


2016年黑龙江哈尔滨工大附中六年级下学期人教版五四制数学6月月考试卷 一、选择题(共10小题;共50分) 1. 下列各数中,?1, 2.5,?5 7 ,0.56,?a,?0.001,+2,负数有 个. A. 3个 B. 4个 C. 5个 D. 6个 2. 下列四个数中,绝对值最大的是 A. 2 B. ?1 3 C. 0 D. ?3 3. 据测算,我国每年因沙漠造成的直接经济损失超过5400000万元,用科学记数法表示为 万元. A. 54×105 B. 5.4×106 C. 5.4×105 D. 0.54×107 4. 下列代数式中,既不是单项式,也不是多项式的是 A. 2x2?1 B. ?7 3xy C. b a D. 0 5. 下面简单几何体的从正面看到的平面图形是 A. B. C. D. 6. 汽车的雨刷把玻璃上的雨水刷干净,是属于 的实际应用 A. 点动成线 B. 线动成面 C. 面动成体 D. 以上答案都不对 7. 某人在点A处看点B在北偏东40°的方向上,看点C在北偏西35°的方向上,则∠BAC的度数 为 A. 65° B. 75° C. 40° D. 35° 8. 有理数d,c在数轴上的对应点的位置如图所示,则 A. dc>0 B. c+d>0 C. d?c>0 D. 以上都不对 9. 下面调查总是应该进行全面调查的是 A. 调查市场上某种食品的色素含量是否符合国家标准 B. 调查一个村子所有家庭的收入

C. 检查一个城市的空气质量 D. 检测某种电视机显象管的寿命 10. 如图,两个直角∠AOB,∠COD共顶点O,下列结论:①∠AOC=∠BOD;②∠AOC+∠BOD= 90°;③若OC平分∠AOB,则OB平分∠COD;④∠AOD的平分线与∠COB的平分线是同一条射线.其中不正确的个数有 A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 二、填空题(共10小题;共50分) 11. ?3的相反数是. 12. 建筑工人砌墙时,经常在两个墙脚的位置分别插一根木桩,然后拉一条直的参照线,用到的数 学知识是. 13. 如果∣a+2∣+b?12=0,那么a+b2017的值是. 14. 已知∠α与∠β互余,且∠α=35°18?,则∠β=. 15. 钟表上2:30分时,时针和分针所成的角是. 16. 多项式m2?4x3+m?2x2+x是关于x的二次二项式,则m的值为. 17. 飞机的无风航速是a km/h,风速为20 km/h,飞机顺风飞行5 h,后又逆风飞行3小时,共飞 行km. 18. 如下图是小明用火柴搭的1条、2条、3条“金鱼”分别用了8根、14根、20根火柴??,则 搭10条“金鱼”需要的火柴数为根. 19. 已知∠AOB=48°,以OB为一边画一个∠BOC=20°,则∠AOC=°. 20. 已知线段AB=40,C是AB的中点,D是CB上一点,E为DB中点,EB=6,则 CD=. 三、解答题(共7小题;共91分) ×3??32. 21. 计算:?1100?1?0.5×1 3 ,y=1. 22. 先化简,再求值:4x2y?6xy?23xy?2?x2y+1,其中x=?1 2 23. 如图,平面上有四个点A,B,C,D,根据下列语句画图.


