


Flood is a type of natural hazard which cause by water. A flood forming by lake, river, or ocean water level rising over the general water level and I will threat to the area which nearby or rain pitchforks for a long time and the drainage system drains not in time, floods will naissance. The primary impacts of flood Can damage any type of structure, including bridges, cars, buildings, sewerage systems, roadways, and canals. The secondary effects are:

?Water supplies – Contamination of water. Clean drinking water becomes scarce.

?Diseases – Unhygienic conditions. Spread of water-borne diseases.

?Crops and food supplies – Shortage of food crops can be caused due to loss of entire harvest. However, lowlands near rivers depend upon river silt

deposited by floods in order to add nutrients to the local soil.

?Trees – Non-tolerant species can die from suffocation. Transport - Transport links destroyed, so hard to get emergency aid to those who need it.

The 2010 Pakistan floods began in late July 2010, resulting from heavy monsoon rains in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Sindh, Punjab and Balochistan regions of Pakistan and affected the Indus River basin. Approximately one-fifth of Pakistan's total land area was underwater, approximately 796,095 square kilometers. According to Pakistani government data the floods directly affected about 20 million people, mostly by destruction of property, livelihood and infrastructure, with a death toll of close to 2,000; in my opinion flood is different to another hazard because it is avoidable in this age whether the drainage system work probably before the flood comes. Therefore flood is a natural disaster as well as an impact of natural disaster.

Adelaide has experienced a flood

When I waked up by choking water, I was on midnight. The water level rise form the floor about one metre. And then I climb to the roof to wait for the rescue. Whining one minute, I saw some sundries cars even house and body floating everywhere. The drainage system has been block by sundries. And I wondered how this flood causes.

Next morning I had been rescue and bring me to the safety area. No one knew how did this flood cause, but some survival who lived in glengl told us that I was cause by tsunami, however everyone believe that they haven’t got feeling of an ear th quake. The TV station didn’t perform the news so we didn’t knew how did this flood cause.

Until next week we saw the news that we knew the flood was cause by green house. The


Guangzhou is located in the center of Guangdong province. She is not only the capital of Guangdong, but also the central city with strong attraction and influence in South China. She has jurisdiction over 10 districts and 2 county-grade cities. They are Yuexiu, Haizhu, Liwan, Tianhe, Baiyun, Huangpu, Huadu, Panyu, Luogang, Nansha Districts, and Conghua, Zengcheng Cities. Guangzhou covers an area of 7434.4 km2 and has a total population of some 10,000,000. Affected by the subtropical marine monsoon climate, Guangzhou is green and has flowers all the year around, and is known as “the Flower City”. Guangzhou is one of the first 24 national historic cultural cities of China. She has a history of over 2200 years, and is the cradle of the South Five Ridge Culture. There is a folklore about Guangzhou’s another name, “Goat City” and “Spike City”. Long long ago, five immortals, riding five goats holding spikes in their mouth, arrived in Guangzhou and presented the spikes to the people. They also wished the people no more famine. And then the five goats became five goat-shaped stones. Guangzhou was known as one of the starts of the ancient Marine Silk Road of China and one of the sources of modern China revolution. Now she has become the frontline of the reform and opening-up of China. She has been making brilliant achievements in developing economy and improving urban aspects. Guangzhou, one of the important ports of foreign trade and financial centers, has become the focus of foreign


中国风英文简介 Brief feng shui introduction Fengshui, or geomancy, is a kind of traditional Chinese practice of determining the location of a house, tomb, or other items that are believed to have a vital bearing on the fortunes of a family, owner, or user. With a long history and tradition, fengshui originated from theories of yin-yang , and the five elements. Various comments and disputes abound about the topic of fengshui with some considering it an integrated science, combining longtime perceptions of the environment, geography, and health, while some believe it is nothing more than just superstition, hindering Chinese innovation in construction and interior design. Throughout the ages, many documents about fengshui have been maintained. They show that much of ancient fengshui theory dealt with the landscaping of mausoleums and palaces. Contemporary fengshui covers a wide range of topics -- from building skyscrapers to housing concerns of common citizens. The word fengshui first appeared in a book by Guo Pu during the Jin Dynasty (265-420), but its fundamental basis and core thoughts originated from Yijing. At the beginning, fengshui was a kind of practical and simple skill in choosing the residential locations. Later, with the spread of systematic thought of the philosophy of the "harmony between man and nature," and the continuous enrichment and increasing influence of Yijing in social life, fengshui also began


