2017届四川省成都七中高三一诊模拟英语试题 及答案

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1. —Darling, make a careful budget for our son at university.

—_______, he wasn’t born yesterday.

A. Come on

B. Look out

C. That’s settled

D. That’s great

2. A large sum of money ______to find a cure for ASL (渐冻症) thanks to the Ice Bucket

Challenge all over the world.

A. have been raised

B. was raising

C. were raised

D. has been raised

3. I bought my wife the dress for a lot of money, but hardly _______ her wear it.

A. I see

B. do I see

C. see I

D. I do see

4. Lessons, when _______ in fun ways, will certainly inspire the students’ interest.

A. organizing

B. to be organized

C. to organize

D. organized

5. _________ in 1989, the Asia-Pacific Economic

Cooperation is a forum that seeks to promote free trade and economic cooperation throughout the Asia-Pacific region.

A. Established

B. Being established

C. Establishing

D. Having established

6. On October 9, 2012, Malala, ________ 15-year-old Pakistani girl, was shot in ________ head by the Taliban.

A. a; the

B. the; her

C. the; the

D. a; her

7. —I don’t think the medicine has magic power for my trouble.

—Anyhow, you’d better try — it _______ help some way.

A. must

B. should

C. may

D. shall

8. We expect you to become someone _______ we’ll feel very proud in the future.

A. of whom

B. for whom

C. who

D. that

9. The number of new HIV infections _______ by more than 20 percent since 1997.

A. have fallen

B. has fallen

C. had fallen

D. fell

10. —W here on earth have you been? I’ve been wa iting for you for centuries.

—I was caught in a traffic jam for over half an hour, otherwise I _______ you waiting for such a long time.

A. will not keep

B. would not keep

C. would not have kept

D. had not kept

第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

To celebrate the end of our exams, my friends and I went to a fast food restaurant. We 11 hamburgers and Coca Cola at the counter. When our 12 came, I started walking towards an empty table. By bad luck, my purse strap(带子) got 13 on a chair and the tray(托盘) that I was holding slipped 14 my hands and went
