



Section A

Directions:After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

In colleges around the country, most students are also workers.

The reality of college can be pretty different from the images __1__(present) in movies and television. Instead of the students who wake up late, party all the time, and study only before exams, many colleges are full of students __2__ tight schedules of not just classes and activities, but real jobs, too.

This isn’t a temporary ph enomenon. The share of working students __3__ (be) on the rise since the 1970s, and one-fifth of students work year round. About one-quarter of those __4__ work while attending school have both a full-course load and a full-time job. The arrangement can help pay for tuition (学费) and living costs, obviously. And there’s value in it beyond the direct cause: such jobs __5__ also be critical for developing important professional and social skills that make __6__ easier to land a job after graduation. With many employers __7__(look) for students with already-developed skill sets, on-the-job training while in college can be the best way to ensure a job later on.

But it’s not all upside. Even full-time work may not completely cover the cost of tuition and living expenses. The study notes that __8__ a student worked a full-time job at the federal minimum wage, they would earn just over $15,000 each year, certainly not enough __9__ for tuition, room, and board at many colleges without some serious financial aid. That means that though they’re sacrificing time away from the classroom, many working students will still graduate with at least some debt. And working full time can reduce the chance that students will graduate at all, by cutting into(减少) the time available for studying and attending classes.

There is little reward for attending but not finishing college. Working too much while in school can create a cycle where students __10__(push) further into debt without receiving any of the financial or career benefits.


【分析】考查非谓语. 过去分词做后置定语.



3.【答案】has been





【分析】考查情态动词.根据句意:这样的工作也可以是对……至关重要的 .


【分析】考查代词.Make it easier,其中,it作形式宾语 .





9.【答案】to pay


10.【答案】are pushed


Section C

Directions:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

On May 28th, we observe World Hunger Day. It is an effort to focus attention on the fact that despite a sufficient __1__ of food nearly everywhere, globally, some 21,000 people die every day from hunger or malnutrition. Although this is significantly fewer people than the numbers we saw a decade ago, hunger still kills more people than AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria __2__.

People do not go hungry because the world does not produce enough food for everyone. According to the World Hunger Education Service, over the past three decades, significant growth in food production, along with __3__ access to food, helped reduce the percentage of chronically undernourished(长期营养不良的) people in developing countries from 34 percent to 15 percent. The principal problem is that many people in the world still do not have resources to __4__ or grow enough food.

Indeed, hunger is a consequence of poverty, and also one of its causes. Hunger exists because many countries __5__ social safety nets; because in many countries women, although they do most of the farming, do not have as much __6__ as men to training, credit or land.

Conflict, governance systems that do not encourage __7__ in agriculture, poor management of land and natural resources, lack of educational opportunity, displacement of small farmers by natural disasters, and financial and economic crises

that eliminate jobs at the lowest levels, all __8__ toward creating conditions that push the poorest into hunger.

Over the past decade, a global push to reduce hunger and __9__ poverty has marked some significant successes, thanks in part to the efforts of numerous international and transnational institutions, foundations, NGOs and governments.

But on World Hunger Day, let us not forget that with over 815,000 people still living in daily food __10__, we still have a long way to go before we can safely say that no child goes to bed hungry most nights, that no parent skimps on their own dinner so the children can eat.


【分析】availability 可利用性;可得到的人或物.根据句意:尽管我们可以得到充足的食物.故填availability.


【分析】combined.根据句意:虽然这个数字比十年前要少得多,但是饥饿造成的死亡人数仍然比艾滋病、结核病和疟疾的总和还要多. 故填 combined.




【分析】purchase.购买;根据句意:人们仍然没有足够资源购买或种植足够多的粮食。故填 purchase.




【分析】access 获得,接近.根据句意,妇女虽然从事大部分农业,但获得培训、信贷或土地的机会不如男子。故填 access.

7. 【答案】G.

【分析】investment 投资.根据句意,不鼓励对农业投资的治理制度。故填 investment.


【分析】contribute 贡献.contribute to/toward 固定词组搭配可解释为:有助于。根据句意,所有这些都有助于创造条件,迫使最贫穷的人陷入饥饿。故填contribute.


【分析】extreme 极其的,极度的.根据句意,过去十年来,全球减少饥饿和极度贫穷的努力取得了一些重大成功.故填extreme.


【分析】insecurity 不可靠,不保障.根据句意,有超过815,000人仍然生活在日常的粮食无保障中。故填insecurity.

III. Reading comprehension.

Section A

Directions: For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.

When 17-year-old Quattro Musser hangs out with friends, they don't drink beer or cruise around in cars with their dates. __1__, they stick to G-rated activities such as rock-climbing or talking about books.

They are in good company, according to a new study showing that teenagers are increasingly delaying activities that had long been seen as rites of passage into __2__. The study, published Tuesday in the journal Child Development, found that the percentage of adolescents in the U.S. who have a driver's license, who have tried alcohol, who date, and who work for pay has plummeted since 1976, with the most sudden __3__ in the past decade.To be sure, more than half of teens still engage in these activities, but the __4__ have slimmed considerably. Between 1976 and 1979, 86 percent of high school seniors had gone on a date; between 2010 and 2015 only 63 percent had, the study found. During the same period, the portion who had ever earned money from working plunged from 76 to 55 percent. And the

portion who had tried alcohol plummeted from 93 percent between 1976 and 1979 to 67 percent between 2010 and 2016.

"People say, 'Oh, it's because teenagers are more responsible, or more lazy, or more boring,' but they're __5__ the larger trend," said Jean Twenge, lead author of the study, which drew on seven large time-lag surveys of Americans. Rather, she said, kids may be less __6__ activities such as dating, driving or getting jobs because in today's society, they no longer need to.

According to an evolutionary psychology theory that a person's "life strategy" slows down or speeds up depending on his or her __7__, exposure to a "harsh and unpredictable" environment leads to faster development, while a more resource-rich and secure environment has the __8__ effect, the study said.