范文最新推荐 陈家祠导游词 陈氏书院,俗称陈家祠,位于广州市中山七路。陈家祠是广东现存祠堂中最富有广东特色的艺术建筑群,布局严整,装饰精巧,富丽堂皇,是全国文物重点保护单位。下面是关于陈家祠的导游词,欢迎大家阅读! 陈家祠导游词 (在去陈家祠的车上)各位团友: 在广州的游览一定使大家感触很深,这会儿,也许有人还在惊叹中山纪念堂独特的建筑;回味五羊城美丽的传说;追思黄花岗72烈士的英灵;沉浸于光孝佛社虔诚的境界中。现在,我将领各位到一座誉为岭南建筑艺术明珠的地方--陈家祠。 陈家祠,又叫陈氏书院,现为广东民间工艺博物馆。从前面两个名称来看,显然是祠堂和学堂,且与陈姓有关。中国百家姓中,张姓和李姓是大户,而在100多年前的广东,陈姓则独占鳌头了。原因大致有三:一是人多。当时广东72个县中都分布有姓陈的人家,数陈姓人数最多。二是有钱。陈家人聪明能干,会做生意发大财的多,因而成了富有家族。三是能做官。在过去,有钱的就能读书,读书便可做官。相传清未就有一位名收陈伯陶的陈家子弟,殿试时中了探花(即现在所说的第三名),被皇上封为翰林学士。这一显赫的功名,使陈氏家族名声大振。正因陈姓人,家大、财(材)大、业大,才有能力集资一千大洋 1 / 31

修建了这座祠堂(书院)。修建祠堂,一方面用来祭祖,勉励陈氏后代发扬和继承祖先的业绩,以昌盛陈家大业;另一方面用于培养陈家子弟,希望他们发奋读书,像陈伯陶那样中秀才,考举人,做大官,所以陈家祠又叫陈氏书院。 为什么现在称广东民间工艺博物馆?这个问题我想还是留给各位团友参观陈家祠之后再来回答。不过,我可以给大家一个提示:这个名称主要与陈家祠的七种建筑装饰工艺有关。至底是哪7种?我先卖个关子,谁在参观的过程中能归纳出来,谁就能回答这个问题,也就不枉此行了。(这里导游员采用留下悬念的导游手法,引起游客对这项内容的注意)各位,陈家祠到了,请带上自己的贵重物品随我下车,让我们一起欣赏这座已有100年历史的中华建筑精品。 (在陈家祠大门外) 各位团友,这就是陈家祠。它始建于1890年,1894年落成,现主体建筑面积有6400平方米,是中国传统的四合院建筑结构。所不同的是它是由几个大型的四合院将大小19座建筑联为一体,形成以中轴为主线,东西配殿,外设厢房的这种严谨对称的布局,具有浓郁的南方祠堂和书院的鲜明特点。我们一般深三进、广五间、九堂六院为概括陈家祠的整体建筑。所谓进是指建筑的深度。在陈家祠内有3排各80米长的大殿,高大宽畅、气宇轩昂,每一排大殿为一进,故称三进。间是古人用来测量建筑面积的单位,广五间,表示有5间的宽度。至于九堂六院也就不言而喻了。它是我们广东目前现存宗祠建筑中规模最大,民间建筑装饰工艺最完美,最富有代表性的一个艺术建筑群。它以布局严谨、气势雄伟、装饰精巧、堂皇富丽而著称,倾


