高中英语必修三Unit4Astrence of the stars学案_刘霞

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be in a puzzle 不知如何是好 be in a puzzle about ... 对……迷惑不解 be puzzled by... 被……迷惑 puzzle over / about 苦苦思考 短语
1. in time 及时;终于 The medicine is effective if it is taken in time. 如果及时服用,这种药非常有效。 The flight arrived in Beijing on time and I was in time for the meeting. 飞机准点到达 北京,我及时参加了会议。 【拓展】 all the time 一直,始终,总是 at a time 一次 at one time 曾经,一度 at the same time 同时 at times 有时,偶尔 by the time 到……的时候 from time to time 不时地 in no time 立刻,马上 on time 按时,准时 2. prevent... from 阻止;制止 Food variety and an active lifestyle are the only things that will prevent people from getting overweight. 食 物 的 多 样 性 和 积 极 的 生活方式是防止人们肥胖的唯一途径。 You cannot prevent every tragedy from occurring, but you can prevent it from destroying you emotionally. 你不能阻止每个悲剧的 发生,但是你能够阻止它在情绪上打败你。 【拓展】 stop sb (from) doing sth 和 keep sb from doing sth 在被动语态中,from 都不省略 keep sb doing 使某人一直做某事
He gave up smoking and drinking, on the ground that smoking and drinking is harmful to health. 他戒烟戒酒了,其理由是 吸烟配酒对健康有害。
Some experts argue that all television, whether educational or not, is harmful to children. 但是一些专家认为电视节目, 不管是 教育节目还是非教育节目,都对孩子有害。
in tomorrow’s game. (prevent)
一、1-3 ABD
二 、1. is harmful to 2. prevent him from
重点词语(二) (Learning about language
& Using language) 单词 1. pull n. & vt. 拉(力);拖;牵引力 Jack pulled the slip of paper from his shirt pocket. 杰克从衬衣口袋里掏出那张纸 条。 If you grasp this rope, I will pull you up. 如 果 你 抓 住 这 根 绳 子 , 我 可 把 你 拉 起 来。 What pulls the student away from moving forward is nothing but his bad habit and lack of perseverance. 妨 碍 这 个 学 生 进 步 的 正 是 他的不良习惯和缺乏毅力。 【拓展】 pull (sb) back ( 使 某 人 ) 退 却 ; 撤 回 ( 某 人) pull off (sth)(指 机 动 车 辆 )驶 离 (道 路 ) (至路侧停车处停下) pull out (sth) 拉掉;使分离;驶离(车站) pull on 穿,戴上
高中英语必修三 Unit 4
Astronomy: the science of the stars 学 案
浙江省鄞州高级中学 刘 霞
一、话题导读 温家宝总理曾赋诗《仰望星空》,他讲到 “一个民族有一些关注天空的人, 他们才有 希望;一个民族只是关心脚下的事情,那是 没有未来的。 ”天文学(Astronomy)是观察和 研究宇宙间天体的分布、运动、位置、状态、 结构、组成、性质及起源和演化的自然科学 中的一门基础学科。 天文学的实验方法是观 测,通过观测来收集天体的各种信息。 就让 下面这篇文章带领大家去“仰望星空”。 If you live in a city as most of us do now, you are used to seeing the sky through the air pollution haze and the false twilight that comes from the streetlights and shopping malls. Although our urban environment has lots of really nice conveniences, we pay a price in that we can’t ever really see the sky. For example, I live in a pretty large city and about all I can see regularly are the bright stars of the constellations and the brighter planets. Everything else is either very faint or hidden altogether. Pick a night when the weather is going to be nice and put some lawn chairs in the trunk and get as far away from the city and highways as you can. State parks are sometimes good for this. What you are looking for is a fairly isolated area with no towns or highways close by. Turn off the car and all of its lights, set up the lawn chairs and just sit and watch the sky. After about half an hour of letting your eyes get accustomed to the darkness, a whole new sky will seem to magically appear. You will see that stars really are differ-
【拓展】 harm v. & n. 伤害,损伤 harmless adj. 无害的;无恶意的 be harmful to 对……有害 do harm to 对……有害 3. exist vi. 存在;生存 He thought that if he couldn’t see something, it didn’t exist. 他 认 为 如 果 他 看 不 见 某种东西,它就不存在。 The question of old age has been raised only in recent years, yet it has long existed. 老龄问题是最近几年才提出来的。 但是老年 人的问题不是现在才有的。 Some people exist on melons or coconuts for weeks at a time. 有些人一度数周靠各种 瓜与椰子生存。 【拓展】 exist on ( = live on) sth 靠某物生存 existence n. 存在;实有 come into existence 产生;存在 in existence 现存的;现有的 4. puzzle n. 谜;难题 vt. & vi. (使)迷 惑;(使)为难 Scientists have been trying to solve this puzzle for years. 科学家们多年 来 一 直 致 力 于破解这个迷。 What puzzled the doctor most was that they could not find the cause of the disease. 最使医生迷惑的是他们无法查处病因。 If you come across puzzling questions, you can write them in your letters. 如果你们 遇到不理解的题,可以写信问。 【拓展】 puzzled adj. (被)迷惑的;不解的 puzzling adj. 令人迷惑的
ent colors. If it’s the right time of year to see either Scorpius (天 蝎 座 ) or Orion (猎 户 星 座 ), you can see that there really are red stars. In the case of Antares ( 心 宿 二 ), the heart of Scorpius, it will be a red as any stoplight and almost as bright. With a pair of binoculars (双筒望远镜), you will be able to see that the Orion nebula really does look like a small colored cloud in the sky. If it’s summer, you will see the arc of the Milky Way appearing like a giant streamer of stars sweeping across the sky. It really is worth the trip. You owe it to yourself to take it.
二、词语透视 重点词语(一)
(Warming up & Reading) 单词 1. atmosphere n. 大气层;氛围 These gases build up in the earth’s atmosphere, and trap the heat from the sun. 这 些气体聚集在地球的大气层中,使得太阳的 热量无法散发出去。 The interview took place in such a relaxed and natural atmosphere that we even forgot about the cameras. 采 访 在 轻 松 自 然 的气氛下进行,让人忘了摄影机的存在。 【拓展】 earth’s atmosphere 地球大气 social atmosphere 社会气氛 academic atmosphere 学业风气,学习氛 围 working atmosphere 工作环境 2. harmful adj. 有害的
【巩ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ练习】
1. The top leaders of the two countries are
holding talks in a friendly ________.
A. atmosphere
B. state
C. situation
D. phenomenon
2. The woman’s illness _________ all the
doctors in this hospital; they couldn’t find
the cause.
A. prevented
B. puzzled
C. exhausted
D. consulted
3. Please remind me when he said he was go-
ing. I may be ___________ to see him off.
A. at times
B. at a time
C. at one time
D. in time
1. Don’t you think smoking too much
_______________ your health? (harmful)
2. His back injury may _____________