In the first __9__, "You'd have a lot of kids and be in survival mode, start having kids young, expect your kids will have kids young, and expect that there will be more __10__ and fewer resources," said Twenge, a psychology professor at San Diego State University who is the author of "iGen: Why Today's Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy - and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood."

A century ago, when life expectancy was lower and college education less prevalent, "the goal back then was survival, not violin lessons by 5," Twenge said.

In that model a teenage boy might be thinking more __11__ about marriage, and driving a car and working for pay would be important for "establishing mate value based on procurement of resources," the study said.

But America is shifting more toward the __12__ model, and the change is apparent across the socioeconomic spectrum, Twenge said. "Even in families whose parents didn't have a college education...families are smaller, and the idea that children need to be carefully __13__ has really sunk in."

The __14__ of "adult activities" could not be attributed to more homework or extracurricular activities, the study said, noting that teens today spend fewer hours on homework and the same amount of time on extracurriculars as they did in the 1990s (with the exception of community service, which has risen slightly). Nor could the use of smartphones and the Internet be entirely the __15__, the report said, since the decline began before they were widely available.

1.A. moreover B. unfortunately C. rather D. consequently

2.A. work B. schooling C. adolescence D. adulthood

3.A. conflicts B. effects C. decreases D. costs

4.A. responsibilities B. options C. majorities D. resources

5.A. challenging B. predicting C. missing D. analyzing

6.A. distracted from B. particular about C. disappointed with D. interested in

7.A. stocks B. surroundings C. outlooks D. contributions

8.A. incredible B. insignificant C. immediate D. opposite

9.A. case B. round C. place D. strategy

10.A. opportunities B. properties C. diseases D. benefits

11.A. hesitantly B. regretfully C. seriously D. innovatively

12.A. more scientific B. slower C. more responsible D. smarter

13.A. organized B. observed C. selected D. educated

14.A. standard B. postponement C. promotion D. arrangement

15.A. cause B. trend C. burden D. pattern












【分析】根据句意和后文推出interested in



















Section B

Directions: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statement. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.



What is the first thing you notice when you walk into a shop? The products displayed(展示) at the entrance? Or the soft background music?

But have you ever notice the smell? Unless it is bad, the answer is, likely to be no. But while a shop's scent may not be outstanding compared with sights and sounds, it is certainly there. And it is providing to be an increasing powerful tool in encouraging people to purchase.

A brand store has become famous for its distinctive scent which floats through the fairly dark hall and out to the entrance, via scent machines. A smell may be attractive but it may not just be used for fresheningair. One sports goods company once reposed that when it first introduced scent into its stores, customers' intension to purchase increased by 80 percent.

When it comes to the best shopping streets in Pairs, scent is justas important to a brand's success as the quality of its window displays and goods on sales. That is mainly because shopping is a very different experience to what it used to be.

Some years ago, the focus forbrand name shopping was on a few people with sales assistants' disproving attitude and don't-touch-what-you-can't afford displays. Now the rise of electronic commerce(e-commerce) has opened up famous brands to a wider audience. But whilee-shops can use sights and sounds, only bricks-and-mortar stores(实体店) can offer afull experience from the minute customers step through the door to the moment they leave. Another brandstore seeks to be much more than a shop, but rather a destination. And scent is just one way to achieve this.

Now a famous store uses complex man-made smell to make sure that the soft scent of baby powder floats through the kid department, and coconut(椰子) scent in the swimsuit section. A departmentstore has even opened a new lab, inviting customers on a journey into the store's windows to smell books, pots andd rawers, in search of their perfect scent.

(1)According to the passage, what is an increasingly powerful tool in the success of some brand store?

A. Friendly assistant.

B. Unique scents.

C. Soft background music.

D. attractive window display.

(2)E-shops are mentioned in the passage to_____.

A. show the advantages of brick-and-mortar stores

B. urge shop assistants to change their attitude

C. push stores to use sights and sounds

D. introduce the rise of e-commerce

(3)The underlined word“destination”in Paragraph 5 means_____.

A. a platform that exhibits goods

B. a spot where travelers like to stay

C. a place where customers love to go

D. a target that a store expects to meet

(4)The main purpose of the passage is to________.

A. compare and evaluate

B. examine and assess

C. argue and discuss

D. inform and explain



【分析】推理题。根据文章第三段1,2行A brand store has become famous for its distinctive scent which floats through the fairly dark hall and out to the entrance, via scent machines.可知这家商店的成功的原因是店里很有特色的味道。故B正确。


【分析】推理题。根据第五段3,4行But while e-shops can use sights and sounds, only bricks-and-mortar stores (实体店) can offer a full experience from the minute customers step through the door to the moment they leave.可知电子网店里可以使用声音和视觉来吸引顾客,那么实体店里就可以使用味道来吸引顾客。作者举电子网店是为了说明实体店也有自己的优势。故A正确。


【分析】推理题。根据本句Another brand store seeks to be much more than a shop, but rather a destination.另外一家实体店通过种种方法努力让自己不仅仅是一个商店,而成为人们愿意去的目的地,既然来到这里,他们就可能多购物了。光顾该词是指C项含义。




Sparrow is a fast-food chain with 200 restaurants.Some years ago,the group to which Sparrow belonged was taken over by another company.Although Sparrow showed no sign of declining,the chain was generally in an unhealthy state.With more and more fast-food concepts reaching the market,the Sparrow menu had to struggle for attention.And to make matters worse,its new owner had no plans to give it the funds it required.

Sparrow failed to grow for another two years until a new CEO,Carl Pearson,decided to build up its market share.He did a survey,which showed that consumers who already used Sparrow restaurants were extremely positive about the chain,while customers of other fast-food chains were unwilling to turn away from them.Sparrow had to develop a new promotional campaign.

