

Yao Ming, born in xuhui district, Shanghai on September 12, 1980, is originally from zhenze town, wujiang district, suzhou city, jiangsu province.

In April 1998, yao Ming was selected by wang fei to start his basketball career. Won the league MVP in 2001, the CBA champion in 2002 and the MVP in the finals, three times as the champion of CBA's board and the king of blocking and two times as the champion of basketball of CBA. In the 2002 NBA draft, he was selected by the NBA's Houston rockets as the no. 1 overall pick. From 2003 to 2009, he was selected to the NBA all-star team for six consecutive seasons (8 times in his career), two times in the NBA's best lineup and three times in the NBA's best lineup. In 2009, yao became the owner of Shanghai sharks basketball club after buying the Shanghai men's basketball team. Yao announced his retirement on July 20, 2011.

In 2013, yao was elected to the 12th CPPCC national committee. In June 2014, I participated in the guest guest of hunan TV's where are we going, dad? On February 10, 2015, yao Ming officially became one of the image ambassadors of Beijing's bid to host the winter Olympics. On April 4, 2016, yao Ming was officially selected into the 2016 naismith memorial basketball hall of fame, becoming the first Chinese to receive this honor. In October, yao became China's ambassador to Mars. In November, elected vice-chairman of CBA company.

Yao Ming's no 11 jersey retires at halftime of the rockets' home game against the bulls on feb 4, 2017. Yao Ming was elected President of the basketball association at the 9th national congress of the Chinese basketball association on feb 23. On July 20, after being nominated by the Chinese basketball association, the board of directors voted yao Ming as chairman of CBA company.

On oct 20, 2017, yao Ming has transferred all the shares of Shanghai beilibi club. Won the 10th China charity award charity model award in September 2018.

姚明(Yao Ming),1980年9月12日出生于上海市徐汇区,祖籍江苏省苏州市吴江区震泽镇,前中国职业篮球运动员,司职中锋,现任中职联公司董事长兼总经理。

1998年4月,姚明入选王非执教的国家队,开始篮球生涯。2001夺得CBA常规赛MVP,2002年夺得CBA总冠军以及总决赛MVP,分别3次当选CBA篮板王以及盖帽王,2次当选CBA 扣篮王。在2002年NBA选秀中,他以状元秀身份被NBA的休斯敦火箭队选中,2003-09年连续6个赛季(生涯共8次)入选NBA全明星阵容,2次入选NBA最佳阵容二阵,3次入选NBA最佳阵容三阵。2009年,姚明收购上海男篮,成为上海大鲨鱼篮球俱乐部老板。2011年7月20日,姚明正式宣布退役。





英语作文的名人介绍素材 英语作文的名人介绍素材 首先,先列出SAT写作的几类话题: 1.成功/ 英雄/ 困难类(被写的经久不衰!) 2.大众观点类:(媒体/ 团体/ 主流) 3.谎言/ 现象本质/ 隐私(这个我也不懂) 4.动机类(这个说的优点玄乎) 5.改变/ 科技/ 创新类 6.了解自身类 7.选择类 下面就淘选了些经典例子!! Gates (比尔盖茨)

When Bill Gates made his decision to drop out from Harvard, he did not care too much of the result. Gates entered Harvard in 1973, and dropped out two years later when he and Allen started the engine of Microsoft. Many people did not understand why Gates gave up such a good opportunity to study in the world’s University. However, with size comes power, Microsoft dominates the PC market with its operating systems, such as MS-DOS and Windows. Now, Microsoft becomes the biggest software company in the world and Bill Gates becomes the richest man in the world. 用于有放弃就会有所得、勇气、懂 得把握机会类 Edison (托马斯爱迪生) In 1879, after more than 1,000 trials and $40,000, Thomas Edison introduced an inexpensive alternative to candles and gaslight: the incandescent lamp. Using


