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能在日常交际中运用所学过的《日常交际用语简表》中的内容,就熟悉的话题进行简单的对话。 读1. 能预习课文,初步理解课文大意。2. 能独立阅读生词率不超过2,的所学语言知识范围内的文字材料,阅读速度为每分钟40—50个词。3. 能初步借助词典阅读理解难度相当于课文的文字材料,获取所需信息,并从阅读中获得乐趣。 写1. 能用书写体熟练、清楚地书写,大小写、词距、标点等运用正确、规范。2. 能听写用学过的课文组成的材料,听三遍,书写速度每分钟分别为6—8个词。3. 能笔头回答就课文内容提出的问题。语音1. 能运用基本的拼读规则读出单音节词和部分双音节词。2. 能按国际音标正确地读出单词。3. 能连贯地朗读学过的课文,语调、节奏和语音基本正确。 词汇1. 能运用基本拼读规则2. 能掌握450个左右最常用单词,100条左右习惯用语及固定搭配,能够在口笔头交流活动中运用。 语法1. 能基本掌握所学单词的形态变化。2. 能掌握简单句的基本句型,并能积极运用所学的语言形式进行简单的口头和书面的表达,在书面表达中力求表述形式基本正确。 (二)二级目标与要求 听1. 能听懂课堂用语,并作出相应的反应。2. 能听懂教师用所学语言叙述课文内容及背景。3. 能在听题材熟悉的语言材料时,克服生词的障碍,理解语篇大意。4. 能听懂语速为每分钟120个词左右,与学生生活贴近的、基本没有生字的语言材料,获取所需信息。 5. 能听懂广播、电视、录音、录像中与本学段水平相当的英语有声语言材料,泛听总量不低于40小时。说1. 能就课文内容进行问答,并能复述课文大意。2. 能就熟悉的题材,利用图片、录像、多媒体等情景提示,根据要求进行表述和表达。3. 能讲述与本学段水平相当的小故事并参与简单的模拟和角色扮演的


大作文: 模板一:图画作文 This illustration depicts_________ (图画中人物)V-ing,with______________(补充阐明). Recently it has become common for people in many ways of life to_____________(进一步阐释) It seems to me that the cartoonist is sending a message about _______(图画主题),which is ______________(进一步阐明). He seems to be saying that_____________(给出细节). In my opinion,___________(个人阐述). This simple picture is a wake up call for ______(所涉群体,如the whole of the human race). Therefore,it is imperative for us to take drastic measures to put an end to ___________(问题所在). One the one hand,we must _________________(建议一). It is clear that the drawer of the illustration is urging us to _________(进一步阐明). On the other hand,_______________(建议二). Only in this way can we___________(展望前景). 模板二:图表作文 The chart gives us an overall picture of the __________(图表主题). The first thing we notice is that_______________(图表最大特点). This means that __________,(进一步阐明). We can see from the statistics given that ___________(图表细节一). After v-ing_________(细节一中第一种变化),the ____ (紧跟着变化:幅度+时间). The figures also tells us that______________________(图表细节二). (数据位置,如In the second column),we can see that ____________accounts for _______(进一步描述). Judging from these figures,we can draw the conclusion that___________(结论). The reason for this,as far as I am concerned is that_____________(给出因素). / It is high time that we should


2014年成人高高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语 答案必须答在答题卡上的指定位置,答在试卷上无效。 一.语音知识(共5小题;每题1.5分,共7.5分。) 在下列每缉单词中,有一个单词的划线部分与其他单词的划线部分的读音不同。找出这个词。 1. A. climb B. job C. disturb D. club 2. A. sweater B. meant C. pleasure D. pleased 3. A. drunk B. dusty C. duty D. drug 4. A. breathe B. nothing C. clothes D. weather 5. A. prove B. rose C. wrote D. broke 二、词汇与语法知识(共15小题,每题分,共分) 从每小题的四个选择项中,选出最佳的一项。 6. Regular exercise can you against heart disease. A. fight B. protect C. keep D. support 7. Over a hundred people expressed their worries, but were willing to help. A. some B. many C. few D. little 8. You can't do anything else until you your homework. A. finished B. will finish C. have finished D. had finished 9. First draw a line the middle of the page. Then write a word in the space above the line. A. across 13. over C. between D. within 10, The managerhad Ms. Brunell the new assistant around yesterday. A. to show B. showed C. showing D. show 11. Send for a doctor quickly. The man A. will die B. isdying C. dies D. died 12. I enjoy listeningto Miss:: White; my English teacher, ,I can only understand about half ofwhat she says, A. when B. because C. if D. though 13. The bag is very heavy. Come and lend me a hand, ? A. should you B. do you C. can you D. will you 14. After working for two hours, I found impossible'to complete the paper in time. A. me B. this C. that D. it 15. It was very kind of you to clean the office, though you A. needn't do B. wouldn't have C. didn't have to D. mustn't have done 16. The faster anything goes up into the sky,


