

**** 大学课程考核试卷


考核科目大学英语三课程类别必修课考核方式闭卷卷别 B (注:考生务必将答案写在答题纸上,写在本试卷上的无效)

I. Listening Comprehension (30 marks)

Part 1: Short dialogues (10 marks, 1 mark each)

Directions: Listen to the short dialogs and then choose the correct answers to the questions.

1. A. She did not take the shopping list along with her.

B. She did not write a shipping list.

C. She does not want to shop in a crowded supermarket.

D. She wants to finish shopping quickly.

2. A. Write a statement for the woman.

B. Revise what the woman will write.

C. Fill in forms for the woman.

D. Apply to an American university for admission.

3. A. Contemporary women no longer want to obey their husbands.

B. Modern girls no longer love their husbands.

C. At the marriage ceremony the bride should promise to obey her husband.

D. At the marriage ceremony the bride should show loyalty to her husband.

4. A. She is weak in doing projects. B. She is weak in studies.

C. She tends to work whole-heartedly.

D. She is not willing to start a project.

5. A. The football match should be called off.

B. The meeting should not include new items.

C. The meeting should have another two items.

D. The football should be included in the agenda.

6. A. It is important to offer an online friend a drink.

B. It is delightful to get a drink from an online friend.

C. Ensure that nobody puts anything harmful into your drink.

D. Be sure to shake the drink before you take it.

7. A. The wildfire in Spain is a good thing.

B. The wildfires are changing the climate.

C. Her son studies environmental protection in college.

D. Her son is protecting the environment.

8. A. 2 kilograms. B. 3 kilograms. C. 23 kilograms. D. 28 kilograms.

9. A. Stories about monsters. B. Stories about pirates.

C. Children not afraid of fighting.

D. Children in strange costumes.

10. A. Nasdaq takes an average of all its stocks while Dow does not.

B. Dow takes the average of its all its stocks while Nasdaq does not.

C. Neither uses the average of its stocks.

D. Both take an average of all their stocks.

Part 2:Long dialogues and multiple choice questions (5 marks, 1 mark each)

Directions: Listen to the following recording, then choose the correct answers to the questions.

Now listen to questions 11 to 15.

11. How much percent of the courses has the student missed?

A. About 10 percent.

B. About 25 percent.

C. About 50 percent.

D. About 75 percent.

12. What trouble is the student likely to have?

A. He is likely to fail the courses and repeat the grade.

B. He is likely to get a poor mark and lose his scholarship.

C. He is likely to take a make-up exam.

D. He is still likely to get a pass.

13. How important is what a student says in class?

A. It accounts for 50 percent of the total grade.

B. It accounts for 15 percent of the total grade.

C. It accounts for 50 percent of the seminar grade.

D. It accounts for 15 percent of the seminar grade.

14. What does the professor NOT advise the student to do?

A. Take part in class activities.

B. Apologize to all teachers.

C. Speak in class.

D. Attend the classes for the rest of

the semester.

15. What can we infer from the conversation?

A. Speaking is more important than reading.

B. Speaking is more important than writing.

C. Class participation is an important part of the course.

D. Top students do not have to speak a lot in class.

Part 3:Short passages and multiple choice questions (5 marks, 1 mark each)

Directions: Listen to the following recording, then choose the correct answers to the questions.

Now listen to questions 16 to 20.

16. According to Jones, why do top students take notes in class?

A. Because the notes help you remember the text.

B. Because students who failed to attend the lecture will borrow the notes.

C. Because teachers will test you on what they believe to be important.

D. Because teachers give them additional information beside the textbook.

17. What is special about Jack Smith's "homemade" system?

A. He compares his notes from the lecture with those from his reading.

B. He puts more emphasis on his notes from the lecture with those from his reading.

C. He puts more emphasis on his notes from the lecture with those from

his reading.

D. He emphasizes listening attentively instead of taking notes.

18. What does Anderson do right before the bell rings?

A. He writes down the last few sentences the teacher says.

B. He writes a short summary of the main ideas of the lesson.

C. He scans the lesson for the next day.

D. He gets ready to rush out.

19. What does class participation involve?

A. Asking the teacher questions.

B. Showing interest in learning.

C. Displaying one's potential.

D. Both A) and B).

20. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A. Secrets of successful students.

