八年级下册暑假作业答案(语文 数学 英语)

八年级下册暑假作业答案(语文 数学  英语)
八年级下册暑假作业答案(语文 数学  英语)


























































































二.1.screaming2.Have,visited3.Were,playing4.skating5.willcome6.bought7.toturn8.wore9.collect ing10.totravel





二.1.rode2.has,hashad3.worry,will be4.Have,put5.haslived,came6.haveseen,saw7.was watching8.was,haslived





known2.havelearnt3.was4.hasbeen5.haven’tfinished6.haveseen7.havehad8.Havetravell ed9.havee aten10.havn’tseen





一.1.wonderful2.clapped3.helpless4.include5.magic6.marching7.excitement8.endless9.became,h asbeen10.lived,haschanged





初中英语新课程标准教材 英语教案( 2019 — 2020学年度第二学期 ) 学校: 年级: 任课教师: 教学相关 / 暑假作业 编订:XX文讯教育机构

20192020新版八年级下册英语暑假作业答案 教材简介:本教材主要用途为通过学习英语的内容,提高学生的语言技能,增加一项语言能力,有利于国际化的日常交流、生活、工作等,本教学相关资料适用于初中八年级英语科目, 学习后学生能得到全面的发展和提高。本内容是按照教材的内容进行的编写,可以放心修改调整或直接进行教学使用。 练习一 Ⅰ. 1. untidy 2. stamp 3. interview 4. least 5. fan Ⅱ. 1. collections 2. invited 3. did, start 4. has gone 5.came 6. did , buy, have,had 7. have left, don’t forget Ⅲ. 1~5 BBBBC 6~10 ADACC Ⅳ. 1. will look after 2. like doing 3. To develop 4.great success 5. such as Ⅴ. 1. My favourite 2. How many 3. to do 4. When 5. Why do 练习二 Ⅰ. 1. She is afraid to walk in the dark. 2. Are you afraid of snakes ? 3. Could you tell me how old Tom is ? 4. By the way , why don’t you look up the word in the dictionary ?


八年级英语(下)第一单元检测题 (1) 班级_____ 姓名_____________ 学号_______ 等级_______ 一、词汇考查。 A.选择正确的词语填空。 1. Tom has __________ (few; fewer) Christmas cards than I. 2. They believe that there will be __________ (less; fewer) green trees in fifty years. 3. He is ill and he can eat _________ (more; less) food, so he gets quite weak. 4. The ________ (more; much) we get together, the ________ (happy; happier) we’ll be. 5. David has _______ (less; fewer) money than Anna has. B.把括号中的汉语翻译成英语。 6.—Do you have a little _______________(空闲时间)? —Yes, I do. Why? —I want to talk about something with you. 7.I think I will be in a high school _________________(四年以后). 8.—What do you think about in the future? —I think students will all study at home ________________(用电脑). 9.Which movies will _____________________(得奖) next year? 10.—Can you _________________(吹喇叭)? —A little. —Then join us, please. C.理解句意,填补所缺部分。 11.Thursday is the f ___ day of a week. 12. Yesterday it rained very h_______ , so I didn’t go out. 13. My parents enjoy l in the countryside very much. 14. Do you have any l time? I want your help. 15. The computer is an important i . 16. There will be less p in 100 years. 17. We will have a long v after a few days. 18. Do you have a c card? 19. The other students kept their eyes c right away. 20. Their lives will be a lot b than it is now. 二、根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 21. She wants to be a _________ (science) when she grows up.


2018三年级英语暑假作业之英语阅读三则【篇一】 Henry令人惊异的想象力 Henry loved using his imagination... Henry喜欢发挥自己的想象力, especially during show and tell. He told the class a fish so big... 特别是在表演秀的时候。他会告诉同学们一条鱼会这么大.... it pulled his boat across the whole lake! 那条鱼会推动他的船穿越整个湖。 And he built a snowman as big as his house [会告诉同学说他推了一个想他家这么大的雪人。 Henry even told the class all about his neighbor‘s pet,Joey. Henry甚至还告诉同学们所有关于他邻居的宠物,Joey。 The day Henry told them an alien landed in his yard... 有一天,Henry告诉他们有一个外星人降落在他的院子里.... everyone started asking questions. 每个人都开始问Henry问题了。 Why did’t you call 911?What color was the alien? 为什么不打911?外星人是什么颜色呢? Aliens don‘t land in back-yards.They land at Disney world. 外星人不会降落在后院的,他们是降落在迪士尼世界。 My mom says there are no aliens. 我妈妈说世界上是不存在外星人的。 What planet was he from?how can an alien breathe on earth? 外星人是从哪个星球来的呢?在地球上,外星人是怎样呼吸的呢? Tony said,“ You’re a big fibber!” 突然,Tony说,“你是骗子,说谎!“


