


English translation of work summary

汇报人:JinTai College







The new year is around the corner and in the

soon-to-last 2010, there are so many memorable moments.

Annual Summary

I take up new work as a sales, which is both familiar and strange to me. Much difference from translation, this position is not only interesting but

also full of challenges. Because things are not in your hands and sometimes out of control, while if you could try to grasp buying point of customers, you would gain the upmost accomplishment. This is totally what I have felt and my eternal pursuit.

One year's accumulation(with colleagues’ help)makes me more mature both in attitude and personality. Every success would bring me a little more confidence; every encouragement would make me happy all day long;

every positive smile in leader's eyes would make me more staunch. I would like to face the challenges and I am pleasant to conquer any obstacles in work, in which process my potential seems to be unleashed. I like this kind of sensation and also I hope to win the friendship of all the colleagues.

New Year Wish

I believe 20XXwill be my lucky year. I will live my life and do my job with enthusiasm and vibrant

spirit. Try to bring the profit to company and meanwhile enrich myself with knowledge.

P.S.: I like the collective activities very much, everyone would enjoy the happiness without bothering fussy work. While if we could play together more other than playing seperately, I guess it would be better

for our solidarity and friendship.


Work Summary

20XXmy work dedicated, hard working, subject to the company leadership arrangements, satisfactory completion of a full year of work tasks, no accident record. Outside of work, I have also made efforts to participate in various learning and training, the ability to become excellent, excellent staff of progressive thinking.

One, and constantly improve their own quality, and superior in action to achieve the requirements and the company's decision-making consistent with their

quality improved significantly, to strict regulations during work, safe driving, and consciously safeguard the image of companies and individuals.

Second, in their daily work, combined with their work requirements, conscientiously study and research driving expertise. Meanwhile cherish vehicles, Thrift, was driving a vehicle in a timely manner for inspection, maintenance, daily cleaning of the vehicle to do, so the car daily as new.

Usually pay attention to grasp the condition of the vehicle, maintenance and other work in a timely manner, making good condition. Absolutely do not drive fast, do not drink and drive, do not secretly out of the bus and so on.

Earnestly safety precautions to eliminate potential safety problems, constant vigilance, strict compliance with the rules and regulations to ensure that every trip are law-abiding, civilized driving, ensure the safety of the bus, civilized driving.

Third, strict company rules and regulations, to

do service work

As a driver in the past year I was able to clear their job responsibilities, ethical professional. Work in strict accordance with the rules and regulations, adhere to personal interests to global interests, and enhance the concept of time, obey the leadership, do not be late, do not leave early, do not drop the ball.

At work, hard working, as long as necessary, sooner or later, or holidays can call, without remuneration never complained; work in a data file transfer, so that timely delivery of error-free, well done to the leadership and colleagues work and mission.

2012 is over, I'm driving safety aspects and the daily work and achieved certain results, the company has also been affirmed leaders and colleagues.

But I also know that with the requirements of leadership, there are still some gaps in the new year, I will play to its advantages, overcome its weaknesses,

study hard, and constantly improve themselves, to further enhance service awareness, fight for the company's development make a greater contribution.

-------- Designed By JinTai College ---------


民俗文艺节目翻译 一、民俗表演《龙狮舞》 Dragon and Lion Dance 表演单位:元潭乡“女子龙狮舞”传习所 Performed by: “Female Dragon and Lion Dance Institute” of Yuantan township 龙、狮——是中华民族文化图腾,“舞龙、耍狮”以最具东方民族文化特色跻身世界民族文化瑰宝。在我们巴山人的生活中,每逢重大节庆,人们都会舞龙、舞狮,表达喜悦的心情和美好的愿望。 Dragon and lion——the totem of the Chinese national culture. The most oriental ethnic Dragon Dance and Lion Dance are the gems of the world culcure.In our life in Bashan Mountain,people joyfully play Dragon and Lion Dance to express their happiness and good wishes especially on important festivals. 二、民俗表演《巴山出嫁》 Bashan Marriage 表演单位:光雾山文艺中心 Performed by: GuangWu Mountain Literature and Arts Center. 大巴山的传统婚礼习俗中的对歌、抬花轿、拜堂、成亲等场景,有游戏、表演、逗趣等,展现出大巴山人对美好生活的向往和对婚姻家庭的美好祝愿。 Traditional Bashan Weddings are always filled with interesting scenes:Antiphonal,Sedan chair lift,the Bows and so on.Games and funny performances at the wedding are aspirations for happy marriage and better life.


