泛读教程 第三册 Unit 2 课件 答案

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Phrase Reading Example
Actually, the common cold is not as simple as it seems. It can be caused by any of 200 different viruses, and it can bring misery in eight ways: sore throat, sneezing, runny nose watery eyes, aches and pains, mild fever, nasal congestion, and coughing.
Education costs money, but then so does ignorance.
Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one. Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school. - Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
Text Factors
Understanding becomes difficult or impossible and your reading rate is slow
Ideas and Concept
Complicated ideas or a sophisticated line of reasoning
Reader Factors
How many words do you determine to learn per day? Core parts, topic, main idea and details Schema. To Know
To Practice
To Learn
Vocab Level
Speed Reading Factors That Influence Reading Rate
Sentence Length
A passage with very long sentences can make reading more difficult and will force you to read more slowly
It involves widening your eye span so that you can see several words in one fixation.
Phrase reading is a technique that builds fluency, aids comprehension, and improves oral reading.
Techniques for Speed Reading
How to Phrase Read
Group words that naturally go together To Read efficiently you should try to get rid of bad reading habits and get into good ones Group words together into meaningful units Studying economics is difficult because it requires careful attention to facts and figures Practice phrase reading persistently You may find it takes several weeks of continued practice to develop the habit.
Demonstration of Skimming
Usually the first paragraph will be read at average speed all the way through. It often contains an introduction or overview of what will be talked about. Sometimes, however, the second paragraph contains the introduction or overview. In the first paragraph the author might just be “warming up” or saying sth clever to attract attention. Reading a third paragraph may be unnecessary but………………..the main idea is usually contained in the opening sentence…………….topic sentence. Besides the first sentence the reader should get some but not all the detail from the rest of the paragraph………………names……………..dates……………This tells you nothing ………… hence sometimes the main idea is in the middle or at the end of the paragraph. Some paragraphs merely repeat ideas. Occasionally the main idea can’t be found in the opening sentence. The whole paragraph must then be read. Then leave out a lot of the next paragraph……………to make up time………………… Remember to keep a very fast rate……………………...…………400w. p. m ……………………. Don’t be afraid to leave out half or more of each paragraph……………………… Don’t get interested and start to read everything………………………………. Lowered comprehension is expected………….50%........................not too low……………………. Skimming practice makes it easier……………….gain confidence………………………. Perhaps you won’t get anything at all from a few paragraphs……...………don’t worry ………………… Skimming has many uses……………..reports………newspapers…………text…………..exam……… The ending paragraphs might be read more fully as often they contain a summary. Remember that the importance of skimming is to get only the author’s main idea at a very fast speed.
Key word reading is a new technique. Although it is faster than most of the careful reading techniques, the reader must expect a decrease in factual comprehension. In some situations, it is worth the loss, depending on the reader’s purpose and the type of material being read.
Skimming is the reading style used by flexible readers when their purpose is to quickly obtain a general idea about the reading material. The Skimming style is most useful when you have to read a large amount of material in a short amount of time. When using the Skimming style, you should identify the main ideas in each paragraph and ignore the details in supportive sentences. Because you are only looking for the main idea in each paragraph you read, a lower level of comprehension is to be expected than when using the Study Reading style
Key Word Reading
.Key word reading involves skipping over nonessential words and reading only those words and phrases which carry the primary or core meaning of each sentence. Key word reading id similar to reading a telegram, the headline in a newspaper, or a news caption which is running across the bottom of a television screen while a program is in progress. TV News Caption: Airline Hijacking Los Angeles 53 hostages. Four Hijacker. Identity and Purpose Unknown
Speed Reading Speed Techniques What is Skimming When to SKIM How to SKIM
Reading Speed
600 300 150
Key word reading is a new technique. Although it is faster than most of the careful reading techniques, the reader must expect a decrease in factual comprehension. In some situations, it is worth the loss, depending on the reader’s purpose and the type of material being read.
How to locate key words
Using Sentence Structure
Using Grammatical Structure
Using Typographic al Aids
Rereading established the mechanical process of more rapid eye movement and gives you preliminary practice or a “trial run” with reading at a higher reading rate. 1. Select an article read at your normal speed. Time yourself. 2.Take a break, then reread the material. Push yourself to read faster. Time yourself.
Comprehension Ability Background Knowledge
Techniques for Speed Reading
Phrase Reading
What is Phrase Reading Seeing more than one word in a single eye fixation.
When to Skim?
How to Skim
Rules: Eyes float down over the content for key words. Pay attention to direction words, too. Steps: 1. read the title. 2. read the first paragraph completely. 3. Read subheadings and first sentences of remaining paragraphs. 4. Alternately read the body of the material. 5. If the final paragraph appears to be a summary, read it completely.