



Good morning, everyone. My name is XXX. It’s my pleasure to stand here and show you my trial teaching. I hope you will enjoy my performance and have a great time here. Now Let’s get ready for class. Today we are going to learn xxx. At first, let’s revi ew the words and phrases in the last class.


Very good. Now, let’s go to the reading part. Please turn to page XXX. (Reading teaching)


Let’s have a free talk about XXX---and then discuss the question in pre-reading on page XXX,I will ask someone to talk about your ideas.

Step2.Fast reading

Read the passage as quickly as you can and find the topic sentence of each paragraph.

Time’s up. Now, please ask my questions.

Questions:1.what’s the general idea of the tes t?

2.which one is the topic sentence of the first paragraph?

3.divide the passage into 3 parts and think about the main ideas.

find out the answers of the questions on page XXX.

Step3 Intensive reading

Read the passage carefully again and underline the new words and phrases. Now, listen to the tape of paragraph one. Pay attention please.

Well, look at the blackboard. These are the new words and phrases of this paragraph. Read after me, XXX go. Now you read it one by one. Let’s start from XXX.

Look here please. This is the sentence pattern.

I think that sth/sb is(are) … because…

How to use it? Look at the example.

(E.g. I think ice cream is junk food, because it has a lot of fat and sugar.) Now, please make sentences by yourself. I will give you 1 minutes.

Who would like to tell me your sentence?

Step4. Post-reading.

Retell the passage: We’ve read the whole passage deeply. These are the general ideas of all paragraphs. Please communicate with your partner to

retell the passage according to the general ideas.

Do the exercise on page XXX.

Step 5 Summary

Let’s go through the language points of this lesson once again.

Step 6. Homework

Chose three newly learnt phrases to make sentences.

Step1 Lead-in

Good morning boys and girls! How are you today? You good? I am fine, too.

Let’s look at screen, here is a street. Do you see in this street? What other places do you know on the street you are familiar with? Please, generate as much places which can show up on a street as you can.

Step2 Presentation and Practice

Present pictures:

Look at the first picture, what is this place? Where is it? Everyone, read after me, post office.

What about the second picture, yes, it is police station. Everyone, read after me, police station.

And this one? Wonderful, it is a hotel! Everyone, read after me, hotel!

Game: what’s missing?

Now, we learned all the new words, let’s play a game.

Everybody close your eyes. Now, open your eyes, what’s missing? Good! Close your eyes again! Now, open, what’s missing?

Complete 1a-1b

Look at the picture on the book, what do you see in this picture? Please say there is a…

Good, look at 1a, let’s match the words with pl aces in the picture.

Do you finish? Good, let’s check answers. Who wants to share his answer? You please.

Do you all agree with him? Not quiet, but don’t worry, sit down please. Who else wants to try?

Does he get the right answers? Yes, he does!

Now, let’s listen to the tape, please circle the place you hear.

Good, now listen again, let’s read after the tape, so that we can

practice listening and oral speaking.

Step3 Consolidation

Make a new dialogue.

There is a dialogue in 2b, let’s read it together.

Now, you need to make a new dialogue according to 1a and 1b. You are going to work in pairs.

Do you finish?

Any volunteers want to share their conversation? Well, you two please.

How’s their performance? Fantastic! Good, please go back to your seat.

Step4 Summary

Time flies quickly. It is almost the end of our class. What have we learned today? We have learned some places in our neighborhood right? What are they? They are post office, police station, hotel, restaurant, bank, hospital,


考题:初中英语《升降调讲授》 一、考题回顾 二、考题解析 初中英语《升降调讲授》主要教学过程及板书设计 (一)教学过程 Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Warming-up Show a video of two people talking about something, their conversation contains lots of questions and special questions, then ask students what kind of tone they hear during the conversation. Step 2 Presentation 1. Students read the text on the book and find out the difficult new words and solve the problems by themselves.

