


I could never forget my first composition lesson at middle school. It was full of excitement. My Chinese teacher walked into the classroom one morning,and instead of taking out some books,she only held an egg in her right hand With a big smile on her face,she looked into our surprised eyes and walked up to her desk. She put down the egg,and it rolled on the desk. She looked at us with teasing eyes and asked,“What are we going to do with this,class?Guess!”looked at the egg,and scratched my head. “What are we doing with a funny egg?Eat it?Not me,I don’t like to eat eggs. ” I told myself.“Helen,what do you think we are going to do?” The teacher asked me.“Er…,I suppose you will give the egg to a classmate to eat.”“ No,I’m going to challenge you to stand the egg up on its tip. Now,who wants the first try?”To stand the egg up on its tip?How? A big boy had the first try. He carefully picked the egg up and stood it up on the desk. But as soon as he took his fingers off the egg,it fell down and tumbled around. He tried some more times,but each time the egg came rolling down. He went back to his seat,looking rather distressed.

“Never mind,who wants another try?” The teacher asked. “I will.” said Joe, a boy who was often full of tricks. As he went up to the teacher’s desk,he took out a tube of paper glue from his pocket,and started to stick the egg to the desk. Several classmates giggled,but we watched with interest. Unfortunately,the paper glue was not useful,and the egg rolled like a tumbler as if it was laughing,and it couldn’t help tumbling back and forth. We burst into laughter. The boy made a face at the egg,and had to give up.

“I say,why don’t girls have a try?It seems quite interest-ing. ”

“OK,I’ll have a try. ” Oh,it was my-friend,Elizabeth, a very clever girl.

She examined the egg from “head ”to “foot”,and smelled it. Suddenly,she seized the tiny pointing end of the egg and PRESSED it against the desk. With a crisp little sound,the egg husk of the tiny end cracked a little,but the egg—stood right up!We all opened our mouths with astonishment,unbelieving our ?eyes. What a sight it was—an egg,standing up firmly on its tip!We began to clap our hands loudly.

“Congratulations to you!What a nice job you have done!Would you tell us how you stood the egg up?”The teacher was mightily pleased. “Yes,yes,tell us please!” We all demanded.

“Oh,that’s easy,I found the egg was boiled,so when I pressed it against the desk,it didn’t break and let the egg white and y olk flow out. In fact,the egg did crack a little,but that didn’t matter,after all,it stood. ”

“Thank you!That was a fine explanation!Now attention,everyone. Would you like to write down this experience as today’s composition?” So we did,and wrote excellent papers.

What an interesting lesson it was!


关于幽默的英文笑话阅读 冷笑话是一种新兴的语言现象,也是一种出现在我们身边的不可忽视的新的语言现象。冷笑话不同于一般笑话,它以其独特的制笑机制,能瞬间创造出一种特殊的氛围。我精心收集了关于幽默的英文笑话,供大家欣赏学习! 关于幽默的英文笑话:Blonde Date A blonde and a guy were out on a date and they ended up at ''Lovers' Cove'' where they were making out. The guy thought that things were going pretty good and maybe he would get lucky tonight, so he thought that he would ask her if she wanted to go in the back seat. ''NO!'' yelled the blonde. The guy just figured that she wasn't ready yet. Things got pretty hot and the guy thought he would try again ''NO!'' the blonde yelled again.

Things got even hotter and the blond was down to her bra and the guy even had her pants unzipped. ''Do you wanna go in the back seat yet?'' asked the guy. ''For the last time, NO!'' said the blonde. Frustrated, the guy asked, ''Well, why the hell not?'' The blonde looked at him and said, ''Because I wanna stay up here with you.'' 关于幽默的英文笑话:Hussein And Bush Saddam Hussein and George W. Bush meet up in Baghdad for the first round of talks in a new peace process. When George sits down, he notices three buttons on the side of Saddam's chair. They begin talking. After about five minutes Saddam presses the First button. A boxing glove springs out of a box on the desk and punches Bush in the face. Confused, Bush carries on talking as Saddam laughs. A few minutes later the second button is pressed. This time a big boot comes out and kicks Bush in the shin. Again Saddam laughs, and again