B. Methods for academic success and the reasons.

C. Top and bottom students.

D. Top students take notes.

Part 4: Compound dictation (10 marks, S1-S7 0.5 mark each, S8-S9 2 marks each, S10 2.5 marks)

Directions:Listen to the passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, listen for the general idea. When the passage is read

the second time, fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 with

the exact words you hear. For blanks numbered from S8 to S10,

write down either the exact words you hear or the main points in

your own words. When the passage is read for the third time,

check your answers.

As you may have already discovered, paying for a S1 education in the United States can be very expensive. But with S2 preparation, you may minimize the costs of this extraordinary S3 ; visit our financing page to learn more about paying for S4 . In this section, we S5 money matters that you may S6 __ on a daily basis during your S7 in the States.

As with any country, S8 ________________ around with you. There are other options such as credit cards or traveler's checks, which are all valid forms with which to pay for things in U.S.A.

Traveler's checks are one of the safest and easiest ways to transport money, because S9______________________. If you choose to carry traveler's checks with you from your home country to the States, be sure they are denominated in U.S. funds. Most businesses --- except taxi drivers and public transportation personnel --- will accept U.S.-denominated traveler's checks during regular business hours, typically between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. It is wise to bring about $100 with you in U.S. cash, S10 .

II. Reading Comprehension (Skimming and scanning) (10 marks, 1 mark


Directions: Read the following passages, and then answer the questions. For questions 21–27, mark Y (YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage, mark N (NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage, mark N G (NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. For questions28-30, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.

Drinking in America

Drinking in America is very unique. It cannot be explained briefly, as is possible when describing drinking in many other countries. There are special laws to limit drinking, and Americans enjoy their own tastes.


American laws concerning alcohol differ from state to state and city to city. In some towns, even states, alcohol is not allowed for sale at all except for the very weak 3.2 percent alcohol beer, know n as “three-two” beer. Some places do not allow the sale of alcohol on Sundays, even in shops—you may find a bar with locks on its alcohol shelves. Other places permit alcohol to be sold on Sunday afternoons and evenings, but not on Sunday mornings. In many parts of America, you are not allowed to drink alcohol in a public place. That is, you may not sit in a park or walk along a street while drinking beer, and you cannot even take a nice bottle of wine on your picnic. And in many states you are not allowed to drink alcohol while driving, or even have an

opened alcohol bottle in the car. Some bars have a license only for beer and wine. Others are also allowed to sell spirits (烈性酒) and, as Americans say, “mixed drinks”. Many bars have a period known as “happy hour”, often longer than an hour, when they sell drinks at lower-than-usual prices. This is usually around 5 p.m. and may be only on certain days of the week.

The Legal Drinking Age

The legal drinking age differs from place to place but is generally between 18 and 21. Some places permit the consumption of beer at 18 but spirits only at 21. Others permit the consumption only of “three-two” beer from 18 to 21. Young people therefore often drive from one place to another with more free drinking laws. In some parts of the US young people are allowed to vote, marry, raise children, keep full-time jobs, be tried in courts as adults, join the army and even buy guns—but NOT have a glass of beer. In some places people aged between 18 and 21 are allowed to go into bars but not allowed to drink.

Another even more interesting aspect of American drinking age laws is that in some places people below legal drinking age are not even allowed to sell alcohol.

Proof of Legal Drinking Age

In most places these drinking laws are fairly rigidly kept. You may, for example, find people lining up to get into a bar and discover that the line is caused by a guard on the door who is asking everybody for identification. If

you ask him why he wants to know who you are, he will inform you that he actually wants proof of how old you are. On such occasions Americans often show their driving licenses, which have their date of birth written on them. Beer

American beer, with very few exceptions, ranges from the average to the terrible. There are not many types of beer in the US—”light” and “dark” are two terms commonly used.

It is therefore normal to order beer simply by brand names. In a restaurant, in fact, i t is quite all right to order “a beer”, and they will tell you what they have.

It is not necessary, either, to specify quantity when ordering beer. If it comes in bottles or cans, you will get a bottle or can, and if it’s “on tap”(可以随时取用的),you will get a glass, unless you order a “pitcher”(大酒罐). The latter is very convenient to serve, since you can then take the pitcher and glasses to your table and keep filling up without going back to the bar. It is harder, however, to know how much you have drunk.

