

The analysis of Americans and the land from the perspective of


This essay mainly talks about the fact that Americans who treat the nature without responsibility and mercy just like their early settlers. The author John Steinbeck, who is one of the winners of the Nobel Prize for literature, described how people pillaged the country vividly from different perspectives. He tries to express the idea that human should live with nature harmoniously.

This paper is going to do the stylistic analysis from the aspects of vocabulary, syntax and the context.

In terms of vocabulary, there exists an intimate relationship between vocabulary and stylistics. Jonathan swift defined stylistics as ”putting proper words in proper order”. Different words have different emotive tendency. In this essay, the author uses the pronoun “they”–meaning the Americans, six times, expressing his dissatisfaction of everything their ancestors have done to the continent. In the second paragraph, the word “our” is used nine times, functioning in the following two aspects. The first is to state his sorrow for the environment we has to live with has been severely polluted. The repeatedly presentation of the word empathized the effect. The second is to satirize the pillagers’ arrogancy and ignorance. These two pronouns well conveyed the idea that man should not conquer and change the environment but maintain the balance of the eco-system. He also uses the figure of personification for example ”Then the plows went in and ripped off the protection water and slow drought and the mischievous wind that roamed through the Great Central Plains.”

Sentences are the basic units of language, which have different structures. In the first paragraph, the author used parallelism to strengthen the tone and ellipsis which briefly and intensely expressed the author’s idea. The combination of parallelism and ellipsis such as “They burned “successfully exhibits how fast people destruct the environment. The figure of simile has also been used for example “they come as though” and “… as though they held”. The American treat the country as a quarry not

their home.

As to the context, the author write according to time sequence. The phrases like”after a time”and “for a good time”are used, which has displayed the history of invasion of the nature by mankind completely. The connection of pronouns stated that the essay deeply depend on the context, which give you sense that the author told you all this in front of your face.

John Steinbeck endow the words with life through the familiar use of language. The theme of protecting the environment is well presented.



应用写作复习题(一) 一、单项选择题(每题1分,共25分) 1.迄今所知我国最早的应用文文集是( c ) A.甲骨刻辞 B.钟鼎铭文 C.《尚书》 D.《周易》 2.我国第一部文体学专论是 ( B ) A.《文赋}》 B.《文章流别论》 C.《文心雕龙)》 D.《典论.论文》3.“公文”的称谓出现的时期是 ( ) A.两汉 B.南北朝 C.唐宋 D.元明清 4.应用文对主旨的要求主要有正确、鲜明、( B ) A.丰富 B.集中 C.庄重 D.形象 5.应用文使用叙述的方法以( D )为主A.补叙B.倒叙 C.插叙D.顺叙 6.下列文种中,属于行政公文的是

( D ) A.决议B.公报 C.指示D.通告 7.公文的作者是指( A ) A.制发者B.审稿者 C.撰稿者D.印文者 8.对重大行动作出安排,应选用( B )行文A.通报B.决定 C.通知D.意见 9.山城大学向市国土局请求批准使用校内土地。应用( C ) A.请示B.报告 C.函D.通知 10.批转性通知是指批转( C )的公文A.上级机关B.本机关 C.下级机关D.平级机关 11. 可用于任免人员的文种是( A ) A.通知 B.通报 C.会议纪要 D.报告 12.写作总结多采用( A )

A.第一人称 B.第二人称 C.第三人称 D.可无人称 13.报告的主要特点是( C ) A.期复性B.制约性 C.陈述性D.呈请性 14.最具典型性与教育性特点的是( D ) A.公报B.公告 C.决定D.通报 15.特别讲究针对性且属于被动行文的是( B ) A.通知B.批复 C.简报D.询问函 16.市林业局向市财政局请求增加绿化经费,应用( B ) A.报告B.函 C.请示D.申请书 17.调查报告是在实际工作中使用频率较高的( D ) A.通用公文B.专用公文