有趣的英语课 有趣的英语课 本报小记者张晨潭东镇中心小学 今天,我们赣州晚报小记者上了一堂有趣的 英语课。 到达目的地时,本以为我是最快的,谁知, 那里已经来了三分之一的小记者。我以最快的速 度找到位置坐好,并拿出了笔和本子。 不一会儿,老师开讲了,我原本紧张的心情 被老师轻松的自我介绍驱散了,老师还跟我们做 了互动小游戏。老师给我们讲解完一个英文字母,就开始问我们问题,回答三次问题有奖品。一听 有奖品,所有的小记者都大声读英文,这声音真 是震耳欲聋!老师左右为难,最终选中了我。我 回答了五次问题,获得了奖品——英语本。 一节课不知不觉上完了。真是有趣的一堂课呀,让英语也变得如此生动! 一堂好玩的课 本报小记者刘沛成文清实验学校 从我开始学习英语起,我就觉得这门学科十

分枯燥、无味,但自从上了赣州晚报小记者团组 织的一堂英语课,我才真正知道了学英语的趣味。 5月15日下午,我闷闷地到赣南日报社9楼上课,老师说这堂课叫趣味英语课,我们要像读拼 音一样读出单词。当时我想:还没见过上英语课 不枯燥的呢!我坐在座位上无所谓地听课,不时 东张西望。一开始,老师先"耍"我们,教我们跳 英语数字舞。我想:不出我所料,英语就是枯燥的,连做"游戏"都这么幼稚。 老师让我们举手回答问题,我保持沉默。谁 想老师竟然点没举手的人,正好就点到了我。虽 然我知道如何读"cat",却拼不出来,急得我像热 锅上的蚂蚁,我知道临时抱佛脚是无用功,老师 似乎看懂了我的心思,让我坐下,点其他人替我 答题。之后我开始认真听课了,发现老师说话很 有趣,一句英语,一句中文,中英文合用,还穿 插着做各种游戏,逗得我哈哈大笑。答题的时候 最有意思,同学们都积极举手,像升起一片小树林,老师竟然还叫家长答题,有些家长也会说错呢!有些家长为了不被老师点到答题,还"藏"了 起来。最后老师又让我们跳了一遍英语数字舞, 这一次我觉得很有意思。

英语作文:生活需要幽默 Life Needs Humor

英语作文:生活需要幽默Life Needs Humor When we are chatting with our friends happily, suddenly if we are talking about the awkward topic, we need to do something to change this situation, what are we gonna do? The answer is using your humor to make things seem easy, and then your friends won t take your awkward topic seriously. Humor is very important, it can adjust the atmosphere, making things work easily. Life needs humor, without humor, life would be boring. Foreign people like to make friends with humorous people, they can feel relax when they are chatting, while most Chinese people are always taking things too seriously. I like to make friends with humorous guys, they make me feel life is easy, and we should positive about life. 当我们和朋友聊得很开心的时候,突然如果我们聊到很尴尬的话题,需要做一些事情来改变情形,我们该怎么做呢?答案是使用你的幽默来让事情看起来轻松些,然后你的朋友就不会把你尴尬的话题当真。幽默很重要,它可以调整氛围,让事情更好地运行。生活需要幽默,没有幽默,生活就会很无聊。外国人喜欢和幽默的人交朋友,他们聊天的时候可以感到很轻松自在,然而大部分中国人总是把事情看得很正式。我喜欢和幽默的人交朋友,他们让我觉得自由,对生活要积极。


