Translation --Unit 3

Translation --Unit 3
Translation --Unit 3


Unit 3



[1] a good dinner

[2] a good chess player

[3] speak good English

[4] a good listener

[5] Yet, as it sometimes happens that a person departs this life, who is really deserving of all the praises the stone-cutter carves over his bones; who is a good Christian, a good parent, child, wife or husband. ( W.M.Thackery, Vanity Fair)

[6] He allowed the father to be overruled by the judge, and declared his own son guilty.

[7] Therefore we generally suffer less depression than Westerners, as the degree of the suffering varies directly with that of our desire and ambition.

[8] All the irregularities of the students in that university resulted in punishment.

[9] There had been too much violence in that region.

[10] The British Welfare State was planned during the Second World War by the economist, William Beveridge. The Labour government of 1945-1950 passed laws giving the country almost everything for which Beveridge asked.

[11] If a rainy morning deprived the girls of other enjoyment, they were still resolute in meeting in defiance of wet and dirt, and shut themselves up to read novels together.

[12] We are making you, subject to your acceptance reaching us by August 15, Beijing time, the following offer.

[13] We will establish the required L/C upon receipt of your confirmation.

[14] The certificate given by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau is to be considered as final in dealing with any quality discrepancy and/or short weight in case of a claim.

[15] 打架斗殴成了这伙人的家常便饭。

[16] 她感到五脏六腑像被什么扯着似的阵阵作痛。

[17] 前台经理必须保持冷静,能够处理面对的紧急情况。

[18] 或许我的精、气、神都不足吧,我喜欢写短的东西。


[1] A market analyst is a person with specialist knowledge of a specific market who often predicts what will happen and tries to explain what has happened.


[2] 枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马。

夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。——(马致远《天净沙·秋思》)译文1:Dry wine, old tree, crows at dusk,

Low bridge, stream running, cottages,

Ancient road, west wind, lean nag,

The sun westering

And one with breaking heart at the sky’s edge.(Schlepp译)

译文2:Crows hovering over rugged trees wreathed with rotten wine ——the day is about done. Yonder is a tiny bridge over a sparkling stream, and on the far bank, a pretty little village. But the traveler has to go on down this ancient road. The west wind moaning, his bony horse groaning, trudging towards the sinking sun, farther and farther away from home.(翁显良译)

[3] If the market is thought to be poor and prices on the Stock Exchange are thought to be likely to fall, the market is called a bear market.

[4] The employees were so angry that they asked to see the manager.

[5] If winter comes, can spring be far behind?

[6] The air seemed almost sticky from the scent of busting buds.

[7] Chilly gusts with a taste of rain in them had wellnigh dispeopled the streets.














[1] Business took me to town.

[2] The thought of returning filled him with fear.

[3] His kindness often brought him many friends.

[4] A careful inspection will show you the leak in the roof.

[5] The camera gave us a lasting picture.

[6] The remembrance of these will add zest to his life.

[7] His absence of mind during the driving nearly caused an accident.

[8] A few steps across the lawn brought me to a large splendid hotel.

[9] It appears that you are right.

[10] It occurred to me the other day that I might not have come to love life as I do if I hadn’t been blind.

[11]Feedback is obtained by measuring consumer satisfaction, looking at competitive trends, evaluating the relationship with government agencies, monitoring the economy and potential resource shortages.

[12]Because of the trend toward impulse buying, greater emphasis must be placed on promotional programs to get more people into a store.

[13] Everything possible was done to conceal our movements from the enemy and to mislead them.

[14] You are wanted on the phone.

[15] Swift progress has also been made in culture and education. (被动语态)







[1] It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. (Pride and Prejudice)

[2] I am very happy to have received your message of greetings.

[3] He had a disconcerting habit of expressing contradictory ideas in rapid succession.

[4] It is surely not wrong to live in the present rather than in the past or future.

[5] The two sides found it beneficial to have this opportunity to present to one another their views on a variety of issues.

[6] He had to stay at home because he was ill.

[7] There are many wonderful stories to tell about the places I visited and the people I met.

[8] Petra had become the leader of the girls as soon as she snapped out of her original depression at coming to Prague.




翻译练习: [1] The government is doing its best to ease the tension in that region.

[2] The large mammalian brain is the most complicated thing, for its size, known to us.




[8] It didn’t occur to me that y ou would object.

[9] His new book hits off the American temperament with amazing insight.

[10] The Second World War brought him rapid battle promotion.

