





二、语法选择(本大题共10分, 每小题1分)

It was a cold windy winter day and I was walking home from work. My head pointed down against the wind when I noticed an old lady. She 31 on the sidewalk in her house slippers(拖鞋). As I passed her. I saw that she was probably 32 her 80s, and she was holding some letters in her hands. I walked on to the traffic light. When the light turned green. I pretended(假装装)to check my phone and waited for her to catch up with me. In this neighborhood, even crossing with the green light was 33 . Drivers often drove 34 through red lights and stop signs.

When she reached me, I turned to her and touched her gently on 35 arm. She smiled and 36 my hand in hers and held it. Hand-in-hand, we were waiting for the light 37 . __38 the light turned green, we walked together slowly across the street, dropped the letters in the mailbox. Then I took 39 back across the street.

As I walked the rest of the way home. I could still feel the 40 of her hand in my own. People say the first language of all humans is touch . A caring touch helps to make a bad situation hopeful. And even now, I can still feel the power of touch.

31. A. is walking B. was walking C. walks D. walked

32. A. in B. at C. on D. by

33. A. danger B. dangerous C. dangerously D. more dangerous

34. A. wild B. wildest C. wilder D. wildly

35. A. a B. the C. an D./

36. A. take B. takes C. took D. had taken

37. A. to change B. changed C. changes D. changing

38. A. If B. Though C. When D. Since

39. A. her B. him C. it D. them

40. A. warm B. more warm C. warmly D. warmth

三、完形填空(本题共10分, 每小题1分, )

通读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后在每小题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案。

Where there are Chinese people, there are kung fu legends(传奇). Tin Yong, also known as Louis Cha Leung-yung, was one of the greatest kung fu novel 41 in China.

42 , this kingdom broke after Cha passed away on Oct 30, 2018. Though his novels were written over 10 years ago and readers' tastes have 43 a lot in recent years, his books are still liked by people. With his works going into movies so many times, Chinese kung fu is 44__ everywhere in the world.

There is always a hero spirit in love and friendship in his 45 . For example. in the Return of the Condor Heroes《神雕侠侣》, Yang Guo 46 his lover Xiaolongnu (小龙女)for 16 years, believing that she is still alive, even though she has jumped- from a mountain into a ravine(谷).

Cha has a special style about language. He said, "To make a 47 believable, it's better to tell 10 truthful things along with it." This works well for Chas writing-the stories full-of rich history; the martial arts武术)described in detail. 48 , he achieves a sense of realism through his words.

Cha's books make readers 49 , and Cha himself also enjoy the fun. "Writing gives me space for imagination." Cha told China Daily. But Cha's real aim in writing is to show traditional Chinese . 50 "Kung fu works must show the good people fight against the bad people. The value is shown through the characters and their stories." he said.

41. A. workers B. actors C. writers D. players

42. A. Though B. However C. But D. So

43. A. changed B. moved C. stopper D. continued

44. A. kept B. improved C. created D. spread

45. A. studies B. histories C. stories D. experiences

46. A. waits for B. depends on C. looks after D. talks to

47. A. habit B. He C. report D. role

48. A. As a result B. In a word C. In surprise D. At once

49. A. boring B. terrible C. satisfied D. brave

50. A. risk B. truth C. culture D. value

四、阅读理解(本题共30分, 每小题2分)


People often need to take some medicine when they catch a cold or a cough. Now

A. Once a day.

B. Twice a day.

C. Three times a day.

D. Four times a day. 52, When kids are _________ , they can't take the syrup.

A. 18 months old

B. 36 months old

C. 6 years old

D. 18 years old

53. John is twelve years old, and he should take _________ once.

A. one tablet or 5 ml of syrup

B. two tablets or 5 ml of syrup

C. one tablet or 7.5 ml of syrup

D. two tablets or 7. 5 ml of syrup

54. How much honey should a seven-year-old boy take?

A. 0. 5 teaspoon.

B. 0.8 teaspoon.

C. 1 teaspoon.

D. 2 teaspoons.

55. When you have _________ you can take the medicine mentioned in the passage.

A. a stomachache

B. a backache

C.. a toothache

D. a cold


It is said that more than four million people die each year from smoking. That number is increasing. Seven in ten of those deaths are in developing countries. These numbers are frightening(令人恐惧的).

