




Chinese are very generous when they begin to educate their children. No caring about money, parents often send their children to the best schools or even abroad. They also want their children to take extra-course activities because they think their children may have a good start in life. The Chinese believe that the more expensive an education is, the better it is. So parents will spend a lot of money on education.

However, what most parents fail to see is that the best education they can give their children is usually very cheap. Parents can see that their children are skilled in some areas while poor in others. What most parents fail to realize is that today's children are lack of(缺乏)self-respect and self-confidence.

The problem is that parents are only educating their children on how to study well, but parents are not teaching them the most important skills they need to be confident, happy and clever.

Parents can achieve this by teaching practical skills like cooking, sewing and doing other housework. These activities are teaching a child not only to read, but also to think. And that is more important.

(1)Many Chinese parents never ________ the money in educating.

(2)They believe that the result will be ________ if more money is spent on education.

(3)Parents don't realize that today's children are short on ________.

(4)Parents should not only educate their children on how to study well, but also teach them to be ________.

(5)The importance of teaching a child practical skill is to teach him to read and ________. 【答案】(1)care about


(3)self- respect and self-confidence

(4)confident, happy and clever

(5)to think


(1)细节理解题。根据No caring about the money, parents often send their children to the best schools or even abroad to England, the USA or Australia.,可知在教育孩子身上,中国父母从不在乎花钱,故填care about。

(2)细节理解题。根据The Chinese believe that the more expensive an education is, the better it is.可知中国人认为在教育上花钱越多,接受的教育就越好,故填better。

(3)细节理解题。根据Parents can see that their children are skilled in some areas while poor in others. What most pa rents fail to realize is that today’s children lack self-respect and self-confidence.,可知大多数父母没有意识到现在的孩子缺乏自尊和自信,故填self-respect and self-confidence。

(4)细节理解题。根据The problem is that parents are only educating their children on how to study well, but parents are not teaching them the most important skills they need to be confident, happy and clever.,可知父母不只是教育孩子如何好好学习,还要教他们自信、快乐和聪明所需要的最重要的技能,故填confident, happy and clever。

(5)细节理解题。根据短文最后一句These activities are teaching a child not only to read, but also to think. And that is more important.,可知教孩子不仅阅读,还要思考,才是更重要的,故填 to think。



Leonardo da Vinci (莱奥纳多·达多奇) was a famous artist who was born in Italy. He was also a great inventor. Many of his inventions have become important in modern life. Although Leonardo hated war, he invented many different machines used for war. His most special invention was the machine gun, which was produced and used in war. Besides, Leonardo spent days thinking about how to save time. He developed ideas for something like cutting machines.

Leonard was a strange man. He never ate meat. That was very unusual in those times (时代). He never published (发表) scientific discoveries. He usually used mirror writing, which looks like usual writing in a mirror, starting from the right side of the page and moving to the left side.

Only a few of his paintings are left today. Many paintings were not finished because he thought they were not perfect.

Leonardo was talented and creative. He was regarded as one of the most intelligent men in the world.


(1)根据He was also a great inventor.可知也是一名发明家,an后面一单数,故填inventor。

(2)根据His most special invention was the machine gun可知发明了机器枪,故填gun。

(3)根据He developed ideas for something like cutting machines.可知想出了切的机器,即机器用来切,be used to do被用来做某事,故填cut。

(4)根据He never published (发表)scientific discoveries.可知他从不发表科学发现,即从不发表与科学有关的发现,with是介词,后面一名词,所以用scientific的名词science,故填science。

(5)根据Only a few of his paintings are left today. Many paintings were not finished because he thought they were not perfect.可知讲了他的画被留下的原因是他认为不完美,故填Why。



The Grand Canyon(科罗拉多大峡谷) is a large river canyon in Arizona. It is over220 miles long and over a mile deep in some places. Its widest point is 18 miles wide. The canyon is considered one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World.

Over millions of years, the Colorado River wore away rocks as it passed through the area. Slowly, the river made the path deeper and deeper. Now, the canyon is surrounded by steep walls on either side, while the river continues to flow at the bottom of the canyon.

