


Topic 3 Which sport will you take part in ?

Section B


一. Teaching aims and demands:

1.Go on learning the usage of “will”.

2.“shall” express intention and future .

二. Teaching important and difficult points :

1.The usage of “shall”.

2.Some important expressions in English.

三. Teaching tools:

Recorder , Pictures

四. Teaching methods :

A . play games B. Ask and answer C. Practice

五. Teaching procedure:

Step1 Review

1.Greetings .

2.Talk about students’ favorite sports and players .

3.Review the usage of “will”.

a.Ask and answer

Q1: Which sport will Michael take part in ?

Q2:How about Yu Ting \Ann \Miss Wang ?

b.Translate sentences to review〝will〞and


Step2 Presentation

1.T:There is going to be a school sports meet tomorrow,Kangkang

wants Michael to go together ,so he calls Michael……Listen to the tape and answer the follow questions :

a.What will they take for the school sports meet ?

b.Will Michael take a camera?

2.Follow the tape then check the answers .

3.Read 1a again .Finish 1b then check the answers .

4.Explain the important words and sentences .

(1)Review the expressions of making telephone calls.

(2)Review “There is going to\will be”.

(3)“Shall”express intention and future.

e.g.(a)At this time next month, I shall be in England.

(b)Shall we go hiking this Sunday?

(c)Shall I take photos with you?

(d)We shan’t go there tomorrow.(shan’t= shall not)

(4)Explain “make”.

Step3 Consolidation

1.Read the dialoge loudly pay attention to the pronunciation

and intonation .(games :loud and low voice)

2.Practice between boys and girls.

Step4 Practice

1.Practice in pairs .

2.According to the message blow .Act it out .

3.Finish 1c in groups .

Step5 Summarize and Homework

1.Summarize we learned in this lesson.


a.Practice 1a after class.

b.Finish off the exersice on workbooks.

Blackboard writing design:

Topic3 Which sport will you take part in ?

Section B


入门英语公开课教案 【篇一:英语公开课教案】 剑桥英语公开课教案 教学课题:剑桥儿童英语启蒙unit 1 教学目的:让学生掌握字母a,b,c,的读法及写法,以及了解对应的 单词;熟练 掌握见面问好及分手时的礼貌问候语。 教学内容: good morning,boys and girls! 早上好,同学们! 首先欢迎同学们 来上今天的公开课。在这里呢,请允许我做一个简单的自我介绍, 我叫雷梦园,不过呢,我们现在是英语课堂上,所以我们都要用英 文名,我的英文名就叫mary,大家以后可以直接叫我mary!现在 大家看我手上拿的是什么?对,这些漂亮的贴纸就是给表现好,遵 守纪律的同学的奖励,等你们集齐了一定的数量就能兑换到精美的 文具,看看到最后大家谁换到的文具最多,谁就是表现最好的冠军!好,接下来,我要考一考大家了,谁会唱《字母歌》?好,很多同 学都会啊,那我们一起来唱一遍。“a b c d ??”。今天我们首先学习 字母“a”,a长得像一个金字塔,在黑板上写出a的笔画顺序,小朋 友们和老师一起用手写两遍“a”,在黑板上画一个蚂蚁的简笔画,让学生猜是什么动物,老师说这个蚂蚁的英文名叫“ant”,叫同学们一起做 字母操,一边念一边手写两遍“a”,两只手放在头上做蚂蚁的动作念道:“蚂蚁 ant 蚂蚁ant” 接下来我们玩一个叫大小声的游戏,我说大声,你们要说小声,我 说小声,你们要说大声。mary现在把大家分成红队和蓝队两个组, 看看那个组的反应更加迅速,表现更加好的组将获得一颗星星。让 我们看看哪个组能够获胜。(游戏后)嗯,大家的反应都很快! 我们学完了字母呢,接下来,mary要给大家讲个小故事。有一天,大家最讨厌的灰太狼先生假扮成羊,混入了羊群,他假装友善地和 喜羊羊美羊羊打招呼,他说:“hello!”,但是非常聪明的喜羊羊, 发现了灰太狼的尾巴和尖牙,于是他们说了句“bye bye”就马上逃走了。 在这个故事里,灰太狼也变洋气了,他也会说英文了。那么大家告 诉我,刚才灰太狼打招呼的时候说了句什么话呀?他说了句“hello!”


