

2020考研英语KK 阅读三步法精华总结补充讲义(何凯文)

1*建议在听何凯文老师【五夜十篇】课程之前听完翻译和这个课,能达到更好学习效果,即便之前没听过何老师阅读课的同学也能通过此课更好的跟上节奏,取得明显的提升!*最晚要在10月份搞定阅读,之后留更多时间给写作、以及其他科目!大家冲鸭!!!20考研KK 阅读三步法精华总结课补充电子讲义以下例题为“定位信息充分”时举的例子


Nostalgia for ink on paper and the rustle of pages aside ,there’s plenty of incentive to ditch print.The infrastructure required to make a physical newspaper—printing presses,delivery trucks—isn’t just expensive;it’s excessive at a time when online-only competitors don’t have the same set of financial constraints.Readers are migrating away from print anyway.And though print ad sales still dwarf their online and mobile counterparts,revenue from print is still declining.

36.The New York Times is considering ending its print edition partly due to ________.

[A]the high cost of operation

[B]the pressure from its investors

[C]the complaints from its readers

[D]the increasing online ad sales


Peretti says the Times shouldn’t waste time getting out of the print business,but only if they go about doing it the right way.“Figuring out a way to accelerate that transition would make sense for them,”he said,“but if you discontinue it,you’re going to have your most loyal customers really upset with you.”

37.Peretti suggests that,in face of the present situation,the Times should ________.

[A]seek new sources of readership

[B]end the print edition for good

[C]aim for efficient management

[D]make strategic adjustments


2015考研英语阅读理解精读P18—医学 Passage 18(Doctor-assisted Suicide:Is It Ever an Option?) Should doctor-assisted suicide ever be a legal option? It involves the extreme measure of taking the life of a terminally ill patient when the patient is in extreme pain and the chances for recovery appear to be none.Those who argue against assisted suicide do so by considering the roles of the patient,the doctor,and nature in these situations. Should the patient take an active role in assisted suicide? When a patient is terminally ill and in great pain,those who oppose assisted suicide say that it should not be up to that patient to decide what his or her fate will be.There are greater powers at work that determine when a person dies,for example,nature.Neither science nor personal preference should take precedence over these larger forces. What role should the doctor have? Doctors,when taking the Hippocratic oath,swear to preserve life at all costs,and it is their ethical and legal duty to follow both the spirit and the letter of this oath.It is their responsibilities to heal the sick,and in the cases when healing is not possible,then the doctor is obliged to make the dying person comfortable.Doctors are trained never to hasten death.Those who oppose assisted suicide believe that doctors who do help terminally ill patients die are committing a crime,and they should be dealt with accordingly.Doctors are also,by virtue of their humanness,capable of making mistakes.Doctors could quite possibly say,for instance,that a cancer patient was terminal,and then the illness could later turn out not to be so serious.There is always an element of doubt concerning the future outcome of human affairs. The third perspective to consider when thinking about assisted suicide is the role of nature.Life is precious.Many people believe that it is not up to human beings to decide when to end their own or another’s life.Only nature determines when it is the right time for a person to die.To assist someone in suicide is not only to break criminal laws,but to break divine 1aws as well. These general concerns of those who oppose assisted suicide are valid in certain contexts of the assisted suicide question.For instance,patients cannot always be certain of their medical conditions.Pain clouds judgment,and so the patient should not be the sole arbiter of her or his own destiny.Patients do not usually choose the course of their medical treatment,so they shouldn’t be held completely responsible for decisions related to it.Doctors are also fallible,and it is understandable that they would not want to make the final decision about when death should occur.Since doctors are trained to prolong life,they usually do not elect to take it by prescribing assisted suicide. I believe that blindly opposing assisted suicide does no one a service.If someone is dying of

考研英语写作 何凯文版

考研英语写作三段论:第一段---描述图画或图表 第二段---解释寓意 第三段---给出评论 第一段: 第一句 1、As is shown above , 描述图画(倒装).There has been a heated discussion about a picture in the newspaper.报纸上有一张图画引起人们广泛的关注。 描述图画注意: 第一步:寻找图画的中心事物,并确定中心事物的位置。 第二部:描述中心事物,可以从动作和状态两个方面来描述。 第三部; 寻找中心事物周围相关的事物,并进行简单的描述。 模式:在图画中央有------(倒装),它-------(主谓一致、现在分词、非限定性定语从句),周围有-----(独立主格作状语) 第二句----总结 ①The picture , at the fist glimpse , seems to be simple , but only a penetrating sight can pierce through its superficial meaning.这幅画初看好像很简单,但是只有具有洞察力的人才能看 穿其肤浅的含义。 ②The author’s real purpose is not the fact itself , but to lead us to find what hides behind the ice burg.作者的真实

目的不是图画本身,而是要引导我们去探求在图画背后究竟隐藏着 什么。 第二段 第一句----观点的提出 (1) The picture tells us that nothing can be compared with the 重要主题 . In no country , other than china ,it has been said , is this phenomenon more obvious . (2) The picture does revel certain disturbing social phenomenon , that is , people tend to overlook the fact that 有害主题 . ( 或 The picture does reveal that 有害主题 is not only harmful , but also damaging .) The past decade has witnessed a huge development in economy owing to the reform and opening-up policy carried out , bringing some problems at the same time , with the above one being the foremost .在过去的 十年间,由于改革开放政策的执行,我国的经济有了巨大的发展,但 同时带来了一些问题,上面的问题是最严重的。(或In no country other than china , it has been said m is this problem more serous . ) 万能观点: ①图画主题的重要性 Nothing can be compared with··· ···is not only necessary , but also indispensable ··· ···remains to be an integral part in···



考研英语阅读理解精读100篇之经济类 unit1 unit1 Some of the concerns surrounding Turkey’s application to join the European Union, to be voted on by the EU’s Council of Ministers on December 17th, are economic-in particular, the country’s relative poverty. Its GDP per head is less than a third of the average for the 15 pre-2004 members of the EU. But it is not far off that of one of the ten new members which joined on May 1st 2004 (Latvia), and it is much the same as those of two countries, Bulgaria and Romania, which this week concluded accession talks with the EU that could make them full members on January 1st 2007. Furthermore, the country’s recent economic progress has been, according to Donald Johnston, the secretary-general of the OECD, "stunning". GDP in the second quarter of the year was 13.4% higher than a year earlier, a rate of growth that no EU country comes close to matching. Turkey’s inflation rate has just fallen into single figures for the first time since 1972, and this week the country reached agreement with the IMF on a new three-year, $10 billion economic programme that will, according to the IMF’s managing director, Rodrigo Rato, "help Turkey... reduce inflation toward European levels, and enhance the economy’s resilience". Resilienc e has not historically been the country’s economic strong point. As recently as 2001, GDP fell by over 7%. It fell by more than 5% in 1994, and by

考研英语复试讲义 谭剑波 文都教育版

2015考研英语复试辅导讲义 主讲:谭剑波

目录 第一讲复试口语和听力在录取中的地位 (2) 第二讲复试口语的几大要素: (3) 一、发音不能太糟糕。 (3) 二、肢体语言(body language)要淡定、优雅。 (3) 第三讲口语常考话题应对 (4) 考研复试英语口语常考话题(一) (4) 考研复试英语口语常考话题(二) (7) 考研复试英语口语常考话题(三) (9) 考研复试常考话题(四) (11) 1.自我介绍内容 (11) 2.自我介绍模板 (11) 3.专业词汇汇总 (12) 第四讲:口语连贯性两大策略 (12) 第五讲考研复试英语听力备战策略 (13) 1.泛听 (13) 2.精听 (13) 3.听写(最有用的方法:培养语感) (14) 附录一 (15) 附录二 (16)

第一讲复试口语和听力在录取中的地位 两种情况: 1.没有背景。 2.背景强大。 第二讲复试口语的几大要素: 一、发音不能太糟糕。 Thank you so much. I appreciate it. It is really my honor to be here. English may be the most important factors in deciding which countries are leaders in deciding which countries are leaders in the future. The language of the most advanced management and technology is undoubtedly English. 二、肢体语言(body language)要淡定、优雅。 不要太夸张。


TEXT 2 He emerged, all of a sudden, in 1957: the most explosive new poetic talent of the English post-war era. Poetry specialised, at that moment, in the wry chronicling of the everyday. The poetry of Yorkshire-born Ted Hughes, first published in a book called “The Hawk in the Rain” when he was 27, was unlike anything written by his immediate predecessors. Driven by an almost Jacobean rhetoric, it had a visionary fervour. Its most eye-catching characteristic was Hughes's ability to get beneath the skins of animals: foxes, otters, pigs. These animals were the real thing all right, but they were also armorial devices—symbols of the countryside and lifeblood of the earth in which they were rooted. It gave his work a raw, primal stink. It was not only England that thought so either. Hughes's book was also published in America, where it won the Galbraith prize, a major literary award. But then, in 1963, Sylvia Plath, a young American poet whom he had first met at Cambridge University in 1956, and who became his wife in the summer of that year, committed suicide. Hughes was vilified for long after that, especially by feminists in America. In 1998, the year he died, Hughes broke his own self-imposed public silence about their relationship in a book of loose-weave poe ms called “Birthday Letters”.In this new and exhilarating collection of real letters, Hughes returns to the issue of his first wife's death, which he calls his “big and unmanageable event”. He felt his talent muffled by the perpetual eavesdropping upon his every move. Not until he decided to publish his own account of their relationship did the burden begin to lighten. The analysis is raw, pained and ruthlessly self-aware. For all the moral torment, the writing itself has the same rush and vigour that possessed Hughes's early poetry.


考研英语长难句突破讲义 适用对象:考研学子,四级,六级英语学习或相当者。 课程目的:打破英语阅读学习的幻觉,真正获得一扇通向别样美丽世界的窗户,人生从此再无长难句。为英语写作夯实基础。 课程安排:方法论讲解;难句解析;考试实战演练 第一部分方法论讲解 引子我们为什么要精读句子 1.精读能力的要求(消除障碍的阅读) 自由笔记区目标:准确【重要】精读 2.泛读能力的要求(广泛获取信息的阅读) 目标:快速 技能:高职 阅读的实际过程是什么知识:本科 Input(英文)-mind(句子层面)-output(中文)思维:研究生 思想:博士 阅读在句子层面的障碍 1.含义 2.语序 简单句的障碍来源 简单句:只有一套谓语的句子 基本句型包括:主+谓,主+谓+宾,主+谓+双宾,主+谓+宾+宾补,主+系+表 定语,状语,同位语,插入语 简单句的障碍识别及处理方法 定语:在句子中修饰名词的成分problem-定义-细化-solution(思维方式) 前置定语:adj+名词 后置定语: 形容词短语:形容词+介词+名词this is a book useful for your future Ving a woman walked on the road Ved a painting painted by Jane n. + to do a way to solve the problem 介词短语:介词+名词a bottle of water on the table 表语形容词:alive a cat alive 解决方案:前置P.S:I want to be part of something big. Something属于不定代词。 【不定代词定语置后】 定语从句(不属于简单句范畴) 关系代词:人称代词:who whom which that as +非完整句 引导词物主代词:whose +完整句


2015考研英语阅读理解精读P18—工学 类 Passage 18 Tennis hopeful Jamie Hunt, 16, felt he could not become a world-class junior player while attending a regular school. The international circuit has players on the road 50% of the time--and it's hard to focus on your backhand when you're worrying about being on time for homeroom. So last year Hunt, who hones his ground strokes at Elite TNT Tennis Academy in April Sound, Texas, enrolled for academics in the $9,750-a-year University of Miami Online High School (UMOHS), a virtual school that caters to athletes. "The online school gives me the flexibility I need," says Hunt. "The workload is the same, but I can do it anywhere. It's nicer to ask a question face-to-face with a teacher, but in some ways it prepares me better for college because I have to be more independent." A year ago, Hunt's world junior ranking was 886; now it's 108. Virtual high schools, which allow students to take classes via PC, have emerged as an increasingly popular education alternative, particularly for on-the-go athletes. UMOHS has more than 400 students enrolled, 65% of whom are athletes. Accredited by the 100-year-old Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, UMOHS offers honors and advanced-placement classes. All course material is online, along with assignments and due dates. For help, says principal Howard Liebman, "a student may e-mail, instant message or call the teacher." Dallas mom Lori Bannon turned to another online school, Laurel Springs in Ojai, Calif. Bannon, who has a medical degree from Harvard, didn't want to compromise the education of her daughter Lindsay, 13, an élite gymnast who spends eight hours a day in the gym. "Regular school was not an option," says Bannon, "but I wanted to make sure she could go back at grade level if she quit gymnastics." Laurel Springs' enrollment has increased 35% a year for the past four years, to 1,800 students. At least 25% are either athletes or child entertainers. Educators are split on the merits of such schools. Paul Orehovec, an enrollment officer for the University of Miami, admits, "I was somewhat of a skeptic. But when I looked into their programs and accreditation, I was excited. UMOHS is the first online school to be granted membership in the National Honor Society." Kevin Roy, Elite's director of education, sees pitfalls and potential in virtual schools. "You will never have that wonderful teacher who inspires you for life," says Roy. "But the virtual school offers endless possibilities. I don't know where education's imagination will take this." 注(1):本文选自Time;11/29/2004, p149-149, 1/2p, 1c; 注(2):本文习题命题模仿对象2004年真题text 4第1、2题(1、2),text 1 第2 题(3),text 3第5 题(5)和2000年真题text 4第4题(4); 1. What does Jamie Hunt get from the virtual school? [A] the ability to perfect his tennis skills [B] the time to do his school work


TEXT 3 Controled bleeding or cauterisation? That was the unappealing choice facing UBS, a Swiss bank which has been badly hurt by the carnage in America’s mortgage market. The bank opted for the latter. First it opened the wound, by announcing a hefty $10 billion write-down on its exposure to subprime-infected debt. UBS now expects a loss for the fourth quarter, which ends this month. Then came the hot iron: news of a series of measures to shore up the bank’s capital base, among them investments from sovereign-wealth funds in Singapore and the Middle East. Bad news had been expected. UBS’s third-quarter write-down of over SFr4 billionin October looked overly optimistic compared with more aggressive markdowns at other banks such as Citigroup and Merrill Lynch. Steep falls in the market value of subprime debt since the end of the third quarter made it certain that UBS would take more pain, given its sizeable exposure to toxic collateralised-debt obligations (CDOs). Analysts at Citigroup were predicting in November that write-downs of up to SFr14 billion were possible. Why then did this new batch of red ink still come as a shock? The answer lies not in the scale of the overall loss, more in UBS’s decision to take the hit in one go. The bank’s mark-to-model approach to valuing its subprime-related holdings had been based on payments data from the underlying mortgage loans. Although these data show a worsening in credit quality, the deterioration is slower than mark-to-market valuations, which have the effect of instantly crystallising all expected future losses. Thanks to this gradualist approach, UBS had been expected to take write-downs in managed increments of SFr2 billion-3 billion over a period of several quarters. It now


For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use 河南文都的小伙伴在考研英语作文部分,我们一般将文章内容分为三部分来写,即常见的总分总格式。以下为英语写作中各部分的句式表达模板,河南的同学们赶快来收藏吧! 开头句式背景句: 1.There is no consensus of opinionsamongpeople as to …some people tend to have a favorable attitude toward…While,others have an unpleasantassociation with… 2. Recently, the issue of ……has beenbroughtinto public focus. 近来,_______的问题引起了社会的广泛关注。 3. Recently the issue of (whether …ornot) has been in the limelight(成为引人注目的中心) and has aroused wideconcern in the public. 近来,是否_______的问题已经非常明确而且引起了社会的广泛关注。 4. Along with the advance of thesocietymore and more problems are brought to our attention, one of which is…. 随着社会的不断发展,出现了越来越多的问题,其中之一便是____________。 5. Now we are entering a brand new erafullof opportunities and innovations, and great changes have taken place inpeople’sattitude towards some traditional practice. 现在我们进入了一个充满机遇和创新的崭新时代,很多人对某些传统的看法也发生了很大改变。 6.______ has become a hot topic amongpeople,especiallyamong the young andheated debates are right on their way. ______已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。 7.In no country other than China,it hasbeen said, is the problem of ____more serious. 中间句式过渡句: 1.Most of us ,however,have formed a different pictureof…some people think they are beneficial, while others hold theoppositeview. 2.And we rarely reach an absoluteconsensuson such a controversial issue. 对于这种极具争议的话题,我们很难作出绝对的回答。 3.People from different backgroundswouldput different interpretations on the same case. 不同行业的人对同一种问题的解释不尽相同。 4. harbor the idea that, takethe attitude that, holdthe view that, 认为 5.Some people take the attitude that…canproduce positive effects on us 6.Those who have already benefitedfrompracticing it sing high praise of it. First of all …Furthermore …What’s more… 7.The other side of the picture is quitetheopposite. 8.Others harbor the idea that, …maybringabout negative impacts on us. Those who strongly disapprove of …havecogent reasons for it. For one thing , For another, 9. There are some factors leading tothisproblem. 10. A number of factors are responsibleforthis problem. 11. A number of factors could accountforthe problem, but the following are the most critical


