

船代= 船舶代理在Dictionary of Shipping Terms一书中,关于船舶代理有如下定义:【Ship's agent】Person who looks after the interests of a ship while she is in port. His duties include the arranging of pilotage, towage and a berth for the ship, the signing of bills of lading and the collection of freight. The agent is paid a fee, agreed in advance with the shipowner. 【船舶代理】船舶在港期间,照管船舶利益的人。其职责包括安排船舶的引航、拖轮与靠泊,提单签发,运费收取等。船东按事先同意向代理支付费用。根据船舶代理的定义,显然,在航次租船合同中,船代应该由船东选择,委托,并支付费用,以保证船舶在港期间顺利作业。但在实务中,并不这么简单,存在“船东代理”与“租家代理”的区分。Dictionary of Shipping Terms一书,分别做如下定义:【Owner's agent】Ship's agent nominated by, and paid by, the shipowner in accordance with the charter-party. 【船东代理】由船东根据租船合同所指定并支付费用的船舶代理。(delphine译)【Charterer's agent】Ship's agent nominated by the voyage charterer in accordance with the charter-party. Although nominated by the charterer, the agent is paid by, and is responsible to, the shipowner. See also Ship's agent. 【租家代理】由航次租船人根据租船合同指定的船舶代理。尽管由租船人指定,该代理由船东支付费用,并对船东负责。参见“船舶代理”。航次租船合同中,先由租家指定船舶代理,再由船东委托,这种做法,来源与油轮运输。据资料介绍,船东委托租家指定的船舶代理,该惯例起源于20世纪60年代。当时,世界的几大石油公司逐步改变以往运输模式,即用自有船运自己的货,而是改为在航运现货市场租船运输。这些石油公司希望继续与自己原来委托的港口代理合作。这些代理熟悉石油公司的业务,可以保证装卸作业顺利,即使石油公司不再控制运输环节,仍然希望有代理指定权。石油巨头们坚持指定船舶代理的习惯做法延续下来,并渗透入干散货海上运输中,成为租船运输中的常见操作方式。(以上整理自Intermediary,2002年10月号,“Who’s agent am I?”一文。)航次租船合同中,代理指定权对船东而言,十分重要,是不肯轻易让与租家的。理由包括:在航次成本控制上,代理指定方显然有更大的议价能力,降低港口费用;在航次作业的顺利安排,自己熟悉的代理更利于操作配合;一旦船东与租家发生利益纷争,如事实记录争议,无单放货争议等,所谓“租家(船舶)代理”,究竟是租家的代理,还是船舶的代理,不能不打上一个问号; ...... 很多时候,船东面临租方市场,可能也不得不妥协。下面考察一下常见租船合同范本中代理条款:1:船东自行委托代理,租家不干预这是航运业的传统做法,条款规定相对简单,如:GENCON 1994 Clause 14. Agency In every case the Owners shall appoint their own Agent both at the port of loading and the port of discharge. GENCON 1994是租船运输中采用较多的范本,由船东组织BIMCO制订。又如油轮租约ASBATANKVOY 1977 Clause 22. AGENTS The Owners shall appoint Vessel’s agents at all ports.方式2:代理由租家指定/选择,船东委托,所谓“租家代理”出现了。例如:巴尔的摩粮食租船合同,BALTIMORE FORM 1976 –Berth Grain Charter Party Agents ……At loading port/s, Owners to appoint and employ agents as selected by Charterers. At discharging port/s, Owners to appoint and employ agents as selected by Charterers. 又如:糖类租船合同,SUGAR CHARTER-PARTY 1999 Clause 7. AGENTS At port(s) of loading and discharging Owners to appoint, employ and to be solely responsible for Agents, as selected by Charterers without risk or liability to Charterers, for all ship’s business, owners paying the agency fees.方式3:在合同中直接明确规定代理名称:如煤炭运输租船合同AMWELTH 93 – AMERICANIZED WELSH COAL CHARTER Clause 17. Agents The Vessel shall be consigned to …… agents at port(s) of loading, and to ……agents at port(s) of discharge. 类似规定的还有:水泥运输合同CEMENTVOY 2006 Clause 36. Agency At the port(s) of loading the Vessel shall be consigned to the Agents as

stated in Box 31(i) and at the port(s) of discharge to the Agents as stated in Box 31(ii), the Owners always paying the customary fees. 直接在合同中订明船舶代理,有较大局限性。在洽谈租船合同时,可能还无法及时选择适合的代理,甚至可能装/卸货港口还未确定。方式4:租船合同中列明选项,谁来指定代理,由双方协商选定。例如谷物运输合同GRAINCON 2003 – BIMCO Standard Grain Voyage Charter Party Clause 27. Agents The Owners*/Charterers* shall nominate agents at loading port(s) and the Owners*/Charterers* shall nominate agents at discharge port(s). The Owners shall appoint agents as nominated above. In all instances, agency fee shall be for Owners’s account but shall not exceed customary applicable fees. *Delete as appropriate.(以上航次租船合同范本,大都可以在网络上搜索到)))从以上四种方式来看,方式1属于船东代理,方式2属于租家代理,方式3和4则取决于船东与租家的谈判结果。再从租船合同范本制定者考察,船东组织制定的范本大都趋向于船东代理或双方协商,而货主组织或行业协会更倾向于租家代理。可见,代理指定权的重要性,越来越被船、货双方所重视。在实务中,更多的情况下,租家直接要去删去合同范本中的代理条款,而在附加条款中加上:Owners to appoint Charterers nominated agents at load/discharge port(s). 甚至可能简单的在Fixture Note 里简单写为几个单词:CHARTERERS AGENT BOTH ENDS. 应该看到,在买卖市场中,买方天然地占有强势地位。租船市场也是如此,历史经验分析,租方市场远远多于船方市场。在实务中,租家指定代理--或者说使用“租家代理”,已逐渐经成为航次租船运输中盛行的方式。船东不得不面对这个现实。很多问题,也由此产生。问题一:费用控制如前面提到,“租家代理”操作方式源于租家对船舶在港顺利作业的需要。但随着船代行业竞争加剧,代理公司营销加强,租船人发现,争取代理指定权还会带来另外的回报,即从租家代理处取得一定的回扣。据说,有时该回扣可能高达代理费的一半。船东显然不欢迎这种形式的回扣,它将增加代理费支出,降低航次收益。因此,在接受租家指定代理条款时,往往坚持对代理费做出一定限制。例如,在租船合同中订明,费率必须是有竞争力的(competitive),或者是惯常的(customary):Agency: Vessel agents shall be nominated by Charterers at loading and discharging port(s), provided rate is competitive. Customary agency fees shall be for the Owners' account. competitive和customary之类的措辞,恐怕难有一个客观的标准,容易引起争议。实践中,往往是船东与代理各让一步,代理报价做适当优惠,达到各方能接受的利益平衡点。这样,租家代理可能一方面要支付租家的回扣,另一方面要向船东提供优惠费率,利润变得微薄。新问题来了。问题二:代理资质价格的竞争,会不会导致服务质量下降呢?在争取国内租家的代理指派中,小型的私营代理公司往往具有优势,原因值得思考。船舶代理业的门槛并不高。例如,《中华人民共和国国际海运条例》规定,在国内经营船舶代理业务,应具备两个基本条件:(1)至少2个具有3年以上国际海运经营经验的高级业务管理人员;(2)有固定营业场所和必要营业设施。租家指定的代理,不具备合格的业务能力,造成的损失,租家是否应负有责任?又如,租家指定代理后,船东将港口费用备用金支付该代理,之后代理破产,谁来承担后果?船东的自然反应是,租家应该对其指定的代理负有一定的责任,包括其财务实力和执行能力。但上述各代理条款措辞简单,无法充分保护船东的利益。对此,国际独立油轮船东协会(INTERTANKO)拟定了一个较全面的航次租船合同代理条款:INTERTANKO AGENCY CLAUSE:Where charterers under this charterparty have the right to nominate the vessel's agents at any port and they wish to exercise such right, they shall do so at the same time as the nomination of such port and they shall exercise due diligence to ensure that such agents are reliable, competent, competitive in price and service and (where possible) have ISO 9002 (or substantially equivalent) certification. If charterers fail to nominate the agent at