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 名人演讲稿中英文 篇一:名人演讲中英文对照 释放你的创造力 比尔盖茨 IvebeenanoptimistandIsupposedthatisrootedinmybelief thatthepowerofcreativityandintelligencecanmakethewo rldabetterplace. ForaslongasIcanremember,Ivelovedlearningnewthingsan dsolvingproblems.sowhenIsatdownatacomputerforthefir sttimeinseventhgrade,Iwashooked.Itswasaclunkyandtel etypemachinethatbarelydoanythingcomparedtothecomput erwehavetoday.butitchangedmylife. whenmyfriendpaulAllenandIstaredmicrosoft30yearsago, wehadavisionof"acomputeroneverydeskandineveryhome,"

whichprobablysoundedalittletoooptimisticatatimewhen mostcomputerswerethesizeofrefrigerators.butwebeliev ethatpersonalcomputerwouldchangetheworld.Andtheyhav e. Andafter30years,IstillinspiredbycomputersasIwasback inseventhgrade. 我天生乐观,坚信人类凭创造力和聪明才智可以让世界日益美妙,这一设想一直根植于我的内心深处。 自从记事起,我就热衷于接触新事物、挑战难题。可想而知,我上七年级时第一次坐在计算机前是何等着迷,如入无我之境。那是一台锵锵作响的旧牌机器,和我们今天拥有的计算机相比,它相当逊色几乎一无所用,但正是它改变了我的生活。 30年前,我和朋友保罗·艾伦创办微软时,我们幻想实现"在每个家庭、在每张办公桌上都有一台计算机",这在大多数的计算机体积如同冰箱的尺寸的年代,听起来有点异想天开。但是我们相信个人电脑将改变世界。今天看来果真如此。30年后,我仍然象上七年级的时候那样为计算机而狂热着迷。 Ibelievethatcomputersarethemostincredibletoolwecanu


叶芝的诗歌创作生命大致可分为三个阶段: (一)前期诗歌创作包括从1883年起在《都柏林大学评论》上发表的诗歌直到1899 年出版的第三部诗集《芦苇中的风》。这一时期影响他诗歌创作的因素如下:(1)雪莱的诗作特别是《阿拉斯特》和父亲约翰叶芝的影响,促使他对诗歌产生了兴趣,并从雪莱和斯宾塞等人的诗歌中吸收表现手法。 (2)19世纪浪漫主义的影响,但融进个人对爱尔兰乡间生活和民族神话的探索和思考,从中获取题材。 (3)唯美派诗人,特别是他同乡王尔德的影响,从他们那里学到的主要是音韵、字句的雕琢技巧,但他对这些技巧的局限性也作出了透彻的认识。 (4)布莱克的神秘主义,叶芝用四年时间编辑创作布莱克的作品,这四年的研究丰富了叶芝的思想,培养他诗歌创作中运用想象的能力,逐步建立起一套神秘的象征主义。 (5)爱尔兰民主主义情节的影响,他试图通过写作创建出一种民族思想,从而取得国家民族的独立;爱情诗中融入民族主义是他诗歌较鲜明的特征之一。 前期叶芝有代表性的爱情诗有《度人致所爱》、《叶落》、《蜉蝣》、《致时间十字架上的玫瑰》、《尘世的玫瑰》、《爱的叹惋》、《当你老了》、《白鸟》、《两棵树》、《恋人述说他心中的玫瑰》、《鱼》、《恋人伤悼》、《他记起遗忘了的美》、《他赠给爱人一些诗句》、《他记起遗忘了的美》、《他赠给爱人一些诗句》、《他愿所爱已死》、《他翼求天国的锦缎》。 (二)叶芝诗歌创作的第二个阶段从20世纪初至第一次世界大战结束。这一时期他的诗歌因受到爱尔兰民族自治运动以及艾兹拉庞德的影响,诗风有了变化,他摆脱了唯美主义的倾向,用象征手法表达现实内容,现实主义因素大大增强。在诗集《在七座森林里》(1903)和《绿盔》(1910)中,叶芝逐渐摆脱了凯尔特和神秘主义的一些影响。在1914年问世的诗集《责任》中,他早期抒情诗中超俗、迷幻的气氛消失了、表现出的是日趋成熟的精炼和坦诚,这以后叶芝的象征主义体系才日趋完善。1917年发表的诗集《库尔德野天鹅》使叶芝登上创造的顶峰。 这一时期叶芝有代表性的爱情诗有《箭》、《听人安慰的愚蠢》、《切勿把心全交出》、《亚当所爱的诅咒》、《呵,别爱得太久》、《没有第二个特洛伊》、《和解》、《面具》等。 (三)1919年到30年代末是叶芝生活和创作的后期。他的神秘主义象征体系在这一时期最终形成,同时他创造性的把象征主义与写实手法自然地结合起来,把生活的哲理与个人的情感融为一体。多以死亡和爱情为题,以表达某种明确的情感和对现实的思考。他完成诗歌创造的嬗变,体现出个人风格。他诗歌的成熟“既是个人风格的发展,也是技巧的提高” 这一时期他著名的爱情诗有:《活生生的美》、《残破的梦》、《深沉的誓言》、《狂放的老坏蛋》、《失去的东西》、《她在树林中的幻视》、《一个女人的青年和老年》。. 以上三个阶段叶芝诗歌创造所出现的不同转变,在其爱情诗中也有很明显的反应。他的诗在技巧上虽不断变化,但有一种情感自1889年以后矢志不渝地贯穿在他的整个诗歌生命中即毛德冈情结。1889年1月30日,23岁的叶芝第一次遇见她时,她年仅22岁。“她伫立窗畔,身穿盛开着一大团苹果花;她光彩夺目,仿佛自身就是洒满了阳光的花瓣。”叶芝这样描写他第一次见到毛德冈时的情形。她可谓是真正意义上的乱世佳人,不仅拥有美丽的外表,同时拥有一颗勇敢且对生活充满热爱的心。她对叶芝一直若即若离,但叶芝对她的爱慕终身不渝,这段无望的爱情带给叶芝的是不尽得痛苦和不幸,它也不断激发叶芝的创造灵感,有时是激情爱恋,有时是绝望的怨恨,更多的时候是爱与恨之间复杂的纠葛,所以他的爱情诗是更人文、更深层和更宁静的心灵体验,因而具有十足的张力。总之毛德冈是叶芝一生的烦恼。不得回报的爱升华成一篇篇感情复杂、思想深邃、风格高尚的诗,它们贯穿叶芝的第二本到最后一本诗集中。正向毛德冈对叶芝所说的:“世人会因她没有嫁给他而感激她的”。最初叶芝对她的爱可能是出于肉体美的愛悦,但青年时的叶芝在他的爱情诗创造中有意识地

