浙江省宁波市鄞州高级中学2020-2021学年高一年级1月考试英语试题 含答案

浙江省宁波市鄞州高级中学2020-2021学年高一年级1月考试英语试题 含答案
浙江省宁波市鄞州高级中学2020-2021学年高一年级1月考试英语试题 含答案







1. What does Jason plan to do?

A. Work for Bruce.

B. Look for a new job.

C. Sell things in a market.

2. For what will the man go to Japan?

A. A business trip.

B. Further study.

C. A wedding.

3. Where does the conversation take place?

A. At a store.

B. At a hotel.

C. At a laundry.

4. How do the speakers most probably feel now?

A. Lonely.

B. Regretful.

C. Worried.

5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. A handmade hat.

B. A birthday party.

C. Jonathan’s new job.




6. What is Dean doing?

A. Lying in bed.

B. Preparing for a trip.

C. Playing computer games.

7. When will Dean get up tomorrow morning?

A. At 8:30.

B. At 7:45.

C. At 6:15.


8. What did the man do just now?

A. He exercised indoors.

B. He worked hard.

C. He took a walk.

9. What will the man do first?

A. Order some food.

B. Read the menu.

C. Go out for dinner.

10. What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Friends.

B. Husband and wife.

C. Waitress and customer.


11. What is most probably the woman?

A. A secretary.

B. A saleswoman.

C. A manager.

12. Why does John Green want to speak to Mark Brown?

A. To inform him of the new office.

B. To ask some personal problems.

C. To discuss about a new order.

13. What is John Green’s new number?

A. 86392747.

B. 86392774.

C. 83697247.


14. Why is Angela Zhang in the news?

A. She won a contest.

B. She donated $100, 000.

C. She reads 300 books a year.

15. How old is Nithin Tumma?

A. 13.

B. 18.

C. 19.

16. Where is Neveah Mosher from?

A. California.

B. Michigan.

C. New York.

17. What is the woman advised to do?

A. Spend more time in reading.

B. Try to make some news.

C. Do some research.


18. How often is the Noetic Learning Math Contest held?

A. Once a year.

B. Twice a year.

C. Once every two years.

19. What are students required to do during the contest?

A. Solve 45 problems in an hour.

B. Solve 20 problems in 45 minutes.

C. Solve 10 problems in half an hour.

20. What will the highest scorer of each team receive?

A. A “Team Winner” medal.

B. A “Team Achievement Plaque”.

C. A “National Honor Roll” medal.





Some students get so nervous before a test. They do poorly even if they know the material. Sian Beilock, a professor at the University of Chicago in Illinois, has studied these highly anxious test-takers. The students start worrying about the results. And when they worry, it actually uses up attention and memory resources(资源).

Professor Beilock and another researcher, Gerardo Ramirez, have developed a possible solution. Just before an exam, highly anxious test-takers spend ten minutes writing about their worries about the test.

The researchers tested the idea on a group of twenty anxious college students. They gave them two short maths tests. After the first one, they asked the students to either sit quietly or write about their feelings about the upcoming second test.

Professor Beilock says those who sat quietly scored an average of 12% worse on the second test. But the

students who had written about their fears improved their performance by an average of 5%. Next, the researchers used younger students in a biology class. They told them before final exams either to write about their feelings or to think about things unrelated to the test. Professor Beilock says highly anxious students who did the writing got an average grade of B+, compared to a B- for those who did not.

“What we showed is that for students who are highly test-anxious, who’d done our writing intervention(干预), all of a sudden there was no relationship between test anxiety and performance. They were performing just as well as their classmates who don’t normally get nervous in these tests.”

But what if students do not have a chance to write about their fears immediately before an exam? Professor Beilock says students can try it themselves at home or in the library and still improve their performance.

21. What may the students start worrying about before an exam?

A. Whether they can pass the exams.

B. What other students do during the test.

C. Whether they have remembered the materials.

D. What kind of problems they will meet on the test paper.

22. According to Professor Beilock, those who thought about things unrelated to the test ____.

A. did better than those who wrote about their feelings

B. did worse than those who wrote about their feelings

C. were better at controlling their feelings

D. became less nervous before the test

23. What can be learned from the last paragraph?

A. Writing about our worries before an exam can work a bit.

B. We can only write about our worries right before an exam.

C. The best place to write about our worries is in the test room.

D. It doesn’t matter where we write about our worries before an exam.


Snowbirds are people who leave their homes when the temperature drops and head to warmer climates. They are mostly retirees(退休人员) and business owners who can afford to take the winter off. While the snow flies in the Northern states, they are enjoying golf, sailing and barbecues in mild temperatures in the South. Then, after winter passes, they return to their homes in the North.

Most snowbirds are away from Canada and the Northern states between the middle of October and the end of November. They pack up and head to Florida, Alabama, Texas, California, and all of the other Southern states. Some may even go as far as Australia or Italy to escape the cold winter weather. There are special communities for snowbirds in many areas. Snowbirds are also offered special discounts(折扣) in some restaurants, hotels and area attractions. Several states even have special snowbird resorts (度假胜地). There are several online communities and local resources to help snowbirds get set in their seasonal homes.

Some snowbirds own homes both in the South and in the North. Both homes have everything they will need for their stay, minimizing(最小化) the amount of packing necessary when moving from one to the other. Other snowbirds will rent apartments for their stay outside their home state.

RVs(房车), are a huge part of the snowbird lifestyle. RVs allow snowbirds to move from place to place on a whim(奇想), bringing everything they need with them. They spend nights in RV parks, large parking lots or anywhere else they choose to stay. RVs have beds, bathrooms, and most other modern conveniences at home. Although the space is small, there is more than enough room for a couple to live in.

24. Which of the following is most probably a snowbird?

A. One who retires and has a lot of free time.

B. One who likes to play in snow in winter.

C. One who travels around the world the whole year.

D. One who head for the South to avoid the cold weather.

25. We can infer from Paragraph 2 that ____.

A. the Internet makes it easier for snowbirds to find seasonal homes.

B. snowbirds are not welcome in many areas.

C. snowbirds have to stay in special communities.

D. it’s not convenient to live as a snowbird.

26. What’s the purpose of the passage?

A. To introduce a kind of bird.

B. To introduce fun places for winter vacation.

C. To introduce a kind of lifestyle.

D. To introduce the advantages of travelling in a RV.


Our first welcome to Britain wasn’t from the staff of Heathrow Airport or the coach driver who took us to our new city and new home for the next three weeks. It was, in fact, the noisy and energetic seagulls (海鸥) full of songs that flew down to us. When leaving from the plane exits, we still could hear their loud and clear songs through the glasses. It was unbelievable that they lifted our spirits and cheered us up after our stupidly long and awful journey.

These seagulls welcomed us into the new home with open wings. If they could speak instead of merely squawking (鸟叫), I’m sure we would have established some bright and harmonious relationship. They liked to hover (盘旋) overhead around with childlike greetings or just simply walk fearlessly close to our feet. Some of us saved bread our host family prepared for these friends and really enjoyed their company.

But my hostess, Julie, doesn’t think so. Strangely enough, she couldn’t give any reasons. The squawk-proof double-glazing that is closed explains. Perhaps she prefers to sleep with her windows open but she always fails to do that, because those birds seem to enjoy staying up till next morning, doing nothing but scream. And they decide to keep doing so every single night. Furthermore, every time she has to wash the marble floor of the gardens, Julie would look up around, curse (咒骂) the seagulls for droppings and say to me with a sad smile, “They are friendly to you.”

But stop thinking that she hates the creatures and never plans to have a change, because there is another side to her evident feelings towards the birds. Every time we go shopping, Julie never forgets to put a big bag of wild birdseed into her carriage which costs quite more than milks or juices for one week. I can see what it goes for since she refills the wild bird feeder before a big hurry to drive to work every morning and when working she knows what is happening back at home — seagulls are enjoying the seed.

I’m leaving soon and not likely, though I hope not, to get back to see my friends here in England in the future.

I said I would miss all friends living here including the seagulls. And when Julie was refilling the feeder again, she said, “They’re nice but they are not my friends.”