2. Read after the teacher and experience the change of the tone. Then,teacher tells students that falling tone represents doubts and falling tone represents affirmation. Step 3 Practice 1. Read after the tape and pay attention to their pronunciations. 2. Peer editing: Read the dialogue with desk mates and correct the pronunciation for each other. Step 4 Production 1. Role-play: Two students a group to play out the conversation in the text book. One act as the woman and the other act as Mary, during reading, students should pay attention to the change of the rising and falling tone. 2. Make conversation.Two students a group to make a conversation which contains rising and falling tone and then ask some students to show their work in front of the class. Step 5 Summary and homework Summary: Ask one student to act as the little assistant teacher and summarize the knowledge learned today. Homework: Surf the internet to find out more sentences that contains raising and falling tone, and then share it with the rest of the class next day. (二)板书设计 Blackboard Design: 答辩题目解析 1.请谈谈你这节课的教学目标是什么?【教学设计类】 【参考答案】 这节课的教学目标分为三维目标。首先,知识目标是:学生能够理解和掌握升降调的用法。其次,能力目标是:学生能够在日常交流中运用升降调来表达自己的情感。最后,情感目标是:学生能够理解说话者在升降调背后表达的语意,并且对英语学习更加感兴趣。


语音教学试讲 1. Teaching aims 1) Knowledge aim Students will be able to master the rules of liking. 2) Ability aim Students can train their listening and speaking skills. 3) Emotional aim Students can be more confident in learning English.. 2. Important and difficult points 1) Important point Students will be speaking the linked words correctly. 2) Difficult point Students can use the rules of linking in a real situation. 3. Teaching and learning methods Communicate teaching method; task-based teaching method;group work method; cooperation study method; independent study method 4. Teaching procedures Step 1: Warming up I will present a English song “Valder Fields” Step 2: Presentation 1)Students will listen to the tape to get the main idea of the passage 2)Students will listen again and understand the whole passage


Good morning, everyone ! I’m No.____ candidate. Nice to meet you! (鞠躬) Today my topic is about ________________________,(板书) I will analyze the lesson from the six parts.:analysis of teaching material, teaching aims and demands, student analysis, teaching methods, learning methods and procedures. Part 1 Analysis of the teaching material . Status and functions : The topic of this unit is about________________. It is from the unit ______of PEP English < go for it> the _______semester of grade ______. This is an interesting topic for students .So all the activities in this unit are helpful to raise students’ learning interest. As we all know, interest is the best teacher for students .This unit includes two sections (section A and section B). I will finish section A from 1a to Grammar Focus in this period. Let students learn happily and easily. All the activities in this lesson are designed to help Ss consolidate the language points in this unit. Part 2 Teaching Aims and Demands Knowledge objects: The Ss can master the usage of the important words, expressions and sentences. Ability objects: To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. To improve the student’s reading ability. To guide Ss to set up effective studying strategies. Emotion or moral objects: By studying this lesson,the students will put the moral education in the language study. In order to achieve these aims, we must be clear about the important points and difficult points: The important points:The difficult points: Part3 Teaching Methods In my opinion, the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to develop the students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of English language. So in this unit,I’ll mainly use “Communicative” Approach(交际教学法), “Task-based” language teaching (). The Situational Approach() . Part4 The Studying of Students and learning Methods Most of the students are from the countryside, and most of them are poor in cooperative learning skills. Some students are not active in the class, and some students don’t like English. Therefore, I’ll make Ss get the knowledge actively by probe study and cooperative study and let the Ss pass "Observation—Imitation—Practice " to study. Part5 Teaching Procedure Period 1(1a--- Grammar Focus) Step 1 warming up It will cost 3 minutes In this step , I’ll ask students to have a free talk with the knowledge they have learnt last lesson . In this way , students will pay their attention to our class easily , and their speakingability will be improved . Step 2 leading in It will cost 2minutes . I’ll show some pictures about__________________, and tell something about _________, these can form a relaxing atmosphere and let the students get ready f or the next step . Step 3 presentation It’ll cost 20 minutes I’ll show some words and sentences ,and ask students to guess the meaning of new words , with the help of PPT . I’ll set a real situation to help


初中英语试讲稿范文 Good morning, my class. How was your day? You seem to be a little blue? Yes, of course. We’ve just finished a three-day holiday for the Dragon boat festival. And it’s time to go back here and have classes. But you can expect for the next holiday. What is it? Yes, it’s the National holiday. We know so many about Chinese festivals. But do you know about some foreign festivals? Mike? You know about Easter. Good. The symbols of Easter are eggs and rabbits. Others? Iris? You know about Christmas? Yes, a very big holiday during which we can see many Christmas trees, presents and maybe the Santa Claus. Ok, you know so much about foreign holidays too. Today we have someone here also celebrating holiday. Let’s open our book, turn to page 40. Look at the picture. Can you guess what the holiday is. Someone says Thanksgiving. Is he right? But some students are not sure. Ok, let’s read this passage quickly for 3 minutes and find out. Finished? What’s the main idea of this passage, Joy? You said that it is about Thanksgiving. Is she right? Yes. Nicely done. Sit down please. Then where did the family go? Linda? You said that Jenny and her family went to grandparents’ home and