Pearson faced a battle over the future of the Sparrow brand.The chain's owner now favored rebranding Sparrow as Marcy's restaurants.Pearson resisted,arguing for an advertising campaign designed to convince customers that visits to Sparrow restaurants were fun.Such an attempt to establish a positive relationship between a company and the general public was unusual for that time.Pearson strongly believed that numbers were the key to success,rather than customers' spending power.Finally,the owner accepted his idea.

The campaign itself changed the traditional advertising style of the fast-food industry.The TV ads of Sparrow focused on entertainment and featured original songs performed by a variety of stars.Instead of showing the superiority of a specific product,the intention was to put Sparrow in the hearts of potential customers.

Pearson also made other decisions which he believed would contribute to the new Sparrow image.For example,he offered to lower the rent of any restaurants which achieved a certain increase in their turnover(营业额).

These efforts paid off,and Sparrow soon became one of the most successful fast-food chains in the regions where it operated.

1.Which was one of the problems Sparrow faced before Pearson became CEO?

A.The number of its customers was declining.

B.Its customers found the food unhealthy.

C.It was in need of financial support.

D.Most of its restaurants were closed.

2.What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A.Customers of Sparrow restaurants.

B.Sparrow restaurants.

C.Customers of other fast-food chains.

D.Other fast-food chains.

3.For what purpose did Pearson start the advertising campaign?

A.To build a good relationship with the public.

B.To stress the unusual tradition of Sparrow.

C.To learn about customers' spending power.

D.To meet the challenge from Marcy's restaurants.

4.What was Pearson's achievement as a CEO?

A.He managed to pay off Sparrow's debts.

B.He made Sparrow much more competitive.

C.He helped Sparrow take over a company.

D.He improved the welfare of Sparrow employees.

【分析】:本文讲述了一个快餐公司在濒临倒闭的情况下,在Carl Pearson的带领下重新焕发生机的故事。


【分析】细节理解题。根据原文“And to make matters worse,its new owner had no plans to give it the funds it required.”可知,公司急需的是资金,故C项正确。


【分析】猜测词义题。根据原文“He did a survey, which showed that consumers who already used

Sparrow restaurants were extremely positive about the chain, while customers of other fast-food chains were unwilling to turn away from them...”可知,其他连锁店的顾客不愿离开他们的连锁店,此处,turn away from 表示“从……处走开”,所以from之后应该表示主语的原始位置,故选D项。


【分析】推理判断题。根据原文“...Such an attempt to establish a positive relationship between a company and the general public was unusual for that time....”可以得知“……公司想建立跟大众的友好关系”。故正确答案A。


【分析】主旨大意题。根据原文最后一段,“their efforts paid off”意为“他们的努力得到了回报”,Sparrow不久成为该地区最成功的快餐店之一。所以正确答案是B;C选项和D选项未涉及。


Earlier this year a series of papers in The Lancet reported that 85 percent of the $265 billion spent each year on medical research is wasted. No follow-up investigations ensue to replicate or expand on a discovery. No one uses the ?ndings to build new technologies.

The problem is not just what happens after publication-scientists often have trouble choosing the right questions and properly designing studies to answer them. Too many neuroscience studies test too few subjects to arrive at ?rm conclusions. Researchers publish reports on hundreds of treatments for diseases that work in animal models but not in humans. Drug companies ?nd themselves unable to reproduce promising drug targets published by the best academic institutions. The growing recognition that something has gone awry in the laboratory has led to calls for, as one might guess, more research on research (aka,meta-research)-attempts to ?nd protocols that ensure that peer-reviewed studies are, in fact, valid.

It will take a joint effort by scientists and other stakeholders(相关利益者) to fix this problem. We can do so by exploring ways to make scientific investigation more reliable and efficient. These may include collaborative team science,

study registration, stronger study designs and statistical tool, and better peer review, along with making scientific data widely available so that others can replicate experiments. therefore building trust in the conclusions of those studies. Reproducing other scientists analyses or replicating their results has too often in the past been looked down on with a kind of me-too derision(嘲笑) that would waste resources-but often they may help avoid false leads that would have been even more wasteful. Perhaps the biggest obstacle to replication is the inaccessibility of data and results necessary to rerun the analyses that went into the original experiments Searching for such information can be extremely difficult. Investigators die, move and change jobs: computers crash; online links malfunction. Data are sometimes lost—even, as one researcher claimed when confronted about spurious(伪造的)results, eaten by termites(白蚁).

There has definitely been some recent progress. An increasing number of journals, including Nature and Science, have adopted measures such as checklists for study design and reporting while improving statistical review and encouraging access to data. Several funding agencies. Meanwhile, have asked that researchers outline their plans for sharing data before they can receive a government grant.

But it will take much more to achieve a lasting culture change. Investigators should be rewarded for performing good science rather than just getting statistically significant(“positive")but nonreplicable results. Revising the present incentive(激励)structure may require changes on the part of journals, funders, universities and other research institutions.

1. What is the problem reported in those papers in The Lancer?

A Great achievements in medical research failed to get published.

B. Money was wasted on follow-up investigations in medical research.

C. Too many new research findings are not put into use after publication

D. Few scientists are devoted to building new technologies for mankind.

2. Which of the following situation is most similar to the problem described in paragraph 2?

A. A high school decides to cut its art programs due to the lack of fund.

B. A patient gets sicker because he does not follow the doctors advice

C. A marketing firm tests a website with participants that are not target population

D A drug company fails to produce the new drug due to no access to the latest data

3. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

A. Measures are taken to ensure publication of tested results only

B. Scientific experiments must be replicable to be considered valid

C. Experiment replication is unoriginal and not worthwhile

D.Rewards should be given only to those nonreplicable findings

4. The purpose of this article is to

A. argue that scientific research lacks efficient

B explain the result of a recent scientific study

C. introduce some recent progress in medical research

D. highlight the possible problems of research studies


【分析】细节理解题。根据第一段“No follow-up investigations ensue to replicate or expand on a discovery. No one uses the ?ndings to build new technologies.”可知研究结果并没有被投入使用,故C正确。




【分析】推理判断题。第三段“These may include collaborative team science, study registration, stronger study designs and statistical tool, and better peer review, along with making scientific data widely available so that others can replicate experiments. therefore building trust in the conclusions of those studies.”意为“这些可以包括协作团队科学、研究注册、更强的研究设计和统计工




Section C

Directions:Fill in each blank in the article with a proper sentence given below. Each sentence can be used only once. Note there are two more sentences than you need.