Besides its large size, the Grand Canyon is also known for its magnificent colors. The canyon is made of layers of rock(岩层), and each layer of rock has a different depth and color. Geologists have identified almost 40 different layers of rock exposed by the rivers erosion.

The climate in canyon area is primarily desert, with both high and low temperatures. The upper rims of the canyon often receive snowfall. The air quality is usually very high, although dust storms and smoke from fires can change the air.

The Grand Canyon is home to a variety of plants and animals. Plants range from various species of cactuto pine forests. Many types of animals live in the area, including the bald eagle, bobcats, bats and gila monsters. Six different kinds of rattlesnakes have been found in the area.

Today, the canyon is part of the Grand Canyon National Park. About five million tourists visit the park each year.

⑴________ ⑵________ ⑶________ ⑷________ ⑸________

【答案】 size;climate;home;a mile deep;layer


(1)细节理解题,根据It is over220 miles long and over a mile deep in some places. Its widest point is 18 miles wide. The canyon is considered one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. 它长220多英里,在某些地方有一英里深,最宽的地方有18英里宽,峡谷被认为是世界七大自然奇观之一,故答案是size。

(2)细节理解题,根据The climate in canyon area is primarily desert, with both high and low temperatures. 峡谷地区的气候主要是沙漠,高温和低温并存. 故答案是climate。

(3)细节理解题,根据 The Grand Canyon is home to a variety of plants and animals. 大峡谷里有各种各样的动植物。故答案是home。

(4)细节理解题. 根据It is over220 miles long and over a mile deep in some places. 它长220多英里,有些地方有一英里深,故答案是a mile deep。

(5)细节理解题,根据each layer of rock has a different depth and color. 每层岩石有不同的深度和颜色,故答案是layer。



(目标) . Each of us has the ability to be our own life coach. Here are some tips for you:

①?________ Ask yourself the following questions: How do you deal with disagreements? When was the last time you showed your family members that you care for them? Your relationships with friends, family members and teachers show a lot about the kind of person you are.

②? ________ Now, imagine that one of your good friends told you that he or she was not strong enough to go back to school. We often give better advice than we are willing to take ourselves. Remember that even the most successful people were probably told that what they wanted to do was impossible, but they followed their dreams and succeed.

③? ________ If you want to reach your goals, you will have to spend more time developing the talents you already have, and uncovering any hidden talents that you haven't discovered yet. So you can take classes in subjects that you are interested in, even if you have no experience.

④?________ Take some time to be thankful for the things you have. Remember positive memories. Think of the best day(s) you have had in the past month or year. Remember special parties, vacations and holidays. Appreciate the wonderful people you have in your life.

⑤Which may be the best title for this passage?________

A. How to be your own life coach

B. How to be healthy

C. How to relax yourself

D. How to have fun



(1)根据第二段“Your relationships with friends, family members and teachers show a lot about the kind of person you are.”可知,你与朋友,家庭成员和老师的关系显示了你是一个怎样的人。抓住关键词 relationships,故选D。

(2)根据第三段“Remember that even the most successful people were probably told that what they wanted to do was impossible, but they followed their dreams and succeed.”可知,请记住,就算是最成功的人也可能被告诉他们想做的事情不可能的,但是他们遵从自己的梦想而且成功了。也就是告诉我们要面对对未来的恐惧。故选A。

(3)根据第四段“you will have to spend more time developing the talents you already have, ”可知,你将不得不花费更多的时间发展你已有的天赋。抓住关键词developing the talents,故选C。

(4)根据第五段“Take some time to be thankful for the things you have.”可知,花一些时间去感恩你拥有的。抓住关键词be thankful,故选B。

(5)根据第一段“A life coach is somebody who helps you reach all kinds of personal and

professional goals (目标). Each of us has the ability to be our own life coach. ”可知,一个生活目标是一些人帮助你达到更重各样个人的目标。我们每一个人都有能力成为我们自己的生活目标。故选A。






Normal people need 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night. But for teenagers, a healthy amount (数量) is about 8 to 10 hours. Sadly, only 1/3 of people manage that.