第二部分基础知识运用(共40小题,计40分) 五、选择填空。(共25小题,每小题l分;计25分) A.从下面方框中选出与下列各句中画线部分意思相同或相近,并能替换画线部分的选项。 (共4小题,每小题l分;计4分) A. at home B. around C. is good at D. look alter 26. My mother usually goes to work at about 7:30 in the morning, 27. John is a clever boy. He does well in all the subjects, 28. Dave' s father was ill two days ago, so he had to take care of him at home. 29. Last night, Tom was not in. He went to a movie with his friends. B.从各题的A、B、C三个选疆中选择正确答案。(共l7小题,每小题l分;计17分) 30. --Maria, here is my new house. --Wow, you have __ beautiful house ! A. a B. the C. 不填 31. Tom usually goes fishing __ Sunday morning. A. at B. on C. for 32. --Peter, is this your pen? --Yes, it' s __. Many thanks. I looked for it everywhere. A. mine B. me C. I 33. --Where did you go yesterday, Rick? -- I went to see a because I had a cold. A. teacher B. doctor C. reporter 34. Lady Gags is very popular, and she by many boys and girls at school. A. loves B. is loving C. is loved 35. --Excuse me, whose Japanese book is this? --It be Tom ' s. In our class, only he is studying Japanese. A. must B. can't C. would 36. It' s interesting that there are many people speak French in Canada. A. which B. where C. who 37. Parents often ask their kids __ their internet friends because the kids may be in danger. A. to meet B. not to meet C. meeting 38. Look! Peter TV happily, but his parents are busy in the kitchen. A. is watching B. watches C. watched 39. --Hey, Tony, You look so tired today. ---I __ until 12 o' clock last night for the math test. A. woke up B. stayed up C. grew up 40. My cousin knows a lot about geography, __ he is only four years old. A. because B. so C. although 41. Some scientists think that it will take __ of years to make robots do most work for humans. A. hundreds B. hundred C. thousand 42. Please keep quiet, everybody! I have important to tell you. A. nothing B. something C. everything 43. This T-shit is not large enough. Please show me a one,


教师招聘初中英语面试试讲稿1 Unit 2 The road to modern English-Reading part Good morning, my dear teachers. I am No.3. It is my great honor to share my teaching idea with you. My topic is “The road to modern English”. I will show my lesson from the following 6 parts. Part 1. The analysis of teaching material. This lesson is a reading passage which is from unit 2, book 2 published by PEP for senior high ss. The content of this lesson is about the varieties and development of English. By learning this lesson, students will know more about how English developed. According to the teaching material. I set up the following teaching objectives: Knowledge objectives: 1. By reading the text, students get to know the learning and usage of key words such as;Voyage, apartment and so on. 2. Get the skill about how to write the development of a language. Ability objectives: 1. Make use of some reading strategies, such as skimming, scanning and information gathering, summarizing and guessing meaning of the new words from the text. Emotional objectives: 1. To cultivate students’ cooperative spirit. 2. Know the importance of learning English and realize that eglish is the bridge to understand foreign language. Then I will talk about the teaching key points and difficult points. The key points are that how to improve students’ reading skills and help students to understand the text. How to understand the text deeply is the difficult points. Part 2. The analysis of students Students of senior 1 have grasped a certain amount of English language development and some skills of English reading So this passage will attach their attention, interest and deepen their understanding of this topic.



