






【例1】Eating too much fat can ______ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.A.contribute to B.attribute to C.attend to D.devote to 答案:A

【例2】I would never have ______ a court of law if I hadn't been so desperate.A.sought to B.accounted for C.turned up D.resorted to 答案:D


【例1】The Persian Gulf is ______ in petroleum deposits and that's part of the reasons why it is a trouble place.

A.abundant B.enough C.plentiful D.adequate 答案:A

【例2】On New Year's Even, New York City holds an outdoor ______ which attracts a crowd of a million or more people.

A.affair B.incident C.case D.event 答案:D


【例1】It is our ______ policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means.A.consistent B.continuous C.considerate D.continual 答案:A

【例2】It is quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and ______ knowledge.

A.extensive B.expansive C.intensive D.expensive 答案:A


【例1】The football game comes to you ______ from New York.

A.lively B.alive C.live D.living


【例2】 ______ his sister, Jack is quiet and does not easily make frieds with others.A.Dislike B.Unlike C.Alike D.Liking 答案:B


【例1】The teaeher spoke highly of such ______ as loyalty, courage and truthfulness shown by his students.

A.virtues B.features

C.properties D.characteristics


【例2】Professor Taylor's talk has indicated that science has a very strong ______ on the everyday life of non-scientists as well as scientists.

A.motivation B.perspective C.impression D.impact 答案:D


【例1】In the experiment we kept a watchful eye______ the developments and recorded every detail.

A.in B.at C.for D.on


【例2】These two areas are similar ______ they both have a high rainfall during this season.

A.to that B.besides that C.in that D.except that 答案:C





【例】The manager spoke highly of______ such as loyalty, courage and truthfulness shown by his employees.

A.virtues B.features

C.properties D.characteristics




【例】The poetry of Ezra Pound is sometimes difficult to understand because it contains so many ______ references.

A.obscure B.acute C.notable D.objective




【例】Most nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a ______.

A.scarcity B.minority

C.minimum D.shortage




【例】Mr. Morgan can be very sad ______, though in public he is extremely cheerful.

A.by himself B.in person C.in private D.as individual




【例1】The new appointment of our president ______ from the very beginning of next semester.

A.takes effect B.takes part C.takes place D.takes turns 答案:A


【例2】A ______ to this problem is expected to be found before long.

A.result B.response

C.settlement D.solution



【例1】It is useful to be able to predict ______ the extent which a price change will affect supply and demand.

A.from B.with C.to D.for 答案:C


【例2】Having decided to rent a flat, we______ contacting all the accommodation agencies in the city.

A.set about B.set down C.set out D.set up 答案:A


【例3】If you ______ the bottle and cigarettes, you'll be much healthier.

A.take off B.keep off

C.get off D.set off




【例】A person's calorie requirements vary ______ his life.

A.across B.throughout C.over D.within 答案:B






1.It does not alter the fact that he was the man ______ for the death of the little girl.A.accounting B.guilty C.responsible D.obliged


1.Then the speaker ______ the various factors leading to the present economic crisis.A.went after B.went into C.went for D.went on


1.The relationship between employers and employees has been studied ______.

A.originally B.extremely C.violently D.intensively




(1)连接代词(疑问代词):who, whom, whose, what, which, whoever, whatever, whichever。

【例】They found what shelter they could and lived on wild plants.


It's not decided who will chair the meeting.


You should wear whichever dress suits you best.


(2)连接副词(包括关系副词):when, how, why, where, whenever, wherever

【例】Sunday is a holiday, when people do not go to work.


Why he did it will remain a puzzle for ever.


Tell me how to persuade him not to smoke again.


(3)并列连词(联结平行的词、词组或分句):and, but, or, so, therefore, yet, however, nevertheless, for, hence, as well as, both... and, not only... but also, either... or, neither... nor, (and)then, not that... but that。

【例】She has her weaknesses. That however, doesn't mean she is not qualified for the job.(她有缺点,但这不等于说她不能胜任这项工作。)

The car was old, yet (nevertheless) it was in excellent condition.


They worked neither for fame nor for personal gains.


I have read one of his novels as well as a few of his plays.


(4)从属连词(一般引起从句):after, when, before, as, while, since, until, till, although, though, if, even if, unless, lest (以免),because, than, that whether, so that, as soon as, as long as, in order that, as if, as though, suppose (that), provided(that), in case(that), on condition (that), now that, so...that, such...that, as(so)...as, such...as。

【例】As I was coming home, I met a former schoolmate of mine.


It would be months before he was fit for work.


Now that your son is well again, you no longer have anything to worry about.


She explained again and again lest people should misunderstand her.


There is still much room for improvement in our work, as I see it.


Provided we draw useful lessons from them, we may turn difficulties to good account.(只要我们从中吸取有益的教训,困难也可以变成好事。)

(5)一部分副词:anyhow, anyway, consequently, besides, moreover, also, too, still, then, this。一部分词组:on the contrary, on the other hand, in that case等。

【例】She was a bright and eager student and, consequently, did well in school.(她聪明好学,因此学习成绩很好。)

We hope the new machine will work faster, thus reducing our costs.


“We won't support you,”he says, “on the contrary, we'll fight against you.”






有些同义词,如mankind—humanity;ask—interrogate;show—demonstrate;buy—purchase,其词义是接近等值的,只是前者源于英语本族语,后者源于外来语。又如coach —bus;lift—elevator;petrol—gasoline;callbox telephone-box含义等同,只是前者为英国用法,后者为美国用法而已。这类题主要是测试考生对同义词或近义词之间细微差别的掌握情况。同义词或近义词虽然概念相同或相近,但在含义和用法上仍存在差别。例如:Sample4

Hardly a week goes by without some advance in technology that would have seemed incredible50years ago.

A.hard to imagine B.hard to believe

C.hard to invent D.hard to understand


这道题属于近义词辨析题,答案为选项B.hard to believe(难以置信)。其他选项的意思分别是:A.hard to imagine(难以想象);C.hard to invent(难以发明,创造);D.hard to understand(难以理解)。选项A与选项D的含义也多少与之相近,具有较强的干扰性。










7.compose(组成,创作)—oppose(反对),impose(强加于),expose(揭发,使曝光) 8.remind(提醒)—remember(记住),remain(依旧,依然是),recall(回顾,回想)











19.produce(生产)—reduce(减少),reproduce(复制,再生产),introduce(介绍,引进) 20.preserve(保留,保养)—conserve(保存,保守),reserve(保留),deserve(值得) 21.include(包括)—conclude(做结论),exclude(排除)


23.imaginative(富于想像力的)—imaginable(可以想象的),imaginary(想象的,虚构的),imagination (想像力)



26.economical(节约的)—economic(经济的),economy(经济),economics(经济学) 27.release(释放)—relieve(减轻),relate(把…与联系起来),retain(保存,保持)




31.alone(单独的,单独地)—lonely(孤独的),single(单个的,单身的),long(长的,漫长的),lonliness (孤独;孤寞)

32.lay(把…放到;lie的过去形式)—lie(躺;说谎),lain(lie的过去分词),laid(lay的过去分词),lying (lie的现在分词)




36.aboard(在船上)—abroad(在国外),board(船板),on board(在船上,在机上),broad(宽广的),broaden(使加宽,拓宽)

37.convict(证明有罪)—convey(传达,传送),convert(把…转换成),convince(使信服) 38.conclude(作结论)—concede(让步),exclude(把…排除在外),conduct(引导,传导),concrete(具体的,混凝土)




42.immediate(马上,立即)—intimate(亲昵的),imitate(模范),initiate(发起,提倡) 43.outlet(出口)—outcome(结局),output(产量,输出),outlook(外观)



46.arrange(安排)—appoint(任命,约定),apply(应用),appeal(呼吁),orange(橘子) 47.prescribe(处方,开药)—describe(描写),subscribe(定购,订阅),ascribe(把…归结于)





This medicine will ensure you a good night's sleep.

