well as the popularity of internet shopping in these countries. (3) Given are two column graphs comparing the rates of secondary and tertiary education among males and females in various different parts of the world. (II) 第二句:It is evident from the information supplied that… 例:It is evident from the information supplied that both nations saw considerable fluctuations in fertility, with lows during the 1940s and highs during the 1950s. II. Body paragraph Question Type 1: Flow chart I. introductory paragraph (I) Given is a diagram illustrating the process by which…. It is evident from the information provided that there are # main phrases involved. 例:Given is a diagram illustrating the process by which mobile phones are recycled. It is evident from the information provided that there are three main phrases involved.


英语句子翻译大全 导读:本文是关于英语句子翻译大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 01、I never stopped loving you,I just stopped showing it。 我对你的爱从来没有停止,只是我不再让别人知道而已。 02、Standing in a corner of the world,watching the sunrise and sunset。 站在世界某一个角落,看着日出日落。 03、Waiting is painful。Forgetting is painful。But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering。 等待是一种痛,忘掉也是一种痛,但不知道该怎么办,是一种更折磨人的痛。 04、That formerly how to pick,time flies straight forward。 那段从前怎么去捡,光阴似箭一直向前。 05、Are you turn a walk,do not see my sad。Am I too wayward,regardless of your feelings。 是你转头就走,没看见我的难过。是我太任性,不顾你的感受。 06、Start everyday with a new hope,leave bad memories behind & have faith for a better tomorrow。 用新的希望开启每一天,释放掉不好的回忆,相信明天会更

好。 07、Who’s who of the hook,and who is who of redemption。 谁是谁的劫,谁又是谁的救赎。 08、They say after losing only treasure,in fact,after losing most painful treasure。 她们都说失去以后才懂得珍惜,其实珍惜后的失去最痛。 09、Love warms more than a thousand fires。 爱情的炽热胜过千万团的火。 10、It is good if you begin crying,that is the sign of cure。 能够哭就好,哭是开始痊愈的象征! 11、Life is too short for us to wake up in the morning with regrets。 人生苦短,所以每天不要带着遗憾醒来。 12、Because of loving you so much that I stood aside。Although myfigure left you away,my heart didn’t。Today I have made up my mind to say “I love you。” 正是因为爱才悄悄的躲开,躲开的是身影,躲不开的是默默的情怀;今天我终于鼓起勇气,向你表达我的爱。 13、As long as people do not lose their direction,they will not lose themselves。 人只要不失去方向,就不会失去自己。


初中英语句子翻译大 全

老板要我查出明天飞机起飞的时间。 The boss wants me to find out the plane took off time tomorrow. 首先,我们需要买些食物。 First, we need to buy some food. 所有人都确切的说是。 Everyone be exact. 这件事永远改变了我的生活。 It changed my life forever. 例如,机器人可以为人类作为危险的工作。 For example, the robot can work as a dangerous for humans.

从现在开始你就是我的搭档了。From now on you are my partner. 那个聪明的小孩会从1数到100. The clever child can count from 1 to 100. 人与自然和平相处时必须的。 Man and nature live in peace when necessary. 厨师们正在为晚餐做准备。 The chefs are preparing for dinner. 你能告诉我什么地方下车吗? Can you tell me where to get off? 快点,坐上那辆公交车。 Come on, sit on the bus. 那个电话没有接通。

The phone is switched on. 我们要多花时间和家人聚在一起。We should spend more time together with my family. 你能告诉我如何到达那家旅馆?Can you tell me how to get to the hotel? 每天早晨,许多人清早起床锻炼身体。 Every morning, many people get up early in the morning exercise. 明天记得把我的笔记本归还给我。Remember to return my laptop tomorrow to me. 当你帮助别人的时候,你一定会很快乐。


翻译并背诵句子: Unit 1 Where were you yesterday? 1.Where were you/they yesterday morning ? 2.Where was he/she yesterday? 3.I was at the museum. 4.You are kidding! 5.What color was his hair? 6.It was white. 7.Was he handsome? Yes, he was. 8.Was he very old? No, he wasn't. 9.Who was the other famous actor? 10.I can't remember. 11.There's a poster about the new movie. 12.She was at the gym on Monday afternoon. 词组: famous actor six months later new movie