小学英语优秀教学设计(一) 时间:2010-12-22 09:49:02 来源:蓬莱南王中心小学作者:包晓晴 小学英语第五册(外研版) Module 8 School Unit 1 What time does school start? 蓬莱市南王中心小学包晓晴 一、教材分析 Module 8 Book 5 的主题是“School”,“ Unit 1 What time does school start?”的语言功能是描述学校生活;学习任务为“What time does school start? What time do you get up?” 二、学情分析 本课的教学对象是五年级学生,他们已经掌握了一定的英语词汇,具有一定的英语学习的积极性与主动性,具备了一定的英语语言运用能力,求知欲增强。因此,在新知识传授的同时,教师要尽可能多的为学生创造良好的语言环境,给学生充足的语言“习得”机会,让学生在学习中积极参与、大胆发言,从而形成积极的情感态度和自主学习的能力。 三、教学目标 (一)知识目标 1、能听懂、会说并认读下列单词:exercise, before, playground, skip, coffee, tea. 2、能听懂、会说并认读下列句子:What time does school start? My school starts at 9 o’clock. What time do you get up? I get up at half past seven. (二)能力目标 能口头运用“What time does school start?”这类语句询问发生的时间,并能口头运用“My school starts at 9 o’clock.”这类语句回答。 (三)情感目标 为学生创设轻松、愉悦、和谐的英语课堂学习氛围,使学生在学习中敢于开口说英语,并了解西方小学学校日常生活习惯,从而对英语学习产生更为浓厚的兴趣。 四、教学要点分析 (一)教学重点 1.单词:exercise, before, playground, skip, coffee, tea 的认读。 2.运用“What time … ?”来询问事情发生的时间。 (二)教学难点 能够在真实的语境中正确运用“What time … ?”询问事情发生的时间。 五、教学准备 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带、单词卡片、跳绳。 六、教学过程 Step 1 Warming-up 1. Chant:《I like coffee, I like tea.》(第二册中M3 U2 4) 教师一手拿coffee 一手拿tea的英语单词卡片示意学生一起拍手说Chant,并教授单词:coffee, tea。(教授单词时尽量提供一些学过的词汇,鼓励学生自己读出来,培养学生的拼读能力。) Step 2 Presentation 1. Leading-in. (1)课件出示学校的图片介绍说:This is our school. Do you read a book in your classroom? (2)课件出示学校学生跳绳和做操的照片


英语优质课教案 I.Teaching Material A Telephone Call A: May I speak to Jim, please? B: Sorry. He's not at home. A: Where is he now? B: He went to the bookshop. A: Would you please take a message? B: Sure. A: Tomorrow is Teachers' Day. We'll have a party at school. B: What time is the party? A: At three thirty in the afternoon. B: OK, I'll tell him when he's back. A: Thank you. II. Teaching Aims 1) Enable the students to make telephone calls in English and get them to know how to behave themselves on the telephone. 2) Raise the students' interest to learn English. 3) Encourage the students to have good cooperation with one another. III.Teaching contents 1 ) Patterns: May I speak to ...? Would you please take a message? 2) V ocabulary: message, party, take a message IV.teaching Aids Four toy telephones, a CD-ROM, a toy Santa Claus. V. Teaching procedures Step 1. Warming-up Exercise Sing the song "Greetings". Step 2. Presentation and Practice 1) Ask the students to look at the screen and listen to the talk between the teacher and the person in the screen. 2) After the talk, the teacher tells the students how to make a telephone call in English. Write the pattern "May I speak to...?"on the blackboard and teach them how to use it on the phone. 3) Using the four toy telephones, ask the students to make telephone calls in pairs with the following patterns: ---- May I speak to...? ---- Speaking. Those students who do not have toy telephones can use their pencil-boxes instead, or they can put their fingers to their ears as a sign to make phone calls. 4) Ask one student his/her name and his/her home telephone number, using the following sentences: Would you please 'tell me your name? Would you please tell me your home telephone number?