哈工大附中新版EEC 初一下测试卷 命题教师:___ 工大附汇中学员姓名_______ 学员得分_____ 一,单项选择(本题15分,每小题一分) ( ) 1 How many exercise books do you have ? I have _________three books. A more B most than C more than ( ) 2 Do you want to try playing the violin ? Sure,_________. A I? d love B I?d love to C I?d love to play the violin ( ) 3 Vincent van Gogh _________a lot ______during his lifetime . A painted,paintings B was painting,pains C paints ,paintings ( ) 4 When will you ______us to practice basketball together? I think next Saturday will be Ok . A join B join in C take part in ( ) 5 He is _________honest boy and he always says everything _______. A a, honestly B an, honest C an,honestly ( ) 6 Zhang Hao _________oranges on the farm last weekend . A picks up B picked up C pick up ( ) 7 —Peter, what if your parents go out? —They ask me to _______ myself. A.look after B.look up C.look for ( ) 8 One of my friends _______going to America. . A.has B. have C. is ( ) 9 After school I often study at home __________. A along B alone C lone ( ) 10 Please put all the books and exercise books _________of the dictionaries. Ok A on the top of B at the top of C in the top of ( ) 11 Li Ping bought one copy of each kind of books on sale in the form.It cost her totally. A.¥43 B.¥69.8 C.¥26.8 ( )12 Can I ___________this book ? --Yes ,but you mustn?t _________it to others . A lend,borrow B borrow,keep C borrow,lend ( ) 13 When you play this game ,you need to stand _______the circle .You can?t stand out of it . A in front of B at front of C in the front of ( ) 14 If you have problem with one of your classmates ,which is the follwing you shouldn?t to do ? 1 Keep silent 2 Talk to you parnets 3stay away from he or her 4 Tell with him or her to tell you real toughts 5 Fight with him or her A 1,2,3 B 1,3,5 C 2,4,5 ( ) 15 Which stress of the following words is different ?


A B C D 哈工大附中2021----2021(上)九年级8月月考 数 学 试 卷 一、选择题(每小题3分,共计30分) 1.已知甲、乙两地相距s (km ),汽车从甲地匀速行驶到乙地,则汽车行驶的时间t (h ) 与行驶速度v (km/h )的函数关系图象大致是( ) 2.已知反比例函数x m y 21-= 的图象上有A (x 1,y 1)、B (x 2,y 2)两点,当x 1<x 2<0 时,y 1<y 2,则m 的取值范围是( ). A . m <0 B. m >0 C .m< 21 D. m >2 1 3. 下列命题中正确的是( ) A.三点确定一个圆 B.圆的切线垂直于半径 C. 平分弦的直径垂直于弦 D. 圆中最长的弦是经过圆心的弦 4.如图,△ABC 中DE ∥BC ,若AD ∶DB =1∶2,则下列结论中正确的是( ) A. 2 1 =BC DE B . 21=??的周长的周长ABC ADE C. 的面积的面积ABC ADE ??3 1 = D .的周长的周长ABC ADE ??31= 5.在直角三角形中,各边的长度都扩大到原来的3倍,则锐角A 的三角函数值( ) A. 都扩大到原来的3倍 B .都缩小为原来的3倍 C. 都保持原来的数值都不变 D .有的变大,有的缩小 6.以直角坐标系的原点O 为圆心,以1为半径作圆,若点P 是该圆上第一象限内的一点, 且OP 与x 轴正方向组成的角为α,则点P 的坐标为 ( ) A. (cosα,1) B . (1,sinα) C. (sinα,cosα) D .(cosα,sinα) 7.如图,⊙O 是△ABC 的外接圆,AD 是⊙O 的直径,连接CD ,若⊙O 的半径2 3 =r , AC=2,则cosB 的值是( )


哈工大附中2014中考模拟试题 英语试卷 哈工大附中英语组 第Ⅰ卷 一.单项选择(本题共20分,每小题1分) ( ) 1.Boys and girls,you will have _______ unusual summer vacation after the exam. I hope you can not only relax yourself but also make good use of time. A. a B. an C. the ( ) 2. --Do you know the furniture we used to pay attention to ____bad for people’s health , especially does harm to(伤害) children according to the news on the radio. -- Really? We are lucky , for we didn’t buy the furniture. A. is B. being C. be ( ) 3.--Excuse me, sir. Could you tell me______? -- A math teacher, a _____ teacher of No. 2 Middle School. A. what your cousin does, metal B. what’s your cousin’s job, medal C. what your cousin is, model ( ) 4. -- I wonder when she ________ us in the activity tonight. --Don’t worry. I believe when she _______ her work, she will come as soon as possible. A. will join in, will finish B. will join, finishes C. joins, is finishing ( ) 5.Time is given like a piece of land .If you grow your hopes there and work on them , you can gain a lot ________experiences and feelings. A.valuable B.more valuable C.most valuable ( ) 6.It’s also true that we don’t know what it has been missing until it _______.Cherish(珍惜)what you have today. A.reaches B.gets C.arrives ( ) 7. ---It’s too hot in the room. Would you mind opening the window? ---______. But don’t do it now. A.Never mind B.Of course C.Certainly not. ( ) 8. ---I know th at you’ve got full marks in TOEFL test. Congratulations to you ____it. --- Thank you. I believe you also can _____it after working hard. A.with , make B. for ,get C.on, make ( ) 9.The kind old man, Zhu Zhanhua in Harbin is considered as the kindest old man ___gave her love and kindness to the whole society. A. that B. which C. whom ( ) 10. --- We Grade Nine Students will graduate from our mother school soon .We’ll miss each other. ---It doesn’t matter .We can __________one another in many ways . A .keep up with B. keep in touch with C.keep on

