

Doctor: Hello! What’s wrong with you? You aren’t looking very well. Come here and I’ll give you

a check.

Patient: Yes, I am not feeling very well, do you think I have come here just for fun?

Doctor:Oh, I didn’t mean that! I just want to help you, because I am an expert, I have learnt about thousands of disease, so I think I can help you.

(A few minutes later…)

Oh, your disease is rare. Let me look over the medical books. Maybe I can find other disease the same as yours. Don’t worry, I need observe you for some days.

Patient: You have to learn about thousands of diseases, but I only have to focus on fixing what's wrong with ME! Now which one of us do you think is the expert?

Nowadays, health is taken notice by more and more people. Going for doctors is an important part of people’s life. So being a good doctor is necessary, especially being an expert. As every knows, experts have high status and more salaries than ordinary doctors. Experts should being competent for their jobs and reliable for their patients. Li Shizhen, a famous doctor in Chinese history. He tasted hundreds of herbs and wrote books for helping people. Norman Bethune, he worked selflessly in China as a doctor and saved many Chinese soldiers. From this, we can see that they were remembered by people because of their great qualities.

But how to become a competent expert?

First of all, an expert should skilled in the area he studies. He should know the patients’ condition according to his knowledge and rich experience. And he should also know how to deal with the problem and recover patients’ health


Besides some essential knowledge, an expert should also have a warm heart. Sometimes, there are some impolite patients. An expert should patiently communicate with them. Some patients think about they know their disease clearly, so they don’t listen to the experts’ advice. When those things happen, the experts should explain to the patients. Because the patient is the expert of god.

All in all, being a competent expert not only for occupation requirements, but also for own’s responsibility. That’s is the most important.


全国创新英语大赛作文评分标准细则 文章来源:创新英语大赛组委会 作者:佚名 点击数: 1686 更新日期:2012-12-26 全国创新英语大赛作文评分标准细则 参加自主招生 抓住五大要领 文章来源:本站原创 作者:佚名 点击数: 2992 更新日期:2012-10-18 “自主招生”这个备受社会关注的考事儿,每年都被媒体炒得热热闹闹的。新一届高三考生和家长在高二或许更早就听说过这件事儿,现在真的要轮到自己了,非要弄个一清二楚才罢休。高老师博客今天就和大家一同探讨这个话题。 一、抓准自主招生的特点 自主招生也叫高校自主选拔录取,是扩大高校自主权、深化高校招生录取制度改革的重要举措,是高考制度的重要补充,也是对选拔优秀创新人才的新探索。通俗地说,自主招生给了高校更多的招生自主权,可以不拘一格选人才。 那么,自主招生有哪些特点呢?这是考生家长首先应该了解的。归纳起来有以下几方面:参加自主招生的考生不但要参加高考,而且要参加自主招生高校的测试(一般包括笔试和面