Yet people around the world continue to smoke. The Great American Smokeout has been founded for twenty-five years to show the dangers of smoking and provide support for people who decide to stop smoking. The American Cancer Society says all cigarettes damage the body. It warns that smoking even a small number of cigarettes is dangerous. It is not easy to give up smoking forever. However, doctors say they probably will live longer if they do stop smoking. They will feel better and look better. They also will protect the health of family members who breathe their smoke.

The American Cancer Society says there is not just one right way to stop smoking. Any useful way to stop smoking is worth tying. They may take long walks or spend time in places where smoking is not allowed. Also, they could eat a small piece of fruit instead of having a cigarette.

The American Cancer Society says the sooner smokers stop smoking, the more they can reduce their risks of getting cancer and other diseases. It says blood pressure (血压)returns to normal twenty minutes after smoking the last cigarette. Carbon

monoxide(一氧化碳)gas levels in the blood return to normal after eight hours.

After one day, the risk of heart attack reduces. After one year, the risk of heart disease for a non-smoker is half that of a smoker.

Stop smoking before smoking stops you!

56. How many people die from smoking in developing countries each year?

A. 2,600,000.

B. 2,700,000.

C. 2,800,000.

D. 2,900,000.

57. The Great American Smokeout is ______________________.

A. to provide help for smokers

B. to make smokers know harm and give them help

C. to offer advice to smokers

D. to show what harm smoking does to smokers

58. What does the underlined word "cigarettes" in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?

A. 香烟

B. 香精

C. 香水

D. 香料

59. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. It is not easy to stop smoking.

B. The risk of heart attack becomes less after you stop smoking.

C. It is more likely for a smoker to suffer from diseases.

D. It is less helpful for a smoker suffering heart attack to stop smoking.

60. The passage is probably from _________ .

A. a newspaper

B. a science report

C. a sports magazine

D. a story book


配对阅读左栏是五个人的情况描述, 右栏是七本书籍的简介, 请为这五个人找出一本合适的书籍, 并将所选的选项写在题前的括号内。


鄱阳县2017年中考模拟试卷 一、听力测试(25分)(第1-4小题,每小题0.5分;第5-27小题,每小题1分) A)请听下面8段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。听完每段对话后,你都将有10秒钟的时间答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。 1. What time is it now? A. 7:40 B. 8:00 C .8:20 2. What do you we know the woman's old house ? A. Big and quiet B. Small and quiet C. Big and noisy 3. How much should the man pay if he buys two pounds of chicken? A. $1.5 B.$2 C.$3 4. How often does Tom surf the Internet? A.Every day B. Never C. Once a week 5. What is the boy interested in now? A. Swimming B. Playing the guitar C. Playing soccer 6. What does the man mean? A. He thinks the lesson is difficult. B.He thinks the lesson is easy. C. He thinks the lesson is interesting. 7.Whose book is this? A.Jenny's B.Linda's C. Bob's 8.What is the weather like? A. Cloudy B. Rainy C. Fine B)请听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独读两遍。 请听第一段材料,回答9、10小题。 9.Who does the man want to speak to? A. Ms.Turner B. Mr. Black C. Alice

中考英语模拟试卷(含答案) (5)

中考英语模拟试卷(含答案) 一、单项选择:10% ()1、Let’s look at the bag. Can you see“s” on the corner of bag? A. a, A B. an, An C. an, the D. the, An ()2、mother is a worker. A. Marry and Mike’s B. Marry’s and Mike’s C. Marry’s and Mike D. Marry and Mike ()3、We’ll be away for two weeks because we’ll have a . A. two-weeks holiday B. two-weeks’ holidays C. two-week holiday D. two-week’s holiday ()4、We found necessary to protect the environment. A. it B. this C. that D. what ()5、More and more foreigners want to their companies in Zhejiang. A. clean up B. look up C. pick up D. open up ()6、I bought a new dictionary and it me 30 yuan. A. paid B. spent C. took D. cost ()7、of the teachers in our school is 118, of them are women teachers. A. The number, first fourth B. The number, one fourth C. A number, one second D. A number, three quarters ()8、Neither he nor I from Canada, we are from Australia. A. is B. are C. am D. be ()9、Could you tell me ? A. how old is your son B. that he will come here soon C. weather is fine tomorrow D. who is going to speak at the meeting ()10、Here are the photos in Beijing. A. who are taken B. that took C. which I was taken D. that were taken 二、完形填空15%