[11] It is through struggle that we learnt this truth.

[12] He became deaf after an attack of illness at 5.

[13] I had to postpone the visit which I had intended to pay to China in January.


unit3 Could you please tell me where the restroom are ? sectionA 2d 何伟:这就是欢乐时代公园——我们这座城市最大的游乐园。 爱丽丝:就要玩各种游乐项目了,我好兴奋呀! 何伟:我们先玩那样呢?有太空世界、水世界、动物世界…. 爱丽丝:在我们决定前,麻烦你先告诉我哪儿有洗手间吗? 何伟:什么?休息室?你想要休息了?我们可还没有开始玩呢! 爱丽丝:不是的,我不是指休息的地方。我是说…..你知道,一间洗手间或卫生间。 何伟:嗯….那么你是指….卫生间吗? 爱丽丝:对啦!不好意思,也许中国人说英语不常用restroom 这个词。 何伟:就是的,我们常说toilets 或washroom 。不过,厕所在哪里。 爱丽丝:知道了,我一会儿就好! 何伟:没问题,你不必赶的。 Section A 3a 欢乐时代公园————总是欢乐时光 [ 爱丽丝和何伟在太空世界] 爱丽丝:我不知道我们接下来该去哪里。 何伟:去玩玩那边那个新项目怎样?

爱丽丝:啊…..看上去挺吓人的。 何伟:勇敢些!我保证会很好玩!如果害怕就喊出来或抓住我的手。 【乘坐后…..】 爱丽丝:你是对的,这真好玩!我起先有些害怕,但喊叫真管用。何伟:瞧:这并不糟糕,对吧?你需要去尝试,否则永远不会知道你能行。 爱丽丝:是这样的,我真高兴自己尝试了这个项目。 何伟:现在你想去水世界吗? 爱丽丝:当然,但我饿了。你知道哪里有又好吃又快的地方? 何伟:当然知道!我建议去水世界的水城餐馆他们做得很好吃。 爱丽丝:太好了,我们去吧! 何伟:[在去水城餐馆的路上,爱丽丝与何伟路过鲍勃叔叔的餐厅] 爱丽丝:你瞧!这间餐厅看上去很有意思。牌子上写着有个摇滚乐队每晚在演奏。 何伟:我们为何不回头过来在这吃晚饭?咱们去问一下乐队演出几点开始。 【爱丽丝和何伟向门口的员工走去】 爱丽丝:劳驾,请问你们乐队今天晚上何时开始演奏? 何伟:八点。那时人总是很多,所以得来早一点才有桌子。 爱丽丝:好的,谢谢! Section B 2b 请问,你可以…..吗?


UNIT 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? Language Goals: Ask for information politely; Follow directions SectionA 1a Where can you do the things below? Match each thing with a place in the picture. Many different answers are possible. Excuse me, could .you tell me where I can(1) ? Yes. There’s a (2 ) on(3) . Excuse me, do you know where I can (4) ?Sure. There’s a(5) on(6 ). get some money 取到一些钱 get some information about the town 获取关于这座城镇的一些 信息 get some magazines 得到/买到一些 杂志 buy a newspaper 买一份报纸have dinner 吃晚餐 buy some stamps 买一些邮票 get a dictionary 得到一本 字典 get a pair of shoes 买一双鞋 1b Listen and complete the conversations in the picture in 1a. 1c Make conversations using the information in 1a. Then talk about your own city. A: Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the bookstore? B: Sure, just go along Main Street until you pass Center Street. The bookstore is on your right, next to the bank. A:


UNIT3 追梦 ——亚历克斯·哈利1)很多年轻人告诉我,他们想当作家。我总是鼓励这些人,但我也会解释,“当作家”和写作是有区别的。在多数情况下,这些人是在梦想名利,而不是在打字机前独自度过漫长的时间。我对他们说,“你得渴望写作,而不是渴望当作家。” 2)孤独、冷清、低薪,这就是写作的现实写照。幸运之神会眷顾一些作家,但数以千计的人心中的渴望永远无法满足。就算是成功者,大多也曾长期无人问津、穷困潦倒,包括我。 3)我离开工作了20年的美国海岸警备队成为一名自由作家时,前途一片渺茫。唯一拥有的是一个儿时的朋友乔治,他跟我在田纳西州的亨宁一起长大。乔治在格林尼治村公寓看门,他在那里帮我找了间腾出来的储藏室。那儿很冷,又没有卫生间,可是我不在乎。我马上买了一部二手的打

