







我喜欢的音乐英语作文带翻译 音乐分很多种,有些人喜欢听摇滚;有些人喜欢听触心的情歌;有些喜欢听轻快的歌曲放松心情。你最喜欢听怎样的呢?下面是为大家精心整理的关于我喜欢的音乐英语作文带翻译,希望能够帮助到你们。 我喜欢的音乐 I like to listen to all kinds of music, music makes me happy, when I feel sad, I will listen to music and it relieves me. My favorite song is Never Say Never, the words are so inspiring. The song tells people never to give up, no matter what happens. The song inspires me to move on and get over all kinds of difficulties. 我喜欢听各种各样的音乐,音乐给我带来了快乐,当我觉得不开心的时候,我会听音乐,那让我放松。我最喜欢的歌曲是“永不言弃”,歌词很励志。这首歌告诉人们永远都不要放弃,无论发生什么事情。歌激励着我前进,克服各种各样的困难。 我喜欢的音乐 My favorite music is pop music. There are many kinds of music ,such as country music, R&B , rock music and so on.

But I like movie music best. Because it is easy to learn, and this knid of music is often about our life, for example, A whole new world, Memory. They are very popular among people.And these movies are also watched again and again for many years. It is also a good way to learn English. So you know my favorite music is movie music. 我喜爱的音乐是流行音乐。有许多音乐,例如乡村音乐,R&B,摇滚乐等等。但是我喜欢电影音乐最佳。由于学会是容易的,并且音乐这knid经常是关于我们的生活,例如,一个全新的世界,记忆。他们在人之中是非常普遍的。并且这些电影再次也被注意许多年。它也是一个好方式学会英语。因此您知道我喜爱的音乐是电影音乐。 我最喜欢的歌 I like songs.Everyday when I get home from school, I turn on my MP3 to enjoythem.But of all the songs,I like English classic songs best,especially the one "Take Me,to Your Heart".It's really a nice thing to listen to it.Its melody is wonderful and itswords are moving.The song is about the love between a boy and a girl,the boy loves,the girl so deeply that he can even give his heart to the girl.Hower the girl seems not,understand him.How moving the story is! Whenever I hear the song,I am affected.


我最喜欢的歌手英语作文5篇 每个人的心目中都有一个最喜欢的歌手,你最喜欢的歌手是哪个呢?用英文作文的方式描述出来吧。为此为大家推荐了一些我最喜欢的歌手英语作文,欢迎大家参阅。 我最喜欢的歌手英语作文篇一:My Favourite SingerJay is a good singer. He is very handsome. He has a round face with two small eyes. I like him very much. I often see him in my dreams.Jay’s music is popular. His style is different from other singers. He has many fans. These fans like listening to his music very much. I hope everyone in the world will like Jay, my favourite singer.What about you? Jay是一个优秀的歌手。他非常英俊。有着圆圆的脸蛋和不大的眼睛。我非常喜欢他。我经常在梦里梦见他。Jay的音乐非常受欢迎。他的风格不同于其他的歌手。他有很多的歌迷。这些歌迷都非常喜欢听他的音乐。我希望所有人都喜欢Jay,他是我最喜欢的歌手。你呢? 我最喜欢的歌手英语作文篇二:My favorite singerShe is such an ideal singer! She is a girl with a lot of talent. She is a girl but she has individuality like a boy. On the stage, she sings and dances so