一、单词:下学期开学七年级下册词汇测试! 1、期末考试110分以上的同学不用抄单词,自己背记。 2、期末考试100分以上的同学每个单词抄3遍。 3、期末考试90分以上的同学每个单词抄5遍。 4、期末考试70-80分的同学每个单词10遍。 5、期末考试70分以下的同学每个单词30遍。 建议:在熟练掌握七年级上下册单词的基础上,提前背记八年级上册的单词。 二、课文:熟读背诵 1、期末考试110分以上的同学不用抄课文。 2、期末考试100分以上的同学每篇课文抄1遍。 3、期末考试90分以上的同学每篇课文抄2遍。 4、期末考试70-80分的同学每篇课文3遍。 5、期末考试70分以下的同学每篇课文5遍。 三、课外阅读:摘记下学期开学上交检查! 全体同学:每天阅读英语文章不少于400字,并自己准备一本专用的英语摘记本做好阅读摘记。摘记内容包括:生词、好短语、好句或好段落等,建议根据不同话题进行摘记,即同一个话题的内容能摘记在一起。可以去书店购买一本难度相当于七年级下水平的课外阅读。 四、写作:作文下学期开学上交检查! 全体同学:写周记(共7篇),可以围绕课本所学话题内容

进行写作,也可以自主写作。可以写在本子上假期后上交或写好后直接发到老师的信箱,老师会在第一时间批阅你的英语作文。 五、整理笔记:笔记下学期开学上交检查! 全体同学:利用这个暑假时间将七年级的英语笔记整理好,将书上和课时夺冠的笔记转摘到自己的笔记本上,并背记! 六、选作题:(80分以上的同学选择至少一个内容完成) 1、听英文歌曲,自己摘抄歌词,并学会3首英文歌。 2、观看5部英文电影,并将电影中的英文字幕摘抄下来。


典例在线 1.(20xx﹒江苏泰州)—Is there ____________ else in the classroom? —It is empty. ____________ is listening to a speech in the school hall. A. anyone;Anyone B. anyone;Everyone C. everyone;Anyone D. everyone;Everyone 【答案】B 【易混辨析】 anyone和any one anyone 只指人,不指物,且后面不接of短语any one 既可指人,又可指物,表示"任何一个",后面可接of短语。一言辨异 Anyone in my class knows any one of the singers and any one of their songs. 我们班上任何人都知道这些歌手中的任何一个和他们歌曲中的任何一 首。误区警示 anyone作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 ? Is anyone watching the football match? 有人看足球比赛吗? 2. It is a world of flowers in spring in Dongying. You can see flowers ____________.

A. anywhere B. nowhere C. somewhere D. everywhere 【答案】D 【易混辨析】 anywhere, somewhere, everywhere与nowhere anywhere 意为"在任何地方"。常用于否定句和疑问句中。 somewhere 意为"在某处",常用于肯定句。 everywher 意为"到处;各个地方",相当于here and there。 e nowhere 意为"无处,哪里都不",表示否定意义。 误区警示 当形容词修饰anywhere,somewhere或nowhere等词时,形容词要后置。 ? We went somewhere beautiful yesterday. 昨天我们去了一个美丽的地方。 试题推荐 1. —Did you go to Shanghai with ____________ last week? —No, ____________ went there with me. A. anyone;someone B. anyone; no one C. someone;anyone D. someone; no one 2. —Who taught you painting, Lucy? —____________. I learned it by ____________.