27. According to the first paragraph, we can know that ____.

A. people in Britain didn’t welcome the newcomers

B. the seagulls were all the more energetic and friendly than the local people

C. the author felt surprised to find seagulls shortly after the plane landed

D. the author’s spirits sank at the sight of noisy and stupid seagulls

28. What does “The squawk-proof double-glazing” underlined in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A. A window used to keep noise out.

B. Birdseed used to feed the seagulls.

C. A net used for capturing birds.

D. A cage used for keeping birds.

29. Julie said the seagulls were nice but not her friends for the following reasons EXCEPT that ____.

A. the seagulls were the source of noise every night

B. her garden became dirty due to the seagulls

C. the seagulls were friendly to her guests

D. the birdseeds cost her large amounts of money

30. The passage is most possibly taken from ____.

A. a popular science book about birds

B. a travel brochure for London

C. a guidebook on how to feed the birds

D. a magazine about travelling

第二节(共5小题;每小题2分, 满分10分)

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

Many of us believe that if we earned more money, were thinner, were married (or single), had more friends, then we would be happy. What we fail to realize is that lasting happiness doesn't come from anything outside of ourselves. (31)____ We create our own happiness. And we can start being happy by loving our lives exactly as they are right now. Here's how.

Live in the present. When you are living in the present, you are living where life is happening right now. You are in here and now, which is the only time you have any control over your situation. (32)____ The only time you can truly love your life is when you are experiencing the present moment.

(33)____ People waste valuable time and energy doing what they don't enjoy and later have regrets (懊悔) when they realize they could have lived a happier life. So make the choice to spend more time doing what you love. Doing the things that bring you joy creates positive emotions, improves general behavior, and makes you feel great.

Stop trying to please others. (34)____ So why try? Your worth depends on no one else's acceptance. When you are busy trying to please others, you are not respecting your true self. The less you concentrate on others' opinions, the more time you have to concentrate on things that are important to you.

Value your loved ones. (35)____ It's easy to get so busy in life that you forget how important your important relationships are. When you choose to value your loved ones more through loving words and actions, it may surprise you just how enjoyable and strong these relationships can become.

A. Do what brings you joy.

B. Make the right choice to live.

C. It just comes from our inside world.

D. Everyone around you needs your care.

E. The past is over, and the future is yet to come.

F. The truth is that you will never be able to please everybody.

G. Be the best parent, partner, friend, son or daughter you can be.




Very few of us become fluent in another language by studying it in high school.

I made a (an) 36 to maintain (保持) the little bit of French that I learned in school, but eventually realized that this was 37 . I was well aware that new languages are 38 learned when young, and that our abilities 39 with age. However, just before my 50th birthday, I 40 French classes.

After I was 41 to see which group I belonged to, I was placed at almost the 42 level. When I looked around at my first Saturday morning class, I was 43 by how many of the students were learning French as a third, fourth, or 44 fifth language.

While I’d always considered myself as a quick 45 , that was no longer the case. I learned new 46 very slowly. What I learned one week seemed to 47 as soon as I learned the next skill. I 48 the same words and language structures over and over again.

Now, a couple of years later, I can listen to the news in French and 49 90 percent of it on the first try, read a novel if the language is not too difficult, and join in a 50 if it do esn’t go too fast. Who knows what I might still 51 ? I’ve learned so much 52 grammar and vocabulary. I’ve met people from around the world who have the courage to make fools of themselves to learn something new. I have a 53 understanding of how something can look 54 different from another point of view. I’ve learned that a language is not just a set of words, but a way of 55 .

But most of all, I’ve learned that it really is never too late to learn something new.

36.A.effort B.offer C.mistake D.appointment

37.A.suitable B.pointless C.cheerful D.simple

38.A.worst B.hardest C.least D.best

39.A.stay B.improve C.decline D.disappear

40.A.got used to B.looked forward to C.paid attention to D.signed up for

41.A.tested B.expected C.requested D.forced

42.A.advanced B.middle C.special D.elementary

43.A.bothered B.struck C.worried D.scared

44.A.ever B.even C.also D.still

45.A.listener B.trainer C.learner D.interviewer 46.A.vocabulary B.description C.attitude D.emergency 47.A.concentrate on B.check out C.relate to D.slip away

48.A.referred to B.looked up C.worked out D.gave up

49.A.supply B.regard C.catch D.affect

50.A.conversation B.quarrel C.speech D.destination

51.A.arrange B.show C.achieve D.trust

52.A.beyond B.as C.except D.despite

53.A.little B.renewed C.poor D.familiar

54.A.hardly B.officially C.suddenly D.completely

55.A.listening B.relaxing C.thinking D.doubting




In the course of economic development, there comes a time (56)_____ the old must give way to the new.

(57)______(keep) the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites can be a great challenge. In the 1950s, the (58) _____(Egypt) government wanted to build a dam. However, the project led (59)_______ protests, because the water from the dam would likely damage a number of cultural relics, (60)______ the government turned to the UN for help. A committee was established to deal with the challenge and the experts investigated the issue, conducted tests and made a (61)________(propose) to save the cultural relics. Finally, the sites (62)_____(take) down piece by piece and moved and put back together again in a new place (63)_____ they were safe from the water. Over the next 20 years, thousands of engineers and workers rescued countless cultural relics. In 1980, the project ended, and (64)_______ was considered a great success. It shows that if (65)____ problem seems too difficult for a single nation, the global community can sometimes provide a solution.









___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 第二节读后续写(满分25分)

阅读下面短文, 根据所给情节进行续写, 使之构成一个完整的故事。

It was the first time that my father had asked me to help him. By the time we finished, herring (鲱鱼) covered the bottom of the boat as deep as my knees. For the first time in days, my father seemed happy.

Then he looked at the western sky, and his smile disappeared.

They are called Northwesters. They're storms that sweep out of Canada hard and fast. No one can predict their arrival. All fishermen fear them.

“We're going back,” my father said.

He started the motor. We were only two miles out, but the shore looked to me to be as far away as the moon. Over the distant hills, black clouds ran toward us like wild horses. My father set a course directly for them.

We made it only halfway home before we met the storm.

The wind came first. It lifted the lake in whitecaps. The weight of the herring made us ride low in the water, and the waves broke over our bow(船头).

By the time the rain came, we'd put more distance behind us. Although we were now only half a mile from shore, the rain fell so hard that we couldn't see the land.

I was scared, but I saw my father sitting straight in the stern(船尾), holding the boat steady into the wind, and I felt hopeful.

I was starting to think we were going to make it. That's when the motor died. My father tried many times to restart it, but failed. I saw that the boat was coming about. I knew what that meant.

We would sink in no time.

"Grab an oar(浆), "he shouted above the wind.

We set the oars in the locks and began to pull hard. My father dug his oar into the water, bringing the boat around, bow into the wind again. With all my strength, I pulled on my own oar.

The wind pushed hard against us. We seemed to be fighting the anger of the whole lake.


1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段, 每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后, 请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

I was tired. _____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2:

My mother rushed through the rain to greet us. _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________



英语听力:1~5 CCACA 6~10 CCABB 11~15 ACBAB 16~20 CABBA



语法填空:56. when, 57. Keeping, 58. Egyptian, 59. to, 60 so, 61. proposal, 62. were taken, 63. where, 64. it, 65. a 应用文写作:

Dear Tom,

I'm really sorry to know that you are suffering from the disturbing pressure from study. It is harmful to your study as well as health, so I am writing to offer my personal advice on dealing with that.

It is common for students to have such feelings. If you can hold an optimistic attitude towards it, you may even transform it into motivation. My experience shows that listening to music is an effective way, which can help you relieve pressure. I also suggest that you spend more time with your classmates. By communicating with your friends, you are likely to find support, which will encourage you to overcome difficulties in the study.

Hope my suggestions are helpful to you.