Tiredness usually reaches its highest twice a day, at 2 a.m. and 2 p.m. That explains why students easily fall asleep in afternoon classes. So sleeping at noon for a while helps us work better in the rest of the day


People can make mistakes if they don't get enough sleep. Students cannot pay attention in class or do well in sports. Drivers who have fallen asleep while driving have caused 1%-10% of the traffic accidents in our life. And we can imagine what will happen if a doctor feels sleepy at the operating-table!


There are several ways that can help us sleep better, such as avoiding drinks that make us excited late in the day, going to sleep at the same time each night, and sleeping in a comfortable place that is dark, quiet and warm.

(2)The passage mainly encourages us to ________ (不得超过5个单词)


(2)develop good sleeping habits


Flying a hot air balloon is full of challenge. Do you want to fly it? If so, here is some advice for you.

Understanding the basics

Take a training course and get a license.

Know how the balloon can fly. Add propane(丙烷)to the fire to make the balloon fly.

Make sure you have enough energy in the tank(箱).Check your tank at times.

Learn how to stay at a right height. Raise or lower to control directions by the wind. If you want to lower, you can pull a red rope to let the hot air out of the top of the balloon.

Making preparations

You must have the necessary equipment(设备)such as a fire distinguisher(灭火器), a map and so on.

You should check the wind conditions to make sure it's safe to fly. You must know when to fly or cancel the flight.

You need several friends to help you control the balloon. They can help you pull down the basket or tie the balloon to the ground car until you are ready to fly.

Flying the balloon

Write down the height and the route(路线)through the whole flight. Before you land,pay attention to the high mountains, trees,tall buildings and so on. They may be dangerous.

You are never too careful. Keep calm when you have trouble.

to fly or cancel;the height


Have you ever heard the saying "There is no place like home!" This is just another way of saying that home is a very special place. Our bedroom, our family, our pets, and all of the things we love are at home.

Is home a place where you can relax and have fun? Is home a place where you get all of your best thinking done? Being at home means different things to different people. As people grow older, home usually represents more responsibility (责任)because it needs care inside and out. Who takes care of all of these things in your home? How do you help out?

There are many different kinds of homes. Some people live in apartments, condos, or single﹣family homes. Homes have different rooms that are used for different purpose. The kitchen, the bedrooms, the living room and the bathroom each have their own use. Suppose your house does not have a roof and you are a bird flying over it, what does your house look like? Think about it.

Some people might say that family and food are two of the best parts of being home. At home, you can tell your parents about your day, play with your pets, and grab a snack from the cupboard of fridge. You can relax in your room and read a book or play a game. You can ask friends over to play. Home is a place to take care of and be grateful for. Even though you are young, you can help to make a nice place to be. After all, home is where the heart is!


(1)What does the saying "There is no place like home!" tell us?

(2)Why does home mean more responsibility as people grow older?

(3)How many types of rooms are mentioned in Paragraph?

(4)What are the two best parts of being home according to some people?

(5)In your opinion, how can you help to make your home a nice place to be?

【答案】(1)Home is a special place.

(2)Because it needs care.


(4)Family and food.

(5)I think I can help my mother clean the rooms.


(1)根据第一段第二句This is just another way of saying that home is a very special place. 可知这只是说家是一个非常特别的地方的另一种说法。故答案为: Home is a special place.(2)根据第二段第四句As people grow older,home usually represents more responsibility because it needs care inside and out. 可知随着人们年龄的增长,家庭通常意味着更多的责任,因为它需要内外的照顾。故答案为: Because it needs care.

(3)根据第三段第四句The kitchen, the bedrooms, the living room and the bathroom each have their own use. 可知厨房、卧室、客厅和浴室都有各自的用途,此处提及4种类型的房间。故答案为 Four.

(4)根据第四段第一句Some people might say that family and food are two of the best parts of being home,可知有些人可能会说家庭和食物是家中最好的两部分。故答案为 Family and food.