黑龙江省哈尔滨市工大附中2020年六年级(五四制)下5月英语综合考试测试卷一(期中) 无答案

英语学科综合测试题(一) 一、单项选择(本题共20 分,每小题 1 分) ( ) 1.Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has different s ounds? A. children chair B. with both C. what where ( ) 2.In the following words, which underlined letters have the same sound as the word “cook ed”? A. stayed B. cleaned C. talked ( ) 3. Which word of the following doesn’t have the same stress as the others? A.Shadow. B. Become. C.Heavy. ( ) 4.The shoes in the window are nice. Let’s have look. A.an B. a C. the ( ) 5.He an interesting story last weekend and he was in it. A.read,interested B. reads,interesting C. is reading,interest me English so well. ( ) 6.---Thank you for ---That’s all right. A. teaching B. taught C. teaches ( ) 7.---Look ! The neck of the giraffe is so. ---Yes. And I think the giraffe is than the tree. A. longer, taller B. long, taller C. long, tall ( ) 8. ---Do you know the height of that building? ---Yes. I hear it’s about. A.90 meters long B. 90 kilograms C. 90 meters high ( ) 9.Saturday morning, I didn’t take lessons. My brother didn’t take lessons,. A. In ,also B. On, either C. On, too ( ) 10.The Blacks stayed at a hotel. Their room was big but everything very old. A. is B. are C. was ( ) 11. ---What is Sam doing? ---He is watching some shows on TV. A. child’s B. children C. children’s ( ) 12.---My car is. It can’t run fast. ---You can ride a bike. It’s than your car. A. broken, better B. break, better C. broken , good ( ) 13.Stop, little baby! Your mom is coming here. A. crying B. to cry C. cries ( ) 14.China is larger than in North America. A. any other city B. the other cities C. any city ( ) 15.---was your weekend? ---It was a busy one. I football and went fishing. A. What, play B. How, plays C. How, played ( ) 16.---Did you do else? ---Yes, I did. A. something B. anything C. nothing ( )17.---My family and I to China tomorrow.


2020-2021哈尔滨市工大附中七年级英语 单选百题测试(100道、附答案) ( )1.—How does Alice feel now? —She feels even __________ than yesterday. A. angry B. more angrier C. angrier ( )2. —Which do you like __________, coffee, juice or milk? —Milk, for sure. A. better B. worse C. best ( )3. China is one of__________ in the world. A. the old country B. the oldest country C. the oldest countries ( )4. —What does your house look like? —It has a big swimming pool. It is __________ than my neighbor's A. much beautiful B. more beautiful C. beautifuler ( )5. —Who runs __________,a tiger or an elephant? A. faster B. more faster C. fastest ( )6. —This kind of pencil is __________ —Oh, I want __________one of the two. A. longer; longer B. longer; the longer C.more long;the longest ( )7. —Do you know how tall a giraffe is? —Yes, a giraffe is 2 __________ than a zebra. A. meters tall B. meters tall C. meters taller ( )8. —__________ you feel, the worse you will get.