a famous person I are all admire(一个我敬佩的名人)

the discussion of a famous person you three are all admire Team Members:YuLong Li,BingLei Guo,Jun Yan YuLong Li:In our growth, we will admire a lot of people, some people who helped me, and some people encouraged us in our difficulties, some people are our spiritual idols. Many people give us with a deep impression, then Who do you most admire? BingLei Guo:Ah, I most admired person is famous mathematician Chen's. He is a man Fuzhou City, Fujian province, is an ordinary farmer's son. He always hard to learn math, math fact have a great talent horizon. He was later to accomplish something in mathematics, was remembered by people at home and abroad, and to be respected. Jun Yan:Yes, I was particularly impressed the article "he benefit issues"that he published in 1965.This is the proof "Goldbach's Conjecture"a milestone on the road to the road.His thesis mathematical community at home and abroad have a great impact,has been called "Chen Theorem." YuLong Li:I recently read some papers,his "Goldbach's


十大名人英语演讲稿精选 1. Steve Jobs 史蒂芬·乔布斯CEO of Apple Computers 苹果电脑CEOStanford University 斯坦福大学June 12, 2005 2005年6月12日Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary。

记着你总会死去,这是我知道的防止患得患失的最佳办法。赤条条来去无牵挂,还有什么理由不随你的心?!你的时间是有限的,因此不要把时间浪费在过别人的生活上。不要被教条所困——使自己的生活受限于他人的思想成果。不要让他人的意见淹没了你自己内心的声音。最重要的是,要有勇气跟随你的内心与直觉,它们好歹已经知道你真正想让自己成为什么。其他的,都是次要的。 2. David Foster Wallace Novelist 小说家Kenyon College 肯尼恩学院May 21, 2005 2005年5月21日There are these two young fish swimming along and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says, “Morning, boys. How's the water?” And the two young fish swim on for a bit, and then eventually one of them looks over at the other and goes, “What the hell is water?”... simple awareness; awareness of what is so real and essential, so hidden in plain sight all around us, all the time, that we have to keep reminding ourselves over and over:“This is water。”“This is water。”It is unimaginably hard to do this, to sta y conscious and alive in the adult world day in and day out。 有两条小鱼一起在水里游,碰到一条老鱼迎面游过来。老鱼向他们点点头,并说:“早上好,孩子们。水怎么样?”这两条小鱼继续往前游了一会儿后,其中一条小鱼实在忍不住了,看了一下另一条小鱼,问道:“水到底是什么东西?”……简单的意识;对我们生活中如此真实、如此必不可少、无处不在、无时不在的事物的意识,需要我们一遍一遍地提醒自己:“这是水。”“这是水。”天天都保持意识清醒而鲜活,在成人世界中做到这点,是不可想象地难。

