
































人文地理 一、名词解释40 1、精神文化 2、乡土文化区 3、民族 4、希伯来语 5、道教 二、简答题45 1、中国人口分布特点 2、语言的本质特征 3、世界人类种族群类型及分布 三、综述题65 1、阐述影响工业分布的因素35 2、阐述城市内部主要地域结构模型的内容30 地理学综合 一、名词解释40 1、生物适应 2、地理综合体 3、沉积岩 4、东南丘陵 5、昆明准静止锋 二、简答题80 1、地理大发现对地理学的影响 2、简述纬度地带性 3、简述地名景观的特点 4、什么是第四纪冰期?按照阿尔卑斯山地的划分方法,第四纪可以划分成哪几个典型冰 期? 5、简述舟山群岛成为我国最大渔场的优势条件 三、综述题30 1、结合所学专业知识,试分析中国地理课程在地理学中的地位

人文地理 一、名词解释40 1、人文地理学 2、政治空间单位 3、聚落 4、人口移动 5、环境感知 二、简答题45 1、简述赣方言的形成和特征 2、民俗的内涵特征 3、简述旅游资源及其形成的必备条件 三、综述题65 1、阐述城市区位与环境的关系 2、阐述现代农业的特点与类型 地理学综合 一、名词解释40 1、黄土高原 2、行政区划 3、智慧圈 4、主体功能区 5、湿岛效应 二、简答题80 1、简述中国地理环境基本特征 2、试析中国人口现状存在问题的表现 3、简述地球系统演化的基本特征 4、简要评述“地理科学是空间科学”的认识 5、简述3S技术对现代地理科学发展的重要意义 三、综合题30 试述中国气候的基本特征,分析季风气候显著的具体表现及产生原因

人文地理 一、名词解释40 1、行为地理学 2、文化适应 3、文字的本质特征 4、政治地理单元 5、宗教间的排斥 二、简答题45 1、城市景观的内涵 2、简述现代人文地理的主要特征 3、简述工业发展对社会的影响 三、论述题65 1、人文地理说面临的问题主要有哪些?试联系实际分析其中一个问题35 2、试分析旅游开发的区域影响30 地理学综合 一、名词解释40 1、统一地理学 2、景观 3、道库恰耶夫 4、鄱阳湖平原 5、人口过程 二、简答题80 1、简述区域的基本特征 2、试以洋流为例,说明水圈大气圈岩石圈之间的相互作用 3、以江西省为例,用地域分异规律简要说明该地的气候土壤植被及其人类活动的地带性表 现 4、简述长江成为中国第一大河的依据 5、简析我国土地资源的基本特点 三、综述题30 根据中国季候的基本特征,分析复杂多样的气候类型对我国农业生产布局的影响。


江西师范大学2018年全日制硕士研究生入学考试试题 (A卷) 专业:学科教学(英语)科目:英语综合 注:考生答题时,请写在考点下发的答题纸上,写在本试题纸或其他答题纸上的一律无效。 (本试题共11页) I Grammar and Vocabulary(20×1’) There are20incomplete sentences in this section.For each blank there are four choices marked A,B,C,and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence on ANSWER SHEET. 1.It is very hard to_____him to give up smoking and drinking alcohol. A.endeavor B.refresh C.assert D.induce 2.The man____that his car was the fastest in the world and nobody could compete with him in the race. A.reproached B.bragged C.inferred D.converted 3.The space capsule is____with all the materials necessary for a ten-day flight. A.preserved B.probed C.furnished D.profiled 4.The modern child finds it difficult to____of a time when there was no radio or TV. A.conceal B.conceive C.console D.fancy 5.The woman standing in the doorway_____the sleeping baby in her arms. A.clasping B.soothing C.rolling D.quenching 6.Ninety percent of the inhabitants are_____in productive work of some kind. A.engaged B.involved C.concerned D.related 7.To get my travelers’cheques I had to____a special cheque to the bank for the total amount. A.make for B.make off C.make out D.make over 8.The information is not given in Chapter one or Chapter five;it must be one of the _____chapter. A.intervening B.interfering C.integral D.interacting 9.All foreign merchants were made to put heavy______on the goods they sold and bought. A.fees B.prices C.revenues D.duties 10.The broad aim of the meeting was that experts working in the same technical area should meet to exchange______. A.experiment B.exposition C.expertise D.emotion 11.The landscape will have a(n)_____change after a rainstorm in the desert. A.mysterious B.incisive C.ambiguous D.abrupt 12.Mary has bought a______carpet,which she will send to her mother as a birthday present. A.Chinese beautiful green B.beautiful green Chinese