哈工大附中2018-2019学年度初一数学周考(2) 10月11日 一、选择题(每小题3分,共计30分) 1.下面各组数中互为倒数的是 ( ) A.3.1和1.3 B.0.5和2 C.0.25和0.52 D.8 781和 2.小明有5千克油,用去 5 1 ,还剩下多少千克?正确的算式是 ( ) A.515? B.)(5 115-? C.51 5- D.515÷ 3.乙比甲多4 1 ,甲是4,乙是 ( ) A.5 B.3 C.3.2 D.2.5 4.把 8 3 的分子加上3,要使分数的大小不变,分母应加上( ) A.2 B.4 C.6 D.8 5.一个长方形,宽是 43cm ,长是宽的3 4 倍,求这个长方形面积的算式是( ) A.3443? B.4343? C. 34)3443(?? D. 4 3)3443(?? 6.将甲堆煤调出1 5 到乙堆后,两堆煤一样多,原来乙堆比甲堆少( ) A. 52 B.32 C.51 D.4 1 7. 如果a ×57 =b ×12 =c ×3 3 , 且abc ≠0,那么a 、b 、c 这三个数中最大的数是( ) A. a B. b C. c D.无法比较 8.甲数是48,甲数的 61与乙数的4 1 相等,乙数是( ) A.72 B.32 C.12 D.8 9. 如果 6 5 65<÷a ,则a 的取值是( ) A.1>a B 1

六年级下册数学试题-2020年西安某工大附中入学数学模拟卷 人教版新课标(含答案)

2020年西安某工大附中入学数学模拟卷(含答案) (满分:100分 时间:70分钟) 一、选择题(共4小题,每小题3分,计12分) 1.分数47,613,1219,12 23,最大的分数是( ). A .47 B .613 C .1223 D .1219 【答案】D 【解析】412721=,612 1326 =, 1212121219212326>>>即1241261972313>>>. 2.钟表在9点30分时,时针和分针所成的小于平角的角为( ). A .105? B .110? C .125? D .140? 【答案】A 【解析】分针指向6,时针指向9和10的正中间,分针与时针的夹角是3.5个大格,36012 3.5 1.0÷?=(度). 3.公园中一块草地长20米,宽15米,那么这块草地面积的万分之一大约相当于( ). A .一块橡皮 B .一本字典 C .一张课桌桌面 D .一间教室 【答案】D 【解析】22015300(m )?=,22300m 3000000cm =,2300000010000300(cm )÷=. 最接近2300cm 的是一本字典. 4.如图是由三个面积相等的小正方形组成的图形,如果再补画一个小正方形,使补画后的图形成为轴对称图形,一共有( )种不同的补画方法. A .2 B .3 C .4 D .5 【答案】C 【解析】一共有四种补画的方法,如图所示: 二、填空题(共8小题,每小题3分,计24分) 5.算式554 2969-+=__________. 【答案】1 26

【解析】原式545 2996 =+- 536=- 126=. 6.如图,甲时直角三角形,乙是平行四边形,丙时直角梯形,则甲、乙、丙三个图形面积的比是__________. 【答案】1:5:4 【解析】设长方形的宽是2, 1 :2222 S ??=甲,:2510S ?=乙, 1 :[3(2535)]282 S +++-??=丙, ::2:10:81:5:4S S S ==甲乙丙. 7.有8个数排成一列,它们的平均数是54,前5个数的平均数是46,后4个的平均数是68,这列数的第5个数是__________. 【答案】70 【解析】548432?=<8个数的和>, 465230?=<前5个数的和>, 684272?=<后4个数的和>, 23027243250243270+-=-=<第5个数>. 8.李老师带领全班同学去植树,同学们正好平均分成了三组,结果师生每人植的树一样多,并且此次参与植树的人数和没人指数的个数都是质数,他们一共植了629棵,那么平均每人质数__________棵. 【答案】17 【解析】从质数2开始寻找629的质因数,得到6291737=?, 人数=每组人数31?+, 因为人数必须使3的倍数多1,所以共有37人,每人植17棵树. 9.某商店按比成本价高40%定价,然后打八折销售,一周没有卖出,周末重新调整为七五折销售,结果每件盈利了16元,这件商品的成本是__________元. 【答案】320 【解析】将成本看作单位“1”, 140%140%+=<定价>, 140%75%105%?=<售价>, 105%100%5%-=<利润价>, 165%320÷=(元)<成本>. 10.将一张宽为6的长方形纸片(足够长)折叠成如图所示图形,重叠部分是一个三角形ABC ,则三角形ABC 的面积最小值是__________. 352丙 乙 甲