the time that the port is nominated then owners may reject any subsequent nomination of agents by charterers. The appointment of such agents is subject always to owners' right to appoint protective agents in any port if they so wish. 该条款比较好的平衡了租家和船东的权利和义务。除了对租家指定代理做了基本的规范,也涉及其它几个重要问题,如:租家没有及时指定代理,船东可以自行委托船东代理;船东有权委托保护代理,监督租家代理的操作,维护船东利益。即使船东未能通过谈判在租船合同中加入该条款,实务操作中也应当注意以上几个方面。问题三:保护代理于是,保护代理就这样产生了。理论上的定义:【Protecting agent】Person or company appointed by a shipowner to protect his interests and to supervise the work carried out by the ship's agent when the owner's ship is in port. The ship's agent may be the only agent at the port or he may have been appointed or nominated by the charterer and therefore not the choice of the shipowner. Also referred to as a supervisory agent or protective agent. 【保护代理】由船东委任的个人或公司,在该船东的船舶在港期间,保护船东的利益,并监督船舶代理的工作。船舶代理可能是该港唯一的代理,或是由租家指定的代理,船东无代理选择权。参见“监护代理”。(delphine译)以上引自Dictionary of Shipping Terms 委托保护代理,必然产生额外的费用。但在节省成本,控制船期等方面,合格称职的保护代理可能给船东带来巨大的帮助!何认识保护代理的作用?这里如本贴标题所示,仅以船东的视角略做探讨,下面摘录某国际知名航运公司的租船操作内部培训资料:PROTECTIVE AGENTS When chartering out our vessels, it may be prudent and in some cases necessary to appoint protective agents to look after owners’interest. Do not be penny wise, pound foolish. The savings that we can achieve by using good and effective protective agents (through reduced costs or quicker dispatch) could more than offset the fee payable to the protective agents. As a rule, we should at least consult or check on local conditions with our representatives where we do have area offices. - Example Elaboration MV ABC – Voyage Charter By paying USD 1,500 only to Barwil Agency, our protective agents at Cigading, we managed to avoid paying USD 43,000 which the charterers’ agents claimed to be payable as surcharge fee for using iron ore berth to receive wheat cargo. MV XYZ –Time Charter Vessel has scheduled to load petcoke (which required ‘clean’ holds) at Port Arthur right after completion of discharge of bauxite at Point Comfort. In view of the short ballast leg of 12 hours and the deteriorated holds condition, we appointed Alan Basden as our protective agents who took proactive action of sending a surveyor to Point Comfort to advise vessel/crew on steps to take prevent holds failure. As a result, no delay occurred. We want to save money. We do not want to waste money but remember we must not be penny-wise pound foolish.上面的最后一句话,做事不要“小钱精明、大钱糊涂”。但涉及到费用成本时,大家总要算算各自的账,有种做法,算得很精明:问题四:包干港费港口使费,包括代理费,按照惯例是由船东支付。但有时候,租家通过指定的代理,可以拿到比船东更优惠的费率,自然也就不会错过这个赚钱的机会,会提出港费包干,代为支付,从运费中扣除。例如,国内某货主标准航次租船合同条款为:Agents & Port Disbursements Agents to be nominated by Charterers at both loading and discharging ports.Owners are to pay estimated port charges at load port prior vessel’s arrival directly to nominated agent. For discharging port(s), Owners shall pay port disbursements a lumpsum USD 50,000 for one discharging port and usd 70,000 for two discharging ports and excluding owners/master/crew own expenses, said amount shall be deducted from first freight payment without supporting vouchers. Agent are always regarded as owners’ servants.国内较早采用租家代理并包干港费的做

