




We've really just scratched the surface of the digital revolution. Yes, we have about a billion personal computers that are connected up to the Internet. And we've already started to transform the way people, I think, are studying information and sharing information.


But there are so much more that we can do. The exponential improvement in not only the processor transistors but also what we have in storage or optic fiber bandwidth give us an opportunity to apply software that can work in a far more powerful way.


For example, when we think about TV. Today it's just a passive, non-interactive situation, but that's in the process of changing: changing so that you can get any show that you want on the Internet, changing so that it can be interactive so that you can learn as you go home, changing so that the flexibility even to talk and collaborate with others will be part of that experience.


I spent several hours yesterday at the Agricultural Rice Institute talking with the experts there about how they are using software technology to sequence different rice varieties. And they're optimistic that they can come up with new varieties that will require less fertilizer, less water and yet increase the yield. And it's advances like that that really reach out and change the lives not just of those of us who work in technology but people everywhere.


The advances in medicine are dependent on software, software that can manage the databases and understand the complex systems. I'm very optimistic that we can make big breakthroughs based on what software will provide.


And if you think about your mobile phone going from being just a voice device to being something that can be a "digital wallet", that can show you maps and you'll be able to talk to it and ask for information and it will go out to the Internet and find the things that you're interested in.



In terms of learning, by creating what we call the "student tablet" that will be very inexpensive and the size of a tablet but wirelessly connected to the Internet and able to record your voice or recognize your ink handwriting and yet provide learning experiences that are far more effective – and in fact bringing together all of the world's knowledge on the Internet in a very attractive form. Teachers will be able to see the world's best lectures, and they'll be able to see the best materials and for the first time start to share with each other. And so for anyone who wants to learn or wants to teach, it will be a very, very different world.

平板电脑的出现,我们在教室也可以无线上网,用电脑记录你的声音,识别你的手写笔迹和提供学习经验。事实上, 在互联网上汇集世界上所有的知识是一个非常有吸引力的形式。老师们将能够看到世界上最好的讲座和教案,并与他人分享。因此,对于任何想学习或想教书的人来说,这将是一个非常、非常不同的世界。

We certainly have some very tough and interesting problems that I know the students here will be making breakthroughs in. Writing software that's reliable, that's totally secure, software that can handle parallel execution, software that's very easy to use and software that can solve some very tough problems, for example problems of artificial intelligence that we've already spent many decades working on. And so this is an amazing time to be working in the sciences and particularly in computer science.



2014经典演讲之比尔盖茨斯坦福演讲(双语) 2015年01月21日18:07 中英文演讲稿: Stanford University。 (斯坦福大学) BILL GATES: Congratulations, class of 2014! 比尔·盖茨:2014届毕业生,祝贺你们顺利毕业 (Cheers)。(欢呼) Melinda and I are excited to be here. It would be a thrill for anyone to be invited to speak at a Stanford commencement, but it's especially gratifying for us. Stanford is rapidly becoming the favorite university for members of our family, and it's long been a favorite university for Microsoft and our foundation。 我和梅琳达怀着激动的心情与你们欢聚在此共贺毕业。能受邀到斯坦福大学学位授予典礼上做演讲是一件让人激动的事,对我们而言,这尤为荣幸。斯坦福大学正日渐成为我们家庭成员最喜爱的大学。而长久以来,斯坦福也是微软以及比尔与梅琳达基金会最喜爱的一所大学。” Our formula has been to get the smartest, most creative people working on the most important problems. It turns out that a disproportionate number of those people are at Stanford. (Cheers)。 我们一直致力于让最聪颖有创造力的人攻克最为重要的问题。结果证明,一大部分这样的人才都来自于斯坦福校园。(欢呼) Right now, we have more than 30 foundation research projects underway here. When we want to learn more about the immune system to help cure the worst diseases, we work with Stanford. When we want to understand the changing landscape of higher education in the United States, so that more low-income students get college degrees, we work with Stanford. This is where genius lives。 如今,我们在这里进行着30多个研究项目。当我们想要通过对免疫系统的研究来寻找治愈世界上最可怕疾病的方法,我们需要斯坦福。当我们需要通过对美国高等教育的研究来帮助低收入学生上大学时,我们亦需要斯坦福。这便是人才的摇篮。 There's a flexibility of mind here, an openness to change, an eagerness for what's new. This is where people come to discover the future, and have fun doing it。 在这里,有着灵活的思维,对于改变的开放态度以及对新鲜事物的渴求。在这里,人们善于发现新事物,并乐享这份经历。 MELINDA GA TES: Now, some people call you all nerds and we hear that you claim that label with pride. (Cheers and Applause)。 梅琳达?盖茨:当下,一些人用书呆子这样词语称呼你们,而我们听说你们正为这个称呼而倍感骄傲。(欢呼和掌声)