精品资料 Unit 2 In good health Good morning, judges, I am NO. 1 candidate. Today my topic is “in good health?” (write it on the blackboard) OK, class begins. Look at pictures on the screen, what can you see? Yes, there’s a fat boy eating something, cou ld you tell me what is it? It’s ice cream, maybe he eats a lot of food containing so much sugar and fat, so what kind of food should the fat boy eat? Now let’s look at some new pictures on the screen, let’s learn some new words. noodle,candy, Coke, hamburger, ice cream and favorite. Pay more attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Now read after me. I say loud, you say low. This row one bye one, that row one by one, all of you did good job, I’m proud of you all. Now let’s come to the next part. Okay, now the whole class will be divided into four groups, let’s hold a competition, Task1——Round1: A big turn plate game, boys and girls, look, there’s a big turn plate here, I will turn the plate when it stops, let’s figure out what food will the needle poin t at? I will ask you the question, are they healthy food? Then let’s find out which group give me the answer as quickly as possible, is that understood? One, two, three, go! Stop! Are they/ Is it healthy food? Action! Group A got the chance, yeah, ice crea m is not healthy food, excellent! Group A got a star. Let’s go on… Okay, next let’s look at the picture again, different person has his/her favorite food, let’s try to find out what’s his/her favorite food? Please discuss in groups of four, then let’s pla y the big turn plate game again. Task2——Round2 :Be a little teacher Fast reading Now please read the passage for the first time, then work in groups of four and tick the true sentences. 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢2


初中英语教师资格证面试真题 【写作】 1.试讲题目:写作教学试讲【2016年5月】 2.内容: Dear Eudora, I am thinking of going on a camping trip in the Northern Territory. But I’ve heard so much about the dangerous creatures in Australia that I’m a bit scared about going out of the city. Perhaps I’d be better staying in Sydney. I know there are lots of interesting things to see there too. What do you think I should do? Bests wishes, Li Haidi 3.基本要求: (1)朗读所给段落。 (2)配合教学内容适当板书。 (3)针对该语篇的内容,进行相应的书信写作教学活动。 (4)试讲时间:10分钟。 (5)用英语组织教学。 【词汇】 1.题目:词汇教学试讲【2016年5月】 2.内容: My young people today care about the way they look. They often buy “designer”clothes because they think they look cool. People also think designer clothes are better made. For example, many people think the right running shoes will make you running faster or player better. Of course, this is not always true. It’s the training -not the trainer-that improve you speed or you score. Most people dress in a way that shows off their personality. But if some of us buy expensive clothes just to look cool. what does that say about us? Maybe it’s just clever advertising. 3.基本要求: (1)朗读所给课文。 (2)配合教学内容适当板书。 (3)针对所给材料的划线部分,设计短语使用的教学活动。 (4)试讲时间:10分钟。 (5)用英语组织教学。


教师招聘面试试讲是重要环节,考生要想最终在激烈的竞争中胜出,就必须从细节入手,做到完美,才能打动考官,赢得胜利。本站为大家带来的初中英语面试词汇课试讲稿,希望能帮助到大家! 初中英语面试词汇课试讲稿 一、强化语音教学,为词汇教学打好基础 词汇教学一般采取由音到形再到义的顺序。音是学生接触一个词的最初印象,如果读不出音就记不住形,无音无形就谈不上什么义,因此,要牢记一个单词,首先应把音念准。听是语言教学的根本方法,先听音、后开口和发准音是语音教学的基本步骤。在语音教学中,教师可以自己读,也可用录音带,要求学生静静地听,并告诉学生听后进行模仿。教师可以把两组或几组音先读给学生听,让学生辨出哪一组发的是哪个音,也可以把音标写在黑板上,读一个句子或一组词,让学生辨出含有该音的词。 语音教学虽然重点是语音,但不能就音论音,而应把单音放在词和句中,反复练习,不断纠正。同时要充分利用现代教学设备,以电视、录像、录音、幻灯等多种形式,给学生提供更多模仿、练习发音的机会,以达到最终准确发音的目的。

二、词汇教学,提升英语价值 词汇是英语语言的基本构成要素,不同词汇组合到一起构成了英语语句。因而,初中生在学习英语课程时必须要掌握相关词汇的具体含义,从而有助于提升学生的英语水平。英语词汇教学应注重学生理解、应用、表达等方面的能力培养,这对于初中英语教学有着显著的教育价值。学生在初中阶段接触英语课程时容易混淆知识内容,对小学、初中英语的差异性把握不准,这对后期初中英语学习是不利的。英语词汇教学对学生英语知识应用能力的培养大有帮助,教师在词汇教学中能让学生接触到不同词汇的具体运用方式,对各词汇的具体含义有深刻的理解。此外,当学生掌握足够的词汇量以后,教师也可为学生搭建词汇应用平台,使其能充分发挥自己的英语才能。 三、探究引导,锻炼词汇能力 词汇是英语知识的基本构成,“探究引导”是英语词汇教学的有效方式,教师通过引导学生参与词汇学习以激发其大脑潜能,对英语词汇能有充足的记忆与理解。1、创造探究机会。初中英语词汇内容丰富多样,不同学生对词汇知识的理解存在差异。为了让所有学生的词汇能力得到锻炼,教师应努力创造探究机会,让学生有机会参与探究活动。面对初中新教材改革,我则要求学生在学习中对新、旧词汇进行总结,如kickback(回扣),hippie(嬉皮士),special economic zone(经济特区),yumcha(饮茶),realwoman(淑女);eyeball(观察),cowboy(莽