Some beer comes in bottles with taps that look as if they need an opener, but you can, in fact, open them up by hand—though you have to be very careful not to hurt yourself. It is possible, in some stores and bars, to find a wide variety of beer from all over the world, especially Western Europe and Australia, and it is fun to try them.

Cocktail (鸡尾酒)

Cocktails and “mixed drinks” are much more popular and stronger in the US than in Europe, and visitors may not be familiar with some of the term. “On the rocks”, as you probably know, means with ice, while “straight up” or “up” means neat and without ice. There are hundreds of different cocktails, and there is no space here to list all the different names.


In America “whiskey” means bourbon unless otherwise indicated. Bourbon (波旁威士忌)is a rather oily spirit made from corn. Rye (黑麦) whiskey is ca lled “rye” and Scotch whiskey “Scotch”.


In bars wine can often be bought by the glass. Don’t be misled by names. “Chablis” is used to refer to white wine, and “Burgundy” to red—Americans seem never to have heard of white Burgundy.

21.( ) Limits on drinking in the US are the strictest in the world.

22.( ) Alcohol in some states can be sold if they are not very strong.

23.( ) In many states people are not allowed to drink alcohol while driving

but they

can keep opened alcohol bottles in the car.

24.( ) The legal drinking age in the US is between 18 and 21.

25.( ) Americans often show their driving licenses if asked for

identification when

they get into a bar.

26.( ) You are requested to clarify how much you want when you order


27.( ) Many stores and bars offer a wide variety of beer from all over the


28.If you say “straight up” when ordering cocktail in the US, you mean you

want it_____________

29.In America, “whiskey” usually refers to a kind of oily spirit made from


30.“Rye” is another name for _______________________________

III. Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) (20 marks, 2 marks each) Directions: There are 2 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there

are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should decide on the

best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer

Sheet with a single line through the center.

Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.

Nursing at Beth Israel Hospital produces the best patient care possible. If we are to solve the nursing shortage, hospital administration and doctors everywhere would do well to follow Beth Israel’s example.

At Beth Israel each patient is assigned to a primary nurse who visits at length with the patient and constructs a full-scale health account that covers everything from his medical history to his emotional state. Then she writes a

care plan centered on the patient’s illness but which also includes everything else that is necessary.

The primary nurse stays with the patient through the hospitalization, keeping track with his progress and seeking further advice from his doctor. If a patient at Beth Israel is not responding to treatment, it is not uncommon for his nurse to propose another approach to his doctor. What the doctor at Beth Israel has in the primary nurse is a true colleague.

Nursing at Beth Israel also involves a decentralized(分散的) nursing administration. Every floor, every unit is a self-contained organization. There are nurse-managers instead of head nurses. In addition to their medical duties they do all their own hiring and dismissing, employee advising, and they make salary recommendations. Each unit’s nurses decide among themselves who will work what shifts and when.

Beth Israel’s nurse-in-chief ranks as an equal with other vice presidents of the hospital. She is also a member of the Medical Executive Committee, which in most hospitals includes only doctors.

31. Which of the following best characterizes the main feature of the nursing

system at Beth Israel Hospital?

A. The doctor gets more active professional support from the primary nurse.

B. Each patient is taken care of by a primary nurse day and night.

C. The primary nurse writes care plans for every patient.

D. The primary nurse keeps records of the patient’s health conditions every


32. It can be inferred from the passage that_________.

A. compared with other hospitals nurses at Beth Israel Hospital are more


B. in most hospitals patient care is inadequate from the professional point

of view

C. in most hospitals nurses get low salaries

D. compared with other hospitals nurses have to work longer hours at

Beth Israel Hospital

33. A primary nurse can propose different approach of treatment


A. the present one is refused by the patient

B. the patient complains about the present one

C. the present one proves to be ineffective

D. the patient is found unwilling to cooperate

34. The main difference between a nurse-manager and a head nurse is that

the former________.

A. is a member of the Medical Executive Committee of the hospital

B. has to arrange the work shifts of the unit’s nurses

C. can make decisions concerning the medical treatment of a patient

D. has full responsibility in the administration of the unit’s nurses

35. The a uthor’s attitude towards the nursing system at Beth Israel Hospital


A. negative

B. neutral

C. critical

D. positive

Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.