Unit 2 How was your trip? 1.How was your trip to Chengdu? 2.It was wonderful. 3.What was your highlight there? 4.It's beautiful. 5.Where did you go? 6.I went to Hong Kong. 7.There are a lot of skyscrapers. 8.People there are very friendly. 9.Did you take any photos? 10.Of course I did. 11.May I have a look? 12.What did you do? 13.I looked for the treasure. 14.I went shopping. 15.What do you think of Xi'an? 词组: a lot of = lots of take photos of course have a look look for go shopping


IELTS套句式写作大全 第一部分:TASK1图表写作套句精选 1.the table shows the changes in the number of...over the period from...to... 该表格描述了在...年之...年间...数量的变化。 2.the bar chart illustrates that... 该柱状图展示了... 3.the graph provides some interesting data regarding... 该图为我们提供了有关...有趣数据。 4.the diagram shows (that)... 该图向我们展示了... 5.the pie graph depicts (that).... 该圆形图揭示了... 6.this is a cure graph which describes the trend of... 这个曲线图描述了...的趋势。 7.the figures/statistics show (that)... 数据(字)表明... 8.the tree diagram reveals how... 该树型图向我们揭示了如何... 9.the data/statistics show (that)... 该数据(字)可以这样理解... 10.the data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that... 这些数据资料令我们得出结论... 11.as is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the diagram/graph/chart/table... 如图所示... 12.according to the chart/figures... 根据这些表(数字)... 13.as is shown in the table... 如表格所示... 14.as can be seen from the diagram,great changes have taken place in... 从图中可以看出,...发生了巨大变化。 15.from the table/chart/diagram/figure,we can see clearly that...or it is clear/apparent from the chart that... 从图表我们可以很清楚(明显)看到... 16.this is a graph which illustrates... 这个图表向我们展示了... 17.this table shows the changing proportion of a & b from...to... 该表格描述了...年到...年间a与b的比例关系。 18.the graph,presented in a pie chart, shows the general trend in... 该图以圆形图形式描述了...总的趋势。 19.this is a column chart showing... 这是个柱型图,描述了... 20.as can be seen from the graph,the two curves show the flutuation of... 如图所示,两条曲线描述了...的波动情况。 21.over the period from...to...the...remained level. 在...至...期间,...基本不变。 22.in the year between...and... 在...年到...期间... 23.in the 3 years spanning from 1995 through 1998... 1995年至1998三年里... 24.from then on/from this time onwards... 从那时起... 25.the number of...remained steady/stable from (month/year) to (month/year). ...月(年)至...月(年)...的数量基本不变。 26.the number sharply went up to... 数字急剧上升至...


唯美的英语句子带翻译 Girlfriends is the darkest time of dawn to accompany you and other people 闺蜜就是最黑暗的时候陪你一起等天亮的人 “Can comfort themselves, easier to be happy.” 能安慰自己的人,比较容易快乐。 “Actually, I did care about.” 其实,我也曾在乎过。 “If time is a memory eraser, I hope I never used it.”

如果时光是记忆的橡皮擦,我希望自己从来没有使用过它。 “See you like to see on the market under the city’s small fast greens, a lot of cents.” 看见你就好像看见市场上快下市的小青菜,毛钱一大把。 From the moment the pupa cocoon is a layer of skin torn pain Toru Toru pulmonary heart a lot of butterflies are in the moment of breakthrough pain was dead. 从蛹破茧而出的瞬间,是撕掉一层皮的痛苦彻心彻肺很多蝴蝶都是在破茧而出的那一刻被痛得死掉了。 Collapse envious eyes of others to work on their own

收起羡慕别人的目光自己去努力 Has always been shallow edge of nowhere Wife? 向来缘浅,奈何情深?唯美的英语句子带翻译 “Heartbreakers retain, but is unwilling performance.” 撕心裂肺的挽留,不过是心有不甘的表现。 “Happiness is a long pull on his hand, even if the lost sense of direction, but it still will not be afraid.” 幸福就是只要牵对了手,就算失去了方向感,但仍然不会害怕。


初中英语句子翻译大全 老板要我查出明天飞机起飞的时间。 The boss wants me to find out the plane took off time tomorrow. 首先,我们需要买些食物。 First, we need to buy some food. 所有人都确切的说是。 Everyone be exact. 这件事永远改变了我的生活。 It changed my life forever. 例如,机器人可以为人类作为危险的 工作。 For example, the robot can work as a dangerous for humans. 从现在开始你就是我的搭档了。 From now on you are my partner. 那个聪明的小孩会从1数到100. The clever child can count from 1 to 100. 人与自然和平相处时必须的。 Man and nature live in peace when necessary. 厨师们正在为晚餐做准备。 The chefs are preparing for dinner. 你能告诉我什么地方下车吗? Can you tell me where to get off? 快点,坐上那辆公交车。 Come on, sit on the bus. 那个电话没有接通。 The phone is switched on. 我们要多花时间和家人聚在一起。 We should spend more time together with my family.

