


许国璋电视英语教学第一册 《第二十四课》 (一)课文: 1)课文: INSPECTOR HORNBERG VISITS A SCHOOL The classroom was very quiet. Outside, the leafless trees were white with the first snowfall. But not one pair of eyes stayed from the history books which twenty-five little girls were studying so earnestly. This was the year 1877, and the school was in Warsaw, Poland. A large part of Poland had been conquered by Russia. The Russia Tsar would not allow Polish children to study the history of their own country or even their own language. But here the teacher and her pupils were doing just that, although the Russians had spies everywhere in Warsaw. Among the children was Manya Sklodovska. She was a very bright pupil. She was deep in the book she was reading. Suddenly there came the faint sound of a bell. Manya listened fearfully. Was it the signal? Yes! Two long rings, two short rings. Every head came up. Quick hands grabbed all the Polish history books off the desks, and hid them away. The girls swiftly took sewing materials from their desks. They began to embroider little squares of cloth. The outer door opened. There stood Inspector Hornberg. Hornberg had been put in charge by the Russians of the private schools of Warsaw. He was a heavy man in a tight-fitting yellow and blue uniform. With him was Mademoiselle Sikorska, the head of the school. “ We have tow sewing classes a week, Mr. Inspector.” explained Mademoiselle Tupalska, the teacher “ I read to the children while they work.” “And what have you been reading to your pupils, Mademoiselle?”inspector Hornberg demanded. She held up her book “ Russian fairy tales.” She said. The inspector gave a grunt of approval. “Now,”he said, “I should like to question one of your pupils.” “Manya Sklodovska, please stand up.” The teacher said quietly. Manya rose from her seat without a word, trying not to tremble. “Recite the Lord’s Prayer in Russian.” Inspector Hornberg ordered. Manya recited the prayer in a low voice, careful not to show her feelings. “Now name the members of the Imperial Russian Family.” Manya gave the names. “now tell me.” Hornberg demanded, “ who is our ruler?”


背单词不错的软件和网站14个介绍 我是一名英语培训学校的专职老师,来学校培训的学生中有许多基础比较差、拥有的单词量非常少,直接造成学习英语困难。我教学的一个重要的方面就是提高学习者词汇量,所以在日常的工作中特别关注各种背单词的方法和辅助工具。 这学期我开始了新概念英语的教学,为了采取更好的辅助工具帮助学生记忆单词我对市场中的各种背单词的软件和在线背单词的网站进行了新概念第一册第一单元背诵效果的横向测试,以下是我测试的结果,供各位学习者和老师、家长借鉴。 软件类: ①新东方背单词 《新东方背单词》的特点 就是内容全面权威,囊括中小学、 许国璋、新概念、职称、大学、研 究生、新东方出国考试(GRE、 TOEFL、GMAT、LSAT、雅思)词汇,适合从零起点到高级英语学习人员的全面需要。遵循多种记忆法则:例如词缀、词根记忆法、比较记忆法、单词举例记忆法等。

我组织三名成绩接近的学生进行了新概念第一单元的学习和测验。 一个小时测试结果:总学习:175词,已知:47词,生词:128词 测验结果:记住40词/小时正确率:31% 学生反馈:新东方背单词的例句有些简单,不太具有典型性。比如excuse,的例句是“Excuse me !" 和“Excuse me.What's the time ?两个例句的知识点是相同的。 我的评价:感觉《新东方背单词》对学习英语的方式方法很有心得,它利用不同的学习方式来加强单词的记忆效果,比起其他软件公司开发的单词记忆软件,具有更强的教学性,毕竟是多年积累的教学经验,更易于学习者的学习。而且有几个不错的背单词的游戏,能引起学生的学习兴趣,寓教于乐。 ②轻轻松松背单词 蒲公英也算是背单词软件行 业里的佼佼者了,估计许多学习 英语的人都用过这款《轻轻松松 背单词》。这款软件最大的特点就 是单词和例句的发音是标准的美 音而且是美国专家朗读,。 我组织三名成绩接近的学生进行了新概念第一单元的学习和测验。 一个小时测试结果:总学习:175词,已知:47词,生词:128词 测验结果:记住39词/小时正确率:30% 学生反馈:《轻松背单词》的发音比较好,例句也是标准的发音不是那种电


Lesson 1 A private conversation 私人谈话 Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. 'I can't hear a word!' I said angrily. ' It's none of your business,' the young man said rudely. 'This is a private conversation!'. Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch? 早餐还是午餐? It was Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lunch time. Last Sunday I got up very late. I looked out of the window. It was dark outside. 'What a day!' I thought. 'It's raining again.' Just then, the telephone rang. It was my aunt Lucy.' I've just arrived by train,' she said. 'I'm coming to see you.' 'But I'm still having breakfast,' I said. 'What are you doing ?' she asked. ' I'm having breakfast,' I repeated.