Li Hua 读后续写:

Paragraph 1:

I was tired. My arms were really heavy and I felt as if they were on fire. We were made up and down by the waves. I didn’t know how much longer I could pull that oar through the water. As if he heard my thinking, my father called to me, “Keep trying, Karl. Only a little longer.” So I kept pulling. Just when I thought I had no more strength, I heard the sound of waves breaking against the shore. It refreshed us greatly and we kept pulling with full effort. At last we moved into the shelter with all the herring.

Paragraph 2:

My mother rushed through the rain to greet us. I waved both of my hands excitedly to her. Seeing we arrived safe and sound, she obviously felt a load off. With a delighted smile appeared on her face, she hugged me tightly and then my father. Tears welled up in my eyes. Never before in my life did I miss my mother so much. My father put his hands on my shoulder and gave me an approving look. It was a dangerous experience, but it was also valuable for me.


Text 1

W: Jason, I heard you’ve quit your job. So are you looking for a new job now?

M: No. Bruce earns a living by selling things at the night market. I want to try it, too.

Text 2

W: Have you been abroad?

M: Yes. I went to China to do business earlier this year. And I’m going to Japan on May 8th. I’ll spend a whole week there. My best friend is getting married on May 12th in Tokyo.

Text 3

M: So how much does this pair of jeans cost?

W: 200 dollars.

M: It’s a bit expensive.

W: But you can get another pair like this one for free if you buy it.

Text 4

W: Did you hear that Henry was fired?

M: Yes, I’ve already heard that. And it’s said that more people would be fired. I’m afraid I’d be one of them. W: You’re not alone. I fear that, too.

Text 5

W: Wow! Jonathan, what is it?

M: It’s… a homemade hat! I remembered Sue’s birthday and I made her a gift, all by myself!

W: Nice work, but please, don’t give up your day job. I’m not sure hat-making is your thing.

Text 6

W: Dean, are you in bed yet?

M: Er, yes, Mom. ⑥Well, I’m not quite in bed yet, but I’m ready to get in. I just want to finish my computer game first.

W: Dean, stop playing on that computer and get into bed at once! It’s half past ten and you’ll have to be up early tomorrow morning.

M: OK, Mom. The field trip starts at half past eight. ⑦I’ll set my alarm clock for a quarter past six so that I have plenty of time to go to school.

W: Good idea. It would be terrible if the monitor of the class arrived late for the first outdoor activity this term, wouldn’t it?

M: Don’t worry, Mom. I’ll get up as soon as I hear the alarm.

Text 7

W: It’s already five o’clock now. What about going out for supper?

M: ⑧I’ve just worked out at the gym. Now I don’t feel like walking. Let’s order room service.

W: OK. Have you seen the menu?

M: Yes. It’s on the desk.

W: I got it.

M: So what do they have?

W: They’ve got everything — pasta, pizza, sushi, hamburgers and salads. So what do you want to eat?

M: To be honest, I want none of the things you mentioned. ⑨Give me the menu, please. I want to look at it myself.If there is nothing I like on it, I’m afraid we’ve to go to find a place to eat.

W: ⑩OK, honey.

Text 8

W: Good Aim Company. This is Mark Brown’s office. How may I help you, please?

M: Hello. This is John Green calling. May I speak to Mr. Brown, please?

W: ?Sorry, but Mr. Brown isn’t in the office at the moment. He’ll be back around 3:00 this afternoon. Do you want to leave him a message, please?

M: Yes. Please tell him that John Green called and ask him to call me back once he’s back in the office.

W: May I ask what it is about, please?

M: Yes. ?It’s about the new order he placed last week. There are still some things I want to talk with him about.

W: OK. What number shall I have him call you back?

M: I’ve changed my office. ?So my number is no longer 86392747. Now the last two numbers are 74 instead of 47.

W: OK. I’ve written it down.

M: Thanks.

Text 9

W: Henry, what are you reading?

M: A news story about a teenage girl named Angela Zhang. ?She’s 18 from California.

W: So why is she in the news?

M: ?She took home a check of $100,000 from the National Siemens Science Contest because of her research. She was the winner.

W: It reminds me of some news I read earlier this year. ?It’s about a boy of the same age named Nithin Tumma from Michigan. He won the top $100,000 prize at the Intel Science Talent Search for his research. M: They’re really amazing. So do you know any ot her amazing teenagers?

W: Yes. ?There is a girl named Neveah Mosher. She’s 13 from New Y ork. She reads 300 books a year.

M: That’s really a lot of books. So how many books do you read each year? the last two numbers are 74 instead of 47.

W: OK. I’ve writ ten it down.

M: Thanks.

Text 9

W: Henry, what are you reading?

M: A news story about a teenage girl named Angela Zhang. ?She’s 18 from California.

W: So why is she in the news?

M: ?She took home a check of $100,000 from the National Siemens Science Contest because of her research. She was the winner.

W: It reminds me of some news I read earlier this year. ?It’s about a boy of the same age named Nithin Tumma from Michigan. He won the top $100,000 prize at the Intel Science Talent Search for his research. M: They’re really amazing. So do you know any other amazing teenagers?

W: Yes. ?There is a girl named Neveah Mosher. She’s 13 from New Y ork. She reads 300 books a year.

M: That’s really a lot of books. So how many books do you read each year?

W: I can only finish a book each month. What about you?

M: One book each week. ?Maybe you should read more.

W: I totally agree.

Text 10

W: Do you love math? If you do, why not go to take part in the Noetic Learning Math Contest? The contest is a problem solving contest for students in grades 2 to 8. ?It takes place once every half a year. The goal of the competition is to encourage students’ interest in math, to develop their proble m solving skills, and to inspire them to do well in math. ?During the contest, students are given 45 minutes to solve 20 problems. Many problems are designed to challenge students and to enrich their problem solving experience. Teachers in any public school or private school are encouraged to ask their students to take part in the contest. The top 10% of all students in the contest in each grade will receive “National Honor Roll” medals. ?The highest scorer of each team will receive a “Team Winner” medal. T he top 10% of teams will receive “Team Achievement Plaques (奖章)”.


为了孩子,该知道的宁波全大市中学排名 ★★★★★ 1. 镇海中学(经过二十年的追赶,成为宁波 NO.1,是无可争议,实至名归,今年成为百年学府。最近美国某教育机构给中国高中的排名中,名列浙江省第1,全国第22名) 2. 效实中学(又称5中,瘦死的骆驼比马大,市区双骆驼之一,学子心目中曾经和镇海齐名的名校。比镇海中学小一岁,如今江河日下,居然沦落到靠上线总人数来吆喝,感觉其素质教育也是言过其实,不过英语教学着实不错,近年中考难度下降,生源质量有下降之嫌。虽然在中国名校的高考升学率,已经被镇海中学赶超,但凭其过硬的英语教育,在海外,尤其是北美,欧洲的世界顶级研究生院中,效实学子的数量和势力异常庞大,远非其他学校可比拟) 以上2所名校代表宁波中等教育界的最好水平,人才辈出,各自为共和国培养的中科院院士数量都是两位数。中国第一学府给宁波地区的自主招生名额,也只给这两所学校。 ★★★★ 3. 慈溪中学(老牌名校,县级市学校里面的老大,每年都有北大、清华。目前稳居宁波三甲) 4. 鄞州中学(老牌名校,吸引了鄞州的最好生源,近年高考成绩不输效实,但是缺乏顶尖学生) 5~9. 余姚中学,奉化中学,北仑中学,象山中学,宁海中学(这5所为个县市的老大,算是齐名,成绩优异,不再细分) 10. 宁波中学(又称1中,市区双骆驼的第二只,宁波名校中资历最老的学校,宁波地区传统3强。在上世纪,已经成为百年学府,曾经的“国立”二字,更是拥有宁波地区其他中学从没有享受过的待遇。90年代出过省状元,曾风光一时,2000年后一蹶不振,搬到鄞州后更是把不少生源拱手让给二中,当年响誉全省的“国立浙江四中”,现在已沦落到“宁波高教园区第一名校”。好在历界毕业生留在宁波发展的居多,不像效实那样,在外地和海外比例高。随着近几年“国考”盛行,宁中校友当上宁波市区公务员的数量众多,正所谓“朝中有人好提拔”,


