




(1)比如像这种题型In the following part immediately after this text, the author will most probably focus on______. (2010年Text 2第30题)英语一一般不会出现;


例如:【2010年Text1 第23题】

Which of the followingstatements is NOT true?

[A]Sales of contemporaryart fell dramatically from 2007 to 2008.

[B]The art market surpassedmany other industries in momentum。

[C]The art marketgenerally went downward in various ways。

[D]Some art dealers wereawaiting better chances to come。





最后:作文。Part A部分英一和英二要求是一样的,但是大作文英一基本上是图画作文,且考察题材多样,英语二侧重于图表作文,考察题材相对较窄。通过历年分数来看小作文不论是英一还是英二都保持在6分左右,大作文英语一11分左右,英语二9分左右,分数还是比较理想的。













请问公安大学考研英语录取分数线【博联教育解析】 请问公安大学考研英语录取分数线是多少,博联教育的老师经常遇到博联教育学员咨询这样的问题,很多同学在备考的过程中比较关心请问公安大学考研英语录取分数线,现在考研不是很透明,有时候为了照顾本校考生等原因并不会把请问公安大学考研英语录取分数线等信息公开化,这就给很多跨校考生带来了不便。博联教育为大家列出近两年的请问公安大学考研英语录取分数线,以供考生了解请问公安大学考研英语录取分数线。博联教育为大家提供的2014年请问公安大学考研英语录取分数线,供想了解请问公安大学考研英语录取分数线的同学们参考,请问公安大学考研英语录取分数线如下: 博联教育为大家提供的2013年请问公安大学考研英语录取分数线是多少,希望能为努力找寻请问公安大学考研英语录取分数线是多少的学子们,提供一些参考,请问公安大学考研英语录取分数线如下: 公安大学学校设有公安学、公安技术等两个一级学科国家重点学科,诉讼法学、公安学、公安技术、公共安全工程与技术交叉学科等4个北京市重点学科。有法学一级学科博士后科研流动站,法学、公安学、公安技术等3个一级学科博士学位授权点,法学、公安学、心理学、安全科学与工程、公安技术等5个一级学科硕士学位授权点,法律、警务、安全工程和公共管理等4个硕士专业学位授权点。更多考研问题可以咨询本科设有13个专业,18个专业方向,专业和专业方向覆盖了公安法制、治安、刑事犯罪侦查、国内安全保卫、经济犯罪侦查、禁毒、公安情报、犯罪预防与矫正、公安管理、警务保障、涉外警务、警务指挥与战术、刑事科学技

术、安全防范、交通管理、网络安全管理等公安主要业务工作。学校的所有学科专业建设紧贴公安实践需求,形成了公安学科专业齐全、主干学科特色鲜明、多种学科协调发展的学科专业体系。 公大是公安部直属学校,所以?中国人民公安大学考研还是有一定难度的,我们要做的是,天道酬勤,努力才有收获!只要学习方法得当,坚持努力,最后的胜利一定会属于你。看完请问公安大学考研英语录取分数线,考生们应该对请问公安大学考研英语录取分数线有所了解了,公大对于分数有一定的要求,对于身高和体质各方面也有一定的要求,尤其是女生考公大,还有录取比例的限制。所以提早准备胜算比较大一些,关于更多请问公安大学考研英语录取分数线的问题,或者是请问公安大学考研英语录取分数线之外的更多信息,登陆博联教育的官网查看,或者是关注博联教育微博,更多考研信息尽在博联教育。


考研英语二模拟试题及答案解析(7) (1~20/共20题)Section ⅠUse of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. Do people get happier or more foul-tempered as they age? Stereotypes of irritable neighbors__1__, scientists have been trying to answer this question for decades, and the results have been__2__Now a study of several thousand Americans born between 1885 and 1980 reveals that well-being__3__increases with age—but overall happiness__4__when a person was born. __5__studies that have__6__older adults with the middle-aged and young have sometimes found that older adults are not as happy. But these studies could not__7__whether their__8__was because of their age or because of their__9__life experience. The new study, published online January 24 in Psychological Science ,__10__out the answer by examining 30 years of data on thousands of Americans, including__11__measures of mood and well-being, reports of job and relationship success, and objective measures of health. The researchers found, after controlling for variables__12__health, wealth, gender, ethnicity and education, that well-being increases over everyone′s lifetime.__13__people who have lived through extreme hardship, such as the Great Depression,__14__much less happy than those who have had more__15__lives. This finding helps to__16__why past studies have found conflicting results—experience__17__, and tough times can__18__an entire generation′s happiness for the rest of their lives. The__19__news is,__20__we′ve lived through, we can all look forward to feeling more content as we age. 第1题 A.alike B.alongside C.aside D.besides 第2题 A.conflicting B.worrying C.revealing D.appealing 第3题 A.accordingly B.indeed C.hence D.nevertheless 第4题 A.resides with B.rests with C.depends on D.reckons on 第5题


Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Weighing yourself regularly is a wonderful way to stay aware of any significant weight fluctuations. 1 , when done too often, this habit can sometimes hurt more than it 2 . As for me, weighing myself every day caused me to shift my focus from being generally healthy and physically active to focusing 3 on the scale. That was bad to my overall fitness goals. I had gained weight in the form of muscle mass, but thinking only of 4 the number on the scale, I altered my training program. That conflicted with how I needed to train to 5 my goals. I also found that weighing myself daily did not provide an accurate 6 of the hard work and progress I was making in the gym. It takes about three weeks to a month to notice any significant changes in your weight 7 altering your training program. The most 8 changes will be observed in skill level, strength and inches lost. For these 9 , I stopped weighing myself every day and switched to a bimonthly weighing schedule 10 . Since weight loss is not my goal, it is less important for me to 11 my weight each week. Weighing every other week allows me to observe and 12 any significant weight changes. That tells me whether I need to 13 my training program. I use my bimonthly weigh-in 14 to get information about my nutrition as well. If my training intensity remains the same, but I’m constantly 15 and dropping weight, this is a 16 that I need to increase my daily caloric intake. The 17 to stop weighing myself every day has done wonders for my overall health, fitness and well-being. I’m experiencing increased zeal for working out since I no longer carry the burden of a 18 morning weigh-in. I’ve also experienced greater success in achieving my specific fitness goals, 19 I’m training according to those goals, not the numbers on a scale. Rather than 20 over the scale, turn your focus to how you look, feel, how your clothes fit and your overall energy level. 英语(二)试题-1-(共14 页)


2010考研英语(二)模拟试卷 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s)for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C, or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.(10 points) Among the thousands of business schools now operating around the world you would be hard-pressed to find one that doesn't believe it can teach the skills of entrepreneurship. However, of the people who immediately 1 to mind when one thinks of entrepreneurs——Bill Gates, Richard Branson or Oprah Winfrey, for example—few have done more than 2 a speech at a business school. 3 , a recent study by King's College in London has suggested what many intuitively 4 : that entrepreneurship may actually be in the blood—more to do with genes than classroom experience. All of which 5 the question—does an entrepreneur really need a business-school education? Not surprisingly some of the best-known schools in the field have a 6 answer to this: they don't actually profess to create entrepreneurs, 7 they nurture innate ability. Or as Timothy Faley of the entrepreneurial institute at Michigan's Ross School of Business 8 it: “A good idea is not enough. You need to know how to 9 a good idea into a good business.” Schools do this in a number of ways. One is to 10 that faculty are a mix of classic academics and businesspeople with experience of 11 their own successful firms. They can also create “incubators” where students 12 ideas and rub shoulders on a day-to-day basis with the external business world, receiving both advice and hard cash in the form of investment. Arguably such help is now more important than ever. The modern entrepreneur is faced with a more 13 world than when Richard Branson began by selling records out of a phone box. According to Patrice Houdayer, head of one of Europe's best-known entrepreneurship schools, EMIYON in France, new businesses used to move through a 14 series of growth steps—what he terms garage, local, national and international. Now however, 15 the communications revolution, they can leapfrog these stages and go global more or less straightaway—encountering a whole new 16 of problems and challenges. In this 17 Professor Houdayer maintains that the increasingly 18 nature of MBA classes can help the nascent entrepreneur in three ways: by plugging them into an international network of contacts and advisors, by preparing them for the pitfalls and opportunities 19 with dealing across different cultures and by 20 them to the different ways that business is conducted around the globe.