八年级英语下册仁爱版参考答案 Unit 5 Feeling Happy Topic 1 Why all the smiling faces? Section I. 1. invite sb. to do sth. 2. go to the movies 3. spend the evening 4. prepare…for 5. say thanks to 6. the smiling faces II. 1—6 BABCAB III.1. invited 2. taste 3. none 4. cruel 5. smile IV. 1. How does, sound 2. Where are 3. When are, going 4. What will 5. Did, feel Section B I. 1. be proud of 2. be pleased with 3. like…a lot 4. set the table 5. ring up sb. 6. feel sorry for II. 1—6 ABABCB III. 1. seems 2. smells 3. proud 4. film/movie 5. surprised IV. 1. cloudy 2. boring 3. really 4. unhappy 5. pleased V. 1. invite, to 2. is preparing, for 3. one of, favorite subjects 4. spend the evening Section C I. 1. care for 2. because of 3. cheer up 4. on one’s way to 5. in the end 6. fall into 7. at fist 8. think of II. 1—4 CAAC 5—8 CBCA III. 1. players 2. worried 3. funny 4. were 5. happily IV. 1. lonely 2. America 3. cry 4. lively V. 1. What’s wrong with 2. What did, teach, do 3. Did, live 4. at last 5. here and there Section D I. 1—5 ABCBA II. 1. pleased 2. worried 3. smiling 4. laugh 5. collecting III. 1. What did, go, for 2. When did, come 3. Did, use to be 4. doesn’t taste 5. do they IV. 1. More and more 2. is popular with 3. is full of 4. came into being 5. make peace with V. 1—5 FTFFT VI. 1—5 BACBC 6—10 CBABA VII.略 Topic 2 I feel better now. Section A I. 1—5 ABCAA II. 1. better 2. telling 3. badly 4. excited 5. yourself III. 1. Is there anything 2. Why is 3. don’t need 4. Don’t be 5. How does, feel IV. 1. be strict with ourselves 2. talk with 3. fell down 4. Take it easy 5. do badly in Section B I. 1—5 CACBB



1.常见标志 A 不准停车安全出口 肯德基小心路滑 B No parking No smoking No photos 不会 C No food No music 2.广告英语 1.I'm lovin'it(我就喜欢)——麦当劳 2.Obey your thirst. (服从你的渴望。)——雪碧 3.We lead Others copy. (我们领先,他人仿效。)——理光复印机 4.The taste is great. (味道好极了。)——雀巢咖啡 5.Let's make things better. (让我们做得更好。)——飞利浦电子 6.Good to the last drop. (滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。)——麦斯威尔咖啡 7.Feel the new space. (感受新境界。)——三星电子 8.Just do it. (只管去做。)——耐克运动鞋 9.Focus on life. (瞄准生活。)——奥林巴斯相

机 10. We're the dot. in. com. (我们就是网络。)——太阳微系统公司 广告英语的语言特点简单,明了一般都是几个字 3.动物与英语 pig dog cat 1.Love me,love my dog. .爱屋及乌 2.I wanted mother‘s present to be secret,but my sister let the cat out of the bag. .给妈妈的礼物我本想保密,但妹妹却露出了马脚 3.He was lake a cat in hot bricks before his driving test. 面临驾驶考试,他急得像热锅上的蚂蚁 4.The pian is a dead duck :there is no money. 计划泡汤了,因为没有钱 5.My new car gose like a bird.It runs fairly well. 我的新车行驶自如,它跑得非常好。 6.You can taik till the cows come home;you'll never make me clange my mind. 你就算说出大天来,也休想改变我的主意


八年级英语试卷(Unit2) 温馨寄语:天道酬勤 一.重点单词 1.肢体语言 2.一些手势的意思 3.短信息 4.发生 5.坐起来 6.看起来厌倦 7.兼职工作 8.替代…… 9.马上 10.给…… 11.接受建议 12.你交流的方式 13.片刻之后 14.喜欢做某事 15.做完某事 16.练习做某事 17.介意做某事 18.想象做某事 19.擅长做某事 20.期待做某事 21.对做某事感兴趣 22.芭蕾舞训练 23.在年纪小的时候 二.单项选择 ( ) 1. We’ll use the mon ey we have raised our school library. A. in B. at C. to D. for ( )2. What a beautiful sweater!How much did you for it? 198 yuan. A.take B. cost C. pay D. spend ( )3. I think you can money by yourself to buy a birthday present for your mother. OK. I’ll try. I’ll not let a penny waste. A. spend B. save C. took D. to take ( )4. It them two thousand yuan to buy this computer. A. spent B. paid C. took D. to take ( )5. Your coat is so beautiful. It me 120 yuan. Not really. I only $ 30 on it. A. cost B. spent C. paid D. took ( )6. I bought a new sweater last weekend. It me 120 yuan.