人教版初中英语教学大纲中要求掌握的各类单词初中词汇 75组最容易拼错的单词 九年义务教育初中英语教学大纲中要求掌握的各类单词+初中词汇75组最容易拼 错的单词 一、冠词,3个, 1. a 一个,件 / 只……, 2. an 一个,件 / 只……, 3. the 这,这个,那,那 个 二(连词,24个, 1. after 在……以后 2. and 和,又 3. as 像……一样,如同,因为 4. because 因为 5. before 在……之前 6. but 但是 7. if 如果,假使,是否,是不是 8. neither 也不 9. nor 也不 10. or 或者,还是,否则 11. since 从……以来,……以后 12. that 既然,由于,,引导宾语从句等, 13. though 虽然 14. till

直到,直到……为止 15. until 直到,直到……为止 16. when 当……的时候 17. whether 是否 18. while 在/当……的时候,和……同时 19. than 比 20. so 因此,所以 21. both…and… 两个都,既……又…… 22. not only…but also… 不但……而且…… 23. either…or… 或者……或者……,不是……就是…… 24. neither…nor… 既不……也不…… 三(介词,37个, 1. about a. 在各处;四处 b. 关于 2. after a. 在……之后 b. 在……后面 3. along 沿着 ; 顺着 4. as 作为 ; 当作 5. among a. 在……中间 b. 在(三者或三者以上)之间 6. at a. (表示地点/位置)在 b. (表示时间)在……时(刻) c. (表示动作的目标和方向) 7. before a. 在……前面 b. 在……以前 8. behind 在……后面 9. below 在……下面 10. beside 在……旁边 ; 靠近 11. between 在 (两者) 之间 ; 在……中间 12. by a. 在……旁边;靠近 b. 在……时间 c. (指时间)不迟于 d. (用于被动语态) 被 e. (表示方法、手段) 用 ; 由 f. (指交通工具等) 乘 ; 用 13. down 沿着( 街道、河流)而下 14. during 在……的期间 ; 在…… 过程中 15. except 除……之外 16. for a. (表示方向) 往;向 b. (表示所 属) ……的 c. (表示时间距离) 计;达 d. (说明目的或用途) 为… 17. from a. (表示起点) 从 ; 自 b. (表示开始的时候) 从……起 c. (表示距离) 距 ; 离 d. (表示来源) 来自 18. in front of 在……前面 19. into a. (表示动作的方向)到……内;向内 b. (表示情况和结果的变化)变成 20. in a. (表示位置)在…..里/内/中 b. 在…(时间) c. 穿 ; 戴 d. 在…(情况 / 状况) 中 e. 使用(语言) 21. like 像 22. near 在……附近 ; 靠近 24. off (表示脱离)离开 23. of a. (表 示所属关系)…的 b. (表示数量)…的 c. (表示其中)…的


书面表达范文 书面表达:一般为命题式作文,即要求考生根据所给情境用英语写一篇100个单词左右的短文。提供的情境包括目的,对象,时间,地点,内容等。答题时间,一般要准备40分钟左右。 书面表达的注意事项: 1.格式正确 2.内容完整 3.表达得体 4.书写规范 5.长度适当 相关范文: 一,通知类 根据提示写一份举行隔周一次的英语晚会(every-other-week Enlish evening)的书面通知。提示: 1.时间:11月24日,周六晚上7点。 2.地点:2号教学楼的报告厅(lecture room)。 3.内容:歌曲,朗诵(recitation),舞蹈,话剧等,还有美籍教师演讲。 4.目的:提高学生英语听说能力。 5.报名地点:办公室203室,学生会(Students’Union). 注意: 1.要点不得遗漏 2.符合书面通知的格式