你能告诉我如何到达那家旅馆, Can you tell me how to get to the hotel? 每天早晨,许多人清早起床锻炼身 体。 Every morning, many people get up early in the morning exercise. 明天记得把我的笔记本归还给我。 Remember to return my laptop tomorrow to me. 当你帮助别人的时候,你一定会很快 乐。 When you help others, you will be very happy. 为什么不放弃吸烟呢, Why don't you give up smoking? 继续,告诉我们那个有趣的故事。 Go on, tell us the interesting story. 这辆车会经过火车站吗, The car after the train station? 你多久和朋友远足一次, A: how often do you and friends hiking? 散步是自我的放松的一种好习惯。 Walking is to relax themselves a good habit. 我们可以继续那个谈话吗, We can continue the conversation? 突然间所有的灯都熄灭了。 Suddenly all the lights went out. 房子的价格总是在升高。 The price of the house is always on the rise. 那辆汽车在路上出毛病了。 That is something wrong with the car on the road. 当我长大了,我相当宇航员。


中考翻译句子 翻译句子是近几年中考英语中的一个重要考查项目,它要求考生有较精准的语言素养,考查考生在词义理解、词汇拼写、词性选择和运用以及固定搭配、句子的结构、句子的时态等方面的能力。对于翻译的给分,每一项都有很细致的评判标准。翻译作为英语输出能力考查项目,对于基础不扎实、词汇量匮乏、语法能力薄弱的学生来说一直是一个失分点。 总结概括近几年的翻译句子题目,有以下几个考查点: 1. 动词短语的应用是翻译句子考查的重点,包括正确使用动词时态、语态以及主谓一致等,这些也是我们平时英语学习中的重点。 2. 词汇的拼写、词性的正确应用以及固定搭配是翻译句子考查的重点。 3. 句子类型的合理选择。正确理解并应用宾语从句、条件状语从句、时间状语从句、定语从句等,包括不同从句引导词的选择、从句时态的确定等。 4. 正确组织句子结构也是该题型考查的重点,要求学生掌握好句子的基本结构,正确组织句型。 近几年中考英语翻译句子更注重基础考查,从单词、短语的正确应用和搭配,到基本时态、语态的选择,在难度上降低了很多,所以学生在复习过程中要扎实基础,重视积累,切忌“眼高手低”。 1. 熟练掌握常用单词和短语的用法。在中考英语复习过程中,要注重英语单词、短语的积累与应用,包括正确掌握词性、词形和词的正确搭配。 2. 注意各种句型结构,正确总结、积累各种不同复合句的结构特点及应用,在平时的学习中多读、多写、多背诵各种形式的句子。 3. 正确掌握语法知识,在学习中准确记住各种时态的句子结构、标志词,熟练掌握主动语态和被动语态的转换,注意多练习、多总结。 4. 平时要加强翻译句子这类题型的训练,夯实基础、及时巩固、注重总结。 一、按照符合英语表达习惯的原则进行变通 由于英汉两种语言表达方式的不同,在进行翻译时,不能拘泥于词语的字面意思、生搬硬套或只求英汉句型上的对等,这就要求学生掌握英语语言的特点,找准句子的主语、谓语、宾语、状语等,切忌按照所给汉语进行逐词翻译。 例如:我们的城市在这几年里发生了很大变化。 正确的翻译是:“Great changes have taken place in our city over these years. ” 对于这个句子,很多学生会这样翻译:“Our city has taken place great changes ov er these years. ”这就是汉语式英语,单纯按照汉语意思逐词翻译,不能准确找出句子的主语,不清楚take place这个短语的用法。 二、重点单词、短语及句型的积累与应用 例1我们都盼望着去参观迪士尼乐园。(look forward to) 【答案】We are looking forward to visiting Disneyland.