名家资料英文介绍:奥斯卡·王尔德 Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), Irish poet and dramatist whose reputation rests on his comic masterpieces Lady Windermere's Fan温夫人的扇子(1892) and The Importance of Being Earnest认真的重要性(1895). Among Wilde's other best-known works are his only novel The Picture of Dorian Gray多利安?格雷的画像(1891) and his fairy tales especially "The Happy Prince." Wilde was born on October 16, 1854 in Dublin to unconventional parents - his mother Lady Jane Francesca Wilde (1820-96), was a poet and journalist. His father was Sir William Wilde, an Irish antiquarian古物研究者,收集古物者(antiques), gifted writer, and specialist in diseases of the eye and ear. Wilde studied at Portora Royal School, Enniskillen, County Fermanagh (1864-71), Trinity College, Dublin (1871-74) and Magdalen College, Oxford (1874-78). In 1878 Wilde received his B.A. and in the same year he moved to London. His lifestyle and humorous wit soon made him the spokesman for


名人英语演讲稿 tribute to diana 致戴安娜——查尔斯·斯宾塞 在全世界,戴安娜是同情心、责任心、风度和美丽的化身,是无私和人道的象征,是维 护真正被践踏的权益的旗手,是一个超越国界的英国女孩,是一个带有自然的高贵气质的人, 是一个不分阶层的人。 this is the text of earl spencers tribute to his sister at her funeral. there is some very deep, powerful and heartfelt sentiment. would that those at whom it is aimed would take heed. the versions posted on several news services had minor errors. this is precisely as it was deliverd. i stand before you today the representative of a family in grief, in a country in mourning before a world in shock. we are all united not only in our desire to pay our respects to diana but rather in our need to do so. for such was her extraordinary appeal that the tens of millions of people taking part in this service all over the world via television and radio who never actually met her, feel that they, too, lost someone close to them in the early hours of sunday morning. it is a more remarkable tribute to diana than i can ever hope to offer her today. today is our chance to say thank you for the way you brightened our lives, even though god granted you but half a life. we will all feel cheated, always, that you were taken from us so young and yet we must learn to be grateful that you came along at all. only now you are gone do we truly appreciate what we are now without and we want you to know that life without you is very, very difficult. we have all despaired at our loss over the past week and only the strength of the message you gave us through your years of giving has afforded us the strength to move forward. there is a temptation to rush to canonize your memory. there is no need to do so. you stand tall enough as a human being of unique qualities not to need to be seen as a saint. indeed to sanctify your memory would be to miss out on the very core of your being, your wonderfully mischievous sense of humor with the laugh that bent you double, your joy for life transmitted wherever you took your smile, and the sparkle in those unforgettable eyes, your boundless energy which you could barely contain. but your greatest gift was your intuition, and it was a gift you used wisely. this is what underpinned all your wonderful attributes. and if we look to analyze what it was about you that had such a wide appeal, we find it in your instinctive feel for what was really important in all our lives. without your god-given sensitivity, we would be immersed in greater ignorance at the anguish of aids and hiv sufferers, the plight of the homeless, the isolation of lepers, the random destruction of land mines. diana explained to me once that it was her innermost feelings of suffering that made it possible for her to connect with her constituency of the rejected. the world sensed this part of her character and cherished her for her


儿童文学 儿童文学的概念:(广义)18岁以下少年儿童为读者对象,专门为他们创造而且适应他们发展需要,具有丰富审美内涵的学科(包括幼儿文学3,4—6,7童年文学6,7—11,12少年文学11,12—17,18)。 儿童观与儿童文学:儿童文学核心问题是儿童观的问题。 关于儿童观和儿童文学的审美创造? 1,人生派:文学研究会 2,本位派:注重的是儿童心理,儿童情趣与儿童需要。 3,教育派:上海鲁冰,教育文学就是教育儿童的文学,不要过分强调教育而放弃儿童本我,茅盾“政治挂了帅,艺术脱了班,故事公式化,人物概念化,语言干巴巴。” 4,多元派:曹文轩 儿童读物包括儿童文学 儿童读物包括哪些内容: (一)儿童启蒙图书《中国儿童启蒙名著通览》;道德伦理;科学知识,科学普及读物;儿童卡通图 画读物;百科知识读物《中国通史,少年彩绘 版》;少年儿童文学读物。