The quality of university life is declining under strain from the higher education, leading independent schools in Britain complaining. The warning followed survey of the impressions of campus life gained by students of school. Poor interviewing of the applicants, infrequent contacts with tutors, worries over student safety, and even complaint over the food were all seen as symptoms of the pressure on universities. Head teachers said that standards could well drop if the squeeze on universities budgets continued. A survey was carried out because of fears that the level of green area in universities had declined. A great number of student suicides had raised concerns among head teachers.

Although most of the 6,000 students surveyed were enjoying university life, almost a third were less than satisfied with their course. About one in ten had serious financial problems and some give alarming accounts of conditions around their halls of their residence. Incidents mentioned included a fatal stabbing and shooting outside a hall of residence, the petrol bombing of cars near another residence, and two racist attacks. Nine percent of women and seven percent of men rated security as unsatisfactory in the area where they lived. Stanford University had the lowest satisfaction rating. Lancaster and

Kinston universities were rated the safest.

The survey confirmed head teachers’ fears about contact between students and tutors slipping, with a quarter of the students seeing their tutors only every three weeks. New students, used to regular contact with their teachers, found it hard to adapt to the change. Interview techniques were a cause for concern, with the school calling for more training of the university staff involved in admissions. Some headmasters complained that interviews were increasingly “odd”. One greeted an applicant by throwing him an apple. Another interview lasted only three minutes. About a quarter of the students found the workload at university heavier than they had expected. Imperial College London, Oxford, and Cambridge universities registered by far the highest workload. There were differences between subjects, with architectures, engineering, veterinary science, medicine and some science subjects demanding the most work. Veterinary science was nevertheless the most popular subject, followed by physiotherapy and history of art. General engineering, economics, computing and sociology were the least popular. The survey also confirmed that previous concerns about possible racial prejudice in admissions to medical courses. Applicants with names suggesting an ethnic minority background had been rejected with qualifications as good as successful white candidates.

36. According to the passage, the main problem existing in the interview of admission is that _______.

A. the interviewers often greeted the applicants by throwing an apple

B. the interviewers spent only a few minutes interviewing an applicant

C. the interviewers were not knowledgeable to interview the applicants

D. the interviewers lack enough training and interview techniques

37. From the passage, we can learn that________.

A. most students surveyed were satisfied with university life

B. many head teachers were killed by the students in university

C. veterinary science was popular for its workload was light

D. students were worried about the squeeze on university budgets

38. From the passage, we can see that the author’s description of the quality

of university life in Britain is ________.

A. objective

B. subjective

C. pessimistic

D. arbitrary

39. Among the following, which is the proper statement of the status of the students’ security?

A. Fatal stabbing and shooting often happened outside the hall of residence

B. The students in British were so worried about their security in university

C. Students were often watchful against people around their halls of residence

D. The status of students’ security in Stanford University might be awful

40. From the passage, we can infer that in high school, students ________.

A. were never worried about their security

B. had regular contact with their tutors

C. were often dissatisfied with their course

D. were worried about their entrance exam

IV. Vocabulary and Structure (10 marks, 1 mark each)

Directions: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A., B., C. and D.. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.

41.One of his eyes was injured in an accident, but after a ______ operation, he

quickly recovered his sight.

A. delicate

B. considerate

C. precise

D. sensible

https://www.360docs.net/doc/828564805.html,st year, the crime rate in Chicago has sharply ______.

A. declined

B. reduced

C. descended

D. slipped

43.Jack was about to announce our plan but I ________.

A. put him through

B. turned him out

C. gave him up

D. cut him short

44.Mr. Johnson said that his clients _______ our samples by the end of last


A. didn't receive

B. hadn't received

C. haven't received

D. don't receive

45.In spite of her father's objection, she insisted _______ her little sister to the


A. taking

B. on taking

C. to take

D. in taking

46.The man in the corner confessed to ________ a lie to the manager of the


A. have told

B. be told

C. being told

D. having told

47.Without proper lessons, you could ___________ a lot of bad habits when

playing the piano.

A. keep up

B. pick up

C. draw up

D. catch up

48.Fifty years ago, wealthy people liked hunting wild animals for fun

__________ sightseeing.

A. than to go

B. rather than to go

C. more than going

D. other than going

49._____ dog was the first animals to be domesticated is generally agreed

upon by authorities in the field.