Chapter1 1, what is style in your opinion according to what we have studied in this chapter? Anwser1 , from the perspective of the content, the events and activities described ,style is saying different things in different ways ;from the perspective of the ways of expression used ,styled is same thing in different ways; from the perspective of the users of language ,style is different speakers using language in different ways; and from the perspective of the text ,style is the functions of texts for different purposes. Anwser2, the definition of style is the concept of style as choice .this definition can have at least too interpretations .one is that first we have a pre-existing thought ,and then we choice the appropriate type of expression to express it in language. The chosen expression is the style .another is that the choice refers to the choice of meaning. The choice of language is at the same time a choice of meaning and a choice of style . 2,what is the significance of studying the style of language in learning and teaching English? Anwser, the answer is that if we want to use language appropriately in different situations , we need to study style .as foreign language learners, if we disregard the rules of using what variety of language in what occasion , or fail to obey them through ignorance , language can become instead a barrier to successful communication . Therefore its necessary to have a clear awareness of how language should be used in different types of situations especially in unfamiliar situations. 3, what factors can result in differences in style ? Answer , 1, the different types of vocabulary create different images of the events in the rea der’s mind, so they can result in different styles.2,people living in different periods of time in history will also speak differently ,and that will result in a different style. Chapter2 1, explain the following terms 1),foregrounding: the stylistically significant features have to be prominent and motivated ,that is ,foregrounded. 2),incongruity: the linguistic features depart from the normal use of language ,breaking the rules grammar ,spelling ,pronunciation. 3)deflection : the linguistic features don’t depart from the established grammatical, lexical and logical rules and principles ,but have an unexpected high frequency of occurrence. 4),field; its concerned with what is happening ,including the subject matter,the events happenings,going-ons, the content ,etc 5)tenor: its concerned with who is taking part in the exchange of meaning ----the relationship between the speaker and the listener ,their relative status,their attitude,and their role relations . 6)mode: its concerned with how the interaction is conducted ,that is whether it is written or spoken ,or whether it is expressed by phonic substance or graphic substance. 2,question for discussion 2)in rhetorical series,the number of items can influence the stylistic effect.try to analyze the causes on the basis of social culture. Answer :different numbers of words can produce different stylistic effects in the appropriate contexts. Two items express assertion ,that is ,it is just this ,not that .In appropriate situations three items can produce ethic ,persuasive, and representative effect. Four or more items in a series


Chapter 1 Introduction ·What is the English Stylistics? It is a science that deals with the research for a wide variety of the styles of written and oral English in English language. ·What are language functions? a) To deliver some infor to other people b) To communicate with each other in society ·How do we express ourselves in a proper way? Several factors do work. a)Phonetics b)Vocabulary c)Grammar d)Some knowledge concerning English stylistics ·The correctness in using the language can not replace the appropriateness in language communication. Why? Four examples: a) “ Hello ” and “ Hi ” b) “ Assist me! Assist me! ” and “ Aid! Aid! ” c) “That’s all right.” “That’s to say.” “It’s O.K..” d) See next page d) “ I am terribly sorry to hear that your husband has just died, but don’t let it upset you too much. You’re an attractive, young lady. I’m pretty sure it is very easy for you to find someone else soon. ” ·The effects of language expressions are sometimes related to some non-linguistic factors. a) Sex ------ “ Oh, my God! ” b) Age ------ “ Cheers! ” and “ Bye for now. ” c) Vocation ------ “ Watch the birdie. ” d) Received education ------ “ go to W.C. ” e) Social station ------ “ What prompted you to apply for this job? ” ·Why should we learn and study English stylistics? a) It will help us to express ourselves in English properly. b) It will help us to know something about language features of a variety of English written styles. c) It will help us to select a proper way for getting the best language effects and attaining our communicative purposes. d) It will help us to go at literary criticism. e) It will help us to do the translation work well. Chapter 2 Language Description & Stylistic Analysis ·There are 4 phonetic means in English: 1) stress 2) Intonation 3) pause 4) voice quality. ·Stress has several apparent stylistic and grammatical functions. (1) The first function is for emphasis. (2) The second function is to change the meaning or the part of speech of some words, or both. (3) The third function is to differ some English words (4) The fourth function is to show someone’s surprise, anger, fear, doubt, pleasure, etc..·Intonation can be employed to express people’s happiness, sadness, certainty, hesitation, depression, etc. There are 5 pitches in phonetics: (1) The falling pitch is used to show the meaning of definiteness, certainty and completeness. (2) The rising pitch is employed to show the meaning of indefiniteness, uncertainty and incompleteness. (3) The fall-rise pitch is used to give people some encouragement or give people a warning. (4) The rise-fall pitch is employed to give people a sincere praise or to show the feeling of shock. (5) The level pitch is used to give account on something happened in the past. ·Pause can be divided into two. 精品文档


Unit 5 Formal vs Informal Language 英教0901班董宜之程雅洁田冬雪

Contents 5.1 The interpersonal function of language 5.2 Degrees of formality 5.3 Functional tenor and degrees of formality 5.4 Martin Joo’s Classification 5.5 Speech situation and formality 5.6 Formality and linguistic features 5.7 Sets of co-occurring features 5.8 Involved vs informational texts 5.9 Tenors, field, and mode

5.1 The interpersonal function of language 1.Functions of language: ●the ideational / referential function ●the interpersonal / social / expressive function ●the textual function 2. Tenors of discourse: the relationship between participants in the situation, their roles and status. The participant relations that determine the tenor of discourse range through varying degrees of permanence.