2016考研英语二测试题 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) Although there are many skillful Braille readers, thousands of other blind people find it difficult to Learn that system. They arethereby shut 1 from the world of books and newspapers, having to 2 on friends to read aloud to them. A young scientist named Raymond Kurzweil has now designed a computer which is a major 3 in providing aid to the 4 . His machine, Cyclops, has a camera that 5 any page, interprets the print into sounds, and then delivers them orally in a robot-like 6 through a speaker. By pressing the appropriate buttons 7 Cyclops's keyboard, a blind person can “read”any 8 document in the English language. This remarkable invention represents a tremendous 9 forward in the education of the handicapped. At present, Cyclops costs $50,000. 10 , Mr. Kurzweil and his associates are preparing a smaller 11 improved version that will sell 12 less than half that price. Within a few years, Kurzweil 13 the price range will be low enough for every school and library to 14 one. Michael Hingson, Director of the NationalFederation for the Blind,hopes that 15 will be able to buy home 16 of Cyclops for the price of a good television set. Mr. Hingson's organization purchased five machines and is now testing them in Maryland, Colorado, Iowa, California, and New York. Blind people have been 17 in those tests, making lots of 18 suggestions to the engineers who helped to produce Cyclops. “This is the first time that blind people have ever done individual studies 19 a product was


考研英语一和英语二的5大区别 考研英语一和英语二的难度、区别具体如下: 一、适用专业不同 适用英语一的专业: ⑴所有学术硕士全部适用(十三大门类,110个一级学科) ⑵8类(法律硕士含法学专业与非法学专业)专业硕士适用:临床医学(1051)、口腔医学(1052)、公共卫生(1053)、护理(1054)、法律硕士(非法学专业)(035101)、法律硕士(法学专业)(035102)、汉语国际教育(0453)、建筑学(0851)、城市规划(0853) 适用英语二的专业: 7类专业硕士适用:工商管理(1251)、公共管理(1252)、会计(1253)、旅游管理(1254)、图书情报(1255)、工程管理(1256)、审计(0257) 选用英语一或英语二的专业 金融(0251)、应用统计(0252)、税务(0253)、国际商务(0254)、保险(0255)、资产评估(0256)、社会工作(0352)、警务(0353)、教育(0451)、新闻与传播(0552)、出版(0553)、艺术(1351)、工程(0852)、农业推广(0951)、兽医(0952)、风景园林(0953)、林业(0954)、军事(1151)、体育(0452)、应用心理(0454)、文物与博物馆(0651)、药学(1055)、中药学(1056) 二、考察目标不同 1.语法知识 英语一

考生应能熟练地运用基本的语法知识。 英语二 考生应能熟练的运用基本的语法知识,其中包括: ⑴名词、代词的数和格的构成及其用法; ⑵动词时态、语态的构成及其用法; ⑶形容词与副词的比较级和最高级的构成及其用法; ⑷常用连接词的词义及其用法; ⑸非谓语动词(不定式、动名词、分词)的构成及其用法; ⑹虚拟语气的构成及其用法; ⑺各类从句(定语从句、主语从句、表语从句等)及强调句型的构成及其用法; ⑻倒装句、插入语的构成及其用法 区别分析: (1)英语一要求考生熟练运用基本的语法知识,没有列出具体的要求,表明学习语法不是目的,灵活的运用才是考查目标。英语一中长难句无处不在,语法的作用就是帮助考生见句拆句,攻克了长难句,英语一才会较快的有质的提高。 (2)英语二列出了八个基本的语法知识点,明确了考试范围和考查方向。范围规定好了,大家复习起来就有数,也相对容易些,建议考生把这些知识点加以梳理,并达到熟练掌握和灵活运用。 (3)英语一应重点放在长难句上,英语二应放在语法知识点的梳理上。 2.词汇 英语一: 考生应能掌握5500左右的词汇以及相关词组。


