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Ⅰ. Grammar and Vocabulary (20×1’)

There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence on ANSWER SHEET.

1. It is very hard to _____ him to give up smoking and drinking alcohol.

A. endeavor

B. refresh

C. assert

D. induce


【解析】句意:想让他戒烟戒酒很难。词义辨析题。endeavor to do sth.尝试做某事。refresh 使恢复精力。assert主张,坚持。induce诱导。故选A。

2. The man _____ that his car was the fastest in the world and nobody could compete with him in the race.

A. reproached

B. bragged

C. inferred

D. converted



3. The space capsule is _____ with all the materials necessary for a ten-day flight.

A. preserved

B. probed

C. furnished

D. profiled




4. The modern child finds it difficult to _____ of a time when there was no radio or TV.

A. conceal

B. conceive

C. console

D. fancy



想,想象。(cannot) conceive of (doing) sth无法想象。conceal隐藏,隐瞒。


5. The woman standing in the doorway _____ the sleeping baby in her arms.

A. clasping

B. soothing

C. rolling

D. quenching



6. Ninety percent of the inhabitants are _____ in productive work of some kind.

A. engaged

B. involved

C. concerned

D. related




7. To get my travelers’ cheques I had to _____ a special cheque to the bank for the

total amount.

A. make for

B. make off

C. make out

D. make over


【解析】句意:要拿到旅行支票,我必须向银行开具一张支付总金额的特别支票。词组辨析题。make out书写,填写,证明。make for导致,走向,攻击。make off逃走,

匆忙离开。make over转让。故选C。

8. The information is not given in Chapter one or Chapter five; it must be one of the _____ chapter.

A. intervening

B. interfering

C. integral

D. interacting





9. All foreign merchants were made to put heavy _____ on the goods they sold and
