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Q 11年真题巡展

【2017 北京】The little problems

we meet in our daily lives may be

insp irati ons for great inven ti ons.

【2014 北京】I borrow the book Sherlock Holmes from the library last week,

my classmates recomme nded to me

【2013 北京】 Many countries are now setting up national park ___ animals and

plants can be p rotecte d

【2011 北京】Mary was much kinder to Jack than she was to the others, of course, make all the others upset

【2009 北京】---- What do you thi nk of teachi ng, Bob? ----I find it fun and challenging . It is a job but in terest ing.

eve nings.

We shouldn ' t spend our money testing so many people, most of

A . that

B . as

C . where

D whe n 【2016 北京】I live next door to a couple childre n ofte n make a lot of no ise

A . whose

B . why

【2015 北京】Opposite is S t Paul's

C . where

D . which

you can hear some lovely music A . which

B . that

C . whe n

D . where

A . who

B . which

C . whe n

D . where

A . whe n

B . which

C . whose

D . where

【2012 北京】When dee ply absorbed in work,

he ofte n was, he would forget

all about eati ng or slee ping

A . that

B . which

C . where

D . whe n A . who B . which C . what

D . that

【2010 北京】Children who are not active or

diet is high in fat will gain

weight quickly . A . what B . whose

C . which

D . that

you are doing somethi ng serious

A . where

B . which

C . whe n

D . that

【2008北京】 'll give you my friend

's home addresacan be reached most

A . which

B . whe n

C . whom

D . where


【2017西城二模】I gave some money to Joh n, house was destroyed in

are healthy

【2017 海淀期末】Yesterday I went back to my primary school, teachers and I recalled our good old days

【2017 朝阳期末】Please go through the text and underline the words meanings you dontk now .

【2017 海淀零模】 Happiness and success often come to those at recog

nizing their own stre ngths travelled home on the rai ny ni gh t

great break for me

week . A . that B . which

C . what

D . whom

U 17年四区模拟

【2017 东城期末】This year 'children ' party,

some parents were

in vited to, was a great success

A . which

B . why

【2017 西城期末】 Many uni versities share teachi ng resources on li ne, creat ing

a C . whose

D . where

learning sp ace ben efits life-l ong lear ners A . how

B . what

C . which

D . where


A . which

B . that

C . whe n

D . where A . whe n B . where

C . whose

D . that

are good

A . whom

B . who

C . what

D . which 【2017 东城一模】 We were grateful to Mr . Marks, in

car we had A . which B . whom C . that

D . whose

【2017 西城一模】Peopie living in homes

TV is always left on ofte n

spend less time read ing

A . that

B . which

C . where

D . who

【2017海淀一模】 M obike is a popu lar service

brings convenience to us

A . which

B . where

C . whe n

D . who

【2017朝阳一模】 I got the kids to clea n the house this morni ng,

made a

A . that

B . whe n

C . where

D . which

【2017东城二模】 The store I bought my textbooks is hav ing a sale this A . that

B . where

C . which

D . why
