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作者简介:张丽萍(1962 ),女,博士,主任医师,教授,博士生导师,天津中医药大学心理学科带头人。研究方向:情志病证的中医药防治研究。E m ai:l li p i ng8182008@s i na co m


张丽萍 夏猛

摘要 失眠症是一种难治性疾病,其治疗主要分为药物治疗和非药物治疗两大类。通过对近年失眠症治疗相关文献的整理研究表明,失眠症西药治疗主要有苯二氮卓类药物、非苯二氮卓类药物、褪黑色素类药物及抗抑郁药物等,中药治疗包含辨证论治、专方治疗及采用单味中药制剂治疗。针灸推拿治疗、认知行为与物理、音乐治疗等非药物疗法亦取得一定的进展。西药治疗见效快,催眠效果明显,但长期服用有一定副作用。中药治疗灵活,疗效明确、稳定,能调节患者负面情绪,但临床治疗中对患者体质、个性方面关注少,中医治疗的辨证分型及疗效标准不完全统一。非药物疗法具有较好的研究前景。多种治疗手段联合应用治疗失眠症有待进一步探讨研究。

关键词 失眠; 治疗; 研究现状; 分析及思考

中图分类号 R 256 23 文献标识码 A do:i 10 3969/j i ssn 1674 1749 2011 01 22Anal ysis and thoughts to curren tl y treatm en t status of i n s o m n i a ZHANG L i p i ng,X I A M eng Co llege of H u m anities and P ub lic A d m i n istra tion ,T ianjin Universit y of Ch i nese M e d ici ne ,T ianjin 300193,Chi na Corres p onding author:Z H AN G L i p i ng,E m ail :li p ing8182008@sina com


Insomn ia i s a re frac t o ry d isease .

Its trea ting i ncl udes m ed i cation and non m ed ici ne

therapy .By ana l yzi ng t he research lite rature i n recent years ,w e found t hat all these m edicines conta i n benzod i azep i nes ,non benzodiazepi ne m e l a ton i n ,

anti depressant drug s and Ch i nese m edical treat m ents .

Ch i nese m ed i ca l treat m ents inc l ude trea t m en t based on syndrom e d ifferentiati on ,spec i a l prescr i pti on and si ng le drug .M ean wh ile non m ed i c i ne t herapy ,such as acupuncture ,m ox i busti on ,m assage ,

cognitive-behav i o r-t herapy ,naturopathy and m us i ca l treat m ent have m ade so m e prog ress .T he w estern drugs have quick and sign ificant e ffects but it also has si de e ffects after l ong term use .Ch i nese med i c i ne i s fl ex i b l e i n treat ment ,and it not only has spec ifi c stab l e effec ts ,but a l so cou l d regulate the nega tive emo ti ons o f t he patients .T he de fic i encies o f Chinese m ed i c i ne are t hat little a ttenti on is pa i d to pati ents 'physi que and per sona lity ,the d ifferenti ation of symptom s and signs and treati ng cr iterions are no t standard ized .T he non m ed ici ne t herapy has a bri ght fut ure i n trea ti ng inso m nia .T he co m bi ned therapy needs t o be furt her stud ied .

K ey words

Insomn i a ; T rea t m ent ; R esea rch sta t us ; A na lysis and though ts





1 失眠症的药物治疗现状

1 1 西药治疗