字机,感觉就像一个真正的作家了。 4)然而,过了一年左右还没有时来运转,我开始怀疑自己。作品很难卖出去,我只能勉强维持生计,但我知道,我渴望写作,多少年来我一直梦想着写作。我不要像有些人一样,临死时还想,“假如……”我要坚持不懈地试验着我的梦,哪怕衣食无着,害怕失败,也决不放弃。这是希望的阴影地带,每个有梦的人都必须学会在那里安居。 5) 我接到一个电话,我的一生从此改变。不是经纪人或编辑打来要和我签一份大额合同。刚好相反,这个电话像海妖的歌声,诱使我放弃梦想。打电话的是海岸警备队的一个老熟人,警备队现在设在旧金山。他借过一些钱给我,不时提起这件事。“我什么时候才能拿回那15块钱啊,亚历克斯?”他揶揄道。 6)“等我下次卖了稿子吧。” 7)他说,“我有个更好的主意。我们这里要新招一个公共信息助理,年薪六千。想


第三章市场营销 学习目标: 1、了解市场营销的定义 2、了解市场营销的组合策略 3、掌握市场细分和市场定位的方法 课文一 市场营销概述 大约十年以前,如果你问IBM的高层管理人员他们是做什么的,他们可能会回答:“我们销售电脑的硬件和软件。”由于缺乏市场远见,以产品为中心的IBM 公司没有注重客户的需求。因此,当客户需求改变的时候,IBM却没有进行相应的调整,公司的业绩也大幅度下滑。到90年代初期,大企业的市场份额和蓝筹股价急剧下跌。在这段经济低靡的时期,IBM进行了一场具有重大意义的改革:所有的高层管理人员在与重要客户面谈之后,将客户的问题和要求上报给公司。其实,在计算机市场,客户不但要从公司购买电脑的硬件和软件,更重要的是他们需要购买到能解决大量信息技术问题的方案。现在,如果你要IBM的管理人员给他们的业务下个定义,他们会告诉你:“我们为客户的任何问题提供解决方案。”大公司营销策略的转变取得了巨大的成功。那么,什么是市场营销呢? 市场营销的定义 美国市场营销协会将市场营销的定义为:计划和执行观念,商品和服务的构思,定价、促销和分销以便产生满足个人、组织和社会目标的交易的过程。 IBM的营销经理们如果想要取得好的销售成绩,他们必须要明白客户的需要就是他们的目标。如果不遵循这一原则,他们生产出来的产品将一无是处,也无人问津。“找到客户的需求并且尽力满足”就是市场营销的主旨,换句话说,就是要“找到一个市场,并为其服务。” 市场营销组合策略 一旦确定了客户的需求,营销人员就应该尽力满足这些要求,有四点需要注意,第一,要求生产出合适的产品,这是物质基础。要使产品能尽量接近客户的要求,企业就要通过改变现有产品类型、改进产品的特点和包装或用另一种方法来描述这个产品等方式生产出“量体裁衣”型的产品。第二点是关于交付货物的整个体系:生产者必须及时将货物运至消费者可以购买到的地方。第三点就是消费者可以通过广告被告知这个商品的用途,营销人员应该与客户沟通,并说服他们购买。第四就是这个商品应该有一个合理的定价,既可以让消费者买得起,又能赢得市场竞争。

