

Unit6 Healthy diet 基础训练(一)


I went on a business trip to the UK last month ,and I went to a British restaurant after work .

When I looked at the menu ,I knew I was 1 trouble ‘pigs in blanket’’.I didn’t know 2 I should order ,but I was too shy 3 the waiter to explain the menu to me ,so I just picked dishes with interesting names .There was a dish 4 ‘pigs in blankets’’. 5 interesting name!I like meat so I ordered this .And I chose black pudding for dessert.

You can’t imagine how 6 I was when I actually saw the dishes .‘pigs in blankets’’ were pork sausages with bacon.While I 7 the sausages ,I thought about the pudding and hoped that it would be nice and sweet .

However ,the waiter brought me 8 sausages .I thought they had brought me the wrong food ,but the waiter told me that black pudding was not actually a dessert ,but 9 kind of sausage made from pig’s blood and fat .10 was difficult to eat all the sausages .

1,A .in B .at C .on D.of

2A.how B.what C.that D.why

3,A ask B asking C to ask D asked

4.A call B calls C calling D called

5.A What a B What an C How D How an

6.A surprise B surprised C surprising D surprisingly

7.A eat B ate C am eating D was eating

8.A much B many C more D most

9.A another B other C others D the others

10.A It B That C This D Its


You feel tired and you have no energy. You can’t breathe out of your nose and your throat hurts. Don’t be afraid——you have probably just got a 11 . E very year, many kids experience this sick feeling. Some kids have up to eight colds every year. So, what 12 is a cold?

Well, a cold is an infection (传染病). It affects (影响) your nose, eyes and throat and makes you feel sick and weak. It’s very13 to catch a cold. When someone sneezes or coughs near you, bacteria(细菌)travel through the air and 14 your body and then make you sick.

Some of the symptoms (症状)of a cold 15 a fever , a sore throat and a cough .if you sneeze , you’ve probably got a cold .most people who have got a cold feel very ti red and don’t have much 16 to do anything .

A cold is not a pleasant thing to experience . .However, there are some things you can do to feel 17 .You should have hot drinks if you’ve got a sore throat and cough. You should eat healthy foods and get a lot of rest so your body can be strong enough

to 18 your c old. If you’ve got a fever, or if you aren’t feeling better within a few days, you should visit your 19 and take some medicine.

A cold can be frustrating ,but just remember that there are many things you can do to feel better and get stronger. Take care of your body and 20 healthy.

11. A.cold B. cough C. fever D. headache

12. A. exactly B.clearly C. nearly D. firstly

13. A. helpful B. easy C. necessary D. difficult

14. A. find B.feel C. build D.enter

15. A. catch B. take C. turn D. include

16. A. money B. Air C. energy D. time

17. A .hotter B colder C worse D better

18.A keep B fight C get D have

19.A friend B parent C doctor D teacher

20.Ago B stay C turn D look


Have you ever wanted to stop eating something sweet but you just couldn’t ? Is the first thing you do when you get home from school to look in the biscuit tin ? Can you eat a huge bar of chocolate all by yourself ? Can you say “no” to sweets at parties ? If you can’t ,then there is a reason…perhaps you’re sugar addict (有瘾的人)! Does that sound funny ? Well,doctors say that people who eat sweets regularly can easily become addicted (成瘾的) to sugar .What’s more, most s ugar addicts don’t even realiz e that they’re addicted! Sugar addiction is serious because it can really damage your health .Doctors say that we should eat food which is healthy such as fresh fruits and vegetables, and that we shouldn’t eat a lot of sugar ,fat or fast food .But sugar ad dicts can’t follow this advice.They know they must stop eating sweet food,but they can’t .So what can you do if you think you’re addicted to the taste of sugar ?Well, here is some advice:

. Eat some fresh fruits when you really want something sweet to eat .

.Cut down on sweet food slowly. Don’t try to stop eating it all at once.

.You have to tell your parents, If they know, they will help you.

21. Who can become addicted to sugar easily?

A.People who eat sweet regularly.

B. People who eat lots of fat and fast food.

C. Peop le who don’t eat healthy food .

D. People who eat lots of fruits and vegetables.

22. What does the underlined word “damage” mean?

A. be kind to

B. be good for

C. be harmful to

D. be sorry for

23.what healthy food do the doctors advise us to eat ?