提升英语综合技能水平的学习途径 提要: 英语教学改革,是在过去的二十多年里特别是近几年来人们一直关心和讨论的课题。长期从事英语教学工作的教师和专家学者们一直在不断地寻求一种有效的,符合中国学生学习英语特点的教学方法和教学模式。这种探索和追求受到每一历史阶段盛行的语言学理论的直接或间接的影想。例如:Fries 和Saussure 结构主义教学法和 Chomsky转换生成法教学传入我国后,我国的英语教学主要以语法结构教学为主,许国璋英语,薄冰语法等语言教学书是学习英语必备的书籍。经过一段时间的实践,发现学生英语虽然语法知识清楚,词汇量也不少,但就是不会实际使用,以致于出现TOFEL600多分,GRE2000多分,可就是听不懂也说不出英语的情况。学术界把这种语言能力看成是高分低能现象,即学生只学到抽象的语法知识,脱离了现实社会中相互交际相互影响的实际,这种教学法受到一些语言学家的批评,产生了由Hymes,Widdowson和 Harmer 为代表的语言学家提出的交际教学法,他们认为语言的系统知识和恰当地运用语言知识有着错综复杂的联系。另一方面,自 Corder(1967)和 Selinker(1972)以来的研究者认为:人们无法预测输入如何影响学习者的语言发展,有意识地学到的语言知识不一定会必然地转化为自发的语言运用共识。有些批评者认为以语言形势为纲(focus on forms),不考虑学习者的需要以其孤立地学习各种语言形式的教学,容易使学习者产生厌倦情绪,造成学习效果不佳,因为这种教学通常是在不考虑学习者心理语言准备是否充分的基础上进行的。随着我国政治经济形势的飞速发展,对外交往的机会越来越多,英语作为国际通用的语言工具越来越受到人们的重视。因此,培养高素质的英语人才以满足我国社会经济和科技文化的发展需要,是当前广大英语教学工作者和专家学者们面临的共同问题。 ?研究背景 我校研究生入学时的英语水平差别较大,有的学生入学前已经通过大学英语四、六级测试;有的只通过四级,没有考过六级;研究生中外地生源较多;边远地区的学生语言基本功较差,学英语主要靠自学;有的学生喜理,不喜文,对英语不感兴趣;有的认为毕业后搞工程,用不上英语;也有的学生虽然认为英语很重要,每天花去大量时间读英语,可在学位课程测试时,成绩不甚理想。这种情况给任课教师带来很大压力,研究生英语到底该如何教?教什么?怎样教?带着这些问题,我们对我院02—03级研究生进行了研究生英语教学改革研究,初步取得预期的效果。 ?问卷结果 带着以上提出的问题,我们对2002-2003级研究生做了问卷调查,调查结果如下: 发现58.7%的学生对英语学习比较感兴趣,有30.4% 的学生兴趣一般,没有学生对英语学习不感兴趣。


版word册课文2新概念英语第 新概念英语第二册 Lesson 1 A private conversation 私人谈话 Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking

loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. 'I can't hear a word!' I said angrily. ' It's none of your business,' the young man said rudely. 'This is a private conversation!'. Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch? 早餐还是午餐? It was Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lunch time. Last Sunday I got up very late. I looked out of the window. It was dark outside. 'What a day!' I thought. 'It's raining again.' Just then, the telephone rang. It was my aunt Lucy.' I've just arrived by train,' she said. 'I'm coming to see you.' 'But I'm still having breakfast,' I said. 2 新概念英语第二册 'What are you doing ?' she asked. ' I'm having breakfast,' I repeated.