A.assure B.secure C.reassure D.insure Note:

这句话的原意是:这种药将保证使你能得到一个好的睡眠。ensure意指“保证,确保”,常指确保某事能够做到或阻止其发生,后常接从句。选项B.secure的意思是“保证使某人得到某种所求之物”,其含义与ensure在此基本相同。assure somebody of something/that clause 的意思是“说服某人相信某种信息是真实可靠的”。选项D.insure指“给…保险,确保”,常指为防不测向保险公司付钱投保。




英语的短语动词(phrasal verbs)有三种基本类型。即:动词+副词(v.+adv.)型,如look out(注意);动词+介词(v.+prep.)型,如look after(照料);动词+副词+介词(v.+adv.+prep.)型,如look forward to(盼望)等。其他一些动词的固定搭配都作为动词短语看待。对考生来说,短语动词是英语中最重要、最难掌握的部分之一,也是考生最感头疼的难点之一。

但这方面的命题难度是有限的,也就是基本不超出《大纲》词汇部分所附的动词词组表所列词汇的范围。英语短语动词中动词与其附加部分凝结为一体,获得一个新的词义,相当于单个动词的含义(当然,也有不少短语动词很难找到与其含义等同的单一形式动词,如get with=become busy about;pay attention to开始做;对…注意;live up to=fulfil something expected of someone对得起某人等。),如:

1.blow up=explode爆炸;毁掉

2.carry along=convey传达,传送

3.carry out=realize,implement实现

4.fill up,take up=occupy占据,占有

5.give off=emit发散出

6.go beyond=exceed超出

7.give up,give in=submit,surrender屈服,投降

8.hand in=submit交出

9.hand out=deliver;administer分发(会议材料等);施加(手段等)

10.rule out=eliminate清除,排除

11.look into=examine,investigate考察,调查

12.respond to=answer回答,回应

13.run over=overflow,exceed溢出,超过

14.send off=dispatch;dismiss分发;开除

15.sell out=dispose;betray处置;背叛

16.set up=establish,complete建立;完成

17.shape up=evolve,develop演化;发展

18.take in=absorb;deceive;encompass吸收;受骗;包括

19.pull down=demolish,degrade毁掉,拆毁;降格

20.use up=consume用完,耗尽




Unit1 (2003厦门大学)

Directions:There are20incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line throught the center.1.A Monitor/TIPP poll last month found that young people and seniors held similar views when asked to ______ the importance of US military action to remove Saddam Hussein from power in the next months.

A.advocate B.foresee C.supervise D.gauge

2.The newspaper reported on the initiative of the organization to establish a private company to professionally ______ prisoners due to be released from prison.

A.habilitate B.rehabilitate C.preclude D.prelude 3.If all the viruses on the planet were to disappear, a global catastrophe would______, and the natural ecosystems of the earth would collapse in a spectacular crash under burgeoning populations of insects.

A.varnish B.disperse C.contaminate D.ensue 4.The solution was simple: gas the building with a hallucinogen and put the terrorists to sleep before they could ______ the bombs in the building. And it worked.A.detonate B.dismantle C.demolish D.desert 5.Ms. Rice, with customary class, simply expressed hope that this episode wouldn't ______ the charity in spite of the previous scandals.

A.taint B.enhance C.sprain D.sponsor

6.These examples show that openness and the ability to change brings couples a giant step closer to the marital harmony they ______.

A.request B.negotiate C.crave D.detest 7.First launched in April this year, Net My Singapore also includes efforts that ______ training, development, and the exploration of new technologies based on.A.obliterate B.sequester C.encompass D.terminate

8.Anxiety is believed to______ diabetes by raising levels of the stress hormone cortisol which regulates insulin and blood-sugar levels.

A.impede B.exacerbate C.inherit D.facilitate

9.Last week, the Us bishops adopted rules to take priests who ______ minors out of any ministerial activities.

A.administer B.generate C.implicate D.molest 10.There is little reason to believe that the United States will ______ from its stated goal of regime change in Iraq.

A.back down B.blow off C.pop up D.step up 11.Cox Radio, one of the nation's largest radio chains, plans to ______ its ties with independent record promoters to distance itself from a payola-like practice that runs rampant in the music business.

A.consolidate B.tout C.sever D.splash 12.The European Commission issued a______ decision on Oct. 29permitting an alliance between United Airlines, Deutsche Lufthansa and Scandinavian Airlines System that allows them to coordinate prices, schedules and routes in the transatlantic market. It turned out to be well received.

A.automatic B.landmark C.obsolete D.outgrown 13.Now illegal copies of music CDs______ losses of about$ 300million in sales annually and $ 65million lost government tax revenue.

A.conflict B.inflict C.compromise D.defer 14.It is the first of several agreements United States hopes to reach as it attempts to reduce, labor costs by $ 5.8billion and ______ bankruptcy.

A.dispel B.revert C.transfer D.avert 15.The United Nations Security Council established the ICTR in1995to try the alleged perpetrators of the1994______ in Rwanda that claimed the lives of more than800,000people.A.genocide B.immigration C.discrimination D.election 16.If you work for a major corporation, or are contracted at one, sooner or later, you may be called upon to create or maintain an internal website. Here are the______ of intranets.A.ins and outs B.in a pinch C.in a cleft stick D.in a breeze

17.You are exposed to obtrusive ads that ______ seemingly from nowhere even when you are disconnected from the Net, and your personal information gathered and sent off without you being aware of it.

A.size up B.dwindle away C.conjure up D.pop up 18.As a psychotherapist with many patients in their20's, I can ______ the fact that not only do most of them not have any health insurance, but they also do not expect it as a condition of living in this country.

A.attest to B.contribute to C.modify D.interdict 19.If you develop a reputation for being able to keep secrets others will______ towards you with useful news and gossip.

A.feel constrained B.feel excluded C.propel D.gravitate 20.Early signs of ______ seen in the herbal medicine study are extremely encouraging and based upon these data, we are now planning a registration program.A.faculty B.reception C.deterioration D.efficacy Unit1答案

1.D2. A3. D 4. A 5. A 6. C7. C8. B 9. A10. A11. C12. B13. B14. D15. A 16. A17. D18. A 19. D20. D

Unit2 (2004电子科技大学)

Directions:In each item, identify one of the four choices A, B, C and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence if it substitutes the underlined word or phrase. Mark your choice on the Answer Sheet with a pencil.

1.Obviously these are all factors affecting smooth operation, but the underlying problem is still to be identified.

A.operational B.fundamental C.operating D.underneath

2.If you can convince the interviewer of your special qualifications, your chance of being accepted will be greatly enhanced.

A.appreciated B.encouraged C.frustrated D.increased

3.Initially his book did not receive much attention, but two weeks after the critic's review appeared in the newspapers, it climbed to the best sellers' list.

A.At first B.First of all C.At first sight D.From the first

4.Growing economic problems were highlighted by a slowdown in oil output.

A.accounted for B.worked out

C.made prominent D.taken for granted

5.The committee reported its findings after a thorough investigation.

A.things that are found B.decisions

C.results of an enquiry D.files

6.The critic's assessment of the book is that it is beautifully written.

A.comprehension B.recommendation C.admiration D.judgment

7.The foreign minister would reveal nothing about his recent tour of the Middle East beyond what had already been announced at the press conference.