文都教育:考研英语同根词汇--G G gage-vow誓约 ★engage[in5geidV] v.(in)从事,着手;约定;使订婚;保证;雇用(en使+gage誓约→使立下誓约) engaged [in5geidVd] a.忙碌的,被占用的(engag+ed形容词后缀)● engagement [in5geidVm nt] n.约会,约定;婚约,订婚(engage+ment名词后缀) gen,geni,gener-birth,produce基因;出生;产生 gene[dVi:n] n.基因 ★genetic[dVi5netik] a.遗传(学)的n.[-s]遗传学(gen+etic形容词后缀) gender[5dVendE] n.(生理上的)性;(名词、代词等的)性(名词、代词等的)性(gen+der名词后缀) ★genius[5dVi:ni s] n.天才(geni+us名词后缀→生出就有→天才) ingenious[in5dVi:nj s] a.机敏的;有独创性的;精致的;精巧制成的( in内+geni+ous形容词后缀→自内心产生→聪明的) ★ingenuity[7indVi5nju:iti] n.机灵;设计新颖(ingenue+ity名词后缀)● genuine [5dVenjuin] a.真正的,名副其实的(genu+ine形容词后缀→产生→来源清楚→真正的) ★generate[5dVen reit] vt.产生,发生;生殖(genner+ate动词后缀→产生电等) generation[dVen5reiF n] n.产生,发生;一代(人)((gener+ate +ion名词后缀→一代) generator[5dVen reit] n.发电机,发生器(generate+or名词后缀→产生电的东西→发电机) general [5dVen r l] a.一般的,普通的;总的,大体的n.将军(gener+al形容词后缀→出生一般→普通的)generally [5dVen r li] ad.一般, 通常, 一般地● generalize [5dVen r laiz] v.(generalise)归纳,概括;推广,普及(general+ize动词后缀) generalization[7dVen r lai5zeiF n] n.一般化(gener+al+ization名词后缀→一般化)● generous[5dVen r s] a.宽宏大量的,慷慨的(gener+ous形容词后缀→不断产生的→丰富的,慷慨的)degenerate[di5dVen r t7 -reit] v.衰退,堕落,蜕化a.堕落的n.堕落者(de坏+gener+ate→坏的东西产生→堕落)homogeneous [7hCm5dVi:ni s]


2009年考研英语阅读理解精读100篇(高 分版)TEXT4 在经过半年多时间的痛苦创作之后,我也可以长长的松一口气,如期向我的学生们兑现6月份来我博客免费下载《2009考研英语阅读理解精读100篇(高分版)》的承诺了。本书共分为25个单元,每个单元有4篇文章,难度偏高。主要适合的考研人群为业已通过四级考试并希望能在考研英语考试中考取70分以上成绩的考生。希望考研的XDJM们再接再厉,每个人都能取得好成绩。 TEXT FOUR Just as Norman Mailer, John Updike and Philip Roth were at various times regarded as the greatest American novelist since the second world war, John Ashbery and Robert Lowell vied for the title of greatest American poet. Yet the two men could not be more different. Lowell was a public figure who engaged with politics-in 1967 he marched shoulder-to-shoulder with Mailer in protest against the Vietnam war, as described in Mailer’s novel "The Armies of the Night". Lowell took on substantial themes and envisioned himself as a tragic, heroic figure, fighting against his own


Word list 9 Commemorate _____________________________ Commence _____________________________ Paradise ______________________________ Commend _______________________________ Paradox _______________________________ Comment _______________________________ Parade _______________________________ Commerce _______________________________ Commercial _______________________________ Orientation _______________________________ Origin _______________________________ Original _______________________________ Originate _______________________________ Reveal _______________________________ Revelation _______________________________ Conscious _______________________________ Paralyze _______________________________ Breach _______________________________ Ornament _______________________________