PART I Phrase Translation(10%) 1)be proud of (.为..感到骄傲) 2)live on(以..为生)3)in favour of (赞成) 4)instead of(代替) 5)by accident(意外地) 6)take hold of(抓住) 7)come into being(产生) 8) to give rise to(引起)9)be keen on(爱好) 10)get in touch with(与..保持联系) PART II Vocabulary and Structure There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part, for each sentence there are 4 choices marked a), b), c), d), choose one answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the center. 1)The teacher gave orders that the test before 5:00. (a) a)be finished b)would be finished c)would have been finished d)was finished 2)I went to see William, that he had left two days before. (a) a)only to learn b)learning c)to learn d)learned 3)I realised we should do something to avoid to death. (d) a)freezing b)to freeze c)to be frozen d)being frozen 4)She moved towards the window and hid in the shadow of the window. (b) a)so quietly as she could b)as quietly as she could c)with such quietness as she could d)with the same quietness as she could 5) , I would tell her everything. (a) a)If she should come tomorrow b)If she would come tomorrow c)If she will come tomorrow d)If she has come tomorrow 6)He that he didn’t want to have anything to do with the matter. (c) a)made clear b)made it being clear c)made it clear d)made it to be clear 7) when a game of football? (b) a)had you last b)did you last have c)last had you d)did you have last 8) The young couple their friends about their plan of marriage until the wedding day. (a)


一、句子成分 一.句子成分 现代汉语里一般的句子成分有六种,即主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语和补语。英语的基本成分有七种:除主语(subject)、谓语(predicate)、、宾语(object)、定语(attribute)、状语(adverbial) 和补语(complement)之外还有表语(predicative)(同位语)。 许国璋英语中划句子成分的符号 主语在下面划一直线 谓语在下面划曲线 宾语在下面划双横线 定语在下面划虚线(一行点使我们想到一排钉子,钉谐音为“定语” 的“定”) 状语下面为短横线(短横线使我们想到短木桩,木桩撞(状)钟)补语上一短横,下一短横(下一短横好像是为了弥补上面短横间的空隙)同位语上下双曲线,(虽都有曲折,上下位置基本相同) 1.主语 主语是一个句子所叙述的主体,一般位于句首,通常由名词性的词来充当。 可由1.名词、2.代词、3.数词、4.名词化的形容词(如the rich)5.不定式、6.动名词、7.主语从句等表示。 练习1. 在下面句子的主语下面划横线,并说出由什么充当 1.During the 1990s, American country music has become more and more popular. 2.We often speak English in class. 3.One-third of the students in this class are girls. 4.To swim in the river is a great pleasure. 5.Smoking does harm to the health. 6.The rich should help the poor. 7.When we are going to have an English test has not been decided. 8.It is necessary to master a foreign language. 9.That he isn?t at home is not true 2.谓语: 谓语由动词充当,说明主语所作的动作或具有的特征和状态。谓语的构成如下:1、简单谓语:由一个动词或动词短语构成。如: He practices running every morning. He reads newspapers every day. 2、复合谓语: (1)由情态动词或其他助动词加动词构成。如: You may keep the book for two weeks.


许国璋电视英语教学第一册 《第二十三课》 (一)课文: 1)课文: TOW FRIENDS AND THE BEAR Two friends were travelling together through a forest. One of them said. “ If we meet any wild beasts. I’ll help you and you’ll help me”“ That’s fine.” Said his friend, and they walked on. Suddenly a big bear ran out from behind a tree. The man who said he would help his friend at once got up a tree and hid himself among the leaves. The other man could not climb trees. So he threw himself on the ground, closed his eyes and pretended to be dead. The bear came up and sniffed at the man’s head. It put its nose close to his mouth and ears. The man held his breath. The bear thought he was dead and walked away, for bears never touch dead men. When the bear was gone, and all was safe, the man in the tree came down. With a smile, he asked his friend, “ What did the bear tell you when he put his nose so close to your ears?” “Well,” said his friend, “ the bear said,’Don’t trust those who leave their friends the moment they get into difficulty!” 2)译文: 两个朋友和熊 两个朋友在一道旅行,穿过一座森林。其中一人说:“要是碰到野兽,我就帮助你,你也要帮助我。”“好的,”他的朋友说。接着,他们继续往前走。 突然,一只大熊从一棵树后面跑出来。那个说要帮助他朋友的人马上爬到树上,把自己藏在树叶丛里。另外一人不会爬树,于是便倒在地上,闭住 眼睛装死。 熊走过来,闻闻这个人的头,又把鼻子凑近他的嘴和耳朵。这人屏住呼吸。熊以为他已经死去,便走开了,因为熊从来不碰死人。 熊走了,一切都平安无事了。树上的人爬了下来,他笑嘻嘻地问他朋友:“熊把鼻子凑到你耳朵旁,跟你说了些什么?” “噢”,他的朋友答道:“熊说,不要信任那些一遇困难就背弃朋友的人。”


许式英语复习二 一.词类 (一)名词(noun—n.)(内容在“许式英语复习一”里) (二)动词(verb—v.) (同上) (三)代词(pronoun—pron.):可分为人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、相互代词、指示代词、疑问代词、关系代词、连接代词、不定代词九类。 1.指示代词this, that, these, those在句中可用作: 1)主语 This is Jane. That is Bob. This is a telephone. That is a TV set. This /That is not / isn‘t a computer. ―Is this a telephone?‖ ―Yes, it is.‖ ―Is that a computer?‖ ―No, it is not / isn‘t. It is a TV set.‖ These are cars. Those are buses. They are not / aren‘t jeeps. ―Are these buses?‖ ―No, they are not. They are cars.‖ Those are newspapers. They are not / aren‘t magazines. ―What are those?‖ ―They are newspapers.‖ 2) 宾语 You should always keep this in mind. 我们应当经常记住这一点。 Better take that with you. 最好把那个带着。 3) 表语 My idea is this. 我的意见是这样。 4) 定语 For these reasons we have to cancel the trip. 由于这些原因,我们只好取消这次旅行。 2. 1)作主语要用主格。(注意动词be 要随不同的人称和数而变化,即: I am, you are, he is, she is, it is, we are, you are , they are.。)例如: I am / am not a teacher. You are /are not an engineer. He is /is not a CEO. She is/ isn‘t a doctor. We are students. You are civil servants(公务员). They are players(运动员). They are not /aren‘t actors(演员). ―Are you a teacher?‖ ―Yes, I am.‖ ―No, I am not.‖ ―Is he a model worker(模范工人)?‖ ―Yes, he is. ‖ ―No, he is not /isn‘t.‖


许国璋电视英语教学第一册 《第十五课》 (一)课文: 1)课文原文: A SERVICE CENTER Look at this service center. How busy everybody is! The man in the middle is mending shoes. At a counter on the right, a woman is showing an old man a towel and some soap. We see a girl at the door. She is going to housework for the families in neighborhood. Two women are sewing by the window. One of them is making a shirt and the other is making a pair of trousers. The workers at the service center help their neighbor in many ways. They play an important part in people’s life. (二)DIALGUE:(对话) 1)原文: IN THE COMPUTER ROOM -Is this your school computer room? Who are these people? -They are students of the Russian department. -What are they doing? -They are learning to use computers. -Do you often work her? -Yes ,we work here once a week. We are all keen to learn modem techniques. (三)新单词:


一、词汇 catch v. 抓到 fisherman n. 钓鱼人,渔民 boot n. 靴子 waste n. 浪费 realize v. 意识到 ★catch v. 抓到 ①vt. 捉住,逮住,捕获 The police have caught the thief. ②vt. 抓住,握住 Can you catch the ball? ③vt. 及时赶到,赶上 catch up with 赶上,跟上 Go ahead please.I’ll soon catch up with you. ★boot n. 靴子 a pair of boots 一双靴子 ★waste n. 浪费 ①n. 浪费 a waste of… 浪费…… It is a waste of time/money/food/water. ②vt. 浪费 You are wasting time. ★realize v. 意识到 ①v. 认识,知道,明白,意识到 I went into the wrong room without realizing it. 我无意中走错了房间。 I realized that I was wrong. ②v. 实现(希望、目标、愿望等) realize one's dream 实现某人的梦想 She has realized her hope to be an actress. ③使变为事实,使发生(常用于被动语态) This plan can never be realized. 二、课文讲解 1、Fishing is my favourite sport. fishing是一个动名词,由动词+ing组成,动名词可以作主语或宾语,如eating,reading等等 ★fish ①n. 鱼(不可数名词),鱼的种类(可数)


新概念英语第2册课文 译文

1.私人谈话 上星期我去看戏。我的座位很好。发挥是很有趣的。我不喜欢它。一青年男子与一年轻女子坐在我的身后。他们在大声地说话。我很生气。我听不见演员。我转过身。我看着那个男人和女人生气。他们没有注意。最后,我忍不住了。我又一次转过身去。”我不能听到一个字!”我愤怒地说。”这不关你的事,”那男的毫不客气地说。”这是私人间的谈话!” 2.早餐还是午餐? 它是星期日。在星期天我是从来不早起。有时我要一直躺到吃午饭的时候。上周日我起床很晚。我看着窗外。它是黑暗的外面。”多好的一天!”我的思想。”又下雨了。”正在这时,电话铃响了。是我姑母露西打来的。”我刚下火车,”她说。”我来看你。”“但我还在吃早饭,”我说。”你干什么呢。她问。”我正在吃早饭,”我又说了一遍。”我亲爱的,”她说。”你总是起得这么晚吗?现在已经一点了!” 3.请给我寄一张明信片 明信片总是破坏我的假期。去年夏天,我去了意大利。我参观了博物馆,然后坐在公园里。一位好客的服务员教了我几句意大利语。然后他借给我一本书。我读了几行,但一个字也不懂。我每天都想着明信片的事。假期过得真快,可我还没有给我的朋友寄卡片。在最后一天我做了一个重大的决定。我起得很早,买了三十七张明信片。我花了一整天在我的房间,但我没有写一张卡片! 4.激动人心的旅行 我刚刚收到弟弟的来信,提姆。他在澳大利亚。他有六个月了。提姆是一个工程师。他是一家大公司工作,他已经访问了许多不同的地方在澳大利亚。他刚买了一辆汽车和澳大利亚已经向爱丽丝斯普林斯,一个小镇的中心,澳大利亚。他将很快访问达尔文。从那里,他再飞往珀斯。我兄弟从来没有出过国,因此他觉得这次旅行非常激动。

新概念英语 - 陈芃老师新概念讲座整理

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个个的说一下。 首先是听力,我想问一下,大家觉得听不懂英语的原因是为什么? 太快,发音,嗯还有呢?那位同学说了,文化背景,还有单词量。 好我们来一个个问题来解决, 一、先是发音,发音其实包含的问题很多。 像连读,你们听一下知不知道我在说什么,Seem ice 因为我连读了,所以听起来完全不同了,听不出在说什么。 还有就是爆破和失爆以及弱读,这个问题很难,不单我们中国人很难搞懂,连外国人也很难搞懂。我举个例子,你们有看过《老友记》吧? 男主人公跟女主人公抱怨说,他不喜欢这个包包,因为它看起来像是女式的。如是那女的跟他说这是UNI-sex(不分性别男女可用),A却听成了You need sex,于是他马上说No ,I don’t need sex。女主人知道他误会了,马上一个一个字母拼给他听,I mean is “U N I sex”。可男主人公又听成了You and I SEX!!(更糟糕了)。男主人公兴奋无比说Very good ,Now?女主人听了快气疯了。 二、文化背景的差异,就得每天的积累了。 三、单词也是一个很重要的原因。 你们有听过VOA慢速英语吗?他会在每一篇文章前都有一个VOA500词,所以说至少你的有一定积累的词汇量,你才能听得懂的。 有的人是先翻课文后面的词汇表,然后再看课文,可是并不是很好的方法,你没有印象。 最好是先听,用复读机,每听到一个句子就停下来,然后写下来。有的人可能会说老师你疯了,我连那个单词都不会,你让我写。 可是有一个单词你没到过,可你可以根据它的音,大致的拼出来的。象这个“immersion” 你们可以根据这个读音,拼写一下,I mer sion 但这里实际上是两个MM的。 虽然你的拼写并不完全正确,可你就永远把这个读音记住了。 我们都知道练听力最好的方法是听写,把听到的每一个词都写下来。 可怎么样才可以算听清了呢? 我们都知道新东方的老板俞敏洪,他当年考了三年才考上了大学,可当他考上了才知道北大原来是另一个地狱的开端,因为北大的英语专业无论什么课都是用英语教学的。有一个老师甚至骂他说:你除了你自己的名字听懂外什么都听不懂。 于是他躲大北大的图书馆里,开始练了三个月的新概念第三册的听力练习,三个月后他发现原来像sound of devil的VOA他都能听得懂了,变成了sound of angel了。 四、太快了,其实是最好办的,英语虽然被称为机关枪那么快的语言machine-gun language,但只要你听到了第二遍是不是就觉得说的慢了,只要你听的多了,你自然就会觉得说的并不快了。


许国璋英语第一册课文、语法、对话文本 第二课 a pen pens a map maps a pet pets a spade spades a letter letters 一支钢笔钢笔(复数) 一张地图地图(复数) 一只宠物宠物(复数) 一把锹锹(复数) 一封信信(复数) 第三课 This is a pen. Is this a pen? That is a pencil. Is that a pencil? This is a desk. Is this a desk? That is a table. Is that a table? This is a disc. Is this a disc? That is a tape. Is that a tape? 这是一支钢笔。 这是一只钢笔吗? 那是一支铅笔。 那是一只铅笔吗? 这是一张课桌。 这是一张课桌吗? 那是一张桌子。 那是一张桌子吗? 这是一张唱片。 这是一张唱片吗? 那是一盘磁带。 那是一盘磁带吗? 第四课 Is this a pen?

It is a green pen. It that a pencil? Y es, it is. It is a red pencil. Is this a desk? No, it isn't. It is a table. Is that a pick? No, it isn't. It is a spade. These are desks. Are these tables? No, they aren't. They are desks. Those are knives. Are those pencils? No, they aren't. They are knives. 这是一支钢笔吗? 是的。 这是一支绿色的钢笔。那是一支铅笔吗? 是的。 那是一支红色的铅笔。 这是一张课桌吗?不,不是。 它是一张桌子。 那是一把镐吗? 不,不是。 它是一把锹。 这些是课桌。 这些是桌子吗? 不,不是。 它们是课桌。 那些是刀子。 那些是铅笔吗? 不,不是。 它们是刀子。


新概念英语第2册课文 1 A private conversation私人谈话 Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. 'I can't hear a word!' I said angrily. 'It's none of your business,' the young man said rudely. 'This is a private conversation!' 上星期我去看戏。我的座位很好。发挥是很有趣的。我不喜欢它。一青年男子与一年轻女子坐在我的身后。他们在大声地说话。我很生气。我听不见演员。我转过身。我看着那个男人和女人生气。他们没有注意。最后,我忍不住了。我又一次转过身去。”我不能听到一个字!”我愤怒地说。”这不关你的事,”那男的毫不客气地说。”这是私人间的谈话!” 2 Breakfast or lunch?早餐还是午餐? It was Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. Last Sunday I got up very late. I looked out of the window. It was dark outside. 'What a day!' I thought. 'It's raining again.' Just then, the telephone rang. It was my aunt Lucy. 'I've just arrived by train,' she said. 'I'm coming to see you.' 'But I'm still having breakfast,' I said. 'What are you doing?' she asked. 'I'm having breakfast,' I repeated. 'Dear me,' she said. 'Do you always get up so late? It's one o'clock!' 它是星期日。在星期天我是从来不早起。有时我要一直躺到吃午饭的时候。上周日我起床很晚。我看着窗外。它是黑暗的外面。”多好的一天!”我的思想。”又下雨了。”正在这时,电话铃响了。是我姑母露西打来的。”我刚下火车,”她说。”我来看你。”“但我还在吃早饭,”我说。”你干什么呢。她问。”我正在吃早饭,”我又说了一遍。”我亲爱的,”她说。”你总是起得这么晚吗?现在已经一点了!”


许国璋电视英语教学第一册 《第二十二课》 (一)课文: 1)新课文: TOURISM Modern means of transportation, communication, advertising and credit have all played a part in the growth of a giant new industry, tourism. Tourism is a service industry. It does not sell a product that you can own but provides services on a temporary basis. the customer gets such things as a seat on a plane, a room in a hotel, and a chance to sit on a beach in the sunshine. Until modern times, a trip was often a long and difficult adventure. People had to travel by horse or camel or on foot. The first development in modern transportation was the steamship. More recently, automobiles and planes have made travel both faster and more convenient. Advertising has played a large part in the growth of tourism, when hotels and travel agencies began to advertise the attractions of different tourist areas, the airlines and other transportation companies advertised the low fares to reach them. Modern means of communication have enabled the travelers to reserve a plane seat or a hotel room from a long distance. And they can travel now and pay later by using their credit cards. All these means have become one of the features of modern life. 2)译文: 旅游业 现代交通、通信、广告以及信用手段对新兴的庞大的行业——旅游业的发展起到了作用。旅游业是一种服务业。它并不出售你可以拥有的产品,而是提 供暂时的服务。顾客可以得到诸如飞机上的座位、旅馆里的房间以及在海滩晒 太阳的机会。 直到近代,旅行还常常是个漫长而又艰难的历险。人们不得不靠着骑马、骑骆驼或步行去旅行。现代交通工具的首次飞跃是轮船。在最近些时候,汽车 和飞机使旅行变得既快又方便。 广告业对旅游业的发展起了很大作用。当旅馆和旅行社做旅游胜地的广告时,航空公司和其他运输公司就做开了到达这些地方的便宜票的广告。现代通 信手段使得游客可以从遥远的地方预定机座和旅馆房间。他们可以先旅行然后 再用信用卡付帐。所有这些手段都形成了现代生活的特色之一。