Translation出生證明英文譯文範例 CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH File Series No. Relationship Father Mother Name : Date of Birth : Native Place : Address of Household Registration: Occupation : Location of Job : Job Description and Title : Infant's Sex : Number of live births to this mother(included this one) : Duration of Pregnancy(No.of weeks) : Weight at birth : Single or multiple births : Date of Birth : Address&Place of Birth : Delivered by : Hospital/Clinic/Midwifery/Home

others Physician/Midwife/others Special symptom of birthgiving mother&infant before&after childbirth seen in medical diagnose This is to certify that the above-mentioned facts are true and correct Name of Physician :

Physician License No. : Name of Hospital : Medical Practice License No.: Address : Dated.


公司简介 红苹果家具有限公司于年成立于香港,年在深圳设立生产基地,专业从事高档板式家具、床褥及沙发的研发、生产及经营,注册资金万港元,资产总额亿千万元,是国内最具规模的家具生产企业之一。厂房面积超过万平方米。公司吸纳了大批专业设计、市场营销和企业管理人才,并有素质较高的熟练工人两千多人。我公司“红苹果”家具分割简约现代,产品种类齐全,材料精挑细选,工艺精益求精,多年来秉承质量至上和不断进取的理念为我们赢得了荣誉。“真材实料才是真诚所在”,致力于引领家具时尚,倡导健康生活的红苹果将一如既往地位打造健康、环保、个性、时尚的家居产品而不断开拓进取。 飞跃是中国十大照明灯具制造商之一。年月飞跃的全球销售额已高达万美元,其中有来自中国以外的国家。飞跃是照明产业的高科技公司,的销售额来自省电产品。公司雇佣超过位员工,为约个国家的客户供应产品,并在多个国家拥有销售代理。 酒店简介 白天鹅宾馆坐落在广州闹市中的“世外桃源”——榕荫如盖、

历史悠久的沙面岛的南边,濒临三江汇聚的白鹅潭。宾馆独特的庭园式设计与周围优雅的环境融为一体,一条专用引桥把宾馆与市中心连接起来,实为商旅人士下榻的最佳之处。 白天鹅宾馆拥有间精心设计的客房,无论是标准房、豪华套房,还是商务楼层,室内装潢及设计都经过深思熟虑,设备齐全,舒适温馨,处处显示出以客为先的服务理念。您更可从客房饱览广州市容和珠江美景。别具特色的中西食府,为您提供中、法、日等精美菜肴。多功能国际会议中心是举办各类会议、中西式酒会、餐舞会的理想场所。另有健康中心、美容发型中心、商务中心、委托代办、票务中心、豪华车队等配套设施。今年来,白天鹅宾馆把经营管理的发展和高科技成果相结合,使宾馆的服务水平紧跟国际酒店发展的潮流。无论您是商务公干,还是旅游度假,在白天鹅宾馆都能感受到方便、舒适、自然的感觉。 白天鹅宾馆在实践中把国际先进酒店的管理经验与中国的国情相结合,走出一条融中西管理模式于一炉的酒店管理之路,不断追求卓越,以严谨、高效的管理和真诚的服务为海外宾客提供一个温馨的家外之家。 上海宾馆位于国际花园城市——深圳市中心繁华地段的深南中


证明用英语怎么说 篇一:在读证明英文翻译 在读证明英文翻译在读证明 兹证明xx(学号xxxx)与20XX年被录取于xxxx大学服装学院服装设计与贸易专业学习,现是xxxx大学xxx系四年级本科生,拟毕业时间20XX年7月。特此证明。 xxx大学服装学院 Towhomitmayconcern, Thisistocertifythatmr.xxx/mixxxwasmatriculatedbythefashioncollegeofxx xuniversityin20XX,majoringinFashiondesignandtrading.he/sheisstudying asaseniorstudentofxxxxdepartmentinxxxxuniversitynow,andwillgraduatei nJuly20XX. Fashioncollegeofxxxuniversity 20XX-11.26 大学在读证明 兹证明:学生##现就读于##大学四年制本科。自20XX年9月至今,该生在我校##学院##系##专业学习。如成绩合格将于20XX年7月取得毕业证书。我校是被中华人民共和国教育部认可的全日制高等学校。 ##大学教务处