A.as for B.in addition to C.along with D.in relation to

8.Mr. Dane went through his daughter's essay carefully, to eliminate slang words from it.

A.reduce B.exchanged C.remove D.exhibit

9.A trip to the Antarctic is reasonably safe if you take the necessary precautions.A.within reason B.rather C.beyond doubt D.doubly

10.With his brows knitted, the doctor contemplated the difficult operation he had to perform.

A.succeeded in B.decided against

C.went on with D.thought deeply about

11.I was most favorably struck by the assurance with which the boy answered all my question.

A.insurance B.confidence C.reluctance D.independence

12.The population in last area was growing rapidly. Needless to say, the housing problem

there cried out for immediate solution.

A.tried hard to find B.called loudly

C.needed very much D.asked earnestly for

13.This exquisite violin was with superb workmanship.

A.rather strange B.pretty cheap

C.utterly worthless D.very lovely

14.The emperor turned to alchemy to ensure immortality, but contrary to his wishes, the wrong chemistry shortened his life.

A.good fortune B.quick recovery from his illness

C.never-ending life D.everlasting peace

15.Many workers felt that they were victimized by atomation.

A.make to work hard B.replaced

C.caused to suffer D.relieved

16.How to evaluate the performance of students is still a problem that troubles many professors.

A.examine and judge B.assist in

C.enhance D.account for

17.Because alcohol is a solvent, it is a component of many liquid medicines.

A.basic ingredient in making medicines

B.combination of things of different qualities

C.one of the parts that make up a whole

D.substance that helps to cure certain diseases

18.The incidence of this disease has been greatly reduced thanks to our health care program.A.seriousness B.frequency of occurrence C.mortality D.cure rate

19.Since the energy crisis, these big cars have become a real liability. They cost too much to run.

A.lack of reliability B.substitute

C.costly means of transport D.disadvantage

20.Mary is by no means learned; nor is she good at any practical trade. The only asset she possesses is her beauty.

A.something valuable B.temptation

C.something pleasing to the eye D.womanly virtue

21.Young John showed no consistency when he did excellent work the first part of the year and very poor work after that.

A.state of keeping to the same course of action

B.right qualifications to do a job

C.ability to cope With one's work

D.great amount of accumulated experience

22.If the batik's statement agrees with my bank balance, it does not follow indisputably that the balance is correct.

A.indispensably B.unquestionably

C.disreputably D.consequently

23.Educational development is bound up with economic progress.

A.in accordance with B.consistent with

C.independent of D.closely related to

24.Export of handicraft products is the mainstay of the county's economy.

A.rich resources B.primary concern C.only source D.main support

25.The man had a rather shady occupation and made a lot of money within a short period of time.

A.profitable B.comfortable C.honorable D.dishonest

26.They are meticulous in work, Well aware a careless mistake will cost the company millions of pounds.

A.rather casual B.pretty slow

C.very careful D.really considerate

27.When the pacific War broke out, Edward was drafted by navy and served four full years on a big aircraft carrier.

A.enlisted B.mobilized C.approved D.attracted

28.Be was interested only in the story and skipped all those passages of landscape description.

A.thought badly of B.went over C.went through D.passed over

29.Her panic was transient, and ceased when she began to speak.

A.beyond description B.unnoticed

C.passing quickly D.vague

30.Heavy rains were causing inundation and much damage throughout the country.A.much inconvenience B.serious concern

C.overflow of water D.human misery


1.B2.D3.A4.C5.C6.D7.B8.C9.B10.D11.B12.C13.D 14.C15.C16.A17.C18.B19.D20.A21.A22.B23.D24.D25.D 26.C27.28.D29.C30. C

Unit3 (2004中国社会科学院)

Section A

Directions: Choose the word that is the closest synonym to the underlined word.1.She actually preferred a more gregarious urban life style and the cultural attractions in a warmer clime.

A.tranquil B.sociable C.inactive D.undisturbed 2.Some of the plan's provisionshave already aroused opposition, most notably from Pope John PualⅡ.

A.clauses B.interpretations C.interrelations D.depreciations 3.Nothing is less sensible than the advice of the Duke of Cambridge who is to be reported to have said:“Any change, at any time, for any reason is to be deplored.”

A.emulated B.ridiculed C.complicated D.lamented 4.Most of the33newly discovered planets'giant gas bags swing so erratically that they create havoc on any smaller, nearby, life-friendly planets.

A.destruction B.benefits C.chaos D.violence 5.Furthermore, the campaign itself was lavishly financed, with plenty of money for top-flight staff, travel, and television commercials.

A.dubiously B.potently C.profusely D.candidly 6.In fact, a number of recent developments suggest that new media may actually be the salvation of old media; that online newspapers, Webzines, and e-books could preserve and extend the best aspects of the print culture while augmenting it with their various technological advantages.

A.limiting B.maintaining C.distinguishing D.increasing 7.Every modern government, liberal or otherwise, has a specific position in the field of ideas; its stability is vulnerable to critics in proportion to their ability and persuasiveness.A.futile B.susceptible C.feasible D.flexible

8.Parties are therefore free to strive for a settlement without jeopardizing their chances for or in a trial if mediation is unsuccessful.

A.assuring B.increasing C.endangering D.destroying 9.They make better use of the time they have, and they are less likely to succumb to fatigue in stressful jobs.

A.sustain B.yield C.endure D.expose 10.It disgusted him when atheists attacked religion: he thought they were vulgar.A.insulting B.base-minded C.rough D.vicious Section B

Directions:Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.

11.From the time of the Greeks to the Great War, medicine's job was simple: to struggle with ______ diseases and gross disabilities, to ensure live births, and to manage pain.A.immortal B.immune C.lethal D.toxic

12.This is market in which enterprising businesses ______ for the demands of teenagers and older youths in all their rock mania and pop-art forms.

A.cater B.entitle C.appeal D.subject 13.It must guide public opinion, after presenting ______ both sides of every issue and pointing out to readers what measures seem to promise the greater good for the greater number.A.inquisitively B.inconceivably C.appallingly D.impartially 14.Brushing removes larger particles, but dentists suggest brushing the back of the tongue as well, where food residues and bacteria ______

A.flourish B.collaborate C.embark D.congregate 15.American literary historians are perhaps ______ to viewing their own national scene too narrowly, mistaking prominence for uniqueness.

A.prone B.legible C.incompatible D.prior

16.To many people, a husband and wife alone do not seem a proper family—they need children to enrich the circle, to______ family character and to gather the redemptive influence of offspring.

A.repress B.intimidate C.validate D.confine

17.The1982Oil and Gas Act gives power to permit the disposal of assets held by the Corporation, and ______ the Corporation's statutory monopoly in the supply of gas for fuel purposes so as to permit private companies to compete in this supply.

A.defers B.curtails C.triggers D.sparks 18.These people actively try to______ what they believe to be bad English and assiduously cultivate what they hope to be good English.

A.suppress B.regress C.enhance D.revive 19.It must guarantee freedom of expression, to the end that all ______ to the flow of ideas shall be removed.

A.prophecies B.transactions C.arguments D.hindrances 20.As we have seen, propaganda can appeal to us by arousing our emotions or ______ our attention from the real issues at hand.

A.retaining B.sustaining C.distracing D.obscuring Unit3答案

Section A

1.B2. A3. D4. A5. C6. D7. B8. C9. B10. C

Section B

11.C12. A13. D14. D15. A16. C17. B18. A19. D20. C

Unit4 (2002中国人民大学)

Part A (5Points)

Directions:Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square bracket on ANSWER SHEET I.Example:

She prefers foreign wine to that produced ______.