我喜欢的一首歌作文500字 我喜欢的一首歌作文500字(一) "听妈妈的话,别让她受伤。想快快长大,才能保护她……”不管在哪里,只要听到《听妈妈的话》这首歌,心中总有异样的感觉,仿佛是一个大哥哥在对我说:“要听妈妈的话,用心学习,将来才会成为有用的人。” “为什么别人在那看漫画、玩游戏,我却在背ABC……听妈妈的话,别让她受伤……妈妈的辛苦不让你看见……美丽的白发,幸福中发芽……我想所有的父母都一样希望自己的孩子成为有用的人,为了我们能健康成长,甚至可以抛弃一切,陪着我们,我们一天天长大,妈妈却一天天老去,长出了美丽的白发。 妈妈说我小时候很可爱、爱哭、容易生病,让她非常操心,然后我学会了爬行、站立和走路,慢慢学会了自己吃饭、穿衣服,后来是认字、算术、拼音,在N多个后来后,我像个快乐的公主一天一天长大。妈妈教我做家务,为我织毛衣、陪我玩……爸爸因为工作忙,没有时间陪我,所以多半时间都是妈妈陪我度过。妈妈还经常给我讲道理:妈妈说,小孩子要听话,不要淘气……妈妈说做人要坚强,不要总是哭……妈妈说做人要诚实,不要说慌……但我心里也想告诉妈

妈:“妈妈,我一定听你的话,不辜负你的期望,乖乖读书,长大后一定成为有用的人。 “不想你输,所以要教你用功读书,妈妈织给你的毛衣你要好好的收着……”我将这首歌一直哼在嘴边,心想:要听妈妈的话,好好学习,做个听话的好孩子! 我喜欢的一首歌作文500字(二) 歌,可以用嘴去歌颂曲调,用手去比划感情,但最重要的是用心灵的触动和亢奋的激情来倾诉的。 歌曲,它表现出人们的各种思想情感,只要安静地去倾听一首歌,去感受他的情感,你将会被带到一种身临其境般境界,让你享受这人世间无数的悲欢离合和对美好生活的憧憬。 假如给我一首歌的时间,我会静静地聆听《你是我的眼》。虽然这首歌的演唱者萧煌奇是一位盲人歌手,但是他的内心永远是向往着光明。当他每次演唱这首歌时,他是单凭嘴巴去唱歌吗?不,我想他不是,他是用自己那双永远笼罩在黑暗中而又渴望光明的眼睛在唱歌。他把对美好生活的一切追求和向往全部和歌曲融为一体了,旋律悠扬动人。假如他能看得见,正如他歌中所唱的“如果我能看得见,生命也许完全不同。你是我的眼,带我领略四季的变幻。”是啊!如果他能看得见,那他将会写下和唱出多少佳作奉献给人们啊! 当这首歌结束时,我的内心如何感受,他内心呢?不爱音乐的人内心如何?当然一定会截然不同。热爱音乐的人是在真正欣赏这首歌,用心去领悟这首歌,享受音乐给他带来的快乐。而不热爱音乐的


我最喜欢的一首英文歌作文 【篇一:英语作文用得上!!经典的英语歌曲歌词集合】 pretty boy i lie awake at night 晚上我躺在床上没有一点睡意 see things in black and white 世界对我来说只有黑和白 ive only got you inside my mind 你的形象无时无刻不在我脑中闪动 you know you have made me blind 我的眼里只有你 i lie awake and pray 我清醒地躺在床上祈祷 that you would look my way 祈祷你会看见我 i have all this songing in my heart 我的心中充满渴望 i knew it right from the start 一开始我就知道 oh my pretty pretty boy i love you 我的漂亮男孩我爱你 like i never ever loved no one before you

在你之前我从未这样爱过一个人 pretty pretty boy of mine 我的漂亮男孩 just tell me you love me too 告诉我你也爱我 oh my pretty pretty boy i need you 我的漂亮男孩我需要你 oh my pretty pretty boy i do 我的漂亮男孩,是真的 let me inside make me stay right beside you 让我进来让我留在你身旁 i used to write your name 我曾写下你的名字 and put it in a frame 并把它框起来 and sometimes i think i hear you call right from my bedroom wall 有时我觉得我在我房间里听到了你的呼唤 you stay a little while 你待了一会儿 and touch me with your smile 用你的微笑打动我的心