educationcertificate Thisistocertifythatms##isnowstudyinginthefour-yearundergraduateprogra mat##university.shehasbeeneolledintheDepartmentof##,majoringin##fromseptember20XXtopresent.ms#willgetthebachelor’sdegreeinJuly20XXifshepassestheexaminationsintherequiredcourses.##un iversityisafull-timeaccreditedschoolforhighereducationapprovedbytheedu cationministryofthepeople'sRepublicofchina. studystatuscertificate Thisistocertifythat□□,female,wrotetheentranceexaminationofuniversityin20□,waseolledat□□universityof□□.Thestudentspecializesin□intheschoolof□□,grade:□,class:□,Reg.no:□□□,lengthofschooling:4□Years. □□universityof□□(seal) sept.□.20□ 在读证明 兹证明xx(学号xxxx)与20XX年被录取于xxxx大学服装学院服装设计与贸易专业学习,现是xxxx大学xxx系四年级本科生,拟毕业时间20XX年7月。特此证明。 xxx大学服装学院 Towhomitmayconcern, Thisistocertifythatmr.xxx/mixxxwasmatriculatedbythefashioncollegeofxx xuniversityin20XX,majoringinFashiondesignandtrading.he/sheisstudying


节目及节目种类名称 (英文)

节目名称(英文) 今日说法Legal Report 道德观察Ethical Review 新闻调查News Probe 实话实说Tell it like it is 共同关注Eyes on 大家Great Masters 科技博览Science Review 科技苑Science and Technology 走近科学 Approaching Science 全球资讯榜Newslist 文化访谈录Culture Interview 探索发现Exploring 新闻30分 News 30 Min 百家讲坛Lecture Room 挑战主持人Challenge Anchor 名将之约Winner’s Circle 让世界了解你Meet China 中国电影报道China Movie Repor(拼写错误) 今日影视Movie Today 世界电影之旅World Film Report

世界影视博览World Cinema 影视同期声Movie & TV Express 周日影院Sunday Movie Zone 佳片有约 the Best 天天饮食I can cook so do you 搜寻天下Exploring High & Low 乡村大世界the World of Country 子午书简Diary Read Speedy Digest 当代工人contemporary labourer 讲述Story 人物People 影响100 Influence 100 健康之路Meet on the Road of Health 焦点访谈 Topics in Focus 新闻调查 News Probe 新闻30分 News in 30 Minutes 东方时空 Oriental Horizon 社会经纬 Net of Justice 夕阳红 Sunset Glow 商业电视 Business TV 市场热线 Market Hotline 世界经济报道 World Economic Report


2. 我有些很重要的事情要和王先生核对一下,这事很急,下午2点前我必须与他取得联系。 I have something very important to go over with Mr Wang. It’s urgent. I have to reach him before 2 o’clock this afternoon. 3. 我们经理正忙得脱不开身。请留下你的姓名和电话号码,我请他有空就给你回电。 Our manager is tied up at the moment. If you leave your name and phone number, I’ll have him call you back as soon as he’s available. 2. 我们在国内有十家专业子公司,在国外有六家常驻办事处。我们在国内还建立了二十多家合资公司。 We have 10 specialist subsidiaries at home and 6 permanent representative offices abroad. We’ve also set up more than 20 joint ventures in the home market. 4. 我们从事纺织品经营已有30多年,并与本地纺织品大厂家及分销商保持密切的联系。 We have been handling textiles for more than 30 years and maintain close contact with large manufacturers and distributors in our area. 6. 我们的目标主要是本地市场,但是我们也在研究进入欧洲市场的可能性。 We mainly target local markets, but we are looking at the possibility of entering the European market. 4. 如果我现在就打电话告诉他我们要撤消订货怎么样? What if I call him now and tell him that we want to cancel the order? 5.商务电话被看作是与客户进行联系的极其重要的纽带。 Business calls are regarded as the most important link with customers. 1) 我想订一张8月8日从杭州飞往悉尼的单程商务舱机票。 I’d like to reserve a single business class ticket from Hangzhou to Sydney for August 8. 2) 看来全价商务机票是最恰当的选择,因为它有较大的弹性。 The normal full-fare business class ticket sounds the most appropriate option. It offers more flexibility. 9.我能在酒店兑换一些钱吗? 我想把一些美元兑换成当地货币。今天的兑换率是多少? Can I change some money in the hotel? I’d like to change some US dollars into local currency. What’s the exchange rate today? 1.现在开会。在开会前,我要说的是希望这次会议将是建设性的,并有积极的结果。 I would like to call the meeting to order. Before we begin I should like to say that I hope the meeting will be constructive and have a positive outcome. 2.本次会议的目的是解决最近公司改革所引起的一些财务和人事问题。 The purpose of this meeting is to resolve some financial and personnel problems which have been caused by the recent reform of our company. 4.既然我们现在似乎不能解决这一分歧,我们能否进行下一个问题的讨论? Since we do not seem to be able to resolve this difference now, could we