法,是在上世纪90年代中期,由中远率先应用。当时,航运市场持续低迷,航运经营利润微薄。中远船队在国内铁矿石进口上占据较大承运份额,可以从港方取到优惠费率;而中远与外代之间也有长期代理协议,代理费远低于部颁标准。与国外船东相比,中远在港口使费方面有很大的竞争优势。当中远自有运力无法满足国内货主运输需求时,曾采用如下操作模式:voyage charter1 voyage charter2 国外船东<------------------>中国远洋<---------------->国内钢厂charterers agent, owners agent, lumpsum port d/a actual port d/a paid by owners paid by owners 两个航次租船合同(voyage charter 1 & 2),条款基本为背靠背,除了“代理及港费条款”,当时它被成为“宝钢条款”。由于国外船东在国内卸货港无法拿到优惠费率,也乐于接受包干港费,由中远指定外轮代理公司,并代为结算港口费用。在市场低迷的情况下,赚取港口使费差价,成为中远稳定的利润来源之一。随着代理市场的逐步开放,以及航运市场竞争加剧,目前国内做“港费包干”操作的环境基本不复存在。任何航运公司包括中远已经很难拿到有明显竞争力的港费报价,代理费率的部颁也已经废止。仅有个别实力雄厚的货主,在部分港口存在垄断优势,才有可能继续操作“港费包干”。我认为,“包干港费”的兴衰,这是市场良性竞争的结果,国内航运市场正变得更加透明,竞争环境更加公平、公开。接下来想讨论,租家代理的过失导致的损失,租家和船东谁来负责?这个题目似乎比较复杂,涉及合同,涉及实务,也涉及法律,欢迎各位批评、补充,共同学习。前文已经涉及一些这方面的问题,以下结合案例具体讨论,可以对照上面例举的租船合同条款。不同的条款内容,可能带来租家,船东和租家代理三方不同的地位。先从实践中最常见的租家代理条款说起:Owners to appoint agents nominated by charterers.杨良宜先生著作中提过这样一个案例:【案例一】伦敦仲裁LMLN No. 285 (1990),有关条文是要去船东在卸货后90天内递交所有的“支持文件”(supporting documents)。案件的争议什么才算是支持文件,因为船东面临一个问题是装港文件欠缺。因为船东的港口代理人是承租人要求委任。这会带来一定的困难就是,该港口代理人可能会与承租人合作多于与船东的合作,更不用说承租人在背后搞什么鬼,但船东是不会知道,更谈不上有证据了。在该案件中,船东也被仲裁庭认定是没有去追索装港代理人要求有关的文件直到很后期。结果是船东败诉,判是错过了90天时效。(杨良宜著,《装卸时间与滞期费》,大连海事大学出版社,2006年,634-635页)杨先生提到这个问题,很多船东也时常要面对:租家代理不配合船东。它的后果可大可小,本案中导致船东滞期费索赔失败!杨著是关于“滞期费”的专著,案情介绍中涉及“代理”的部分很简略。我查阅案例来源,LMLN (Lloyds’Maritime Law Newsletter)285,对“租家代理”的内容摘要整理如下:该航次租船合同是Asbatankvoy格式,附加条款第8条为:Any claim for demurrage must be received by [charterers] in writing with supporting documents within 90 days of final discharge and where this provision is not complied with, the claim shall be deemed to be waived and absolutely barred. 附加条款第11条为:Owners to appoint agents nominated by charterers at both load and discharge ports. 在装货港租家指定(nominate)了代理,它是该港唯一的代理,船东也依照合同委托(appoint)该代理。之后,船东先后两次向代理索要Notice of Readiness,Statement of Facts和Timesheet,但代理迟迟不予回复。最终,船东向租家递交装港文件时间超过索赔滞期费的时效期限。船东向仲裁庭提出,租家应指定合格的/胜任的代理,否则应对其后果负责:……the owners contended that the charterers were bound, under additional clause 11, to nominate reasonably competent agents; they did not do so and that caused the owners to be unable to comply with additional clause 8 (Demurrage time-bar clause). 但仲裁庭似乎并不支持船东的争辩:…… So far as the owners’…… argument was concerned, there might well be a

question whether, in a contract which provided for a named loading port at which there was only one agent (a fact which ought to have been known to the owners even if they did not have actual knowledge of it), there was any room for implying a duty on the charterers to nominate reasonably competent agents. Probably the answer to that question was in the negative. But even assuming that there was some such duty on the charterers, further questions arose, namely: were the agents reasonably competent? and if not, did their incompetence cause the owners’ loss? 从以上判决内容来看,关于租家代理,租家是否有义务指定一个“合格的/胜任的”代理,仲裁员并不明确支持;即使假定租家有这样的义务,代理延误递交装港文件是否构成“不胜任”,是否与船东过了时效存在因果关系,都被仲裁庭质疑。最终,仲裁庭是判船东追索装港文件不够及时和积极,自己承担错过90天时效的后果:The cause of the owners’loss was their own failure earlier and more vigorously to have sought to obtain the documents…… That broke the chain of causation between any breach of the (assumed) obligation on the charterers to nominate reasonably competent agents, and the owners’ inability to recover any demurrage. 注意到判决中assumed一词,仲裁员并没有肯定租家在nominate代理中负有何种义务,反而把更多的责任加在了船东身上。【小结】对于“charterers nominate/ owners appoint”这种模式,英国仲裁裁决的倾向,租家nominate方面的义务要求很低,船东可考虑采用11#楼帖子的条款加以限制;同时,船东想追究租家代理的懈怠责任,不容易成功,应及早委托保护代理进行监督。接下来一个案例(The Express Patriot案),是美国仲裁,仍然是“Charterers nominate/Owners appoint”模式。但与案例一不同,它涉及代理的权限,和港口费用是否合理的问题。【案例二】航次租船合同,第28条规定:Charterers are to nominate vessel’s agents at loading port … In all instances, agency fees shall be for Owners’ account but are not exceed customary applicable fees. 租家指定(nominate)了Bluewater Shipping 公司作为在装货港的代理,船东予以确认并要求该代理在船舶在港期间,应维护船东利益。之后,Bluewater Shipping作为船舶代理向装货码头公司申请泊位,在申请书中接受了该码头的费率条款,包括“船舶原因导致装货延误的,每小时收费USD 5,000”。装货过程中,由于船舶机械故障,1舱舱盖无法打开,被迫将船舶移往锚地修理。修妥后,重新靠泊装货,共延误10.3个小时。码头公司按照上述费率,向船东收取延误费合计USD 51,500。-- The Express Patriot, SMA 3899 (2005) (Arnoald, Bulow, Hansen) 回复引用TOP delphine 注册会员UID3372 帖子140 金币219 22# 发表于2009-5-29 23:40 | 显示全部帖子船东的争辩,USD 5,000/小时的码头延误费并不合理,不属于“通常的”港口费用,不应由船东承担。该轮的租金也不过USD 4,150/天。同时,船东认为,代理在靠泊申请中接受了码头公司的费率,并没有得到船东的授权,该行为对船东无约束力:(Owner) further argues that the Vessel is not obligated to accept the terms of (Terminal)’s tariff by virtue of Bluewater's signing the berthing application on the Vessel's behalf, inasmuch as Bluewater was acting as Charterer's agent, not Owner's. …… where a charterer selects an Agent and the vessel owner exercises no control over that choice, and where the vessel owner exerts no control over the conduct of that agent, the agent lacks authority to bind the vessel owner when making berthing arrangements. 仲裁庭驳回了船东的争辩,判USD 51,500 码头延误费由船东承担。仲裁庭认为,首先,船舶租金的高低与判断码头延误费是否合理并没有实质的关联;其次,关于代理问题,船东已经接受Bluewater Shipping作为船舶代理,其申请泊位的行为是代表船东,并对船东产生约束力:By accepting Clause 28, (Owner) had agreed to the use of Bluewater Shipping as the Vessel's agents for the loading in New Orleans. If indeed (Owner) was not satisfied with the nominated agents or lacked faith in