宁波市鄞州区2020-2021学年第一学期期末考试七年级数学试题 考生须知: 1. 本试卷分试题卷和答题卡两部分;满分100分,考试时间90分钟; 2. 答题前必须在答题卡上填写学校、班级、姓名,填涂好准考证号; 3. 所有答案都必须做在答题卡指定的位置上,务必注意试题序号和答题序号相对应。 温馨提示:请仔细审题,细心答题,注意把握考试时间,相信你一定会有出色的表现! 一、精心选一选,相信你一定会选对!(本大题共10小题,每题2分,共20分) 1. 宁波港处于“一带一路”和长江经济带交汇点,地理位置得天独厚。全年货物吞吐量达9.2亿吨,晋升为全球首个“9亿吨”大港,并连续8年蝉联世界第一宝座。其中9.2亿用科学计数法表示正确的是( ) A. 89.210? B. 79210? C. 90.9210? D. 79.210? 2. 下列说法正确的是( ) A. 9的倒数是1 9 - B. 9的相反数是-9 C. 9的立方根是3 D. 9的平方根是3 3. 227,,,3.14,3 π ,0.303003中,有理数有( ) A. 3个 B. 4个 C. 5个 D. 6个 4. 把一根木条固定在墙面上,至少需要两枚钉子,这样做的数学依据是( ) A. 两点之间线段最短 B. 两点确定一条直线 C. 垂线段最短 D. 两点之间直线最短 5. 下面各式中,计算正确的是( ) A. 2 24-=- B. 2 (2)4--=- C. 2 (3)6-= D. 2 (1)3-=- 6. 下列说法正确的是( ) A. 35xy - 的系数是-3 B. 2 2m n 的次数是2次 C. 23 x y -是多项式 D. 2 1x x --的常数项是1 7. 轮船在静水中的速度为20 km/h ,水流速度为4 km/h ,从甲码头顺流航行到乙码头,再返回甲码头,共用5 h (不计停留时间),求甲、乙两码头间的距离. 设甲、乙两码头间的距离为x km/h ,则列出的方程正确的是( ) A. 2045x x += B. ()()2042045x x ++-=


2019学年第一学期七年级语文学科期中试卷 一、书写(3分)(本题根据卷面书写情况评分。请你在答题时努力做到书写正确、工整。) 二、积累和运用(27分) 1.根据拼音写汉字(4分) 轻轻地打开七年级上册语文课本,眼前花团锦簇、美不胜收:解决散步时的分歧,zhāng (▲)显中华民族尊老爱幼的美德;瘫痪的史铁生在秋天怀念与母亲jué(▲)别时收获着“好好儿活”的勇气;跟轻风流水应hè(▲)着的牧童的笛声传递着春的气息;还有那可爱的水藻把终年zhù(▲)蓄的绿色奉献给济南的冬天…… 2.古诗文名句默写(8分) (1)峨眉山月半轮秋,▲。(《峨眉山月歌》李白) (2)▲,于我如浮云。(《<论语>十二则》) (3)乡书何处达,▲。(《次北固山下》王湾) (4)▲,一夜征人尽望乡。(《夜上受降城闻笛》李益) (5)《<论语>十二则》中论述学与思的辩证关系的句子是:▲,▲。(6)古诗中多有借明月抒发思乡怀人之情的诗句,请写出连续的两句:▲,▲。 3.解释下列句中加点词语(4分) (1)撒盐空中差可拟.(▲ )(2)未若柳絮因.风起(▲ ) (3)人不知而不愠.(▲ )(4)博学而笃.志(▲ ) 4.下列的文化常识错误的一项是(▲ )(3分) A .《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》中的左迁在古代表示降职贬官。 B .古人称谓有谦称和尊称,称别人的父母为令尊、令堂,称自己的父母则为家严、家慈。 C .古代男子20岁(成人)举行加冠礼时取字,字是指在本名以外表示德行或本名的意义的名字,例如孔子字仲尼。 D .“寒舍”“晚生”“拙笔”“阁下”都是谦辞。 5.名著阅读(8分) (1)对名著《朝花夕拾》内容理解不正确的一项是(▲ )(3分) A .《朝花夕拾》是鲁迅先生于1926年所作的一部回忆性小说集。 B .在《无常》一文中,鲁迅提到:无常有黑白两种,白无常又叫活无常,黑无常又叫死无常,人们喜爱的是白无常。 C .《五猖会》记叙作者儿时父子之间一场微妙的冲突——我对五猖会的热切盼望和父亲的阻难。

2019-2020学年浙江省宁波市鄞州高级中学高二下学期复学测试语文试题 Word版

浙江省宁波市鄞州高级中学2020年高二年级第二学期复学测试语文试卷 一、语言文字运用(共45分,每小题3分) 1.下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是() A、连累.(lèi)波诡云谲.(jué)箴.(zhēn)言稗.(bài)官野史 B、妩.(wǔ)媚自怨自艾.(yì)荆杞.(qǐ)风流蕴藉.(jiè) C、福祉.(zhǐ)桴.(fú)鼓相应洗涮.(shuā)溘.(kè)然长逝 D、经筵.(yán)改弦更.(gēng)张戏谑.(xuè)无的.(dí)放矢 2.下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一组是() A、洗练影牒机心心相印各行其是 B、斜晖座右铭出类拔粹备感亲切 C、暮霭一炷香目不暇接清波粼粼 D、针灸挖墙角不为已甚得鱼忘筌 3.下列各句中加点的词语,使用不恰当的一句是() A、这些第三代移民,在物质方面已经西化,但在精神方面,祖国母亲赋予 ..他们的文化底蕴根深蒂固,难以更改。 B、在儒家传统中,孔孟总是形影相随 ....,有大成至圣,则有亚圣,有《论语》,则有《孟子》。 C、百度正处于新旧交替、青黄不接 ....之时,李彦宏肩上的担子确实很重。 D、徐峥新片《囧妈》在我市上映期间,电影票非常紧张,中途退场的观众更是凤毛麟角 ....。4.下列各句中没有语病的一句是() A.7月底建成的国外动物卫生信息系统能够动态监视国外动物疫情,科学评估进口动物和动物产品传入疫病的风险。 B.公司董事会把他吸收到领导班子里来,让他担任副总经理职务,是经过仔细、严格的考验和研究的。 C.作为一位杰出的思想家,孔子一生积极求索,“知其不可为而为之”,他的奋斗的一生是他这句格言的真实写照。 D.不少研究鲁迅先生的资料表明:鲁迅先生越到晚年,为无产阶级解放事业奋斗的思想就越来越更加明确,更加坚定。 5.下列句子运用的修辞手法与其他三项不同的一项是() A.指点江山,激扬文字,粪土当年万户侯。(毛泽东《沁园春·长沙》) B.真愿成为诗人,把一切好听好看的字都浸在自己的心血里,像杜鹃似的啼出北平的俊伟。(老舍《想北平》) C.月光如流水一般,静静地泻在这一片叶子和花上。(朱自清《荷塘月色》) D.传统不是可以随气温变化而穿脱的外衣,甚至也不是可以因发育而定期蜕除的角质表皮。(庞朴《传统文化与文化传统》) 6.你的朋友约你一同去看电影,不巧你因故不能前往。下面四种回答,最得体的一项是()A.很不凑巧,今晚有事,不能与你同去看电影,你另约他人吧! B.谢谢你的好意!不过这部电影我已看过了,你自己去看吧!