A.previously B.virtually C.primarily D.domestically

The sentence should read, “She prefers foreign wine to that produced domestically.”Therefore, you should choose D.

Sample Answer

[A][B][C]1.He seemed reluctant to send his troops in an effort to discourage the______ peasants.A.animated B.rebellious C.creased D.impassive 2.The company will ______ to its agreement, no matter how costly the process may be.

A.retain B.alter C.abandon D.adhere 3.The drug store at the corner of our street sells aspirins and______ penicillin prescriptions.A.dispenses B.disposes D.disperses D.dispatches 4.AIDS is causing great public concern because the ______ fatal disease hits primarily young people.

A.invariably B.imperatively C.transiently D.deceptively 5.The houses in this area were all erected in ______ of housing regulations.

A.compliance B.defiance C.alliance D.obedience

6.He had wanted a25% raise in pay, but after talking to his boss, he decided that a 5% raise would have to

A.suffice B.satisfy C.gratify D.delight 7.The two delegates had an in-depth exchange of views on how to enhance their______. cooperation

A.ethical B.bilateral C.mandatory D.subsidiary 8.It is agreed that all nations should take measures against terrorism on the basis of the UN ______ and other international laws.

A.Charter B.Constitution C.Concordance D.Custody 9.When we credit the successful people with intelligence, physical strength or good luck we are making excuses for ourselves because we fall ______ in all three.A.rare B.lacking C.short D.scarce 10.Three weeks after the suicide bombing, the police were still hunting for bombers for they believe more were ______.

A.on the verge B.on the sly C.on the spot D.on the loose Part B (5points)

Directions: In each of the following sentences there is one word or phrase underlined. Below the sentence are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that is closest in meaning to the underlined part. Mark the corresponding lettr with a single bar across the square bracket on ANSWER SHEET I.


The secretary is very competent; she can finish all these letters within one hour.A.careful B.industrious C.clever D.capable In this sentence, “competent”is closest in meaning to“capable”. Therefore you Should choose D.

Sample Answe

[A][B][C][D]11.As there was not enough money to bury all dead AIDS orphans, 23babies were interred in a modes cemetery in South Africal before World AIDS Day.A.parentless children B.miserable victims

C.contagious bodies D.infectious patient

12.In his opinion, the objection to barbarity does not mean that capital punishment should not go on

A.adversity B.savagery C.habitat D.integrity 13.What is at fault in our present system is not the outcome but the fallible procedure.A.sublime B.erroneous C.plausible D.impeccable 14.It could not be ruled out that, sooner or later, the country would break out of the treaty.

A.confirmed B.tolerated C.excluded D.refuted 15.Now researchers are directing more attention to the social and cultural impetus that propelled university graduates into careers in management.

A.implication B.propaganda C.impulse D.refuted

16.Lincoln, former president of the United States, is a conspicuous example of a poor boy who succeeded.

A.sturdy B.obstinate C.permanent D.manifest 17.Research should continue on controlled nuclear fusion, but no energy program should be premised on its existence until it has proved practical.

A.focused B.concentrated C.agreed D.based 18.He displayed a complete lack of courtesy and tact in dealing with his employer.A.tenacity B.curiosity C.civility D.hostility

19.Pirated compact disks and floppy disks remained the second biggest vehicle for the spread of computer viruses despite the governments'determined efforts to quash software piracy.A.boost B.prevent C.crush D.restrict 20.It is reported that the latest outbreak of the bird flu in Pennsylvania in the United States has prompted China to slap a ban on poultry imports from the sate.A.marine products B.dairy products

C.industrial products D.avian products


Part A

1.B2. D3. B4. A5. D6. A7. B8. A9. C10. B

Part B

11.A12. B13. B14. C15. C16. D17. D18. C19. D20. D

Unit5 (2003中国人民大学)

Part A (5points)

Directions:Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square bracket on ANSWER SHEET.Example:

She prefers foreign wine to that produced ______.

A.previously B.virtually C.primarily D.domestically

The sentence should read, “She prefers foreign wine to that produced domestically.”Therefore, you should choose D.

Sample Answer

[A][B][C][D] 1.He was ______ when he heard the unexpected news, but I finally convinced him.A.incredible B.inevitable C.incredulous D.indifferent

2. We had a marvelous holiday. Only the last two days were slightly______ by weather.

A.damaged B.enhanced C.spoiled D.diminished

3.NASA is casting a wider net in the space shuttle investigation as to what caused the spacecraft to swing out of control and ______ moments before it was to land.A.disassemble B.disembark C.disintegrate D.disinherit

4.The discussion was so prolonged and exhausting that ______ we had to stop for refreshments.

A.at large B.at ease C.at random D.at intervals

5.A luxury express train jumped the tracks on a bridge in eastern India, killing at least 50on the spot. According to the Northern Railway spokesman, the death ______ is expected to rise.

A.figure B.toll C.span D.yield

6.Participants in the Shanghai Co-operation Forum______ regional teamwork to promote investment and economic development.

A.cursed B.echoed C.bounced D.hailed

7.Turning cultivated land back into forests or pasture is a fundamental way to stem soil ______ and desertification in the long run.

A.erosion B.depletion C.violation D.delusion

8.The discrepancy in the company accounts is so______ that no auditor could have failed to notice it.

A.spontaneous B.conspicuous D.notorious D.superfluous

9.Russian women had to wear protective masks as they walked in Moscow, which was ______ by a heavy smog yesterday.

A.shrouded B.unveiled C.decayed D.deprived

10.In that country, a person who marries before legal age must have a parent's______ to obtain a license.

A.sanction B.warrant C.malignance D.affirmation

Part B (5points)

Directions:In each of the following sentences there is one word or phrase underlined. Below the sentence are four choices marked A, B, C, and D.Choose the one that is closest in meaning to the underlined part. Mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square bracket on ANSWER SHEET.


The secretary is very competent; she can finish all these letters within one hour.A.careful B.Industrious

C.clever D.capable

In this sentence, “competent”is closest in meaning to“capable”. Therefore you should choose D.

Sample Answer

[A][B][C][D] 11.With tears in her eyes, the champion was oblivious to the cheering in the stands.A.grateful to B.unaware of C.conscious of D.pleased with

12.I can't understand how he can fell that his colleagues are always ready to denounce


A.compliment B.criticize C.flatter D.challenge

13.On this barren place on Aikhanom Hill, overlooking fields peppered with land mines, soldiers come to lay a stone or say a prayer for friends lost in years of war.A.infertile B.disastrous C.plausible D.impeccable

14.The coalition parties have asked the government to consider using more funds to help support the ailing market.

A.rapidly expanding B.steadily improving

C.making changes D.having difficulties

15.Looming over the debate about human interference in the world's boreal forests is an as yet unanswerable question: Will the effects of global warming eventually dwarf man's impact?

A.raise to greater importance B.make more difficult to measure C.cause to appear small D.bring to an abrupt end

16.His wife says that he was more frugal in his youth than later years.

A.listless B.robust C.thrifty D.gullible

17.We have done all we could and now our cherished project is at the mercy of our new CEO.

A.under the guidance of B.in the power of

C.with the guidance of D.on the agenda of

18.He seemed in such an inconsolable state that I didn't know whether to leave or stay.A.distracted B.enraged

C.overjoyed D.brokenhearted

19.She was delirious last night, but she seems quite lucid this morning.

A.rational B.peaceful C.patient D.insane

20.The humanitarian claims that he venerates all men, regardless of their position in life.