2018届哈工大附中六年级(数学)新生入学摸底测试 数学试卷 9.12

哈工大附中2018届初一新生入学摸底测试 数学试卷 出题人:杜江龙 审题人:李冰 时间:120分钟 满分:120分 一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分) 1. 2.695保留两位小数是( ) A. 2.69 B. 2.70 C. 0.70 D. 2.71 2. 下列各除法算式中,商最小的是( ) A. 2.1÷0.14 B. 21÷0.14 C. 21÷0.014 D. 21÷14 3. 把一个长方形木框拉成一个平行四边形,它的( )不变. A. 形状 B. 周长 C.面积 D.周长和面积 4. 一个三角形的高是6分米,面积是30平方分米,底是( )分米. A. 5 B. 6 C. 10 D. 12 5. 小明在计算乘法时,不慎将乘数54写成45,那么计算结果比正确答案少( ) A. 65 B. 51 C. 61 D. 9 1 6. 一根铁丝截成两段,第一段占总长度的 34,第二段长34 米,两段铁丝( ) A. 第一段长 B. 第二段长 C. 无法比较 D. 一样长 7. 用丝带捆扎一种礼品盒如图,结头外多余部分长25厘米(结头忽略不计),要捆扎这种礼品盒至少需要准备( )分米的丝带. A. 15 B. 17.5 C. 22.5 D. 32.5 8. 小明家住在12楼,有一天,电梯坏了,小明从1楼走到5楼共用了4分钟,若能保持这样的速度,小明回到家还需要( ). A. 7分钟 B. 9分钟 C. 11分钟 D. 12分钟

9. 一列数1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,….中的第35个数为( ) A. 6 B. 7 C. 8 D. 9 10. 如图,长方形ABCD 中,AB 长10厘米,BC 长8厘米,又知道△ADE 的面积比△CEF 的面积小10平方厘米,则线段FC 的长为( )厘米. A. 6 B. 8 C. 10 D. 12 二、填空题(每小题3分,共30分) 11. 16和24的最小公倍数是 . 12. 38.2÷2.7的商精确到百分位是 . 13. 57减去一个分数,121 加上这个分数,两次计算结果相同,那么这个分数是 . 14. 王老师买20支铅笔和5支钢笔一共花了32元,已知钢笔的单价是铅笔的4倍,则钢笔的单价为 元. 15. 一堆棋子,正视、侧视、俯视图分别如下,这堆棋子共有 颗. 16. 小明在一次考试中,已知语文、数学、英语三科的平均成绩是94分,又知道自然考了98分,那么小明这四科的平均成绩是 分. 17. 在操场上活动的学生有144人,其中跳远的占总人数的9 2,打球的人数是跳远的16 15,打球的有 人. 18. 猜数字游戏中,小明写出如下一组数:,,,,,, 35 3219161187452小亮猜想出第六个数是 . 19. 两个数的和是354,较大的数除以较小的数,商是3,余数是54,则这两个数的差是 . 20. 一个最简分数,如果分子加上1,就能约分成9 4,如果分子减去1,就能约分成3 1,则这个最简分数是 . 三、解答题(共60分)

西工大附中七年级 期末考英语试题参考答案

西工大附中七年级期末考英语试题参考答案 听力部分略 笔试部分: 选择题: 21-25:CDDCD 26-30:BBAAC 31-35:ABDAD 36-40:CBDDA 41-45:ABABB 46-50:BDCBD 非选择题: 完成句子: 1、wait to answer/write 2、to spend their holiday 3、of medium build 4、to eat tomatoes 5、practice speaking 短文填空 1、different 2、shopping 3、 4、usually 5、decision 6、to choose 7、asking 8、friendly 9、many 10、angrily 句型转换 1、feel like 2、what's like/it is 3、which man 4、walked 5、Let him not 任务型阅读 1、we get up in the morning 2、lunch and supper