教案设计 和平校区:孟翠翠 2015.10.28 章节名称 九上Module3 Heroes Unit2.There were few doctors, so he had to work very hard on his own. 学时 2 hours 教材分析Module3以英雄为话题,培养学生爱英雄,学英雄,争做英雄的好品质,并以此发奋学习,做国家有用人才。本节课主要讲解unit2.以Norman Bethune的英雄事迹为主题,一方面在引导学生快速的抓住文章的主要信息,有效的提高阅读效率,增加阅读理解和完形填空的分数的同时,学习如何写人物传记;另一方面,通过本模块的学习,学生进一步学习because ,so,和so that引导的状语从句,同时掌握充足的语言实际运用的机会。学生可以围绕这一话题进行大量的听、说、读、写方面的语言实践活动,促使学生更自觉地学习英语。 学生分析本节课上课学生基础一般,一直在及格线左右徘徊。考试能知道文章的大致意思。但单词和语法点不能正确的运用,特别是完形填空,阅读理解和作文失分严重。九年级学生已经在八年级接触过so,because和so that,本节课重在知识点的区分运用和综合能力的提高。 教学目标Teaching Aims and Demands Knowledge objective(知识目标) 让学生学会本课的单词,重点是一些动词的用法。 2.让学生能在情景对话中运用所学知识。 Ability objective(语言点) 能够掌握并正确使用并列连词so,以及从属连词because,so that,能够全面的进行英雄人物的描写。 Emotion & attitude(情感与态度) 通过阅读人物传记,学习做人的道理:勇于担当,甘于奉献,体会做人的真谛。 教学重点Teaching Impo rtant points 重点词汇:operation,dying,wounded,treat,continue,realize,useful,manage 重点短语:die for,die of,on one’s own,the sick,save one’s life... 重点句型:He came to china to help the Chinese people and die for them . He soon realised that many people were dying because... ...and close to fighting areas so that doctors could treat the wounded... 教学难点 Teaching difficult points 掌握并运用because ,so,和so that 综合能力的提高:阅读和作文 重点难突破以介绍英雄白求恩为核心,把文章分成完形填空和任务型阅读两种,让学生反复体会词组的用法。 教学方法 Teaching Metho d 自主学习法,讲授法,任务型阅读法。信息技术应用视频,多媒体课件 教学过程


Teaching plan 一、Content: Unit 2,chapter 3 With my senses... 二、Knowledge aim: 1、The text of chapter 3 is talk about senses; 2、Understand and speak out the nine new words: Smell plan flower cow hear banana see cloud with 3、Study the new sentences: What can you do? I can smell a flower. I can hear a plane. I can see a cloud. 三、Teaching aim: 1、Aims on the knowledge: (1) To enable the students master the new words and new sentences. (2).To enable the students understand the meaning of new words and sentences, let students know how to read them. 2、Aims on the abilities (1) Let students can use the new words and sentences fluently and make sure that students can use them in everyday life. (2) Improve the students' abilities of listening and speaking; (3).Develop students' imaginations and build their interests of learning English. 四、Important point: 1、To enable the students understand and make sure they can read the new words and sentences. 五、Difficult points: 1、To help the students cooperation with each other and make sure they can use the new words and sentences correctly. 2、Help the students develop the interest of learning English. 六、Teaching aids: Multimedia, cards, stickers. 七、Teaching steps: Step 1 :Warm up. Let the students sing a song , ABC song to draw their attention to the class. Step 2:Review. Review the words they have learned before (eye nose ear) though a video, that can develop their interests and take them into the class. Step 3::Presentation. Words presentation :This step is very important in a class, I will use the multimedia to presentation,a beautiful picture with a flower, a cow, a plane and clouds. These are the new words of this chapter. And then I will take out the cards of new words to teach them. T: This is flower, follow me "flower", "f-l-o-w-e-r, flower". Every word will teach like this.