A.loves B.distrusts C.serves D.respects


Part A

1.C2. C3. A4. D5. B6. D7. A8. B9. A10. A

Part B

11.B12. B13. A14. D15. C16. C17. B18. D19. A20. D ++++++++++++++

Unit6 (2003武汉大学)

Directions:There are30incomplete sentences in this part, for each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D.Choose the ONE that will best complete the sentence. Then mark you answer on the ANSWER SHEET by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets.

21.The earthquake happened in south Xinjiang on Feb. 24. This______killed266people.A.causality B.collapse C.calamity D.crater

22.The world-famous British Museum which houses a______collection of valuable books, paintings, works of arts, etc. attracts millions of visitors every year.

A.immersible B.miscellaneous C.overwhelming D.unified

23.The private detective, having received new information from a confidential source, narrowed down the______of his enquiry into the case.

A.aspect B.sphere C.dimension D.scope

24.Smith failed to______for the deficit in the company's bank balance.

A.check B.accout C.quest D.prepare

25.He became aware the he had lost his audience since he had not been able to talk______around one topic.

A.coherently B.initiatively C.flexibly D.pointedly 26.No one could come up with an easy solution to the government's predicament—labor which is caused by the wars.

A.decline B.vacancy C.rarity D.shortage

27.When he lived in Tibet in1950s, radio was the only means he had to keep______of current events in the country.

A.response B.track C.record D.trace

28.People's confidence in Blair was greatly______by his wife's misbehavior.

A.sapped B.cherished C.sabotaged D.confirmed 29.The meeting was______over by the mayor to discuss the toll of crossing the bridges in Wuhan.

A.propelled B.presumed C.presided D.pricked

30.He gradually______that his wife was right and he had to change his way of living.A.explored B.repelled C.simplified D.perceived 31.Though this apparatus is expensive, the patient agreed to use it after the operation because it could the pain.

A.assess B.alleviate C.avenge D.affirm

32.The professor gave______instruction to the whole class so as to make every student understand how to conduct the experiment in the lab.

A.explicit B.afflictive C.authoritative D.oblivious 33.Cigarette smoking is a great health______and may lead to fatal diseases.

A.opposition B.protagonist C.fault D.hazard

34. After some time the second stage of the space shuttle, having used up its fuel, just like the booster, separates and

A.runs away B.charges for C.falls off D.merges into 35.Stressful environment leads to unhealthy behaviors such as poor eating habits, which______increase the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease.

A.in turn B.by chance C.by fortune D.in case 36.Nowadays, our government advocates credit to whatever we do or whoever we contact with. Once you______your words, you will lose your social status and personal reputation.A.keep up with B.give away from C.go back on D.lose


Schooling and Education It is commonly believed in the United States that school is where people go to get an education. Nevertheless, it has been said that today children interrupt their education to go to school. The distinction between schooling and education implied by this remark is important. Education is much more open-ended and all-inclusive than schooling. Education knows no bounds. It can take place anywhere, whether in the shower or in the job, whether in a kitchen or on a tractor. It includes both the formal learning that takes place in schools and the whole universe of informal learning. The agents of education can range from a revered grandparent to thepeople debating politics on the radio, from a child to a distinguished scientist.Whereas schooling has a certain predictability, education quite often produces surprises. A chance conversation with a stranger may lead a person to discover how little is known of other religions. People are engaged in education from infancy on. Education, then, is a very broad, inclusive term. It is a lifelong process, a process that starts long before the start of school, and one that should be an integral part of one's entire life.Schooling, on the other hand, is a specific, formalized process, whose general pattern varies little from one setting to the next. Throughout a country, children arrive at school at approximately the same time, take assigned seats, are taught by an adult, use similar textbooks, do homework, take exams, and so on. The slices of reality that are to be learned, whether they are the alphabet or an understanding of the workings of government, have usually been limited by the boundaries of the subject being taught. For example, high school students know that they are not likely to find out in their classes the truth about political problems in their communities or what the newest filmmakers are experimenting with. There are definite conditions surrounding the formalized process of schooling. 上学与受教育 在美国,人们通常认为上学是为了受教育。而现在却有人认为孩子们上学打断了他们受教育的过程。这种观念中的上学与受教育之间的区别非常重要。与上学相比,教育更具开放性,内容更广泛。教育不受任何限制。它可以在任何场合下进行,在淋浴时,在工作时,在厨房里或拖拉机上。它既包括在学校所受的正规教育,也包括一切非正规教育。传授知识的人可以是德高望重的老者,可以是收音机里进行政治辩论的人们,可以是小孩子,也可以是知名的科学家。上学读书多少有点可预见性,而教育往往能带来意外的发现。与陌生人的一次随意谈话可能会使人认识到自己对其它宗教其实所知甚少。人们从幼时起就开始受教育。因此,教育是一个内涵很丰富的词,它自始至终伴随人的一生,早在人们上学之前就开始了。教育应成为人生命中不可缺少的一部分。然而,上学却是一个特定的形式化了的过程。在不同场合下,它的基本形式大同小异。在全国各地,孩子们几乎在同一时刻到达学校,坐在指定的座位上,由一位成年人传授知识,使用大致相同的教材,做作业,考试等等。他们所学的现实生活中的一些片断,如字母表或政府的运作,往往受到科目范围的限制。例如,高中生们知道,在课堂上他们没法弄清楚他们社区里政治问题的真情,也不会了解到最新潮的电影制片人在做哪些尝试。学校教育这一形式化的过程是有特定的限制的。


个人收集整理资料,仅供交流学习,勿作商业用途全国医学博士英语统一考试词汇表 abate v .减轻 , 减退;废除 aberrant a.畸变地。异常地。脱离常轨地 ablate v.切除,摘除 abortion n.流产,早产;(计划等地>失败,夭折 abrade v .擦伤;磨损 abscess n .脓肿 abstain v.戒、避免;弃权 abstinence n .节制;禁欲 absurd a .荒唐地 accent n .腔调 , 口音;重音 , 重音符号 v.加重读 accessory n .附件 , 附属品;同谋 , 帮凶 a .附属地 , 附加地accordance n .一致 , 给予 accountant n .会计 accuse v .谴责 , 指控 , 告发 achromatopsia n .色盲 acidosis n.酸中毒 acknowledge v .承认;致谢 acknowledgement n .承认 , 感谢;收到地通知 acne n .痤疮 , 粉刺 acoustic a.声学地;听觉地 acquaint v.使认识,使了解,通知 acupuncture n .针刺 , 针刺疗法 addict v.使沉溺,使醉心;使成瘾n .有瘾地人 , 吸毒成瘾adduce v .引证;提出 adequate a .足够地;恰当地 admonish v .告诫 advisory a.咨询地,劝告地 advocate n. 拥护者 , 提倡者 v.拥护 ,提倡 aerobic a .需氧地afebrile a.无热地 affection n.爱;感情;病 afferent a.传人地 affiliate v.使附属;隶属 affinity n.亲和力;密切关系 afflict v.使苦恼,折磨 aggressive a. 爱寻衅地 , 侵略地;有进取心地 agile a .敏捷地 , 灵活地 agitate v.搅动;激动,焦急不安 agony n .苦恼 , 痛苦 ague n .疟疾;寒颤 alga n .水藻 , 海藻 alleviate v.减轻(痛苦>,缓和