2019-2020中考英语模拟试卷 考生须知: 1. 本试卷满分120分,考试时间100分钟。 2. 答题前,在答题卡上和答题卷的密封区内涂、写校名、姓名和准考证号。 3. 必须在答题卷的对应答题位置,写在其他地方无效。1至60小题在答题卡上涂黑作答,答题卡 答题方式详见答题卡上的说明。 4. 做听力题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有一分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转 涂到答题卡上。 5. 考试结束后,试卷、答题卡和答题卷一并上交。 试题卷 Ⅰ.听力部分(25分) 一、听短对话,回答问题(共5小题,计5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试题的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.How often does the man go swimming?(考查频率,题目原创) A . twice a month B. once a month C. four times a month 2.At what time did Mary leave?(考查时间,题目原创) A. Five o’clock. B. Ten to five. C. Ten past five 3.Where will the family probably go for their holidays?(考查地点和去向,题目原创) A. Beijing. B. Guangzhou. C. Seaside. 4. How’s the weather in spring in H angzhou?(考查天气,题目根据听力分级特训改编) A. Wet B. Neither too hot nor too cold C. Too hot 5. What mistake did Dick make yesterday?(考查分析、辨别能力,题目原创) A. He didn’t pass the English exam. B. He didn’t tell his mother the truth about the English exam. C. He didn’t take part in the English exam. 二、听较长对话,回答问题(共6小题,计l2分) (听力文本来源名校特训中考听力理解,题目改编) 听下面一段对话,回答第6至第8三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。 6.When does this talk take place? (考查日期) A. April 1 B. May 2 C. June 1 7.What was the latest news on TV last night? (考查主旨和要义) A. There would be a new holiday. B. People wouldn’t go to work today C. Nothing about the above. 8.What will they do after their conversation? (考查分析、辨别能力) A. They’ll get down to having a holid ay B. They’ll go to work C. They’ll go to the boss’s house. 听下面一段对话,回答第9至第l1三个小题。现在,你有l 5秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。 9. How long will the woman be away? (考察时间)


宝山区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽查试卷 99. April 23 is World Reading Day. Write a short passage of at least 60 words to call on your classmates to get into good habits of reading and read more good books. (4月23日是“世界读书日”,请你写一篇短文,呼吁全班同学以实际行动迎接“世界读书日”的到来,为创建“书香校园”,多读书、读好书,养成课外读书的好习惯。字数不少于60个,标点符号不占格。要求内容切题,意思连贯.) ( 注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其它相关信息,否则不予评分. ) Use the following points as a guide. (短文须包含下列要点): 1. What do the students who are not interested in study usually do in their spare time? 2.What are the advantages of reading? 3.What are your suggestions? 长宁区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽查试卷 99. Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic “Happiness is for everyone”. ( 以“幸福/快乐属于每个 人”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。) (注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。) For reference: Do you feel happy in your life? What / Who usually brings happiness to you? What can you do to make yourself or others happy? 崇明县初三英语第一学期期末质量抽查试卷 99. Write at least 60 words about the topic “Something I want to do during the winter holiday”. (以“寒假 中我想做的一件事”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。) Use the following points as a reference. (以下问题仅供参考) What is the thing that you want to do during the winter holiday? Why do you want to do it? How are you going to do it? (注意:短文中不得出现任何人名 ...........、校名及其它相关信息 .........,否则不予评分 ......。 奉贤区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽查试卷 99. Write a letter in at least 60 words according to the given situation (根据所给情景写一封不少于60词的信) Suppose you are Sara, you want to enter your ideal school –Flower Senior High School. Please write a letter 作文