3.词数为100左右。 NOTICE In order to improve the students’listening and speaking ability,the every-other-week English evening is to be held in the lecture room,No.2 Teaching Building,at7:00p.m.this Saturday,November24th.Program includes songs,recitation,dances,plays and so on.And our English teacher from America is going to make a short speech about English study.Everyone is welcome.Those who would like to take part in it, please sign your names at the Students’Union,Room203,Office Building. Students’Union 二,书信类 假如你是学生李华,在家是独生子女,国家开放二孩政策后,你的父母想再生一个孩子,征求你的意见。恰好你的美国笔友Peter来信询问我国的二孩政策。请你给他回一封信。 内容要点如下: 简单解释国家二孩政策; 得知父母打算生二胎后你的想法; 征求Peter的看法。 注意:


2016年成人高等学校招生全国统一考试英语试题 一、语音知识(共5小题;每题1.5分,共7.5分。) 在下列每组单词中,有一个单词的划线部分与其他单词的划线部分的读音不同,请找出这个单词。 1. A.notice B.practice C.British D.patient 2. A.income B.centre C.city D.bicycle 3. A.cloud B.round C.mountain D.country 4. A.hand B.honest C.habit D.behind 5. A.direct B.hotel C.basket D.express 二、词汇与语法知识(共15小题;每题1.5分,共22.5分。) 从每小题的四个选择项中,选出最佳的一项。 6.My friend Bob always __________ jokes whenever we get together. A.says B.speaks C.talks D.tells 7.Before Tom got to the cinema,the film__________. A.had begun B.will begin C.has begun D.begins 8.The driver kept one eye on __________ traffic and the other on __________ map. A.不填;a B.a;a C.the;the D.the;不填 9.I couldn′t find my black glov es __________. A.nowhere B.somewhere C.everywhere D.anywhere 10.Mary picked up her children′s clothes that __________on the floor. A.lie B.will lie C.have lain D.were lying 11.Jane had already finished cooking __________ the time I got home. A.in B.on C.by D.at 12. Excuse me,where is the meeting room? --Just a s econd. I′ll have someone __________ you there. A.takes B.take C.taking D.to take 13.I′ll never forget the day __________ I became a doctor. A.that B.which C.where D.when 14.Your article is well written,but I think you should __________ it again.


2017年成人高考高起专英语试题 一、语音知识:共5小题;每题1.5分,共7.5分。在下列每组单词中。有一个单词的划线部分与其他单词的划线部分的读音不同。找出这个词。 1. A. handsome B.candle C.distance D. land 2. A. meat B. ready C. heat D. seat 3. A. bottom B. colou C. Monday D. ton 4. A. billion B. lab C. table D. comb 5. A. tooth B. month C. father D. method 二、词汇与语法知识:共15小题;每题1.5分,共22.5分。从每小题的四个选择项中,选出最佳的一项。 6.Johnson will phone his mother as soon as he in Kunming. A. arrived B. arrives C. will arrive D. iS arriving 7.The young policeman asked her name was. A. when B. who C. why D. what 3. This song is very with young people. A. pleasant B. popular C. favourite D. beautiful 9. The family at a small hotel for the night. A. put up B. went up C. got up D. jumped up 10.“We can't go out jin this weather.”said Bob, ou of the window. A. to have looked B. looked C. looking D. to look 11.-Let'S go to the concert tonight. Mary.