A. Until the

B. It was the

C. The

D. That the

50.Ideas __________ from one's own experience are sometimes more valuable

than those from books.

A. derived

B. deposited

C. retreated

D. restored

V. Cloze (5 marks,1 mark each)

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word. Write the answers on the Answer Sheet.

It is not 51 for the bodies of endurance athletes to be deficient in iron. In particular female athletes often have this problem. Even 52 low levels of exercise can also cause this problem. Associate Professor Roseanne M. Lyle carried out a study on 62 formerly inactive females. Her work indicated that such women showed a decrease in iron levels. Some women bounced back with the consumption of additional meat or taking iron 53 . Iron deficiency affects many women. The ratio of exercising women with this deficiency, however, is far higher. This is made worse by health-conscious women who often eat a 54 diet which is not iron-rich enough. Women do not usually eat the recommended daily 55 of iron. Any additional exercise may have caused women to be tipped over the edge causing serious iron deficiency.

VI. Translation (10 marks, 2 marks each)

Directions: Complete the following sentences with appropriate English words according to the Chinese expressions in brackets. Write your

answers on the Answer Sheet.

56. He is optimistic that _____________________(一旦家长承诺投入到计划当中),

they will be daily role models for their children, unlike parents whose children are in boarding school.

57. At age 23, he started a meatpacking business and _____________(因……赢

得声誉) being honest and hard working.

58. ______________(我心间涌起了一股感情) for this stranger who so quickly

came into and went from my life.

59. It is also important to have something that can clean water,


60. Red rose is going to remain the most popular flower because


VII. Writing (15 marks)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of To Get along with Your Roommates. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.

1. 室友之间的冲突在校园里常有发生;

2. 冲突的主要原因;

3. 室友之间如何和睦相处。


(xxxx— xxxx学年第x 学期)

考核科目大学英语四课程类别必修考核方式闭卷卷别A I. Listening Comprehension (20 分,每小题1分)


11. on three sides 12. mildest


unit 8 section A vocabulary 1.They were running through thickly forested country,and nervousness began to mount in the car. 2.Most animals,including fish,look for a mate which resembles their parents. 3.The implication in his article is that being a housewife is greatly inferior to every other occupation. 4.The high cost of equipment prohibits many people from taking up this sport. 5.The speech was a deliberate attempt to embarrass the government. 6.Whether he deserves what has happened to him is open to debate. 7.Broadly speaking,interpretaions can be classified into two group:judgments and opinions. 8.Today most people in charge of city planning observe fairly strict guidelines on new houses. 9.We are coming toward the conclusion of a transaction that will split the company in half. 10.The computer industry has generated hundreds of new jobs in the area. 1.The success he dreamed of is now within reach. 2.The studies show that many illnesses fall into the category of stress-related illnesses. 3.The job is great in terms of salary,but it has its disadvantages. 4.You can get around your parking problem by using my permit. 5.We have to follow his decisions regardless of whether he is right or wrong. 6.Dr.Radia Perlman is a software designer and network engineer,sometimes referred to as the “Mother of the Internet”. 7.” What if he doesn't come to the meeting?””We shall go ahead without him.” 8.What brought Mary Engelbreit to New York in the first place. 9.Five years ago,increasingly concerned about the environment,he decided to work directly for an environmental group. 10.The policemen found envelopes identical to those used to post the letters. You have probably heard of Dolly.She is the world's first cloned sheep and quite famous.You would never know that she was such a famous animal just by looking at her,though.”She's about as unremarkable-looking as may sheep there ever was,”commented one scientist who tends to the famous sheep. Now that Dolly has successfully been cloned,there are many scientists observing her every movement.Their hope is that they never detect anything remarkable with Dolly.One of the scientists humorously remarked,“It's quite a(n) boring job always sitting around hoping nothing will actually happen.”But that's what they have essentially done.They hope that any differences between Dolly and the sheep she was copied from are so minor that they go unnoticed.