我喜欢的歌小学作文 当我在求知的路上,一片树林也在成长……每当这熟悉的歌声再次回 到我耳畔时,我都会认真的唱,不敢有半点马虎,因为这是我们的校 歌<>…… 我非常喜欢这首歌的歌词,仿佛是天国的音乐家写出来的。我喜欢这 首歌的原因是:第一,这首歌很有节奏感,让所有的人听着都没有烦恼;第二,很流利。有时候连写作业的时候我都会哼着这首歌了。 我一定会把这首歌唱得更好! 我喜欢的歌小学作文2 我喜欢《童话》这首歌,虽然这是一首非常悲伤的歌,但我依然非常 喜欢这首歌。 每当我休息的时候,我就唱起了这首歌,在我眼前就出现了那副悲伤 的画面。男主人公和女主人公快乐的生活在一起,每天男主人公来编歌,女主人公来伴奏。有一天女主人公突然因白血病而死忘,男主人 公因此而感到悲伤,就写下了这首歌。 这首歌让我知道了失去朋友有多么的悲伤、多么的痛苦,我就想到明 天一定要对我的朋友更好,要珍惜没一个和朋友在一起的每一个快乐 时光。除了这些之外最主要的是这首歌的旋律非常优美,它时而清新 愉快,时而委婉悲伤,让我感受到音乐与神奇。 这首歌让我对友谊有了新的认识,使我更加喜欢音乐了。 我喜欢的歌小学作文3 每当广播里传来“池溏边的柳树下,知了在不停叫着夏天”这样的歌 声的时候,我就会自然的跟着哼“操场边的秋千上只有蝴蝶停在上面,黑板上老师的粉笔还在拼命……”,因为那是我最喜欢的一首歌“童年”。

在我沉睡的童年中确实是等待着下课、等待着放学、等待着游戏,总 是要等到睡觉前才知道功课只做了一点点,总是要等到考试以后才知 道该念的书还没有念,这样一天又一天、一年又一年、迷迷糊糊的过 日子。 是这首“童年”唤醒了我沉睡的童年,照亮了我前程,我知道一寸光 阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴,从此我发奋了、努力啦,争取在我童年 的时候要多学文化科学知识,解决心中的迷团,用科学文化知识解决 了太阳为什么总在山的那一边下去的问题,我的童年也从此不再好奇、不再幻想、不再孤单!我热爱这首“童年”,也更热爱自己的童年! 我喜欢的歌小学作文4 要说我最喜欢的歌,当然是郁可唯唱的:时间煮雨。但我最喜欢的歌 手组合却是:EXO。其实我听歌一般都是因为歌手唱的好听,当然,我 觉得郁可唯唱的也很不错。 我一般都比较喜欢快歌,但当我听到时间煮雨的时候,我就突然有怀 旧的感觉,似乎还带一点小忧伤,歌词本身就带些悲凉的感觉,再加 上郁可唯那充满着感情的声音,在我的心头好像突然涌上了与小学同 学分离的那一刻,从前的一幕一幕映在了我的眼前,这是其他歌所没 有的感觉,从那以后我就特别喜欢听这首歌,我在听这首歌的时候通 常都会安静下来,呆呆的望着某处,这时候,其他人一般不会来打扰我,每次我都很想哭。 有时候,晚上会偷偷躲在被窝里哭,当然也会偶尔戴着耳机听音乐, 每次我听完这首歌都会再听一些欢快一点的快歌,以此来平复心情。 我喜欢的歌小学作文5 我最喜欢的一首歌是:《听妈妈讲那过去的故事》,我时不时就会唱 其他,以为他是歌唱母亲的,是妈妈带我们走进幸福的世界。 听着那优美的歌声,我情不自禁的就会泪流满面。