A fresh fruits and vegetables

B Fat or fast food

C A lot of sugar

D Fried food and soft drinks

24.What can we infer (推断) from the passage?

A. Fresh fruits are the best food for us.

B. We shouldn’t eat sugar to keep healthy.

C. Parents may help you give up bad eating habits.

D. It’s very necessary to stop eating sweet food at once.

25. What’s the main idea of the passage ?

A. Some advice to stop eating sweet food.

B. The importance of have good eating habits.

C. The reasons why people become addicted to sugar.

D. Something about sugar addiction and how to give it up.



26.I put some s _____ into the coffee so that it tastes sweet .

27.As u _____ ,she got up at six and set off for work half an hour later .

28.The doctor asked the boy not to eat too much meat because meat contained too much f _____ .

29.I am going to t _____ myself to a pair of shoes this weekend .

30.Our Chinese teacher asked us to write a r _____ for our favourite book .


31 离那个池塘远点儿,那里危险。

_______ _______ _______ that pond。it's very dangerous。


_______ _______ _______ ,she keeps running for half an hour every day . 33,如果你想保持健康,均衡的饮食是很重要的。

it's important for you to have_______ _______ _______ if you want to keep healthy .


Mum said _______ _______ _______ go to bed early and get up early .

35 .你记得今天吃过什么吗?

Do you remember _______ _______ _______ today ?





