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Places to Visit



Wenshu District

文殊坊,川西传统民居形式建成的特色首席商业院落,它是历史价值、文化价值和商业价值的共同载体。它以禅文化、民俗文化为主题,以川西街院建筑为载体,充分体现老成都人文历史精髓。凭借其深厚的自然景观与人文底蕴彻底颠覆传统的商业街形态,成为体验商业时代发展的一个前沿性创造--院落商街。Wenshu District, a commercial courtyard built in the Traditional Folk Houses of West Sichuan Area, is an embodiment of history, culture and commerce. Combined with its themes of Buddhist and folk cultures, it fully presents us with the humanistic and historical essence of old Chengdu. What's more with its natural beauty and deep cultural load, this combination of modern Commercial Street with the traditional courtyard, completely overturned the conventional form of Commercial Street.


The whole district consists of the Old Chengdu Club and the Chengdu Temple Street. The former covers an area of 7, 460 square meters and still remains the wooden architectures of the late Qing dynasty but the redecoration and reconstruction work have rendered the wooden pillars and beams inside much stronger. The Chengdu Temple Street, just a stone’s throw away from the Club, is also composed of traditional old buildings. The street is engaged in tourism related exquisite antiques, folk cultural products, food & leisure and a taste of the old Chengdu.


Kuan & Zhai Alley


Being in the list of Chengdu Historical and Cultural Protection Project, Kuan & Zhai Alley historical & cultural district consists of Kuan Lane, Zhai Lane and Jing Lane, which are in parallel arrays running from east to west with a group of quadrangles. It is one of the three major historical

& cultural conservation areas in Chengdu, it is not only the last relic of the city pattern of "thousand-year-old young city" and the one-hundred-year original architectural structure of old Chengdu, but also the only existing copy in southern China from the lane (Hutong) culture and architectural style of northern China. According to the plan, the control area is 479mu (1mu=1/15 hectare), in which the kernel conservation area covers 108mu.


At present, the ancient walls, aged bricks and old gates here are much stronger than before after the reconstruction. Moreover, the combination of business and culture has become the most leisurely, fashionable and unique courtyard consumption experiencing area.





Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding


The Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding (hereafter Chengdu Panda Base) is a non-profit organization engaged in wildlife research, captive breeding, conservation education, and educational tourism. The Chengdu Panda Base covers an area of 200 hectares; Red pandas, peacock, Black-necked Crane, swan, golden monkeys and other wild and/or endangered species live and breed here.

成都熊猫基地建立于1987年。截止目前为止,成都熊猫基地以建立初期从野外抢救的6只病、饿大熊猫为基础,已成功地使大熊猫圈养种群数量增加到一百多只。我们通过与其它单位交换保存的遗传材料,保持了种群的遗传多样性。值得骄傲的是:二十年来,我们没有从野外捕捉过一只熊猫。这体现了我们在野外就地保护和圈养迁地大熊猫种群数量健康增长方面特有的责任和坚定的信念。The Chengdu Panda Base was founded in 1987, with six giant pandas rescued from the wild. Today our captive population has increased to over a hundred individuals from that founding population of only six. Genetic diversity in the population is sustained by the exchange of preserved genetic material with other facilities. We are very proud that we have not taken any giant pandas from the wild for 20 years. This demonstrates our unique and uncompromising commitment to the conservation of the wild (in situ) population and the healthy growth of the captive (ex situ) population.