(5)本题意为:在你看来,你怎样才能帮助你的家成为一个好地方呢?属于开放作答题型,答案不唯一,故答案为: I think I can help my mother clean the rooms.



Mo Ya, Nobel Prize winner in literature (文学)in 2012, believes his success comes from a large amount of reading.

Mo was born into a farming family in a village in Shandong Province. Mo left school at the age of 12 and started to work in the fields. Mo was tired after his daily hard work, but he was always hungry for books. However, there were very few books in the village, he never gave up. He read

his elder brother's textbooks and even dictionaries. He helped others with farm work in exchange for books.

After Mo left his hometown and joined the army in 1976, he began to read widely, including works by Lu Xun and many other famous writers. He studied from these writers but did not copy

them. Instead, he developed his own style.

Mo Yan, the first Chinese Nobel Prize ________in literature

The process of Mo

Yan's growth

He was born in a village and his parents are both ________.

After leaving school at the age of 12, he was always ________ books.

In the army, he read works such as Lu Xun's and other famous

writers' to developer his own ________.

In 2012, he won the Nobel Prize for literature. His success comes

from a large amount of ________.


(1)根据Mo Yan,Nobel Prize winner in literature(文学)in 2012,可知莫言是中国第一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的人,Nobel Prize winner诺贝尔奖获得者,故填winner。

(2)根据Mo was born into a farming family in a village in Shandong Province,可知莫言是出生在一个农民家庭里,所以他的父母都是农民,parents是复数,所以农民也用复数,故填farmers。

(3)根据but he was always hungry for books.可知莫言一直对书籍很饥渴,be hungry for sth.对……很饥渴,故填hungry for。

(4)根据he developed his own style.可知莫言的书是有自己的风格的,故填style。

(5)根据believes his success comes from a large amount of reading.可知莫言的成功和他大量阅读书籍是离不开的,故填reading。



Americans love to drive on their holidays. Usually, the family gets into a car or recreational vehicle(RV,旅行房车) and drives for a summertime trip across the country.

RVs are like our houses. There are kitchens, bathrooms and bedrooms in RVs. They are big, but can be very small when you share a bed with your little brother or try to play a game.

But RV travel is a great time with the family. You can see the country in your own "home". You can spend every night in a different place. And, you don't have to pay for hotels or restaurants, only gas(汽油). Best of all, you are free to go everywhere you want at any time.

Something about an RV


(1)根据the family gets into a car or recreational vehicle(RV,旅行房车)可知RV的全名是recreational vehicle,故填recreational vehicle。

(2)根据There are kitchens, bathrooms and bedrooms in RVs.可知RV里面有厨房、卫生间和卧室,故填bedrooms。

(3)根据You can spend every night in a different place可知可以在不同地方度过每个夜晚,故填spend。

(4)根据you don't have to pay for hotels or restaurants, only gas(汽油).可知不需要支付旅馆或者餐馆费用,仅仅需要支付汽油钱,故填gas。

(5)根据you are free to go everywhere you want at any time.可知你可以自由去任何你想去的地方,故填free。


10.A )信息归纳:阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容完成信息卡。

Do you like eating chocolate chip cookie?Thanks to Ruth Wakefield, they were invented by accident in 1930.

Ruth and her husband owned a restaurant called the Toll House. As manager and cook, Ruth kept very busy. One day in 1930, she was making some chocolate butter cookies.It was required that she should melt chocolate into the dough (面团).However, she found that she had run out of baker's chocolate. So she had to break some semi-sweet chocolate (半甜巧克力) into small pieces and added them to the dough. She hoped these pieces of chocolate to melt.

After the cookies were baked (烤), to her surprise, the chocolate had not melted into the dough, and her cookies were not chocolate butter cookies. They smelt delicious. They tasted sweet and crispy.

They were named Toll House cookies after Ruth's restaurant and are the most popular cookies in America today. About seven billion chocolate chip cookies are eaten every year, and nearly half the cookies baked in American homes are chocolate chip cookies.