初中英语试讲经验稿 恩,首先就是穿什么的都有,正装,休闲装,甚至牛仔裤凉鞋等等,然后也没有具体要求必须着正装,考场里老师也没有提到,所以没有说规定一定正装,但是个人感觉还是稍微正式点比较好,穿个衬衫配工装裙或者黑色休闲裤也好过牛仔裤凉鞋。。。毕竟老师还是比较严肃的职业。 记得带支笔,因为备考室写教案会用到。考美术的好像备考室有准备的道具,彩纸,胶布,剪刀等等都有。。不用你自己准备了 进去考场之后,同一楼层的考生全都在候场室,然后就是抽签,本人抽到的是1号,之后便是跟着老师去抽题室,抽提排队的时候请尽量站在第一个,因为所有的1号抽完之后才回去备考室,这样你会比别人多几分钟的准备时间。 我抽到的是词汇题,给一个片段,六个单词,要求是读对话,然后讲单词,其他的两个英语试讲是语法,我看了一眼是一般将来时的时态,另一个是作文类题目。之后去备考室,这里给你也就是15分钟的准备时间,可以把自己的资料带进去,也可以手机百度,低调点,别被老师看到都是可以的。不是很严。 首先,进入考场,有三个老师,先问两个结构化的面试题目,问到的有:1,家长工作忙,认为教育学生完全是学校的责任,你怎么看?2,你怎么看待“绿领巾”事件。3,请问你对陶行知的“千教万教,教人求真; 千学万学,学做真人”怎么理解?4,同学上课一直开小差做小动作,你怎么办?恩,我知道的就是这些了。。然后就是英语试讲,试讲之后会问你1-2个关于你试讲的问题,有的可能不问,之后就结束了。记得擦黑板。。

关于教案,我们这儿是不看教案的,你拿着教案讲课,讲完交给面试老师就行,但是其实你讲完就已经打完分了,一个同学说她讲完交教案的时候已经偷瞄到自己的成绩了,我教案写的很好,结果没有计入分数,特别遗憾。 大概就是这么多,不用紧张,我在宾馆跟同学试讲的时候还紧张到发抖,真到考场上就特别淡定了,也许是抽到的题目相对来说简单点,讲的有点快,不要太快,当然也别太慢,10分钟以内讲完。 这里给大家模板作为参考,在备考室的时候你就可以这么准备了,什么教学目标,难点和重点,教学手段这些完全没必要写啊,直接切入你开讲就行了。。 试讲情态动词的语法类试讲稿: Step 1 warming up As we know, the 2008 Olympics is coming. Show two pictures: Liuxiang and Yaoming. Say something about them using modal verbs. 教师展示两幅图片:刘翔和姚明,通过用modal verbs 来描述这两幅图片。Step 2 Lead‐in T: Look at the picture, the man is carrying a pile of books. So he can carry heavy books. He wants to enter the room, but he couldn’t open the door by himself. So he is making a request to ask for help from the woman by saying “Could you open the door, please?” (The teacher writes the three sentences on the blackboard.