Unit 1 Section A I.1. buildings 2. Everything 3. fewer 4. robots 5. less 6. pollution II. 1~6 BBCACC III. 1. went to college 2. will be 3. There will be 4. live to ; don’t agree 5. big and crowded IV. 1.Will there be; Yes;will 2. won’t be 3. Will ; read 4. Where will 5.didn’t play 6. Was she Section B I.1. space 2. fly 3. alone 4. myself 5. probably II. 1~5 ACBAC 6~7 CB III. 1. gets 2. trying 3. Shall; go 4. will phone 5. will be 6. took IV. 1. fell in love with 2. with a garden 3. are able to 4. go swimming 5. in ten years Self Check I. 1~ 5 CBBAA 6-7 AB II. 1. was 2. will be 3. to keep 4. myself 5. will fly III. 1.came true 2. predict the future 3. no sound 4. wear suits 5. for vacation IV. 1. on 2. won’t 3. have 4. take 5. more Reading I.1~ 5 BACBC 6-8 BAA II. 1. unpleasant 2. scientist 3. impossible 4. everywhere 5. simple III. 1. hundreds 2. bored 3. scientists 4. disagree 5. impossible Ⅳ. 1. don’t think; will 2. will come 3. What will;be 4. It’s; to predict 5. What do Ⅴ. 1~ 5 ACABA 6-10BAABA Ⅵ. 1~ 6 TFTFFT Ⅶ. One possible version My future In twenty years, I think I will be a police officer. I will be a tall and strong man with short hair. I will live in Shanghai, because I think it is a beautiful city and I like it very much. I will live in a big apartment with my family. I will have two children, and I will play with them on


八年级英语暑假作业参考答案 练习一 Ⅰ. 1. untidy 2. stamp 3. interview 4. least 5. fan Ⅱ. 1. collections 2. invited 3. did, start 4. has gone 5.came 6. did , buy, have,had 7. have left, don’t forget Ⅲ. 1~5 BBBBC 6~10 ADACC Ⅳ. 1. will look after 2. like doing 3. To develop 4.great success 5. such as Ⅴ. 1. My favourite 2. How many 3. to do 4. When 5. Why do 练习二 Ⅰ. 1. She is afraid to walk in the dark. 2. Are you afraid of snakes ? 3. Could you tell me how old Tom is ? 4. By the way , why don’t you look up the word in the dictionary ? 5. I have heard that there is going to be a class meeting on Friday.

Ⅱ. 1~5 CADBD 6~10 AADAB Ⅲ. 1.when the train leaves 2. if, wanted 3. if/ whether, was 4. don’t, not 5. Be, or Ⅳ. 1~5 BADBB 6~10 CCDBC 练习三 Ⅰ. 1. make friends 2. day by day 3. at first 4. far away 5. at that moment 6. in a few weeks 7. worry about 8. as a result 9. smile at… 10. a couple of Ⅱ. 1. take up 2. spends, practicing 3. At first 4. to do 5. I hope you can have a good time at the party. Ⅲ. 1~5 FBGED Ⅳ. 1. cut down 2. in danger 3. fresh 4. save 5. important 6. protect 7. waste 8. throw 9. plant 10. beautiful