their qualifications, (Owner) could have retained the services of a protective agent. 【小结】是船东还是租家,要对代理的行为的后果负责?不仅要看谁委托/指定的代理,更要看代理行为的性质,为了谁而行为。诸如安排引水、拖轮、靠泊等传统上由船东负责的事项,即使是“租家代理”安排,也极可能被认为代表了船东。如果对租家指定这个代理,船东不信任,还是如前文多处强调,尽早委任保护代理。下面简要介绍几个英美判例。英美法属于判例法法,以下案例给有兴趣深入研究的朋友提供一个线索:1、纽约仲裁The Machitis and Thassitis, SMA 1178(1977) (Orton, O’Riordan, van Gelder) 合同约定租家appoint代理,但没说明谁支付代理费。判:应由船东支付,这是航运惯例,除非合同明示改变 ...... it was “the practice and custom of the trade that the agency fee is payable by owners.” 2、纽约仲裁The Mini Loaf, SMA 2301(1986) (Palmer, Georges, James)一案,判决尽管船东委托了“租家代理”,对代理未能及时安排引水的后果船东仍要承担责任。3、英国法院判决Sutton Shipping Co. v. Graham’s Trading Co. (1927)29 Lloyds Law Report 12 船舶代理被裁定同时代表船东和租家,但代理无权使用船东的备用金支付租家费用。4、英国法院判决Maritime Stores v. Marshall (1963)1 Lloyd’s Report 602 代理指示装卸公司安排绑扎器具,并称"send the bill to me"。裁定,该行为并无船东或租家的授权,由代理公司自行负担后果。

5、伦敦仲裁London Arbitration 4/99 (Lolyds Maritime Law Newsletter 504) 船舶代理没有及时通知船东港方收取额外的卸货费用,判:代理自己承担部分产生的费用。最后,简单介绍一个国内海事法院的判例,也涉及“租家代理”。【天海公司诉粤东公司船舶租用侵权纠纷案】全文连接地址:https://www.360docs.net/doc/9716854122.html,/article/default.asp?id=34017 航次租船合同第14条为:Owns appoint chtrs Nomi agt Bends wz chtrs paying port charge(INCL agency fee)before vsl arrival at bends。(Owners appoint charterers nominated agent both ends with charterers paying port charge, including agency fee, before vessel arrival at both ends. -delphine 补充) 船东与租家对应当如何翻译与解释发生了争议这里只摘录裁决书一段内容:上诉人粤东公司(租家,delphine注)委托广东省公证处进行翻译,译文是“船东指定承租人提名的装卸两港代理,港口费用(包括代理费)由承租人在船舶到达两港之前支付。”被上诉人天海公司(船东,delphine注)委托天津市对外文化开发经理部进行翻译,译文是“出租人在装卸两港任命由承租人指定的代理,港口费用(包括代理费)由承租人在船舶到达两港之前支付。”被上诉人天海公司为此申请重新翻译。根据最高人民法院《关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》第二十八条关于“一人当事人自行委托有关部门作出的鉴定结论,另一方当事人有证据足以反驳并申请重新鉴定的,人民法院应予准许”的规定精神,法院主持双方当事人就委托翻译人一事进行协商。根据双方当事人达成的一致意见,另行委托上海海运学院尹东年教授对《航次租船合同》第14条的内容进行翻译和解释。尹东年教授的译文是:“船东指定承租人所指定的代理作为装卸两港代理,港口费用(包括代理费)由承租人在船舶到港之前负责支付”。尹东年教授进一步解释:1.“Owns”通常译为“船东”。由于涉案的“Fixture Note”是指在航次租约下的确认书,根据“合同相对性”原则,该确认书只适用于航次租约的主体双方,即瑞航公司和粤东公司。条款中的船东系指前者,航运习惯上俗称“二船东”。本处所指的船东,并不是真正的船东(习惯上称之为大船东)或者船舶经营人。2.“Appoint”和“Nominate”,按航运业的习惯,以译成“指定”为宜,翻译为“委派”或者“指名”,在此处均为不妥。上诉人粤东公司认为尹东年教授将“Nominate”译成“指定”不恰当,被上诉人天海公司对尹东年教授的翻译和解释没有异议。天津市高级人民法院认为:在征求意见后,法院委托双方当事人一致同意的著名专家对《航次租船合同》第14条进行的翻译和解释,具有权威性,应予确认。回复引用TOP delphine 注册会员UID3372 帖子140 金币219 29# 发表于2009-6-2 21:12 | 显示全部帖子最终,法院裁定:“航次租船合同”第14条规定,船东

指定承租人所指定的代理作为装卸两港代理。粤东公司作为承租人,有责任向船东指定装卸港代理,也确实为船东指定了装港代理。只是粤东公司负责联系的发货人不为货物办理合法手续,粤东公司指定的装港代理也怠于履行职责。当海关要求补办手续时,发货人和装港代理竟弃船逃脱。发生这些问题后,粤东公司没有积极与印尼官方交涉,说明情意并承担责任,以致给被上诉人天海公司造成损失,理应赔偿。同样的“Charterers nominate/Owners appoint”租家代理模式,中国海事法院判决结果,与前面英美法的判例有些不同。对此,我个人有以下一些观点:1,当事人以英文签订的租船合同,为什么是由中国海事法院管辖,适用中国法,由此引起合同条款翻译与理解上的不便与争议?究竟是合同中约定适用中国法律,还是海事法院否应了原合同中的适用外国法律条款?裁决书中对航次租船合同中的“法律适用条款”与“管辖权条款”未作说明,令人疑惑。2,双方争议对nominate与appoint 的翻译和理解。显然,根据译文不同,海事法院将认定船东/租家之间不同的责任划分,即谁对代理的过失承担责任。尹教授将nominate和appoint一并译为“指定”,不加区分,海事法院据此判定由租家负责。我认为这与实务中的做法和认识有偏差。3,认定谁对船舶代理的过失承担责任,从代理行为的性质入手,似乎更为合理。而不应束缚于nominate/appoint 的翻译与理解。船舶代理未能为货物及时办理海关手续,此时,应认为代理是租家的代理,发货人也应被认定为租家履行航次租船合同的代理人,以此认定租家要承担后果。综上,海事法院的判决理由似乎值得商榷。本文暂告一段落。有些内容还很欠缺,例如租家与代理之间的“指定协议(?)”是如何达成的,有哪些内容和形式等?欢迎大家就“租家代理”的题目,发表看法,补充资料,对文中的不足批评指正,互相学习。国内这块船货代业务区分是比较严格的,货方事情很多情况下船代是不好办理的,那么也就没有了代表货方/租家的过失由船方承担的问题 ...