西南大学网络与继续教育学院课程考试试题卷 类别:网教(网教/成教) 课程名称【编号】:英语文体学引论【0099】 A卷大作业满分:100 分 要答案:wangjiaofudao I. Fill in the following blanks with proper words. (20 points), 1) _____ of discourse is the social relationships between participants in communication. 2) _____ is a kind of mild expression for an offensive or hush one. 3) Simply speaking, _____refers to languages which are determined by situation. 4) Stylistics may be defined as the study of or the investigation of _____. II. Indicate what kind of figures of speech is used in the following examples. (20 points)1 1) We need more hands to finish this work on time. _____ 2) Tom almost cried his eyes out at this news. _____ 3) My love is like a red rose. _____ 4) The old tree was waving him a good bye in the cold wind. _____ III. Explain in brief the following terms. (20 points) 1) Field of discourse& F' p. 2) Syllable& M 3) Rhetorical question 4) Discoursal analysis IV. Please decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F). (20 points) 1) Technical words refer to those words used in special professions. ( ) 2) Simply speaking, registers refer to languages which are determined by situation.


英语语言学基础知识 一、绪论语言学的定义语言的定义语言学的研究范畴语言的甄别特征 几对基本概念 (2) a large amount of communication is carried out in speech than in writing What is linguistics? 什么是语言学? (3) speech is the form in which infants acquire their native language Language and parole 语言与言语 Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language. It studies not any particular language, but languages in general. 语言学是对语言科学地进行研究的学科。语言学所要 研究的不是某一种特定的语言,Language refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community. 而是人类所有语言的特性。 Parole refers to the realization of language in actual use The scope of linguistics 语言学研究的范畴 Competence and performance 能力与运用 Phonetics语音学\Phonology音系学\Morphology形态学\Syntax句法学\Semantics语义学\Pragmatics语用学Chomsky defines competence as the ideal users’ knowledge of the rules of his language \Sociolinguistics社会语言学\Psycholinguistics心理语言学\Applied linguistics应用语言学 Performance: The actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication. Prescriptive vs. descriptive 规定性与描述性 What is language? 什么是 语言? Descriptive:A linguistic study describes and analyzes the


英语文体学期中考试 姓名:张燕箐班级:08级英语四班学号:P081011960 文体学1-7章概述 第一章有关文体学 什么文体学? 简单来说,文体学是一门研究语言运用的方法的学科;它是用来研究运用语言的风格。现代文体学有两个分支:普通文体学与文学文体学。普通文体学研究的是各种语言运用的普遍特征,而文学文体学则是对各种文学作品所特有的特征的研究。但是,这两种文体学所研究的对象还存在一些共同之处。见下表: 在《英语文体学教程》这一书中,对文体学的研究,主要是指普通文体学。而要解释什么是普通文体学就得知道什么是语言,语言的变体有哪些?什么是文体?文体学的特征是什么? 有学者认为语言是一种标志,是工具。语言经常会与编码作比,是一种标志或信号系统用来传递信息。人们完成一件事情不仅要通过肢体语言来表达而且还有口头语言表达,这样就有了语言行为与语言事件。说到文体学当然要提“文体”二字,文体(或文风)可以被认为是个人或群体在各种社会社交环境中运用语言的多样化。简而言之,就是文学风格。比如:“莎士比亚风格”、“米尔顿风格”等。文体学的重点就在于研究语言的功能。 第二章学习文体学的必要性 学习文体学有有助于更好的运用英语。因此,对于外语学习者,有必要了解学习文体学的必要性: 1.文体学帮你在交谈中建立一种恰如其分的感觉。也就是说,懂得在适当的场合说适当的话。比如你是一位总经理,在和一个很好的朋友喝酒时,你会说:“来,干了”!但是如果在比较正式的场合,那就得说:“我代表公司向全体员工表示感谢,感谢大家……为了公司今后的发展,干杯!” 2.学习文体学能提高对文学作品的理解能力和欣赏水平。对文学作品的评价有三个步骤:描述→口译→评估。描述占第一位,由此看来,在文学创作中,最关键的是描述。 3.学习文体学能帮你更好的进行翻译工作。文体学告诉我们英语的各种变体以及其功能、特点,因此,了解文体学能使我们的翻译更加贴合实际,符合原文思想。比如“油漆未干”翻译成对应的英语应该是“Wet Paint”而不是“The paint is not dry”. 在翻译过程中,应当注意所翻译作品的时代以及其语言风格,是古语还是现代语言,要符合语境,比如翻译一篇老旧文学作品,要尽量达到其“古”的意味,才能让读者更大限度的领会其思想。 第三章语言的变体 语言要用的恰当,就得看它的具体语境。语言有两种变体,一是方言变体,一是语域变体。 .一、方言变体 1.个人语言方式或个人语型