试);测试合格在录取时可享受降分优惠,高校将向社会公示获得自主选拔录取资格的考生名单;预选上的考生,按照当地招办要求填报自主招生志愿,且高考成绩须达到该校规定的水平;自主选拔录取人数一般不超过试点高校当年本科招生计划总数的5%,且不占用试点高校当年在当地投放的招生计划;生源质量好的部分高校自主招生比例不设定5%的上限。 二、选择适合自己的高校 到现在为止,共有76所试点高校面向全国进行自主招生。如果你想参加自主招生,一定要在这些学校中选择最适合自己的。怎么选呢,考生首先要对自己有个正确的定位和评价,自身的实力和水平是否适合参加,一味盲目的报考只会增加考生的负担。 这里说的正确定位和评价的意思是根据自己的实力,挑选和自己成绩相匹配的高校,不要冲太高,也不要就低。如果憧憬太高,就算拿到降分优惠,高考成绩若达不到要求一样不能被录取;如果选择的学校比自己平时成绩还低很多,也浪费了自主招生的降分的优势。 可以选择那些冲一冲就能够到学校,例如正常发挥条件下裸分成绩排名达不到,算上自主招生加分可以考入;或者凭裸分成绩排名刚好能考入的学校,选择更好的专业,自主招生优惠算是一种保障。 在数量上可以有目标的多选几所院校,也有人建议选两三所,至于选几所都无妨,重要的是要拉开档次,这样至少能保证通过一所或两所高校的初审。另外,可以了解一下所在中学在自己目标院校的录取率,如果某校通过率不高的话,应理性地选择。无论如何做,最好先确定自己的目标院校。 三、细读高校自主招生简章 每年在10月底~11月,各自主招生试点高校都会针对自主招生发布新一年的简章或者章程。所以,确定好目标院校的考生家长,一定要仔细阅读该校的章程或简章。 自主招生简章主要包括关键几项:报名条件;报名方式;选拔程序;录取规则等。因为各高校自主招生选拔的条件不同,如重要的截止时间;笔试、面试时间地点;考试科目;申报材料的要求;自荐信规格(打印签名还是手写)等重要的信息细节,每一个细节都不要忽视,这里要提醒考生家长特别注意!例如,2012年人大的自主招生简章中就要求《个人申请》由考生本人手书。 往年常会有因错过报名截止时间、缴费时间、未按照要求提交申报材料等原因和心仪高校失之交臂的情况出现。 四、精心准备申请材料 向学校递交申请材料是自主招生过程中一个很重要的环节。申请材料通常包括报名表、自荐信、推荐资料、获奖证书复印件、高中成绩以及其他附属材料等。获奖证书可以是考生在高中阶段获得的各种奖励证书。个人陈述主要是让高校更加了解你,内容可以是你参与的一次重要活动、取得的成绩,还可以介绍自己在大学期间的计划等。组织申请材料时需注意一定按高校要求填写。 另外,这里要说一下,学生最好能拿到所在中学的校荐,“校荐名额”比个人自荐的机会大得多。一般“自荐”比例只占初选通过的不到20%,而“校荐”通过初选获得资格的占95%,获得校荐名额基本等同于初选成功。但并不是学校在推荐信上盖了章就算“校荐”,因为所有


英语口试题库 一、中餐宴会摆台与服务部分情景应答及答题要点: 1. Q: Ask the guests if they have a reservation with your restaurant. A: Good evening. Do you have a reservation 2. Q: How do you check upon the guest’s name of the reservation A: Good evening. Under whose name was your reservation made 3. Q: The guests need a table for 4, and they would like to dine somewhere quiet. A: Very well. This way please. Here’s a window table for four overlooking the lake. It’s very nice and quiet here. 4. Q: Can you explain the terms of breakfast both for adults and children in the hotel A: Sure, we offer breakfast at the rate of 128 RMB for each adult, and it’s free of charge for children under 6. 5. Q: The guests would love to try some Chinese food, and they ask for your advice on where to have a dinner party. A: The Rose Restaurant of our hotel serves very good Chinese food. It’s on the 2nd Floor. 6. Q: Inform the guest that the restaurant is fully booked this evening, and suggest that he book a table the same time tomorrow evening. A: I’m sorry. We are fully booked this evening. How about tomorrow We still have some nice tables available for tomorrow evening. 7. Q: Ask the guests their preference for the egg dishes. A: How would you like the eggs done, Scrambled Eggs, Fried Eggs or Omelets 8. Q: Ask the guests their preference for food, Chinese, Western, Japanese or Korean. A:Which style of cuisine would you prefer We serve Chinese, Western,