1、货物将于XX时间完成?货物将于XXX(时间)完成。 When will the cargo be ready? Cargo will be ready at XXX (Jan.28th). 2、仓位紧张,请尽快确认 Please confirm soonest as possible due to tight space 3、船公司回复——没有仓位 There is no space based on the reply of shipping lines 4、几票货物(几家工厂)合拼一个柜子发运 Shipment would be effected by several factories 5、几个订单合并一起出运 Those orders would be combined into one shipment 6、截港时间Cut off date 7、截单时间documentary off date 8、开仓时间(开始放箱的时间)Empty pick up date (Empty release time) 9、预留仓位Pre-booking space 10、船期调整Adjustment of shipping schedule (因船公司调整船期,所以原计划X月X日船,XXX提单号项下货物,调整至。。。) (Due to adjustment of shipping schedule, shipment under B/L NO.:….that carried by VES…ETD on …. Would be arranged on… 11、客户已于XX时候装箱/ 提箱 Cargo had been stuffed on ….(Container had been picked up on..) 12、客户无法赶上本航次,要求推至下一航次 As requested by customer, cargo can not catch this voyage and will be postponed to next voyage 13、已向船公司订舱,但未确认仓位 Booking had been ordered with shipping lines however not receive the confirmation yet. 14、放箱Empty Release 15、客人出差Customer is on his business way 16、仓位Space 17、增加/减少1个柜子add/reduce one volume 18、客户想要通过拼箱的方式出运剩下的货物 Customer intend to ship remains cargo by LCL 19、最新情况the latest status


报关费customs clearance charge 转关报关费customs transmit clearance charge 联单费sheet patch up fees 报关单删单或改单费amendment charge 商检费commodity inspection fee 商检换单费exchange fee for CIP 商检服务费service charge for inspection 海关查验费customs inspection fee 海关查验服务费sevice charge for customs inspection 海关加封费customs seal fee 过磅费ponderation fee 海关拆封费seal fee 卡口确认费gate charge 仓储费storage charge 卸车费unloading charge 进库费warehouse in charge 仓储费storage charge 装车费loading charge 出库费warehouse out charge 理货费tally charge 分货费dispatch charge 集装箱掏箱费devanning fee 集装箱装箱费stuffing fee 货权凭证ownership licence 单证费document charge 贴标签stick mark charge 条码扫描bar code scan charge 拆板devanning pallet charge 增值服务other service 加班费OT charge 保险代理费insurance agent charge 短泊Drayage 集装箱下车费container unloading charge 集装箱上车费container loading charge 集装箱堆存费container CY charge 散货车bulk cargo truck 堆存费Demurrage charge 上,下车费loading/un-loading charge 搬移费container truckage 制冷费frozen charge 整箱拆箱费devanning charge 集卡挂车出租费container truck rent 出库单录入费data input charge 物流服务费logistics charge



国际货代常用英文单词 货代常用英文 (一)船代 Shipping agent 船舶代理Handling Agent 操作代理Booking Agent 订舱代理 Cargo Canvassing 揽货 FFF: Freight Forwarding Fee 货代佣金 Brokerage / Commission 佣金(二)订舱 Booking 订舱 Booking Note 订舱单 Booking Number 订舱号 Dock Receipt 场站收据M/F (Manifest ) :a manifest that lists only cargo, without freight and charges 舱单 Cable/Telex Release 电放 A Circular Letter 通告信/通知书 PIC: Person in Charge 具体负责操作人员 The said party 所涉及的一方 On Board B/L: On Board提单 A B/L in which a carrier acknowledges that goods have been placed on board a certain vessel。Used to satisfy the requirements of a L/C Cancellation 退关箱 (三)港口 BP Base Port 基本港

Prompt release 即时放行 Transit time 航程时间 / 中转时间 Cargo availability at destination in 货物运抵目的地Second Carrier (第)二程船 In transit 中转 Transportation hub 中转港(四)拖车 Tractor 牵引车/拖头 Low-bed 低平板车 Trailer 拖车 Transporter 拖车 Trucking Company 车队(汽车运输公司) Axle load 轴负荷Tire-load 轮胎负荷 Toll Gate 收费口 (五)保税 Bonded Area 保税区 Bonded Goods ( Goods in Bond) 保税货物 Bonded Warehouse 保税库 Caged stored at bonded warehouse 进入海关监管 Fork Lift 叉车 Loading Platform 装卸平台(六)船期 A Friday(Tuesday / Thursday)sailing 周五班 A fortnight sailing 双周班 A bi-weekly sailing 周双班


国际货代常用英文单词货代常用英文 (一)船代 Shipping agent 船舶代理Handling Agent 操作代理Booking Agent 订舱代理 Cargo Canvassing 揽货 FFF:Freight Forwarding Fee 货代佣金 Brokerage / Commission 佣金(二)订舱 Booking 订舱 Booking Note 订舱单 Booking Number 订舱号 Dock Receipt 场站收据 M/F (Manifest ) :a manifest that lists only cargo, without freight and charges 舱单 Cable/Telex Release 电放 A Circular Letter 通告信/通知书PIC:Person in Charge 具体负责操作人员 The said party 所涉及的一方 On Board B/L:On Board提单A B/L in which a carrier acknowledges that goods have been placed on board a certain vessel。Used to satisfy the requirements of a L/C Cancellation 退关箱 (三)港口 BP Base Port 基本港 Prompt release 即时放行 Transit time 航程时间/ 中转时间 Cargo availability at destination in 货物运抵目的地 Second Carrier (第)二程船 In transit 中转 Transportation hub 中转港 (四)拖车 Tractor 牵引车/拖头 Low-bed 低平板车


1、货物将于XX时间完成?货物将于XXX(时间)完成。 When will the cargo be ready? Cargo will be ready at XXX (Jan、28th)、 2、仓位紧张,请尽快确认 Please confirm soonest as possible due to tight space 3、船公司回复——没有仓位 There is no space based on the reply of shipping lines 4、几票货物(几家工厂)合拼一个柜子发运 Shipment would be effected by several factories 5、几个订单合并一起出运 Those orders would be combined into one shipment 6、截港时间Cut off date 7、截单时间documentary off date 8、开仓时间(开始放箱的时间)Empty pick up date (Empty release time) 9、预留仓位Pre-booking space 10、船期调整Adjustment of shipping schedule (因船公司调整船期,所以原计划X月X日船,XXX提单号项下货物,调整至。。。) (Due to adjustment of shipping schedule, shipment under B/L NO、:…、that carried by VES… ETD on …、Would be arranged on… 11、客户已于XX时候装箱/ 提箱 Cargo had been stuffed on …、(Container had been picked up on、、) 12、客户无法赶上本航次,要求推至下一航次 As requested by customer, cargo can not catch this voyage and will be postponed to next voyage 13、已向船公司订舱,但未确认仓位 Booking had been ordered with shipping lines however not receive the confirmation yet、 14、放箱Empty Release 15、客人出差Customer is on his business way 16、仓位Space 17、增加/减少1个柜子add/reduce one volume 18、客户想要通过拼箱的方式出运剩下的货物 Customer intend to ship remains cargo by LCL