搞笑的英文句子 1、Thewisenevermarry,Andwhentheymarrytheybecomeotherwise. 聪明人都是未婚的,结婚的人很难再聪明起来。 2、Whentwo'scompany,three'stheresult! 两个人的状态是不稳定的,三个人才是! 3、Successisarelativeterm.Itbringssomanyrelatives. 成功是一个相关名词,他会给你带来很多不相关的亲戚(联系)。 4、 Themoreyoulearn,themoreyouknow,Themoreyouknow,themoreyouforget.Themoreyouforget,thelessyouknow.Sowhybothertolearn. 学的越多,知道的越多,知道的越多,忘记的越多,忘记的越多,知道的越少,为什么学来着? 5、Savewater.Showerwithyourgirlfriend. 要节约用水,尽量和女友一起洗澡。 6、Thereshouldbeabetterwaytostartadaythanwakingupeverymorning. 应该有更好的方式开始新一天,而不是千篇一律的在每个上午都醒来。 7、Godmaderelatives;ThankGodwecanchooseourfriends. 神决定了谁是你的亲戚,幸运的是在选择朋友方面他给了你留了余地。 8、Adressislikeabarbedfence.Itprotectsthepremiseswithoutrestrictingtheview. 服饰就象铁丝网,它阻止你贸然行动但并不妨碍你尽情的观看。 9、“Hardworkneverkilledanybody.”Butwhytaketherisk?“ ”努力工作不会导致死亡!“不过我不会用自己去证明。 10、Everymanshouldmarry.Afterall,happinessisnottheonlythinginlife. 再快乐的单身汉迟早也会结婚,幸福不是永久的嘛。


让人答不上来的搞笑英文问题(五) 1.If electricity comes from electrons, does morality comes from morons? 2.Why is the word hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia so long if it stands for fear of long words? 3.Can we spell creativity however we want? 4.Why is Greenland called Greenland, when it's white and covered with ice? 5.Why isn't the number 11 pronounced onety-one? 6.Can vegetarians eat animal crackers? 7.If people from Poland are called Poles, are people from Holland called Holes? 8.Why does the word 'monosyllabic' have five syllables? 9.If someone told you he was a chronic liar, would you believe him? 10.How come I cannot find Chicken Soup for the Chicken's Soul? 11.How is 'Charlie' short for 'Charles' if they are both the same number of letters? 12.How Far East can you go before you start heading West? 13.Who copyrighted the copyright symbol? 14.If all the nations in the world are in debt, where did all the money go? 15.Should we be doing things right or doing the right things? 16.What's another word for thesaurus? 17.Why is the abbreviation so long? 18.Where do they get the seeds to plant seedless watermelons? 19.Isn't it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do "practice"? 20.If the blackbox never gets damaged during an air crash, why cannot they make the entire airplane from that material? 21.If you saw a heat wave, would you wave back? 22.Who stopped the payment on my reality check? 23.What's your favorite team? 24.Who is your favorite sports player? 25.Which player would you like to go out for a drink with and why? 26.Is American football better or soccer? 27.What was your favorite moment this season?


一堂有趣的英语课_800字 电梯的门打开了,一条明亮的通道出现在我的面前,我按照指导姐姐的话,向最大的教室走去,心里特别的紧张,要知道,这可是作为小记者的我第一次参加活动啊!想着想着,已经走到了教室。教室里闹哄哄的,一片热闹,幸好来得早,不然就没座位了。(好险)只见几个大哥哥大姐姐在讲台上忙来忙去,大汗淋漓。来得比较晚的同学只好坐在外面。 一切安静下来后,一位大哥哥拿着麦克风,大步迈上讲台,用一口纯正的普通话跟我们打了个招呼,我们友好地应了一声,大哥哥说,他的名字是Tommy,是我们这节课的翻译老师,待会儿会有两位来自外国的外教,全班哄然一片。Tommy做了个停止的手势,我们立刻安静下来,Tommy先和我们讲语法,又和我们做游戏,一阵欢喜的气氛罩着整个教室。 过了一会儿,一个高大的外国人从门外走进来,Tommy 热情地走上去,叽哩呱啦地就是一阵对话,看这个外国人,头发是褐色的,一翘一翘的,怪的是,他的眼睛不是蓝色的,而是和他的头发一样,也是褐色的,笑容总挂在他的面上。他向我们挥了挥手,大声的说:“Hello!”我们笑了,也大声地回答他:“Hello! How are you?”“I’m fine,Thanks!”。