Information Card

;About seven billion


(1)根据原句Thanks to Ruth Wakefield, they were invented by accident in 1930. 多亏Ruth Wakefield, 它们在1930年被发明。故答案为Ruth Wakefield。

(2)根据原句Ruth and her husband owned a restaurant called the Toll House. 可知Ruth和她丈夫有一个叫the Toll House的饭馆。故答案为The Toll House。

(3)根据原句 One day in 1930, she was making some chocolate butter cookies.可知1930年的一天她发明了巧克力曲奇饼干,故答案为One day in 1930。

(4)根据原句So she had to break some semi-sweet chocolate (半甜巧克力)into small pieces and added them to the dough. 可知她像面团里加了半甜巧克力,故答案为some semi-sweet chocolate。

(5)根据原句About seven billion chocolate chip cookies are eaten every year可知每天在美国大约七亿美国人吃巧克力曲奇饼干,故答案为About seven billion。



Should I be allowed to make my own decisions?



(1)句意:青少年认为他们应当被允许尽可能的多的练习他们的爱好。practice练习,是一个动词。should be allowed to do sth.应该被允许做某事,是含有情态动词should的被动语态形式;故填be allowed to practice。

(2)句意:但是爱好有时候会妨碍学习。get in the way of...是一个固定短语,妨碍,阻

碍,根据文意可知,一些家长们认为业余爱好会妨碍学习。空前有情态动词can,故这里应使用动词原形。故填get in the way of。

(3)句意:不妨对跑步。have nothing against是一个固定短语,对...反对,后面跟名词或者动名词形式。根据文意可知,刘宇的父母并不反对他跑步。故填nothing against。

(4)句意:认为他应当被允许自己做决定。make the choice做选择,是固定短语。根据文意可知,刘宇自己的观点是觉得应该自己做选择。故填make the choice。

(5)句意:刘宇的父母总是告诉他努力学习、考大学的重要性。importance重要性,是important的名词形式。the importance of...表示...的重要性。故填importance。

(6)句意:刘宇的父母总是告诉他努力学习、考大学的重要性。enter进入,是一个动词。enter university考上大学,跟前面的working hard并列做the importance的宾语,应使用动名词形式,故填entering。

(7)句意:他认为只用那是才有机会实现梦想。这里achieve his dream表示实现他的梦想。achieve实现,获得,是一个动词。因为空前有介词of,所以这里用动名词形式,故填achieving。




have trouble knowing what to write to their pen pals. ________

________ Break the ice by telling your pen pal a little about yourself. Start with your name, age and job. Write about what you like to do or what's on your mind that day. What you pass on will encourage your pen pal to tell you something about this. ________

Ask questions. ________ This will help you get to know him and probably get you a faster answer. Make your questions into the e-mail by telling him something you like to do and then asking if he's ever tried it.

Ask for advice. You may have some difficulties in your life and want to ask for advice. Your pen pal may tell you what to do.________ Also, discussing real-world questions will promote(促进) your friendship.

【答案】 D;A;C;E;F


A. Share your information.分享你的信息。

B. What do you think of having a pen pal?你认为有一个笔友怎么样?

C. And this will be helpful to start your friendship. 这将有助于开始你们的友谊。

D. Luckily, here are some ways to get to know a pen pal. 幸运的是,这里有一些了解笔友的方法。

E. Write questions for your pen pal to answer in his next e-mail. 为你的笔友写一些问题为了在下一封电子邮件中回答问题。

F. You don't have to take all his advice, but it will give you something about his opinions.你不必听他的建议,但这能反映出他的一些看法。

(1)根据上一句But most people have trouble knowing what to write to their pen pals. 但是大多数人都不知道该给他们的笔友写些什么。可知下一句应该是幸运的是,这里有一些了解笔友的方法。Luckily, here are some ways to get to know a pen pal.故选D。








How important is music? Many people usually think that listening to music is nice but not very important. It is often only thought to be entertainment, but not the first choice for education. This opinion is wrong. ________.