英语阅读理解带翻译:电视节目 Television gives the American people a wide variety of programs from early morning until late at night. Operas, orchestral performances, chamber music and jazz concerts are often presented on television. So most of the leisure at home is used for watching television. Many Americans are so fond of their TV programs that they often have cold luncheon in front of their receiving sets. Television has given people newer and deeper understanding of history, art, music, literature, the ballet, the theater, the discoveries of modern science and the wonders of the universe. Television viewers pay no tax or charges for receiving programs on their sets. The cost of the programs is paid chiefly by those who are given the opportunity to advertise their goods or services during the commercial breaks. 美国人从清晨直到深夜都能看到形形色色的电视节目。电视屏幕 上经常播放歌剧、管弦乐、室内音乐和爵士音乐演奏。所以家庭中绝 大部分空闲时间都花在看电视上。很多美国人酷爱电视节目,经常在 电视机前边看电视边吃冷餐。电视使人们对历史、艺术、音乐、文学、舞剧、戏剧、现代科学的新发现和宇宙的奥妙有较新和较深切的了解。电视观众看电视节目既不用缴税,也不必付款,节目费用主要是由那 些借此为其商品和服务做插播广告的人支付的。


https://www.360docs.net/doc/8014891722.html, 美国纽约市出生证明翻译模板 纽约市人口记录证明 出生登记证明 申请日期:纽约市健康与心理卫生局 出生证明 ****年**月**日编号:***-**-****** 上午12:21 1. 婴儿姓名:** 2. 性别:男/女 3a. 本次怀孕分娩婴儿数量: 1个 3b. 若数量大于1,该婴儿的分娩顺序:**** 4a. 出生日期:****年**月**日 4b. 出生时间:上午09:50 5. 出生地: 5a. 美国纽约市皇后区 5b. 医院或其他场所名称(若非场所,请提供街道地址):纽约长老会皇后医院 5c. 场所类别:医院 6a. 母亲姓名:** 6b. 母亲出生日期: ****年**月**日 6c. 母亲出生地:中国 7.母亲常住地地址:美国纽约州皇后区**大道**号**公寓邮编:**** 8a. 父亲姓名:** 8b. 父亲出生日期: ****年**月**日 8c. 父亲出生地:中国 9a. 助产士姓名:** **** 9b. 本人证明该婴儿在上述地点、日期和时间出生并存活。 院务主任证明人签字:****(自动生成的电子签名) 地址:纽约皇后区****号邮编:**** 签署日期:****年**月**日 母亲当前法定姓名:** 住址:美国纽约州皇后区**大道**号**公寓邮编: **** 无修改记录: 仅限官方使用 上述证书为您孩子的出生登记证明,不收取任何快递费用。本健康与心理卫生局不证明上述证件内容的真实性。关于更改出生记录的更多信息请见背面。 ****年**月**日 纽约市健康与心理卫生局登记管(签名)本出生证明翻译模板由成都译信翻译有限公司制作,版权所有,不得复制!


商务英语翻译个人实习报告范文 一.实习目的 1.通过本次实习使我能够从理论回到实践,更好的实现理论和实 践的结合,为以后的工作和学习奠定初步的知识,使我能够亲自感受 到由一个学生转变到一个职业商务英语笔译工作者的过程。 二.实习内容 2020年6月中下旬开始在本校内为期2个星期左右的商务英语笔 译的实习,起初我对笔译还不是太了解,选择笔译是基于我对笔译工 作的特别爱好。商务英语笔译是一项需要耐心和精力的工作,它是以 商务方面的资料为依据,要求翻译者对其实行全面,准确,快速的翻译,语言要表达准确,意思清晰。因为商务英语笔译的翻译材料绝大 部分都是非文学的,例如合同,客户资料,商业等专业性文件,所以 它的要求就更为严格,苛刻,同时又必须符合“信,达,雅”的原则,难度相当的大,其中要用到大量的专业术语,范围不但仅包括我们平 时上课时所理解的,更多的需要我们通过各种可行的渠道去查阅,具 有很强的专业性。这就要求我们在翻译时要严谨,不能给读者以错觉。 这次实习主要针对商务合同的翻译实行重点突破,花了整整几天 的时间才磕磕绊绊的翻译一个合同,感觉到了前所未有的压力,也突 出了自己眼高手低的缺点,平时课堂上老师讲的用的寥寥无几,更多 的是靠自己查资料来获取准确的信息。其中有些既晦涩又在网上很难 查的一般都给不了,这些都给刚开始翻译的我造成了各种各样的防碍,往往会遇到原文看不懂或者觉得语法别扭不对的情况,这时候需要更 大的耐心和毅力,需要坚持,对商务合同中的一些专业术语实行重点 突破,查阅各种资料,在网上搜索各种专业术语,一点一滴的翻译, 练得多了,慢慢就变的更加熟悉了,速度和质量慢慢的有所改善,当 然和真正意义的笔译质量还是有相当的差别的。


栏目名和书名、文章标题一样,是画龙点睛之笔,其翻译应遵循以下原则:1.能够反映本栏目的中心内容,突出主题。2.译名必须简洁,明白易懂,朗朗上口。 3.不用句子结构,即主谓宾或主系表结构。 4.不能望文生义。如《东方时空》译为Oriental Horizon。horizon的意思是地平线,即"向水平方向望去,天与地相交接的线",以此作为栏目名意境深远,给人想象的空间。如果译为Eastern Tim e and Space,就失去其深邃的意义了。又如社会经纬是中央电视台最早的一个法制节目,目的是向观众普及法律知识,增强观众的法律意识,弘扬司法公正。"社会经纬"字面上并没有法律,如直译成英文,会显得莫名其妙。但如果译成N et of Justice,就会使人由法律想到公正,由经纬想到天网恢恢。再如《夕阳红》译为Sunset Glow,比较贴切,又富有诗意。因为glow的意思"throw out light and heat without flame"(The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Curren t English,p.502)。下面,笔者把收集到的栏目名称英译与大家分享: 焦点访谈 Topics in Focus 新闻调查 News Probe 新闻30分 News in 30 Minutes 商业电视 Business TV 市场热线 Market Hotline 世界经济报道 World Economic Report 股市分析 Stock Market Analysis 足球之夜 Soccer Night 健康俱乐部 Health Club 春节联欢晚会 Spring Festival Gala Evening 半边天 Half the Sky 综艺大观 Super Variety Show 戏迷园地 Garden for Opera Fans 大风车 Big Pinwheel 七巧板 Tangram 12演播室 Twelve Studio 中华民族 Chinese Ethnic Peoples 科技博览 Science and Technology Review 人与自然 Man and Nature 正大综艺 Zhengda Variety Show 书坛画苑 Gallery of Calligraphy Painting 天涯共此时 Time Together across the Strait 华夏风情 China Kaleidoscope 中国新闻 China News 中国报道 China Report 旅行家 Travelogue 中国各地 Around China 今日中国 China Today 周日话题 Sunday Topics 英语新闻 English News 东方时尚 Oriental Fashion


Spain to Accept Rescue From Europe for Its Ailing Banks MADRID — Responding to increasingly urgent calls from across Europe and the United States, Spain on Saturday agreed to accept a bailout for its cash-starved banks as European finance ministers offered an aid package of up to $125 billion. European leaders hope the promise of such a large package, made in an emergency conference call with Spain, will quell rising financial turmoil ahead of elections in Greece that they fear could further shake world markets. The decision made Spain the fourth and largest European country to agree to accept emergency assistance as part of the continuing debt crisis. The aid offered by countries that use the euro was nearly three times the $46 billion in extra capital the International Monetary Fund said was the minimum that the wobbly Spanish banking sector needed to guard against a deepening of the country’s economic crisis. On Sunday, Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy tried to deflect criticism for his government’s decision to seek assistance for Spain’s ailing bank. The win ners, he said, were “the credibility of the European project,the future of the euro, the solidity of our financial system and the possibility that credit will flow again.” But he warned that Spain’s economic problems would worsen this year despite th e request. “This year is going to be a bad one,” Mr. Rajoy told reporters, according to The Associated Press. More people, he said, could lose their jobs —one out of every four Spaniards is already unemployed. Mr Rajoy also insisted that the rescue deal should not be seen as the fourth bailout in the euro crisis but as a loan to recapitalize Spain’s weakest banks, “which isn’t that easy to obtain.” The announcement of a deal came amid growing fears that instability in Spain could drag down an already sputtering world economy. The decision was the culmination of weeks of a contentious back-and-forth between Spain and its would-be creditors in which it was hard to tell how much of Spain’s resistance to

CCTV节目单 英文翻译

1. Topics in Focus 焦点访谈 2. News Probe 新闻调查 3. News in 30 Minutes 新闻30分 4. Business TV 商业电视 5. Market Hotline 市场热线 6. World Economic Report 世界经济报道 7. Stock Market Analysis 股市分析 8. Soccer Night 足球之夜 9. Health Club 健康俱乐部 10. Spring Festival Gala Evening春节联欢晚会 11. Half the Sky 半边天 12. Super Variety Show 综艺大观 13. Garden for Opera Fans 戏迷园地 14. Big Pinwheel大风车 15. Tangram 七巧板 16. Twelve Studio 12演播市 17. Chinese Ethnic Peoples 中华民族 18. Science and Technology Review 科技博览 19. Human and Nature 人与自然 20. Zhengda Variety Show 正大综艺

21. Gallery of Calligraphy Painting 书坛画苑 22. Time Together across the Strait 天涯共此时 23. China Kaleidoscope 华夏风情 24. China News 中国新闻 25. China Report 中国报道 26. Travelogue 旅行家 27. Around China 中国各地 28. China Today 今日中国 29. Sunday Topics 周日话题 30. English News 英语新闻 31. Oriental Fashion 东方时尚 32. Chinese Cooking 厨艺 33. Traditional Chinese Medicine 中华医药 34. Total Soccer 天下足球 35. Hoop Park 篮球公园 36. Weather Report 天气预报 37. English News 英语新闻 38. Sports World 体育世界 39. Lecture Room 百家讲坛 40. People 人物 41. Sports News 体育新闻 42. Mystery All Star 全明星猜想

研究生中英文在读证明(正式 版)

TIANJIN UNIVERSITY 研究生在读证明 兹有(硕/博)士研究生,性别,学号,出生日期,于年月入学,在学院专业学习,学制年,特此证明。 此证明用于_________________,有效期至:年月日。 经办人: Certificate This is to certify that the Ph.D/Master student _________________ (Gender__________, Date of birth ______________, Student No. ________________ ) is currently an enrolled, full-time graduate student at Tianjin University, majoring in _________________________ ( ____ years) , in the School of __________________________. The study period began from _________________. End of this certificate’s validity: ____________________ 研究生院培养办公室(章):学院(章): Office of Graduate Education ( Seal ) 201 年月日 通讯地址:天津市南开区卫津路92号邮政编码:300072 https://www.360docs.net/doc/8014891722.html, Address: No. 92 Weijin Road, Nankai District, Tianjin 300072, P. R. China

出生证明 英文翻译 同出生证明一模一样的模版

BIRTH CERTIFICATE Full name of baby: xxx xxxxxx Sex: Male Date of birth: February 24, 2010 11:43 Place of birth: Beijing Gestation (week): 40 Health status: well Weight: 4740 g Height: 54cm Full name of mother: Wang li Age: 26 Nationality: China Nationality: Han Identity card No.: 110101198200000928 Full name of mother: Yan liang Age: 27 Nationality: China Nationality: Han Identity card No.: 110101198200000928 Type of place: General hospital Name of facility: Peking University People's Hospital Birth No.: J 1102077777 Date of issue: March 2, 2007 Testing organization: Beijing birth certificate MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA “The Medica l Certificate of Birth” is formulated according to “The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Maternal and Infant Health Care”. It is a legal medical certificate of people born in the People’s Republic of China. It is taken care of by the Newborn baby’s father and mother or guardian, can not be sold, lent or altered in private. And it is referred to upon civil registration.