接着,他开始自我介绍,一口纯正的英语绕在我们耳边,我们根本听不明白他说什么,辛好有Tommy翻译,我们知道了他叫Augelus,Augelus用英语给我们说了很多笑话,可是我们都是目瞪口呆,一句也听不懂,当Tommy翻译出来后,我们笑得死去活来。Augelus又教了我们很多绕口令,绕得我们的舌头快卷起来了,Tommy叫了几个同学绕,那几个同学绕得快得我们都听不到,有一个干脆一直地“SheSheShe……”快笑死我了。 正上得入神时,有些同学尖叫起来,我顺着他们指的方向一看,我也尖叫起来:一位神秘的黑人站在黑板旁,微笑着看着我们。Tommy一看,笑了,和我们介绍,原来他是我们的另一位外教,叫Joe。Joe又笑了,露出了洁白的牙齿,Augelus看见Joe,走了过来,两个外国人呱啦呱啦地谈了一阵子,一起给我们上课,他俩在一起,成了两人无敌笑口组,打遍天下无敌手。我们笑得肚子也“爆”了 时间偷偷地溜了,不知不觉已过了两小时,该下课了。临走前,他们还送给我们一首语法词:明星叔,呆东府,接连观感。我们都依依不舍。这节课真有趣!

关于幽默的英语作文 Life Needs Humor

关于幽默的英语作文 Life Needs Humor When we are chatting with our friends happily, suddenly if we are talking about the awkward topic, we need to do something to change this situation, what are we gonna do? The answer is using your humor to make things seem easy, and then your friends won’t take your awkward topic seriously. Humor is very important, it can adjust the atmosphere, making things work easily. Life needs humor, without humor, life would be boring. Foreign people like to make friends with humorous people, they can feel relax when they are chatting, while most Chinese people are always taking things too seriously. I like to make friends with humorous guys, they make me feel life is easy, and we should positive about life. 当我们和朋友聊得很开心的时候,突然如果我们聊到很尴尬的话题,需要做一些事情来改变情形,我们该怎么做呢?答案是使用你的幽默来让事情看起来轻松些,然后你的朋友就不会把你尴尬的话题当真。幽默很重要,它能够调整氛围,让事情更好地运行。生活需要幽默,没有幽默,生活就会很无聊。外国人喜欢和幽默的人交朋友,他们聊天的时候能够感到很轻松自在,不过绝大部分中国人总是把事情看得很正式。我喜欢和幽默的人交朋友,他们让我觉得自由,对生活要积极。


一节有趣的作文课600字 上课铃响了,郭老师严肃的走进教室,像往常一样起立行礼完毕后,便用最快的速度把王浩杰同学推出了教室。丈二和尚摸不着头脑的王浩杰也只好乖乖地站在外面。 顿时,教室里议论纷纷:“不知王浩杰那小子又犯什么错误了,真可怜”。“他平时那么爱说话,肯定是说话了才被老师罚站的。”教室里你一言我一语,七嘴八舌地议论着、猜测着。 郭老师微笑着示意我们停下来,问:“刚才出去的同学叫什么名字你们知道吗?”“王浩杰——”大家齐声回答。“今天你们见过他吗?”老 师又问。“见过见过,他坐在第一排,当然见过。”调皮的回答声从角落里传来。喊得最响的是王浩杰的同桌斯昱超。 嘿,王浩杰不是犯了什么大错误,老师用他的事来教育我们吧,听那语气又不像,那是怎么回事呢?我心里猜测着。 这时,老师又发话了:“大家都确定见过他?那好,老师要做一个