Parents are often surprised when teachers suggest their children read magazines. Read on to

learn about the benefits that reading magazines offers to young readers and how to introduce your children to the medium.

Magazine articles can provide reluctant readers with a lively, breezy writing style that can inspire them to read more.__1__It allows a child to finish reading a feature article without losing interest due to a short attention span. The writing in magazines also tends to be easy to read, especially if it is a children's publication.

__2__Magazines and newspapers provide adults with critical news, Getting into the habit of reading periodicals as a child will foster the habit of reading news articles that may continue into adulthood. Reading magazines as a family can be used to introduce each other to the various interests

that each family member possesses. When your children are finished with their magazines, encourage them to pass their issue on to a sibling or other family member. Once each family

member has finished reading each magazine, you can use them for art and writing projects.__3__

Cut out pictures to help your preschool and kindergarten children learn their alphabet, numbers,

and colors.

__4__Paste the picture at the top of a page and have them write a story about what is happening or what the picture represents.

Clip pictures to create a collage. Many teenagers love using their artistic talents to collage. Magazines are valuable assets for many people, but in particular to children. The skills that

students utilize and strengthen when reading magazines can be applied to higher level reading and other academic subjects. Encouraging your child to read by giving them magazine subscription could cause them to take the leap from being a reluctant reader to a eager page-turner.









IV. Translating

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words in the brackets.


The unemployment rate remains high, which makes this government very anxious.


Traditional letters seem to have little in common with modern communications.


Hardly can I recognize this town,since everything has changed.


The price of the villa that was finished in the 1920s is rising year by year in the market, as it’s still in good condition.


福建省福州市高二英语上学期期末考试试题 (完卷时间:120分钟,总分:150分) 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 做题时,现将答案标在试卷上,录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的 A,B,C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What gift will the woman probably get for Mary? A. A schoolbag. B. A CD. C. A movie ticet. 2. What is the man doing? A. Watching TV. B. Enjoying a party. C. Looing for his clothes. 3. What does the man mainly do in his spare time? A. He plays sports. B. He plays the piano. C. He learns a language. 4. Which flavor is the most popular? A. Strawberry. B. Chocolate. C. Lemon. 5. What are the speaers taling about? A. A movie they just saw. B. A favorite actor. C. Weeend plans. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What is the relationship between the speaers? A. Former classmates. B. Teacher and student. C. Old teammates. 7. What is the woman more interested in now? A. Playing tennis. B. Playing the piano. C. Playing basetball. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. What caused the woman’s problem?


上海中学2016—2017学年第一学期期末试卷 化学试题 原子量:H—1 O—16 Al—27 S—32 Cl—35.5 Mn—55 K—39 一、选择题(每道题有1个正确答案) 1、下列物质的分子或晶体中包含正四面体结构,且键角不等于109o28’的是() A.白磷B.金刚说C.氨气D.甲烷 2、下列现象中,能用范德华力解释的是() A.氮气的化学性质稳定B.通常状况下,溴呈液态,碘呈固态 C.水的沸点比硫化氢高D.锂的熔点比钠高 3、下列过程中能形成离子键的是() A.硫磺在空气中燃烧B.氢气与氯气在光照下反应 C.镁在空气中逐渐失去光泽D.氯气溶于水 4、已知H2O跟H+可结合成H3O+(称为水合氢离子),则H3O+中一定含有的化学键是()A.离子键B.非极性键C.配位键D.氢键 5、在一定温度和压强下,气体体积主要取决于() A.气体微粒间平均距离B.气体微粒大小 C.气体分子数目的多少D.气体式量的大小 6、FeS2的结构类似于Na2O2,是一种过硫化物,与酸反应时生成H2S2,H2S2易分解。实验室用过量稀硫酸与FeS2颗粒混合,则反应完毕后不可能生成的物质是() A.H2S B.S C.FeS D.FeSO4 7、要把12mol/L的盐酸(密度为1.19g/cm)50mL的稀释为6mol/L的盐酸(密度为1.10g/cm),需要加水多少() A .50mL B.50.5mL C.55mL D.59.5mL 8、某硫单质的分子式为S x,n mol的S x在足量氧气中完全燃烧,产生气体全部通入含有m molCa(OH)2的石灰水中,恰好完全沉淀,且8n=m,则x的值为() A.8B.6C.4D.2 9、白磷的化学式写成P,但其实际组成为P4,而三氧化二磷其实是以六氧化四磷的形式存在的,已知P4O6分子中只含有单键,且每个原子的最外层都满足8电子结构,则分子中含有的共价键的数目是()


2019-2020年建平中学高一上月考 一. 填空题 1. 已知{2,3,5}{2,3,5,7,11,13}A ??,那么满足条 件的集合A 的个数是 2. 将集合U A C B e在右图中用阴影部分表示出来 3. 命题“若1a =且2b =,则5a b +<.”的否命题 是 4. 已知{(,)|40}A x y x y =+-=,{(,)|10}B x y x ay =+-=,若A B =?,则实数a 的值为 5. 设集合{,,1}A x xy xy =-,其中x ∈Z ,y ∈Z 且0y ≠. 若0A ∈,则用列举法表示集合 A = 6. 设集合2{|60}A x x x =+-=,{|10,}B x mx m =+=∈R ,若A B ?,则实数m 的取 值的集合为 7. 已知A 、B 均为集合{1,3,5,7,9}U =的子集,且{3}A B =,{9}U A B =e,则集合 A = 8. 建平中学2019年的“庆国庆930”活动正如火如荼准备中,高一某班学生参加大舞台和 风情秀两个节目情况如下:参加风情秀的人数占该班全体人数的八分之三;参加大舞台的人 数比参加风情秀的人数多3人;两个节目都参加的人数比两个节目都不参加的学生人数少7 人,则此班的人数为 9. 已知集合{1,2,3}A =,{|}B E E A =?,令||E 表示数集E 中所有元素的和,对集合B 中所有元素均求||E ,则这些||E 的值的和为 二. 选择题 10. 若“不积硅步,无以至千里”是真命题,则下面的命题一定是真命题的是( ) A. 积硅步一定可以至千里 B. 不积硅步也可能至千里 C. 要想至千里一定要积硅步 D. 不想至千里就不用积硅步 11. 若U 为全集,B A 、为非空集合,下面四个命题: (1)A B A =;(2)A B B =;(3)U A B =?e;(4)U A B U =e. 其中与命题B A ?等价的命题个数有( ) A. 1个 B. 2个 C. 3个 D. 4个