货代常用英文 船公司SO文件的英文简单解释 Booking number:订舱号码 Vessel:船名 Voyage:航次 CY Closing DATE:截柜日期,截关日 closing Date/Time:截柜日期 SI CUT OFF date/time:截提单补料日期/时间 Expiry date:有效期限,到期日期 Sailing date:航行日期 / 船离开港口的日期 ETA (ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL):预计到达时间,到港日(船到目的港日期) ETD(ESTIMATED TIME OF DELIVERY):开船日(起运港船离港日期)ETC(ESTIMATED TIME OF CLOSING):截关日 Port of loading(POL):装货港 Full Delivery Pickup Terminal: 提重柜码头 Empty Cntainer Depot:交空柜场站 Loading port:装货港 From City:起运地 EXP(export):出口 Final destination:目的港,最终目的地 Place of Delivery(POD)或To City:目的地,交货地 Port of discharge:卸货港 Discharge port:卸货港 Load Port: 卸货港 Dry:干的/不含液体或湿气 Quantity:数量 cargo type:货物种类 container number:集装箱号码 container:集装箱 specific cargo container:特种货物集装箱 Number of container:货柜数量 container Size:货柜尺寸 CU.FT :立方英尺 Cont Status:货柜状况 seal number:封条号码 seal No:封条号码 seal type:封条类型 weight:重量 Gross weight:总重(一般是含柜重和货重) Net Weight:净重 Actual weight:实际重量,货车,集装箱等运输工具装载后的总重量 Laden:重柜 remarks:备注



contact:联络人,联系方式 contact person:联络人 intended fcl container delivery CUT-OFF:指定的重柜交柜时间,装箱整箱交付截止 intended shipping instruction CUT-OFF:指定的文件结关时间,航运指示截止 DOC CUT-OFF:文件结关时间(可能没有额外指定,按船公司一般的规律) SI CUT: 截提单补料或截关 BKG(BOOKING) Staff订舱人员 BILL of Lading#:提单号,提单方案 Empty Pick up CY:提空柜地点 Empty Pick up Date:提空柜时间,提柜有效期Pre Carrier: 预载 Est.Arrival Date:EIS到达时间 CY open: 整柜开仓时间 Port of delivery:交货港口 EQ Type/Q'ty:集装箱数量,类型EQ是Equipment的简写 Address:地址 Special cargo information: 特别货物信息Shipper'own container SOC:托运人自己的集装

箱 Dangerous DG:危险或危险品/ 危险标志Customer:客户 FCL full container load:整箱,整箱货LCL less than container load :拼箱,拼箱货Carrier:承运人 Trucker:拖车公司/运输公司 Tractor NO:车牌号码 Depot/Pickup Location:提柜地点 Stuffing:装货地点 cargo type:货物种类 container:集装箱 specific cargo container:特种货物集装箱container Size:货柜尺寸 CU.FT :立方英尺 Cont Status:货柜状况 seal number(seal No):封条号码 seal type:封条类型 weight:重量 Net Weight:净重 Laden:重柜 remarks:备注


货代常用英文 (一)船代 Shipping agent 船舶代理 Handling Agent 操作代理 Booking Agent 订舱代理 Cargo Canvassing 揽货 FFF:Freight Forwarding Fee 货代佣金 Brokerage / Commission 佣金 (二)订舱 Booking 订舱 Booking Note 订舱单 Booking Number 订舱号 Dock Receipt 场站收据 M/F (Manifest ) :a manifest that lists only cargo, without freight and charges 舱单 Cable/Telex Release 电放 A Circular Letter 通告信/通知书 PIC:Person in Charge 具体负责操作人员 The said party 所涉及的一方 On Board B/L:On Board提单A B/L in which a carrier acknowledges that goods have been placed on board a certain vessel。Used to satisfy the requirements of a L/C Cancellation 退关箱 (三)港口 BP Base Port 基本港 Prompt release 即时放行 Transit time 航程时间/ 中转时间 Cargo availability at destination in 货物运抵目的地 Second Carrier (第)二程船 In transit 中转 Transportation hub 中转港 (四)拖车 Tractor 牵引车/拖头 Low-bed 低平板车 Trailer 拖 Transporter 拖车 Trucking Company 车队(汽车运输公司)


一:货代常用短语 (一)基础篇 Airwey Transportation By Air航空运输 Air Way Bill 空运提单 ocean shipping Transportation By Sea 海运express Transportation By express 快递运输Air Express 航空快递 FCL Full Container Load 整柜装箱装载 LCL Less Container Load 散货运输 MBL Master Bill 船东单 HBL House Bill 货代单 packing list 装箱单 invoice 发票 Contract 合同 customs declaration 报关单 CO certificate of origin 原产地证 Factory 工厂 Shipper 发货人 Trade Company 贸易公司 Consignee 收货人 Forwarder Shipping Agent 货代 Shipping agent 船舶代理 Handling Agent 操作代理 Booking Agent 订舱代理 Destination Agent目的港代理 Shipping house (Carrier)船公司 Barge Carrier 驳船公司 First Carrier 头程船 Second Carrier (第)二程船 (二)订舱 Booking 订舱 Booking Note 订舱单 Booking Number 订舱号 S/O Shipping Order 装货指示书 Dock Receipt 场站收据 Shipping space 舱位 Cable/Telex Release 电放 PIC:Person in Charge 具体负责操作人员(二)报关 Customs clearance 报关 Cargo Name 货名 pay the bill 买单 packing list 装箱单 invoice 发票 Contract 合同 customs declaration 报关单 CO certificate of origin 原产地证 (四)拖车 Tractor 牵引车/拖头 Low-bed 低平板车 Trailer 拖车 Transporter 拖车


1.FRI ?(For your infromation or for you inference)根据你提到的。 2.请查一下收货人是否提货。 Pls check if the cnee of a/m shpt picked up cargo or not. 3.如遇破损。请尽快将拆箱报告发给我们。 Pls urgently check and provide devanning report(拆柜报告)?for this shipment to us. 4.请回复一下此票货物的状态 Pls advice the status for below shipment. 5.请放货给收货人 Pls release cargo to consignee 6.请扣货 Pls hold cargo 7.请告知一下何时能拆完箱 Pls adv when could you finish the unstuffing ? 8.请凭正本提单放货。 Please release cargo to consignee Against collecting o/bls as attachment.? 9. 同行说他们现在联系不到发货人。明天会再试着联系 Co-loader said they could not contact shpr now, they would try to ctc them again tomorrow. 10.关于仓库费的问题 Pls pay attention when the cnee pick up cargo. Pls advised when the storage charges occur , for 7days free storage charges what you provided to us, You could debit us for the 8th day?~?the 10th day. You could debit cnee all storage charges if they did not p/u cargo on the 11th day after devanning. As the co-loader said, they could p/u cargo on 15th, JAN 11.请确认一下这票货的实际到货日期。并且查一下收货是否提货。Pls kindly check the exact arriving date of this shipment,and whether consignee picked the shipment or not? (一)船代 Shipping agent 船舶代理 Handling Agent 操作代理 Booking Agent 订舱代理 Cargo Canvassing 揽货 FFF:Freight Forwarding Fee 货代佣金 Brokerage / Commission 佣金 (二)订舱 Booking 订舱 Booking Note 订舱单 Booking Number 订舱号 Dock Receipt 场站收据 M/F (Manifest ) :a manifest that lists only cargo, without freight and charges 舱单