________. Music reflects the musicians' thoughts and ideas, and the social environment they came from. For example, just as Mozart's music represents a lifestyle, rock music also represents a lifestyle. George Gershwin's music is another example. He introduced jazz style into his music. ________. Science explains how the sun rises and sets. Music explores emotional (情绪的)meanings, such as sadness and happiness. People need every possible way to learn about our world.

Music shows people's thoughts. It's a special language. We can "talk" to each other and exchange our thoughts in this amazing way. Through the language we express our feelings,

discoveries, ideas and hopes. All of these can be shared with others. When we do not let our children receive a good music education, we take them away from the meaning that music expresses. Our children are lacking in a wonderful part in their lives. ________.





A. So music education is necessary for all students因此音乐教育对于所有的学生都是必要的。

B. Music tells us who we are音乐告诉我们我们是谁。

C. In fact, music education is much more necessary than people usually think事实上,音乐教育比人们通常想的更必要的多。

D. Music provides a kind of ability to know the world in a different way音乐通过一种不同的方式提供一种认识世界的能力。

(1)根据It is often only thought to be entertainment, but not the first choice for education. This opinion is wrong.可知,音乐经常仅仅被认为用来娱乐,而不是教育的第一选择,这种观点是错误的。此处应是:事实上,音乐教育比人们通常想的更必要的多,故选C。(2)根据Music reflects the musicians' thoughts and ideas, and the social environment they came from.可知,音乐反映音乐家的想法和主意,以及他们来自的社会环境。此处应是:音乐告诉我们我们是谁,故选B。

(3)根据Music explores emotional (情绪的)meanings, such as sadness and happiness. People need every possible way to learn about our world.可知,音乐探索情绪的意思,比如伤心和高兴。热门需要每个可能了解世界的方式。此处应是:音乐通过一种不同的方式提供一种认识世界的能力,故选D。

(4)根据Music shows people's thoughts. It's a special language. When we do not let our children receive a good music education, Our children are lacking in a wonderful part in their lives 可知,音乐展示人们的思想。它是一种特殊的语言。当我们不让我们的孩子接受一种好的音乐教育使,我们的孩子在他们的生活中缺少美好的部分。此处应是:因此音乐教育对于所有的学生都是必要的,故选A。

(5)题意:你认为音乐重要还是不重要,为什么?可以结合文章提示,回答重要或是不重要,注意回答不少于6个单词,故答案为I think music is important because it plays an important part in education.(答案不唯一,合理即可)









How can you create luck in everyday life?

You may probably agree that some people have more good things happening to them. Let's just call that luck. Now, would you like to learn how to be one of these lucky people? Here are 5 top tips for creating your own luck.

See the good in the past

It is easy to believe that you never have any luck in everyday life if you don't seem to be getting any breaks. But having had a difficult life gives you unusual lessons and develops courage.


Some people are already lucky, and they just don't know it. Instead of giving your attention to what you are short of, look at how lucky you already are. You no doubt have some wonderful friends, family, and a roof over your head.


Luck doesn't just happen upon us—It comes to us when we're open, Learning a new skill, visiting a new place and trying a new hobby are all great ways of creating your chances.


You'll never create any luck if you sit there waiting for it to fall into your lap. Take steps towards your goals and dreams and greet every challenge. You will find you create more luck in everyday life.


Sometimes people would be prepared to help us out. If you need a hand with dealing with something, rather than wait for someone to offer you a lucky break, go and ask them if they will help you out.