高二年级第一学期期末测试----英语 单项选择(共25小题;每小题1分,满分25分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. The film _______ him _______ what he had seen in China. A. reminded; to B. remembered; of C. recalled; with D. reminded; of 2. I sight of an empty seat at the back of the bus and went directly there. A. lost B caught C. looked D. took 3. He asked us to him ______ carrying through their plan. A. assist; with B. help; to C. assist; in D. help; with 4. His report was so exciting that it was interrupted by applause(掌声). A. constantly B. constant C. seldom D. never 5. _______ in a friendly way, their quarrel came to an end. A. Being settled B. Settled C. Settling D. Having settled 6. A driver should __ the road when . A. concentrate on; drive B. concentrate in; driving C. concentrate to; drove D. concentrate on; driving 7. We must work hard to a good knowledge of English. A. take B. acquire C. catch D. hold 8. Tom kept quiet about the accident ________ lose his job. A. so not as to B. so as not to C. so as to not D. not so as to 9. Not until the early years of the 19th century ________ what heat was. A. man did know B. did man knew C. didn't man know D. did man know 10. The stone bridge __ _ last year is very beautiful. A. built B. was built C. being built D .to be built 11.The poor man , ________,ran out of the dark cave. A. tiring and frightened B. tired and frightened C. tired and frightening D. tiring and frightening 12. Don’t be discouraged. ______ things as they are and you will enjoy every day of your life. A. Taking B. To take C. Take D. Taken 13. These articles are written in simple language, _____ makes it easy to read. A. that B. this C. which D. it 14. After the war, a new school building was put up __________there used to be a theatre. A. that B. where C. which D. when 15. Tom’s mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but ______ didn’t help. A. he B. which C. she D. it 16. Along with the letter was his promise _______ he would visit me this coming Christmas. A. which B. that C. what D. whether 17. Victor apologized for __________ to inform me of the change in the plan.


微信号:JW2215874840或ross950715或Soulzbb 上海中学 2019-2020 学年高一下期中考试 一、填空题(每空3分,共30分) 1.已知点A (2,-1)在角α的终边上,则sin α=__________. 2.函数sin(2)y x π=+的最小正周期是________. 3.一个扇形半径是2,圆心角的弧度数是2,则此扇形的面积是________. 4.已知函数[]()sin (0,)f x x x π=∈和函数1()tan 2 g x x = 的图像交于A 、B 、C 三点,则△ABC 的面积为________. 5.在平面直角坐标系xoy 中,角α与角β都以x 轴正半轴为始边,它们的终边关于y 轴对称.若1sin 3 α= ,则cos()αβ-=__________.6.已知3sin()45x π-=,则sin 2x =__________.7.设(),0,x y π∈,且满足2222sin cos cos cos sin sin 1sin() x x x y x y x y -+-=+,则x y -=_____.8.我国古代数学家秦九韶在《数学九章》中记述了“三斜求积术”,用现代式子表示即为:在△ABC 中,A ∠、B ∠、C ∠的对边分别是a 、b 、,c 则△ABC 的面积 S =.根据此公式,若cos (3)cos 0a B b c A ++=,且2222a b c +-=,则△ABC 的面积为_______. 9.若函数()2sin(2)1()6f x x a a R π=++-∈在区间0,2π?????? 上有两个不同的零点12,x x ,则12x x a +-的取值范围是__________. 10.已知函数sin ()cos m f ααα-=在(0,2 π上单调递减,则实数m 的取值范围是________.二、选择题(每题4分,共24分) 1.已知cos ,(1,1),(,)2k k πααπ=∈-∈,则sin()πα+=( ) A. C. D.1k -


上海市建平中学学校发展五年规划 (经教代会八届九次第四次会议讨论通过) 当下基础教育,从世界范围来看,主题词是课程改革,从中国范围来看,主题词是学校文化建设,这是时代的主旋律。根据社会发展趋势要求,结合建平中学历史发展的经验总结与现状分析,特提出未来五年学校发展整体规划。 一、基本成绩: ?思想发展2003年8月以来建平中学率先进行学校文化建设,确立独 具特色的建平 培养目标,努力构建具有建平特色的课程文化、组织文化、管理文化、环境文化,力图在建平中学建设形成开放、民主、和谐、进取的现代学校文化。 ?示范学校建平中学历时5年以课程改革为抓手,构建建平学校课程 体系,已经初 见端倪,教师专业发展水平有所提高,学校环境面貌一新,管理改革逐步深入,学校核心发展力有所提升。2004年参加上海市实验性示范性高级中学的总结性评审,建平中学以9项指标全优的成绩首批通过验收。 ?精神文明2005年获全国精神文明建设先进集体。2003—2007年建平 中学连续荣 获上海市文明单位。 ?社会影响2006年新华网、《中国青年报》发表长篇通讯《文化铸精魂, 激情满校 园》,报道建平中学的课程改革和学校文化建设。 ?环境建设2007学校环境改造完工,一个崭新的建平校园矗立在世人 眼前。 二、问题所在:

?课程问题课程体系虽然初见端倪,但并未建成;学校课程评价与课 程管理急待加 强;模块课程建设还存在学科之间的不平衡、年级之间的不平衡,模块课程有待于继续坚持、改进和不断完善;学校课程制度建设有待深入。 ?队伍问题教师专业发展遭遇瓶颈,资深高端教师个体发展不够全面, 申报特级教 师尚有缺憾;青年教师的教学功力尚显不足;教师整体文化素养有待充分提高,教师的创造激情有待于充分点燃,教师培训模式有待于进一步完善创新;干部大局观、协调性、纪律性有待加强。 ?环境问题环境建设的文化含量有待于进一步增强。 ?管理问题管理方式有待于进一步优化,管理效率有待提高,工作中 的忙乱现象有 待克服,部门间的统筹、协调有待加强。 三、指导思想: 今后五年,必须把建平教育放在教育全球化的大背景下,放在上海现代化国际大都市的背景下,放在建平几十年教育改革、不断提升核心发展力的历史进程中,来思考谋划我们的工作,以国际视野、科学思维、战略眼光来规划未来。 必须更加注重教育的质量,必须更加注重内涵发展,必须更加注重优化发展的途径,必须更加注重激发全体建平人的内在动力,坚定不移地走课程改革之路,走文化建设之路,提升建平的核心发展力,充分发挥示范带头作用,以我们的改革实践引领并推进中国基础教育的发展。 四、发展目标: 围绕学生健康快乐发展与终身可持续发展的办学目的,形成以课程文化为中心,以课程文化、组织文化、环境文化、管理文化为构成的学校文化建设的基本格局;实现建平学校课程体系校本化;出名牌教师,出品牌学科,出研训文化;


第一学期期末考试 高二英语试题 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共115分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What is the purpose of the woman’s coming to fitness club? A. To take part in the exercise here. B. To ask about the courses for her friend. C. To pick up her best friend who is exercising here 2. What does the woman mean? A. Basketball is interesting B. She doesn’t like any sport. C. Baseball is the dullest sport. 3. What are the speakers talking about? A. The singers in the show. B. Their favorite songs. C. Their favorite stars. 4. What time is it now? A. 8:00. B. 8:10. C. 8:30. 5. Why does the man want to ask for leave? A. He is sick. B. He thinks Miss Li’s class is boring. C. He has to go to visit Miss Li. 第二节听下面5段材料。每段材料后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段材料前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段材料读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6. Why can’t Sara go with the speakers? A. She has to look after her brother. B. She dislikes going with them. C. She will go to her hometown. 7. What will the speakers do this weekend? A. Go to the beach. B. Go on a picnic. C. Have lunch at Sara’s. 8. What does the woman ask the man to do tonight? A. Tell Sara their plan. B. Complete his homework. C. Go to see Sara together. 听第7段材料,回答第9至11小题。 9. Why did Jane come to the coffee house to be a waitress? A. To earn money. B. To learn English. C. To learn how to make coffee. 10. Who usually does housework at home? A. The father. B. Jane. C. The mother. 11. How many people are there in the woman’s family?


上海南汇中学2018学年度高一第一学期期末 数学试卷 时间:90分钟 满分:100分 命题人:唐丽聪 周华 审题人:闵丽红 一、填空题(共36分,每小题3分) 1.设,,则集合______. {}0A x x =≥{}3B x x =??=??≤?()2f f =????5.设,,若,则实数的取值范围是______. {}11A x x =-≤≤{}B x x a =? ()f x ()g x R ①若,都是奇函数,则为奇函数; ()f x ()g x ()()(),F f x g x


上海重点中学排名Prepared on 21 November 2021

上海市重点高中排名:括号内为一本上线率 第一档(4大名校):(99)、、、 第二档8所一流一等市重点:(89)、(87)、南洋模范(83)、(85)、、上海市实验(83)、、、(84)、、格致中学 第三档8所一流二等市重点:松江二中、市西中学、曹杨二中、市北中学、进才中学位育中学、 第四档8所一流三等市重点:向明中学、市二中学、市三女中、华师大一附中、育才中学、杨浦高级中学、晋元中学 第五档8所二流一等市重点:行知中学、闵行中学、嘉定一中、敬业中学、洋泾中学、大境中学、北郊中学、吴淞中学、 第六档9所二流二等市重点:新中中学、青浦中学、奉贤中学、南汇中学、金山中学、崇明中学、卢湾中学、徐汇中学 第七档9所二流三等市重点:回民中学、上大附中、光明中学、南洋中学、宜川中学、同济一附中 委属重点中学:华师大二附中、上海中学、复旦附中、交大附中、上师大附中、市实验学校、上外附中; 以下是各个区比较好的高中: 黄浦区:格致中学、大同中学、大境中学、光明中学、敬业中学、市八中学;卢湾区:向明中学、卢湾中学、李惠利中学; 徐汇区:南洋模范中学、市二中学、位育中学、南洋中学;

长宁区:延安中学、市三女中、天山中学、复旦中学、建青实验学校; 静安区:市西中学、育才中学、民立中学、市一中学; 普陀区:曹杨二中、晋元中学、宜川中学; 闸北区:市北中学、新中高级中学、风华中学、六十中学、彭浦中学; 虹口区:华师大一附中、复兴高级中学、澄衷中学、北虹中学、虹口中学、继光中学、北郊中学; 杨浦区:控江中学、杨浦高级中学、同济中学、建设中学、中原中学、同济大学一附中、延吉中学、市东中学; 闵行区:七宝中学、闵行中学; 嘉定区:嘉定一中、嘉定二中; 宝山区:行知中学、吴淞中学、罗店中学; 浦东新区:进才中学、建平中学、洋泾中学、东昌中学、上南中学、三林中学、川沙中学、高桥中学; 金山区:金山中学、华师大三附中、上师大二附中、张堰中学; 松江区:松江二中、松江一中; 南汇区:南汇中学、大团中学、周浦中学; 奉贤区:奉贤中学、曙光中学; 青浦区:青浦高级中学、朱家角中学; 崇明县:崇明中学、民本中学。 按国际奥赛奖牌数目(注意不包括国家级奖牌) 绝对领先的是:华东师大二附中、复旦大学附中 较好的是:上海向明中学、上海延吉中学 一般的是:上海中学、上海延安中学、上海建平中学、上海大同中学、上海控江中学 上海市重点中学各种排名 学生质量: 1复旦附中2师大二附中3上海中学4上外附中5交大附中 6建平中学7控江中学8延安中学9复兴中学10位育中学 教师质量: 1师大二附中2上海中学3格致中学4建平中学5七宝中学