实验,证明一下,你们几个人是长着嘣嘣直跳的心的。”听了老师的话,我和大家一样,用手捂着胸,很自信地感觉到,我是有心的,因为这颗心在“蹦蹦蹦”跳。 “谁记得王浩杰今天穿的衣服是什么颜色?”老师严肃的问。 大家你看看我,我看看你,一番窃窃私语后慢慢地举起了几只手。 老师让举手的蓓蓓回答,蓓蓓说:“是蓝色的教练服。” 又有几个人轻声说“是黑色的。” 老师接着指名让同桌斯昱超站起来,斯昱超如同身负千斤重担,满脸通红,吃力地站起来了,看着他的样子,我就猜到了,他肯定说不上来。全班哄堂大笑。 老师笑眯眯地推开门把王浩杰请了进来,这时全班同学又是一阵哗然。因为王浩杰今天穿的既不是蓝色衣服,也不是黑色的衣服,王浩杰今天穿的是橘黄色的运动服。 王浩杰走回座位,大家兴奋不已,纷纷谈论自己的感受。老师示意大家安静下来,抑扬顿挫地说:“哈哈,我说你们几个人有心啊?我


Writing Good Morning, class. T oday is very special for I’m going to have a lesson in front of so many teachers. Feeling nervous, I skipped breakfast this morning. Have you eaten breakfast yet? Y es. Good boy. Y our mum will be glad to hear that. Though most of you have formed the habit of having top meal of the day, I am definitely sure that some of you may not have breakfast or skip breakfast for this or that reason just like me. Compared with breakfast eaters, the persons who don’t have breakfast regularly are called breakfast skippers. Y esterday you wrote a short composition based on this topic. Now let’s look at it again. 最近的一项调查表明,浙江大约30%的中学生没有吃早餐的习惯。请你说明此现象发生的原因,并就此发表个人看法,提出相关建议。词数:120左右 According to the description, how many parts should this passage be made up of? Three. The first part is phenomenon description. In the second part we should list some possible reasons leading to this phenomenon. And the last part should contain our personal opinions and suggestions. (板书:phenomenon; reasons; comments) Now let’s focus on the first part. I think one sentence is enough to describe the phenomenon. Now take out your written work. First I’d like you to share your writing with your groupmates and choose the best sentence of your group and then show it to the whole class. (展示几位学生的第一段现象描写的句子) Which sentence do you think is the best? Their sentences are concise and to the point, which reflect the principles of writing. Concise means write with no unnecessary words. (板书:Be concise; To the point ) While writing we should keep them in mind.


少儿英语:45种有趣的课堂游戏 1.过山车(get on the train) 游戏说明:学生们手拉手围成圈边走边说要操练的句子或单词,老师和一个圈里 的学生手撑手扣住哪个学生,学生需说出所操练的句子或词。 2.下命令(up and down) 游戏说明:五六个人拿新单词卡上前站成一圈,老师下第一个命令,如apple 手 拿此卡片的学生马上边下蹲边说apple down apple down apple down banana down..那么手拿banana卡片的孩子马上下蹲并说自己的指令然后再 给别人下指令。 3.争分夺秒(urgent task) 游戏说明:每组成员共同完成传词任务,一个传一个,用时少的小组获胜加分。 (也可传问题和句子) 4.无敌转转转(turn turn) 游戏说明:两名同学到前面背靠背站好,手中各持一张单词卡。在老师下口令后 快速旋转,最先说出对方卡片单词的同学获胜。 5.点手掌(catch the finger) 游戏说明:说单词时让孩子点老师的手掌,老师来抓。 6..魔力手指(magic finger) 游戏说明:先规定好每根手指说的遍数,然后用书挡住让同学猜是哪一个。 7.五体投地(body) 游戏说明:把单词卡片放在地上,然后用身体的各个部位去接触,孩子特别喜欢。 8.抢椅子(get the chair) 游戏说明:老师在教室前面摆三个椅子,然后叨四个小朋友到前面来,然后老师 和学生一起读这个单词或句子,当老师停下来的时候学生就要去抢椅子,没抢到 椅子的学生就要被罚读一个单词,然后回去。 9.相反劢作(opposite actions) 游戏说明:(适吅单词的整体操练)老师上下前后左右拍手说单词,学生要和老 师的劢作相反,如相同则给那组减分。 10.谁最快(who is the best?) 游戏说明:(适吅单词的总体操练),老师说one two go 老师手中卡片如果是 平放的,学生们就坐着说单词,如果卡片是立起来放的学生就立刻站起来说,谁 最快就给他奖励。 11.照镜子(Look in the mirror) 游戏说明:老师一边说单词一边做劢作,学生跟老师学和老师方向相同。 12.听名字(whose name?) 游戏说明:老师和学生一起拍手说单词或句子,当老师突然喊学生名字时,被喊 到名字的学生马上起立说出该单词,老师在喊名字时同时手指另外一个孩子,如 果被指到的孩子起立就会被扣分。 13.看手势(gesture) 游戏说明:老师和学生一起拍手说单词或句子,当老师突然喊学生名字时,同时 手指另外一个孩子,被指到的孩子起立说出该单词,,如果被喊到名字的孩子起 立就会被扣分。 14.照镜子look at the mirror 游戏说明:学生不老师做同样的劢作并操练单词或句型。


