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A1 版Scientists discover water on the moon

1. sample 'sæmpəl n.样本

2. magma 'mægmən.岩浆

3. lava 'lɑ:vən.火山岩

4. astronaut 'æstrənɔ:t n.宇航员,

5. atmosphere 'ætməsfiə n.大气,大气层

6. radiation .reidi'eiʃən n.辐射

7. element 'elimənt n.元素

8. hydrogen 'haidridʒən n.氢

9. float fləut v.漂浮,浮动Students anger at Japanese dolphin killing

1. anger 'æŋgəv.使发怒

2.demonstration.demən'streiʃən n.示威游行

3. campaign kæm'pein n.运动,活动

4. consulate 'kɔnsəlit n. 领事馆Teen run over by a train, suffers only a few cuts

1. black out 突然发昏

2. run over 在…上驶过

3. definitely 'defənitli adv.肯定地,一定地

4. one-in-a-million adj.很难得的,极其稀少

5. outcome 'autkʌm n.结果

6. emergency i'mə:dʒənsi n.紧急情况Scottish university to introduce comic degree

1. leading 'li:diŋadj.最重要的

2. postgraduate pəust'grædʒuit n.研究生

3. appeal ə'pi:l v.吸引

4. employability em'plɔi'biləti n.就业能力

5. aim v.以…为目标

6. intention in'tenʃən n.意向,意图

7. forefront 'fɔ:frʌnt n.最前部,最重要之处

A4版The nail

1. admire v.钦佩,赞赏

2. release ri'li:s v.松开

3. leak li:k v.漏水

5. plaster 'plɑ:stən.石膏

6. rust rʌst n.铁锈

Veterans Day

1. veteran 'vetərən n.退伍军人

2. military 'militəri adj.军事的

3. date back to 追溯到

Over my head

1.victim 'viktim n.受害者

2. fiction 'fikʃən n.小说作品

3.make sense of 理解、弄懂某事

4. hypocrisy hi'pɔkrəsi n.伪善

5. disgrace dis'greis n.耻辱


A1 版Polar bears listed as threatened

1. threatened 'θretn d adj.威迫的

2. statement n.陈述报告

3. reduction ri'dʌkʃən n.减少

4. threat θret n.威胁

5. seal si:l n.海豹

6. marine mə'ri:n adj.海洋的

7. landscape 'lændskeip n.风景

8. release v.发布

9. extinct iks'tiŋkt adj.灭绝的

10.cooperation kəu.ɔpə'reiʃən n.合作

11. refuge 'refju:dʒn. 避难所

A cool win

1. quarterfinal n.四分之一决赛

2. battle 'bætl v.与…作战

3. struggle 'strʌgəl n.搏斗

A smelly solution

1. malaria mə'lɛəriən.疟疾

2. pest pest n.害虫

Open a beer with your iPhone

1. scratch skrætʃ]v.擦伤

A4版You never know who is watching your action

1. priest pri:st n.牧师

2. downtown adj.市中心区的

3. accidentally.æksi'dentəli adv.偶然地

4. pause pɔ:z v. 暂停,中止《公主日记》对白欣赏

1. heir ɛən. 继承人

2. throne θrəun n. 王位

3. royal 'rɔiəl adj.皇家的,

4. invisible in'vizəbl adj.看不见的

B1版How to protect a computer from viruses

1. infect in'fekt v.感染

2. cautious 'kɔ:ʃəs adj.小心谨慎的

3. vague veig adj.模糊的

4. attachment n.附件

5. install in'stɔ:l v.安装

6. specific [spi'sifik adj.具体的

7. manually 'mænjuəli adv.手工地


1. imaginary adj.虚构的

2. avatar .ævə'tɑ:n.化身

3. resident 'rezidənt n.居民

4. virtual 'və:tjuəl adj.虚拟的

15 期双语报单词

A 1 Drinking water: bottled or from the tap?

1、fuel 'fjuəl n.燃料

2、crude oil kru:d n.原油

3、disintegrate dis'intigreit v.分解Man drives banana car throught Michigan

1、original ə'ridʒənl adj./n.原先的;独


2、desire n.欲望Contest for best wedding dress made of toilet paper

1、contestant kən'testənt n.参赛者

2、wedding dress 婚纱

3、thread θred n.线