考研英语历年分数线介绍和走向 考研是一场战争,但拼的不仅仅是时间;答题是一种战略,但绝不是题海战术。当你决定考研的时候,首先应该有一种整体的布局,全程的规划。简单点说,就是:1、考什么,各科需要达到什么样的程度;2、你现在处于什么水平,你达到要求的程度需要如何努力;3、需要如何分配自己的时间精力,进而形成自己的复习计划。 考研的终极目的是“真题-答题-拿分”三位一体、行云流水的一个过程。这样的话就会出现一个重要的问题,就是你英语单科要考多少分才够呢?我希望正好就是75分,不多不少。75算不上多好,但从可行性角度考虑,75是大家可以触及的高度,而80+则要有天时地利人和的相加。写这篇文章的目的在于使大家了解,你也可以英语一考出75+-5的结果,也就是70-80的区间。如果想要超越80,这已经难度很大了,而且花费时间太多,考出这个单科成绩的性价比太低了。为这几分劳碌不如花同样的时间在专业课,也许能多考十几二十分。因此,我们英语的目标是75。75分刚好也是研究生英语课免修免考的门槛,达到75分的人研究生英语课不用修,自动有学分,成绩默认为80分。而80分已经超过转博的要求,这就意味着考一次而过两次,再也不用面对博士入学考试了。所以,考到75分就是你幸福的开始。 今年英语考试试题感觉还是比较简单的,我本人在做题的时候写的也蛮有感觉,全部写完了还有一段时间,这是我没有想到的。平时做真题的一定要注意时间,练习在规定时间内完成,四篇阅读一般控制在70分钟左右。个人感觉考研的阅读除了文章句子很长很难懂以外,最难的就是要弄清楚出题人的做题思路。很多时候文章明明看懂了,可是就是做不对,这个是最让人郁闷的事情。关键问题就是你做题的思路和出题的思路不一样。这是研究真题的重点! 做阅读的方法有很多,有的先看题然后看完文章再做题;有的人看一道题目就去文中找答案,然后再做下一题。具体用哪种方法要自己在阅读的过程中积累经验灵活运用。平时第一种方法用的比较多,这样的方法方便理解全文,对于那种作者意图或者文章主旨的题很适用。但是对于文章特别难懂或者很简单的,用第二种方法很方便,就是文章看不懂也能拿到分数。 新题型是最简单同时也是最难的题,它的技巧性很强。选标题和选段落相对来说还算比较简单,排序就是很难了,一个顺序弄错了就会让后面的全错了。个人认为新题型考试的时候至少要做到6分以上,要以10分为目标。平时注意新题型的练习,在距离考试两个月的时候就可以适当提高新题型的练习量,每天两道吧。 今年感觉好的同学多一点,因为卷子难度低一点。大家知道国家线跟平均分不一样,国家线的变动,我想在现在这个情况下由于录取的机率大一点,可能分数线依然不会动。这是我个人的想法。平均分可能会涨2分左右,但是国家线依然和去年保持差不多,就是在55分左右,经济管理类在64分左右。如果学生参加的是自主定线的学校,有可能英语线应该在60分。这是我个人的预测和意见,仅供参考。 考研是一件很辛苦的事情,一路走下来都不容易。这里的辛苦不只是身体上的,更多的是心理上的。特别是越到最后心理压力就会越大。平时可以给好友或者家人打打电话吐槽一下,缓解一下自己的压力。然后千万不要想自己考不上怎么办。就告诉自己一句话“不管怎么样,我一定能考上!!!”。当然,考研中也有运气的成分,但是这不是我们能控制的,所以不要多想这些我们不能左右的东西。学习是一件耐得住寂寞的事情,天道酬勤!!!只要努力了,结果并不会有你预想的那么差。 现在复试是大头。“And then a hero comes along, With the strength to carry on,


英语(二)模拟试题 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET . (10 points) Facebook has been 1 with fire and has got its fingers burned, again. On November 29th America’s Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced that it had reached a 2 settlement with the giant social network over 3 that it had misled people about its use of their personal data. The details of the settlement make clear that Facebook, which 4 over 800m users, betrayed its users’ trust. It is also notable because it appears to be part of a broader 5 by the FTC to craft a new privacy framework to deal with the rapid 6 of social networks in America. The regulator’s findin gs come at a 7 moment for Facebook, which is said to be preparing for an initial public offering next year that could value it at around $100 billion. To 8 the way for its listing, the firm first needs to resolve its privacy 9 with regulators in America and Europe. 10 its willingness to negotiate the settlement 11 this week. Announcing the agreement, the FTC said it had found a number of cases where Facebook had made claims that were “unfair and deceptive, and 12 federal law”. For instance, it 13 personally identifiable information to advertisers, and it failed to keep a promise to make photos and videos on deleted accounts 14 . The settlement does not 15 an admission by Facebook that it has broken the law, but it deeply 16 the company nonetheless. In a blog post published the same day, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s boss, tried to17 the impact of the deal. First he claimed that “a small number of high-profile mistakes” were 18 the social network’s “good history” on privac y. The FTC is not relying on Facebook to police itself. Among other things, the company will now have to seek consumers’ approval before it changes the way it shares their data. And it has agreed to an independent privacy audit every two years for the next 20 years. There is a clear pattern here. In separate cases over the past couple of years the FTC has insisted that Twitter and Google accept regular 19 audits, too, after each firm was accused of violating its customers’ privacy. The intent seems to be to create a regulatory regime that is tighter than the status quo, 20 one that still gives social networks plenty of room to innovate. 1. [A] setting [B] playing [C] lighting [D] turning 2. [A] craft [B] documentary [C] trade [D] draft 3. [A] verdicts [B] allegations [C] rumors [D] affirmation 4. [A] boasts [B] exaggerates [C] estimates [D] assesses 5. [A] impulse [B] initiative [C] innovation [D] motion 6. [A] increase [B] elevation [C] rise [D] appearance 7. [A] indispensable [B] essential [C] critical [D] fundamental 8. [A] steer [B] clear [C] lay [D] remove 9. [A] controversy [B] competition [C] dispute [D] compromise