中考英语模拟试卷(五) 一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) ( ) 1. My grandfather has sent me _____ e-dog as my birthday present. A. a B. an C. / D. the ( ) 2. --Which would you like, a cup of tea or a glass of milk? -- ______. I think I'll just have a glass of water. A. Both B. Neither C. None D. Either ( ) 3. –Which do you think is ____ important, air tank, space suit or digital camera for an astronaut? --I think the digital camera. A. much B. the most C. more D. the more ( ) 4. Do you know ____ will repair the robot that went wrong? A. whether B. where C. who D. why ( ) 5. Amy prefers ____ at home to ____ out at the weekends. A. staying; going B. stay; going C. staying; go D. stay; go ( ) 6. ---Why not come and join us in the game, Linda? --- __________, but I have something to discuss with Mr Smith at his office now. A. Let's go. B. I'd like to. C. Yes, please D. It's a pleasure ( ) 7. I don’t know if it ____ tomorrow. If it ____, we’ll go out for a picnic. A. will rain; won’t rain B. rains; doesn’t rain C. rains; won’t rain D. will rain; doesn’t rain ( )8. --I do a lot of exercise, eat___ vegetables and ____ _meat than I did last year. --That’s why you’re getting thinner. A. fewer; more B. more; less C. less; more D. many; much ( )9. When I came inside the office, they ____ a party for the coming festival. A. planned B. were planning C. plan D. have planned ( )10. It is impossible ____ her ____ the work in half an hour. A. for; finish B. of; finish C. for; to finish D. of; to finish ( ) 11. I wanted to help those homeless children in the flooded areas, ____ I donated my pocket money that I had saved for two months. A. so B. because C. since D. for ( ) 12. Audrey Hepburn ____ dancing and focused on acting after her first successful movie. A. gave in B. gave off C. gave out D. gave up ( ) 13. --Could you tell me _____ to visit Dr Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum


2019-2020年中考英语模拟试题(二)及答案 一选择填空:(每小题1分,共15分) ( )1. ----I am hungry. Is there any bread in the fridge? ----_______. But we have some cakes. Would you like to have one? A. Nothing B. No one C. Some D. None ( ) 2. He always _______his friends about everything. In fact he has no thoughts of his own . A. agrees with B. talks with C. thinks with D. plays with ( ) 3.. ----Can you tell me ________ this CD player? ----No problem. First you have to turn it on. Just press the first button . A. how to use B. when to use C. how to repair D. when to repair ( ) 4. Tony was watching the football match ________ the phone rang. . A. while B. when C. as D. before ( ) 5. The world's population is more than 7 billion, so scientists will have to ______new ways to solve food problem. A. catch up with B. keep up with C. come up with D. make up with ( ) 6. ----Tom had nothing for breakfast, _______ he ? ----_______. He had some bread and milk. A. had, Yes B. had, No C. did ,Yes D. did , No ( ) 7. Mrs Zhang is ________all her time and energy __________ being a mum right now. A. devote; on B. devoting; on C. devote; to D. devoting; to ( ) 8. My sister and I often argue ______ which TV programme ______. A. about, watchin B. with, to watch C. about, to watch D. with , watching ( ) 9. ________ amazing news!______ one-year-old child can drive such a beautiful picture. A. What, A B. What, An C. How, A D. What an, An ( ) 10. It’s wrong __________ you _________ other’s homework. A. of, copy B. for, copy C. of, to copy D. for, to copy ( ) 11. For the next ten years,Mathild had not sent a ____ to her friend Jane .A. information B .news C. message D. advise ( ) 12.----What happened? ----The old man next door was found _____ in the living room. It's very sad A. dead B. die C. died D. death ( ) 13. It’s time for test. Be quiet, please. I’m going to _____ your test papers. A. give up B. give out C. hand in D. work out ( ) 14. Most girls _________ have dolls than guns while most boys ________


杨浦区2012学年度第一学期期末质量调研 初三英语练习卷(满分150分) 2013.1 (完卷时间:100分钟,答案一律写在答卷纸上) Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力) I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解): (共30分) A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (6分) A B C D E F G 1. ________ 2. _______ 3. _________ 4. __________ 5. __________ 6. _________ B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (共10分) 7. A) By bike. B) By train. C) By car. D) By bus. 8. A) Hainan. B) Beijing. C) Paris. D) London. 9. A) 8:45. B) 9:15. C) 8:30. D) 9:00. 10. A) Pink. B) Black. C) White. D) Red. 11. A) Rainy. B) Cloudy. C) Snowy. D) Sunny. 12. A) Shop assistant and customer. B) Teacher and student. C) Hostess and guest. D) Repairman and customer. 13. A) 100 yuan. B) 900 yuan. C) 920 yuan. D) 1,000 yuan. 14. A) From newspapers. B) From a message. C) From ads on the train. D) From the woman. 15. A) Have a party on Friday. B) Have a party on Saturday. C) Look for another restaurant. D) Book a more expensive room. 16. A) Geography. B) Chinese. C) History. D) Science. C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (共7分)