考博英语词汇语法题考前恶补、 全真模拟试题 1. Although ______ Spanish, he attended the course. A. he was knowing B. he is knowing C. having a knowledge of D. knows 2. You ______th at letter to James. However, you didn’t. A. ought to write B. ought to have written C. should write D. should be writing 3. Joseph was very lucky ______ with his life; he almost did not get out of the room. A. to escape B. to have escaped C. to escaping D. to be escaping 4. Bread and butter ______liked by Westerners. A. is B. are C. were D. be 5. The back garden of our house contains a lawn, ______very pleasant to sit on in summer. A. which is B. which it is C. it is D. where it is 6. He set up in business ______ his own and was very successful. A. in B. of C. on D. by 7. John’s score on the test is the highest in the class; he ______last night. A. must study B. should have studied C. must have studied D. is sure to study 8. Frank almost never received any education, ______? A. would he B. did he C. didn’t he D. wouldn’t he 9. Even if his letter ______ tomorrow, it ______too late to do anything. A. will arrive...is B. should arrive...were C. arrives...will be D. arrives...would be 10. We can hear ______from the back of the room. A. just as good B. just as easy C. just as well D. easily as well 11. To obtain a satisfactory result, one must apply two ______of paint on a clean surface. A. coats B. levels C. times D. courses 12. The small mountain village was ______ by the snow for more than one month. A. cut back B. cut out C. cut off D. cut away 13. Miss Green was ______ $100 for driving after drinking. A. fined B. charged C. punished D. posed 14. Modern ______ perhaps causes more problems than it solves. A. technique B. technology C. tactics D. tendency 15. Mary tiptoed over and took the clock away because she hated to hear it ______ when she was trying to go to sleep. A. sounding B. ringing C. ticking D. humming 16. Under this ______ pressure some of the rocks even became liquid. A. intensive B. weighty C. intense D. bulky 17. Of course, most immigrants did not get rich overnight, but the ______of them were eventually able to improve upon their former standard of living. A. maximum B. minority C. majority D. minimum 18. Nancy was surprised that they have ______. They seemed to be a happy couple. A. split up B. broken down C. fallen through D. knocked out


考博英语词汇解答技巧 考博英语词汇解答技巧 一、动词 动词及短语动词是博士生入学英语考试词汇部分的一个重要测试项目。该项目对考生的测试点包括:1)动词的认知能力和辨别能力;2)动词用法的掌握程度;3)动词搭配关系的熟练程度。据初步统计在硕士研究生入学考试5500 个词汇中,大约有五分之一是动词及动词词组。 因此,掌握好这批词汇直接关系到能否通过博士生入学英语词汇部分的考试。 在动词部分中,考生首先应该具备较好的认知能力,即遇见一个动词后,能够较快地确定它的前两个或前三个词义。如:evolve v.,第一个词义是“使发展”,第二个词义是“使进化”,第三个词义是“推论”。在考试中,检查考生这一能力的题是比较多的;考生应该能够根据上下文确定动词的有关词义。在具备认知能力的基础上,考生还需掌握这些词汇的基本用法。如:forbid v. 后面不能用to smoke,只能用动词+ing 的形式,即smoking;Occur v. (发生),只能用于主动语态,不能以被动的形式出现。最后,还要熟悉动词的基本搭配关系。如:concentrate 和associate两个动词,其后面的介词一般只能是on和with。 以下是按照上面三种情况出现的词汇题: 1. The diplomatic relations between the two countries have ____. A. ticked away B. gone out C. broken off D. rung up 2.The Constitution also provides that the organ of state must practice democratic centralism. A. supplies B. specifies C. presents D. withhold 3.As a result, they had to ___ answering their letter by three days. A. decide B. refrain C. surpass D. delay 第一句表示“外交关系终止”需用动词词组“break off"。 第二句中的 "provide",第一个词义是“提供”或“供应”,第二个词义是“规定”。 四个选择项中,“specify” 含有“规定”的意思,因此B 是正确答案。第三句中只有“delay”一词的后面可以采用动名词,所以应该选择D。 考生在平时复习时,可以有意识地按照以上三点记忆动词和短语动词。在准备动词词汇部分 时,考生还需注意以下几点。 1. 不规则动词的词形变化: 有一定数量的动词,其过去式和过去分词与原形不同。这部分词汇在测试中起到较强的干扰作用。在5500词汇中类似动词较多,以下仅举部分例子: 动词原形过去式过去分词 bear


复旦大学考博英语必备词汇汇总 动词+副词形式 第一组 break down损坏,分解,瓦解 break in闯入;打断,插嘴 break out逃出;突然发生,爆发 bring to使恢复知觉 burn out Xu yao quan guo ge da yuan xiao kao bo ying yu zhen ti shi juan qing jia qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi,huo er ba jiu ling ling liu si san wu yi.ye ke yi bo da quan guo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiu qi ba xiang shou kao bo fu dao ti yan.烧掉 burn up烧起来,旺起来;烧完 catch on理解,明白 check in办理登记手续 check out结账后离开;检验,核查 check up(on)校对,检查,检验 cheer up使高兴,使振奋 clear away扫除,收拾 clear up收拾;澄清;放晴 make it clear that弄清楚 come off实现,成功,奏效 come on请,来吧,快点;开始,出场,上演 come out出版;出现,显露;结果是

第二组 come round(around)来访,前来;苏醒,复原come through经历,脱险 come up走近,上来;发生,被提出 cross out删去,取消 cut back削减,减少 cut down削减,降低 cut in(汽车)抢道;插嘴,打断 cut off切断;删去;停止 cut out删除 cut short突然停止 die down渐渐消失,平息 die out消失,灭绝 draw in(火车、汽车)到站 draw up写上,画上;草拟;停住 dress up穿上盛装,打扮得很漂亮 drop by/in顺便来访 dry out干透,使干 dry up干涸,枯竭 第三组 drop off减弱,减少 drop out退出,离队 fall behind落后 fall out争吵;结果是


考博英语练习题 1. Daily nutrition, weight, and physical activities in the family will largely determine whether your children are _____ to children diabetes. A. likely B. susceptible C. influential D. Sustainable 2. The accusations we bring against others should be ____ ourselves; they should not ____ complacency and easy judgments on our part concerning our own moral conduct. A. denigration of.., exclude B. instructions to... equate C. parodies of... satirize D. warnings to... justify 【翻译练习】 1、英译汉参考译文 The researchers, from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, say when people are living together they share behaviors, such as eating meals together and watching TV. The scientists also note that marriage provides a number of health benefits, including decreased cigarette smoking and lower mortality. 2、汉译英 举行的峰会可以促进六国之间的友好合作关系。 【参考答案】 1.B 【句子大意】每日汲取的营养成分,体重和在家锻炼很大程度上决定您的孩子是否容易患上儿童糖尿病。 【精析】likely“很可能的,合适的”;susceptible“易受影响的”;influential“有影响的,有势力的”;sustainable“可以忍受的,足可支撑的”;故选B项。 2.D 【句子大意】那些对他人的控告应该视为对我们自己的一个警告;我们不能够仅凭自身道德行径就有理由去妄下定论并且骄傲自满。 【精析】denigration of 诋毁,贬损;exclude排除,排斥;instructions教导,说明;equate使相等,视为平等;parodies of模仿,效仿;satirize讽刺,挖苦;Warnings to 警告;justify证明合法。根据原文,可根据第一句话,首先排除AC选项,对他人的控告不能是对自身的一种诋毁,或效仿。故选D项。 【翻译参考答案】 1、英译汉参考译文 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)的研究人员说,两个人生活在一起就会一同行动,比如说一块儿吃饭看电视。科学家们还强调,婚姻会带来许多健康方面的好处,比如说少抽烟,死亡率也会降低。 2、汉译英参考答案 The Summit Sessions held in Shanghai could foster better relations and cooperation between the six counties. ===============================================================================