淮北师范大学 外国语学院英语专业(翻译方向)本科培养方案 (2010年5月修订)

外国语学院英语专业(翻译方向)本科教学计划 一、培养目标 本专业的基本任务是培养德、智、体、美、劳全面发展,能适应21世纪经济全球化发展趋势和社会主义市场经济建设对英汉翻译人才的需求,具有坚实的英汉语言基础和娴熟的语言交际能力,熟练掌握英汉口、笔译翻译技巧与策略,掌握一定的国际商务、旅游、科技、文秘、教育及文化知识的“厚基础、宽口径、复合型”英语高级专门人才。学生毕业后能在外贸、外事、金融、旅游、教育、科研等部门尤其是对外经济贸易部门及三资企业从事翻译、文秘、进出口业务、涉外旅游、教育及科研等工作。 二、培养规格 1.热爱祖国,热爱人民;具有正确的世界观、人生观、价值观;具有较强的社会责任 感和事业心;好学上进,善于合作;爱岗敬业,品德良好;具有独立思考、勇于创新的科学精神。 2.具有求真务实的学风以及较强的开拓意识和创新精神;具有较为宽广的人文社会科 学知识基础,较好的文化修养和一定的科学素质;具有较强的口头与书面表达能力和信息处理能力、人际沟通能力、社会适应能力以及管理能力;能熟练使用计算机,计算机考试达到一级及以上水平;能规范流利地使用普通话。 3.系统掌握英语专业基础知识,娴熟运用听、说、读、写、译五项英语专业基本技能; 尤其具有较强的英汉双语口、笔头互译能力。 4.掌握英语语言文学学科以及相关人文学科和社会学科的基础知识,了解英语国家的 社会、文化、历史、地理、政治、经济等方面的国情,了解经贸、文秘、旅游及管理等相关专业知识,具有较为宽广的知识面。 5.具有实际运用一门第二外语的一定能力。 6.具有健康的体魄,达到国家规定的体育锻炼标准;具有良好的卫生习惯,良好的心 理素质,正确的审美观和一定的艺术鉴赏力。


辽宁师范大学 硕士研究生入学统一考试(初试) 实践英语考试大纲 一、考查目标 实践英语考试旨在科学、公平、有效地测试考生对英语基本知识和技能应用的掌握程度,确保英语专业硕士研究生的入学质量。考生需要系统掌握英语语言的基本知识和英语语言的基本用法,能够初步运用所学的基本理论、基本知识和基本方法分析判断并解决与英语相关的实践问题。 二、考试形式、试卷结构 答题方式为闭卷、笔试。 三、试卷满分及考试时间 本试卷由五部分组成,满分为150分;第I、II、III部分为客观题;第IV、V部分为主观题。 考试时间为180分钟。 四、试卷题型及分值 I.单项判断题 II.完形填空题 III.阅读理解题 IV.英汉互译 V.写作题 五、考查要点 I.考查要点:考查考生对英语语言知识和文化知识的掌握程度以及对英语 语言的综合运用能力。 II.考查要点:考查考生综合运用英语知识的水平和实践能力。要求考生在理解所提供的内容基础上,能够根据提示作出正确选择。 III.考查要点:考查考生英语阅读能力,要求考生掌握材料主旨,根据上下文逻辑关系分析和理解文章。 IV.考查要点:考查考生在翻译学基本理论指导下的英汉-汉英互译能力。