广州景点英文 陈家祠(陈氏书院)Ancestral Temple of the Chen Family(Chen Clan Academy Temple) 六榕寺Six Banyan Temple 黄花岗烈士陵园Mausoleum of the 72 Martyrs 镇海楼The Zhenhai Tower 越秀公园Yuexiu Park 五羊雕像The Five—Ram Sculpture 中山纪念堂The Memorial HalI of Dr.Sun Yat-sen 西汉南越王墓The Tomb of Western Han Nanyue King 三元宫Sanyuan Palace 越王井The Yuewang Well 兰圃Lanpu Park 流花湖Liuhua Lake 五仙观Wuxian Temple 光孝寺Guangxiao Temple 怀圣寺Huaisheng Mosque 北京路Beijing Road 陈家祠Chen Clan Academy Temple 上下九步行街Shangxiajiu Pedestrian Street 华林寺Hualin Temple 华林玉器街Hualin Jadeware Street 荔湾博物馆The Liwan Museum 白云山Baiyun Mountain 云台花园Yuntai Garden 广州雕塑公园Guangzhou Sculpture Park 广州体育馆The Guangzhou Gymnasium 三元里人民抗英斗争博物馆The Sanyuanli Anti—British Invasion Museum 华南植物园South China Botanical Garden 农民运动讲习所The Former Site of the National Peasant Movement Institution 广东省博物馆The Guangdong Provincial Museum 广州动物园Guangzhou Zoological Garden 广州海洋世界Guangzhou Ocean World 火车东站瀑布The East Railway Station Waterfall 中信广场Zhongxin Plaza 天河体育中心The Tianhe Sports Center 天河购书中心The Tianhe Book Center 天河公园Tianhe Park 广州奥林匹克运动中心The Guangzhou Olympic Stadium 黄埔军校旧址The Whampoa Military Academy 南海神庙Nanhai God Temple 莲花山Lianhua Mountain

高中英语 畅谈中国文化 第09章 中国扇子素材

英语畅谈中国文化50主题第09章 Chinese Fans 中国扇子 A: Fans seem to have special meaninsg in Chinese culture. I have received a number of them as gifts from my Chinese friends. The fans are very pretty, so, I assume, they are not meant to be used. Also, they are too cute for a man, like me, to use. B: Fans used to be a favorite item for women in China. You may have noticed that nearly all female figures in traditional Chinese paintings carry a silk fan. In the movies of the 1930s, and 1940s, fans are a very visible article for Shanghai women on the Bond. Usually, the structure of the fans is made of sandalwood, and the faces are made of silk, or paper. Because the fans are always scented, women who use them appear, even more, attractive. Fans are, probably, one of the most appropriate expressions of female elegance. Men also use fans but, these fans are, usually, much bigger. Men's fans often use valuable materials for their structure but the faces are always painted with plants, landscapes, or calligraphy, to express the owner's status and aspirations. A: But, none of fans I have look the same as what you have just told me. The paintings are also different. Mine are painted with either Beijing Opera masks, or Chinese dragons. B: As a result of the open-door policy, fans have become popular again, not for people to use at home but, as gifts for foreigners. However, unlike fans of the old days, the ones people use as gifts, nowadays, do not take a lot of craftsmanship to make. Neither are the materials unique. In some of the popular tourist markets around Beijing, you can buy traditional Zhejiang fans made of blue painted cloth. In stead of sandalwood, various scented, substitute materials, are used for the structures. Because fans are small, inexpensive and typically Chinese, many people like to use them as gifts from the overseas trips. I hope westerners appreciate these gifts. A: My Mexican friend told me that Chinese fans are "all over the place" in Mexico. The same is,probably, true in Chinatowns throughout the United States. T B: That reminds me of an article by a Chinese writer. He wrote that two former Soviet Union experts paid a special visit to a fan factory in Suzhou during the 1960s. They wanted to buy some fans to take home. The workers were very excited about their visit. The factory held a meeting of its 200 workers to discuss the production plan. They were determined to make the best fans they could for their Soviet friends. Now, although fans are still a very good gift for foreigners, we seem to be using 1