2019年中考英语模拟试题及答案 一、选择填空。(共15小题,计15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1. —Have you seen wolf warriors II (《战狼II》)? —Yes. This is _______ educational film and it has become one of _______ most popular films in the world. A. a; / B. a; the C. an; the D. /; the 2. —Hi, Cathy! I saw Miss Zhang in the meeting room just now. ―No, it ______ be her. She went to Nanjing two days ago. A. must B. may C. can’t D. needn’t 3. —Did you watch 2018 CCTV Spring Festival Evening Gala in Taian? —Certainly. That night the sky over Taian was as _______ as that in the day with th e light. A. bright B. brightly C. brighter D. more brightly 4. —What about going to the cinema on foot with me, Wei Ming? —I prefer _______ a bike to _______ there. A. ride; walk B. riding; walk C. ride; walking D. riding; walking 5. China’s first home-built aircraft carrier(航空母舰) hit the water in Dalian _______ the morning of April 26, 2017. A. in B. on C. at D. to 6. When we see any waste lying on the ground, we should _______. A. pick it out B. point at it C. pick it up D. kick it out said that the TV program Readers was quite popular. 7. —It’s —Yes. _______ my parents _______ my little sister likes watching it very much. A. Neither; nor B. Both; and C. Either; or D. Not only; but also 8. —Do you know China’s famous scientist Pan Jianwei? —You mean “the father of quantum”( 量子之父)? Yes, he is the _______ of our coun try. A. pride B. prize C. proud D. heart 9. —We’ll study in different schools next term. I hope you’ll enjoy your time in the new school! —_______ . B. The same to you. A. I’ll take your advice C. Congratulations! D. Me, too.


2013中考英语模拟试卷 班级: 姓名: A卷基础题共100分 I.按要求写出下列单词的相应形式。(10 x 0.5=5分) 1.good(最高级) 2.invite(名词) 3.tall(反义词) 4.go (过去式) 5.tooth(复数) 6.babysit(现在分词) 7.watch(单三) 8.have(单三)_____9.one (序数词)_____ 10 . know (同音词)_____ Ⅱ.英汉互译(10 x 0.5=5分) 1.上网 2.感冒, 受凉 3.到达 4.照顾,照看 5后天 6.be good at 7.去看电影 8. .last name 9.take out the trash 10.hung out Ⅲ.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(15 x 1=15分) 1.How often does she do exercise? ------- (two) a week. 2.I have a toothache ----You should (see) a dentist. 3.How many (banana) do we need? 4.I enjoy (read)books 5.Let's (make) fruit salad now. 6.He always (take) walks 7.Yao Ming is the .(popular)basketball player in China . 8.I 'd love (come) to your birthday party. 9.The apple is (big) than that one 10.He must (do) the chores on weekends. 11.Jim runs as (fast) as Jack. 12.I sometimes go (shop) with my mother. 13.The girl (make) her bed yesterday morning 14.They are going to (study) computer science 15.Do you have to (clean) your room?. Ⅳ.选择填空(30 x 1=30分) ( ) 1 .I ______ a student. You _____a teacher. It _____a map. A .am, is, are B. am, are, is C. is, are, am D. is, am, are ( ) 2. Is this _______ pencil case? A. she B. she’s C .her D you ( ) 3 .This is ____eraser and that is ______ ruler. A. an ,an B. a , a C .an a D. a an ( )4. .They don’t have _____ color pencil ,_____I have some . A . some, so B . any, but C .any ,or D. some , and ( ) 5 . --Your T –shirt is very nice , ----- __________. A . Thank you. B. You’re welcome .C. That’s all right. D. Oh ,no ( ) 6. _____ is the ninth month of the year? A . September B . November C . December D. October ( ) 7. -- ________ does he like P.E.? ---- Because it’s interesting. A. what B. why C. who D. when ( ) 8. Can you play _______ guitar? A. the B . / C. a D. an ( ) 9. ---What’s your favorite __________? --- Science. A. sport B . food C . color D . subject ( ) 10. --- what’s the time, please ? ---- sorry ___________. A . It’s six thirty B. I don’t know C. let me see D. I don’t think so ( ) 11. -----How _____ do you go to the health club ?----Three times a month A . Soon B .many C .much D. often. ( ) 12. ---What’s the matter with you, lily? ---- I’m not _________. A good B better C feeling well D feeling good ( ) 13. ---_______ do you usually get to school? --- By bike A What B Where C How D Why ( )14.---- Are you free tomorrow?--- No. I ______ see my grandma with my mother. A.be going to B.am going to C.going to D.am not going to ( )15.------______ you at home last night? ------ No, I ______. A.Were, were not B.Were, wasn't C.is, isn't D.Are, am not ( ) 16-----Where ____ you meet him yesterday?---- I _____ him in front of the station. A.do, meet B.were, met C.did, meet D.did, met ( ) 17.Who has ______ apples, Li Lei, Jim or Lucy? A.much B.Most C.the most D.more ( ) 18Cut ______ the apples and then put them _______ the blender.