创新英语作文竞赛范文 【篇一:创新英语大赛获奖作文】 best motivation and reward before you hit the roads to achieve a goal, have you ever given any thought to your motivation or what are you expecting to get as a reward? attitudes towards this question vary from person to person. some people claim that wealth and fame is the best motivation and reward, others believe that the fulfillment of a job well done is its own reward. in my opinion, the later point holds more water. in the end, it is the joy in the journey that truly matters. doing the work with the attempt to be rich or famous will bring an unfortunate outcome and even will lead us to a dangerous situation. gradually, we will consider wealth and fame as the most important things in our lives instead of the care of our parents, or our ‘friends-time’. besides, this kind of thoug ht might have bad effects on our work, since we only care about how much money we earn or how to get as many glories as we can, we may tend to forget the original significance of doing the job and can’t concentrate our minds on doing the job well. thus our work efficiency will be reduced and it is unlikely that we can make a great development in our own career. what’s worse, once we fail to get or lose all those glories or wealth, we may feel rather depressed, empty and even sink into a desperate situation. however, if we change our train of thought and attach more importance to the sense of happiness and fulfillment by accomplishing some simple things, our life will become more wonderful. we won’t get tired of our work and we will be courageous enough to overcome all the obstacle on our road and enjoy the abundant happiness that the job brings to us. every workday is like a journey full of surprise and delight. besides, without the burden of wealth or fame, we can immerge ourselves into the job and there is a good chance that we can achieve a lot. in this case, although we don’t aim for wealth and fame, wealth and fame will follow naturally. if not, we will not feel discouraged, as we firmly


第十五届全国创新英语大赛口语试题(选编) A组 A01 Describe an occasion that you received a good service from a shop. Cues: What was the service? When and where did you receive the service? And explain why you think it was a good service. A02 Describe a movie you want to watch again. Cues: What is the movie? When did you watch the movie? And explain why you want to watch it again. A03 Describe your favorite magazine. Cues: What is the name of the magazine? What is it about? Why do you like it? A04 Describe a suitable place for people to live in. Cues: Where is it? When did you go there? Why do you think it is suitable to live in? A05 Describe a situation when you do not like to talk to anyone. Cues: What is it? Why don’t you like to talk to anyone? What do you want to do in this situation? A06 Describe a traditional food item in your hometown. Cues: What is it? What is the connotation behind it? Do you like it? A07 Describe one of the seasons you like most. Cues: When is it? Why do you like it most? What do you like to do in this season? A08 Describe a useful school appliance. Cues: What is it? What is it used for? Why do you think it is useful? A09 Describe something you own which is valuable to you. Cues: What is it? How did you own it? Why do you think it is valuable? A10 Describe a person from your academic life. Cues: Who is it? What are his or her qualities? Does he or she important in your life? A11 Describe a family event that you have attended. Cues: What is it? When did you attend it? What do you think of it? A12 Describe a memorable school where you studied in your childhood. Cues: Where is it? What do you think of it? Why do you think it is memorable? A13 Describe a competition that you took part in or watched. Cues: What was the event? Who were competing? What happened during this competition? A14 Describe an important historical building in your hometown. Cues: What is the building? How long has it been kept? Why is it important? A15 Describe a culture you learned from other countries. Cues: What is it? What is the country? Do you think it is a precious experience? A16 Describe something you cannot live without. Cues: What is it? How long have you had it? Why cannot you live without this thing? A17 Describe a sports event that you watched. Cues: What was the event? Where was it? Explain how you felt about this event. A18 Describe something you dislike in high school. Cues: What is it? Why do you dislike it? Is it important? A19 Describe a decision that you regret about. Cues: What is it? When did you make it? Why do you regret? A20 Describe a daydream.


Part I (1) Presentation (3 minutes) Task: You are required to talk about the following survey result about the income of Chinese students and American students. Give your ideas and analyses.

Part II (1) Interview (3 minutes) Now you see an advertisement for a hotel. Words for reference: gourmet getaway: 美食之旅dining credit: 餐饮代金券 Task: ●Suppose you work at the information desk in this hotel. ●Be prepared to answer questions from a person interested in the service advertised.

Task: You are required to talk about the following survey result about the reasons for not using social media. Give your ideas and analyses.