1、abnormal, uncommon, disordered“反常的” abnormal[?b?n?:m?l] a.不正常的,反常的(但并非罕见),指行为或现象(如气候)的异常。 His body temperature has been abnormal for 3 days,the highest point reaching 40.5 degree centigrade.他的体温三天来一直都不正常,最高的时候达到40.5摄氏度。(尽管身体发烧不正常,但生活中也时有发生。) uncommon[?n?k?m?n] a.罕见的,不平常的,指很少经历或很少见到的状况;特别的,出色的。Hurricanes are uncommon in England.飓风在英国非常罕见。 That is uncommon instant coffee; it tastes great! 那速溶咖啡质量上乘,味道好极了!Disordered[dis'?:d?d] a.混乱的,杂乱的;(精神或身体)有病的。 We couldn't understand her disordered presentation.我们听不明白她条理不清的陈述。 2、abide, adhere, conform, comply“遵守”。 abide[??baid] v.后接by表示“遵守,同意”。 I will abide by the director' decision.我将遵从主任的决定。 adhere[?d?hi?] v.后接to表示“遵守”。(当然adhere一词的其它意思如“坚持;粘附”也经常被考到。) Car drivers must adhere to the rules of driving.汽车司机必须遵守驾驶规则。 conform[k?n?f?:m] v.后接to表示“遵守,符合”。 All individuals are required to conform to the laws made by their governments.每个人都应该遵守政府制订的法律。 comply[k?m?plai] v.后接with表示“遵守,服从”,用于正式的场合。 Our company complies with governmental regulations on paying taxes.我们公司遵守政府有 关纳税的规定。 3、abolish, cancel, eliminate, dispose, erase,exclude, extinguish都有“取消,除掉”的意思。 abolish[??b?li?] v.指对法律、习俗、制度的废除;完全破坏。 The government abolished the tax on alcohol.政府取消了酒税。 cancel[?k?ns?l] v.对预先安排的某种活动(如旅行、计划、会议等)的取消;删去(字、句)。 The meeting has been cancelled because of the flu.会议由于流感而取消了。 eliminate[i?limineit] v.指消除、淘汰已经存在但是现在不需要的东西。 The losing team was eliminated from further competition.失利的那个队被淘汰了,不能参 加下一阶段的比赛。 The doctor helped him eliminate toxins from the intestine.医生帮助他排出肠中毒素。


考博英语词汇大全(完全免费版) adore vt.崇拜,热爱 advantageous a.有利的,有助的 aerial adj.空中的,航空的,空想的,空气的 aerospace n.航空和宇宙航行空间 agitation n.鼓动,焦虑 badge n.徽章,标记 baffle vt.困惑, 阻碍, 为难 bait n.饵;引诱物 v. 使生气,欺负 balcony n.阳台;楼厅,楼座 bald adj.秃头的 bandit n.土匪,盗匪,歹徒 bank v.(车或飞机)倾斜转变n. 岸 banker n.银行家 bankrupt adj.破产的 banquet n.盛宴丰盛、豪华的筵席 barometer n.气压计,晴雨表 baron n.大财主,大老板 barren adj.不生育的, 不孕的, 贫瘠的, 没有结果的, 无益的, 单调的, 无聊的, 空洞的bazaar n.集市,商店集中区 beetle n.甲虫;近视眼的人 beforehand ad.预先;提前地 bestow v.给予,赐赠 bewilder vt.迷惑,把…弄糊涂 bid v.①致意,吩咐②出价 bishop n.(基督教的)主教 bleach vt.漂白 blond n.白肤金发碧眼的人 blunder v.跌跌撞撞地走, 犯大错, 做错 n.愚蠢之举 bourgeois n.中产阶级, 商人, 资产阶级;adj. 中产阶级的, 平庸 bridegroom n.新郎 bridle v.限制,阻止 bronze n.青铜;青铜制品 n.青铜色 brood n.一窝幼鸟 v.孵蛋,闷想 buffalo n.水牛;水陆坦克 bug n.臭虫,窃听器 bugle n.军号;喇叭,号角 bump n.撞击, 肿块;v. 碰(伤), 撞(破), 颠簸 bureaucracy n.官僚政治 burglar n.夜盗,窃贼 burner n.灯头,煤气头 buzz vi.(蜂等)嗡嗡叫 C、D字母的


考博英语词汇( 1) 第一部分策略 1.全活化 人左右分析比: 左:意、低速、一般、知、知、知性、 右:无意、超高速、速、造力、、听、触、嗅、味、像、色彩、 直 右具左没有的特殊机能: 1.超高速大量机制 2.像化机能 3.超高速演算机能 4.共振共机能 2.例明: 132623182830152111241922131425 3.策略:想法、串法、构法、近、近形、易混淆、加减、固定搭配 euthanasia, chrysanthemum flower----rose, lily, tulip, peony, carnation, camellia, azalea, narcissus, chrysanthemum, forget-me- not, poinsettia,? receive---deceive---conceive (-ceive= take; con- =共同) tumble---stumble(tumble? into/through跌倒;stumble? over / on脚下拌到西而 跌倒) stationary---stationery(文具,如笔pen,笔 pencil 中含有 "e", 故到 "e"就想起是 文具。) genius --- genuine ( 含有 us 的是天才,因我是天才啊!另一个就是“真正的”), form---deform 确(形状;形) attach to 第二部分例 1.想法 carnation, narcissus, coroner, chandelier, hippocampus, assassinate, antarctic, armour ,abalone, flounder, cult, beau 2.串法 network: Internet---cyberspace---email---e-commerce---website---on-line---homepage---browse---retrie ve--- log on ? 3.构法 -age (状、特性、行) page/rage, advantage/disadvantage, message/massage, courage/encourage, voltage/mileage, village/cottage, luggage/carriage, garage coverage, cabbage, shortage, leakage, breakage, passage, postage, bondage(bond 束、束、券; bondage 就含有“束、奴役”的意思), damage, garbage ( garb 衣服) , manage ,spillage, usage, storage, savage, sausage (sauce), dosage


2015东北大学考博英语历年真题 一、招考介绍 从整体上看,由于博士生招生形势的不断发展各院校博士生入学考试的难度越来越大,对考生的外语水平要求也越来越高,特别是听、说能力。攻读博士学位的学生,一方面应该具备坚实的专业理论基础和扎实的科研能力,另一方面还应该具备较高水平的外语能力。 二、东北大学考博英语题型 Part1:完型30题15分; Part2:阅读理解45题45分; Part3:翻译英译汉20分; Part4:作文20分; 三、考博英语必备参考书 育明考博教研部主编,河北大学出版社出版的《考博英语真题解析》和《考博词汇》是考博人必备的两本书。在当当网,亚马逊和全国各大书店均有销售,也可以联系我们直接购买。 四、联系导师 在初步定好考博学校之后,就要和所报考院校中意的老师取得联系,询问是否有招生名额,能否报考,这是我们考博成功的关键第一步。 大多数考生会在九月中下旬与导师取得联系。因为太早,学校里面直博名额什么的还没有确定,报考的导师也不清楚是否有名额;太晚的话,怕别的学生比你早联系就不好了。一般情况下,导师对一个学生很中意的话,后来联系的学生,导师一般也不会答应其报考了。在此说点题外话,联系导师的过程中,如果读研期间的导师有关系,可以尽量利用。如果没有,也没关系,凭着自己的本事也是可以和考博导师很好的沟通的,这就要看自己了。 通常跟导师初次联系,都是发邮件。导师回复邮件的情况一般有几种: (1)、欢迎报考。这种答复最笼统,说明不了问题。我们可以接着努力和老师多沟通,看看具体的进展,避免出现初试之后却没有名额的情况。 (2)、名额有限,可以报考,但有竞争。很多人说这样的回复不满意,认为希望很小一般会被刷。其实这样还是比较好的一种回答,最起码导师没有骗你而且给你机会去证明自己,考的好就可以上。