在去陈家祠的车上)各位团友: 在广州的游览一定使大家感触很深,这会儿,也许有人还在惊叹中山纪念堂独特的建筑;回味五羊城美丽的传说;追思黄花岗72烈士的英灵;沉浸于光孝佛社虔诚的境界中。现在,我将领各位到一座誉为岭南建筑艺术明珠的地方--陈家祠。 陈家祠,又叫陈氏书院,现为广东民间工艺博物馆。从前面两个名称来看,显然是祠堂和学堂,且与陈姓有关。中国百家姓中,“张”姓和“李”姓是大户,而在100多年前的广东,“陈”姓则独占鳌头了。原因大致有三:一是人多。当时广东72个县中都分布有姓陈的人家,数陈姓人数最多。二是有钱。陈家人聪明能干,会做生意发大财的多,因而成了富有家族。三是能做官。在过去,有钱的就能读书,读书便可做官。相传清未就有一位名收陈伯陶的陈家子弟,殿试时中了探花(即现在所说的第三名),被皇上封为翰林学士。这一显赫的功名,使陈氏家族名声大振。正因陈姓人,家大、财(材)大、业大,才有能力集资一千大洋修建了这座祠堂(书院)。修建祠堂,一方面用来祭祖,勉励陈氏后代发扬和继承祖先的业绩,以昌盛陈家大业;另一方面用于培养陈家子弟,希望他们发奋读书,像陈伯陶那样中秀才,考举人,做大官,所以陈家祠又叫陈氏书院。 为什么现在称“广东民间工艺博物馆”?这个问题我想还是留给各位团友参观陈家祠之后再来回答。不过,我可以给大家一个提示:这个名称主要与陈家祠的七种建筑装饰工艺有关。至底是哪7种?我先卖个“关子”,谁在参观的过程中能归纳出来,谁就能回答这个问题,也就不枉此行了。(这里导游员采用“留下悬念”的导游手法,引起游客对这项内容的注意) 各位,陈家祠到了,请带上自己的贵重物品随我下车,让我们一起欣赏这座已有100年历史的中华建筑精品。 (在陈家祠大门外) 各位团友,这就是陈家祠。它始建于1890年,1894年落成,现主体建筑面积有6400平方米,是中国传统的四合院建筑结构。所不同的是它是由几个大型的四合院将大小19座建筑联为一体,形成以中轴为主线,东西配殿,外设厢房的这种严谨对称的布局,具有浓郁的南方祠堂和书院的鲜明特点。我们一般“深三进、广五间、九堂六院”为概括陈家祠的整体建筑。所谓“进”是指建筑的深度。在陈家祠内有3排各80米长的大殿,高大宽畅、气宇轩昂,每一排大殿为一“进”,故称“三进”。“间”是古人用来测量建筑面积的单位,“广五间”,表示有5间的宽度。至于“九堂六院”也就不言而喻了。它是我们广东目前现存宗祠建筑中规模最大,民间建筑装饰工艺最完美,最富有代表性的一个艺术建筑群。它以布局严谨、气势雄伟、装饰精巧、堂皇富丽而著称,倾倒许多来自世界各地的游人。我国现代杰出的作家诗人郭沫若先生在当年参观陈家祠赞叹道:“天工人可代,人工天不如,果然造世界,胜读十年书。”陈家祠的建筑装饰艺术之精美跃然纸上,现在让我们一起来看看它美在何处,精在何方? 我们还是从门外说起。你们看,在大门两边的青砖墙上分别有一副大型人物砖雕,它们表现的是两上故事的场面:一是中国古典小说:《水浒传》中的梁山聚义,另一个是历史故事“刘庆伏狼驹”。(将客人带到“刘庆伏狼驹”的砖雕前)这幅砖雕刻画了刘庆降伏了一匹烈马的生动场面。刘庆是宋朝的一名大将,当时边邻的西夏国对宋朝虎视眈眈,以驯服烈马为借口进行战争挑衅衅。刘庆大将挺身而出,以他的智慧和勇气,降伏了这匹烈马,避免了一场战争的发生。(指砖雕画)那双手握拳威风凛凛的就是刘庆大将,被降伏的烈马四脚朝天躺在地上,旁边还有许多围观的将士。整幅画面采用多层次的雕刻,形成强烈的立体感。以圆雕、浮雕、减地结合镂空雕刻手法,使画面生动规整,以“挂线砖雕”的深刻技法,使每一根线条纤细如丝,40多位人物逼真传神,栩栩如生。再配上左右两边的砖雕壁画:“百