比尔盖茨的成功及其借鉴意义 在二十世纪70年代,有一个计算机天才横空出世。他天赋异禀,自1975创办微软公司以来,长达30年的时间里,都在IT领域里拥有不可替代的影响力。这就是比尔盖茨。 盖茨尤为人所熟知并津津乐道的,是他的财富。“39岁便成为世界首富,并连续13年登上福布斯榜首的位置,这个神话就像夜空中耀眼的烟花,刺痛了亿万人的眼睛。”他建立的微软帝国,从著名的DOS操作系统,到最近推出的WIN8,无疑是造福人类的福音。 江山代有才人出,各领风骚数百年。盖茨的时代已经过去,但他的成功历程,留给我们的借鉴意义仍是巨大的。 时势造英雄,盖茨成就与那个时代的特性有着密不可分的关系。二十世纪70年代,计算机作为一个新兴行业,其中拥有巨大的商业潜力与科研价值。正如待价而沽的千里马,只要遇上慧眼的伯乐,就会以万钧不可挡之势,形成席卷全球的大潮。当时,集成电路不断成熟,电子计算机的生产成本随之大幅降低。可以预见的,这必将成为又一块商业大区。在硬件方面,IBM有着不可撼动的地位,所以,仅存的软件领域,是最后一块,也是最大的一块蛋糕。

盖茨在软件上的天赋可谓赫赫。13岁时,便已开始电脑程式设计;17岁时,盖茨已经卖掉了他的第一个电脑编程作品——一个时间表格系统,买主是他的高中学校,价格是4200美元。而到了他18岁,进入哈佛大学后,就已经和他的高中好友保罗·艾伦(Paul Allen)一起为Altair 8800电脑设计Altair BASIC(牛郎星基本)解译器。“Altair是第一台商业上获得成功的个人电脑,而BASIC语言是一种易用易学的计算机程序设计语言,盖茨与艾伦所开发的BASIC版本就是后来的Microsoft BASIC,也是MS-DOS操作系统的基础,而后者又是微软公司早期成功的关键。Microsoft Basic后来成了Microsoft Quick Basic,并逐渐演变成为今天依然流行的Visual Basic。”值得一提的是,Altair 作为第一台PC,在它的发明过程中,除了个人电脑之父爱德华罗伯茨的呕心沥血,也有盖茨与艾伦的身影。而以后,随着与巨头IBM的合作、WINDOWS视窗软件的推出以及“拥抱互联网”、IE浏览器的大获成功,盖茨,和他的微软公司,在软件领域已经一骑绝尘,遥遥领先。他本人在某种程度上,也从时代的追随者,转变为了时代的引领者。 家庭教育,也是盖茨成长路上的一大助力。 为世人所熟知的,是发生在盖茨12岁时的“泼水事件”。这个年纪的盖茨,已经有了迥异于同龄人的,相当大的独立性。“泼水事件”将盖茨与家庭的矛盾爆发了出来。盖茨的幸运在于,他有一个宽容睿智的父母。他们选择了放手,决定给予儿子更大的自由。于