童话起源 (一)周作人“舶来体”,日本小说家《骨董集》山东京传。 (二)本土产生,洪讯涛 朱自强(儿童评论家)1909年由孙毓修编译,商务《童话丛书》为标志,这是中国刊物出现童话一词 ............。 《搜神记》--《叶限姑娘》 周作人《童话略论》《童话研究》《古童话释义》。 童话定义:以幻想精神作为主要审美手段,夸张,拟人,非写实的,用来表达和满足人类愿望(儿童愿望)的作品。 1988年当代作家,《草房子》,《山羊不吃天堂草》,《青铜鸟》,迟子建《清水洗尘》《清新土豆》《额尔古纳河右岸》。 1,童话的本质特征:幻想 人物:常人化,拟人化,超人化 情节:荒诞环境:虚拟童话语言:幽默2,隐喻,游戏精神,纸质 (一)儿童审美心理 怀特(美)《夏洛的网》《屋顶上的小飞人》《玛丽-波平斯阿姨》与《音乐之声》。 (二)成人理性隐喻


名人经典英文演讲-托尼·帕克演讲稿 I'm very happy here,to be here,tonight,on the Manu's night, I'm so happy for you, well deserved,well deserved. 非常高兴今晚站在这里,在马努之夜。我是如此的为你高兴,对于这样的夜晚,你当之无愧。 Before i start though,i want to set the record with Argentina,because,as to Argentina media,Argentina,because you know we have a rough beginning where Manu and i first started my career,whole Argentina was mad at me because they think i dont pass the ball to Manu,that i never pass the ball to Manu. I can never really understand that because Pop made the plays,he called the plays. And its not my fault he called all the plays for Timmy,and Timmy took all the shots. I'm just a point guard, especially my first two years, but i think we did really good,win the best trio in the NBA history, playoff wins, so 132wins i think we did ok. So,i just wanna tell Argentina, i still love you, but thank god, Pop made you come off the bench so get you mad at pop so then i was good, then i was good. 在我开始之前,我想和阿根廷媒体做个澄清。在我和马努职业生涯的前两年我们有过一段艰难的开始,整个阿根提球迷都怪我没有给马努传球,怪我从来没有给马努传球。我真的无法理解这件事因为波波制定了战术。所以这不能怪我,波波要求把球都传给邓肯的,然后邓肯投了那些球。我只是一个分卫,尤其是在我生涯的头两年。但我们做的足够好了,我们是NBA历史上最好的三人组,赢了132场季后赛。因此,我想告诉整个阿根提球迷,我仍然爱你们。感谢波波让马努从替补开始的,然后你们就开始怪波波了,我就得救了。 So its 3things i want to tell you Manu,first time i saw you play,i was 18years old, and when i think about you, its how unique you were as a player, there's no other word i can find an describe you, you just was unique, nobody is like you in the whole history of the game, you were so unique, that even Pop didn't know what to do with you the first two years. It was priceless to see Pop's face when Manu made a pass, cuz with Manu is two pass, you have a legend pass that everybody would talk about of what a unbelievable pass, and the stands to the fan's pass. And at the begining of my


最浪漫的回声——叶芝!叶芝! 最浪漫的回声——叶芝!叶芝! 2017-02-22 33位顶级艺术家为叶芝献上最浪漫的艺术回声以版画、雕塑与诗歌读懂叶芝,成就史上最美叶芝诗集——如果说,2016年有一本诗集成为现象恐怕就是它——《寂然的狂喜:叶芝的诗与回声》了…… 当你老了李健- 我是歌手第三季第8期《寂然的狂喜:叶芝的诗与回声》 人气歌手李健翻唱的《当你老了》,使得叶芝和他充满灵感的诗歌再一次拨动每个人的心弦,一部独一无二、充满诗情画意的叶芝诗集在手,是充满祝福的爱之礼物。《寂然的狂喜:叶芝的诗与回声》从内容到设计,都将市场上关于叶芝诗歌的公版书远远抛于身后。中国读者熟知的托宾、班维尔、马尔登等33位文学和艺术大师被叶芝的诗歌点燃,创作出充满想象力的版画等艺术作品,引领读者从丰富的艺术角度解读叶芝和他的诗歌。本书将大师们精选的叶芝诗篇以插页的形式与绘画作品融合在一起,独特优美的设计带来更丰富的阅读体验。值得每一位热爱诗歌、热爱叶芝、热爱艺术、热爱生活与想象力的读者捧在手心。永恒的叶芝威廉·巴特勒·叶芝William Butler Yeats(1865年6月13日