A survey on eating habits

Name Like Reason Dislike Reason

Kate Snacks ,meat,

cola tasty rice ,




Peter fruit,

Vegetables, water healthy

Steak ,pork ,




Sam Sugar,


cola Sweet Vegetables,





A survey on eating habits

Recently,we have just done a survey about eating habits in our class. Kate

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2018—2019学年(上)九年级广州第12期Unit 4单元综合能力检测题 答案解析 一、语法选择 1.答案B。本题考查时态。由上一句中的“Last month” 可知此处应用一般过去时,故填saw。 2.答案D。本题考查副词。修饰动词complained要用副 词,故填angrily。 3.答案A。本题考查介词。表示“张贴”用短语put up, 故填up。 4.答案C。本题考查冠词。此处指代前文提到的披萨餐 厅,故填the。 5.答案A。本题考查不定代词。由下文内容可知很多家 长无法控制他们的孩子,且parents为可数名词,故填 many。 6.答案B。本题考查不定代词辨析。此处表泛指“其他 的顾客”,故填other。 7.答案A。本题考查形容词。take good care of 意为“照 顾好”。 8.答案B。本题考查连词。so表因果关系,意为“所以”。 句意:他说餐厅靠近一条繁忙的道路,如果家长不好 好照顾他们的小孩,可能会有一些危险。所以他才下 定决心禁止小孩进入他的餐厅。 9.答案C。本题考查形容词性物主代词。修饰名词要用 形容词性物主代词,故填his。 10.答案D。本题考查情态动词辨析。could意为“能够”。 句意:他们说他们厌倦了餐厅里吵闹的孩子,现在他 们终于能有一个只供大人用餐的地方了。 11.答案A。本题考查副词辨析。此处位于肯定句句中, 故填also。 12.答案C。本题考查时态。and连接两个句子前后时态 一致,前半句用的是现在完成时,后半句也应用现在 完成时,故填have tried。 13.答案B。本题考查介词后接动词-ing形式的用法,故 填solving。 14.答案C。本题考查不定式to do表目的的用法,意为 “为了”,故填to encourage。 15.答案C。本题考查词性及词义辨析。根据句子结构可 知此处应填形容词,且由句意可知这些方法暂时有用,故填useful。 二、完形填空 16.答案A。由后半句中的“because he was always in an old school uniform that didn’t fit him”可知,这位母亲告诉 “我”她的孩子在学校有多糟糕,故填bad。 17.答案C。由后半句中的“they couldn’t afford a new one” 可知,她的丈夫和她都失业了,故填lost。 18.答案B。由上文讲述儿子总是穿着不合身的旧校服, 可知母亲正慢慢努力给他买新的衬衣,故填new。19.答案D。由上一句讲述她不想寻求帮助可知,她从来 没有向“我”要过任何东西,故填never。 20.答案A。由后半句中的“to take out some money”可 知,“我”去了银行,故填bank。21.答案B。由上一句讲述“我”去银行取了一些钱给这 位母亲可知,“我”让她去买校服,故填buy。 22.答案C。由破折号后的“no payback”可知,“我”明 确向她表示“我”没有要求得到任何东西,故填 expected。 23.答案B。由上文讲述作者拿钱帮助这位母亲可知,她 这样做能够享受到帮助别人的乐趣,故填helping。24.答案C。根据语境可知,她感动得说不出话来,于是 我们拥抱在一起,故填moved。 25.答案D。根据语境可知,有了钱买新校服之后,小男 孩就不用再因为他的旧校服而被嘲笑,故填laughed at。 三、阅读 第一节阅读理解 A 【语篇解读】本文的主要内容是Parkrise Flats的居民协会制订了一些简单的规则,希望居民们遵守,让大家能有一个更加舒适和安全的居住环境。 26.答案C。细节理解题。由第一段中的“… so here are a few simple rules which we think all residents should follow.”可知,这篇文章的目的是让所有居民遵守规 则。 27.答案A。细节理解题。由第二段第一句“Rubbish collection is on Tuesdays.”可知,垃圾收集一星期一次。 28.答案D。细节理解题。由第三段第一句“There is a washing line for every flat in the garden next to the car park.”可知,晾衣绳在花园里。 29.答案B。细节理解题。由第六段最后一句“... Association will get in touch with you if you make too much noise.”可知,如果你制造太多噪音,居委会将 会找你谈话。 30.答案B。推理判断题。根据文中内容可知,居委会为 使居民能有一个舒适和安全的居住环境做了很多工 作,可知他们非常乐于帮助居民。 B 【语篇解读】本文主要讲述了Joe利用自己会表演哭泣的才能得到他想要的东西,而Pipo虽然家境贫寒,可是他拒绝了Joe帮他筹集到的钱,他想通过自己的努力去争取。最后Pipo的做法感动了Joe,Joe决定改变原来的方式。31.答案B。细节理解题。由第一段可知,每当Joe想要 某些东西时,他便会通过表演哭泣来得到它。 32.答案C。细节理解题。由第二段第四句“When people offered him some money, he would do something for them in return.”可知,每当人们帮助Pipo时,他便会 做一些事情回报他们。 33.答案D。词义猜测题。由下文中Pipo说的话及“Joe walked away sadly.”可知,Pipo拒绝了Joe帮他筹集 到的钱。由此可推测出,decline意为“拒绝”。 34.答案A。细节理解题。由最后一段第五句“To the joy and surprise of his parents, Joe spent the whole evening


第7期参考答案 第1版 In Focus 1. They want to make it easier for working dogs to do their job. 2. 答案略。 Speed Reading 1. five 2. a very strong flavor 第2版 Reading Tasks TaskⅠ 1. played 2. play 3. playing 4. players 5. 体育活动 TaskⅡ 1-4 BDAC Task Ⅲ The passage tells us about a much-loved sport —basketball, including its history, inventor, rules and popularity. Task Ⅳ 1. was played 2. became 3. was invented 4. admire 5. are encouraged Task Ⅴ 1. It is believed that eating too much sweet food is bad for the teeth. 2. 1)She can not only play the piano, but (also) write music / but she can also write music. 2)Not only you but (also) she has to give a talk. Grammar Ⅰ. 1-5 CDDCA Ⅱ. 1. All the cookies were eaten by the children. 2. The factory wasn't sold by them. 3. Was the breakfast cooked by Sally? 4. When did you fix up the house? 5. Did robots make these cars? 第3版 Section A Ⅰ. 1. smells 2. remained 3. national 4. style 5. boiled 6. website 7. rulers 8. pioneers 9. mentioned 10. listed Ⅱ. 1. in our daily / everyday lives 2. took place 3. Without doubt 4. by accident 5. have a point Grammar Focus Ⅰ. 1. The fish was eaten 2. wasn't made 3. was woken up 4. were put up (on the wall) 5. was told not to eat / have sweet food Ⅱ. 1. Was the song sung 2. When was Australia discovered


