Apple Inc

Apple Inc
Apple Inc

Apple Inc.


(Introduction paragraph )

In recent years,apple products come into people’s horizons,such as Iphone Ipad and so on. At the same time ,we image that it must be an extraordinary company for its products leading the latest technology and fashion .Apple Inc. is indeed excellent as we thought . Apple Inc is an American multinational corporation which was founded by Steve jobs,Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne on April 1976 and went to the public on December 12 1980 at$22 per share ,generating more capital than any IPO and creating more millionaires than any company in its history .I want to introduce Apple Inc. from three aspects:its history,its products and factors to its success

(Body paragraph 1: About its history)

Any success can’t be achieved during a short duration of time,so the Apple’s success is. After established ,Apple Inc. experienced its tough period. In 1983, Apple Lisa became the first personal computer sold to the public with a GUI, but was a commercial failure due to its high price tag and limited software titles.In 1985 Jobs resigned from Apple and founded NeXT Inc. In 1990 Apple believed the Apple II series was too expensive to produce and took away sales from the low-end Macintosh.

Enormous resources were also invested in the problem-plagued Newton division based on John Sculley's unrealistic market forecast .Ultimately, none of these products helped and Apple's market share and stock prices continued to slide.Until the year 1997 ,Steve Job’s Next Inc. Company acquired by Apple and he returned to Apple as chairman ,Apple shared its brilliant stage .

(Body paragraph 2: About its products)

Apple products not only extremely innovative, and still can organic integration between different products. Also it’s products have beautiful sexy out looking .Apple Inc.designs, develops, and sells consumer electronics, computer software, online services, and personal computers.Both its software and hardware work excellently .Apple store ,one of its online service ,also is a innovation.In the past , many vendors do not have enough importance to apple products. Job created the apple store. Now apple stores become one of the best in the field.

(Body paragraph 3: About factors to its success)

Apple shares hit a new high and its Market value rank first in the world Whether it’s iPods, iPhones or iPads, they have become a part of daily life for people around the world. Its success dependent on many factors. Firstly the special corporate culture: to think differently. The core idea makes Apple’s products innovation and let company start creative

solution to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles ; Secondly, Apple has always been the way telling what customers need.before they know what they want ; Thirdly,Jobs can always give people the feeling, not user to buy apple products itself, but the symbolic products. such a product to users have different meaning.

(Conclusion paragraph )

Above all is my introduction of Apple three aspects:its history,its products and factors to its success.I want you to have a comprehensive knowing about Apple Inc.from the introduce of its hard history .I want you to know Apple’s products systematically from the introduce of its product.I want you could benefit from the analysis of apple’s success and start to think differently!We can also make our life a wonderful success by our hardworking!


关于工作总结ppt 篇一:年终总结报告PPT如何制作 年终总结报告PPT如何制作 XX-1-15 19:56 阅读(3656) 一眨眼就到年底了,真的时间好快啊,年初的很多情景还历历在目,如今已经到了年关了。有人说:年纪越大,越会感慨时间快。如果这样判定,必须承认我真的老了。呵呵,年终什么事情一般公司都会有?那就是铺天盖地的总结报告啊,述职报告啊……搞得职场同志们“哭天喊地、哭声震天”! 为了解救苦海中的朋友们,今天Lonely Fish就给大家简单地剖析一下年终总结报告PPT的撰写技巧,如果你掌握了相关的技巧,我觉得我觉得你应该不会觉得年终总结那么得痛苦不堪。 我观察过很多朋友写年终总结,最近还有好几个朋友让我给他们的年终总结出出主意,我觉得大家对年终总结报告PPT认识上可能还是不是非常清晰,感觉这个事情是个累赘:一是没思路,不知道写什么,尤其对刚刚进入职场的菜鸟来说,这绝对是个大问题;二是不想做,但是逃又逃不掉,这是很令人崩溃的事情。这就好比你很烦新闻联播,但是每到7点,看的很多台都是新闻联播……

撰写年终总结PPT大致分三个步骤(TDR三部曲): 第一步:确定大纲(Think) 第二步:优化PPT(Design) 第三步:练习演讲(Rehearse) 下面我就简要说一下这三个步骤。 第一步:确定大纲(Think) 篇二:工作总结PPT怎么写 篇一:工作总结ppt包括内容 工作总结ppt应该包括哪些内容 1.基本情况 这是对自身情况和形势背景的简略介绍。自身情况包括单位名称、工作性质、基本建制、人员数量、主要工作任务等;形势背景包括国内外形势、有关政策、指导思想等。 2.成绩和做法 工作取得了哪些主要成绩,采取了哪些方法、措施,收到了什么效果等,这些是工作的主要内容,需要较多事实和数据。 3.经验和教训 通过对实践过程进行认真的分析,找出经验教训,发现规律性的东西,使感性认识上升到理性认识。 4.今后打算