2014秋季九年级英语unit3课文及 翻译

2014秋季九年级英语unit3课文及翻译 Could You Please…? When you visit a foreign country, it is important to know how to ask for help politely. For example, “Where are the restrooms?” are similar requests for directions to a place. Both are correct English, but the first one sounds less polite. That is because it is very direct question. It is not enough to just ask a question correctly. We also need to learn how to be polite by being less direct – or more indirect—when we ask for help. In English, as in Chinese, we change the way we speak when we talk with different people. The expressions you use might depend on whom you are speaking to or how well you know them. If you say to your teacher, “When is the school trip?”, when the school trip is?”, this will sound much more polite. However, it is all right to ask direct questions in some situations, like with your classmates. Usually polite questions are longer and include more language such as “Could you please…?” or “Can I ask…?” It sounds more polite to say,“Peter, could you please tell me your e-mail address?” than “Peter, tell me your e-mail address.” Sometimes we even need to spend time leading in to a request. For example, with a stranger on the street, we might first say,“Excuse me, I wonder if you can help me” or “I’m sorry to trouble you, but ... before asking for helping. It might seem more difficult to speak politely than be direct. However, it is important to learn how to use proper language. This will also help you become better at English. or any other language you wish to speak. 当你在外国旅游时,知道如何礼貌地寻求帮助是很重要的。例如:“休息室在哪里?”或 者“请问能告诉我休息室在哪里吗?”是问一个地方在哪里的相似问法。两种说法语法都正确,但是第一种没有第二种听起来礼貌。那是因为第一种问法太直接。只是正确地提问还不够。当我们在寻求帮助的时候,我们还需要学会如何在寻求帮助时表现礼貌而且用不那么直接或者更间接的方法。 就像中文里,在英语中我们会和不同的人交谈改变不同的说话方式。你使用的短语可能取决于你说话的对象或者你了解他们的程度。如果你对老师说“哪天去校游?”,这可能听起来不太礼貌。但是如果你说“韦斯特先生,打扰一下,你知道哪天去校游吗?”,这样听起来会礼貌得多。但是,在某些情况下直接提问是没有关系的,比如和你的同学们在一起。


高一英语必修一Unit 3课文翻译 Unit 3 Travel journal Reading JOURNEY DOWN THE MEKONG 沿湄公河而下的旅程 PART 1 THE DREAM AND THE PLAN第一部分梦想与计划 My name is Wang Kun. Ever since middle school, my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip.我的名字叫王坤。从高 中起,我姐姐王薇和我就一直梦想作一次伟大的自行车旅行。Two years ago she bought an expensive mountain bike and then she persuaded me to buy one.两年前,她买了一辆昂贵的山地自行车,然后还说服我 买了一辆(山地车)。Last year, she visited our cousins, Dao Wei and Yu Hang at their college in Kunming.去年她去看望了我们的表兄弟——在 昆明读大学的刀卫和宇航。They are Dai and grew up in western Y unnan Province near the Lancang River, the Chinese part of the river that is called the Mekong River in other countries.他们是傣族人,在云南省西 部靠近澜沧江的地方长大,湄公河在中国境内的这一段叫澜沧江,在 其他国家(境内)叫湄公河。Wang Wei soon got them interested in cycling too.很快,王薇使表兄弟也对骑车旅游产生了兴趣。After graduating from college, we finally got the chance to take a bike trip.大学毕业以后, 我们终于有了机会骑自行车旅行。I asked my sister, "Where are we going?"我问我姐姐:“我们要去哪儿?” It was my sister who first had the


Section A Pre-reading activities 一 1 As long as s you are committed to your goals and you are passionate about your dreams, you will eventually accomplish them. 2 To accomplish amazing results in your life, you have to be 100 percent committed and you must be willing to sacrifice your time and effort. 3 (1) Map your goals out (2) Believe in yourself (3) Take action Language focus Word in use 三 1whereby 2pursuit 3inhibit 4 maintain 5 patriotic 6transcend 7endeavors 8dedication 9prestige 10nominate Word building 四 Words learned New words formed -ant Inhabitant Inhabit Participate Participant Attend Attendant Pollute Pollutant Descend Descendant Contest Contestant Tolerate Tolerant Result Resultant -ful Neglect Neglectful Resource Resourceful Boast Boastful Respect Respectful 五 1resource 2tolerant 3pollutants 4inhabited 5contestants 6descendants 7attendants 8respectful 9participants 7attendants 8respectful 9participants 10neglectful 11resourceful 12boastful Banked close 六 1F 2G 3H 4J 5E 6A 7N 8I 9K 10M Expressions in use 七 1removed from 2failed in 3in the pursuit of 4deviated from 5precludes;