形容幽默的好处英语作文50词 Humor is a kind of art, is indispensable to a rate of comedy. Because of its existence, and make the world is full of joy. Humor is a kind of talent, is a kind of power, or the face of our common human living dilemma and created a civilization. It is expressed in the form of pleasure of sincere, generous and kind heart. It is like closing the miles of space that intervene between a man and a pressure bridge, make up the gap between people, is hard and hope to establish a good relationship with others of the indispensable thing, is also a hope every necessary to reduce his life return on crutch. When as a natural person live in society, you can consciously or unconsciously must be a social person, that is not willing to or not depends on you. Assimilate social or assimilation by the society. Is, the power of humor does not make you gain or lose weight, not to help you pay the bill, not temple also help you work, but it can help you solve the problem of interpersonal relationship, to coordinate the relationship between


大学英语作文3600字:幽默的人是最好 的朋友 本文从网络收集而来,上传到平台为了帮到更多的人,如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载本文档(有偿下载),另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意! ”humorists”--the friendliest i always insist that humorous people are the easiest to get along with. however, many other individuals, even if they are a mused by witty humorists at times, do not agree with me upon the fact that a humorous person can become a trusty refuse to accept “the humorous” possibly because they are deluded by three main misunderstandings. the first one is the erroneous association with adjectives such as “glib” and “superficial,” which might attribute to the misunderstanding of the terminology “humor” itself. as we all know, in the modern english language, “humor” is no longer a general term for liquids in the body, but if we were asked what humor is, we would probably say that it's merely something that makes people laugh. i am sorry to mention that the statement above has badly decried the worth of the too-muchprofaned is not only something that pleases

关于幽默的英语作文 Life Needs Humor

——文章来源网,仅供分享学习参考 1 关于幽默的英语作文 Life Needs Humor 生活需要幽默 Life Needs Humor When we are chatting with our friends happily, suddenly if we are talking about the awkward topic, we need to do something to change this situation, what are we gonna do?The answer is using your humor to make things seem easy, and then your friends won ’t take your awkward topic seriously. Humor is very important, it can adjust the atmosphere, making things work easily. Life needs humor, without humor, life would be boring.Foreign people like to make friends with humorous people, they can feel relax when they are chatting, while most Chinese people are always taking things too seriously.I like to make friends with humorous guys, they make me feel life is easy, and we should positive about life. 当我们和朋友聊得很开心的时候,突然如果我们聊到很尴尬的话题,需要做一些事情来改变情形,我们该怎么做呢?答案是使用你的幽默来让事情看起来轻松些,然 后你的朋友就不会把你尴尬的话题当真。幽默很重要,它可以调整氛围,让事情更好地运行。生活需要幽默,没有幽默,生活就会很无聊。外国人喜欢和幽默的人交 朋友,他们聊天的时候可以感到很轻松自在,然而大部分中国人总是把事情看得很正式。我喜欢和幽默的人交朋友,他们让我觉得自由,对生活要积极。