第一学期高二期末测试 英语试卷 注意事项: 1. 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题);全卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 2. 答题前,考生务必把自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 3. 答第Ⅰ卷时,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑、涂满;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。 4. 答第Ⅱ卷时,用黑色墨水钢笔在答题卡规定区域内作答;答在本试卷上或超出答题区域书写的答案无效。 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A.£19.15. B.£9.18. C.£9.15. 答案是C。 1. who is probably the woman? A. A waitress. B. A customer. C. A cook. 2. Why did the woman feel embarrassed? A. Because the meal was unpleasant. B. Because they had no topic to talk about. C. Because she had no money to pay for the meal. 3. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The man wants to rent the apartment alone. B. The man is not satisfied with the rent. C. The apartment is near the station. 4. How much did the white dress cost? A. 299 yuan. B. 399 yuan. C. 499 yuan. 5. What is their dream apartment like? A. It has three bedrooms. B. It has a study for their son. C. It is near the city center.


2018-2019学年上海市上海中学高一下期中考试数学试题 一、单选题 1.若则在 A.第一象限B.第二象限C.第三象限D.第四象限 【答案】D 【解析】根据三角函数值在各个象限的正负,判断出角的终边所在的象限. 【详解】 由于,故角为第一、第四象限角.由于,故角为第二、第四象限角.所以角为第四象限角.故选D. 【点睛】 本小题主要考查三角函数值在各个象限的正负值,根据正切值和余弦值同时满足的象限得出正确选项. 2.函数的部分图像如图,则可以取的一组值是 A.B. C.D. 【答案】C 【解析】试题分析:∵,∴,,又由得. 3.在△ABC中,分别为三个内角A、B、C的对边,若则△ABC的形状是A.等腰三角形B.直角三角形 C.等腰直角三角形D.等腰或直角三角形 【答案】D 【解析】利用正弦定理化简得:,再利用二倍角公式整理得: ,解三角方程即可得解。 【详解】

由正弦定理化简得:, 整理得:,所以 又,所以或. 所以或. 故选:D 【点睛】 本题主要考查了正弦定理及三角恒等变换,还考查了正弦的二倍角公式及三角函数的性质,属于中档题。 二、填空题 4.函数的最小正周期是_________. 【答案】 【解析】直接由周期公式得解。 【详解】 函数的最小正周期是: 故填: 【点睛】 本题主要考查了的周期公式,属于基础题。 5.已知点P在角的终边上,则_______. 【答案】0 【解析】求出到原点的距离,利用三角函数定义得解。 【详解】 设到原点的距离,则 所以,, 所以 【点睛】 本题主要考查了三角函数定义,考查计算能力,属于基础题。 6.已知扇形的周长为10 cm,面积为4 cm2,则扇形的圆心角α的弧度数为__________.


2017—2018学年度第二学期期末检测试题 高二英语参考答案 听力(20×1.5=30):1—5 BACAB 6—10 BACCB 11—15 CAACC 16—20 BABCA 阅读理解(15×2=30):21—23 DCB 24—27 CDBA 28—31 DCBC 32—35 BDCA 七选五阅读填空(5×2=10):36—40 GBFEC 完形填空(20×1.5=30):41—45 CBDAC 46—50 ABCDC 51—55 BACDB 56—60 ADABC 语法填空(10×1.5=15): 61. smoothly 62. when 63. challenging 64. to achieve 65. a 66. attitudes 67. of 68. itself 69. better 70. are surrounded 短文改错(10×1=10): Last Sunday, sixty students from our school pay a visit to China Science and Technology Museum. paid The museum, which main task is to spread the knowledge of science and technology, covers ∧area of whose an 48, 000 square meters. The moment when we entered the museum, the exhibition caught their attention. our In the museum, we saw the latest progresses in science and technology. Moreover, we did an amazed progress amazing scientific experiment by ourselves. What appealed for us most was the 3D film that made us feel we were to in real events. Though the visiting time was slight short, we gained a lot. It is so an instructive activity that we hope slightly such more will be organized in the future. 书面表达(满分25分): 参考范文: Dear Chris, How is everything going? I’m Li Hua. I’m writing to inform you to change our travel plan. I’m glad that you enjoy traveling as much as I do. You can’t imagine how excited I was when you agreed to travel to Yunnan with me in July. However, something unexpected happened. I accidentally hurt my foot during a basketball match. As a result, I can’t go to Y unnan with you as planned. I’m terribly sorry about the change of the plan. In addition, can we put the travel off until August? My injury will by no means be a matter by then! I s incerely hope that the time is convenient for you. If you have made a decision, don’t hesitate to let me know. (119) I’m looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua 各档次的给分范围和要求 第五档(21-25分) 完全完成了试题规定的任务。 —覆盖所有内容要点。