大学英语四级期末试卷 Part I: Multiple choice 20% Directions:For each of the following blanks, four choices are given. Choose the best word or phrase for each blank and mark A, B, C, or D on Answer Sheet. 1. Now that we’ve got a loan from the bank, our project is financially _____. A. constructive B. feasible C. favorable D. stiff 2. Due to his recent failure to meet the deadline, Jason is ____ from the list for promotion. . A. eliminated B. retreated C. pried D. wrenched 3. We need someone really ____ who can organize the office and make it run smoothly.. A. crucial B. realistic C. essential D. efficient 4. I am pleased to hear of your job offer-all that hard work at school has obviously __. A. paid off B. taken its toll C. made a difference D. shown up 5. As a reporter, I was paid to __ into other people’s lives. A. pry B. convert C. blurt D. carve 6. The mayor promised to trim the city budget without cutting ___ services. . A. essential B. appropriate C. equivalent D. lucrative 7. The doctor ___ Billy’s operation with x-rays and special exercises to make him stronger. A. went after B. followed up C. started up D. took on 8. A firm might sometimes sell at a loss to drive a competitor out of business, and__ increase its market power. A. therefore B. thereby C. hence D. further 9. You can ___ the video camera on a tripod (三脚架),so that you don’t have to worry about holding it steady while you ask questions. A. withstand B. mount C. implement D. dwell 10. AIDS activists permanently changed and shortened America’s ___process for testing and approving new drugs of all kinds, for all diseases. A. efficient B. stagnant C. intricate D. appropriate 11.___ students should be motivated by a keen interest in theatre and should have some familiarity with plays in production.. A. prospective B. responsible C. ethnic D. realistic 12.However, the new law, once passed, will ___ the Bridlintong agreement illegal by giving workers the right to join unions of their choice.. A. convert B. render C. cancel D. eliminate 13.This course focuses on the ____ of economic analysis to the problems of inflation, unemployment, the balance of payments and enterprise behaviour. A. conception B. combination C. application D. introduction 14.The aircraft base is protected with specially designed shelters which are built to ___ ground and air attacks. A. launch B. withstand C. contest D. contend


**** 大学课程考核试卷 xxxx---xxxx学年第一学期xxxx级xxxx专业(类) 考核科目大学英语三课程类别必修课考核方式闭卷卷别 B (注:考生务必将答案写在答题纸上,写在本试卷上的无效) I. Listening Comprehension (30 marks) Part 1: Short dialogues (10 marks, 1 mark each) Directions: Listen to the short dialogs and then choose the correct answers to the questions. 1. A. She did not take the shopping list along with her. B. She did not write a shipping list. C. She does not want to shop in a crowded supermarket. D. She wants to finish shopping quickly. 2. A. Write a statement for the woman. B. Revise what the woman will write. C. Fill in forms for the woman. D. Apply to an American university for admission. 3. A. Contemporary women no longer want to obey their husbands. B. Modern girls no longer love their husbands. C. At the marriage ceremony the bride should promise to obey her husband. D. At the marriage ceremony the bride should show loyalty to her husband. 4. A. She is weak in doing projects. B. She is weak in studies. C. She tends to work whole-heartedly. D. She is not willing to start a project. 5. A. The football match should be called off. B. The meeting should not include new items. C. The meeting should have another two items. D. The football should be included in the agenda. 6. A. It is important to offer an online friend a drink. B. It is delightful to get a drink from an online friend. C. Ensure that nobody puts anything harmful into your drink.


第二部分词汇与结构(40分) 阅读下面的句子和对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。(每题2分,共40分) 6. David is only accountant in my father's company. A.a B. an C. the 7. I usually get up ______ 7 o'clock in the morning. A. at B. in C. on 8. _____ name is Clair. A. She B. She's C. Her 9. There is in front of the television. A. a sofa B. sofa C. many sofas 10. I don't want milk in my coffee. A. some B. any C. many 11. I'm sorry she's not in. Would you like to a message? A. leave B. rest C. keep 12. Hurry up. We don't have ______ time. A. many B. C. too many 13. You ____ go to bed and sleep. A. need B. should C. would 14. She is making ______ a cup of coffee. A. itself B .himself C. herself 15. What ____ they do on Sundays? A. have B. do C. are 16. I'm bad at spelling, but Jane is _______ than me. A. less B. bad C. worse 17. It heavily here at this moment. A. rain B. rains C. is raining 18. _______ you like to go to the pub after work? A. Would B. Should C. Could