When we are chatting with our friends happily, suddenly if we are talking about the awkward topic, we need to do something to change this situation, what are we gonna do? The answer is using your humor to make things seem easy, and then your friends won’t take your awkward topic seriously. Humor is very important, it can adjust the atmosphere, making things work easily. Life needs humor, without humor, life would be boring. Foreign people like to make friends with humorous people, they can feel relax when they are chatting, while most Chinese people are always taking things too seriously. I like to make friends with humorous guys, they make me feel life is easy, and we should positive about life. 当我们和朋友聊得很开心的时候,突然如果我们聊到很尴尬的话题,需要做一些事情来改变情形,我们该怎么做呢?答案是使用你的幽默来让事情看起来轻松些,然后你的朋友就不会把你尴尬的话题当真。幽默很重要,它可以调整氛围,让事情更好地运行。生活需要幽默,没有幽默,生活就会很无聊。外国人喜欢和幽默的人交朋友,他们聊天的时候可以感到很轻松自在,然而大部分中国人总是把事情看得很正式。我喜欢和幽默的人交朋友,他们让我觉得自由,对生活要积极。


小3班家长开放日活动《一堂有趣的英文课》 小3班学生家长 陈竹安

一堂有趣的英文课 一、活动目标 1、教给小朋友认识英文字母A、B、C, 2、认识含有ABC的单词Apple、Banana和Car,以及三个颜色的单词Red、Yellow和Green, 3、分辨交通灯的颜色Red和Green,教给小朋友要遵守交通规则。 二、活动准备 彩色大卡、各种颜色的小卡片、雨伞、玩具方向盘、交通指示牌(红、绿色)和教学用PPT. 三、活动过程 (一)自我介绍 和小朋友说“Hello”,同时让小朋友回应“Hello”。(2分钟) (二)认识颜色(10分钟) 1、把字母单词颜色和交通常识贯穿到课堂中。 借助PPT上的图片: 教师:AAA, A is for Apple, Apple is Red BBB, B is for Banana, Banana is Yellow CCC, C is for Car, Car is Green 让小朋友跟读。 2、穿插游戏,复习对颜色的认识。 a:让小朋友在教室里找something is red,找到的小

朋友,带领全班小朋友一起大声念:”It’s red”以此类推。 b:做出“Red、Yellow和Green”的色彩卡,拿出不同的卡片后,让小朋友大声念出来“It’s ......”,也可以让小朋友举手告诉老师这是什么颜色,然后带领全班小朋友一起大声念出来。 c:在雨伞的每个角上绑上不同颜色的卡片,分组转动雨伞,让小朋友们抢到转动着的雨伞上的卡片,拿到卡片的小朋友要告诉老师这是什么颜色,然后带领全班小朋友一起大声念出来。 (三)认识交通灯。(10分钟) 1:通过PPT,认识红绿灯,复习上节颜色的单词,教会小朋友基本的交通常识,遵守交通规则,红灯停,绿灯行(Green for stop and red for go)。 2:穿插游戏小小司机。 让小朋友都坐在座位上,分发幼儿园教具“小方向盘”,用自制的“交通牌”一面绿色代表绿灯,看到绿灯大家欢快的在座位上开着小车,“红灯”一亮,把方向盘放到小桌上,立即停止开车。 3:教小朋友唱儿歌: Red light stop,green light go,结束教学。


观察内容的选择,我本着先静后动,由近及远的原则, 有目的、有计划的先安排与幼儿生活接近的,能理解的观察内容。随机观察也是不可少的,是相当有趣的,如蜻蜓、蚯蚓、毛毛虫等,孩子一边观察,一边提问,兴趣很浓。我提供的观察对象,注意形象逼真,色彩鲜明,大小适中,引导幼儿多角度多层面地进行观察,保证每个幼儿看得到,看得清。看得清才能说得正确。在观察过程中指导。我注意帮助幼儿学习正确的观察方法,即按顺序观察和抓住事物的不同特征重点观察,观察与说话相结合,在观察中积累词汇,理解词汇,如一次我抓住时机,引导幼儿观察雷雨,雷雨前天空急剧变化,乌云密布,我问幼儿乌云是什么样子的,有的孩子说:乌云像大海的波浪。有的孩子说“乌云跑得飞快。”我加以肯定说“这是乌云滚滚。”当幼儿看到闪电时,我告诉他“这叫电光闪闪。”接着幼儿听到雷声惊叫起来,我抓住时机说:“这就是雷声隆隆。”一会儿下起了大雨,我问:“雨下得怎样?” 幼儿说大极了,我就舀一盆水往下一倒,作比较观察, 让幼儿掌握“倾盆大雨”这个词。雨后,我又带幼儿观察晴朗的天空,朗诵自编的一首儿歌:“蓝天高,白云飘,鸟儿飞,树儿摇,太阳公公咪咪笑。”这样抓住特征见景生情,幼儿不仅印象深刻,对雷雨前后气象变化的词语学得快,记得牢,而且会应用。我还在观察的基础上,引导