~1939年1月28日)1923年诺贝尔文学奖得主。爱尔兰国宝级诗人、剧作家、散文家。一生创作不辍,其诗吸收浪漫主义、唯美主义、神秘主义、象征主义和玄学诗的精华,几经变革,最终熔炼出独特的风格。他的剧作多以爱尔兰民间传说为题材,吸收日本古典能乐剧的表演方式,开创了现代西方戏剧中东方主义和原始主义风气。迷人的书籍设计 设计师孙晓曦老师,是《新知》杂志的美术总监,曾获"2015中国最美的书"奖,2016年亚洲最具影响力铜奖等,也是电影《路边野餐》的片头设计师。书籍交给他来设计,我们的思路在于,既然这是一部以艺术回应叶芝的诗歌集,那么设计的艺术化也是一种非常好的回应。这本书整体上以活页夹的形式设计外封,将书装裱在里面,突出"版画集"的感觉。书的内容是画作和中英文对照的诗歌,因此书籍结构的设计是本书的亮点。将诗歌做成小插页,镶嵌在每幅画作中间,使得版面的阅读立体化,阅读自由化,读者可自行选择先读诗或者先欣赏画作,诗歌的文字与画作既各自独立又相互联系,诗歌部分采用了较薄的纸张,隐约透出下面的画作,画作部分选择带有涂层的一种比较贵的特种纸,达到了诗中有画、画中有诗的效果,并提升了版面的空间与层次感。 封套特别选用日本特种纸,粗糙而自然的肌理很好地表达了诗与画的质朴和艺术之美。为保持这种质朴之美,封面没有任何印刷,书名信息采用不同色彩的烫印,在不同光线下会


我崇拜的名人英语作文范文 我最崇拜的人,我们崇拜的人有很多,有奥利匹克运动员、球星、 教师,他们的共同点就是拥有向上的精神,我们都能从他们身上学到点什幺。 下面是小编为大家整理的“我最崇拜的人英语作文”,供大家学习参考。 英语作文范文我最崇拜的一个人(一) wealwaysadmirethoseheroes.theycanguideusinlife.theheroinmyheartisMichaelPhelp s.heisreallygreat.weallknowthathegot8goldmedalsinthe2008olympics.butmaybeyou don’thowhardhetrainedbeforeit.hesaid”iknownoonetrainsharderthanme.”whenhisch ildhooddidn’tgowell,hewasalwayscheatedbyhisclassmatesforhisbigearsandlongarms.b uthefacedthedifficultyheardon,thatisthereasonwhythathecouldsuccesstoday.soireall yadmirehim,ilearntalotfromhim.soiwillstudyveryhardfromnowon.译文:我们总是 羡慕那些英雄们,他们可以引导我们,在我心目中的英雄是迈克尔菲尔普斯. 他真的很棒.我们都知道他在2008奥利匹克运动会中获得了8枚金牌。但是 也许你不他如何努力训练之前,他说:“我知道没有人比我更努力地训练。”的 时候,他的童年并不顺利,同学们总是欺骗他他用他的大耳朵和长身他面临 的困难,这就是为什幺他能有今天的成功。所以我真的很佩服他,我从中学 到了很多,所以我会从现在开始努力学习。英语作文范文我最崇拜的一个人 (二) Throughoutthewholeworld,DavidBeckhamismymostadmireperson.NotonlybecauseI likefootball,butalsohaveIbeenmovedbyhisspirit.Weallknowthatintheyear1998,Beck hamhasbecomeasinnerintheWorldCup.Theredcardnearlyendedhissportscareer.Buthi sspiritissostrongthatnothingcanstophim.Afterhisgreateffort,ehasfinallysucceeded.He hasbecomeoneofthemostfamousfootballplayers,whichmakesmeadmirehimsomuch.F