浙江省宁波市慈溪市2021届高三上学期12月适应性测试 历史(含答案)

慈溪市2020学年第一学期高三适应性考试 历史试题 一、单项选择题(共25题,每题2分,共50分) 1.有学者认为,秦朝的郡县政府具有中央性,中央指挥郡县如“运诸掌然”。以下说法符合材料原意的是 A.郡县机构仿照秦代中央官制设置 B. 郡县制始终适应封建国家治理需要 C.郡县制使中央得以垂直管理地方 D. 郡县制彻底根除了地方割据的隐患 2.下图形象地反映了 A. 传统科技的兴衰 B. 君主专制的演化 C. 商品经济的发展 D. 儒家思想的发展 3.中国服饰在不同历史时期特征各异,如商的“威严庄重”,周的“秩序井然”,战国的“清新”,汉的“凝重”,六朝的“消瘦”,唐的“丰满华丽”,宋的“理性美”,元的“粗壮豪放”,明的“敦厚繁丽”,清的“纤巧”。这里周的“秩序井然”、战国的“清新”、唐的“丰满华丽”、宋的“理性美”折射出的历史内涵分别是 A. 血缘政治、儒学创新、政治民主、新思潮萌发

B. 官僚政治、社会变革、封建盛世、“经世致用”思想 C. 血缘政治、社会变革、封建盛世、理学盛行 D. 官僚政治、儒学创新、审美观念、理学盛行 4. 据唐《通典》载:“东至宋(今商丘)、注,西至歧州,夹路列店肆待客,酒撰丰溢,每店皆有驴赁客乘,倏忽数十里,谓之骚驴。南指荆襄,北至太原、范阳,西至蜀川、凉府,皆有店肆以供商旅,远适数十里,不持寸刃。”材料体现出唐代 A.交通便利促进商业发展 B.对外经济交流十分繁盛 C.坊市制度已经名存实亡 D.区域贸易促进城市繁荣 5.有史学家认为:“元承宋制。”在元代各项制度中能佐证该观点的有 ①行中书省②枢密院③宣政院④路 A. ①② B. ①④ C. ②③ D. ②④ 6.“是故知保天下,然后知保其国。保国者,其君其臣肉食者谋之。”这句话出自 A.《日知录》 B.《明夷待访录》 C.《天下郡国利弊书》 D.《船山遗书》 7. 清末爱国人士黄遵宪在给好友的信中描述某条约时说:“敲骨吸髓,输此巨款,设机造货,夺我生产。”信中所说的条约


浙江省宁波市北仑区2020届九年级上学期英语期末考试试卷 一、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 1.阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 When Lily Collins was born, she was mainly known as the daughter of British superstar musician Phil Collins. But after 30 years of being overshadowed by her father, she has now defined (定义) herself in her Own 1 . Collins is now known mainly as an English-American actress. Her 2 role is Edith Tolkien in the biopic (传记片) Tolkien, which 3 out in the US on May 3. Edith is the wife of British 4 J.R. R. Tolkien, who wrote The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings series. Collins is a writer as well. When she was 5 , she wrote for the magazines Teen Vogue and Elle Girl. She also got a 6 as a reporter for the children's TV channel Nickelodeon and later studied journalism at the University of Southern California. 7 busy with acting, Collins is still writing. In 2017, she published Unfiltered: No Shame, No Regrets, Just Me, a collection of 8 essays (文章). She opened up about her struggles, her 9 with her father and even the eating disorder (失调) she battled for several years. At the age of 16, Collins' father separated from her stepmother. 10 this, she also had to deal with schoolwork, acting and writing. She felt 11 and hurt, and began starving (使挨饿) herself and 12 too much to keep fit, which resulted in an eating disorder. Collins said she is happy to share her 13 times with readers. "...you talk about the things you feel shame toward, all of that goes away," she told Bang Showbiz. "At the end of the day, 14 of us are alone." "I'm so proud of my family, but I have also worked really hard to carve (开创) my own 15 and to not have that define me," she told The Guardian. 1. A. style B. habit C. way D. custom 2. A. difficult B. latest C. worst D. simple 3. A. went B. came C. turned D. held 4. A. actor B. director C. doctor D. author 5. A. beautiful B. calm C. young D. lucky 6. A. role B. goal C. job D. task 7. A. Because B. Though C. As D. If 8. A. different B. precious C. favorite D. personal 9. A. idea B. feeling C. relationship D. action 10. A. Besides B. Without C. Against D. Beyond 11. A. surprised B. interested C. satisfied D. confused


宁波所有高中中学排名榜 1、镇海中学: 宁波中学实力排名,2018年宁波所有初中中学排名榜 经过二十年的追赶,成为宁波,是无可争议,实至名归,近年成为百年学府。最近美国某教育机构给中国高中的排名中,名列浙江省第1,全国第22名。 2、效实中学: 又称5中,瘦死的骆驼比马大,市区双骆驼之一,学子心目中曾经和镇海齐名的名校,比镇海中学小一岁,如果江河日下,居然沦落到靠上线总人数来吆喝,感觉其素质教育也是言过其实,不过英语教学着实不错,近年中考难度下降,生源质量有下降之嫌。虽然在中国名校的高考升学率,已经被镇海中学赶超,但凭其过硬的英语教育,在海外,尤其是北美,欧洲的世界研究生院中,效实学子的数量和势力异常庞大,远非其他学校可比拟。 以上2所名校代表宁波中等教育界的水平,人才辈出,各自为共和国培养的中科院院士数量都是两位数。中国第一学府给宁波地区的自主招生名额,也只给这两所学校。 3、慈溪中学: 老牌名校,县级市学校里面的老大,每年都有北大、清华。目前稳居宁波三甲。 4、鄞州中学: 老牌名校,吸引了鄞州的生源,近年高考成绩不输效实,但是缺乏顶尖学生。 5-9、余姚中学,奉化中学,北仑中学,象山中学,宁海中学: 这5所为个县市的老大,算是齐名,成绩优异,不再细分。 10、宁波中学: 又称1中,市区双骆驼的第二只,宁波名校中资历最老的学校,宁波地区传统3强。在上世纪,已经成为百年学府,曾经的“国立”二字,更是拥有宁波地区其他中学从没有享受过的待遇。90年代出过省状元,曾风光一时,2000年后一蹶不振,搬到鄞州后更是把不少生源拱手让给二中,当年响誉全省的“国立浙江四中”,现在已沦落到“宁波高教园区第一名校”。好在历界毕业生留在宁波发展的居多,不像效实那样,在外地和海外比例高。瘦死的骆驼比马大”,虽然近10年风光被周边地级市的兄弟学校掩盖,但是其悠久的历史成就,还是令人刮目相看。其为共和国贡献的院士数目虽然不及效实和镇海,但是也接近两位数。宁波传统3强——宁中,效实和镇中一起为共和国贡献了将近5%的院士。 前10名的学校号称“甬城Top10”,在排资论辈的社会,后生再牛,也很难动摇这10所老牌院校在宁波的地位。高考前夕,这10所学校也经常组织“宁波十校联考”,宁中稳包垫底,效实也在倒数徘徊。 11、蛟川书院: 源于镇海中学,现在是第三集团里的老大了,虽然因为资历的原因,连省三级都不在内,但是升学率让大部分省一级重点中学都汗颜。 12、慈溪浒山中学: 慈溪市的千年老二,地位稳定,成绩优秀。 13、鄞州高级中学: 随着近年来鄞州财政收入的大丰收,鄞州政府上亿打造的新学校,外语学效实,总体学镇海,办学不到10年,现在位居鄞州老二,前途无量。 14、宁波二中: 市区新贵,评上省一级没几年,但是目标直指宁中,抢走不少宁中生源,但是也缺乏顶尖学生。从历史角度看,该校既有近百年的悠久历史,又有拿得出手的杰出校友代表,比如


浙江省宁波慈溪市土地面积和年末常住人口数量数据分析报 告2019版

序言 本报告针对宁波慈溪市土地面积和年末常住人口数量进行深度分析,并对土地面积和年末常住人口数量主要指标即土地面积,年末常住人口等进行了总结分析。 借助分析我们可以更深入的了解宁波慈溪市土地面积和年末常住人口数量整体状况,从全面立体的角度了解宁波慈溪市土地面积和年末常住人口数量现状,把握行业前景。 本报告借助权威多维度数据分析,客观反映当前宁波慈溪市土地面积和年末常住人口数量趋势、规律以及发展脉络,相信对了解宁波慈溪市土地面积和年末常住人口数量现状具有极高的参考使用价值,亦对商业决策具有重要借鉴作用。 宁波慈溪市土地面积和年末常住人口数量分析报告中数据来源于中国国家统计局等权威部门,数据公正、客观。

目录 第一节宁波慈溪市土地面积和年末常住人口数量现状 (1) 第二节宁波慈溪市土地面积指标分析 (3) 一、宁波慈溪市土地面积现状统计 (3) 二、全省土地面积现状统计 (3) 三、宁波慈溪市土地面积占全省土地面积比重统计 (3) 四、宁波慈溪市土地面积(2016-2018)统计分析 (4) 五、宁波慈溪市土地面积(2017-2018)变动分析 (4) 六、全省土地面积(2016-2018)统计分析 (5) 七、全省土地面积(2017-2018)变动分析 (5) 八、宁波慈溪市土地面积同全省土地面积(2017-2018)变动对比分析 (6) 第三节宁波慈溪市年末常住人口指标分析 (7) 一、宁波慈溪市年末常住人口现状统计 (7) 二、全省年末常住人口现状统计分析 (7) 三、宁波慈溪市年末常住人口占全省年末常住人口比重统计分析 (7) 四、宁波慈溪市年末常住人口(2016-2018)统计分析 (8) 五、宁波慈溪市年末常住人口(2017-2018)变动分析 (8) 六、全省年末常住人口(2016-2018)统计分析 (9)


浙江省宁波市鄞州区2018-2019学年八年级下学期期末语文 试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、字词书写 1.阅读下面文字,按要求完成文后的题目。 是琼瑶仙境,静穆的晶莹和洁白。永(héng) 的阳光和风的刻刀,千万年来漫不经心地切割着,雕凿.着,缓慢而从不懈 。冰体一点一点地改变了形态,变成自然力所能刻画成的最漂亮的这番模样:挺拔的,(dūn)实的,奇形怪状的,蜿蜒而立的。——选自《在长江源头各拉丹冬》 (1)给文中加点字“凿”选择正确的读音。() A.zuóB.záo (2)给文中 处选择合适的汉字。() A.怠 B.殆 (3)根据拼音写出相应的汉字。 永(héng) (dūn)实 二、情景默写 2.古诗文名句默写 诗歌是流淌着情感的文字,《子衿》中苦恋的女子,失落惆怅的叹息:“挑兮达兮,在城阙兮。(1)____________,_____________!”读来令人为之动容;孟浩然心怀希冀,借鱼来婉转含蓄地表露从政的心愿:“(2)____________,_____________。”虽身处穷厄,却怀着推己及人的博爱情怀,杜甫发出了响彻千古的呼喊:“(3)____________,_____________!风雨不动安如山。”面对离别,相信真挚的友情,可以克服空间的阻碍,消除孤独的苦闷,所以王勃告诉我们:“(4)____________,_____________。”除了王勃,很多诗人写下了关于别离的佳句,请你从所积累的诗词中,写出连续的两句:(5)____________,_____________。 三、其他 3.解释下列句子中加点的文言词语。 (1)渔人甚异.之_________ (2)尝.贻余核舟一_________(3)讲信修.睦_______(4)执策而临.之_________


七年级(上)期末数学试卷 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,共30.0分) 1.2019的相反数是() A. B. C. D. 2019 2.据报道,北仑滨海万人沙滩规划面积约32万平方米,数字32万用科学记数法表示 为() A. B. C. D. 3.下列运算正确的是() A. B. C. D. 4.在,0.2,,π,1.010010001……(每两个1之间依次增加一个0)中,无理数 的个数是() A. 1个 B. 2个 C. 3个 D. 4个 5.已知2x5y2和-x m+2y2是同类项,则m的值为() A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 6.关于x的方程kx=2x+6与2x-1=3的解相同,则k的值为() A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 7.《九章算术》中记载一问题如下:“今有共买物,人出八,盈三;人出七,不足四, 问人数、物价各几何?”意思是:今有人合伙购物,每人出8钱,会多3钱;每人出7钱,又差4钱,问人数、物价各多少?设有x人,依题意列方程得() A. B. C. D. 8.如图,OA方向是北偏西40°方向,OB平分∠AOC,则∠BOC的度数为() A. B. C. D. 9.利用如图1的二维码可以进行身份识别.某校建立了一个身份识别系统,图2是某 个学生的识别图案,黑色小正方形表示1,白色小正方形表示0,将第一行数字从左到右依次记为a,b,c,d,那么可以转换为该生所在班级序号,其序号为 a×23+b×22+c×21+d×20,如图2第一行数字从左到右依次为0,1,0,1,序号为0×23+1×22+0×21+1×20=5,表示该生为5班学生.表示6班学生的识别图案是()


宁波市鄞州高级中学 试论数字“三”在文化建构中的作用 刘少龙 [摘要]:语言中的文化符号对于民族文化的继承和建构有至关重要的作用。数字“三”在长达数千年的中国历史中,产生了一种奇特的文化指令功能,形成了独具一格的汉字文化。这体现在很多方面:丰富多彩的词汇和独特审美内涵的文化。 [关键词]:三礼文化建构 语言中的文化符号,对于民族文化的继承和建构有至关重要的作用。对于在文化建构中,“民族文化的思想家们为了得到理论建构所需要的术语,往往用日常的语言符号通过隐喻的方式来指称他们认识到的范畴,于是就把日常的语言符号改造成了文化符号”,①正是这样的文化符号,在文化理论大厦的推衍、发生及建构过程中,起了一种“内核”的

功能。 某些数字,因为汉民族的独特阐释而成为一种特殊的“文化符号”,以至在长达数千年的中国历史上,产生了一种奇特的文化指令功能,而且凭借汉民族某些文化人独特阐释活动创造出了独具一格的汉民族文化。这些数字所产生的文化功能和其他语言符号文化功能一样,根深蒂固地积淀在汉民族的心理结构之中。 数字“三”作为一个神秘的文化语言符号,在我国汉民族的心理结构中,具有特殊的文化内涵和审美价值。中国的数字文化,素来有信三、喜八和崇九的传统,但很多人对“三”这个神秘的文化符号了解的还不够,本文试图从词汇学和文化学的视野,对数字“三”作一些考察。 壹 作为数词,“三”既可以实指“二加一所得之数”,也可以泛指,虚指多、好、差等各种褒贬概念,是个约数。这种用法,在“三”和别的数词组合时更常见,其大致有以下几种情况:1.“三”单用表实义:如三光(古代指日月星)、三曹(曹操、曹丕与曹植的合称)、三伏(指初伏、中伏和末伏)、三王(夏禹、商汤和周文王)。 2.“三”单用虚指,多作褒义:如韦编三绝,三过其门而不入,三省吾身等。


2019-2020学年浙江省宁波市慈溪市八年级(上)期末数学试卷 一、选择题(共12小题,每小题3分,满分36分) 1.(3分)下列各点中,第四象限内的点是( ) A .(1,2) B .(2,3)-- C .(2,1)- D .(1,2)- 2.(3分)下列四个图形中,不是轴对称图形的是( ) A . B . C . D . 3.(3分)若a b <,则下列各式成立的是( ) A .a b -<- B .22a b ->- C .22a b ->- D .33a b > 4.(3分)下列各点在函数23y x =-+的图象上的点的是( ) A .(1,1)- B .(2,6)- C .(2,1)- D .(3,2)- 5.(3分)下列说法正确的是( ) A .命题:“等腰三角形两腰上的中线相等”是真命题 B .假命题没有逆命题 C .定理都有逆定理 D .不正确的判断不是命题 6.(3分)长度为下列三个数据的三条线段,能组成直角三角形的是( ) A .1,2,3 B .3,5,7 C .1,2,3 D .1,54,33 7.(3分)如图,已知,AB AD =,ACB AED ∠=∠,DAB EAC ∠=∠,则下列结论错误的是( )