2018—2019学年(上)九年级广州第9期Unit 3单元综合能力检测题 答案解析 一、语法选择 1.答案B。本题考查冠词。此处表示“一个初秋”,且 early为元音音素开头,故填an。 2.答案D。本题考查副词。修饰动词handed要用副词, 且此处表示“粗心地”,故填carelessly。 3.答案B。本题考查形容词比较级。由句中的“than” 可知此处应用形容词比较级,故填larger。 4.答案A。本题考查词性及词义辨析。由句子结构可知 此处应填形容词,且此处表示“无法呼吸”,故填unable。 5.答案D。本题考查被动语态。由句中的“by”可知此 处应用被动语态,且此处讲述的是过去发生的事情,故填was made。 6.答案A。本题考查人称代词。动词后用宾格,故填 me。 7.答案D。本题考查介词。表示“脱掉”用短语take off, 故填off。 8.答案C。本题考查连词。and表并列。句意:我穿上 自己的背心然后冲出家门。 9.答案A。本题考查情态动词后接动词原形的用法。故 填stop。 10.答案B。本题考查时态。此处讲述的是过去发生的事 情应用一般过去时,故填shared。 11.答案C。本题考查介词后接动词-ing形式的用法。故 填saying。 12.答案B。本题考查when引导的时间状语从句。when 意为“当……的时候”。句意:后来当母亲告诉我父 亲的反应时,我为自己的行为感到惭愧。 13.答案D。本题考查词性辨析。gentle是形容词,后应 跟名词,故填kindness。 14.答案C。本题考查句型“decide not to do sth”,意为“决 定不做某事”,故填to let。 15.答案B。本题考查时态。由句中的“always”可知此 处应用一般现在时,且主语it为第三人称单数,故填 reminds。 二、完形填空 16.答案C。由下文内容可知,文章讲的是学校和家长如 何帮助孩子开发他们的创造力,故填develop。 17.答案D。由下文中的“tape”可知,胶带很结实,可 以把一些东西黏在一起,故填strong。 18.答案A。由上文讲述老板告诉Drew不要再考虑这个 想法了,但是他没有停止思考,最终制造出了胶带,可知该公司从自己犯的错误中得到了教训,即不应忽 视创造力的重要性,故填mistake。 19.答案C。由后半句中的“thinking about and developing new ideas”可知,公司要求员工花15%的工作时间思 考和阐释新想法,故填spend。 20.答案B。由上文中的“uses it creatively”可知,创造 力是用你的智慧去思考一些对某些事物有益的新想 法,故填using。21.答案B。由前半句讲述一些教师只想提高学生的读写 能力和数学能力可知,学生为了正确的答案不得不放 弃创造力,故填give up。 22.答案D。由上一句中的“correct answers”可知,这些 学校的孩子能够给出正确的答案,但是不能运用这些 答案去解决问题,故填answers。 23.答案C。由前半句讲述孩子应该学会做决定可知,他 们还要了解所做的决定会带来的结果,故填results。24.答案C。由上下文可知,做决策能够帮助锻炼思维能 力,故填thinking。 25.答案A。根据语境可知,给孩子做选择是很重要的, 随着年龄的增长,父母应该让孩子决定怎样分配时间、怎样花钱,有时候或许事与愿违,孩子会因此度过一 段艰难的时间,但这没关系。故填hard。 三、阅读 第一节阅读理解 A 【语篇解读】本文是Jenny写给父亲的一封信,表达了她对父亲深深的爱。 26.答案B。细节理解题。由第一段第一句“Today I was at the shopping centre …”可知,Jenny今天去了购物中 心。 27.答案C。细节理解题。由第二段第一句“… I will have had 56 Father’s Days together.”可知,Jenny今年56 岁。 28.答案C。指代关系题。由划线词前半句中的“I didn’t realize at once that it was you”可知,此处的“the man” 指代的是Jenny的父亲。 29.答案D。细节推理题。由第三段的描述可知,Jenny 并不喜欢萝卜,但是她喜欢和父亲一起种萝卜。由此 可推断出Jenny想和她父亲待在一起。 30.答案A。段落大意题。由最后一段的描述可知,Jenny 在谈论对父亲深深的爱。 B 【语篇解读】本文主要讲述了Andy在去上学的路上被突如其来的一群蜜蜂围攻,在慌乱的同时他不失镇静,成功地避开了被袭击的危险。 31.答案D。细节理解题。由第一段第一句“… day-dreaming about the fishing trip that his father had promised him.”可知,Andy全神贯注地在想钓鱼之旅,所以没有及早发现成群的蜜蜂。 32.答案C。细节理解题。由第三段第四、五句“Last time a sting had put him in hospital. And that was only one bee sting!”可知,Andy上次被送进医院是被一只蜜蜂 叮了,而不是成群的蜜蜂。 33.答案B。词义猜测题。由划线词下一句“Stay calm, use your brain and think your way out of it.”可知,遇到危 险时要保持镇静,不要恐慌。由此可推测出,panic 意为“恐慌”。