Calculate for a moment what could be done with even a part of those hours. Five thousand hours, I am told, are what a typical college undergraduate spends working on a bachelor's degree. In 10,000 hours you could have learned enough to become an astronomer or engineer. You could have learned several languages fluently. If it appealed to you, you could be reading Homer in the original Greek or Dostoyevsky in Russian. If it didn't, you could have walked around the world and written a book about it. The trouble with television is that it discourages concentration. Almost anything interesting and rewarding in life requires some constructive, consistently applied effort. The dullest, the least gifted of us can achieve things that seem miraculous to those who never concentrate on anything. But Television encourages us to apply no effort. It sells us instant gratification(满意). It diverts us only to divert, to make the time pass without pain. Television's variety becomes a narcotic(麻醉的), nor a stimulus. Its serial, kaleidoscopic (万花筒般的)exposures force us to follow its lead. The viewer is on a perpetual guided tour: 30 minutes at the museum, 30 at the cathedral, 30 for a drink, then back on the bus to the next attraction—except on television., typically, the spans allotted arc on the order of minutes or seconds, and the chosen delights are more often car crashes and people killing one another. In short, a lot of television usurps(篡夺;侵占) one of the most precious of all human gifts, the ability to focus your attention yourself, rather than just passively surrender it. Capturing your attention—and holding it—is the prime motive of most television programming and enhances its role as a profitable advertising vehicle. Programmers live in constant fear of losing anyone's attention—anyone's. The surest way to avoid doing so is to keep everything brief, not to strain the attention of anyone but instead to provide constant stimulation through variety, novelty, action and movement. Quite


大学英语期末考试(A) 第一部分:单选题 1. The starting current of an a.c. motor is_____ the rated current. A. the same as B. much larger than C. less than D. equals 2. With a_____ load the voltage and current are in phase. A. pure resistance B. capacitive C. inductive D. None of the above 3. The emergency generator or emergency battery is connected to_____ on most large ships. A. distribution boards B. section boards C. emergency switch boards D. main switch boards 4. Switchboards may be of the dead-front type in which all live parts are installed behind_____ and only the operation handles and instruments are on the front. A. the capstan B. the collector C. the panels D. the surface 5. Remote control means that_____. A. the system is manned manually B. the system is situated remotely from the operator C. the system is controlled automatically D. all the above 6. The difference between measured and desired values is called_____. A. make-up B. desired value C. deviation D. set value 7. Prior to any overhaul work on electric equipment, it is important to ensure the circuits are_____. A. live B. dead C. excited D. on line 8. Before starting an engine by air ,the engine must _________ A. be turned by a turning gear for at least one minute B. be turned by a turning gear for at least two minutes C. be turned at least one complete turn D. be turned at least two complete turns 9. Shore power must be_____ during dock repair. A. disconnected B. switched off C. cut off D. connected 10. The switchboards for a.c. systems differ from the d.c. switch gear in that the open type panels are generally_____ and the dead-front switch gear is the common rule. A. permissibly B. permissible C. no permissible D. not permissible 11. Current changing in direction and rising and falling in value is_____.


《大学英语》试卷考试时间:90分钟闭卷任课老师: 班级:学号:姓名:成绩:Ⅰ.Match the words in column A with the explanations in column B. (15 points) Column A Column B 1.term a.. easy to get to 2.department b. accept sth.as true 3.overseas c. give great pleasure to 4.charge d. one of several division in a university, etc. 5.worth e. abroad 6.believe f. one of the periods into which the academic year is divided 7.somewhat g.. become less tense; rest 8.convenient h.. good of useful enough to do or have 9.relax i. responsibility, care or control 10.delight j. a little II.Multiple choice questions (15 points) There are five sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one or more that you think are suitable. 11. Take your camera with you. We’d like to take some of the beautiful park. A. paintings B. pictures C. files D. films 12. The is very useful. She can helps me to find many good books. A. employer B. member C. monitor D. librarian 13. Small cars are of fuel, so they have more appeal for consumers. A. free B. short C. typical D. economical 14. Next Sunday is her birthday.I ______her a bicycle as a present. A.allow B.give C.offer D.promise 15. I was in s small countryside in China. A. brought up B. bring up C. raised up D. raise up 16. Miss Yang is likely to be for promotion. A. sent B. recommended C. advised D. reported 17. The number of people invited _________ fifty, but a number of them