Part I (3) Presentation (3 minutes) Task: You are required to talk about the following survey result about the number of students having psychological problems. Give your ideas and analyses.


创新英语作文大赛初赛题目 Recently, Amy Chua, or the “Tiger Mother”, aroused heated discussions both in US and in China with her book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. The following are the ten things she lists in her book that she strictly forbids her two daughters to do: a. Attend a sleepover (a party for children in which they stay the night at someone’s house); b. Have a play date (in which children hang out with their friends); c. Be in a school play; d. Complain about not being in a school play; e. Watch TV or play computer games; f. Choose their own extracurricular activities; g. Get any grade less than an A; h. Not be the No. 1 student in every subject except gym and drama; i. Play any instrument other than the piano or violin; j. Not play the piano or violin. You are invited to write under either of the following two topics. The length of your writing should not exceed 300 words. (1) Suppose you are a “tiger parent”. Write a letter to your child and explain to her/him your ideas about tiger parenting. (2) Suppose you are a child who has tiger parents. Write a letter to your parents and explain to them your ideas about tiger parenting.推荐阅读:创新英语大赛获奖作文全国创新英语大赛优秀作文参考第十届全国创新英语大赛初赛考试作文 A letter for you , mum and dad记一次英语大赛英语大赛英语大赛


四川省平昌中学指导教师:吴昌荣 The Benefits of Watching American TV Dramas Zhao Junzhou Nowadays, with more and more accesses to America, watching American TV dramas has gradually become a prevailing trend among the youths, who are high on them. However, various people hold distinctive views on it. Some people believe that watching American TV dramas can foster their sense of language, while others maintain that the American TV dramas may play a negative role in young people's lives and study on account of different cultural backgrounds. To be frank, I sustain that watching American TV dramas can bring a variety of advantages to us. There are some justifications listed to support my argument. To begin with, it is indisputable that watching American TV dramas can enhance the youths’ sense of language. For one thing, it can help them to practice oral English and listening competence as well as learn some idioms. The reason is that it is widely considered to be one of the most effective approaches to make the youths be exposed to authentic commutative context. For another, watching American TV dramas is conducive to them to consolidate what they have acquired in classroom. In addition, American TV dramas can broaden the youths’horizon. They can avail themselves of this opportunity to have a good command of American culture, customs, lifestyles, science and so on. Furthermore, watching American TV dramas can cultivate the youths’interest in English. Appreciating the fantastic and interesting stories, they can acquire some fixed expressions, obtain pleasure and experience exotic taste. Therefore, many English teachers adopt American TV dramas to trigger students’study motivation. Last but not least, they can attain American self-made spirit. The youths can learn how to strive to pursue and achieve their dream. To some extent, it can develop their independent personality and persistent and creative spirit. In a nutshell, we can naturally draw a reasonable and solid conclusion that watching American TV dramas not only can promote the youth’s English proficiency and broaden their horizon, but also it fosters their study interest and self-made spirit. Therefore, I strongly and firmly uphold the youth to watch American TV dramas on account their numerous benefits.

2016 年广东省高等职业院校技能大赛 英语口语题目(非英语专业组 )

2016 年广东省高等职业院校技能大赛英语口语题目(非英语专业组) 试题1 Suppose the company you work for is thinking of selecting a new team leader. You have been asked to make suggestions about the making of a good team leader. Please make a short speech to the head of the Human Resources Department about personal qualities a good team leader should possess. 试题2 Suppose your company is initiating a PowerPoint Presentation Skills Training plan. You are the project coordinator, and are introducing the project to all stall members. Please make a short speech about the main purposes of the training and the items to be included in the training. 试题3 Suppose your manager has noticed the signs that employees in your company are overburdened with heavy workloads. You have been asked to make suggestions about how to improve this situation. Please make a short speech on the measure that should ve taken to reduce stress at work. 试题4 Two accidents happened in your office in the past year that resulted