高中英语作文:抄袭 导读:本文高中英语作文:抄袭,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 Recently, a famous case was closed. The case was about a screenwriter plagiarizing another writer’s novel. The public kept their eyes on this case, most people believed that the screenwriter indeed plagiarized someone’s work, because the story he wrote had some much similarity with another writer’s play. The screenwriter denied that he had copied other writer’s work. What he said made the writer very angry, the writer charged the screenwriter. Now the result came out, the writer won the case and the screenwriter had to apologize. Plagiarizing someone’s work is a serious crime, it is not respectful to others and steal people’s work. Such behavior should be condemned strongly. 最近,一单的案子结案了。此案是关于一位编剧抄袭另一个作家的小说。大众关着这件案子,大多数人认为编剧确实抄袭别人的作品,因为他写的故事和另一个作家的戏剧有很多相似性。编剧否认他抄袭其他作家的作品。他所说的让作家很生气,作家起诉了编剧。现在结果出来了,作家打赢了官司,编剧就此案道歉。剽窃别人的作品是一种严重的犯罪,****别人的作品是不尊重他人的表现。这种行为应该受到谴责。

我最喜欢的乐队 My Favorite Band_英语作文_2

我最喜欢的乐队My Favorite Band One day, when I was watching TV, I heard the song Yellow. The rhythm was so beautiful and I listened to the song with all my heart. I searched the information and I knew a band called Coldplay. The band is from England and they sing rock music mainly. I listened toalltheirsongs. Though so many years have passed, I am still following them. I am a big fan. The band writes songs with meaningful words, which makes songs favored by people all around the world. What’s more, the band is very kind tohelp poor people as they donate a lot of money for themevery year. 一天,当我正在看电视的时候,我听到一首叫《黄色》的歌。它的节奏很动听,之后我全神贯注去听这首歌。后面我搜索了信息,知道了一个叫Coldplay的乐队。乐队来自英格兰,主要唱摇滚音乐。我听了他们所有的歌曲。虽然这么多年过去了,我还是粉着他们,我就是一个大粉丝。乐队写的歌中,歌词也很有意义,这也是世界各地的人们都喜爱他们歌曲的原因。而且,这个乐队也很善良,他们每年都捐很多钱去帮助穷人。 ——文章来源网,仅供分享学习参考~ 1 ~


篇一:我喜欢的歌 记得一次上音乐课时,音乐老师叫我们打开音乐书的第一课,老师说:“过年你们大家都长大一岁了,我希望你们在新学期里,各方面学习比以前更好!”老师又说:“我把《哦,十分钟》这首歌送给大家,当作新年的礼物。”音乐老师笑容可掬地、甜蜜欢快地唱着《哦,十分钟》。不一会儿,老师唱完了,我看了看第一课,那是用轻快和活泼的语气来唱这首歌的。老师说:“老师唱曲,你们大家把词带到里面去。”老师开始唱了,我们也一起唱。唱了两遍,我就会了。 那首歌真好听。我听着听着渐渐地喜欢上了这首歌。我喜欢唱:“听那叮铃铃地下课铃声送来十分钟,来吧,来吧,来吧,大家都来轻松轻松。让我们那疲劳的眼睛看一看蓝天,让……”我最喜欢唱这里了。 这首歌很有礼貌。里面有“哦,你好,你好,十分钟。哦,欢迎,欢迎,十分钟。”这首歌真是好呀,它还写出了我们的心里话。它好像知道我们上课一定很累的,它里面写着:“来吧,来吧,来吧,大家都来活动活动。让我们那握笔手指摸一摸皮球,让……”从这首歌里我体会到了下课十分钟居然还可以做那么多有趣的事啊! 我真喜欢这一首歌。 篇二:我喜欢的歌 我喜欢《童话》这首歌,虽然这是一首非常悲伤的歌,但我依然非常喜欢这首歌。 每当我休息的时候,我就唱起了这首歌,在我眼前就出现了那副悲伤的画面。男主人公和女主人公快乐的生活在一起,每天男主人公来编歌,女主人公来伴奏。有一天女主人公突然因白血病而死忘,男主人公因此而感到悲伤,就写下了这首歌。 这首歌让我知道了失去朋友有多么的悲伤、多么的痛苦,我就想到明天一定要对我的朋友更好,要珍惜没一个和朋友在一起的每一个快乐时光。除了这些之外最主要的是这首歌的旋律非常优美,它时而清新愉快,时而委婉悲伤,让我感受到音乐与神奇。 这首歌让我对友谊有了新的认识,使我更加喜欢音乐了。 篇三:我喜欢的歌 要说我最喜欢的歌,当然是郁可唯唱的:时间煮雨。但我最喜欢的歌手组合却是:EXO。其实我听歌一般都是因为歌手唱的好听,当然,我觉得郁可唯唱的也很不错。


