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5、按照Austin的观点,以下每组句子只有(a)句是言有所 为语。考虑一下为什么(b)、(c)句不能归为言有所为语。 1(a)I admit I was wrong. 1(b)I think I was wrong. 1(c)I know I was wrong. 2(a)I apologize to you. 2(b)I amuse you. 2(c)I flatter you. 3(a)We promise to leave. 3(b)He admits he was silly. 3(c)I warned you to stop. 6、在以上九个句子的动词前插入hereby,会产生奇怪的结 果吗?为什么?
3、将下列句子按疑问句、祈使句和陈述句 分类,然后考虑说话人用这些话来做什么。 (a)You can pass the milk. (b)Why don’t you pass the milk? (c)Have you got the milk? (d)I could use the milk. (e)Get me the milk. (f)Send the milk down here.
言有所述(constative,言述) 言述话语是可以验证的,即或是真实,或是谬误; 言有所为(performative,言为) 言为话语都是不可验证的,它们无所谓真实或谬误, 因为它们是被用来实施某一种行为的。 发话[行为](locutionary act):发出语音,说出带 意义的语词、语句的行为。 行事[行为](illocutionary act):表明说话人意图的行为, 表明说话人为什么要这么说,它表达的说说话人的意义。 取效[行为](perlocutionary act):涉及一句话的事后效应。
第6讲 言语行为
1、如果你要施行以下每个行为(action),你 是通过说话还是体态(physical geature)? (a)Congratulate someone. (b)Call someone’s attention to the television set. (c)Forbid someone to enter a room.
4、看下列每对句子间的不同。 1(a)I promise to be there. 1(b)I’ll be there. 2(a)I admit I was foolish. 2(b)I was foolish. 3(a)I warn you, this gun is loaded (装有弹 药的) 3(b)This gun is loaded. 4(a)I apologize. 4(b)I’m sorry.
2、你可以说以下每句话主要是描述了一种事件 状态。但试着设想一种语境,在此语境下以下每 个断言所表达的不再仅仅是描述事件状态。 (a)There’s a spider in your hair. (b)Someone’s eaten all the ice-cream. (c)I’ve got a gun. (d)You’re an idiot. (e)I need the salt.