英语优质教案 【篇一:英语优质课教案】 ( 第2010—2012学年第二学期) 专业名称英语课程名称《whose fault》授课教师陈七灵学校洛阳市新安职高 二0一二年三月 授课主要内容或板书设计 课堂教学安排 【篇二:高中英语优质课全英教案】 introduce a place from module2 unit4 communication workshopi. teaching aims at the end of this lesson, students will 1. be very interested in writing an article to introduce a place. 2. be able to use suitable person, tense, layout, sentence structures and linking words to introduce a place . 3. be proud of our capital beijing and our hometown jiaozuo and love them. ii. teaching key points and difficult points 1. teacher leads students to understand and master the layout, sentence structures and linking words effectively. 2. teacher leads students to master the way to use advanced and various sentence structures. iii. teaching and learning methods process-focused writing approach, group work, cooperative learning. iv. teaching procedure 1. teacher arouses students’ interests by showing some photos of some famous cities in the world, and singing the song, “welcome to beijing”. 2. teacher shows the sample article of beijing to students. this article serves as language input before writing. 3. teacher asks students questions to lead them to understand and master the layout, sentence structures and linking words effectively. e.g. “how many paragraphs are there in the article?” answer: (1. introduction. 2. things to see. 3. things to do. 4. ending words.) “what factors are included in the first paragraph?”


全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案 -In a Fast-food Restaurant In a Fast-food Restaurant Waiter: Hello, can I help you? Mum: Yes. What would you like, Dick? Dick: I’d like a hamburger. Mum: Me, too. Waiter: Would you like something to drink? Mum: Oh, yes. Two glasses of orange juice, please. Dick: Mum, can I have an ice-cream? Mum: Sure. Two hamburgers, two glasses of orange juice and an ice-cream. Waiter: OK. Here you are. 38 yuan, please. Mum: Here the money. Waiter: Thanks. 生词:fast-food / resaurant / hamburger 句型:What would you like? Would you like something to eat/ drink? II、教学目标: 1. 能听、读、说fist-food/restaurant/hamburger,并了解其含义; 2.能灵活运用重点句型,并清楚其运用的场合和语气; (1) What would you like? (2)Would you like something to eat/drink? 3.能模仿本文对话,并能在一定的语境中运用所学语言进行交际; 4.培养学生的注意力和观察力,激发学生积极思维,挖掘学生运用语言的创造能力。


Unit 11 How was your school trip? Section B(1a--2c) [教学目标] 知识与技能: 1.让学生能够自由畅快地谈论过去所发生的事情,通过言论不同的活动拓宽他们的视野。 2.帮助学生提高他们的听、说、读、写的能力,尤其是听和说。情感态度与价值观: 1.让学生在谈论过去发生的事中学会分享相互间的苦与乐。 2.让学生懂得作为一位公民,就应该保护野生动物,非法捕捉野生动物是非法的,让学生树立保护野生动物的意识,从而自觉保护野生动物,做到从自己做起。 [教学重难点] 1.掌握并运用一般过去时。 2.“Did you .....?”和“Were there....?”这两种句型掌握及运用动词过去式的变化规则。 [教学准备] 幻灯片、录音机 [教学过程] Step 1 Greeting T:Good morning,’s the weather today? S:It’s sunny.

T:How are you ? S:I am fine. T:Very good !OK,welcome to my class. Step 2 Free talk and pair work 播放一小段谈论关于外出旅行的视频 T:What did they talk about? S:They talked about trip? T:Do you want to take a trip? S:Yes,I do. T:Do you still remember your last school trip? S:Yes. T:OK,now you can talk your last school trip with your partner with the following sentences: A:How was your last school trip? B:It was......Where did you go on your last school trip? A:I went..... B:what about the food there? A: It was.... B:How was the weather there? A:It was..... 通过对话的练习,让学生们对上节课所学习过的一般过去时进一步的加深印象与掌握。