2014人教版新目标初中英语九年级Unit 3课文翻译 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? Role-play the conversation. 分角色表演以下对话。 He Wei: This is Fun Times Park – the biggest amusement park in my city! Alice: I’m excited to try the rides! He Wei: Where should we start? There’s Space World, Water World, Animal World... Alice: Oh, could you tell me where the restrooms are first? He Wei: Pardon? Restroom? You already want to rest? But we haven’t even started yet! Alice: Oh no, I don’t t mean a room for resting. I mean ... you know, a washroom or bathroom. He Wei: Hmm ... so you mean ... the toilets? Alice: Yes! Sorry, maybe the word “restroom” is not commonly used in China. He Wei: Right, we normally say “toilets” or “washrooms”. They’re just over there. Alice: OK. I’ll be quick! I wonder when the park closes today. He Wei: Nine-thirty, so you don’t need to rush! 何伟:这是欢乐时光公园——我所在城市最大的游乐园! 艾丽斯:要尝试一些乘骑项目,我好兴奋呀! 何伟:我们应该从哪里开始玩呢?有太空世界、水上世界、动物世界…… 艾丽斯:哦,你能先告诉我哪儿有洗手间吗? 何伟:什么?休息室?你想要休息吗?但是我们还没有开始玩呢! 艾丽斯:哦,不是,我的意思不是休息间。我的意思是……你知道的,卫生间或盥洗室。何伟:嗯……那么你是指……厕所? 艾丽斯:正是!对不起,也许“洗手间”一词在中国不常用。 何伟:对,我们通常说“厕所”或“卫生间”。就在那边。 艾丽斯:好的,我会很快的!我想知道公园今天何时关门。 何伟:九点三十,你不必着急! Read the conversation and answer the questions below. 阅读对话,回答以下问题。 1.Why did Alice not want to go on the new ride? How did she feel after the ride? 2.What is special about Uncle Bob’s restaurant? Should Alice and He Wei get there early for dinner? Why? Fun Times Park – Always a Fun Time! 欢乐时光公园——永远快乐的时光


Unit 3 Where would you like to visit? Section A, 2d 萨姆:嗨,梅里。这个假期你想干什么? 梅里:我想和我的父母去旅行。 萨姆:你想去哪儿游览? 梅里:我想去游览台湾。 萨姆:哇,听上去很有趣!那你为什么想去台湾呢? 梅里:我认为台湾非常漂亮,那里的人们非常热情好客。 萨姆:那倒是真的。但是你知道在这个季节那儿有太多游客吗? 梅里:真的吗? 萨姆:是的,而且台湾每年的这个时候很热。冬天去会比较好。 梅里:啊,可能这是个更好的主意。 Section A, 3b 旅游景点:巴黎 下个假期为什么不考虑去游览巴黎呢?巴黎是法国的首都,也是欧洲最有活力的城市之一。 它没有海滩和高山,但在那儿仍有很多事情可做。例如:那儿有一些非常迷人的景点, 包括埃菲尔铁塔和巴黎圣母院---- 世界上最著名的教堂之一。 乘出租车游巴黎会很贵,但乘地铁去大部分景点通常比较方便。尽管如此,总体来说法国是一个高消费的地方。但是,有一种东西在法国并不贵,那就是葡萄酒! 法国的大多数人学过英语。但很多人不想讲英语,尤其在巴黎。所以,除非你自己会讲法语,否则旅行时最好有人给你做翻译。 Section A Grammar Focus 1.--你想去哪儿游览? -- 我想去游览夏威夷。 2.--你想去哪度假? --我想去能使人放松的地方。 3.--这个假期你想做什么? --我想和父母去旅行。 4.--你想去旅行吗 ?--是的,我希望有天能去法国。 Section B 2b 我想驾船横渡太平洋 我们都对自己想做的事情和在未来希望取得的成就抱有梦想。但是,每个人的梦想都是 一样的吗?下面是一项由全国数千名学生参与的有关希望和梦想的调查结果。 青少年的希望是什么? 完成学业之后你想去做什么?我们收到了对此问题几种不同的回答。似乎有些学生想要 尽快开始工作,以便能够帮助改善父母的生活。其他学生希望毕业后继续学习,去上大学。 尽管钱很重要,但很多青少年说他们想去做自己喜欢的工作。根据调查,最受欢迎的工作选 择是电脑编程。 青少年的梦想是什么? 青少年有各种各样的梦想。有些人的梦想比其他人的更现实。例如:很多学生说他们想 成为希望工程的志愿者。相当多的人说他们梦想着有一天去月球。 根据这份调查,不太现实的梦想也很普遍,但是很多学生说他们愿意努力学习去实现他 们的梦想。相当一部分人梦想着出名,可能成为有名的运动员或歌手。一些人说他们想要进 行令人激动的旅行;一个学生说她想驾船横渡太平洋。此外也有一些不可能实现的梦想,有3个学生说他们希望自己能飞起来!