A . B ADE ∠=∠ B .B C AE = C .ACE AEC ∠=∠ D .CD E BAD ∠=∠ 8.(3分)已知一次函数3y x m =-+图象上的三点(,)P n a ,(1,)Q n b -,(2,)R n c +,则a ,b ,c 的大小关系是( ) A .b a c >> B .c b a >> C .c a b >> D .a b c >> 9.(3分)如图,ABC ?中,DE 是AC 的垂直平分线,5AE =,ABD ?的周长为16,则ABC ?的周长为( ) A .18 B .21 C .24 D .26 10.(3分)某景点普通门票每人50元,20人以上(含20人)的团体票六折优惠.现有一批游客不足20人,但买20人的团体票所花的钱,比各自买普通门票平均每人会便宜至少10元,这批游客至少有( ) A .14 B .15 C .16 D .17 11.(3分)已知,在ABC ?中,30A ∠=?,8AB =,5BC =,作ABC ?.小亮的作法如下: ①作30MAN ∠=?,②在AM 上截取8AB =,③以B 为圆心,以5为半径画弧交AN 于点C ,连结BC .如图,给出了小亮的前两步所画的图形.则所作的符合条件的(ABC ? ) A .是不存在的 B .有一个 C .有两个 D .有三个及以上 12.(3分)如图,已知点(1,3)A -,(5,1)B -,点(,0)P m 是x 轴上一动点,点Q 是y 轴上一动点,要使四边形ABPQ 的周长最小,m 的值为( ) A .3.5 B .4 C .7 D .2.5


浙江省宁波市八年级(上)期末数学试卷 一、选择题(共10 小题,每小题 2 分,满分20 分) 1.(2 分)点P(2,﹣3)关于x 轴的对称点的坐标为() A.(﹣2,﹣3)B.(2,3)C.(﹣2,3)D.(3,﹣2) 2.(2 分)已知一次函数y=(k﹣3)x﹣,y 随x 的增大而增大,则下列k 的值中可能为() A.1B.3 C.D.4 3.(2 分)下列各式中,正确的是() A.=±4 B.4 ﹣3 =1 C.=2 D.=1﹣= 4.(2 分)观察图中尺规作图的痕迹,下列结论错误的是() A.射线OP为∠BOA的平分线B.OE=OF C.点P到OB、OA距离不相等D.点E、F 到OP的距离相等 5.(2 分)不等式的非负整数解为() A.1 B.1,2 C.0,1 D.0,1,2 6.(2 分)如图,△ABC中,AB=AC,D 是BC的中点,AC的垂直平分线分别交AC、AD、AB 于点E、O、F,则图中全等的三角形的对数是() A.2对B.3 对C.4 对D.5 对 7.(2 分)定义:如图,点M、N 把线段AB分割成AM、MN 和BN,若以AM、MN、BN 为边的三角形构成一个直角三角形,则称点M、N 是线段AB的勾股分割点,若AM=2,MN=3,则BN 的长为() A.B.C.或D.无法确定 8.(2 分)下列命题中,是假命题的是() A.成轴对称的两个图形是全等图形 B.直角三角形斜边上的中线等于斜边的一半 C.若x>y,则x﹣3>y﹣3 第1页(共5页)

A . B . C . D .无法确定 ) 或 8.(2 分)下列命题中,是假命题的是( A .成轴对称的两个图形是全等图形 B .直角三角形斜边上的中线等于斜边的一半 C . 若 x >y , 则 x ﹣3>y ﹣3 第1页(共 5页) 一、选择题(共 10 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 20 分) 1.(2 分)点 P (2,﹣ 3)关于 x 轴的对称点的坐标为( ) A .(﹣ 2,﹣ 3) B .( 2,3) C .(﹣ 2,3) D .( 3,﹣ 2) 2.(2 分)已知一次函数 y=(k ﹣3)x ﹣ ,y 随 x 的增大而增大,则下列 k 的值中可能为( ) A .1 B .3 C . D .4 3.(2 分)下列各式中,正确的是( ) A . =± 4 B .4 ﹣3 =1 C . =2 D . =1﹣ = 4.(2 分)观察图中尺规作图的痕迹,下列结论错误的是( ) A .射线 OP 为∠ BOA 的平分线 B .OE=OF C .点 P 到 OB 、OA 距离不相等 D .点 E 、 F 到 OP 的距离相等 5.(2 分)不等式 的非负整数解为( ) A .1 B . 1, 2 C .0,1 D .0,1,2 6.(2 分)如图,△ ABC 中, AB=AC ,D 是 BC 的中点, AC 的垂直平分线分别交 AC 、AD 、AB 于点 E 、O 、 F ,则图中全等的三角形的对数是( ) A .2 对 B . 3 对 C . 4 对 D . 5 对 7.(2 分)定义:如图,点 M 、N 把线段 AB 分割成 AM 、MN 和 BN ,若以 AM 、MN 、BN 为边的三角形构成一个直角三角形,则称点 M 、N 是线段 AB 的勾股分割点,若 AM=2, MN=3,则 BN 的长为( )


鄞州高级中学2021届高三10月月考语文科试题卷 一、语言文字运用(共20分) 1.下列各句中,没有错别字且加点字的注音全都正确的一项是(3分)() A.遇到懂行且对他道行喷喷称赏的,老谈就会喜不自禁,当场开一堂扬扬洒酒的篆(zhuàn)刻课。喜欢而缺钱的穷学生,期期艾艾(ài)地舍不得走,老谈见状,爽快对折,半卖半送。 B.蓦(mò)地,叮叮淙淙响起古筝声,却是一个穿着旗袍的女子,十指娴熟地弹着我听了干百遍的《姑苏好风光》,我的心仿佛也被这音乐填满了似的充盈(yín)而富足。 C.汉柏劫后余生,仅存一脉生机。那些受尽岁月盘剥(bō),变得赤裸裸的枝丫,依然苍劲(jìng)有力地直指天穹,它质问的姿态,显然不是针对曾经的风霜和雨雪,而是生命本身。 D.鼻腔深处强烈地一酸,喉头处像硬硬地埂(gěng)了一个什么硬物,他觉得自己的泪水带着一股温热迅疾地流下来了,他连忙转过头,有些踉跄(qiàng)地疾疾地走了过来。 阅读下面的文段,完成2-3题。 领略趣味的能力一半固然 ..由于天资,另一半也由于修养。大约静中比较容易见出趣味。 [甲]物理上有一条定律说:两物不能同时并在于同一空间,这个定律在心理方面也可以说得通。一般人不能感受趣味,大半因为心地太忙,不空所以不灵。 我所谓“静”,便是指心界的空灵,不是指物界的沉寂,物界永远不沉寂的。[乙]你的心境愈空灵,你愈不觉得物界沉寂,或者我还可以进一步说,你的心界愈空灵,你也愈不觉 得物界喧嘈。所以习静并不必定要六根清净 ....,也不必定学佛家静坐参禅。[丙]静与闲也不同:许多闲人不必都能领略静中趣味。而能领略静中趣味的人,也不必定要闲。在百忙中,在尘 世喧嚷中,你偶尔 ....丢开一切,悠然遐想,你心中便蓦然似有一道灵光闪烁,无穷妙悟便左右 逄源 ..。这就是忙中静趣。 (改编自朱光潜《谈静》) 2.文段中加点的词语,运用不正确的一项是(3分)() A.固然 B.六根清净 C.偶尔 D.左右逢源 3.文段中画横线的甲、乙、丙句,标点有误的一项是(2分) A.甲 B.乙 C.丙. 4.下列各句中,没有语病的一项是(3分)() A.2020年,对于石油投资者和生产者,是破天荒的一年,石油价格大幅下跌,不仅改写了石油业的历史,也打破了人们对于商品价格的认识:市场宁愿给钱,也不愿意拿到原油现货



前言 宁波慈溪市福利基本情况数据分析报告围绕核心要素养老服务机构数量,养老服务机构床位数量,居民最低生活保障线以下人数等展开深入分析,深度剖析了宁波慈溪市福利基本情况的现状及发展脉络。 宁波慈溪市福利基本情况分析报告中数据来源于中国国家统计局、行业协会、相关科研机构等权威部门,通过整理和清洗等方法分析得出,具备权威性、严谨性、科学性。 本报告从多维角度借助数据全面解读宁波慈溪市福利基本情况现状及发展 态势,客观反映当前宁波慈溪市福利基本情况真实状况,趋势、规律以及发展脉络,宁波慈溪市福利基本情况数据分析报告必能为大众提供有价值的指引及参考,提供更快速的效能转化。