初中英语公开课教案 教学目标 Words: tall short nice heavy fat Sentence: Linda is tall. Linda is taller than Bill. Mary is the tallest of the three. Grammar: 形容词的比较级和最高级 教具:应准备一些图片或者实物,可以进行比较的。 教学过程 1.Warm up Tall, tall, I am tall. Short, short, I am short. Nice, nice, I am nice. Heavy, heavy, I am heavy. Fat, fat, I am fat.(这里只要求学生跟着教师做动作,热闹一下即可) 2.Presentation 1)教师做动作,让学生猜形容词。或运用简笔画,让学生猜单词,tall short nice heavy fat,写在黑板的附板书(方便讲完语法让学生进行练习)。 2)(导入就用本班同学,本课的重点语言结构是形容词比较级和最高级,可通过真实情景导入。)同学们老师今天在咱们班发现一个问题,惊讶一些,引导学生的好奇心。(然后老师把现象呈现给大家,就是找三个人,高、中、矮,明显的学生到前面来。让学生发现其现象,老师陈述新句型。)Linda is tall. Bill is taller than Linda. Mary is the tallest of the three.(把这三句话写在黑板上,让学生根据讲台前的三个人猜出并说出汉语意继而给出公式①A is -er than B. ②C is the -est of/in .... ) 3)然后看一下三个句子,并说一下than是连词,引起比较状语从句,因此从语法角度出发,后面的代词要用主格(即I, he等), 但习惯上却常用宾格(即me, him等)。 4)教师提醒学生注意,英语中表示“比较……”要在形容词词尾加-er,表示“最……”要在形容词词尾加-est。教师在此可举例讲解让学生理解什么是形容


遵义县北路片区中学英语优质课评优活动交流资料 Topic 3 Which sport will you take part in ? Section B 遵义县第五中学李吉生 一. Teaching aims and demands: 1.Go on learning the usage of “will”. 2.“shall” express intention and future . 二. Teaching important and difficult points : 1.The usage of “shall”. 2.Some important expressions in English. 三. Teaching tools: Recorder , Pictures 四. Teaching methods : A . play games B. Ask and answer C. Practice 五. Teaching procedure: Step1 Review 1.Greetings . 2.Talk about students’ favorite sports and players . 3.Review the usage of “will”. a.Ask and answer Q1: Which sport will Michael take part in ? Q2:How about Yu Ting \Ann \Miss Wang ? b.Translate sentences to review〝will〞and

“maybe\perhaps”. Step2 Presentation 1.T:There is going to be a school sports meet tomorrow,Kangkang wants Michael to go together ,so he calls Michael……Listen to the tape and answer the follow questions : a.What will they take for the school sports meet ? b.Will Michael take a camera? 2.Follow the tape then check the answers . 3.Read 1a again .Finish 1b then check the answers . 4.Explain the important words and sentences . (1)Review the expressions of making telephone calls. (2)Review “There is going to\will be”. (3)“Shall”express intention and future. e.g.(a)At this time next month, I shall be in England. (b)Shall we go hiking this Sunday? (c)Shall I take photos with you? (d)We shan’t go there tomorrow.(shan’t= shall not) (4)Explain “make”. Step3 Consolidation 1.Read the dialoge loudly pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation .(games :loud and low voice) 2.Practice between boys and girls.


初中英语优质课教案 授课日期:2009年10月27日 执教教师:姚乾兴 工作单位:望谟县打易中学 授课年级:八年级(2)班节次:第1节 教材:新课标(八年级·上册) 课题:Unit 4 How do you get to school? 一、教学内容: Unit4 How do you get to school? 二、教学目标: 1、知识目标:单词:subway take the subway train ride a bike walk 等。 2、语言目标:how引导的特殊问句;肯定句与否定句。听:能听懂谈话出行的方式。说:能表达自己想到达目的的出行方式。读:能正确朗读本单元的对话和句型。写:能写本单元的单词和句型。 3、学习策略:注意通过语言语调的表达来推测词义,也可借手势动作和表情来完成。(主动参与学习,善于和他人合作交流)。 4、情感目标:学会在交流活动中尊重和理解别人,学会交换不同的看法,了解他人的生活习惯,增进情谊。 5、德育目标:在歌曲和游戏中习他人积极、乐观、努力进取的团队合作精神。 6、多元智能:人际交往逻辑表达个性呈现 7、文化意识:了解英、美国家中小学生上学的方式,培养世界意识。了解中西文化的差异。 三、教学重点、难点: 1.how /how far /how long 引导的特殊疑问句. 2.乘坐交通工具的表示方法. 3.It takes /will take/took sb. some time to do sth. 四、课前准备: cards and a tape-recorder . 五、教学运用:情景交际法、游戏法等。 六、教学手段:多媒体演示、flash动画、ppt演示、歌曲游戏及肢体语言的应用。 七、教学过程: Step 1.Warming up. Great the class as usual. Talk about the weather . T: How’s the weather today? T:How was the weather like yesterday? …… point studentA say “Hello! Listen to me ok ?.I will sing a song to you .But you