11 Directions:Would you expect a “thank you” when you give your seat to an old man, or a woman with her baby? How do you feel if they take your seat without even taking a look at you? Would you be angry? You are given 60 minutes to state your view on the topic within less than 300 words. You can add a title by yourself. “Thank you”—a powerful gift Recently, some individuals would not give their seats to the old or the pregnant as the result of no reaction given back. Naturally, problems arouses: Must we demand a “thank you”when we give a seat to others? As my opinion, a “thank you” is both beneficial to the seat sharers and the ones who take the seat. A smile and a “thank you”paid back can promote the phenomenon of giving seats and enhance the moral value of the society. The first time I gave my seats to a pregnant and she smiled to me saying “thank you”. That time I felt the flower of my heart come out and bloomed .So I kept on doing that until an old lady once stared at me without saying a word when I gave my seat to her. I felt as if I would never do that again and got off of the bus. Apparently, the simple smile and words motivate people to do more moral things for the ones needing help while everyone is longing for a “thanks”when they do things for you. Your reactions are really important to others. If we are ignored by the ones who take your seat, do not be sad and keep on doing the things we think are right. We might be disappointed ,or even sad, when we are ignored as our own view. But have you ever thought that the impolite actions might be reasonable? Maybe those individuals were in a bad mood and did not tend to talk to anyone else. Or maybe they just got some bad news of their body and were extremely week so that they could not make an reaction. Standing in others view can always alleviate our disappointment on them and encourage us to keep on the good things. We should always believe that the world ,with our positive outlook and action, will be increasingly beautiful and warm and advance morally. In conclusion, we should continue to give seats to others and give others a thank you and a smile when they do the same to us. Like the saying : “Giving others roses and the scent will remain.”Let’s make our slightest action as a gift to others and contribute to a happier world positively. 10 Directions: Chinese people always have the tradition of helping others; regardless of a friend or a stranger. However, in recent years, people find that when they try to help others, some changes are taking places. One of the most common examples is that, a passer-by who sent an injured senior people to hospital would be very likely to be recognized as the accident-maker. This kind of events is being rerun again and again. When trapped in the dilemma of tradition and trouble, what would be your choice?


第七届全国创新英语作文大赛优胜作文选登复赛试题: Directions: With the development of computers, more and more people are working with computers. But, we know that computers are harmful as well as useful and helpful .Here, you are asked to write an essay on the topic “The Advantages and Disadvantages of Computers”. You can give some examples and facts to support your opinion. Your essay should be written in English with no less than 300 words within 60 minutes. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Computers 李彦妮 辽宁市鞍山市第一中学10届14班 Nowadays, the idea of progress loorns so large in the modern world, and the progress of a particular kind is actually taking place around us. In this circumstances, computers which have a great help come out with the wisdom and hard-working of human beings. It do have given human a tremendous help, it, however, has brought to us its harmness at the some time. The computers can make a great help for us in this high speed society. In the light of this statement, it is computers that can store documents for us which is essential for us, it is computers that can shorten the time in seeking useful information instead of looking for knowledge from a large sums of books and it is computers that can make it possible to comunicate with different people who are far away from you. In a word, we can't live nomally without computers in such a high-tech society. On the contary, having helped us a lot, computers are harmful to people at the same time, especially the adolescents. First of all, sitting in front of the computer may do harm to our eyes. On the other hand, computers not only bring us useful information but also entertainments. Being weak in controlling themselves, those poor adolescents are more easier to get crazy about the fantasy world. Seeing a vivid picture which is about a son who gets stuck in computers and phones to his parents downstairs to bring dinner for him. I realized deeply that the computers really have their disadvantages. According to the statements above, it can not be superficial to simply say that computers are good or bad for us as every coin has both sides. Personally, I still consider that a computer can bring us convinience and high speed which is extolled to all the people even though it is a two-edged weapon. We can learn well punctuated by those purchasable wells of wisdom - computers. 专家建议:
