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Lesson one Airplanes and main manufactures introduction To use an airplane model to illustrate the locations of the main parts of a basic airplane

Who has ever been on an airplane?

What was it like?

What do we already know about airplanes?

What do we want to know about airplanes?

What have we learned about airplanes?

Why should we know the name and functions of an airplane?

By learning the names and functions of the various surfaces, you will appreciate the construction, design, and aerodynamics of the airplane.

planes vary in size and shape but the basic parts remain the same.

Airplanes have wings that generate lift.

Wings are absolutely necessary for the kind of flight that planes do.

Most General Aviation airplanes have one piston engine that drives a propeller.

The body of an airplane is called the fuselage.

The empennage also known as the tail or tail assembly, of most aircraft gives stability to the aircraft

Typical airplanes have wheels as part of the

landing gear, which supports it while on the ground.

Main Parts of the Basic Airplane

WINGS the parts of airplanes which provide lift and support the entire weight of the aircraft and its contents while in flight.

FUSELAGE the central body portion of an airplane which accommodates the crew and passengers or cargo.

LANDING GEAR located underneath the airplane, supports it while on the ground.

ENGINE the power unit of the aircraft which drives the propeller to pull the aircraft through the air.

EMPENNAGE the tail section of the aircraft that provides balancing or stabilizing forces

Pilot and passengers sit in the cockpit or cabin.

Most light airplanes have two, four, or six seats.

In general aviation airplanes, the cockpit is usually the space in the fuselage for the pilot and the passengers: in some aircrafts it is just the pilot's compartment.

The main controls used to fly the airplane are the flight controls and the throttle. Flight controls: The main controls used to fly the airplane are the flight controls and the throttle.

Inside the airplane, pilots control the movement of the surfaces with their hands or feet by pushing, pulling or turning the controls to make the airplane move in the proper manner.

What are these surfaces ? What do they do?

Control surfaces are the moveable outer surfaces of an airplane. These surfaces control the flow of air over the various sections of the aircraft causing it to move in different ways.

Primary flight control surfaces

Ailerons on the rear edge of the wings tilt the wings

for a turn or “bank.”It controls the rolling of the aircraft.

The elevator (on horizontal stabilizer) moves up

(or down) to force the nose of the airplane up (or down.)

The rudder (on the vertical stabilizer) moves the airplane’s nose left or right, helping it turn.

Secondary control systems improve the performance characteristics of the airplane, or relieve the pilot of excessive control forces.

Secondary flight control systems may consist of the flaps, leading edge devices, spoilers, and trim devices.

Flaps on the wings change the shape of the wing to provide more lift and drag. This allows the airplane to fly slower.

The slats move out from the front of the wings to make the wing space larger. Opening a slat allows the air below the wing to flow over the wing’s upper surface,