七年级英语优质课教学设计 课堂教学设计 unit5Doyouhaveasoccerball? 第一课时 一、教学内容: 新目标(goforit!)七年级上册 unit5Doyouhaveasoccerball?sectiona(1a--1c)、 二、指导思想: 以学生为主体,激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心,使他们在学习过程中发展综合语言运用能力,培养合作精神。

三、教学目标: ●知识目标 1.能学会应用球类物品的单词。 1.soccer英式足球(运动) 2.soccerball英式足球 3.tennis网球 4.tennisbat网球拍 5.ping-pong乒乓球(运动) 6.ping-pongball乒乓球 7.ping-pongbat乒乓球拍 8.volleyball排球 9.basketball篮球 2.句型:Doyouhavea/an…?Yes,Ido./NoIdon’t Doeshehavea…? Yes,hedoes./No,hedoesn’t. Doesshehavea…? Yes,shedoes./No,shedoesn’t. Dotheyhave…? ●能力目标

2.对一般疑问句 Doyou/theyhavea/an....?Doesshe/hehavea/an....?作肯定或否定回答。 ●情感目标 1.激发兴趣,体验成功,培养合作精神 2.培养兴趣爱好,多运动,有个健康的娱乐方式。 四、教学重点、难点 ●教学重点 1.表球类的单词 2.一般疑问句Doyouhavea....?的句型 ●教学难点 1.球类单词的读音和拼写。 2.一般疑问句的运用。 五、教具准备 教师准备球类运动的课件 六、教学设计过程 step1:lead-in 教师举起篮球问:what’sthisinChinese?SsIt’salanqiu. T:Yes.It’salanqiu.butdoyouknowitsEnglishname? Ss:....... T:pleasereadafterme.basketball. Ss:basketball.Basketball.


Revision of the Adverbial Clauses Of Time Key points in teaching (1)Talk about and review the adverbial clauses, this class the important is the Adverbial clause of time. (2)Enable the students to sum up the main conjunction of the time adverbial clauses. (3 Ma ke a distinction between while when as. Teaching difficult: (1)Temporal in Adverbial clause of time. (2)How to use the main conjunctions of the adverbial clause. Teaching preparation: The multimedia and the blackboard. Teaching process: Step 1 Greetings Greet the whole class as usual. Step 2 Lead-in T:hello! Everyone! Before class, I have some questions to ask you. what is the attributive clause? what is conjunction is? what is the antecedent? How many conjunctions in the adverbial clause of time? Ask some students to answer the questions. Step 3 review the adverbial clauses. 1.T: Before we studied some adverbial clause, ask some students to tell the class. The teacher sum up the knowledge. 状语从句(Adverbial Clause)状语从句指句子用作状语时,起副词作用的句子。它可以修饰谓语、非谓语动词、定语、状语或整个句子。根据其作用可分为时间、地点、原因、条件、目的、结果、让步、方式和比较等从句。状语从句一般由连词(从属连词)引导,也可以由词组引起。从句位于句首或句中时通常用逗号与主句隔开,位于句尾时可以不用逗号隔开。