2018年江西师范大学外国语学院827英语综合考研真题及详解 Ⅰ. Grammar and Vocabulary (20×1’) There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence on ANSWER SHEET. 1. It is very hard to _____ him to give up smoking and drinking alcohol. A. endeavor B. refresh C. assert D. induce 【答案】A 【解析】句意:想让他戒烟戒酒很难。词义辨析题。endeavor to do sth.尝试做某事。refresh 使恢复精力。assert主张,坚持。induce诱导。故选A。 2. The man _____ that his car was the fastest in the world and nobody could compete with him in the race. A. reproached B. bragged C. inferred

D. converted 【答案】B 【解析】句意:他吹牛说他的车是世界上最快的,谁也比不过他。词义辨析题。brag吹牛,吹嘘。reproach谴责,批评。infer推断。convert转变,改造。故选B。 3. The space capsule is _____ with all the materials necessary for a ten-day flight. A. preserved B. probed C. furnished D. profiled 【答案】C 【解析】句意:太空舱装有十天飞行所需的所有材料。词义辨析题。furnish提供,装备。 preserve维护,保持。probe调查,探测。profile扼要描述。故选C。 4. The modern child finds it difficult to _____ of a time when there was no radio or TV. A. conceal B. conceive C. console D. fancy 【答案】B 【解析】句意:现代的孩子很难想象没有收音机或电视的时代。词义辨析题。conceive构


江西师范大学2018年考研专业课真题试卷 江西师范大学2018年全日制硕士研究生入学考试试题 (A卷) 专业:学科教学(英语)科目:英语综合 注:考生答题时,请写在考点下发的答题纸上,写在本试题纸或其他答题纸上的一律无效。 (本试题共11页) I Grammar and Vocabulary(20×1’) There are20incomplete sentences in this section.For each blank there are four choices marked A,B,C,and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence on ANSWER SHEET. 1.It is very hard to_____him to give up smoking and drinking alcohol. A.endeavor B.refresh C.assert D.induce 2.The man____that his car was the fastest in the world and nobody could compete with him in the race. A.reproached B.bragged C.inferred D.converted 3.The space capsule is____with all the materials necessary for a ten-day flight. A.preserved B.probed C.furnished D.profiled 4.The modern child finds it difficult to____of a time when there was no radio or TV. A.conceal B.conceive C.console D.fancy 5.The woman standing in the doorway_____the sleeping baby in her arms. A.clasping B.soothing C.rolling D.quenching 6.Ninety percent of the inhabitants are_____in productive work of some kind. A.engaged B.involved C.concerned D.related 7.To get my travelers’cheques I had to____a special cheque to the bank for the total amount. A.make for B.make off C.make out D.make over 8.The information is not given in Chapter one or Chapter five;it must be one of the _____chapter. A.intervening B.interfering C.integral D.interacting 9.All foreign merchants were made to put heavy______on the goods they sold and bought. A.fees B.prices C.revenues D.duties 10.The broad aim of the meeting was that experts working in the same technical area should meet to exchange______. A.experiment B.exposition C.expertise D.emotion 11.The landscape will have a(n)_____change after a rainstorm in the desert. A.mysterious B.incisive C.ambiguous D.abrupt 12.Mary has bought a______carpet,which she will send to her mother as a birthday present. A.Chinese beautiful green B.beautiful green Chinese


江西师范大学2013年硕士研究生入学考试试题( A 卷) 专业:学科教学(英语)科目:英语综合 注:考生答题时,请写在考点下发的答题纸上,写在本试题纸或其他答题纸上的一律无效。Ⅰ.Vocabulary: (20 points, 1 X 1) Directions: Choose the best word which has the closest meaning to the underli -ned word in the sentence. 1.A special feature of education at MIT is the opportunity for students and faculty to ______ together in research activities. (A)involve (C) specialize (B) participate (D) consists 2.American college students are increasingly ______ with credit card debt and the consequences can be rather serious. (A) discharged (C) boosted (B) dominated (D) burdened 3. Some people argue that the death ______ does not necessarily reduce the number of murders. (A)penalty (C) pattern (B) plot (D) practice 4. A study shows that students living in non-smoking dorms are less likely to ______ the habit of smoking. (A) turn up (C) make up (B) pick up (D) draw up 5. The most successful past-career athletes are those who can take the identity and life skills they learned in sports and ______ them to another area of life. (A) apply (C) employ (B) utilize (D)exert 6. Many personnel managers say it is getting harder and harder to ______ honest applicants from the growing number of dishonest ones . (A)dissolve (C) discount (B) disguise (D)distinguish 7. Almost all job applicants are determined to leave a good ______ on a potential