上海中学高一上期末数学试卷 2020.01 一、填空题 1.方程lg(21)lg 1x x +-=的解为 . 2.函数y =的值域为 . 3.若幂函数图像过点(8,4),则此函数的解析式是y = . 4.若指数函数x y a =的定义域和值域都是[2,4],则a = . 5.函数2()4(0)f x x x x =-≤的反函数为1()f x -= . 6.若2 33log 03a a +<+,则实数a 的取值范围是 . 7.已知函数()f x 定义域为R ,且恒满足()(2)0f x f x +-=,1 (1)() f x f x +=-,则函数()f x 的奇偶性为 . 8.函数225 x y x x =++单调递增区间为 . 9.函数42()21x x x c f x ++=+在定义域上单调递增,则c 的取值范围为 . 10.关于x 的方程22|8||2|x m x -=+有两个不同解,则m 的取值范围为 . 11.已知函数23()4f x ax =+ ,()a g x x x =+,对任意的1[1,2]x ∈,存在2[1,2]x ∈,使得12()()f x g x ≥恒成立,则a 的取值范围为 . 12.已知函数()||1||3|1|f x x x =----,若2(46)(4)f a a f a +=,则实数a 的取值范围 为 . 二、选择题 13.设()f x 是定义域为R 的偶函数,且在(,0)-∞递增,下列一定正确的是( ) A .233 2(0)2)2f f f --???? >> ? ????? B .233 2 322(log 4)f f f --????>> ? ????? C .233 2322(log 4)f f f --???? >> ? ??? ?? D .233 2 31log 224f f f --????? ?>> ? ? ?? ??? ?? 14.函数()f x 的反函数图像向右平移1个单位,得到函数图像C ,函数()g x 的图像与函数图像C 关于y x =成轴对称,那么()g x =( ) A .(1)f x + B .(1)f x - C .()1f x + D .()1f x -


上海市建平实验中学2017 年度学校工作计划在刚刚过去的2016 年度,上海市建平实验中学直面办学的诸多困境,不断突围, 在全体师生艰苦卓绝的努力下,取得了绩效考核优秀一等,中考成绩创历史新高的佳绩。2017年度,全体建平实验人将以“同心同愿、撸袖实干”的精神迎接新一年的各项工作。在充分分析学校各项工作已取得的成绩和面临的新挑战的基础上,继续秉持“建德建业,惟实惟新”的核心价值,“脚踏实地育真人、千方百计创未来”的办学理念,提出2017 年度学校工作思路,力求为学校的各项工作起到纲举目张的作用。 2017 年是建平实验中学规划完善之年。新一轮的学校四年发展规划,在广泛听取教职工意见的基础上,借力专家的调研提炼,已经对学校的基本情况、发展优势、新四年发展总框架、学校重点项目及推进措施进行了梳理和规划,2017 年,在基本框架的基础上,需进行进一步的修订与完善。 2017 年是建平实验中学质量稳固之年。学生的学业成绩是任何一所学校发展的生命线,在过去的2016 年,建平实验中学的教育教学质量取得了突破性的进展,2017 年的教学质量进入了攻坚战阶段,我们要认真分析已有的方法与经验,并寻找提升教学质量的新突破口,认真务实的研究符合建平实验中学学生的教学法,从而稳固学校的教育教学质量。 2017 年是建平实验中学改革深入之年。学校已经进行了机构改革,成立了四中心一部,各职能部门工作起色明显;在“八位一体”的办学中进行了初步的尝试,师生精神面貌焕然一新;“未来课堂”的研究在硬件设施上已经到位,部分教师已经开始了试水并初具成效。2017 年,要在总结既往改革中得失的基础上,寻找新的突破口,从而将改革进一步深入。 2017 年是建平实验中学内涵提炼之年。建平实验中学在经历了大修和部分场馆的改建之后,学校面貌焕然一新,环境育人的理念得到了彰显。学校的核心价值与办学理念借助校园文化环境的创设得到显性化体现。2017 年,建平实验中学应进一步提炼学校发展内涵,并在学校的软环境建设方面继续探索和提炼, 从而使两个校区的学校环境更具教育内涵和校园魅力。 、学校管理 1.进一步修订完善建平实验中学2016?2020年发展规划,并在各个层面做

高二上学期期末考试英语试卷 (3)

上学期期末考试 高二英语 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What are the two speakers talking about? A.Inviting friends to dinner. B.The work of their friends. C.The plan for the weekend. 2.What will the man do ? A.Go home in Alice’s car. B.Wait for Alice to take him home. C.Ask someone else to take him home. 3.Why does the man decide to go to Hainan Island? A.Because it is better than Hawaii. B.Because the food there is better. C.Because the food there is cheap and good. 4.What will the man be doing at 10:30 tomorrow evening? A.Seeing a film. B.Sleeping in bed. C.Eating in a restaurant. 5.What’s wrong with the car? A.It’s out of gas. B.It’s full of water. C.It can’s be started. 第二节,(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6-7题。 6.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? A.Mother and son. B.Teacher and student. C.Classmates. 7.How long do the students stay in school every day? A.Five hours. B.Seven hours. C.Nine hours. 听第7段材料,回答第8-10题。 8.How many people will the man prepare breakfast for? A.Ten. B.Thirty. C.Thirteen. 9.What time will the breakfast be ready? A.At 9:00. B.At 7:00. C.At 7:30. 10.Who will drive the guests to the bus stop? A.The man. B.The woman. C.The man’s brother. 听第8段材料,回答第11-13题。


上海市建平中学2019-2020学年度高三第一学期期中考试 2009—学年度高三第一学期期中考试 数学试题(理科) .11.12 一、填空题:本题有14小题,每小题4分,共56分 1.已知集合{}{}{}12,3,4,5, 2445U A B ===,,,,,则()U A C B ?= 2.函数2y x =-的递减区间为 3.已知z C ∈,且1 ()1 z f z z -= +,则()f i = 4.函数y =2,0 ,0x x x x ≠的图象过点()1,2,函数log ()(0,1)b y x a b b =+>≠的图像过点()0,2,则a b +等于 8.若不等式11x a --≤的解集非空,则整数a 的最小值是 9.函数1(01)x y a a a -=>≠,的图象恒过定点A ,若点A 在直线10mx ny +-=上,则 2m n +的最小值为 10.已知关于x 10t -=有实数解,则实数t 的范围是 11.已知(21)41 ()log 1a a x a x f x x x -+