英语周报答案九年级 【篇一:英语周报九年级31期】 分) ii.情景反应,选择你所听到的正确应答语。句子听两遍。(5分)()6. a. good morning. b. good afternoon. ()7. a. nice to see you. c. good evening.b. nice to meet you.c. hello. c. it′s a bag. ()8. a. what′s this? b.this is a be d. ()9. a. what′s your name? b. hello, i′m amy. c. good. ()10. a. good moning. b.good afternoon. c.good evening. iii.听对话或短文,选出最佳选项。对话或短文听两遍。(10分) 听第一段材料,回答第11-13题。 ()11.what are the boys looking for? a. the football. b.the baseball. c.the basketball. ()12.what color is it? a.its brown b.its black. c.its yellow. ()13.what is on th e ball? a.class one. b. class three c. class two. 听第2段材料,回答第14-16题。 ()14.what are they talking about?

a. a book. b. a ruler. c.a notebook. ()15.whose notebook is it? a. its tinas. b.its the teachers. c. it s sophias ()16.what is the teachers name? a.li na. b.tina. c.sophia. 听第3段材料,回答第17-20题。 ()17.how old is bill? a.he is 20. b. he is 26. c.he is 16. ()18.where is linda from? a. beijing. b.london. c.new york. ()19.what is linda learning? a.she is learning chinese. b.she is learning english. c.she is learning french. ()20.does linda go to lunch with bill? a. yes, she does. b. no, she doesnt. c.yes, he does. 笔试部分(100分) i.单项选择(20分) ()1. ---_______she ______at six every day? ---no, s he doesn′t. a. does, get up b. does, gets up c. is, get up d. is, getting up ()2. --- look! what is the boy doing? --- he _______table tennis.


Unit6 Healthy diet 基础训练(一) 一语法选择 I went on a business trip to the UK last month ,and I went to a British restaurant after work . When I looked at the menu ,I knew I was 1 trouble ‘pigs in blanket’’.I didn’t know 2 I should order ,but I was too shy 3 the waiter to explain the menu to me ,so I just picked dishes with interesting names .There was a dish 4 ‘pigs in blankets’’. 5 interesting name!I like meat so I ordered this .And I chose black pudding for dessert. You can’t imagine how 6 I was when I actually saw the dishes .‘pigs in blankets’’ were pork sausages with bacon.While I 7 the sausages ,I thought about the pudding and hoped that it would be nice and sweet . However ,the waiter brought me 8 sausages .I thought they had brought me the wrong food ,but the waiter told me that black pudding was not actually a dessert ,but 9 kind of sausage made from pig’s blood and fat .10 was difficult to eat all the sausages . 1,A .in B .at C .on D.of 2A.how B.what C.that D.why 3,A ask B asking C to ask D asked 4.A call B calls C calling D called 5.A What a B What an C How D How an 6.A surprise B surprised C surprising D surprisingly 7.A eat B ate C am eating D was eating 8.A much B many C more D most 9.A another B other C others D the others 10.A It B That C This D Its 二完型填空 You feel tired and you have no energy. You can’t breathe out of your nose and your throat hurts. Don’t be afraid——you have probably just got a 11 . E very year, many kids experience this sick feeling. Some kids have up to eight colds every year. So, what 12 is a cold? Well, a cold is an infection (传染病). It affects (影响) your nose, eyes and throat and makes you feel sick and weak. It’s very13 to catch a cold. When someone sneezes or coughs near you, bacteria(细菌)travel through the air and 14 your body and then make you sick. Some of the symptoms (症状)of a cold 15 a fever , a sore throat and a cough .if you sneeze , you’ve probably got a cold .most people who have got a cold feel very ti red and don’t have much 16 to do anything . A cold is not a pleasant thing to experience . .However, there are some things you can do to feel 17 .You should have hot drinks if you’ve got a sore throat and cough. You should eat healthy foods and get a lot of rest so your body can be strong enough