V.考查要点:考查考生对英语的综合运用能力,包括词汇,语法,语用方面的综合素质及其文学素养。 六、考试范围 1. 词汇学相关知识 词的特征、词类划分的标准、实义语类、功能语类,中心语、修饰语、短语类、附加语、空语类、指示语。 2. 语法学相关知识 性、数、格,时、体,一致关系、支配关系。 3. 句法学相关知识 句子的性质、句子的成分、句子的类型、句子的界限、句子的结构等。 4. 语篇语言学相关知识 能够识别语篇特征,实现语篇的衔接与连贯,并能运用语篇语言学知识解决具体的语言问题。 5. 文体学相关知识 分析不同语境和场合所使用的得体英语,熟悉了解英语修辞格以及有关英语文体学的基础知识,能够运用在英语阅读和欣赏中。 6. 翻译能力 首先要忠实于原文表达的内容、结构、风格。在忠实于原文的基础上,还要考虑译文语言的表达习惯。同时掌握有些程式化的翻译处理方式,如长句的翻译方法、分合句的翻译方法等。 7. 写作能力 英语写作能力包括三个主要方面:1)立意能力,能通过对客观事物的观察、分析和归纳,把其中包含的意思加以提炼,确定所要表达的中心思想。2)布局谋篇的能力,根据表达中心思想的要求组织材料。3)书写能力,指书写成文的能力,即准确流利地表达主旨,同时保证文章的统一性、连贯性、重点突出、富于变化。 七、试题示例 Part I. Vocabulary Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences with one word or two words missing in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. 1. Anderson held out his arms to ______ the attack, but the shark grabbed his right forearm and dived. A. turn off B. ward off C. trigger off D. call off 2. Her excellent _______ of English helped her communicate freely with foreign partners.

英语文体学 1

English Stylistics 英语文体学 Course Introduction Course title: English Stylistics Course hours: 2 per week, 34 in total Assessment: 1. Attendance 2. After-class preparation for related topics 3. In-class performance and involvement 4. Quiz 5. Final exam Teaching Objectives: Have a systematic knowledge of the features of different varieties of language Make appropriate use of language in our communication Familiarize ourselves with the stylistic features of the different genres of literature Deepen our understanding and appreciation of literary works Offer useful ideas on translation and language teaching Textbook: English Stylistics(英语文体学) Other reference books: Introduction to English Stylistics《英语文体学引论》(丁往道王佐良)


试论文体学知识融入高职英语教学 " 论文关键词:文体学语境大学英语教学 论文摘要:结合文体学理论和教学实践,阐述了把文体分析运用到高职英语教学中的必要性。这种运用有助于学生对语言的理解与欣赏,提高他们的英语阅读、翻译等语言综合运用能力。 一、英语文体学及其对英语教学的作用 文体学是一门运用现代语言学理论和方法研究文体的学科,而“文体”(Style)指某种语体的风格特征,即适于某特定语用环境的一整套语言变异形式。文体学研究语言使用的规律,体现在语言运用的各个层面,如语音、书写、词汇、句法结构乃至语篇类型的选择上。文体分析就是在语音、书写、词汇、语法、篇章结构等各个层面进行的,其重点是分析具有文体意义(stylisticsignificance)和美学价值的那些语言特征,从那些被“前景化”了的语言特征(fore-grounded features)入手,挖掘作者的语用意图和语用效果,以便达到鉴赏的目的。 文体分析无疑对于外语教学具有十分重要的意义。语言学习的最终目的是交际,文体知识是交际能力的组成部分之一,这里的文体知识是指一个人根据交际对象和交际目的,选用不同风格的词语和句篇等进行交际的能力。语言交流要注意语言的正确与得体,所谓得体,就是“在正确的场合说正确的话”。而在我国,学生因缺乏必要的文体知

识而造成语域(register)误用的现象比比皆是,不少的学生往往不分情景、场合、内容、对象等混用不同语体,而文体学讨论的中心问题,正是语言对场合的适合性(appropriateness)。接触文体知识,提高文体意识,能帮助学生更好地理解语篇在说些什么和怎么说的,明白在某一语境,为何这一目的该这样使用语言,有助于提高他们运用英语准确得体地表达思想的能力。本文将从文体学的理论知识入手,进而结合实践分析文体学对外语教学的实际意义。 二、文体学引入高职英语教学的实践 “实用为主,够用为度”是教育部高等教育司颁布的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》中有关英语教学的原则。这八字方针充分说明了提高学生实际应用英语的能力是我们教学的最终目标。 随着大学生英语水平的普遍上升,社会对英语水平的要求越来越高,对课本的讲解仅仅局限于从全篇内容着眼,并对一些常用词和词组的用法进行分析的英语教学,已经到了非改不可的地步。英语教学应上升到对课文欣赏的高度,应更加强调对于课文内在联系的讲解、结构的分析和语言表达的欣赏,即在语言教学中注重文体的讲授。这样,可以使学生在学习语言过程中更深入地观察英语的性能,找到正确而恰当地使用语言的技巧,更有效地提高他们的逻辑分析、归纳能力,增强他们的想象力和活学活用的能力。而且,由于改平铺直叙的讲解为活泼生动的文章欣赏,更能提高学生的学习兴趣和积极性。下面以精读教学和翻译教学为例分析文体教学引入高职英语教学的必要性。 (一)精读教学方面教师在引导学生分析整个篇章结构模式时,帮助