国际货代常用英文单词货代常用英文 (一)船代 Shipping agent 船舶代理Handling Agent 操作代理Booking Agent 订舱代理 Cargo Canvassing 揽货 FFF: Freight Forwarding Fee 货代佣金 Brokerage / Commission 佣金(二)订舱 Booking 订舱 Booking Note 订舱单 Booking Number 订舱号 Dock Receipt 场站收据 M/F (Manifest ) :a manifest that lists only cargo, without freight and charges 舱单 Cable/Telex Release 电放A Circular Letter 通告信/通知书 PIC: Person in Charge 具体负责操作人员 The said party 所涉及的一方On Board B/L: On Board提单A B/L in which a carrier acknowledges that goods have been placed on board a certain vessel。Used to satisfy the requirements of a L/C Cancellation 退关箱 (三)港口 BP Base Port 基本港 Prompt release 即时放行Transit time 航程时间 / 中转时间 Cargo availability at destination in 货物运抵目的地 Second Carrier (第)二程船


1 货代英语常用词及常用口语 常用空运名词 ATA/ATD (Actual Time of Arrival / Actual Time of Departure):实际到港/离港时间的缩写。 航空货运单(AWB) (Air Waybill):由托运人或以托运人名义签发的单据,是托运人和承运人之间货物运输的证明。 无人陪伴行李(Baggage, Unaccompanied):非随身携带而经托运的行李,以托运方式交运的行李。 保税仓库(Bonded Warehouse):在这种货仓内,或物可以在没有期限的情况下存放而无需缴纳进口关税。 散件货物(Bulk Cargo):未经装上货板和装入货箱的散件货 物。https://www.360docs.net/doc/9716854122.html, CAO (Cargo for Freighter Only):“仅限货机承运”的缩写,表示只能用货机运载。 到付运费(Charges Collect):在航空货运单上列明向收货人收取的费用。 预付运费(Charges Prepaid):在航空货运单上列明托运人已付的费用。 计费重量(Chargeable Weight):用来计算航空运费的重量。计费重量可以是体积重量,或是当货物装于载具中时,用装载总重量减去载具的重量。 到岸价格CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freightage):指“成本、保险和运费”,即C&F外加卖方为货物购买损失和损毁的保险。卖方必须与保险商签订合同并支付保费。 收货人(Consignee):其名字列明于航空货运单上,接收由承运人所运送的货物之人。 交运货物(Consignment):由承运人在某一时间及地点接收托运人一件或多件的货物,并以单一的航空货运单承运至某一目的地的。 发货人(Consignor):等同于托运人。 集运货物(Consolidated Consignment):由两个或两个以上托运人托运的货物拼成的一批货物,每位托运人都与集运代理人签订了空运合同。 集运代理人(Consolidator):将货物集合成集运货物的人或机构。 COSAC (Community Systems for Air Cargo):“高识”计算机系统的缩写。是香港空运货站有限公司的信息及中央物流管理计算机系统。 海关(Customs):负责征收进出口关税、查禁走私和麻醉品交易及滥用的政府机构(在香港称香港海关)。 海关代码(Customs Code):由香港海关(C&ED)为一批货物加注的代码,以表明清关结果或要求货站经营者/收货人采取何种清关行动。 清关(Customs Clearance):在原产地、过境和在目的地时为货物运输或提取货所必须完成的海关手续。 危险货物(Dangerous Goods):危险货物是指在空运时可能对健康、安全或财产造


国际货运代理英语常用词组术语大全 集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]