清华大学开学典礼校长发言 清华大学校长在开学典礼上的讲话 亲爱的同学们: 今天,我很荣幸和全体师生员工一起,欢迎你们加入清华大学——期待你们用蓬勃朝气,激荡水木清华的人文日新;见证你们以青春梦想,砥砺百年学府的自强不息。 和去年一样,我在给新生的邀请信中希望大家独自来报到。昨天上午,我在迎新现场,看到很多同学都是自己带着行李来的。新疆的再木然·乌斯曼同学一个人坐了40多个小时的火车;广西柳州也有四个同学,说服父母,结伴而行。在这里,我要向你们开始学会走向独立表示赞赏和敬意。 同学们,你们是同龄人中的佼佼者。此时此刻,你们或许仍沉浸在旅途的兴奋和成功的喜悦之中,或许还在为终于摆脱应试教育的文山题海而如释重负;当然,你们更多充满了对大学生活的忐忑和期盼。今天,我想告诉你们,大学迎接你们的不仅有梦想、荣誉、激情和浪漫,大学生活更重要的是经历挫折、经历失败。 第一次班会,你会发现自己思想不深、视野不宽,不再是群体的唯一中心;第一堂课,你会感到节奏太快、难以适应,不再是老师目光的焦点;第一次考试,你可能成绩靠后、大失所望,不再是熟悉的第一。于是,你们可能会开始怀疑以往的读书方式、学习习惯,甚至怀疑自己的专业选择和能力潜质。同学们,挫败感是走向虚空沉沦

或者迎接成功希望的分水岭。经历挫败,从挫败中学习,是一个人成长成熟的必经之路,也是大学的必修环节。 从挫败中学习,就是要懂得反思、学会坚守。长期以来,你们接受的大多是中规中矩、有标准答案的教育,你们习惯于做“听话”的好孩子。作为知识的倾听者和接受者,你们无疑是优秀的。但大学是什么?大学是要为你们的未来发展打下基础,为你们走向成熟、走向社会做好准备。 大学培养的不仅是已有知识的接受者,而是世界的创造者和未来社会的建设者。大学教给你的不再是唯一的答案,而是教你懂得多样性和不确定性,懂得甚至有了答案也不意味着成功。面对更多更复杂的选择和没有预设答案的探索,你们难免会在前行中跌跌撞撞。 懂得反思,就是在挫败中重新认识自我、认识他人、认识社会,重新定义什么是成功、什么是荣誉、什么是价值,不断追问生命的意义。学会坚守,就是在挫败中坚定自己的理想追求,在内心深处始终保持对的好奇、对真理的渴望,在风险挑战面前始终坚持做人的原则、崇高的信念和远大的目标。同学们,只有懂得反思、学会坚守,你才能在挫败中把握自我、拥抱青春、走向成熟。 从挫败中学习,就是要寻找自信、挑战自我。挫败会让人迷茫。很多人会在挫败中丧失自信、迷失自我,来清华之前还是“梦想家”,来清华后,可能会“梦”没了,只剩“想家”了。特别是看到各种知识、信息、机遇迎面而来,身边的“学霸”“神人”“大牛”比比皆是,你会更加迷茫和纠结,看不清自己要走的路。大学生活就是一个


比尔盖茨励志演讲稿:哈佛毕业典礼演讲 年轻的比尔;盖茨很早就占据了世界首富的位置,关于比尔盖茨演讲也是很励志的。以下是为你整理的比尔盖茨励志演讲稿:哈佛毕业典礼演讲,欢迎大家阅读。 我要感谢哈佛大学在这个时候给我这个荣誉。明年,我就要换工作了(注:指从微软公司退休) 我终于可以在简历上写我有一个本科学位,这真是不错啊。 I applaud the graduates today for taking a much more direct route to your degrees. For my part, Im just happy that the Crimson has called me Harvards most successful dropout. I guess that makes me valedictorian of my own special class I did the best of everyone who failed. 我为今天在座的各位同学感到高兴,你们拿到学位可比我简单多了。哈佛的校报称我是哈佛大学历史上最成功的辍学生。我想这大概使我有资格代表我这一类学生发言在所有的失败者里,我做得最好。 But I also want to be recognized as the guy who got Steve Ballmer to drop out of business school. Im a bad influence. Thats why I was invited to speak at your graduation. If I had spoken at your orientation, fewer of you might be here