期末大作业: 英语文体学 Analyze the stylistic features of the following passage in terms of phonology, graphology, lexicon, and syntax. WHY I TEACH Why do you teach? My friend asked the question when I told him that I didn’t want to be considered for an administr ative position. He was puzzled that I didn’t want what was obviously a “step up” toward what all Americans are taught to want when they grow up: money and power. Certainly I don’t teach because teaching is easy for me. Teaching is the most difficult of the various ways I have attempted to earn my living: mechanic, carpenter, writer. For me, teaching is a red-eye, sweaty-palm, sinking-stomach profession. Red-eye, because I never feel ready to teach no matter how late I stay up preparing. Sweaty-palm, because I’m always nervous before I enter the classroom, sure that I will be found out for the fool that I am. Sinking-stomach, because I leave the classroom an hour later convinced that I was even more boring than usual. Nor do I teach because I think I know answers, or because I have knowledge I feel compelled to share. Sometimes I am amazed that my students actually take notes on what I say in class! Why, then, do I teach? I teach because I like the pace of the academic calendar. June, July, and August offer an opportunity for reflection, research, and writing. I teach because teaching is a profession built on change. When the material is the same, I change—and, more important, my students change. I teach because I like the freedom to make my own mistakes, to learn my own lessons, to stimulate myself and my students. As a teacher, I’m my own boss. If I want my freshmen to learn to write by creating their own textbook, who is to say I can’t? Such courses may be huge failures, but we can all learn from failures. I teach because I like to ask questions that students must struggle to answer. The world is full of right answers to bad questions. While teaching, I sometimes find good questions. I teach because I enjoy finding ways of getting myself and my students out of the ivory tower and into the real world. I once taught a course called Self-reliance in a Technological Society. My 15 students read Emerson, Thoreau, and Huxley. They kept diaries. They wrote term papers. But we also set up a corporation, borrowed money, purchased a run-down house and practiced self-reliance by renovating it. At the end of the semester, we sold the house, repaid our loan, paid our taxes, and distributed the profits among the group. So teaching gives me pace and patience, vigor and variety, and challenge, and the chance to keep on learning.


Chapter one: Introduction to Stylistics(4hrs) Definition of stylistics: Stylistics is a special kind of subject, which applies the techniques and concepts of modern linguistics to the study of literary texts. And it is based upon the idea that the examination or analysis of the language of a literary text can be a means to a fuller understanding and appreciation of the writer’s artistic achievement. So stylistics studies language as it is used in literary texts, with the aim of relating it to the artistic functions of language use. Stylistics is based upon the idea that all artistic works have content and form, usually the content can decide the form, but the other way round, the form can have counter-effect upon the content. It is also true of literary works. This definition does not mean that the learning of stylistics demands a great deal of linguistic knowledge. In stead, it requires the learner to be familiar with some basic concepts and traditional terms in grammar, phonetics, and rhetoric. And of course, the learner should also be curious and make full use of an explicit understanding of language——not just language used in the given literary context. Stylistic study/analysis Stylistics makes for a widening and deepening of the aesthetic taste. Leo Spitzer’s insistence is that the smallest detail of the used by in a particular literary text can unlock the soul of a literary work. That is, by noticing the smallest detail, the reader can understand and explain how a particular effect or meaning is achieved. Then the reader is more likely to appreciate the creation of the writer’s. Leo Spitzer: the only way to get out of the state of un-productivity is to read and reread. Summing up: Any stylistic study of a literary text starts from some curiosity or the curious noticing of some details or some special features of a particular case of language use, or such uses in a literary text. For in both linguistic and literary spheres, much rests on the intuition and personal judgment for which a system, however good, is an aid rather then a substitute. So interest and curiosity is the mother of stylistic discovery. And the method of getting some interest or insight is to read and reread the text you are going to analyze. It goes through the linguistic analysis of these details and comes to the realization of the special effects realized thereby.
