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Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?

第三课时Section A Grammar Focus-3c 教案

Teaching goals:

一功能:Review the simple past tense。

二词汇和常用表达:学习复合不定代词someone/body anyone/body no one nobody everyone/body something anything nothing everything 的用法。


Teaching and learning steps

Step 1 Lead in

Can you write down the past forms of the verbs.


2. study_______








Write down some phrases about vacation activities using the past forms of the verbs.

T: When you were on vacation , you would go somewhere or do something interesting .

Now , let’s talk about it .You can talk with your partner like this:

A: Where did you go on vacation ?


A: Did you…?


设计意图: 由动词的过去式入手,引出假期活动的短语,并通过对话的训练,让学生复习并掌握对过去事情问答基本句型结构,并灵活运用于与他人进行交流。

Then what about your last vacation .

First make a sentence with the picture. Then contact the sentences into an article.


Step2. Presentation and cooperation

To give Ss the opportunity to use the target language in a controlled manner. Show the indefinite pronouns forms and read them out . Work in groups and find out the regularity, then ask several students to show their group’s answers.

At last, ask someone to sum up how to use the indefinite pronouns. Then make sentences with the words in the circle. Find out the best group.


Step3 practice.1

There is a conversation between Linda and Alice in 3a.Let’s read and fill in the

blanks with the correct words in the box .

Then ask two students to read the conversation with the indefinite pronouns. Pay

attention to the pronunciation and correct them .

Explain the importance and difficulties.

设计意图:通过练习单句,学生已基本了解复合不定代词的各种用法,把他们怎么运用到具体语境中,因此,通过3a 对话的练习,即巩固了不定代词的实战演练,又培养学生练习对话的能力.找几组学生分角色读对话,并发现难点和易错点. 集体解决.

Step4 practice 2

T: Well, just now we have completed 3a and learned about indefinite pronounces, such

as everything ,nothing ,anything ,Now complete the email in 3b with the words in

the box.

Check the answers in groups , and discuss the difficulties .If they have questions , the

teacher can ask another group to solve. If necessary, the teacher should help them.

Read 3a and try to retell it in their own words.

设计意图:由词到句,到3a对话,再到3b的电子邮件,有易到难,循序渐进的进行训练,让学生落实了复合不定代词的用法,也复习了email 的写法。对知识进一步巩固。Step5 practice3 and make a survey.

Say an indefinite pronoun as quickly as one can ,another student make a sentence with it, then do it like this one by one to use the language in an uncontrolled manner. Work in groups and tell the class your results. Write them down in your exercise books.

Report like this :In our group, everyone ate something delicious in the restaurants. No one reads anything interesting. Lily visits his grandparents in the town. Everyone buys something interesting, and Lily keeps a diary.


Step6 summary

Sum up the use of indefinite pronouns.



—, No one seemed to be bored.

seem可用作系动词或不及物动词,意思是“”其常见的用法有1.主语+seem +(to be)+表语(表语多为形容词和名词)


You very happy.


The man over there a new teacher .