国际货运代理英语常用词组术语大全 海运业务常用缩略语简称中文解释英文全称A/W全水路AllWaterANER亚洲北美东行运费协定AsiaNorthAmericaEastboundRateB/L海运提单BillofLadingB/R买价BuyingRateBAF燃油附加费BunkerAdjustmentFactorC&F成本加海运费COSTANDFREIGHTC.C运费到付CollectC.S.C货柜服务费ContainerServiceChargeC.Y.货柜场ContainerYardC/(CNEE)收货人ConsigneeC/O产地证CertificateofOriginCAF货币汇率附加费CurrencyAdjustmentFactorCFS散货仓库ContainerFreightStationCFS/CFS散装交货(起点/终点)ContainerFreightStation/ContainerFreightStationCHB报关行CustomsHouseBrokerCIF成本,保险加海运费COST,INSURANCE,FRIGHTCIP运费、保险费付至目的地CarriageandInsurancePaidToCOMM商品CommodityCPT运费付至目的地CarriagePaidToCTNR柜子ContainerCY/CY整柜交货(起点/终点)ContainerYard/ContainerYardD/A承兑交单DocumentAgainstAcceptanceD/O到港通知DeliveryOrderD/P付款交单DocumentAgainstPaymentDAF边境交货DeliveredAtFrontierDDC目的港码头费DestinationDeliveryChargeDDP完税后交货DeliveredDutyPaidDDU未完税交货DeliveredDutyUnpaidDEQ目的港码头交货DeliveredExQuayDES目的港船上交货DeliveredExShipDoc#文件号码DocumentNumberEPS设备位置附加费EquipmentPositionSurchargesEx工厂交货Work/ExFactoryF/F货运代理FreightForwarderFAF燃料附加费FuelAdjustmentFactorFAK各种货品FreightAllKindFAS装运港船边交货FreeAlongsideShipFCA货交承运人FreeCarrierFCL整柜FullContainerLoadFeederVessel/Lighter驳船航次FEU40’柜型Forty-FootEquivalentUnit40’FMC联邦海事委员会FederalMaritimeCommissionFOB船上交货FreeOnBoardGRI全面涨价GeneralRateIncreaseH/C代理费HandlingChargeHBL子提单HouseB/LI/S内销售InsideSalesIA各别调价IndependentActionL/C信用证LetterofCreditLandBridge陆桥LCL拼柜LessThanContainerLoadM/T尺码吨(即货物收费以尺码计费)MeasurementTonMB/L主提单MasterBillOfLoadingMLB小陆桥,自一港到另一港口MinniLandBridgeMotherVessel主线船MTD多式联运单据MultimodalTransportDocumentN/F通知人NotifyNVOCC无船承运人NonVesselOperatingCommonCarrierO/F海运费OceanFreightOBL海运提单Ocean(ororiginal)B/LOCP货主自行安排运到内陆点OverlandContinentalPointOP操作OperationORC本地收货费用(广东省收取)OrigenRecevieChargesP.P预付PrepaidPCS港口拥挤附加费PortCongestionSurchargePOD目地港PortOfDestinationPOL装运港PortOfLoadingPSS旺季附加费PeakSeasonSuchargesS/(Shpr)发货人ShipperS/C售货合同SalesContractS/O装货指示书ShippingOrderS/R卖价SellingRateS/SSpreadSheetSpreadSheetSC服务合同ServiceContractSSL船公司SteamShipLineT.O.C码头操作费TerminalOperationsOptionT.R.C码头收柜费TerminalReceivingChargeT/S转船,转运Trans-ShipT/T航程TransitTimeTEU20‘柜型Twenty-FootEquivalentUnit20’T HC码头操作费(香港收取)TerminalHandlingChargesTTL总共TotalTVC/TVR定期定量合同TimeVolumeContract/RateVOCC船公司VesselOperatingCommonCarrierW/M即以重量吨或者尺码吨中从高收费WeightorMeasurementtonW/T重量吨(即货物收费以重量计费)WeightTonYAS码头附加费YardSurchargesETD预计开航日EstimatedTimeOfDepartureETS预计船期EstimatedTimeOfSailingETA预计到港日EstimatedTimeOfArrival船务用语(1)ORC(OrigenRecevieCharges)本地收货费用(广东省收取) (2)THC(TerminalHandlingCharges)码头操作费(香港收取)(3)BAF(BunkerAdjustmentFactor)燃油附加费 (4)CAF(CurrencyAdjustmentFactor)货币贬值附加费(5)YAS(YardSurcharges)码头附加费 (6)EPS(EquipmentPositionSurcharges)设备位置附加费(7)DDC(DestinationDeliveryCharges)目的港交货费 (8)PSS(PeakSeasonSucharges)旺季附加费(9)PCS(PortCongestionSurcharge)港口拥挤附加费 (10)DOC(document.nbspcharges)文件费(11)O/F(OceanFreight)海运费(12)B/L(BillofLading)海运提单 (13)MB/L(MasterBillofLading)船东单(或OCEANBILLOFLADING)(14)MTD(MultimodalTransportdocument.多式联运单据(15)L/C(LetterofCredit)信用证(16)C/O(CertificateofOrigin)产地证(17)S/C(SalesConfirmation)销售确认书(SalesContract)销售合同(18)S/O(ShippingOrder)装货指示书(19)W/T(WeightTon)重量吨(即货物收费以重量计费)(20)M/T(MeasurementTon)尺码吨(即货物收费以尺码计费)(21)W/M(WeightorMeasurementton)即以重量吨或者尺码吨中从高收费(22)CY(ContainerYard)集装箱(货柜)堆场(23)FCL(FullContainerLoad)整箱货 (24)LCL(LessthanContainerLoad)拼箱货(散货)(25)CFS(ContainerFreightStation)集装箱货运站(26)TEU(Twenty-feetEquivalentUnits)20英尺换算单位(用来计算货柜量的多少)(27)A/W(AllWater)全水路(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)(28)MLB(MiniLandBridge)小陆桥(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)(29)NVOCC(Non-VesselOperatingCommonCarrier)无船承运人


代理常用英语口语 In consideration of your extensive experience in the field, we are ;glad to appoint you as our agent. 考虑到你们在这一业务范围的丰富经验,我们很高兴指定你们为我们的代理。 I’m entitled to being appointed as your agent. \我有权被指定为你方代理。 We keep a stock in London and act as distributors as well as agents. 我们在伦敦有库存并经营销售兼做代理。 We are decided to entrust you with the sole agency for cars. 我们决定委托你作为我们汽车的独家代理。 Thank you for your proposal of acting as our agent. 谢谢你方作为我们代理的建议。 If we come to terms, w’ll appoint you as our agent. 如果达成协议,我们将指定你为我方的代理。 We wish to handle as an agent the goods you are exporting. 我们愿意担任你们出口商品的代理。 We can play an important part as a buying agent in your overseas trade. 我们能在担任你方海外贸易的进口代理中起重要作用。 W’re in a position to take good care of your import business as a buying agent. 我们能负起作为你方进口业务中买放代理的责任。 Please get in touch with our agents for the supply of the goods you require. 你们所需的商品,请与我们的代理联系。https://www.360docs.net/doc/9716854122.html, W’ll leave aside the problem of agency until next week. 我们暂时把代理问题搁置到下周。


1、货物将于XX 时间完成?货物将于XXX (时间)完成。When will the cargo be ready? Cargo will be ready at XXX (Ja n.28th). 2、仓位紧张,请尽快确认 Please confirm soon est as possible due to tight space 3、船公司回复——没有仓位 There is no space based on the reply of shipp ing lines 4、几票货物(几家工厂)合拼一个柜子发运Shipment would be effected by several factories 5、几个订单合并一起出运 Those orders would be comb ined into one shipme nt 6、截港时间Cut off date 7、截单时间documentary off date 8、开仓时间 (开始放箱的时间) Empty pick up date (Empty release time) 9、预留仓位Pre-booking space 10、船期调整Adjustment of shipping schedule (因船公司调整船期,所以原计划X月X日船,XXX提单号项下货物,调整至。。。) (Due to adjustment of shipping schedule, shipment under B/L NO.: ?….that carried by VES ?…ETD on ….Would be arranged on … 11、客户已于XX时候装箱/提箱 Cargo had been stuffed on ….(Container had been picked up on..) 12、客户无法赶上本航次,要求推至下一航次 As requested by customer, cargo can not catch this voyage and will be postp oned to next voyage 13、已向船公司订舱,但未确认仓位 Book ing had bee n ordered with shipp ing lines however not receive the con firmati on yet. 14 、放 箱Empty Release 15、客人出差Customer is on his bus in ess way 16、仓位Space 17、增加/减少1 个柜子add/reduce one volume 18、客户想要通过拼箱的方式出运剩下的货物Customer intend to ship remains cargo by LCL 19、最新情况the latest status 20、没有新消息no any news(no any further information) 21 、此1x20 ' G 是下面所说货物中的一部 分.Said 1X20GP is part of below-me ntioned shipme nt 22、现在还没开始放仓。Empty Pick-up is not started yet. 23、发货人安排明日装货Cargo would be stuffed tomorrow arran ged by shipper 24、发货人急要入货通知。Shipper eager to get the shippi ng order(S/O) 25、此票货物申请推迟航次This shipme nt would be postp oned to next voyage 26、此票货物赶不上这个航次This shipme nt can n ot catch this voyage 27、事情还没有解决。It is not solved un til now 28、这票货物是继续走ZIM还是换船公司?