全国医学博士英语统一考试词汇表 abate v.减轻,减退;废除 aberrant a.畸变地。异常地。脱离常轨地 ablate v.切除,摘除 abortion n.流产,早产;(计划等地>失败,夭折 abrade v.擦伤;磨损 abscess n.脓肿 abstain v.戒、避免;弃权 abstinence n.节制;禁欲 absurd a.荒唐地 accent n.腔调,口音;重音,重音符号v.加重读accessory n.附件,附属品;同谋,帮凶 a.附属地,附加地accordance n.一致,给予 accountant n.会计 accuse v.谴责,指控,告发 achromatopsia n.色盲 acidosis n.酸中毒 acknowledge v.承认;致谢 acknowledgement n.承认,感谢;收到地通知 acne n.痤疮,粉刺 acoustic a.声学地;听觉地 acquaint v.使认识,使了解,通知 acupuncture n.针刺,针刺疗法 addict v.使沉溺,使醉心;使成瘾 n.有瘾地人,吸毒成瘾adduce v.引证;提出 adequate a.足够地;恰当地 admonish v.告诫 advisory a.咨询地,劝告地 advocate n.拥护者,提倡者v.拥护, 提倡 aerobic a.需氧地 afebrile a.无热地 affection n.爱;感情;病 afferent a.传人地 affiliate v.使附属;隶属 affinity n.亲和力;密切关系 afflict v.使苦恼,折磨 aggressive a.爱寻衅地,侵略地;有进取心地 agile a.敏捷地,灵活地 agitate v.搅动;激动, 焦急不安 agony n.苦恼,痛苦 ague n.疟疾;寒颤 alga n.水藻,海藻 alleviate v.减轻(痛苦>,缓和


上海交通大学考博英语词汇试题 一、根据上海交通大学华慧教育纲规定,每年词汇题共40小题,每小题0.5分,共20分。预计测试时间(45分钟) 41. Nicoll made a few __ with his pen on the page he had just read. [ A ] signals [ B ] marks [ C ] signs [ D ] codes 42. During the summer holiday season there are no __ moms in this seaside hotel. [ A ] empty [ B ] blank [ C ] deserted [ D ] vacant 43. Does brain power as we get older.'? Scientists now have some surprising answers. [ A ] desceod [ B ] decline [ C ] deduce [ D ] collapse 44. To be an inventor, one needs profound knowledge as well as a very __ imagination. [ A ] vivid [ B ] bright [ C ] living [ D ] colorful 45. He gave a brief of the history of the university before the opening of the conference. [ A ] reference [ B ] statement [ C ] account [ D ] comment 46. The insurance company paid him $10,000 in after his accident. [ A ] installment [ B ] compensation [ C ] substitution [ D ] commission 47. People who refuse to with the law will be punished. [ A ] obey [ B ] consent [ C ] conceal [ D ] comply 48. Why does a vegetarian restaurant make its dishes resemble meat in every way except __ [ A ] ingredients [ B ] elements [ C ] components [ D ] compounds


考博常用英语词汇 考博常用英语词汇 aberrant [?'bernt] a.畸变的;异常的;脱离常轨的 ablate [?b'leit] v.切除,摘除 abortion ['b:n] n.流产,早产;(计划等的)失败,夭折abrade ['breid] v.擦伤;磨损 abscess ['?bsis] n.脓肿 abstain [b'stein] v.戒、避免;弃权 abstinence

['?bstinns] n.节制;禁欲 absurd [b's:d] a.荒唐的 accent ['?ksnt] n.腔调,口音;重音,重音符号v.加重读accessory [?k'sesri] n.附件,附属品;同谋,帮凶accordance ['k:dns] n.一致,给予 accountant ['kauntnt] n.会计 accuse ['kju:z] v.谴责,指控,告发 achromatopsia [krum'tpsi] n.色盲

acidosis [.?si'dusis] n.酸中毒 acknowledge [k'nlid] v.承认;致谢acknowledgement [k'nlidmnt] n.承认,感谢;收到的通知acne ['?kni] n.痤疮,粉刺 acoustic ['ku:stik] a.声学的;听觉的acquaint ['kweint] v.使认识,使了解,通知acupuncture ['?kjupkt] n.针刺,针刺疗法 addict ['dikt,'?dikt]

v.使沉溺,使醉心;使成瘾adduce ['dju:s] v.引证;提出 adequate ['?dikwit] a.足够的;恰当的 admonish [d'mni] v.告诫 advisory [d'vaizri] a.咨询的,劝告的 advocate ['?dvkeit,'?dvkit] n.拥护者,提倡者v.拥护,提倡aerobic ['rbik] a.需氧的 afebrile [ei'fi:brl] a.无热的 affection


A alimentary /,aeli'menteri/ a.营养的;消化器官的 alkaline/'aelkalain/a.碱性的n.碱性,碱度 allergic/e'le:d3ik/a .过敏的 alleviate/e'li:vieit/v.减轻(痛苦),缓和 alveolus/ ae/viales/n.小窝,牙槽;肺泡 ambulant/'sem bjulant/ a.走动的;适宜于下床活动的 ameliorate/?'mi,"Uereit/v.改善,改良,转好 ammonia/'aemaunj?/n.氨 amputate/ 'aem pju,teit/ V.切断,截(肢) anesthesia/aenes'ei:zie/n.感觉缺失;麻醉 anesthetic/,aenis'Setik/a.麻木的n.麻醉剂 anhydrous/ aen'haidres/a.脱水的,无水的 anorexia /aerie(u)’reksia/n.食欲缺失;厌食 anoxia lae'noksie/n.缺氧(症) antacid/ aent'aesid/ n.解酸药,抗酸剂 antibody/'aenti,bodi/n.抗体 antifebrile/,aenti'fi:brailla .退热的n.退热药 antiseptic/,aenti'septik/a.防腐的,抗菌的n.防腐剂;抗菌剂antitoxin/aenti'toksin/n.抗毒素 antiviral/ 'aenti'vaiarel/ a.抗病毒的 antivirus/ 'aenti'vaieras/ n.抗病毒素 apparatus/epa'reites/n.器械,仪器,装置 appendicitis/ e,pendi'saitis/ n.阑尾炎 appetite/'aepitait/n.食欲,胃口,要求,欲望 appliance/ a'plaians/n.器具;用具;器械 arrhythmia/a'riOmie/n.心率不齐;心率失常 artery/'a:teri/n.动脉,干线 articular/a"ti kjulala.关节的 aseptic/ei'septik/a.无菌的;防腐的;冷漠的 asphyxia/aes'fiksie/n.窒息 aspirate/ 'aespereit/ v.吸出;抽出 assay/ e'sei/n.测定,鉴定;化验v.化验,分析;尝试’assimilate/ e'simileit/ v.吸收;同化 asthma/'aesma/n.气喘,哮喘 asymmetric(a1)/ aesi'metrik(kal)/a.不对称的;不匀称的;偏位的atrium/'eitriem/n.心房 atropine /aetrapi:n/n.阿托平 attenuate/ o'tenjueit/ vt.使变稀薄,稀释 atypical/’eitipik(a)I/a.非典型的;不规则的,不匀称的;不正常的audiometer/,o:di'omita/n.听度计,听力计 augment / o : g'ment / V .扩大;增长 aural/’ a: ral/ a.听觉器官的;耳的 auscultate/a:skelteit|v.噘诊 auspice/’ o: spis/ n.预兆,先(前)兆;吉兆