2012级大学英语四(四) A卷 Paper One Part I Reading Comprehension (2*15 = 30points) (30 minutes) Directions:There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 课外:随机选取 Part II Vocabulary and Structure (0.5*30 = 15 points) (20 minutes) Directions: There are thirty incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet1 with a single line through the centre. 以课内为主,包括本册书10课A篇B篇的常用词汇和 词组及A篇的课后练习题,少数来自课外. Part III Cloze (0.5*20 = 10 points) (10 minutes) Directions: There are twenty blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) below. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1with a single line through the centre. 课外:随机选取 Paper Two Part IV Reading Comprehension Section A (Skimming and Scanning) (1*10 = 10 points) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 66-72, mark Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. For questions 73-75, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.


2007年6月大学英语四级考试A卷试题以及答案 Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Welcome to our club. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given bellow: 欢迎辞,欢迎加入俱乐部。 标题:Welcome to our club 书写提纲: 1. 表达你的欢迎; 2. 对你们俱乐部作一个简要介绍。 Welcome to English club! It could serve as a platform to show your outstanding abilities and help you develop a range of great skills. You can be involved in a variety of activities including staging musical dramas, holding group discussions and watching Oscar-winning movies. These extra-curricular activities could offer you ample opportunities. First, you active participation is helpful to strengthen the sense of responsibility and managing interpersonal relations. Second, various activities organized by us could raise your level of proficiency in English. A good command of English empowers you to enjoy decided competitive edge over your peers. You can file a written application to our staff office or email us via bonoo@https://www.360docs.net/doc/828564805.html,. The deadline for entries is Sept.25th. Come on, join us now! 注意:此部分试题在答题卡1上。 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, mark Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; Y(for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. For questions 8-10. complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Protect Your Privacy When Job-hunting Online Identity theft and identity fraud are terms used to refer to all types of crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person's personal data in some way that involves fraud or deception, typically for economic gain. The numbers associated with identity theft are beginning to add up fast these days. A recent General Accounting Office report estimates that as many as 750.000 Americans are victims of identity theft every year. And thai number may be low, as many people choose not to report the crime even if they know they have been victimized. Identity theft is "an absolute epidemic," states Robert Ellis Smith, a respected author and


Is It Better to Buy or Rent? The price of housing has kept increasing in recent years, which causes a big headache for people living in cities. A lot of people cannot afford to own a real estate property, so they choose to rent instead of buying an apartment. This group of people does not want to bear burden of mortgage so that they opt for a practical solution. Renting an apartment makes them have a place to stay and thus they can focus on work as well as personal life. Some other people, however, believe that an apartment owned by themselves makes them feel safe and relieved, so they are willing to sacrifice some other aspects of life to borrow money from the bank to buy an apartment. As far as I am concerned, to buy or to rent is all about it will be better to rent first and wait for the good timing when the price is going down to buy. Topic 2: On Job Hopping It seems that nowadays, very few young people are willing to stay in a job position for long, let alone for the whole life. They change jobs constantly. This results from several factors. Firstly, young people like fresh things, and it is easy for them to be fed up with old routine work. So when they stay in a position for a while,the excitement will fade out. They are quite realistic and not willing to waste time in a job they are not interested in. Thirdly, some young people are not satisfied with current salary, believing they deserve better pay. In my opinion, constant job hopping will not benefit young people in their career development. Every job has its own merits and young people can certainly learn something from it as long as they are patient and wise enough. Every job experience is valuable down the career path and young people shall be able to make the most of it. Topic 3: Online Social Network Modern people will be no stranger to online social network. Facebook, Renren and Kaixin001 are probably the most populous networks among Chinese netizen. In these networks, people interact with each other, be it a stranger or a friend, and have a lot of fun in the virtual world. This phenomenon could be a result of the fast development of the Internet and people's great interest of the virtual world. I think it is a very good new platform for people to keep in touch. But it should not be overused. Firstly, some people are addicted to it, which makes them want to get online 24 hours a day. When people spend too much time on one thing,they will naturally have not enough time for study and for work. Secondly, online social network change people's behavior of interacting with others. In virtual world, you just click the mouse and type in words instead of having a face-to-face talk. This will not benefit people's long term friendship, and even harm their interpersonal relationships in real world.