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广州塔英语导游词 【篇一:广州塔导游词】 广州塔导游词 各位游客,大家早上好,我是今天带大家的导游,我姓谢。 现在请大家抬头看看,这就是我们今天要游览的广州塔了。 作为广州的标志性建筑,广州塔 (广州塔) 位于海珠区,在南岸的珠江,陈维岛屿面临向北。与 1,968 英尺 (600 米) 的高度,这是最高 的电视塔,在中国,第三个世界最高。塔一直是广州必看的风景名胜。从山顶上,你们可以鸟瞰整个城市。 广州塔可以分为五个区根据高度,即区 e、 d、 c、 b a.游客可以体 验不同的乐趣,在塔里面。 e 区 e,包括天线,区从 1 开始,233 英尺 (376 米)。它包含最优秀集合 内塔的娱乐项目。488 瞭望,根据吉尼斯世界纪录,最高的室外观景台位于顶部 1,601 英尺 (488 米)。游客有广州市的全景。它是一个 精彩的网站,用于摄影狂热者赶上日出,月光下,满天星斗的天空,和城市全景的喘不过气来的时刻。 天空降 100 英尺自由落体,开始在 1,591 英尺 (485 米),是最高的 世界的心跳停止垂直自由落体。如果你想要的激动人心的体验,它 提供了两种风格: 传统坐下降和站掉自由落体。你可以有机会摆脱你 的压力、焦虑和无聊。 泡沫电车是游客最受欢迎的活动之一。有轨电车已围绕塔 16 水晶观光小木屋。它的转速在1,492 英尺(455 米) 处的塔主要体顶部附近。以其辉煌的城市全景视图,泡沫电车被认为是一个浪漫的地方,为 使求婚。 在第 109 和 110 层是工程奇迹之旅大厅,可以保护广州塔从飓风和 地震。广州塔第 108 和第 107 层分别位于星观景台,观景台云。星 级观景台是最高的地方,室内观光。游客可以享受蓝天、白云和星 夜与世界在他们脚下。还有一个空间邮局在哪里,你可以买纪念品 或明信片发送给您的朋友或家人。 d 区 从 1,095 到 1,165 英尺 (334-355 米) 的身高,d 区有蜘蛛行走,世 界最长的螺旋楼梯。有 1,096 楼梯攀爬塔的周围从 551 脚到 1,095 英尺 (168-334 米) 高。整个走廊是约 1,093 码 (1000 米) 长。游客可


产品远销英国、美国、日本、意大利和东南亚,深受消费者欢迎和好 Our products are sold in Britain, America, Japan, Italy and South East Asia and well appreciated by their purchasers. 畅销全球 selling well all over the world 典雅大方 elegant and graceful 定型耐久 durable modeling 方便顾客 making things convenient for customers 方便群众 making things convenient for the people; to suit the people's convenience 方便商品 convenience goods 方便生活 bringing more convenience to the people in their daily life; providing amenities for the people; making life easier for the population 各式俱全 wide selection; large assortment 顾客第一 Customers first 顾客是我们的皇帝 We take customers as our Gods. 规格齐全 a complete range of specifications; complete in specifications 花样繁多 a wide selection of colours and designs 货色齐全 goods of every description are available. 客商第一,信誉第一 clients first, reputation first 款式多样 a great variety of models 款式活泼端庄 vivid and great in style 款式齐全 various styles 款式新颖 attractive designs; fashionable(in) style; novel (in) design; up-to-date styling 款式新颖众多 diversified latest designs 美观大方 elegant appearance


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产品介绍 产品名称:联想电脑 为客户提供产品:在16岁~ 34人,家庭用户专注于25到54岁 该产品功能和信息描述:娱乐可以打发时间,学习,阅读一本书,记住,互联网,应用程序是完整的,可以当移动硬盘使用。功能齐全、方便群众是现代社会的进步,科技的发展和技术进步的标志 产品特点的销售优势:每个零件材料避免假。专业生产技术。价格体现身份,升级更方便。所有有良好的销售渠道和售后服务渠道。对比国内品牌,然后你说,联想是全球第三,是NBA和奥运会赞助商(在都灵冬季奥运会,联想在计算机可靠性击败其他的大型全球品牌是奥运会选为计算机设备)对比国外大品牌,说,性价比高,性能和良好的质量。联想的电脑和特殊的技术和软件内部服务维护,也方便


十二属相 中国民间有一个传统习俗,人一出生,就有一种动物做他的属相。属相,也叫“生肖”,是中国民间传统的纪年和计算年龄的方法。 中国古代的纪年法是帝王年号与“干支”并用,其中“干支纪年法”从史书上有明文记载的公元前841年(庚申年),一直沿用到现在。“干”是“天干”,有十个字组成,这十个字是:甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、己、庚、辛、壬、癸。“支”是“地支”,由十二个字组成,这十二个字是:子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥。把天干的十个字和地支的十二个字按顺序配合起来,可以得到60种排列,如:甲子、乙丑、丙寅……这60种排列周而复始,循环使用,每六十年叫做“一个甲子”。如公历的2001年,是农历的辛巳年,公历的2002年,是农历的壬午年;而六十年后,2061年又是辛巳年,2062年又是壬午年。从东汉(25——220)时开始,人们又用鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪12种动物来配十二地支,组成了十二生肖,也叫十二属相。这就是子鼠、丑牛、寅虎、卯兔、辰龙、巳蛇、午马、未羊、申猴、酉鸡、戌狗、亥猪。这样,子年是鼠年,丑年是牛年,寅年是虎年……于是,每个人一出生,就有一种动物作他的属相。子年出生的属鼠,丑年出生的属牛,寅年出生的属虎,以此类推。 现在,中国人在用公历纪年和计算年龄的同时,仍然习惯用属相纪年和推算年龄。