第一种、介绍信 Letters of Introduction 实例之一: Dear Mr. / Ms., This is to introduce Mr. Frank Jones, our new marketing specialist who will be in London fro m April 5 to mid April on business. We shall appreciate any help you can give Mr. Jones an d will always be happy to reciprocate. Yours faithfully 尊敬的先生/小姐, 现向您推荐我们的市场专家弗兰克·琼斯先生。他将因公务在四月15日到四月中旬期间停留伦敦。我们将非常感谢您向琼斯先生提供的任何帮助,并非常高兴施以回报。 您诚挚的 实例之二: Dear Mr. / Ms, We are pleased to introduce Mr. Wang You, our import manager of Textiles Department. Mr. Wang is spending three weeks in your city to develop our business with chief manufactures a nd to make purchases of decorative fabrics for the coming season. We shall be most grateful if you will introduce him to reliable manufacturers and give him any help or advice he may need. Yours faithfully 尊敬的先生/小姐, 我们非常高兴向您介绍我们纺织部的进口经理王有先生。王先生将在你市度过三周,他要与主要的生产厂家拓展商务并为下一季度采购装饰织品。如能介绍他给可靠的生产厂家,向他提供所需的任何帮助或建议,我们将不胜感谢。


在读证明 兹证明李小强,男,生于1989年12月11日。该生于2007年9月经全国高等院校入学考试录取进入我校学习,学制4年;现为我校矿业工程学院采矿工程专业本科四年级学生,学号09070000。若按时修满学校规定相应学分并达到中国矿业大学毕业条件和学位授予条件,将于2011年7月毕业并获得相应学士学位。特此证明。 学院审核人签字: XXXX大学矿业工程学院XXXX大学教务部 20 年月日20 年月日 Registration Certificate of China University of Mining & Technology This is to certify that student LI Xiaoqiang, male, born on May 17,1990,passed the National College Entrance Examination and was enrolled into China University of Mining & Technology (CUMT) in September, 2007 as a fulltime undergraduate student with a four-year length of schooling. Now, he is in his fourth year study and majors in Mining Technology in the School of Mining Engineering, CUMT. His Student Registration Number is 09070000. If he/she obtains all the required credits and satisfies CUMT’s requirements for undergraduate graduation and degree conferring, he/she will graduate in July 2011 with bachelor degree. College Checker (Signature): School of Mining Technology Office of Teaching Administration (Seal): China University of Mining & Technology China University of Mining & Technology 03/ 02/ 2010(dd/mm/yyyy) 03/ 02/ 2010(dd/mm/yyyy)


焦点访谈Topics in Focus 新闻调查News Probe 新闻30分News in 30 Minutes 东方时空Oriental Horizon 社会经纬Net of Justice 夕阳红Sunset Glow 商业电视Business TV 市场热线Market Hotline 世界经济报道World Economic Report 股市分析Stock Market Analysis 足球之夜Soccer Night 健康俱乐部Health Club 春节联欢晚会Spring Festival Gala Evening 半边天Half the Sky 综艺大观Super Variety Show 戏迷园地Garden for Opera Fans 大风车Big Pinwheel 七巧板Tangram 12演播室Twelve Studio 中华民族Chinese Ethnic Peoples 科技博览Science and Technology Review 人与自然Man and Nature 正大综艺Zhengda Variety Show 书坛画苑Gallery of Calligraphy Painting 天涯共此时Time Together across the Strait 华夏风情China Kaleidoscope 中国新闻China News 中国报道China Report 旅行家Travelogue 中国各地Around China 今日中国China Today 周日话题Sunday Topics 英语新闻English News 东方时尚Oriental Fashion 厨艺Chinese Cooking 中华医药Traditional Chinese Medicine