2020届中考英语模拟试卷(十五)B卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、语法选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) (共1题;共15分) 1. (15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出能填人相应空白处的最佳选项。 When learning new vocabulary, don't just memorize the list of words 1 , try to make five sentences using each new word. Then use the new words as often as you can the first day you learn them. This way you will remember new words 2 longer. Practise sounds, you know, which are difficult—take the "th" sound for example. Choose words that 3 "th" and repeat them over and over again until you are comfortable with them. Let's try! This, that, those them, think, thought, through, thin, thick… Read, read, and read—in English, of course! Reading is one of 4 ways to increase your vocabulary and 5 your grammar in a natural and fun way. Be sure to choose topics or books you are interested in. When someone 6 in English, listen for the main point. If you 7 a word you don't understand, ignore(忽视) 8 and go on listening. If you stop and think about the word, you will miss 9 the person is saying. Always remember that practice 10 perfect. (1) A . Instead of B . Instead C . Rather than (2) A . much B . many C . more (3) A . end up with B . begin C . begin with (4) A . best B . the best


2018英语中考模拟测试卷 一、单项选择(共10小题,每小题0.5分,满分5分) 1. The Presidents of China and the USA had_________interview a short time ago. And it was_________great success. A. an; / B. the; a C. an; a D. the; / 2. --- Could you please move over a little and make some _________ for me? --- Sure, please A. place B. seat C. room D. ground 3. --- When will he come back to China? ---__________ a month. A. In B. After C. Before D. For 4. ---Tony, have you stopped smoking? ---Yes, I have to because I can___________breathe when I run. A. often B. never C. hardly D. almost 5. It will be easier for people to realize their dreams if they _______ highly _______. A. have; educated B. will; educate C. are; educated D. were; educated 6.---Must I go to medical school and be a doctor like you, Dad? ---No, you____________. You’re free to make your own decision. A. can’t B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t 7. ---- Will Jenny come tomorrow? ---- I’m not sure. She ______ an hour ago without saying anything. A. has left B. left C. leave D. will leave 8. On those foggy days, you could hardly see anything around you___________ it was at noon. A. and B. because C. though D. but 9. ---- Do you mind my _______ here? ---- _________. Look at the sign. It says, “No smoking”. A. to smoke; Of course not B. smoking; You’d better not C. to smoke; No, I don’t D. smoking; Never mind 10.---- What did the woman ask you just now? --- She asked___________. A. who was I waiting for B. whether could I help her to find the post office C. how she can get to the post office D. which was the way to the library 二、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) One of my best childhood memories is of going to the river and sitting quietly on the bank. There I would _____11____ the peace and quiet, watching the bamboo trees bend in the wind and then return to their original positions ____12____ the wind had died down. When I think about the bamboo tree’s ____13_____ to come back to its original position, the word resilience (顺应力)comes to my ____14____. When we use the word to talk about a person, it ___15___ the ability to easily recover from shock, sadness or any other____16___ situation. Have you ever felt like you are about to snap (垮掉)? Have you ever felt like you are _____17____ your breaking point? Thankfully, you have survived (坚持过来)the experience to live to talk about ___18_____. Life is a mixture of good times and bad times, happy moments and unhappy moments. The ___19____ time you are experiencing one of those unhappy moments that take you ____20____