twelve symbolic animals it is traditional in China,when a perpon is born,one animal(shuxiang)is used to symbolize this year.Shuxiang,also called shengxiao(any ofthe12animals representing the Earthly Branches),is a traditional way in China to number the years and to record a person's age. The ancient Chinese people invented the method to designate the years by the Heavenly Stems consist of the characters:jia,yi,bing,ding,wu,ji,geng,xin,ren,and gui.And the Earthly Branches are composed of12 characters:zi,shu,yin,mao,chen,si,wu,wei,shen,you,xu,https://www.360docs.net/doc/838148885.html,bining each of the 10Heavenly Stems with one of the12Earthly Branches in sequence creates60 chronological symbols.For example jiazi,yichou,bingyin,etc.These60symbols are used in circles and thus each year has a chronological symbol.For example,2001 corresponds to xinsi,2002to renwu in the lunar calendar;after60years,2061,once again,corresponds to xinsi,and2062,to https://www.360docs.net/doc/838148885.html,ter,people used12animalsto correspond to the12Earthly Branches,forming the12Symbolic Animals,namely Earthly Branch One Rat,Earthly Branch Two Ox,Earthly Branch Three Tiger,Earthly Branch Four Rabbit,Earthly Branch Five Dragon,Earthly Branch Six Snake,Earthly Branch Seven Horse,Earthly Branch Eight Sheep,Earthly Branch Nine Monkey,Earthly Branch Ten Rooster,Earthly Branch Eleven Dog,Earthly Branch Twelve Pig.Thus the zi year is the Year of the Rat,and the chou Year is the year of the Ox,and the yin Year is the Year of the Year of Tiger,etc.Therefore,when a person is born,he has an animal as his aymbolic animal.The year2002was a renwu year under lunar calendar,also the year of Horse,and so children born in this yea are all Horse babies. Even though the Chinese people now number the years and their age under the Gregorian calendar,the still continue to use the symbolic animals.As long as people know a person'probable age and his symbolic animao,people can infer his exact age and year of birth.


广州高端一日游攻略 1、西汉南越王博物馆(游览时间:约1h) Nanyue King Museum 2000 years ago,西汉南越国国王赵眜之墓,是岭南地区所发现的规模最大的唯一汉代彩绘石室墓。主要介绍金缕玉衣、帝印玉玺 Nanyue King Museum was set up at the site of the tomb of a Nanyue King, Zhao Mo by name in Western Han Dynasty, which is 2000 years ago in 137BC. It is constructed with 750 blocks of red sandstones, with 7 chambers in all. This tomb is the most important Han Tomb so far discovered in South China – its size is the largest, the political and social status of its occupant is the highest and the number of historical relics unearthed is the greatest – and so is considered as one of the 5 major archaeological(考古学)finds in modern China. Articles unearthed from the tomb:gold seal inscribed with the words “The Seal of Emperor Wen” (金质的帝印玉玺)is the most precious because it’s the first emperor’s seal so far discovered in China’s archaeological excavations. Jade articles(玉器)unearthed from the tomb include a jade garment sewn with silk threads(丝缕玉衣) Bronze articles(青铜器)daily utensils (日常器皿) represent technological level of metal-casting of the Nanyue Kingdom but also serve as an evidence for the history of the founding of the city of Guangzhou musical instrument 乐器Weapons 兵器Jars 缸 2、百年老店泮溪酒家点心宴(游览时间:约1.5h) 泮溪酒家坐落五羊城西,相连风光旖旎的荔湾湖公园。这里是1000多年前五代十国时代南汉王刘长的御花园“昌华苑”的故地,也是昔日的“白荷红荔、五秀飘香”的“荔枝湾”。