《英语周报》九年级牛津综合复习参考答案第1版 《事事关心》 1. Seven. 2. Because they wanted to play outside. 第3版 Unit 1专项训练参考答案 【词汇】 一、1. solve 2. mistake 3. brave 4. doubt 5. truth 二、1. golden 2. certain 3. agreement 4. less 5. real 三、1. seems 2. metals 3. correct / right 4. hit 5. bowl 【短语】 一、1. weren’t happy with 2. filled, with 3. ran over 4. was sent to prison 5. make sure 二、1. took part in 2. pay attention to 3. is made of 4. Watch out 5. According to 【句型】 1. What useful 2. how to 3. one of the best 4. fast enough to 5. as soon as I can 6. can he 7. How will 8. How often 9. shall we 10. does he 【语法】

一、1. doesn’t she / Yes, she does. 2. has it / Yes, it has. 3. didn’t it / Yes, it did. 4. could she / No, she couldn’t. 5. won’t it / Yes, it will. 二、1-5 CBDCC 6-10 BCACA 【情景反应】 1-5 DABEC 第4~5版 Unit 1单元测试参考答案 一、1-5 CDAAB 6-10 ADBAA 11-15 ACBAD 二、16-20 DBCAD 21-25 BACBA 三、第一节26-30 DBCAC 31-35 DCBBA 36-40 DADDA 第二节41-45 EACDB 四、第一节46. prison 47. solve 48. doubts 49. correct 50. mistake 第二节51. was sent to prison 52. ran over 53. asked me for help 54. when to go to 55. is sure / certain that 第三节One possible version: Swine Flu was once serious in some parts of the world. But luckily we tried our best to stop it. What shall we do to keep us from Swine Flu? I think we should often wash our hands carefully, before meals or after going out. Remember to open the windows to keep the air fresh. Do exercise every day in order to take care of our personal health. We should have enough healthy food and drinks and take a good rest ev ery day. If we can do these, I think we won’t get Swine Flu. 第6版


U6基础训练(二) 一、语法选择。 “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”It’s really a good idea.___1__you want to save your money and buy better fruit, here is some information for you choose. You can get __2___balanced healthy diet from it. Here is an order the best, cheapest fruits that you can get your vitaminsfrom. Watermelons are the biggest and ___3___ fruit .The following are plums, oranges, apples, strawberries, cantaloupes ,grapes, bananas and kiwis. Peaches are the last one. So if you want to spend only a little money ___4___ fruit, go with watermelons and plums. Oranges get the most nutrition ___5___ a little money. A little fat person should __6___ more apples. It can help him become thinner. Old people should eat more strawberries. Everyone knows ____7____ nuts are great sources of vitamins, but their order are too low on this list_____8__ they’re much too expensive. This order ___9____ both low price and enough nutrition. I’d like to say,__10___ is not enough to just buy the cheapest fruit .When we try to buy the cheapest fruit, we also need to think about the best nutrition. Do you agree with me? ( )1. A. When B. Though C. Because D. If ( )2. A. a B. an C. the D./ ( )3. A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D. the cheapest ( )4. A. in B. on C. at D. into ( )5. A. with. B. in C. by D. from ( )6. A. eating B. to eat C. ate D. eat ( )7. A. why B. that C. what D. when ( )8. A. because B. because of C. while D. so ( )9. A. mean B. meant C. means D. is meaning ( )10. A. that B. this C. it D. which 二、完型填空。 Today, weight problems, heart trouble and many forms of cancer are becoming more common . It’s because of unhealthy__11___, Everywhere, people are thinking about how they can eat___12___. There are many different answers to this question, Some people think that sugar is __13___ to your health. Others say that sugar is the best source of energy. It is difficult to say who is right. Most doctors ___14___on one thing, however: you need a__15____ diet to stay healthy. A balanced diet means eating different foods from each of the five good groups:grains,vegetables,___16___ milk products and meat. Doctors warn that a lack of certain kinds of foods is dangerous. Your body cannot __17__ properly. Doctors say, for example, if people eat lots of food such as cheeseburgers and butter, they are likely to become__18__. This may increase the risk of a heart attack. So, you should do some research on the right things to eat and the right amount to eat. It can help you__19___ your body better. If you learn how to balance your diet properly, you will have a healthier___20___.