课题名称What colour is it? 课题What can you do? 一.教学目标 (一)知识与技能目标: 1. 学生能够听、说、读、写5个表示颜色的单词:red、yellow、blue、green、purple、orange、black. 2. 学生能够运用句型简单地描述事物的颜色: A:What color is it? B:It’s . (二)过程与方法目标: 1. 教师通过创设情境(猜谜语)导入新课,接着运用颜色卡片导入单词教学。接着以跟读、拍手……等多种形式,让学生能够听、说、读、写出7个表示颜色的单词:red、yellow、blue、green、purple、orange、black. 2. 教师随意抽出颜色卡片,引导学生能够用 A:What color is it? B:It’s . 句型,并以全班、小组、个体为单位操练句型。

(三)情感态度与价值观目标: 1. 学生通过课堂学习与操练,能够养成良好的学习习惯。 2. 学生通过参与多样性的课堂活动和教学评价,能够不断体 验进步与成功,认识自我、建立自信心。激发出学生学习英语的兴趣与积极性。 3. 通过本单元简单的对话练习,学生互相交流,切磋,共同 完成学习任务,在合作中感受学习英语的乐趣及交流的意义。 二.教学重难点 (一)教学重点: 1.学生能够听、说、读、写7个表示颜色的单词:red、yellow、blue、green、purple、orange、black. 2. 学生能够运用句型简单地描述事物的颜色: A:What color is it? B:It’s . (二)教学难点: 1.注意red、black的发音。red /e/ black /? / 2.注意短语is it 的连读。 三.教具


精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching plan 教师学科教案[ 20 – 20 学年度第__学期] 任教学科:_____________ 任教年级:_____________ 任教老师:_____________ xx市实验学校

精品教学教案设计 | Excellent teaching plan 教 学 设 计 凤台县古店中学 李林 一、教学内容:七年级下册Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? The first period Section A (1a-1c ) 二、Teaching aims 1、Aims of basic knowledge Key words: zoo animal tiger elephant koala panda lion giraffe cute lazy smart beautiful. Key sentences: Let’s see the pandas first 。 Why do you want to see the pandas? Because they’re very cute. 2、Aims of abilities 1)Be able to describe animals. 2)Learn to express preferences and give reasons. 3 、Aims of emotion and evaluation Love animals and protect animals. 三、Teaching important points 1Master the words in this period. 2.Express preferences and give reasons. 四、Teaching difficult points 1.Learn to express preferences and give reasons. 2.Make conversations using key sentences.


Unit 4 Astronomy: the Science of the Stars Using language 教学案例 教学目标: 知识目标:了解太空行走时产生重力以及相应的体重变化。 能力目标:学生能掌握泛读技巧——寻读;能够归纳出月球旅行的三次重力及相应体重的变化;学生能够加强口头表达能力,提高解决问题能力。 情感目标:通过学习天文学的相关知识,学生能够加强对太空科学的热爱并且能够展开想象的翅膀,展望和设计未来的“美好家园”。 教学过程: Step 1 Lead in by introducing Space Home Pavilion in Shanghai World Expo. T: Hello everyone! Do you know what big event happened last year in our country, in Shanghai? S: Shanghai World Expo T: Tha t’s it! So have you ever visited it? S: No. (mostly) T: Believe it or not, today we just get a chance to pay a visit to one pavilion there. That is, Space Home pavilioin. Are you familiar with it? (No!)Never mind! Let me introduce it to you. (随之,PPT呈现出太空家园馆的效果图,结合此图,教师作简单介绍,目的在于引出本课的几大任务) Step 2: Preparation before visit—a competition on space knowledge T: Anyway, I believe we’d better do some preparation work before our visit. Then how about having a space knowledge competition? (Then introduce the rules of the competition.) 1.Earth is the only planet moving around the sun. (T or F) 2.There is atmosphere on the moon 3.In our solar system eight planets circle around the sun. 4.____ was the first person landing on the moon? (Multiple choice) A. Armstrong B. Yang Liwei C. Tom Cruise D. Issac Newton 5. When did he land on the moon? A. 1921 B. 1969 C. 1954 D. 1949 6. When did Yang Liwei go to the space? A. Oct, 2003 B. Jan, 2003 C. Oct, 2004 D. Jan, 2002 7. Which country first sent people up to space? A. USA B. the Soviet Union C. China 8. So far, how many countries have succeeded in sending people up to space? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