仁爱英语九年级上册U3英语遍及世界 孙瑞武20XX年10月4日译 T1:英语在世界各地越来越广泛使用 仁爱英语九年级上册Unit3 Topic1 Section A 课文翻译 1a: 康康:嗨,男孩们!过来看一看,我有一张米老鼠和唐老鸭的海报。 李翔:哦,它是如此的漂亮。你可以把它贴在房间的墙上。 王军锋:那是个好主意。猜猜看!我的爸爸妈妈和我打算去参观洛杉矶附近的迪斯尼游乐园。我将会见到更多的卡通人物。 康康:哦,你真幸运!迪斯尼游乐园被世界各地许许多多的人所喜欢,我希望有一天我能到那里去。 李翔:我也是。你准备好你的行程了吗? 王军锋:是的,当然了。我迫不及待地想飞到那里。 康康:在那里,你将有一个练习英语的大好机会。 王军锋:你是对的。英语在美国是当作母语来讲的。 李翔:是的,现在英语也在广泛地使用于世界各地。 王军锋:但是我不擅长英语,我有点害怕。 康康:别担心,尽你所能,从现在开始要更加努力工作。 王军锋:谢谢,我会的。 仁爱英语九年级上册Unit3 Topic1 Section B 课文翻译 1a: (简正在爸爸去古巴之前和他说话) 简:爸爸,您为什么打理您的包包? 父亲:我要去古巴谈生意。 简:太好了,爸爸。在古巴,官方语言是英语吗? 父亲:不是,在那里,官方语言是西班牙语。 简:西班牙语与英语相似吗? 父亲:不真正是,也许一些单词相同。 简:哦,我明白了。那对你来说,可能有些麻烦吧? 父亲:是的。我想,我不能用西班牙语进行长时间交谈。如果需要,我将会要一个翻译来帮助。 2a 简的父亲是一个商人,他说英语。为了公司,他旅行到许多国家。通常情况下,他和来自不同国家的人交流是没有问题的,因为他们大多数都会说英语。全世界广泛地使用英语,它被大不列颠,美国,加拿大,澳大利亚和新西兰的大多数人作为第一语言,而且,它在印度和其它一些国家被作为第二语言。有时,简的父亲不得不去非英语国家,每当出现这种情

英语专业综合教程4 unit3课文翻译

TEXT Ⅰ Alienation and the Internet Will Baker The Internet provides an amazing forum for the free exchange of ideas. Given the relatively few restrictions governing access and usage, it is the communications modal equivalent of international waters. It is my personal belief that the human potential can only be realized by the globalization of ideas. I developed this position years before the Internet came into wide spread use. And I am excited at the potential for the Internet to dramatically alter our global society for the better. However I am also troubled by the possible unintended negative consequences. 互联网提供了一个惊人的论坛,让思想的自由交流。给出了相对较少的限制访问和使用管理,是国际水域的通讯模态等价。这是我个人的信念,那就是人的潜力只能实现的全球化思想。 几年前我开发了这个职位的广泛应用,网络走进。而且我高兴看到了因特网的潜力,是它戏剧性地改变了我们的国际社会,使其向更好。然而,我也陷入了困境的可能的意想不到的负面后果。 There has been much talk about the "new information age." But much less widely reported has been the notion that the Internet may be responsible for furthering the fragmentation of society by alienating its individual users. At first this might sound like an apparent contradiction: how can something, that is on the one hand responsible for global unification by enabling the free exchange of ideas, alienate the participants? 有很多人谈论“新信息时代。”但是却很少报道这个观点:因特网可能负责促进社会分裂它被疏远的个人用户。乍听起来这似乎是个明显的矛盾:能够促成如何一方面通过授权负责全球统 一思想的自由交流,让渡出席的人吗? I had a recent discussion with a friend of mine who has what he described as a "problem" with the Internet. When I questioned further he said that he was "addicted," and has "forced" himself to go off-line. He said that he felt like an alcoholic, in that moderate use of the Internet