八年级暑假作业英语答案2020练习一 present since doctor pollution open DABAC BBADB has taught married swim came have been have lived was 练习二 changes seen in fact marry southern enjoyed ourselves

won’t until have been married has kept different from AADBD ABB 练习三 possible service although attraction present have since How many When buy Have carried got → been didn’t → hasn’t sadly → sad but → / already → yet next to

has been opened any more how to get It’s to read There are came but came have known are interested in 练习四 CBACD B not arrived yet How long been How long heard Has ever been Has changed yet I have lived here since I was born It’s happy to play Chinese chess with my classmates Though Tom was ill, he went to school Where’s Mary? She has gone to the cinema Have you ever been to Beijing? Yes. I have been there I used to play computer games, but now I’m not

最新人教版新目标 初二英语下册学案及答案

八年级下册学案 Unit 1 Will people have robots? Section A 一、教师寄语:Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. 自信是走向成功的第一步。 二、学习目标: Knowledge goals(知识目标) .Words : robot, paper, less, fewer, will, pollution, astronaut ,space, fly, alone Sentences:- - Will there be less pollution? -No, there won’t. There will be more pollution. -Will there be fewer trees? --Yes, there will. Kids won’t go to school. 三、教学重难点 ◆重点由will构成的一般将来时态的句式。 ◆难点1.more,less,fewer的用法2.there be 句式的一般将来时态there will be 四、学习过程 1、预习导学及自测 A.英汉互译 1.污染________ _ 2.空闲时间_____________ _ 3.on computers___________ 4.study at home______ 5.in 100 years____________ 6. be free_________ B.用more,less,fewer填空: 1.There will be ________________(更多的建筑)in 50 years. 2.The students will have _______________(更少的家庭作业)to do. 3.There will be ________________(更少的污染)here. 4.Kids will have ________________(更少的计算机)in their classroom. 5.There will be ________________(更多的图书馆)in this city. 6.There will be ________________(更少的树)in the park. 2、语法小结:there be 结构 ①构成:肯定句:There be+某人/某物+地点/否定句:There be +not, some改any,(not any可 以换成no)/ 一般疑问句;be提前,some改any ② there be 接词要运用就近原则. a. There____ a book and two rulers on the desk. b. There ____ two rulers and a book on the desk. ③ There be 句型有时态的变化 a. 一般现在时:There is/are… b. 一般过去时:There was/were… c. 一般将来时:There will be…/ There is/are going to be… ④there be句型的一般将来时


三年级英语暑假作业卷 一、认真听录音,请选出你所听到的一项(5分) ( )1. A .name B. cake C. game ( )2. A . he B. she C.. me ( )3. A .no B.go C.home ( )4. A. have some coke B. have some water C. have some milk ( )5. A. go home B. play a game C. run a race 二、从句子中圈出你听到的句子(5分) 1、 What’s on the table? 2、 I have a toy bike . 3、 Is it fine today . 4、 Cool ! Let ‘s ride it . 5、 How nice the kite is ! 三、认真听录音,请选出你听到的句子(10分)

( )1. A .where is my dog? B. Open the door,please. ( )2. A .Can you make cakes? B. Please have a cake. ( )3. A .Who are you? B. Who is it? ( )4. A Thank you. B. How are you? ( )5. A . It’s a tiger. B. It’s a bear. 四、认真听录音,请为你所听到的问句选出合适的答语。(10分) ( )1. A. Yes , I can. B. Yes ,I am ( )2. A. He is my father. B. She is my mother . ( )3. A. Yes ,he is . B. Yes ,it is . ( )4. A. Wow ! How nice! B. Yes ,thank you . ( )5. A. I’m fine.thank you. B. How do you do? 五、在你听到的内容和图片相符的题下括号里划“√”,不相符的划“×” (10分) 1 2 3 4 5


初二英语暑假作业【三篇】 初二英语暑假作业:第一单元 一、翻译句子。 1. ——他每逢星期天通常做什么? ——他经常去公园散步。 —— What ____ he ____ ____ on ____? —— He ____ ____ for a ____ in the park. 2. —— What is your ____ ____ (最喜欢的运动)? —— I like to play football. 3. She exercises every day. She ____ _____ _____ _____(有一个健康的生活方式). 4. ____ ____(吃蔬菜)every day ____ ____ _____ (对……有好处) your health. 5. ____ ____ (大多数的学生) watch TV____ _____ ______ a week( 每周一次或两次). 6. Our teacher wants us _____ _____ ______ (早点来) next time. 7. I often hear her _____ _____ ______ (唱这首歌) in the park. 8. Do you know ____ ____ (多久) the Olympic Games are held? 9. I don’t know _____ _____ _____(多少次) he has tried. 10. ——你周末通常做什么? ——我通常进行网上冲浪。 —— ________________________________________________