幼儿联想,让他们与以往学的词语、生活经验联系起来,在发展想象力中发展语言。如啄木鸟的嘴是长长的,尖尖的,硬硬的,像医生用的手术刀一样,给大树开刀治病。通过联想,幼儿能够生动形象地描述观察对象。一堂有趣的英语课_800 字 电梯的门打开了,一条明亮的通道出现在我的面前,我按照指导姐姐的话,向最大的教室走去,心里特别的紧张,要知道,这可是作为小记者的我第一次参加活动啊!想着想着,已经走到了教室。教室里闹哄哄的,一片热闹,幸好来得早,不然就没座位了。(好险)只见几个大哥哥大姐姐在讲台上忙来忙去,大汗淋漓。来得比较晚的同学只好坐在外面。一切安静下来后,一位大哥哥拿着麦克风,大步迈上讲台,用一口纯正的普通话跟我们打了个招呼,我们友好地应了一声,大哥哥说,他的名字是Tomm,y 是我们这节课的翻译老师,待会儿会有两位来自外国的外教,全班哄然一片。Tomm做了个停止的手势,我们立刻安静下来,Tomm^先和我们讲语法,又和我们做游戏,一阵欢喜的气氛罩着整个教室。 过了一会儿,一个高大的外国人从门外走进来,Tomm热情地走上去,叽哩呱啦地就是一阵对话,看这个外国人,头发是褐色的,一翘一翘的,怪的是,他的眼睛不是蓝色的,而是和他的头发一样,也是褐色的,笑容总挂在他的面上。他向我们挥了挥手,大声的说:“ Hello! ”我们笑了,也大声地回答他:“ Hello! How are you? ” “I 'm fine ,Thanks! ”。接着,他开始自我介绍,一口纯正的英语绕在我们耳边,

2019年幽默的好处英语作文【附翻译】-范文word版 (3页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 幽默的好处英语作文【附翻译】 导语:你生的伟大,活的憋屈。我。下面是小编为大家整理的,英语范文。希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网! 幽默英语作文【篇一】 In our life, and a man of your own respect. The person I admire most is my father, he is not very handsome, dark hair, dark eyes, high nose bridge, a hole a hole on the face, as if the moon's surface. Hey hey! Therefore, my mother often laugh at dad: "you see, you looks like." Father and then back to a sentence: "you grow the most beautiful." So a mother also didn't recognize irony, who all don't angry, I am the spectator? Pick up a little bit of fun. Father is very humorous, he often use humor discourse to roll with the punches, hush, don't let a person not only angry, but let a person feel very interesting, and even laugh. On one occasion, I write my homework at home, mother got home, found the cover on the cloth cover on the side of the television, said: "your eye is bad, why am I still watch TV?" I said: "I didn't see!" But mom said, "why did it make the cloth cover off," I injustice of say: "really didn't see." See things will deteriorate, step by step, at this moment, my humorous dad came back, a look I pursed mouth, will know that I how, see his brainwave, took a few boats, in front of my mouth pursed her to her, I asked: "dad, what are you doing?" The father said, "you watch your mouth become warped, can hang a few boats." At this time, my mother and I all laughed, in our smiling at the same time, the father and mother explained; "Windy today, the Windows open, the wind blows, the cloth cover will fall down." Mother nodded and letting. How, my dad is humorous and very clear?