1. Steve Jobs 史蒂芬·乔布斯CEO of Apple Computers 苹果电脑CEO Stanford University 斯坦福大学June 12, 2005 2005年6月12日Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have s omething to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma —which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let t he noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary。 记着你总会死去,这是我知道的防止患得患失的最佳办法。赤条条来去无牵挂,还有什么理由不随你的心?!你的时间是有限的,因此不要把时间浪费在过别人的生活上。不要被教条所困——使自己的生活受限于他人的思想成果。不要让他人的意见淹没了你自己内心的声音。最重要的是,要有勇气跟随你的内心与直觉,它们好歹已经知道你真正想让自己成为什么。其他的,都是次要的。 2. David Foster Wallace Novelist 小说家Kenyon College 肯尼恩学院May 21, 2005 2005年5月21日There are these two young fish swimming along and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says, “Morning, boys. How's the water?” And the two young fish swim on for a bit, and t hen eventually one of them looks over at the other and goes, “What the hell is water?”... simple awareness; awareness of w hat is so real and essential, so hidden in plain sight all around us, all the time, that we have to keep reminding ourselves ov er and over:“This is water。”“This is water。”It is unimaginably hard to do this, to stay conscious and alive in the adult world day in and day out。 有两条小鱼一起在水里游,碰到一条老鱼迎面游过来。老鱼向他们点点头,并说:“早上好,孩子们。水怎么样?”这两条小鱼继续往前游了一会儿后,其中一条小鱼实在忍不住了,看了一下另一条小鱼,问道:“水到底是什么东西?”……简单的意识;对我们生活中如此真实、如此必不可少、无处不在、无时不在的事物的意识,需要我们一遍一遍地提醒自己:“这是水。”“这是水。”天天都保持意识清醒而鲜活,在成人世界中做到这点,是不可想象地难。 3. Michael Uslan 迈克尔·奥斯兰Movie Producer 电影制片人Indiana University 印第安纳大学May 06, 2006 2006年5月6日You must believe in yourself and in your work. When our first Batman movie broke all those box-office records, I received a phone call from that United Artists exec who, years before, had told me I was out of my mind. Now he said, “Michael, I'm just calling to congratulate you on the success of Batman. I always said you were a v isionary。” You see


介绍名人的英文演讲稿 篇一:十大名人英语演讲稿精选 十大名人英语演讲稿精选 1. Steve Jobs 史蒂芬·乔布斯CEO of Apple Computers 苹果电脑CEOStanford University 斯坦福大学June 12, XX XX年6月12日Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary。 记着你总会死去,这是我知道的防止患得患失的最佳办法。赤条条来去无牵挂,还有什么理由不随你的心?!你的时间是有限的,因此不要把时间浪费在过别人的生活上。不要被教条所困——使自己的生活受限于他人的思想成果。不要让他人的意见淹没了你自己内心的声音。最重要的是,要有


写关于名人的英语作文100字 【篇一:英语作文中名人例子】 4008111111 英语作文中名人例子 1.成功 / 英雄 / 困难类(被写的经久不衰!) 2.大众观点类:(媒体 / 团体 / 主流) 3.谎言 / 现象本质 / 隐私(这个我也不懂) 4.动机类(这个说的优点玄乎) 5.改变 / 科技 / 创新类 6.了解自身类 7.选择类 下面就淘选了些经典例子!! 1.bill gates (比尔盖茨) when bill gates made his decision to drop out from harvard, he did not care too much of the result. gates entered harvard in 1973, and dropped out two years later when he and allen started the engine of microsoft. many people did not understand why gates gave up such a good opportunity to study in the world’s no.1 university. however, with size comes power, microsoft dominates the pc market with its operating systems, such as ms-dos and windows. now, microsoft becomes the biggest software company in the world and bill gates becomes the richest man in the world. 用于有放弃就会有所得、勇气、懂得把握机会类 2.thomas edison (托马斯爱迪生) in 1879, after more than 1,000 trials and $40,000, thomas edison introduced an inexpensive alternative to candles and gaslight: the incandescent lamp. using carbonized filaments from cotton thread, his light bulb burned for two days. these bulbs were first installed on the steamship columbia and have been lighting up the world ever since. 用于创造力/科技类、失败是成功之母、努力、成功 / 英雄 / 困难类 3.mother teresa (特雷莎修女) mother teresa, winner of the nobel peace prize, dedicated the majority of her life to helping the poorest of the poor in india, thus gaining her the name saint of the gutters. the devotion