考研党们仔细看:考研英语一和英语二的区别问题一:考研英语二和英语一难度差别大吗? 回答:考研英语一难度比考研英语二要高,不仅仅是考察的方向不同,文章的难度也有很大的差异。英语一阅读文章更加抽象,需要深层的理解能力,考题也多是概括推理的细节题;英语二文章较为浅显,更好理解,考题多考同义替换。另外就是翻译题和写作题的差别,这个大家都懂,不详细说了。 问题二:考研英语一和考研英语二复习资料一样吗? 回答:目前市面上有英语一英语二通用的真题,虽然说题型差别不大,但是建议还是不要选择这种通用的,毕竟考点有差异,需要针对性的复习。英语一资料相对英语二多样化一点,英语二资料较少,精品也比较少。我了解的比较好的资料就是《考研圣经》,解析很细,适合英语基础不好的同学。 问题三:英语一和英语二词汇表一样吗? 回答:词汇表虽然是一样的,考察的词汇考点很不一样,英语一喜欢考一下特殊用法和词类活用,也有同义替换,近义词辨析,比较多样化,难度也比较高;英语二考察最多的就是各种“同义替换”,难度稍微低一些。针对性的进行掌握词汇就好。 问题四:考研英语一和英语二翻译难度哪个大? 回答:虽然只看形式,英语二是一段文章,英语一是五个长难句,好像英语一更简单。但是实际上,英语二的句式都比较简单,英语一的长难句构造复杂,更难理解。不过二者都要注意,一定要训练自己的英语汉语转换思维,这是高分的关键。 问题五:考研英语一和英语二写作有哪些差异? 回答:除了分值的不同(英语一大作文20分,英语二大作文15分),材料也不同。英语一考察的是图画作文,英语二考察的是图表作文,图画作文还要注重理解深层含义,结合社会热点谈自己的看法和观点,文章要更有深度;图表作文则是需要整合表中的信息,简单的作出汇总和分析即可,难度较低。


[标签:标题] 篇一:2017考研复试分数线会大涨还是降低? 2017考研复试分数线会大涨还是降低? 联考已经过去了,分数线没有公布。是要为复试而马不停蹄的学习还是着手准备考研调剂 事宜,关键在于你是否上线? 你或许会对赵老师的话有所疑惑:分数线都没有出来,咋知能否上线?对于其他的领域赵 老师了解的不够深入,但对于赵老师琢磨了近十年的管理类联考,对于2017年分数线的走势,赵老师有些话儿想说。 2017考研复试分数线会大涨还是降低? 近3年分数线回顾: 2国家线分为A线和B线 A线就是东部线,B线是西部线。A区包括北京、天津、上海、江苏、浙江、福建、山东、 河南、湖北、湖南、广东等22省(市);B区包括甘肃、宁夏、青海、新疆、内蒙古、广西、 海南、贵州、云南9省(市)。 前三年MBA管理类联考国家线,总分、英语和综合所占分数线如下: 2016年A线165/39/78,B线155/34/68; 2015年A线160/40/80,B线150/35/70; 2014年A线160/41/82,B线150/36/72。 2017考研复试分数线会大涨还是降低? 2017管理类分数线趋势预估 今年管理类联考的题目的难度并没有如传言中的那么简单,题目总体的难度大体上还是与 前几年持平的。但2017年报考专硕的人数大增,北京、湖北地区的专硕考生人数2017年首次超过了学硕的考生。出现这种情况,赵老师并不感到奇怪,因为2016年9月份,政策生变,在职考生并入12月联考中,再添上,社会竞争压力和就业困难的原因,很多人选择继 续深造并不稀奇。(想知道更多预测信息,可以关注bbsmbajyz MBA加油站) 所以,赵老师认为今年管理类联考复试分数线,国家线稳定,院校复试分数线会大涨。当 然这只是赵老师个人的估测,2017MBA管理类联考分数线没有官方公布就不算尘埃落定, 但是如果你的成绩在165以上,相对来说比较稳妥;如果是150以下,则风险较大。 如果估分出来对上线有把握要怎么做?把我小或没把握又该怎么做?赵老师会一个一个跟 你解答。 篇二:2017考研英语稳过国家线的方法解读 2017考研英语稳过国家线的方法解读 心理上打败英语“纸老虎”。很多人专业课成绩考的很高,政治考的也不错,但就是英语过不了线。这就需要在心理上克服畏难和担心情绪,坚信“nothing is impossible”。考研词汇和阅读理解贯穿备考始终。考研词汇需要着重把握,但不需要用大块的时间来记忆。利用零碎的时间记忆效果会很不错,比如坐公交途中或者是去食堂的路上。以大块的时间来记忆, 反而会倍感枯燥乏味,效果也不佳。 阅读分值在40分左右,占据英语考试的半壁江上,应重点把握。阅读是循序渐进的过程, 不能一蹴而就,必须每天坚持精读1-2篇。 英语写作,多用闪光句。英语写作包括有大作文、小作文共30分。写大作文时考生一般都写3段,如果你写个4段,会给阅卷老师耳目一新的感觉,印象分立马会上去。其次,最好 在每一段的第一句和最后一句写一个闪光句。