Unit1 How?can?we?become?good?learners? Section?A??2d? -----安妮,我有点紧张,我必须读完一本书,以便下周一作报告。? -----听起来不太糟糕。? -----但我是一个读书很慢的人。? -----一开始只管快速阅读获取文章大意就好了,不要逐字逐句的读,按词组阅读。? ----但我很多单词都不懂,我不得不用字典。? ----尽量通过阅读上下文来猜测单词的意思,可能你知道的比你预象的要多。? ----那听起来很难!? ----哦,耐心点,这得花时间。你可以每天通过阅读你喜欢的东西得到提高。你读得越多,你(阅读的速度)就越快。 Section?A??3a? 我是如何学会学习英语的 去年,我不喜欢我的英语课。每节课像是一个噩梦。老师说的太快以至于我大多数时候都听不太懂。因为我糟糕的发音,我害怕问问题。我只是躲在我的课本后面,从来不说一句话。? 后来有一天我看了一部叫做《玩具总动员》的英语电影。我爱上了这部既激动人心又滑稽有趣的电影!就这样我也开始看其他的英文电影。虽然我无法听懂那些角色所说的全部内容,但他们的肢体语言和面部表情帮助我理解了意思。我也意识到我可以通过只听关键词来理解意思。通过听英文电影中的对话,我的发音也变的更好了。我发现听一些有趣的内容是学习语言的秘诀。我还学到了一些有用的句子比如“这简直是小菜一碟”或者“你活该”。我起初不理解这些句子,但是因为我想理解这个故事,所以我查了字典。? 现在我真的喜欢我的英语课。我想学习生词和更多的语法,那样我对英语电影就能有更好的理解了。 Section?B??2b? 怎么成为一个成功的学习者呢? 每个人天生就拥有学习的能力。但是你能否学习的好取决于你的学习习惯。研究显示成功的学习者有一些共同的好习惯。? 1.培养他们对所学东西的兴趣? 研究显示,如果你对某事物感兴趣,你的大脑会更活跃而且对你来说长时间地关注那个事物也容易些。善于学习的人经常把他们需要学的事物与一些有趣的事物联系起来。比如,如果他们需要学习英语而且他们喜欢音乐或者体育,他们就可以听英文歌曲或者看英文版的体育节目。这样他们就不会感到乏味了。? 2.练习并从错误中学习?


Unit 1 Each day, many people are looking for trends in workplace clothing, so that they can “fit in”with the fashionable or well-dressed crowd. They believe that dressing in the latest fashion trends may give them the reputation of being fashionable and trendy. While it is more than possible to do this, you need to display caution. 许多人每天都在捕捉职场时装的潮流,以便能与那些衣着时尚得体的人们步调一致。他们认为按最新潮流穿衣打扮能为自己赢得时尚和时髦的好名声。尽管这样做合情合理,你还是要小心谨慎。 What many people do not realize is that there are a number of pros and cons of relying on workplace fashion trends. One of those pros was mentioned above. When you wear a fashionable outfit to work, there is a good chance that you will receive a lot of compliments on your outfit. This is a nice feeling and it is one that makes many feel proud. 许多人并没有意识到,追随职场时装潮流有利也有弊。好处之一,正如上面所提到的,穿一套时髦的衣服去上班,很可能会得到一堆夸奖。这种感觉很不错,也让人引以为豪。 But the truth is that there are many more cons of relying on workplace fashion trends than there are pros. For instance, workplace fashion trends do not always distinguish between jobs and careers. If you work at a trendy coffee shop or retail store, chances are that the dress code would be casual clothing. However, if you work at a law office or an insurance company, you may be required to dress more professionally. Unfortunately, many workplace fashion trends are designed for the working population in general, not specific careers. This is where you can run into trouble if you are not careful. 然而事实上这种追随弊大于利。例如,职场时装潮流往往不区分工作和职业。在一家新潮的咖啡馆或零售店工作,着装要求很可能是休闲服。而在一家法律或保险公司上班,着装则需要更职业化。不幸的是,很多职场新潮时装是为工作中的一般大众而设计,而非为特定职业设计。因此一不小心就可能出问题。 Before relying on workplace fashion trends, you will want to take a good, close look at the trend in question. For instance, does the trend require the wearing of a skirt or a dress, no matter what the length? If so, it is important that you look at what you do for a living. If you are in a professional office setting, a dress may be perfect for you. On the other hand though, if you work in a retail store as a manager, a dress or skirt may actually get in the way and hamper your efforts to work and be productive. 在追随这种时装潮流之前,要好好地仔细审视一下所谓的潮流。比如,潮流是不是时兴半身裙或连衣裙,而不论其长短呢?如果确实如此,那么最重要的是要考虑自己的工作性质。如果是办公室的职业白领,连衣裙就非常适合。但如果是在零售店当经理,连衣裙或半身裙则可能会妨碍工作,影响工作效率。 By wearing trendy workplace fashion pieces, many people are given compliments, but not always. The last thing that you want to do is get a bad name for yourself instead of compliments. That is why it is also advised that you take what others may think of you into consideration. You need to make sure that the impression that you would be making is a good one. 很多人会因为穿了时髦的职场时装而备受称赞,但事情并非总是如此。最不希望