3、eating 4、a cup of hot drink 5、have breakfast 补全对话 A. 1、Mrs.Read,57Hanguang Road 2、How old is Mandy? 3、She is wearing a red coat,brown trousers and black shoes. 4、She's got blue eyes and long hair. 5、Thank you,And goodbye B. 6、Can I help you? 7、A large cake or samll cake? 8、What would you like to write on the birthday cake? 9、What's you telephone number? 10、What's you address?


2008年哈尔滨工大附中中考英语模拟考试 英语试卷 二.单项选择: ()21.----Whataboutthegirls? ----Theywerebothtired,but_____ofthemwouldstoptohavearest. A.either B.none C.neither ()22.–Hi!Jane,doyouknowWangHua’sbrotherhasbeenacceptedtoPeking University? –Really?That’soneofinChina.Heisrather excellent. A.thebestuniversity B.thebestuniversities C.bestuniversity ()23.–ThewinterinHarbiniscolorfulandbeautiful. –Soitis.Wouldyouliketostayfortendays? A.other B.another C.more ()24.----Couldyoutellmewhenhe_____backtomorrow? ----Sure.Iwilltellyouwhenhe_______backtomorrow. A.willcome,comes B.willcome,willcome https://www.360docs.net/doc/845950449.html,es,willcome ()25.–IlikeChinesecultureverymuch. –Me,too.TheChineseculturememost. A.interest B.isinterested C.interests ()26.----DoyouknowtheRedCross? ----Yes,it’s________internationalorganization.______organization’smissionistostopsuffering.A.an ,AnB.an,TheC.the,An ()27.-----WehavesentupChang’esatellite______recently. ----Yes.Itstandsforthegreat________ofChina. A.successful,succeed B.success,successfully C.successfully,success ()28.----Haveyouheardoftheplace______hevisitedlastsummer? -----Yes,itistheveryplace_______LuXunwasborn. A.where,where B.where,which C./,where ()29.–Whataniceday!–ShallwehavebicycletriptoXiShanHill? A.atwo-hours B.twohour’s C.atwo-hour ()30.–Jimmy,wouldyouliketocomealongwithustobuysomeschoolthings? –I’dliketo,butIstillhavesomework. –willyoufinishit?–Intwohoursatleast. –Oh!I’msorrythatwecan’twaitsolong.–That’snothing. A.todo,Howlong B.todo,Howsoon C.doing,Howfar ()31.-----IalwaysmakethespellingmistakesinmyEnglishexams. ----Don’tworry.______youstudy.____mistakesyouwillmake. A.Themorecareful,theless B.Themorecarefully,thefewer C.Thecarefully,theless ()32.----“DoyoulikeEnglish,Kate?”----“Whatdidshesayjustnow,Mary?” ----Sheasked_________________________. A.ifKatelikedEnglish B.thatIlikedEnglish C.whetherMarylikedEnglish ()33.Whenyouhavedifferentideaswithyourfriendsaboutaplan,whatshouldn’tyoudo? A.Sitdownandlistentoyourfriendscarefully.