2018—2019学年(上)九年级广州第16期Unit 5单元综合能力检测题 答案解析 一、语法选择 1.答案D。本题考查时态。if引导的从句用了一般现在 时,根据“主将从现”原则,主句用一般将来时,故填will love。 2.答案B。本题考查副词。修饰形容词helpful要用副词, 故填really。 3.答案C。本题考查“be interested in”,意为“对…… 感兴趣”,故填interested。 4.答案A。本题考查介词。表示“在某方面给建议”用 介词on,故填on。 5.答案A。本题考查情态动词辨析。can意为“可以”。 句意:孩子们也可以学习到有关他们正在画的东西的三至四个有趣的事实。 6.答案D。本题考查宾语从句的引导词。空格处引导的 是宾语从句,且这个从句缺少draw的宾语,表示内容,故填what。 7.答案C。本题考查人称代词。动词后的人称代词做宾 语要用宾格,故填them。 8.答案D。本题考查副词辨析。此处位于肯定句句末, 故填too。 9.答案C。本题考查不定式to do表目的的用法,意为 “为了”,故填to learn。 10.答案A。本题考查不定代词辨析。此处指“博物馆中 的另一位专家”,表示“众多数目中的另一个”,应填another。 11.答案B。本题考查介词后接动词-ing形式的用法,故 填watching。 12.答案C。本题考查数词。millions of意为“数以百万 计的”。 13.答案D。本题考查被动语态。由句中的by可知此处 应用被动语态,故填be impressed。 14.答案A。本题考查时态。根据语境可知此处应用一般 现在时,且主语Mark是第三人称,故填gives。15.答案B。本题考查冠词。此处表示“一位艺术家”,且 artist为元音音素开头,故填an。 二、完形填空 16.答案B。由后半句中的“film the sunset for him”可 知,导演派摄影组出去拍摄日落,故填camera。17.答案A。由后半句中的“but the sunset is in the west” 可知,摄影工作人员在东边,故填east。 18.答案B。由上文讲述由于摄影工作人员在东边,无法 拍摄到日落可知,他们必须想出一个方法解决这个问题,故填think of。 19.答案A。根据语境可知,把日出的片子倒放,它看起 来将会像日落,故填look。 20.答案D。由下一句讲述导演派工作人员第二天去拍摄 日出可知,导演认为这是一个好主意,故填good。21.答案D。由后半句讲述工作人员尽力拍摄出明亮的日 出可知,他们很早出发,故填early。22.答案C。根据语境可知,导演拿到日出的片子后很高 兴,故填pleased。 23.答案C。根据语境可知,导演把日出的片子倒放以便 能够看到日落,故填see。 24.答案B。由前半句中的“the director suddenly put his face in his hands”可知,导演让摄影工作人员停了下来,故填stop。 25.答案A。根据语境可知,把日出的片子倒放,海浪从 海滩上退了回去,故填beach。 三、阅读 第一节阅读理解 A 【语篇解读】本文是一篇寓言故事。两只羊在一条狭窄的山路上互相合作,安全地通过了山路;但是另外两只羊在狭窄的桥上互不相让,最后都掉入了河里。作者借此告诫我们:要懂得在适当的时候让步。 26.答案C。细节理解题。由第二段的内容可知,一只羊 躺下来让另一只羊先从它身上走过去。 27.答案A。细节理解题。由第四段第二句“A tree had fallen across the river, and became a bridge from one side to the other.”可知,这座桥是由一棵倒下的树形成的。 28.答案A。细节理解题。由第七段中的“They then began to push and fight with their horns”可知,两只羊在桥中间遇见的时候,互相推打了起来。 29.答案B。词义猜测题。由划线词的后半句“and both the goats fell into the running river”可知,两只羊都掉进了河里。由此可推测出,它们脚底打滑,所以slipped 意为“打滑”。 30.答案C。推理判断题。由最后一段及全文内容可知, 我们应该在适当的时候给别人让路。 B 【语篇解读】本文主要讲述了奥斯卡金像奖的历史由来及其颁奖典礼。 31.答案C。细节理解题。由第一段最后一句“This is a nickname given to the awards by a lady called Margaret Herrick.”可知,奥斯卡是一位叫玛格丽特·赫里奇给这个奖项起的昵称。 32.答案C。细节理解题。由第二段最后一句“Gwyneth Paltrow, the star of Shakespeare in Love won the Oscar for Best Actress”可知,Gwyneth Paltrow获得奥斯卡最佳女演员奖。 33.答案D。细节理解题。由最后一段第二句“Once more, the stars will dress up in their finest and go to Dolby Theatre.”可知,奥斯卡颁奖典礼在杜比剧院举行。 34.答案A。细节理解题。由最后一段倒数第二句“Millions of people watch the ceremony every year to find out who the winners are.”可知,数以百万计的人观看奥斯卡颁奖典礼是为了看谁是获奖者。