凯程考研集训营,为学生引路,为学员服务! 第 1 页 共 1 页 2017考研英语翻译模拟练习题(2) There is no question that science-fiction writers have become more ambitious, stylistically and thematically, in recent years. (1) (But this may have less to do with the luring call of academic surroundings than with changing market conditions —a factor that academic critics rarely take into account.) Robert Silverberg, a former president of The Science Fiction Writers of America, is one of the most prolific professionals in a field dominated by people who actually write for a living. (Unlike mystery or Western writers, most science-fiction writers cannot expect to cash in on fat movie sales or TV tie-ins.) (2) (Still in his late thirties, Silverberg has published more than a hundred books, and he is disarmingly frank about the relationship between the quality of genuine prose and the quality of available outlet. )By his own account, he was “an annoyingly verbal young man ” from Brooklyn who picked up his first science-fiction book at the age of ten, started writing seriously at the age of thirteen, and at seventeen nearly gave up in despair over his inability to break into the pulp magazines. (3)( At his parents ’ urging, he enrolled in Columbia University, so that, if worst came to worst, he could always go to the School of Journalism and “get a nice steady job somewhere ”.) During his sophomore year, he sold his first science-fiction story to a Scottish magazine named Nebula. By the end of his junior year, he had sold a novel and twenty more stories. (4) (By the end of his senior year, he was earning two hundred dollars a week writing science fiction, and his parents were reconciled to his pursuit of the literary life. )“I became very cynical very quickly,” he says. First I couldn ’t sell anything, then I could sell everything. The market played to my worst characteristics. An editor of a schlock magazine would call up to tell me he had a ten-thousand-word hole to fill in his next issue. I ’d fill it overnight for a hundred and fifty dollars. I found that rewriting made no difference. (5)( I knew I could not possibly write the kinds of things I admired as a reader —Joyce, Kafka, Mann —so I detached myself from my work.) I was a phenomenon among my friends in college, a published, selling author. But they always asked, “When are you going to do something serious?” —meaning something that wasn ’t science fiction —and I kept telling them, “ When I ’m financially secure.” 答案 1.但是这一点与其说是与学术环境具有诱惑力的召唤有关,还不如说是与变化的市场状况有关——一这是一个学术评论家很少考虑的因素。 2.还不到四十岁,西尔弗伯格就已出版了一百多本书籍,而他对真正散文的质量与应时之作的质量之间的关系十分坦诚,毫无掩饰。 3.在他双亲的敦促下,他报考了哥伦比亚大学,所以即便最糟他也能进入新闻学校,“将来总可以有一份稳定的好工作。” 4.到大四结束的时候,他每星期写科幻小说已经可以赚两百美元了,而他的双亲也接受了他对于文学生涯的追求。 5.我知道我写不出作为读者的我所喜欢的东西,就像乔伊斯、卡夫卡、曼恩的作品,所以我不再那么关注我所写的东西。 总体分析 本文介绍了科幻小说家罗伯特·西尔弗伯格。文章先指出科幻小说的繁荣与市场需求关系紧密,接着通过介绍多产的科幻小说家西尔弗伯格的创作经历予以说明。 本文考查的知识点:后置定语、插入语、比较结构、同位语、上下文中词义的选择,等。