陈家祠导游词 陈氏书院,俗称陈家祠,位于广州市中山七路。陈家祠是广东现存祠堂中最富有广东特色的艺术建造群,布局严整,装饰精致,富丽堂皇,是全国文物重点爱护单位。下面是对于陈家祠的导游词,欢迎大伙儿阅读! 陈家祠导游词 (在去陈家祠的车内)各位团友: 在广州的遨游一定使大伙儿感触很深,这会儿,也许有人还在惊叹中山纪念堂独特的建造;回味五羊城漂亮的传说;追思黄花岗72烈士的英灵;沉醉于光孝佛社虔诚的境地中。如今,我将领各位到一座誉为岭南建造艺术明珠的地点--陈家祠。 陈家祠,又叫陈氏书院,现为广东民间工艺博物馆。从前面两个名称来看,显然是祠堂和学堂,且与陈姓有关。中国百家姓中,张姓和李姓是大户,而在100多年前的广东,陈姓则独占鳌头了。原因大致有三:一是人多。当时广东72个县中都分布有姓陈的人家,数陈姓人数最多。二是有钞票。陈家人聪慧能干,会做生意发大财的多,因而成了富有家族。三是能做官。在过去,有钞票的就能读书,读书便可做官。相传清未就有一位名收陈伯陶的陈家子弟,殿试时中了探花(即如今所说的第三名),被皇上封为翰林学士。这一显赫的功名,使陈氏家族名声大振。正因陈姓人,家大、财(材)大、业大,才有能力集资一千大洋修筑了这座祠堂(书院)。修筑祠堂,一方面用来祭祖,勉励陈氏后代发扬和继承祖先的业绩,以昌盛陈家大业;另一方面用于培养陈家子弟,希翼他们发奋读书,像陈伯陶那样中秀才,考举人,做大官,因此陈家祠又叫陈氏书院。 什么原因如今称广东民间工艺博物馆?那个咨询题我想依然留给各位团友参观陈家祠之后再来回答。只是,我能够给大伙儿一具提示:那个名称要紧与陈家祠的七种建造装饰工艺有关。至底是哪7种?我先卖个关子,谁在参观的过程中能归纳出来,谁就能回答那个咨询题,也就别枉此行了。(这个地方导游员采纳留下悬念的导游手法,引起游客对这项内容的注意) 各位,陈家祠到了,请带上自己的贵重物品随我下车,让我们一起观赏这座已有100年历史的中华建造精品。 (在陈家祠大门外) 各位团友,这算是陈家祠。它始建于1890年,1894年降成,现主体建造面积有6400平方米,是中国传统的四合院建造结构。所别同的是它是由几个大型的四合院将大小19座建造联为一体,形成以中轴为主线,东西配殿,外设厢房的这种严谨对称的布局,具有浓郁的南方祠堂和书院的鲜亮特点。我们普通深三进、广五间、九堂六院为概括陈家祠的整体建造。所谓进是指建造的深度。在陈家祠内有3排各80米长的大殿,高大宽畅、气宇轩昂,每一排大殿为一进,故称三进。间是古人用来测量建造面积的单位,广五间,表示有5间的宽度。至于九堂六院也就别言而喻了。它是我们广东目前现存宗祠建造中规模最大,民间建造装饰工艺最完美,最富有代表性的一具艺术建造群。它以布局严谨、气魄宏伟、装饰精致、堂皇富丽而著称,倾倒许多来自世界各地的游人。我国现代杰出的作家诗人郭沫若先生在当年参观陈家祠赞美道:天工人可代,人工天别如,果然造世界,胜读十年书。陈家祠的建造装饰艺术之精美跃然纸上,如今让我们一起来看看它美在何处,精在何方? 我们依然从门外说起。你们看,在大门两边的青砖墙上分别有一副大型人物砖雕,它们表现的是两上故事的场面:一是中国古典小说:《水浒传》中的梁山聚义,另一具是历史故事刘庆伏狼驹。(将客人带到刘庆伏狼驹的砖雕前)这幅砖雕刻画了刘庆落伏了一匹烈马的生动场面。刘庆是宋朝的一名大将,当时边邻的西夏国对宋朝虎视眈眈,以驯服烈马为借口进行战争挑衅衅。刘庆大将挺身而出,以他的智慧和勇气,落伏了这匹烈马,幸免了一场战争的发生。(指砖雕画)那双手握拳威风凛凛的算是刘庆大将,被落伏的烈马四足朝天躺在地