2018年8年级英语暑假作业(一) Unit1 一、单选 ( ) 1. She has been there ____________ already. A. two weeks ago B. since two weeks C. for two weeks D. in two weeks ( ) 2. My father _________ here since he _________ to this scho ol. A. taught; came B. has taught; came C. taugh t; has come D. has taught; has come ( ) 3. --- Have you returned the book to the library _____? --- Yes, I have _____ returned it A. yet; yet B. already; already C. yet; already D. already; yet ( ) 4. --- _________ has Yao Ming been in NBA? --- _________ 2002. A. How soon; In B. How long; Since C. How; soon; For D. How long In ( )5. The small town has changed a lot ________ the past 50 year s. A. since B. over C. on D. to ( ) 6. I __________ my book. A. have just finished reading B. just read C. just finished reading D. have just read ( ) 7. How long can I __________ the book? A. borrow B. lend C. keep D. looked ( ) 8. ________ in Hong Kong over the past 10 years. A. There have been many changes B. There will be


最新英语八年级英语下册阅读理解及答案 一、八年级英语下册阅读理解专项练习(含答案解析) 1.阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 (1)Which book can be kept in the kitchen and teach children facts about the food? A. Fun with Food. B. Kids Cooking Lessons E-Book. C. Food Facts E-Book. D. Kids Food Science Experiments. (2)Kids can ________ by reading Fun with Food. A. do science experiments B. do sports well C. learn to take photos D. play some riddle games (3)These four e-books are about ________. A. fishing B. cooking C. shopping D. playing 【答案】(1)C

(2)D (3)B 【解析】【分析】大意:短文介绍了四本关于食物的电子书。 (1)细节理解题。根据Food Facts E-Book中:You can keep it in the kitchen and teach kids facts about the food.可知,你可以把《食物事实》这本书放在厨房,然后教孩子一些关于食物的事实。故选C。 (2)细节理解题。根据Fun with Food中:photo tests,word exams,riddle games等,可知孩子们通过看这本书,可以玩谜语游戏。故选D。 (3)细节理解题。通读全文可知,文章主要介绍了四本关于食物,也即关于烹饪的书。故选B。 【点评】考查阅读理解。细节题要注意从文中寻找答案。 2.阅读理解 If you love reading books, you must know about the book The Little Prince. It's a famous novel written by a French writer. As one of the best-selling books in history, it has been sold as many as 200 million copies in 253 languages and dialects(方言). Now, around seventy years after the birth of the book, an American director has found a way to make it into a 3-D animated film. The book tells the story of a pilot, called The Aviator, who crashes into the desert and meets a young prince there. However, in the film, the story starts years after the crash when The Aviator is much older. He has got a new neighbor called The Little Girl, whose mother wants her to get ready to enter the grown-up world. Slowly, The Aviator shares his story with The Little Girl by writing it down and sending her a page at a time. The pages are complete with the pictures in the book, speaking about his time in the desert and taking The Little Girl to an amazing world where anything is possible. China is the first country in the world to see the film in two versions(版本)—in Chinese and English. The film shows The Little Girl's life and tells The Little Prince's story at the same time in a beautiful way. Huang Lei, a famous Chinese actor, says the film is like a childhood dream which is lost by most adults in this stressed-out society. "The most touching(感人的) part is that every one of us was a good-natured kid like The Little Prince, and it's a pity that this good characteristic(品质) goes away as time flies," he says. (1)The novel The Little Prince was written in the _________. A. 1900s B. 1940s C. 1990s D. 2010s (2)The book The Little Prince is one of the best sellers in history because ________. A. you must know about it if you love reading books B. it tells the story of The Little Prince's story C. it has been sold as many as 200 million copies in 253 languages and dialects D. the director has made it into a 3D animated film (3)How does The Little Girl get to know the story of The Little Prince? A. She reads the pages that The Aviator writes and sends to her.