比尔盖茨演讲稿 演讲稿怎么写,欢迎阅读整理提供的比尔盖茨演讲稿。 比尔盖茨演讲稿【一】I've always been an optimist and I supposed that is rooted in my belief that the power of creativity and intelligence can make the world a better place. 我天生乐观,坚信人类凭创造力和聪明才智可以让世界日益美妙,这一设想一直根植于我的内心深处。 For as long as I can remember, I've loved learning new things and solving problems. So when I sat down at a computer for the first time in seventh grade, I was hooked. It's was a clunky and teletype machine that barely do anything compared to the computer we have today. But it changed my life. 自从记事起,我就热衷于接触新事物、挑战难题。可想而知,我上七年级时第一次坐在计算机前是何等着迷,如入无我之境。那是一台锵锵作响的旧牌机器,和我们今天拥有的计算机相比,它相当逊色几乎一无所用,但正是它改变了我的生活。 When my friend Paul Allen and I stared Microsoft 30 years ago, we had a vision of "a computer on every desk and in every home," which probably sounded a little too optimistic at a time when most computers were the size of refrigerators. But we believe that personal computer would change the world.


比尔盖茨成功的小故事 一 盖茨是为电脑而生的,而他也把电脑带入到了一个美丽的新世界…… 盖茨进入湖滨中学之后迷上了电脑,从此就无心上其他课,每天都泡在计算中心。从 8年级开始,他就和同学一起帮人设计简单的电脑程序,以此赚取零用钱。盖茨的好朋友 保罗·艾伦后来和盖茨一起创立了微软公司回忆说,"我们当时经常一直干到三更半夜, 我们爱死了电脑软件的工作,那时侯我们玩的真开心。" 盖茨说,"那时侯,保罗常常把我从垃圾桶上拉起来,而我却继续趴在那里不肯起来,因为在那里我找到一些上面还沾着咖啡渣的程序设计师的笔记或字条,然后我们一起对着 这些宝贵的资料研究操作系统。" 盖茨上9年级的时候,TRW公司的工程师在架设西北输电网络时遇到了问题,一筹莫展。这时候,他们发现了湖滨中学计算中心的一份《问题报告书》,当场打电话给制作这 份报告的两位"侦测错误大师"盖茨和艾伦,希望他们两人能来帮助排除问题。但他们压根 没有想到,这两位大师居然只是9年级和10年级的学生! 二 蓋茨從小就非常努力。他從頭到尾讀完了整部《世界大百科全書》。他的父母也鼓勵 他多讀書,但凡蓋茨想讀的書,他們都會買給他。 老蓋茨說,兒子在11歲時便表現出與眾不同的智力水準,經常向父母問一些國際關係、商業和生命本質的問題。老蓋茨說,這些問題很有趣,我認為這樣很好。現在可以告 訴你,他母親並不欣賞這一點,甚至令她感到不安。 此時,蓋茨已開始不斷衝撞母親意欲控制他的本能,不斷引爆意志的較量。瑪麗對兒 子的一切期待──保持房間乾淨、按時吃飯、不要咬鉛筆──忽然間成為雙方摩擦的起源。最終,兩人爆發了一場激烈爭吵。 蓋茨12歲那年,在一次晚餐時,他同母親的大戰終於達到了高潮。在餐桌上,蓋茨 沖著母親大吵大嚷,他現在將其描述為“極其不敬,帶有狂妄自大的孩子般的粗魯”。 一向好脾氣的老蓋茨再也按捺不住心中怒火,將一杯水潑到了兒子的臉上。 他和妻子還帶孩子去心理醫生。蓋茨後來回憶道,他當時向心理醫生說,正在與想控 制他的父母爆發戰爭。據說心理醫生當時告訴老蓋茨和瑪麗,他們的兒子最終將贏得“獨 立戰爭”的勝利,他們最好減少對他生活的干涉。 三


态度决定一切 清华大学生回高中母校演讲稿:态度决定一切 接下这个“任务”的时候心里忐忑不断。我在初中的时候并未出类拔萃到足够资格写下这个所谓“经验书”。名次在年级20上下徘徊,偶尔冲到前十也会在下一轮重归原位。现在回想起来初中的日子同高中相比过得甚是清闲。当年级里面神话一般的前三名正围在一起讨论题目的时候,我兴许还在和我的众友人叼着吸管缓缓在小吃店踱步。 那时候的“经验”能拨出来一提的,怕是只有“上课认真听讲”“作业认真完成”“考前认真复习”之类之类大众皆知的道理了。更特别的就是考前复习劲头足得不像话。几个人结伴几个中午不回家,中饭在体育场边上的某个炒面摊解决,窝在教室坐一团疯狂背书复习。考试前等着考场开门,坐在地上还是捧着书被历史被政治。彼此在抽查练习中建立深厚的革命友谊。 其实介绍学习方法的东西不用我讲大家从各个途径都得知了很多。我在初中时就和普通的学生一样,在普通的生活中学习并玩儿着。 真正让我转变的还是初三的时候。那时候考长沙名校的风潮盛起,年级里边各班都有那么几个学生坐了车子跑去长沙搏一搏命运。我也被风潮吹去了长沙,几个玩伴边玩边走,不明白外面的世界山多高水多深。考试的时候明白了差距,结果如意料中的狼狈。晚上在宾馆突然看见爸妈整理行李的背影,羞愧和自卑就全部冲上喉咙。“我算什么”“我有什么资格在这里”“我以后会如何”“我应该如何”……之后就会莫名地想这些问题,这样的情绪一直延续到高一,我在这

样的转折中真正地成长了。之后就不会再为自己的一点小成绩洋洋得意,不会再为自己得了第一名而沾沾自喜。在某个时刻好像总有人在角落里朝自己喊:“你算什么,外面有更高的天,更厉害的人。”我就在这样的忧患中小心谨慎不敢停下,变得和初中时代那神话般的前三名一样,觉得没有作业是做得完的,没有什么东西是可以学尽的。 所以改变有时候只需要一个背影和几分钟的静默。我们都需要契机让自己找到真正坚持学习和奋斗的理由。我的理由就是梦想,父母,还有尊严。当你再一个领域有着长足的进步的时刻,你就会享受这样的进步,并在进步中得到足值的回报。 在这个过程中,没有什么比态度更重要的了。也许有很多学习的捷径听起来诱人又可口,但是也请务必相信,只有你真正端正的态度才会帮你找到真正地捷径,而不是通往目标途中的陷阱。 再仔细想想,也没多的好经验可以推送了。条框白目的方法处处有,我在这里以我的切身经验就是想告诉大家,态度有时候就是可以决定一切,不管你信不信服。 希望能给各位学弟妹帮助。


组织行为学案例分析 比尔·盖茨---微软公司 比尔·盖茨(1955----)微软公司创始人之一、微软公司主席兼首席软件架构师。比尔·盖茨是一名美国企业家、软件工程师、慈善家以及微软公司的董事长。他与保罗·艾伦一起创建了微软公司,曾任微软CEO和首席软件设计师,并持有公司超过8%的普通股,也是公司最大的个人股东。1995年到2007年的《福布斯》全球亿万富翁排行榜中,比尔·盖茨连续13年蝉联世界首富。2008年6月27日正式退出微软公司,并把580亿美元个人财产尽数捐到比尔与美琳达·盖茨基金会。《福布斯》杂志2009年3月12日公布全球富豪排名,比尔·盖茨以400亿美元资产重登榜首。 一、根据相关理论,你怎样评价比尔·盖茨的个性特质? 根据组织行为学的相关理论,比尔盖茨的个性符合一般个性心理特征的一些特点,如组合性、稳定性和可变性、一般性和独特性、生物制约性和社会制约性。在气质方面,偏向于胆汁质和粘液质,在工作中既有激情,又深谋远虑,之智力强,对微软公司有长某规划,在细节环节上也能观察入微,当然,胆汁质和粘液质也为他带来一些负面的影响,比如操纵垄断等。而在性格方面,比尔盖茨比较稳定内向外向兼顾,个人认为比尔盖茨并不算那种以自我为中心,个性张扬的,所以还是属于偏于内向的,他乐观,积极向上,对社会的态度和对他人的态度非常友好,成立基金会帮助他人,希望他人奋进,而对待自己也很严格,这是这些优良的品质造就了他的成功。 (一)个人品质方面 1.严正的道德感 如果大老板的价值观不明确,企业的价值观也会摇摆不定。这需要不至于造成营运危机,但除非公司愿意付出高额的成本,否则无法网罗一流的员工。因为优秀的人才,不愿意在自己无法认同的企业工作。 2.野心 最好的管理人,是帝国的建造者。他们要创造可以流传后世的基业。这不是自大的个人野心,而是对卓越的狂热和永无止境的追求。这是优秀管理人不可或缺的条件。 3.自信 培养人才,意味着必须和一群优秀的人才共事,还要引导、激励他们。会忌妒属下的管理人,无法博取属下的忠诚。自信使人能够承认自己的弱点,并寻求协助,而不会过度防御,自觉不如人。拥有自信,乐观的个人特质。 4.适应能力 在事情不顺利的时候,仍能保持活力与弹性,管理人不只要能察觉市场、民意、政策风向的变化,还要能迅速找出应对之策,不被自己过去的信念所局限。能够很快适应新环境的变化,并能够身在其中,游刃有余。 5.魅力 成功人士几乎都拥有这项特质,这有时需要一点运气,但运气是可遇而不可求的。管理人的个人魅力,能够使下属尊重佩服,并且有助于培养下属的忠诚度。能够有效的团结公司的其它员工。 (二)管理行为理论方面


President Bush Speaks at Tsinghua University Tsinghua University Beijing, People's Republic of China 10:35 A.M. (Local PRESIDENT BUSH: Vice President Hu, thank you very much for your kind and generous remarks. Thank you for welcoming me and my wife, Laura, here. (Applause. I see she's keeping pretty good company, with the Secretary of State, Colin Powell. It's good to see you, Mr. Secretary. (Applause. And I see my National Security Advisor, Ms. Condoleezza Rice, who at one time was the provost at Stanford University. So she's comfortable on university campuses such as this. Thank you for being here, Condi. (Applause. I'm so grateful for the hospitality, and honored for the reception at one of China's, and the world's, great universities. This university was founded, interestingly enough, with the support of my country, to further ties between our two nations. I know how important this place is to your Vice President. He not only received his degree here, but more importantly, he met his gracious wife here. (Laughter. I want to thank the students for giving me the chance to meet with you, the chance to talk a little bit about my country and answer some of your questions. The standards and reputation of this university are known around the world, and I know what an achievement it is to be here. So, congratulations. (Applause. I don't know if you know this or not, but my wife and I have two daughters who are in college, just like you. One goes to the University of Texas. One goes to Yale. They're twins. And we are proud of our daughters, just like I'm sure your parents are proud of you. My visit to China comes on an important anniversary, as the Vice President mentioned. Thirty years ago this week, an American President arrived in


比尔·盖茨和夫人梅琳达·盖茨在斯坦福大学2014年毕业典礼上的演讲。整个演讲以“乐观”为主线,强调了他们对科技的乐观态度,以及对世界美好未来的乐观态度。盖茨夫妇轮流讲述了自己的亲身经历和故事,告诉学生应该站在他人的立场上,感同身受那些处境不及自己的人,尽自己所能去帮助那些需要帮助的人,让全世界所有人类同胞都有一样的美好未来。Stanford University. (斯坦福大学) BILL GATES: Congratulations, class of 2014! 比尔·盖茨:2014届毕业生,祝贺你们顺利毕业 (Cheers).(欢呼) Melinda and I are excited to be here. It would be a thrill for anyone to be invited to speak at a Stanford commencement, but it's especially gratifying for us. Stanford is rapidly becoming the favorite university for members of our family, and it's long been a favorite university for Microsoft and our foundation. 我和梅琳达怀着激动的心情与你们欢聚在此共贺毕业。能受邀到斯坦福大学学位授予典礼上做演讲是一件让人激动的事,对我们而言,这尤为荣幸。斯坦福大学正日渐成为我们家庭成员最喜爱的大学。而长久以来,斯坦福也是微软以及比尔与梅琳达基金会最喜爱的一所大学。”


比尔盖茨清华演讲(英文) (2007-09-28 13:41:47) Attending to of high regard president, the teacher, the classmates of Chin Hua university: Acquire Chin Hua university the honorary doctorate academic degree of this top-grade university in the world, let me feel to be honored very much.Chin Hua is an all of a hundred years history school, was born here a lot of outstanding scientist, businesses and political leader. I visited a Chin Hua last time is in 1997.At that time, the Chinese student's artistic talent, enthusiasm and created * to leave a very deep impression for me.After, I decide in China to establish the Microsoft Asian institute for research.At to the leadership of ocean Doctor under, at Chin Hua etc. the university excellent graduate student of under help, the Microsoft Asian institute for research obtained success, making huge contribution for the Microsoft company.Can see their figures in various international conference tops.They is also the new products of Microsoft,such as Windows Vista, to be born, paying industrious effort.Today that develop quickly in calculator science, the student who is a Chin Hua is a business of excited public.


比尔盖茨成功之道 不把鸡蛋放在同一个篮子里。沃伦·巴菲特曾评价比尔盖茨说:“如果他卖的不是软件而是汉堡,他也会成为世界汉堡大王。”言下之意,并不是微软成就了盖茨,而是其商业天赋成就了这个世上最富有的人。观点俗语有云:“别把鸡蛋放在同一个篮子里”,这虽然是老生常谈,但从风险管理的角度来看,分散投资却是一种经得起时间考验的策略。 如果只买1只股票,一旦选错则赔个精光;但如果买的是20只股票,所谓“东方不亮西方亮”,在涨跌互相抵消之后,可能是小赚或小赔。显然,全部的钱投资在1只股票上的风险,比分散投资在20只股票上的风险要高得多。 此外,还可在不同资产种类中选择多种投资方向,如股票、债券、现金和银行存款等。选择风险收益特征不同的投资品种构建组合,可以兼顾风险与回报。例如,一个股票占40%、国债占40%、定期存款占20%的投资组合,1996年至2003年间平均年回报率为9.07%,高于100%投资于定期存款的组合;同时,其标准差(衡量回报率的波动程度)却远小于100%投资于股票的组合。 (汇丰晋信) 案例 美国《福布斯》杂志近日公布了2006年度世界超级富豪排行榜,微软公司董事长比尔·盖茨以500亿美元的身价蝉联世界首富。从退学建立微软,到成为世界首富,盖茨只用了20年的时间。此后,这个被美国人誉为“坐在世界巅峰的人”就再也没有从这个位子上下来过,一坐就是12年。 互联网仍然充满魅力,其实盖茨作为世界首富的日子也是波折不断。在1998年股票市场的互联网泡沫出现前,盖茨的财富已经达到近1000亿美元。 2000年网络股热潮开始消退,微软股价下滑近63%,盖茨身价也随之缩水了近一半。尽管盖茨依然保持着全球首富的位子,但与第二名的差距已经是越来越小,那时人们纷纷预测,随着互联网泡沫的破灭,盖茨迟早要让出“天下第一”的宝座。 然而事情发展并没有像人们想象的那样。2003年以来,美国经济强劲复苏,带动了互联网业的回暖。且不说屡创奇迹的Google等后起之秀,微软公司在股票市场上的表现也很抢眼,盖茨的财富重新水涨船高。在过去一年里,盖茨的财富增加了近8%。 分散投资分散风险 对于理财,盖茨自然也有自己的一套。对微软公司前途的信心使盖茨仍然把财富的绝大部分投在公司股票上,尽管他已经不担任公司的CEO,但是作为微软的首席架构师,他仍然主导着公司的发展方向和战略规划。不过精明的他也会在好的价位适当地套现一些股票。股市交易记录显示,上个月盖茨就在公开市场出售了100万股微软股票,获得收入近2700万美元。 当然,像盖茨这样的聪明人是决不会把“把鸡蛋放在一个篮子里”的。具有远见的盖茨早在网络股泡沫破裂之前就开始分散投资了。盖茨在1995年建立了一家投资公司,据了解,该公司管理的投资组合价值100亿美元,其中很大一部


Remarks by President Bush at Tsinghua University Feb. 22, 2002 /10:35 A.M. (Local) PRESIDENT BUSH: Vice President Hu, thank you very much for your kind and generous remarks. Thank you for welcoming me and my wife, Laura, here. (Applause.) I see she's keeping pretty good company, with the Secretary of State, Colin Powell. It's good to see you, Mr. Secretary. (Applause.) And I see my National Security Advisor, Ms. Condoleezza Rice, who at one time was the provost(教务长)at Stanford University. So she's comfortable on university campuses such as this. Thank you for being here, Condi. (Applause.) I'm so grateful for the hospitality, and honored for the reception at one of China's, and the world's, great universities. This university was founded, interestingly enough, with the support of my country, to further ties between our two nations. I know how important this place is to your Vice President. He not only received his degree here, but more importantly, he met his gracious wife here. (Laughter.) I want to thank the students for giving me the chance to meet with you, the chance to talk a little bit about my country and answer some of your questions. The standards and reputation of this university are known around the world, and I know what an achievement it is to be here. So, congratulations. (Applause.) I don't know if you know this or not, but my wife and I have two daughters who are in college, just like you. One goes to the University of Texas. One goes to Yale. They're twins. And we are proud of our daughters, just like I'm sure your parents are proud of you. My visit to China comes on an important anniversary, as the Vice President mentioned. Thirty years ago this week, an American President arrived in China on a trip designed to end decades of estrangement and confront centuries of suspicion. President Richard Nixon showed the world that two vastly different governments could meet on the grounds of common interest, in the spirit of mutual respect. As they left the airport that day, Premier Zhou Enlai said this to President Nixon: "Your handshake came over the vastest ocean in the world -- 25 years of no communication." During the 30 years since, America and China have exchanged many handshakes of friendship and commerce. And as we have had more contact with each other, the citizens of both countries have gradually learned more about each other. And that's important. Once America knew China only by its history as a great and enduring civilization. Today, we see a China that is still defined by noble traditions of family, scholarship, and honor. And we see a


Stanford University BILL GATES: Congratulations, class of 2014! 比尔·盖茨:2014届毕业生,祝贺你们顺利毕业 (Cheers)(欢呼) Melinda and I are excited to be here. It would be a thrill for anyone to be invited to speak at a Stanford commencement, but it's especially gratifying for us. Stanford is rapidly becoming the favorite university for members of our family, and it's long been a favorite university for Microsoft and our foundation. 我和梅琳达怀着激动的心情与你们欢聚在此共贺毕业。能受邀到斯坦福大学学位授予典礼上做演讲是一件让人激动的事,对我们而言,这尤为荣幸。斯坦福大学正日渐成为我们家庭成员最喜爱的大学。而长久以来,斯坦福也是微软以及比尔与梅琳达基金会最喜爱的一所大学。” Our formula has been to get the smartest, most creative people working on the most important problems. It turns out that a disproportionate number of those people are at Stanford. (Cheers). 我们一直致力于让最聪颖有创造力的人攻克最为重要的问题。结果证明,一大部分这样的人才都来自于斯坦福校园。(欢呼) Right now, we have more than 30 foundation research projects underway here. When we want to learn more about the immune system to help cure the worst diseases, we work with Stanford. When we want to understand the changing landscape of higher education in the United States, so that more low-income students get college degrees, we work with Stanford. This is where genius lives. 如今,我们在这里进行着30多个研究项目。当我们想要通过对免疫系统的研究来寻找治愈世界上最可怕疾病的方法,我们需要斯坦福。当我们需要通过对美国高等教育的研究来帮助低收入学生上大学时,我们亦需要斯坦福。这便是人才的摇篮。 There's a flexibility of mind here, an openness to change, an eagerness for what's new. This is where people come to discover the future, and have fun doing it. 在这里,有着灵活的思维,对于改变的开放态度以及对新鲜事物的渴求。在这里,人们善于发现新事物,并乐享这份经历。 MELINDA GATES: Now, some people call you all nerds and we hear that you claim that label with pride. (Cheers and Applause). 梅琳达?盖茨:当下,一些人用书呆子这样词语称呼你们,而我们听说你们正为这个称呼而倍感骄傲。(欢呼和掌声) BILL GATES: Well, so do we. (Cheers and Applause) 比尔盖茨:嗯,我们与你们同在。(欢呼和掌声) BILL GATES: My normal glasses really aren't all that different. (Laughter)