>成考英语作文万能模板全汇总 图画作文 This illustration depicts ________ (图画中的人物)V-ing , with ______________ (补充说明)。Recen tly it has become com mon for people in many ways of life to ____________ (进一步阐释) It seems to me that the cartoonist is sending a message about _______ (图画主题),which is ______________ (进一步的说明)。He seems to be saying that _____________ (给出细节)。In my opinion , _____________ (个人阐述)。 This simple picture is a wake up call for _____ (所涉群体,女口the whole of the human race )。Therefore ,it is imperative for us to take drastic measures to put an end to __________ (问题所在)。One the one hand ,we must _________________ (建议一)。It is clear that the drawer of the illustration is urging us to _________ (进一步说明)。On the other hand ,________________ (建议二)。Only in this way can we __________ (展望前景)。 图表作文 The chart gives us an overall picture of the _________ (图表主题)。The first thing we no tice is that ______________ (图表最大特点)。This means that __________ ,(进一步说明)。 We can see from the statistics give n that ___________ (图表纟田节一)。 After v-ing ________ (细节一中的第一个变化),the _____ (紧跟着的变化:幅度+时间)。The figures also tells us that _____________________ (图表纟田节二)。 (数据位置,女口In the sec ond colu mn ), we can see that ____________ acco unts for _______ (进一步描述)。 Judging from these figures , we can draw the conclusion that ___________ (结论)。The reason for this , as far as I am concerned is that _________________ (给出原因)。/ It is high time that we should _________ (发出倡议) 利弊型作文 Recen tly the issue of whether or not ____ (讨论话题)has bee n in the limelight and has aroused wide concern in the public. There are two major argume nts that can be made for ________________________ (讨论话题)。For one thing , _________ can bring _____ to __________ (优点一)。For ano ther , it is widely hold that people usually __________ when _______ (优点二)。 But we must no t lose sight of the fact that there are also drawbacks


2019年成人高等学校专升本招生全国统一考试真题 第I卷(选择题,共125分) I. Phonetics(5 points) Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B. C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identity the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. A. land B. lamb C. father D. ladder 2. A. challenge B. cheap C. choose D. character 3. A. sweat B. please C. beat D. meat 4. A. rescue B. league C. pursue D. argue 5. A. action B. section C. solution D. question II. Vocabulary and Structure (15 points) Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 6. There _______ no one to help me at this moment, I need to handle the work all by myself. A. be B. being C. to be D. been 7. Mary took a part-time job last summer , but her parents were unhappy about _____ she did. A. these B. which C. that D. what


?初中英语教学大纲 九年义务教育全日制初级中学英语教学大纲 中华人民共和国教育部制订 ·教学目的 ·教学目标与要求 ·教学内容· 教学中应该注意的几个问题 教学评价 一、教学目的 当今世界,以信息技术为主要标志的科技进步日新月异。社会生活的信息化和经济活动的全球化使外语,特别是英语,日益成为我国对外开放和与各国交往的重要工具。学习和掌握一门外语是对21世纪公民的基本要求之一。 义务教育阶段的英语课程应贯彻德、智、体全面发展的方针,面向现代化,面向世界,面向未来,以培养学生创新精神和实践能力为重点,全面推进素质教育。通过英语课程对学生进行思想情感教育,使学生了解并尊重其他国家和民族的优秀文化传统,更好地理解并热爱中华民族的优秀文化传统;发展学生积极主动思维的能力,扩展他们的文化科学知识,丰富他们的文化生活经历,提高他们的思想品德修养,使他们能够适应我国社会、经济、科技发展和国际交往的需要。英语课程应面向全体学生,力求为每个学生的充分发展创造条件,为学生的终身学习打下基础。 为指导全国义务教育全日制初级中学的英语教学,特制定本大纲。本大纲是课程实施,教学评价和教材编写的主要依据。 义务教育阶段英语课程的目的是激发和培养学生的学习兴趣,帮助学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯,发展自主学习的能力,形成有效的学习策略;使学生掌握一定的语言基本知识和基本技能,建立初步的语感,获得初步运用英语的能力,为真实交际打下基础;开发智力,培养观察、记忆、思维、想象和创造能力;了解文化差异,培养爱国主义精神,增强世界意识;使学生初步形成健全的人格,为学生的可持续发展打下良好的基础。 二、教学目标与要求 义务教育结束时,学生应能从口头和书面材料中获取所需信息,能就熟悉的话


精心整理一、投拆信模板 Dear_______, Iam____(自我介绍)IfeelbadtotroubleyoubutIamafraidthatIhavetomakeacomplaintabout_______. Thereasonformydissatisfactionis______________(总体介绍)。Inthefirstplace,_________(抱怨的第一个方面)。Inaddition,_________(抱怨的第二个方面)。Underthesecircumstances,Ifindit___(感觉)to________(抱怨的方面给你带来的后果)。Iappreciateitverymuchifyoucould_____________(提出建议和请求),preferably__________(进一步的要求),andIwouldliketohavethismattersettledby______(设定解决事情最后期限)。ThankyouforyourconsiderationandIwillbelookingforwardtoyourreply. 范文示例: 汤姆为此向经理写一封投诉信。 DearManager, whathadhappened.Tomysurprise ehappenedinyourshopandyourassi 二、求职信模板 DearSirorMadam, ①(报纸名称)of______(广告发布时间)。 , (工作名称)。③ontheonehand,______(第一个原因)。④(另一个原因)。 ,Iwouldbemostgrateful.⑥ pleasefeelfreetocontactmeatanytimeat______(电话号码)。 ⑦,andIamlookingforwardtomeetingyou. 范文示例: 假如你是李平,九江学院商学院的大三学生,在当地一份报纸上看到一则招聘暑期兼职的工作。对此,你很有兴趣。按下列提纲写一篇求职信,字数100字左右。 1.渴求工作的愿望 2.技能和经历 3.联系方式 DearSir/Madam, Iamwritingyoutoshowmykeeninterestinthepart-timejobduringsummervacationinyourshopwhich yourecentlyadvertisedinthelocalnewspaper.IstronglybelieveImeetthequalificationlistedi nyouradvertisement. IwasborninJune,1985andamgoingtograduatefromSchoolofbusinessinJiujiang UniversityinJune,2007withsatisfactoryresultsinallthecourses.Ihavebeendoingpart-timejo bsinseveralcompaniesbefore,soIhavegainedmuchexperience.F urthermore,I’mindustrious,fr


绝密★启用前年成人高等学校招生全国统一考试2012语英 。答案必须答在答题卡上指定的位置,答在试卷上无效一、语音知识(共5小题;每题1.5分,共7.5分。) 在下列每组单词中,有一个单词的划线部分与其他单词的划线部分的读音不同。找出这个词,并把它前面的大写字母填入左边括弧里。 ()1.A. machine B. dictionary C. Russian D. question ()2.A. popular B. large C. remarkable D. dark ()3.A. church B. chalk C. character D. cheat ()4.A. cheat B. weak C. increase D. area ()5.A. copy B. loudly C. today D. Monday 二、词汇与语法知识(共25小题;每题1.5分,共37.5分。) 从每小题的四个选择项中,选出最佳的一项,并把它前面的大写字母填入左边的括弧里。 ()6.—The sea is very rough today. —Yes,I've never seen _______ before. A. such rough sea B. such a rough sea C. so rough sea D. that rough sea ()7.—She's broken her arm again. —Again?I ______ she _______ ever broken it before. A. don't know;has B. didn't know;had would ;knowhadn't D. has ;knowdidn't C. ()8.—Has the wallet been returned yet? —No,but we expect ______ any day now. A. to return it B. it to return C. it to be returned D. it returned ()9.—I've been told to pay the rent. —But it's already been paid. It ______ by someone else. A. must be B. may be C. must be paid D. must have been paid ()10. Montreal is larger than _______ in Canada. A. any city B. any cities C. any other cities D. any other city ()11. Human's brains are larger in proportion to their bodies than _______. A. whales B. a whale C. that of whales D. those of whales ()12. Before writing your article,______,collect your material,and prepare an


2012成人高考高起点英语预测试卷及答案一 I . Phonetics(10 Points) Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined comb in ati ons marked A, letter B, C and D. Compare the un derl ined parts and ide ntify the one that is differe nt from the others in pronun ciatio n. Mark your an swer by blacke ning the corresp onding letter on the An swer Sheet. 1. A. head B. horiz on C. honour D. huma n 2. A. city B. bicycle C. face D. climb 3. A. think B. these C. breathe D. with 4. A. ground B. country C. thousa nd D. found 5. A. pour B. hour C. course D. four 6. A. both B. post C. cold D. son 7. A. altogether B. talk C. always D. also 8. A. suggesti on B. n ati on C. dictati on D. satisfact ion 9. A. started B. closed C. waited D. n eeded 10. A. rare B. fare C. scare D. are n .Vocabulary and Structure(40 points) Directions: There are 40 in complete senten ces in this sect ion. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one an swer that best completes the sentence and blacke n the corresp onding letter on the An swer Sheet. 11. _____ idea of _______ sounds much better tha n Clare '. A. The, hers B. That, her C. That, hers D. One, her 12. Chi na is famous _______ the Great Wall.


最新初中英语教学大纲 外语教育不应仅以教学生背会多少个英语单词、掌握一些语法项目和考试能取得高分为目的。教育部从素质教育的高度为英语学科的教学目的重新定位,把学生的学习兴趣、学习自信心、良好的学习习惯和有效学习策略的培养摆在英语课程目的的首要位置。把语言教学的目的定位于使学生掌握一定的语言基础知识和语言基本技能,建立初步的语感,获得初步运用英语的能力,为真实交际打下基础。从语言运用的角度对“教学的目标与要求”作了必要的调整: ●强调语言学习的目的是培养学生语言运用的能力和用英语获取信息与处理信息的能力。因此,修订大纲适当提高了对学生语言运用能力的要求,以便实现语言教学从注重传授和讲解语言知识向注重培养语言能力过渡。 ●适当增加了词汇量。词汇量的适度扩充不会增加学生的学习负担,只会有利于学生形成语言运用的能力。 ●修订大纲对语音知识、语法知识、词汇知识和语篇知识的要求上淡化了对知识点的掌握,而对各个项目的语言运用分别提出了要求。在语法项目中,补充了一条必要的语法项目——定语从句,但较大幅度地降低了对语法知识掌握的要求和测试的难度。 ●扩大了听和读的输入量,提出了40小时的泛听和10万字的泛读要求,从而把对学生技能和能力的要求落到了实处。 ●为体现注重对学生语言运用能力的培养,明确提出了终结性测试应包括听力测试、笔试和口试;强调了对学生综合语言运用能力的检测,明确要求在测试中减少单纯语言知识题的比例,并降低了此类试题的难度

如果我们仔细分析“最新初中英语教学大纲”中教学目标与要求的变化,家长,您是否应该重新定位对孩子的英语学习规划?!以下是我们从专业角度对听、说、读、写技能要求的一些解读。 1.在听的能力方面,修订大纲对“一级目标与要求”和“二级目标与要求”各有什么变化? 修订大纲在一级目标与要求中对听的语速、语言材料和听的目的提出了具体 的要求,即能听懂语速为每分钟100词左右、与学生生活贴近的语言材料,以获取所需信息。 在二级目标与要求中,修订大纲提高了对听的能力的要求,强调在听的过程中,克服生词障碍,理解大意,获取信息,并提出了对泛听的要求,规定了泛听的最低量(不低于40小时)。 修订大约在听力方面更强调实用,更强调听的结果即获取所需的信息。修订大纲并不要求学生听懂语言材料中的每一个词,而是更强调听的技巧,即训练学生在听含有一定生词的语言材料时,仍能获取所需的信息。 注:中考以大纲规定的“二级目标与要求”为基本标准。 2.为什么在听力二级目标中提出“克服生词障碍”的要求? 修订大纲在二级目标中扩大了需掌握的词汇量和泛读词汇量,但这些词汇量并不能保证所选的听力材料中不含生词。另外,人们在真实交际中不可能只听到自己熟悉的语言;而根据上下文语境猜测语意的能力也是语言交际能力的重要组成部分。只有注重对学生利用语境克服生词障碍能力的训练,才有助于提高学生的听力理解能力。 3.二级目标中对听力速度的要求为什么要提高到每分钟120个词?


【篇一】成人高考英语作文万能句子 1.As far as ..is concerned ....而言 2.It goes without saying that... 不言而喻, 3.It can be said with certainty that... 可以肯定地说..... 4. As the proverb says, 正如谚语所说的, 5.It has to be noticed that... 它必须注意到, 6.It's generally recognized that..它普遍认为.. 7.It's likely that ..这可能是因为... 8. It's hardly that..这是很难的. 9. It's hardly too much to say that..它几乎没有太多的说... 【篇二】成人高考英语作文万能句子 1.相反,有一些人赞成……,他们相信……,而且,他们认为…… On the contrary,there are some people in favor of ___.At the same time,they say____. 2.但是,我认为这不是解决……的好方法,比如……最糟糕的是…… But I don”t think it is a very good way to solve ____.For example,____.Worst of all,___. 3.……对我们国家的发展和建设是必不可少的,(也是)非常重要的。首先,……而且……,最重要的是…… ______is necessary and important to our country“s development and construction.First,______.What”s more, _____.Most important of all,______. 4.有几个可供我们采纳的方法。首先,我们可以…… There are several measures for us to adopt.First, we can______.