M3 Unit3 单词秀(一)—P42--43 ’s good to get back to ________ (文明) after living in the tent for two weeks. has done experiment on it several times. U___________, he failed. ’s well-known that Chen Kaige is one of the famous d_________ in China. w__________ man often goes abroad for his holidays with his wife. walked slowly, his hands __________ (插) in his pockets have ever worked for a __________ (商业的) radio station for a while. terrible fire d__________ most of the buildings within 20 minutes. the r________ of ancient Rome have become a scenic spot to tourists. are some _________ (沙尘暴)in spring in north of China. ________ (文件)should be handed in, but you keep them. 参考答案: 根据提示翻译句子(一) 1.汤姆从他父亲那里接管了家庭农场的经营权。(take over) 2.吉尔不想来,因为她正忙于她的打扫。(be involved in) 3.讨论以后,他们决定让张艺谋担任这部著名电影的导影。 (make sb director of) 4.多少年来人们一直相信这座教堂里居住着一位100岁的老人。 (be believed to) 5.她眼睛中含着眼泪告诉了我昨天发生的事情。(with …+prep.结构) 6.明天我们出发去夏威夷看望我的奶奶,她居住在这儿很多年了。(be off to+地点+to do) 7.你能告诉我他有机会去上大学吗 (have a chance to do) 8.三个老师连同一个学生正在操场上打篮球。(together with) 9.能够赢得假期并认识这么多新朋友,我感到非常幸运。(feel lucky to) 10.我的弟弟在考试中获得了第一名,这使每个人都很兴奋。(which引导的定语从句指代前面一整句话) 参考答案: has taken over the running of the family farm from his father. doesn’t want to come because she’s too involved in her cleaning. the discussion, they decide to make Zhang Yimou director of the famous film. church is believed to have 100 years old man living in it for many years. told me what happened yesterday with some tears in her eyes. we are set off to visit my grandma who lived here for many years. you tell me whether he has a chance to go to college.


Module3 Unit1 she trained hard ,so she became a great player later. She trained hard, so she became a great player later. Ms Li: Daming, who is your hero? Who have you chosen to tell us about? Daming: Deng Yaping! She’s my hero because she’s one of the best table tennis players in the world and I love playing table tennis. Ms Li: Tell us about her. Daming: Well, she started playing table tennis when she was five. She trained hard, so she became a great player later. Ms li: And what competitions has she won? Daming: She’s won many world competitions including four gold medals in the Olympics. She stopped playing when she was twenty-four. Ms Li: What did she do after that? Daming: She began to study at Tsinghua University in Beijing and then attended university abroad .Her English wasn’t good enough when she began. Once again she worked hard, and seven years later, she completed her doctor’s degree at Cambridge University. Whatever she does, she never gives up! Ms Li: That’s amazing! Daming: Yes. Deng says that she isn’t cleverer than anyone else, but she has a very strong will. Ms Li: I see. Well, I think she’s a good student as well as a good player. Daming: Yes, and she helped make the Beijing Olympics a victory for world sport. She’s simply the best! Ms Li: She’s a true hero. Unit 2 there were few doctors, so he had to work very hard on his own. My hero—Dr Norman Bethune By Wang Lingling Norman Bethune is one of the most famous heroes in China. He was a Canadian doctor. He came to China to help the Chinese people and died for them. Norman Bethune was born in 1890.He became a doctor in 1916 and went to Spain in 1936 to treat the wounded soldiers during the war there. He soon realised that many people were dying because they did not get to hospital quickly enough. Dr Bethune developed new ways of taking care of the sick. He invented special medical tools to use outside hospitals and chose to the fighting areas so that doctors could treat the wounded more quickly.His inventions saved many lives. In 1938,Dr Bethune came to China and helped treat the wounded during the Anti Japanese War. At that time, there were few doctors, so he had to work very hard on his own. His experience of treating people in Spain was Useful in China. He developed training courses for local doctors and nurses, and wrote books so that they could learn about how he treated the sick. Dr Bethune often worked very hard without resting or taking care of himself; Once, he even worked for sixty-nine hours without stopping and managed to save over a hundred lives. One day in 1939,he cut his finger during an operation, but he continued his work without treating it. In the end, he died of his wound. Dr Bethune’s work for the Chinese people made him a hero in China. There are