目录 第一节宁波慈溪市福利基本情况现状 (1) 第二节宁波慈溪市养老服务机构数量指标分析 (3) 一、宁波慈溪市养老服务机构数量现状统计 (3) 二、全省养老服务机构数量现状统计 (3) 三、宁波慈溪市养老服务机构数量占全省养老服务机构数量比重统计 (3) 四、宁波慈溪市养老服务机构数量(2016-2018)统计分析 (4) 五、宁波慈溪市养老服务机构数量(2017-2018)变动分析 (4) 六、全省养老服务机构数量(2016-2018)统计分析 (5) 七、全省养老服务机构数量(2017-2018)变动分析 (5) 八、宁波慈溪市养老服务机构数量同全省养老服务机构数量(2017-2018)变动对比分析6 第三节宁波慈溪市养老服务机构床位数量指标分析 (7) 一、宁波慈溪市养老服务机构床位数量现状统计 (7) 二、全省养老服务机构床位数量现状统计分析 (7) 三、宁波慈溪市养老服务机构床位数量占全省养老服务机构床位数量比重统计分析 (7) 四、宁波慈溪市养老服务机构床位数量(2016-2018)统计分析 (8) 五、宁波慈溪市养老服务机构床位数量(2017-2018)变动分析 (8) 六、全省养老服务机构床位数量(2016-2018)统计分析 (9)


浙江省宁波市鄞州中学2019-2020学年高三下学期期初考试地理试 题 一、单选题 (★) 1 . 武汉火神山医院总建筑面积3.39万平方米,从方案设计到建成交付仅用时10天,被誉为“中国速度”。下图反映了火神山医院建设过程中周边地表的变化过程。对周边地表的变化过程进行动态监测运用的地理信息技术是() A.GPS B.RS C.数字地球D.GIS (★★) 2 . 读图,完成下面小题 【小题1】关于图示地区各处的岩石叙述正确的是() A.①处岩石是变质作用形成的B.②处岩石曾经历高温高压环境 C.③处岩石肯定含有化石D.④处岩石不可能含有较多气孔 【小题2】关于图示地区叙述正确的是()A.甲处断层发育侵蚀成谷B.乙处是沉积作用形成的山 C.丙处是地壳断裂下陷形成的谷D.丁处的山形成早于乙处 (★) 3 . 下图为欧洲局部地区示意图。完成下面小题。

【小题1】形成M洋流的大气环流是 A.东北信风B.盛行西风C.西南季风D.极地东风 【小题2】洋流M使N地 A.水循环更新速度加快B.河流冬季结冰期缩短 C.沿海地区的降水减少D.内河航运的速度加快 (★★) 4 . 从秦岭第二高峰鳌山(海拔3476米)徒步至第一高峰太白山(海拔3767米)的户外徒步线路——鳌太线(左图),以山水形胜而出名。但其积雪多、难度大、危险性高对户外爱好者提出挑战,尤其以称为“石海”一段的路段最难,基本上是在碎石上攀爬。右图示意“石海”景观。据此完成下面小题。 【小题1】“石海”形成的主要地质作用是() A.风化作用B.流水侵蚀C.风力侵蚀D.冰川作用 【小题2】如果徒步旅行者从北坡攀登鳌山并沿穿越线路至主峰太白山,沿途可能看到() A.山麓常绿树种郁郁葱葱B.穿越线路沿途溪流潺潺 C.山顶终年白雪皑皑D.又高又密的针阔混交林 (★★) 5 . 读某地海平面等压线分布示意图,图示时间内该地区的天气变化为()


2017-2018学年浙江省宁波市北仑区八年级(上)期末数学试卷一、选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题3分,共30分) 1.点(1,3) P-在() A.第一象限B.第二象限C.第三象限D.第四象限 2.下列各命题中,是假命题为() A.两个全等三角形的周长相等 B.三个角对应相等的两个三角形是全等三角形 C.两边及其夹角对应相等的两个三角形全等 D.一个角等于60?的等腰三角形是等边三角形 3.若等腰三角形中有两边长分别为2和5,则这个三角形的第三条边长为() A.2或5B.3C.4D.5 4.若正比例函数(14) y m x =-的图象y随x的增大而减小,则m的取值范围是() A. 1 4 m>B. 1 4 mD.0 m< 5.“世界上最后一滴水也许将会是你的眼泪”,水资源的严重溃乏是全人类面临的共同问题.某市为了鼓励居民节约用水,出台了新的用水收费标准,如下表: 如果该市某户居民6月份用水3 xm,水费支出为y元,则y关于x的函数图象大致是() A.B. C.D. 6.如图,ABC ?中,AB AC =,36 A ∠=?,BD是AC边上的高,则DBC ∠的度数是( )

A .18? B .24? C .30? D .36? 7.对函数22y x =-+的描述错误是( ) A .y 随x 的增大而减小 B .图象经过第一、三、四象限 C .图象与x 轴的交点坐标为(1,0) D 8.直角三角形纸片的两直角边长分别为6,8,现将如图那样折叠,使点A 与点B 重合,折痕为DE ,则CE 的长为( ) A . 65 B . 76 C . 74 D .85 9.如图,Rt ABC ?中,CD 是斜边AB 上的高,角平分线AE 交CD 于H ,EF AB ⊥于F ,则下列结论中不正确的是( ) A .ACD B ∠=∠ B .CH CE EF == C .AC AF = D .CH HD = 10.已知直线1:l y k x =和直线222:8l y k x k =-在同一个坐标系内互相垂直,垂足为P ,在此坐标系有一个固定的点(2,8)Q --,下面关于PQ 的长描述正确的是( ) A .PQ 最大值为16 B .PQ 最大值为14 C .PQ 最小值为8 D .PQ 最小值为7 二、填空题(本大题有8小题,每小题3分,共24分) 11.若a b <,则2a - 2b -(填“>”或“<”号).


★★★★★ 1. 镇海中学(经过二十年的追赶,成为宁波 NO.1,是无可争议,实至名归,今年成为百年学府。最近美国某教育机构给中国高中的排名中,名列浙江省第1,全国第22名) 2. 效实中学(又称5中,瘦死的骆驼比马大,市区双骆驼之一,学子心目中曾经和镇海齐名的名校。比镇海中学小一岁,如今江河日下,居然沦落到靠上线总人数来吆喝,感觉其素质教育也是言过其实,不过英语教学着实不错,近年中考难度下降,生源质量有下降之嫌。虽然在中国名校的高考升学率,已经被镇海中学赶超,但凭其过硬的英语教育,在海外,尤其是北美,欧洲的世界顶级研究生院中,效实学子的数量和势力异常庞大,远非其他学校可比拟) 以上2所名校代表宁波中等教育界的最好水平,人才辈出,各自为共和国培养的中科院院士数量都是两位数。中国第一学府给宁波地区的自主招生名额,也只给这两所学校。 ★★★★ 3. 慈溪中学(老牌名校,县级市学校里面的老大,每年都有北大、清华。目前稳居宁波三甲) 4. 鄞州中学(老牌名校,吸引了鄞州的最好生源,近年高考成绩不输效实,但是缺乏顶尖学生) 5~9. 余姚中学,奉化中学,北仑中学,象山中学,宁海中学(这5所为个县市的老大,算是齐名,成绩优异,不再细分) 10. 宁波中学(又称1中,市区双骆驼的第二只,宁波名校中资历最老的学校,宁波地区传统3强。在上世纪,已经成为百年学府,曾经的“国立”二字,更是拥有宁波地区其他中学从没有享受过的待遇。90年代出过省状元,曾风光一时,2000年后一蹶不振,搬到鄞州后更是把不少生源拱手让给二中,当年响誉全省的“国立浙江四中”,现在已沦落到“宁波高教园区第一名校”。好在历界毕业生留在宁波发展的居多,不像效实那样,在外地和海外比例高。随着近几年“国考”盛行,宁中校友当上宁波市区公务员的数量众多,正所谓“朝中有人好提拔”,
