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形合与意合 (Hypotactic vs. Paratactic)? 形合(Hypotactic)句中的词语或分句之间用语言形式手段连接起来,表达语法意义和逻辑关系。

The dependent or subordinate construction or relationship of clauses with connectives. (The American Heritage Dictionary) Example: I shall despair if you don’t come.? 意合(Paratactic)词语或分句之间不用语言形式手段连接,句中的语法意义和逻辑关系通过词语或分句的含义表达。

The arranging of clauses one after the other without connectives showing the relation between them. (The World Book Dictionary) Example: 大雨倾盆,河水泛滥,冲毁了很多民房。

---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 英语的形合法英语造句多用各种形式手段连接,注重显性接应(overt cohesion),重形式,重结构。


1. 关系词和连接词关系词:who, whom, whose, that, which, what, when, where, why etc. 连接主从句。

连接词:and, or, but, because, so, however, as well as, either…or…, as, since, until, unless, so…that…etc. 连接词、词组、分句或状语从句。

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英语的形合法 All was cleared up some time later when news came from a distant place that an earthquake was felt the very day the little copper ball fall. 过了一些时候,从远方传来了消息:在小铜球坠落的当天,确实发生了地震。


When I try to understand what it is that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect, it seems to me that there are two causes, of which one goes much deeper than the other. 为什么如此众多的美国人不能如人们想像中的那般幸福呢?我在思考这个问题时认为原因有二,这两者之间又有深浅之分。

---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 英语的形合法2. 介词简单介词:with, to, above, over, in, of, about etc. 合成介词:inside, onto, upon, within, without, throughout etc. 成语介词:according to/in accordance with, along with, because of, onbehalf of etc.“A preposition may be defined as a connecting word showing the relation of a noun or substitute for a noun to some other word in the sentence … Prepositions appear constantly in English speech and writing. … Over ninety percent of preposition usage involves these nine prepositions: with, to, from, at , in, of, by, for and on.”

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英语的形合法? The many colours of a rainbow range from red on the outside to violet on the inside. 彩虹有多种颜色,外圈红,内圈紫。

? Change of information, if any, concerning the contents of this section will be in the appendix at the end of this book. 本节内容如有改变,均见书末附录。

? The present onslaught of vehicles poses a serious threat to urban life and pedestrian peace of mind. 现如今车辆横冲直撞,严重威胁着城市生活,路上行人无不提心吊胆。