试讲题型:2013年英语中考试题(完形填空) It is often said that eyes can speak. Do you have such kind of 61 ? In a bus you may look at a stranger, but not too, 62. If he notices that he is being looked at, he may 63 uncomfortable. It is t he same in daily life. When you are looked at for several more times, you will look 64 up and dow n in order to 65 if there is anything wrong with you. If 66 goes wrong, you will feel angry with th e person who is looking at you. 67 can speak, right? Looking too long at someone may seem to be impolite. But sometimes things are 68. If you wi sh to draw someone's 69 , you may look at him or her for more than ten seconds. For lovers, they e njoy looking at each other longer to show the love that words cannot 70 . Clearly, eye communicat ion should be done according to the relationship between the two people and the certain situation. 61. A. future B. fear C. experience D. Exercise 62. A. late B. long C. low D. loud 63. A. feel B. smell C. sound D. taste 64. A. itself B. himself C. myself D. yourself 65. A. see B. guess C. hear D. expect 66. A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything 67. A. Ears B. Eyes C. Mouth D. Nose 68. A. different B. difficult C. tiring D. boring 69: A. direction B. lesson C. attention D. trouble 70. A. write B. print C. read D. express


初中英语面试词汇课试讲稿 一、强化语音教学,为词汇教学打好基础 词汇教学一般采取由音到形再到义的顺序。音是学生接触一个词的最初印象,如果读不出音就记不住形,无音无形就谈不上什么义,因此,要牢记一个单词,首先应把音念准。听是语言教学的根本方法,先听音、后开口和发准音是语音教学的基本步骤。在语音教学中,教师可以自己读,也可用录音带,要求学生静静地听,并告诉学生听后进行模仿。教师可以把两组或几组音先读给学生听,让学生辨出哪一组发的是哪个音,也可以把音标写在黑板上,读一个句子或一组词,让学生辨出含有该音的词。 语音教学虽然重点是语音,但不能就音论音,而应把单音放在词和句中,反复练习,不断纠正。同时要充分利用现代教学设备,以电视、录像、录音、幻灯等多种形式,给学生提供更多模仿、练习发音的机会,以达到最终准确发音的目的。 二、词汇教学,提升英语价值 词汇是英语语言的基本构成要素,不同词汇组合到一起构成了英语语句。因而,初中生在学习英语课程时必须要掌握相关词汇的具体含义,从而有助于提升学生的英语水平。英语词汇教学应注重学生理解、应用、表达等方面的能力培养,这对于初中英语教学有着显著的教育价值。学生在初中阶段接触英语课程时容易混淆知识内容,对小学、初中英语的差异性把握不准,这对后期初中英语学习是不利的。英语词汇教学对学生英语知识应用能力的培养大有帮助,教师在词汇教学中能让学生接触到不同词汇的具体运用方式,对各词汇的具体含义有深刻的理解。此外,当学生掌握足够的词汇量以后,教师也可为学生搭建词汇应用平台,使其能充分发挥自己的英语才能。 三、探究引导,锻炼词汇能力 词汇是英语知识的基本构成,“探究引导”是英语词汇教学的有效方式,教师通过引导学生参与词汇学习以激发其大脑潜能,对英语词汇能有充足的记忆与理解。 1、创造探究机会。初中英语词汇内容丰富多样,不同学生对词汇知识的理解存在差异。为了让所有学生的词汇能力得到锻炼,教师应努力创造探究机会,让学生有机会参与探究活动。面对初中新教材改革,我则要求学生在学习中对新、旧词汇进行


T: Class begins!Good afternoon, everyone! Ss: Good afternoon, Miss Hunag. T: sit down please! Boys and girls, how are you today? Fine? That’s great! Just so-so, oh, I fell sorry to hear that.OK, First, one golden saying one class! Please take notes! An apple a day, keeps the doctors away. So what does this proverb mean? It means eating an apple everyday can help us stay healthy and we should fall the good habit of eating an apple a day to keep fit. Okay, let’s get down to the business, right now, I want to ask all of you three simple questions connected with traveling. 1) Do you like traveling? Why or why not? 2) Where did you go last summer/winter vocation? How did you get there? 3) Do you have any ideas/plans about the coming summer vocation? Boys and girls, you can consider those questions in your mind, and we will discuss them later. so, today, our topic is going places. Now, suppose you will go someplace on the coming summer vocation. For example, go to Dujiangyan Irrigation(都江堰) .Let’s make a plan fo r our trip, OK? (Show a form on the screen.) Well, just now, I heard that most of you have traveled. Now, I give you one minute to talk with your partner about where have you traveled and how did you go there. Then, I will ask some of you. T: Time is up. who wants to share with us?good, Tom, you please!where have you traveled? S: I ha ve traveled to Mt. .E’mei. T: Ok. Please don’t tell us how did you go there now? We can try to guess.