雅思图表作文TASK1精讲精练 A理论部分: 雅思小作文概论 1、文章结构:主要分三部分:i。introductory sentence;ii。body paragraph;iii。Concluding sentence 具体讲:第一段introductory sentence只要写一句话,交待图形(如the line graph, pie chart等等),描述对象(如图表描述的是the number of tourists visiting England),地点(如the US, the UK等)以及时间(如between 1988 and 1997等等);另外要注意的就是第一段不能和图表上方已给的句子太过相似!否则,会失分的! 第二部分一般写1~3段,这要视情况而定。这部分主要就是对比不同的数据,如相似或相同的数据;某个数据是另一个数据的2倍;某个数据所占比例最大或最小等等。 最后一段concluding sentence也只要写一句话,

主要是总结图表的整个趋势。 2。文章的效果。很多学生会发现小作文的例文特别简单(特别是剑桥书里提供的)。原因很简单,这个report的目的就是要让university lecturer了解某个事物的发展趋势,因此写出来的文章必须结构清晰、易懂,绝对不能太复杂,也不要把每个数据都描写出来,只要描写有代表性的,重要的数据即可。 以下为雅思小作文的四个基本步骤 第一步:改写题目 经过同义词转换在短短的1分钟内就写好作文的第一段。 举例:The graph below shows the percentage of people unable to find work in three major countries from 1983 to 1992. 题目中划线的单词都能够进行同义转换: graph—figure, show—illustrate, percentage—proportion, major—key, from…to…—between…and…, 第二步:分析时态


第三章英语句子的翻译 名词性从句 ?what, how, whether, that, where, when, 引导的名词性从句,用来做主语,宾语,表语,介词宾语或者同位语 ?What引导 eg: 【what was once regarded as impossible】has now become a reality. 过去认为不可能的事现在已经成为现实。 ?how引导 eg: I don?t know 【how to do 】.我不知道该如何做。 ?whether引导 eg: it isn?t much 【whether he works】;the question is 【whether he works at all 】. 他干多少并不重要,问题是他到底有没有干。 ?when引导 eg: 【when we will begin to work】has not been decided yet. 什么时候开始工作还没决定呢。 ?that引导 eg: 【that you have done such a stupid thing】was incredible. 你竟然做这么傻的事情,(这)真叫人难以置信。 同位语从句 1. As an obedient son, I had accepted my father?s decision that I was to be a doctor, though the prospect interested me not at all.作为一个孝顺的儿子,我接受了父亲的决定,当一名医生,虽然我对这样的前途毫无兴趣。(不提前) 2. Y et, from the beginning, the fact that I was alive was ignored.然而,从一开始,我仍然活着这个事实却偏偏被忽视了。(提前) 3. But considered realistically, we had to face the fact that our prospects were less than good. 但是现实地考虑一下,我们不得不正视这样的事实:我们的前景并不妙。(冒号) 4. And there was the possibility that a small electrical spark might accidentally bypass the most carefully planned circuit.而且有这种可能性——一个小小的电火花,可能会意外地绕过了最为精心设计的线路。(破折号) 翻译同位语从句有三种方法,即提前,保持不变和增加“即”(或“以为”),或用冒号、破折号分开。 定语从句 1. This is the cat. 这就是那只猫。 2. This is the cat that killed the rat. 这就是那只捕杀了老鼠的猫。 3. This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the cake. * 这就是那只捕杀了偷吃了蛋糕的老鼠的猫。 4. This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the cake that was put in the house. * 这就是那只捕杀了偷吃了放在房间里的蛋糕的老鼠的猫。 5. This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the cake that was put in the house that Jack built. * 这就是那只捕杀了偷吃了放在杰克修建的房间里的蛋糕的老鼠的猫。 Apparently,it's impossible for a translator to put all the information into one Chinese sentence in the same sequence as in English. Therefore,a readable Chinese version of the above English sentences 3,4,5 should be like these:


一、根据所给中文,完成相应的英语句子,每空限填一词: 1.多喝水,这对你的健康有好处。Drink more water. It _______ _______ _______ your health. 2.昨天直到雨停了孩子们才离开学校。 The children _______ leave school _______ the rain stopped yesterday. 3.非常感谢邀请我参加你的聚会。_______ ______ _______ _______ asking me to your party. 4.钥匙是金属做的,用来锁门。 he key _______ _______ ______ metal and _______ ______ ______ door. 5.你们想拿回你们的电视机,是吗?You want to ________ your TV set ________, _______ you? 6.天太冷了,不能去游泳。 It's too cold _________ ________ ________. 7.我和她年龄一样大。 I'm _______ _______ ________ ________ her. 8.丽丽叫我不要忘记告诉她母亲这条好消息。 Lily asked me _______ _______ _______ ______ tell her mother the good news. 9.昨天当我到达电影院时,电影已经开始半小时了。 When I ______ ______ the cinema yesterday, the film _______ _______ ______ for half an hour. 10.晚饭后为什么不去散步呢?_______ _______ _______ out for a walk after supper? 【答案解析】 1. is good for 2. did n’t ...until 3. Thanks a lot for。 4. is made of; used for locking。 5. get...back,don’t you 6. to go swimming 7. the same age as 8. not to forget to. 9. got to, had been on。 10. Why not go 二、根据所给中文,完成相应的英语句子,每空所填词数不限: 1.躺在床上看书对你的眼睛有害。Reading in bed _____eyes. 2.中华人民共和国成立于1949 年。The PRC _______in 1949. 3.我今天为你买了一件新衬衫。为什么不试一下? I bought a new shirt for you today. _______? 4.我认为他明天不会来参加会议的。I _______think that he _______ come to the meeting tomorrow. 5.你能告诉我现在几点了吗?Could you tell me ____ ___? 6.你最好在他改变主意之前把机票费帮他付了。 You'd better _______ the air ticket for him before he _______. 7.我生于 1987 年 6 月 15 日。I ___ ____June 15, 1987. 8.我们学校里仅有六个女教师。There are only six ____ ___ in our school. 9.奥运会每四年举行一次。 The Olympic Games are held_______. 10.等他来,我再离开。 I _______leave _______he comes back. 11.我希望你同我们一起去。I hope _______ _______ with us. 12.假如明天不下雨,我会去购物。I will _______ _______ if it _______ rain tomorrow. 13.她很美,她妈妈年轻时也很美。She is beautiful and ______ ______ her mother when she was young. 14.长沙的天气和北京的不同。The weather of Changsha _______ _______ _______ ______ of Beijing. 15.我们班的学生人数是 50。 The ________ of the students in our class _______ 50. 1. is bad for your eyes。 2. was founded。 3. Why don't you try it on / Why not try it on 4. don't think, will。 5. what time it is / what the time is。 6. pay for, changes his mind 7. was born on。 8. women teachers。 9. every four years。10. won't, until。11. you'll go 。 。 12.go shopping , doesn't 13. so was 14. is different from 15. number is 三 . 中考英语翻译填空题专练 1.我父亲叫我努力学习。 My parents told me _______ _______ _______. 2.我发现学好英语很容易。 I find ______ ______ ______ study English well. 3.他希望我能同他们一道去。 He _______ me ______ ______ with them. 4.我很忙,我有许多衣服要洗。I'm very busy. I have a lot of _______ ______ ______. 5.不知道为什么那么早就出发。I don't know ______ ______ ______ so early. 6.为什么不把窗户关上? Why ______ _______ the window? 7.他要我在外面等了一个小时。He ______ me ______ outside for an hour. 8.老师说他有一个重要的会议要参加。The teacher said that he ______ an important meeting ______ ______. 9.要及时完成这工作很难。_____ _____ very difficult ______ ______ the work in time. 10.他老了,不能做工作了。 He is not ______ _______ ______ do any work. 1.to, study, hard 2. it, easy, to 3. wishes, to, go 4. clothes, to, wash 5. why, we'll, start 6.not, close [shut] 7. made [had], wait 8. had, to, attend 9.It, is, to, finish 10. young, enough, to 四.根据中文意思完成句子,每空限填一词。 1.这个八岁的男孩酷爱弹钢琴,以致于他坚持练琴叁年了。 The eight-year-old girl likes playing the piano ______much ______he has kept ______ for three years. 2.我母亲经常在星期日打扫卫生,洗衣服。My mother usually ______ some cleaning and ______ on Sundays. 3.在今晚的聚会上我们肯定会玩得痛快。We're ______ to have ______ at the party this evening. 4.由于天气不好,校运会不得不推迟。
