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(1)semantic equivalence (语义 对等)
• The basis of translation
• Step 1. To comprehend the phrase, sentence and the
semantic structure of the original language correctly正
• Paraphrase (意译)
• Combination of the literal translation and paraphrase (音译不意译结合)
• 意译意译法就是丌拘泥于原文的形式,而重点
在于正确表达原文的内容,根据上下文的逻辑 关系,从词的基本意思出发迚一步引申词义, 用比较恰当的汉语词汇表达出来
3) Dynamic emotional function word (动态情感功能词)
• 通过这些词的使用,广告商们能更加确定 该产品的正面效果特点,如: 脱落、渗透、 提高、创新、使洁白无暇、修复等词语都 表达了他们解决消贶者问题的意愿,同时 也传递给他们的潜在消贶者,使用该产品 是十分有效的,这也激起了其潜在顾客的 购买欲,这对于广告商和消贶者之间建立 良好的关系是有必要的。
修复(repair)等,使读者感到舒服和亲切,还能带来一种 美的感觉,留给读者无限幻想的空间。
2) The use of specialized vocabulary (专业词汇的使用)
• 例如:
眼线液(眼线笔):liquid eye liner, eye liner 眼影: eye shadow 睫毛膏: mascara 唇线笔: lip liner 唇膏: lip color/lipstick(笔状 lip pencil,膏状 lip lipstick,盒装 lip color/lip gloss) 唇彩: lip gloss/lip color 腮红: blush 卸装水: makeup remover
1. The compositions of English cosmetic instructions
The emphasis of translation(翻译侧重点):
• Ingredient (成分) • Effect (功效) • instructions (使用说明)
2. The functions of English cosmetic instructions
1. The compositions of English cosmetic instructions
• • • • • • • • • ingredient ( 成份 ) effect (功效) Effect (使用说明) Brand (商标) date of manufacture (生产日期) the expiry date (截止日期) Amounts(用量) Manufacturer(制造商) place of origin(产地)
to introduce the major ingredienets(主要成分), main
effect(主要效果),directions for use(使用说明书), etc.
advertising sales promotion)。
to convey the informations of those product
• 国际一些顶级化妆品品牌如香奈儿 (CHANEL)、兰蔻(LANCOME)、倩碧 (CLINIQUE)等知名度高、美誉度高,但是 价格相当昂贵,主要是针对高收入高消贶群体; 中档化妆品如雅芳(Avon)、露华浓 (REVLON)等主要针对中高层次的消贶群体。 因此译文还需要尽可能不商品的市场定位及其 所面对的消贶群体相结合 。
4. The translation strategies of English cosmetic instructions (英文化 妆品说明书的汉译策略)
• (1)semantic equivalence (语义对等)
• (2)functional equivalence (功能对等) • (3)emotional equivalence (情感对等)
(1) syntactic characteristics
1) The use of imperative sentence(祈使句的使 用) 2) The use of elliptical sentence(省略句的运用)
2) The use of elliptical sentence
The use of ellipsis makes those instructions concise(简洁明了)
(3)emotional equivalence (情感 对等)
• 1) The difference between the consumption
level and group (消贶层次不群体差异) • 2)Consumer aesthetic psychology (消贶者 审美心理)
1) The difference between the consumption level and group (消费层 次与群体差异)
2) Combination of the literal translation and paraphrase (音译与意 译结合)
• 如:Revlon化妆品译为“露华浓”,出自李白
描写杨贵妃的诗《清平调词三首》:“云想衣裳 花想容,春风扶槛露华浓。”音义幵重,十分贴 切,给人一种高雅浪漫的感觉 。
• 制造商和销售商在生产某种化妆产品时都有针 对的消贶层次和销售对象。化妆品可分为高、 中、低档,分别对应各个消贶层次的消贶者, 同时还区分消贶者的性别,目前大多数化妆品 仍然主要针对女性消贶者。
1) The difference between the consumption level and group (消费层 次与群体差异)
accurately and precisely.准确(accurate)、精准地传
3. The language features of English cosmetic instructions
• ( 1) syntactic characteristics (句法特点) • ( 2) lexical features (词汇特点)
2)Combination of the literal translation and paraphrase (音译与意 译结合)
• 音译不意译结合在翻译的过程中,采取音义相
• 结合的方法。同时在原商标意义的基础上,结 合本产品的特征不功用,选用不其特征对应的 具有美好意义的汉字,丏具有良好的文化内涵。
• Step 2. Determine its deep meaning(确定其深层含义)
(1) semantic equivalence (语义 对等)
• 1)literal translation (直译)
• 2)particular meaning in some specific context (特定语境中的深层含义)
The ellipsis of object can saving the space of instructions and can simplify the instruction(使说明书精简)
1)The use of imperative sentence
• Imperative sentence can make the persuasion more direct and influential. • Imperative sentence can catch attentions of the consumers even some other readers more easily. • The use of imperative sentence can avoid being commanded, and can shorten the distance between the consumers and products.
2) The use of specialized vocabulary (专业词汇的使用)
the updating of cosmetics is closely linked with the development of science and technology, there would be a large number of specialized vocabulary.
2)Combination of the literal translation and paraphrase (音译与意 译结合)
• 如:欧莱雅与家洗护系列深层修护洗发水: Designed to restructure and protect the hair fiber. The hair regains strength, shine and is revitalized. Neofibrine: a unique combination of Bio-Mimetic Ceramide, shine perfecting agent and a UV filter for hair.译文:与为严重 受损发质设计的修护洗发水,含神经酰胺。可 使头发重获健康亮泽不活力,幵可帮助抵御紫 外线对头发的伤害。
2) particular meaning in some specific context (特定语境中的深层含义): Eg: Freeze (冰凝)
Freeze 本意是“结冰”的意思,译为“冰凝”丌 经在于以上对等,而丏使用女性喜爱的词汇 (冰、凝)
(2)functional equivalence(功能 对等)
1) The use of commendatory adjectives (褒义形容词的使用)
• 化妆品说明书丌是仅仅传递语言信息,而丏,通过使用
一些表现美的形容词如: 自然(natural)、光滑(smooth)、
English translation of cosmetic instructions
1. The compositions of English cosmetic instructions 2. The functions of English cosmetic instructions 3. The language features of English cosmetic instructions 4. The translation strategies of English cosmetic instructions
遮瑕膏: concealer 修容餅:Shading powder 粉底: foundation (compact,stick) 粉饼: pressed powder
3) Dynamic emotional function word (动态情感功能词)
• 动态情感功能词都是那些用来表示发生或
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu产生的词汇,一般情况是用来描述化妆品 使用的功效。
(2) lexical features
• 1) The use of commendatory adjectives (褒义 形容词的使用) • 2) The use of specialized vocabulary (与业词 汇的使用) • 3) Dynamic emotional function word (动态情 感功能词)
(1) semantic equivalence (语义 对等)
1) Literal translation:translate from word to word (将字面意思直接译出) Eg: 彩妆品牌:color zone(彩色地带)
(1) semantic equivalence (语义 对等)