英语周报九年级答案 【篇一:2014-2015年九年级英语周报文本u1-7 文档】 语填空通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的a、b、c 三个选项中选出最佳答案。(共10小题,计10分) that they were thankful (感谢)for. people the holiday with turkey and other ,however, peter drew a kind of picture. he drew a hand. the other studentswere all very interested in the picture. whose hand could it be? one child thought it was the hand of god … the discussion went on until mrs. white almost during the break, mrs. white went to peter?俯身)down and asked and said, “it?s yours, mrs. white.” peter?s h is pencil. peter was very thankful to his teacher. ()36. a. relatives b. students c. volunteers ()37. a. spread b. needed c. celebrated ()38. a. about b. across c. against ()39. a. good b. wrongc. different ()40. a. turkeys b. pigs c. cows ()41. a. catch b. punish c. protect ()42. a. admired b. forgot c. found ()43. a. desk b. house c. school ()44. a. ended up b. looked upc. dressed up ()45. a. reminded b. thought c. stole 第二节摘录要点阅读下面的 材料,然后在表格中完成内容摘要,每空不超过3个单词。 the mid-autumn festival is on the 15th day of the eighth month in the chinese calendar. it’s a time for eating mooncakes and admiring the moon. mooncakes are traditional food. they are small cakes filled with things such as nuts, sugar and yolk (蛋黄).the round shape of the mooncake is a symbol of family reunion (团聚). just as western people go back home at christmas and thanksgiving, families also try to get together for the mid-autumn festival in china. they get together and enjoy a big dinner. they sit around a table,talking and eating. later, they eat mooncakes and fruits and admire the bright and


英语周报34期答案 英语周报34期答案 【篇一:英语周报高二第一学期2-4期答案】 ass=txt>book 5 unit 1 听力材料、参考答案及部分解析 (text 1) m: mary, would you like to go to a movie with me toni ght? w: i wish i could, joe. but my boss is treating us to dinner toni ght. (text 2) w: you will have to wait for two hours, that is, un til about 11:30, whe n the medical report will come back. m: tha nk you, doctor hawk ins. (text 3) m: rebecca, look at this! i got a d in math this term! w: i ' m sorry, freddie. but ... um ... frankly speaking, if you weren ' t such a party animal, you ' d have more time for studying.

m: i guess i should spe nd less time party ing. (text 4) m: how is your new job, yvonne? w: you know, this job is tough! i have to get up early every morning, and every wed nesday after- noon i have in-service trai ning. m: is the trai ning that tough? trai ning is n ecessary for new employees like you. -five job.