2016年黑龙江哈尔滨哈工大附中六年级下学期数学期中考试试卷 一、选择题(共10小题;共50分) 1. 的倒数是 A. B. C. D. 2. 下列各式:,,,,,,其中单项式有 A. 个 B. 个 C. 个 D. 个 3. 单项式的系数和次数分别是 A. , B. , C. , D. , 4. 下面说法中正确的是 A. “向东米”与“向西米”不是相反意义的量 B. 如果气球上升米记作米,那么米的意义就是下降米 C. 如果气温下降记作,那么的意义就是零上 D. 若将高米设为标准米,高米记作米,那么米所表示的高是米 5. 下列正确的是 A. 若,则 B. 若,则 C. 若,则 D. 若,则 6. 若,则的值为 A. B. C. D. 7. 一个三位数,百位上的数字是,十位上的数字是百位上的数字的倍,个位上的数字比十位上 的数字小,这个三位数可以表示为 A. B. C. D. 8. 由点组成的正方形,每条边上的点数与总点数的关系如图所示,则当时,计算的 值为 A. B. C. D. 9. 设是一个三次多项式,是一个四次多项式,则的次数是 A. B. C. D. 或 10. 已知数轴上方有,两点,点与点的距离为,点与原点的距离为,则所有满足 条件的点与原点的距离之和为 A. B. C. D.

二、填空题(共10小题;共50分) 11. 地球上的海洋面积约为平方千米,这个数用科学记数法可表示 为. 12. 用四舍五入法将精确到,所得的近似数为. 13. 如果一个数的等于平方的相反数,在这个数是. 14. 比较大小:. 15. 两船从同一港口同时出发反向而行,甲船顺水,乙船逆水,两船在静水中的速度都是, 水流速度是,后甲船比乙船多航行. 16. 若,互为相反数(,都不为),,互为倒数,,则 . 17. 多项式是一个四次二项式,那么. 18. 若,则. 19. 已知,,且,则. 20. 如图所示,圆圈内分别标有,,,,电子跳蚤每跳一步,可以从一个圆圈逆时针跳到相 邻的圆圈,若电子跳蚤所在圆圈的数字为,在电子跳蚤连续跳步作为一次跳跃,例如:电子跳蚤从标有数字的圆圈需跳步到标有数字的圆圈内,完成一次跳跃,第二次则要连续跳步到达标有数字的圆圈,依次规律.若电子跳蚤从①开始,那么第次电子跳蚤能跳到的圆圈内所标的数字为. 三、解答题(共7小题;共91分) 21. 计算. (1). (2). 22. 先化简,再求值:,其中,. 23. 某商店有一种商品每件成本元,原来按成本每件增加元定出售价,销售件后,由于库存 积压,降价打“八折”出售,又销售件. (1)该商店销售件这种商品的总售价为多少元? (2)销售件这种商品共盈利多少元?


精品文档 哈工大附中2014中考模拟试题 英语试卷 哈工大附中英语组 第Ⅰ卷 一.单项选择(本题共20分,每小题1分) ( ) 1.Boys and girls,you will have _______ unusual summer vacation after the exam. I hope you can not only relax yourself but also make good use of time. A. a B. an C. the . --Do you know the furniture we used to pay attention to ____bad for people's ) 2( health , especially does harm to(伤害) children according to the news on the radio. -- Really? We are lucky , for we didn't buy the furniture. A. is B. being C. be ( ) 3.--Excuse me, sir. Could you tell me______? -- A math teacher, a _____ teacher of No. 2 Middle School. A. what your cousin does, metal B. what's your cousin's job, medal C. what your cousin is, model ( ) 4. -- I wonder when she ________ us in the activity tonight. --Don't worry. I believe when she _______ her work, she will come as soon as possible. A. will join in, will finish B. will join, finishes C. joins, is finishing ( ) 5.Time is given like a piece of land .If you grow your hopes there and work on them , you can gain a lot ________experiences and feelings. A.valuable B.more valuable C.most valuable ( ) 6.It's also true that we don't know what it has been missing until it _______.Cherish(珍惜)what you have today. A.reaches B.gets C.arrives ( ) 7. ---It's too hot in the room. Would you mind opening the window? ---______. But don't do it now. A.Never mind B.Of course C.Certainly not. ( ) 8. ---I know that you've got full marks in TOEFL test. Congratulations to you ____it. --- Thank you. I believe you also can _____it after working hard. A.with , make B. for ,get C.on, make ( ) 9.The kind old man, Zhu Zhanhua in Harbin is considered as the kindest old man ___gave her love and kindness to the whole society. A. that B. which C. whom ( ) 10. --- We Grade Nine Students will graduate from our mother school