以抄袭为话题的大学英语作文 以抄袭为话题的大学英语作文 Academic Plagiarism Nowadays, the problem of academic plagiarism becomes more and more serious. In orderto earn academic titles, some teachers plagiarize others' academic papers; in order tograduate smoothly, some college students plagiarize others' graduation papers. Everything hasits reasons; academic plagiarism is no exception. First, college authorities put too much emphasis on papers while conferring academic titlesand graduating students. Second, modern technology makes it unprecedentedly easy to getinformation and materials. Some plagiarists who are morally corrupt can't resist thetemptation and decide to take risks. Third, the system of censorship and penalty are farfrom being strict, encouraging plagiarism to some extent. Plagiarism causes many bad results. On the one hand, plagiarism infringes original writers'right and it is unfair for teachers and students who don't plagiarize. On the other hand,plagiarism may spread negative thoughts


我最喜欢的歌手英语作文5篇 Jay is a good singer. He is very handsome. He has a round face with two small eyes. I like him very much. I often see him in my dreams.Jay’s music is popular. His style is different from other singers. He has many fans. These fans like listening to his music very much. I hope everyone in the world will like Jay, my favourite singer.What about you? Jay是一个优秀的歌手。他非常英俊。有着圆圆的脸蛋和不大的眼睛。我非常喜欢他。我经常在梦里梦见他。Jay的音乐非常受欢迎。他的风格不同于其他的歌手。他有很多的 歌迷。这些歌迷都非常喜欢听他的音乐。我希望所有人都喜欢Jay,他是我最喜欢的歌手。你呢? She is such an ideal singer! She is a girl with a lot of talent. She is a girl but she has individuality like a boy. On the stage, she sings and dances so well. She is so happy and she makes us excited… Can you guess who she is? Yes, she is Li Yuchun, the winner of "Super Girl 2021."She is a student of Sichuan Music College in Grade 3. She is twenty-one this year. She is 1.74 metres tall. Now she is very popular in China and even in the world. I know she worked hard in the past, and has succeeded today. I'll learn from her and try my best to achieve my dream.I like her because she is so cool and lovely. I love her because she makes me feel happy. I enjoy her because she is independent and she has the individuality of herself. Li Yuchun, I'll cheer for you forever! Jay Zhou is a famous pop singer. He is famous for Fine day,Class Two Grade Three, Quiet, Shanghai 1943 and so on.His music is mainly R & B and Hip-pop. His songs are full of vigor. You can't help moving your body when you hear them.As his music fan, I know he likes antiques very much. Do you know his full name? Yes, it's Zhoujie Lun. I know many singers, such as Wang li-hong, Zhou jie-lun and Michael Jackson and so on. But I like Michael Jackson best. I recognized Michael Jackson on occassion. There was a poem recitation competition in my class. I had to look for a song about peace. Finally I found


《我喜欢的歌作文》 我喜欢的歌作文(一): 个人都有自我喜欢的歌,我当然也不例外。 我喜欢的歌名字叫作《蓝精灵》。 或许,大家听了我的想法后会哈哈大笑,但是,我不那么想。 我喜欢这首歌的原因很简单,这简单的不能再简单的原因只需要用两个字说明,那就是回忆。 那,就应是一、两岁时候的事了吧,那时的我只会妈妈怀里哭闹,但是,我还记得那一段熟悉的旋律山的那边,海的那边,有一群蓝精灵。不明白为什么,我一向对这首歌恋恋不忘。 每听的这首歌,我的脑海里仿佛放电影一般,一幕幕早已消失的画面又重新呈现于眼前,婴儿车、婴儿床、尿布、奶瓶 每听到这首歌,就觉得一双手在抚摸着我,之后,她飘扬的黑发渐渐转白。 每听到这首歌,那欢快的旋律都会把我带进回忆的深海之中。 这首歌带给我的真的太多太多,有无穷的欢乐和无尽的忧伤。 到那里,也许有人会说我太过天真,呵呵,你错了,这不是天真,而是纯真。 我喜欢的歌作文(二): 有这样一首歌我喜欢,它的名字叫《童年》。 我为什么喜欢这首歌?那说来话长。一开始,我连它的名字都不明白,只明白最有代表性的两句歌词:总是要等到睡觉前才明白功课只做了一点点,总是要等到考试后才明白该念的书都没有念。因为它的歌词写得像我们的实际生活一样,所以我喜欢它。比如说我,假期作业总要留一些等到快开学才做,第二天开学作业要做到前一天晚上。总要等到考完试才明白马虎做错了题。我还问了其他几个男生十有八九都是这样的,这是对我们的生活多么真实的写照呀! 老师布置了作业,我才回到家,花了好长时间,在网上把他找到,然后又花了好长时间做完。我感觉到了它的旋律很好听,歌词也写得很好。 要说我最喜欢的歌,那就非《童年》莫属了。 我喜欢的歌作文(三): 我喜欢的歌作文 每个人都有自我喜欢的一首歌,当然,我也不例外。在这些数不胜数的歌中,我最喜欢的一首歌就是《隐形的翅膀》。每当我听起这首歌,我就会情不自禁地想起那件事

Aviod cheating 拒绝抄袭 英语作文

中西医临床医学吴雪楠QQ962230662 Avoid cheating A piece of news in 20th March reported that students in India are used to cheating in exams even their parents help them cheat by deleting the cheat sheets through the windows to their children like the Spider-Man. The first light through my mind was that the country is so crazy! However, when I came to the end of the website, I find a piece of related news said that a school in Hubei Province moved the examination room to a forest in order to prevent students from cheating. That’s terrib le. As I know, cheating in exams is the most serious problem in my university——if you do, you lose everything. But, the phenomenon still exists no matter what actions you take. That’s the cause of a debate ——whether the cheat should be tolerated or not? A t the beginning, I don’t think it meaningful to argue because in conventional moral domain it’s an unfair deal to other people who achieve the marks on their own. And, the exams in schools are just the first step to more academic dishonesty, professional misconduct, and unethical business practice in the future. Nobody would like to live in a world filling by unreal things I guess. However, there is always some different voice. Some people think that cheating in exams is not such a terrible thing because students will get higher scores by it. To bend it is impossible to educators, and some students will have inimical emotions to teachers because this behavior destroys the basic trust between the two groups. Maybe you also think this opinion ridiculous as I do. However, “anything existing must be reasonable”. Cheating is not a good thing, but how to deal with it is harder to be good. So, to my mind, cheating shouldn’t be tolerated at any time. Meanwhile, educators should come out better solutions to prevent the behavior at the very beginning.


我喜欢的音乐英语作文带翻译 我喜欢的音乐 I like to listen to all kinds of music, music makes me happy, when I feel sad, I will listen to music and it relieves me. My favorite song is Never Say Never, the words are so inspiring. The song tells people never to give up, no matter what happens. The song inspires me to move on and get over all kinds of difficulties. 我喜欢听各种各样的音乐,音乐给我带来了快乐,当我觉得不开心的时候,我会听音乐,那让我放松。我最喜欢的歌曲是永不言弃,歌词很励志。这首歌告诉人们永远都不要放弃,无论发生什么事情。歌激励着我前进,克服各种各样的困难。 我喜欢的音乐 My favorite music is pop music. There are many kinds of music ,such as country music, RB , rock music and so on. But I like movie music best. Because it is easy to learn, and this knid of music is often about our life, for example, A whole new world, Memory. They are very popular among people.And these movies are also watched again and again for many years. It is also a good way to learn English. So you know my favorite music is movie music.


Defining and Avoiding Plagiarism: The WPA Statement on Best Practices Download a PDF version of this document. Plagiarism has always concerned teachers and administrators, who want students’ work to repre sent their own efforts and to reflect the outcomes of their learning. However, with the advent of the Internet and easy access to almost limitless written material on every conceivable topic, suspicion of student plagiarism has begun to affect teachers at all levels, at times diverting them from the work of developing students’ writing, reading, and critical thinking abilities. This statement responds to the growing educational concerns about plagiarism in four ways: by defining plagiarism; by suggesting some of the causes of plagiarism; by proposing a set of responsibilities (for students, teachers, and administrators) to address the problem of plagiarism; and by recommending a set of practices for teaching and learning that can significantly reduce the likelihood of plagiarism. The statement is intended to provide helpful suggestions and clarifications so that instructors, administrators, and students can work together more effectively in support of excellence in teaching and learning. What Is Plagiarism? In instructional settings, plagiarism is a multifaceted and ethically complex problem. However, if any definition of plagiarism is to be helpful to administrators, faculty, and students, it needs to be as simple and direct as possible within the context for which it is intended. Definition: In an instructional setting, plagiarism occurs when a writer deliberately uses someone else’s language,ideas, or other original (not common-knowledge) material without acknowledging its source. This definition applies to texts published in print or on-line, to manuscripts, and to the work of other student writers. Most current discussions of plagiarism fail to distinguish between:

英语作文:My Favorite Singer 我最喜欢的歌手

英语作文:My Favorite Singer 我最喜欢的歌手 She is such an ideal singer! She is a girl with a lot of talent. She is a girl but she has individuality like a boy. On the stage, she sings and dances so well. She is so happy and she makes us excited… Can you guess who she is? Yes, she is Li Yuchun, the winner of “Super Girl 2005.” She is a student of Sichuan Music College in Grade 3. She is twenty-one this year. She is 1.74 metres tall. Now she is very popular in China and even in the world. I know she worked hard in the past, and has succeeded today. I'll learn from her and try my best to achieve my dream. I like her because she is so cool and lovely. I love her because she makes me feel happy. I enjoy her because she is independent and she has the individuality of herself. Li Yuchun, I'll cheer for you forever! 她是一个理想的歌手! 她是一个多才的女孩。她是一个女生,但她个性有点像男孩。在舞台上,她唱歌唱的那么好,跳舞跳得那么好。她是如此快乐,她使我们兴奋......你能猜出她是谁吗?是的她就是李宇春,获胜


我喜欢音乐英语作文 Many people like music. It has many sorts: soft music is graceful, rock music fast, classical music GREat, light music relaxing, and children, music interesting. You can pick and choose whatever you like. Now popular songs are in fashion. If you like music, you usually like singing, too. I am no exception. My brother and I like pop songs, and my parents like to listen to soft music. We are a musical family. Do you like music? Is your family full of music, too? Music is really GREat! I like it very much. I love the Chinese national music. The Chinese national music is famous for its moderation, briefness, neutralization, implication. Being different from the western music, the Chinese national music only has five scales, and emphasized in the line –shaping . I love the Chinese national musician Song Zuying, not only for her beauty and her beautiful sounds, but also for her diligence and her hard working. Although she has made great success in her career, she will never forget her early teacher—Jin Tielin, who helped her a lot before, and the native people and her mother land. Song Zuying is the most powerful young musician in China. She has a broad sound territory and beautiful sounds. Her singing flavor is originated from the national culture, and she makes good use of the scientific singing technique; during the performance she is good at using her heart; also she always have the correct understanding of the works. So we can say she has her unique singing flavor. The masterpiece the loving of ourChina is the most famous one, which is loved by all the Chinese. Her record the flowing sounds for one hundred years can be regarded as the one which represents the high lever of the Chinese national music. In February, 2021, she was autographed by Grammy. People all over the world get to know her name and her beautiful sounds. Song Zuying, a person who has a successful career, a happy family, good character, is admired by all of us.