A. Try something new试试一些新的东西

B. Take action right now马上采取行动

C. Ask for help if necessary如果必要寻求帮助

D. Feel lucky about what you have为你拥有的东西感到幸运

(1)根据下文 Some people are already lucky, and they just don't know it. 有些人已经很幸运了,他们只是不知道,可知本段强调为你拥有的东西感到幸运。故选D。

(2)根据下文 It comes to us when we're open, Learning a new skill 当我们开放、学习新技巧的时候,幸运会降临,可知本段强调试试一些新的东西。故选A。

(3)根据下文 You'll never create any luck if you sit there waiting for it to fall into your lap. 如果你坐在那里等着它掉到你腿上,你永远不会创造任何好运,可知本段强调应马上采取行动。故选B。

(4)根据下文 Sometimes people would be prepared to help us out. 有时有些人会准备好帮助我们,可知本段强调如果必要寻求帮助。故选C。




【英语】中考英语阅读理解经典题型带答案 一、初三英语阅读理解(含答案详细解析) 1.根据短文理解,选择正确答案。 A Some people think only school children do not agree with their parents, however, it is not true. Communication is a problem for parents and children of all ages. If it's hard for you to communicate with your parents, don't worry about it. Here are some suggestions for you to bridge generation gap(代沟). Don't argue with your parents. Don't get to your parents when you are angry. Your parents probably won't consider your ideas if you are shouting at them You can't express(表达)yourself well if you are angry. Go to some place to cool off. Make sure you understand why you are unhappy. Then think about what you want to say to your parents. If you don't think you can speak to them at the moment, try writing a letter. Try to reach a compromise (和解). Perhaps you and your parents disagree(有分歧) on something. You can keep your disagreement and try your best to accept each other. Michael's mother didn't agree with him about buying a car. They argued over it, but finally they came to a compromise. Michael bought the car, but only drove it on certain days. Of course your parents might refuse to compromise on something. In these situations, it is especially important to show love and respect (尊敬) to them. Showing respect will keep your relationship strong. Talk about your values. The values of your parents are probably different from those of your own. Tell your parents what you care about, and why. Understanding your values might help them see your purposes in life. A good relationship with your parents can make you a better and happier person. It is worth having a try. (1)From the passage we know_______ have a communication problem. A. parents and children of all ages B. children and other people C. parents and their school children D. teachers and their students (2)How many pieces of advice does the writer give us to bridge the generation gap? A. 5 B. 4 C. 3 D. 2 (3)The underlined phrase "cool off" in the passage means_______. A. make yourself happy B. make yourself quiet and relaxed C. become angry D. go away (4)If the values of your parents are different from those of yours, you'd better_______. A. argue with them B. keep away from them


2010年九年级英语中考单项选择专项训练 2010-04-29 07:44:56| 分类:英语试题集锦 |字号大中小订阅 1. English _____ in many countries, but Chinese ______ their own language. A. is spoken, speaks B. speaks, is spoken C. is spoken, speak D. is spoken, is spoken 2. Don’t worry! I’m sure you’ll _______ your classmates if you are kind and friendly to them. A. catch up with B. get on well with C. agree with D. make friend with 3. —What would you do _____broken eggs?—I would ask my parents to pay for them____ me. A.about;to B.for;to C.like;to D.with;for 4. A third of the population of the city _____ their own cars. A, has B. have C. had D. is 5. --- How do you like this TV play? --- _________ A. It’s wonderful B. What about you? C. Yes, I like it D. No, I don’t like it at all 6. --- Your sister isn’t a nurse, is she ? --- ______. She teaches English in a middle school. A. Yes, she is B. No, she isn’t C. Yes, she isn’t D. No, she is 7. --- When shall we meet again, this afternoon or tonight? --- I don’t mind. _______ time is OK. A. Either B. Every C. Neither D. Both 8.Meimei's handwriting is better than any other ______ in his class. A. students B. students C. student's D. students' 9. --- Tom and Jack? I didn’t believe they could do the work. --- ________, but they really did it well. A. So did I B. So I didn’t C. Neither did I D. Me too 10. The conductor kept _______ hot water to us. A. give B. bring C. taking D. giving 11. --- Where do you think _________ he __________ the TV set? --- Sorry. I have no idea. A. /, bought B. has, bought C. did, buy D. did, bought 12. --- Listen! Somebody is singing in the next room. Who ____ is be? Is it Wei Fang?


九年级英语阅读理解训练题及答案五(一) Snow fell on the mountain. It snowed and snowed. The snow did not melt(融化). It became deep and heavy. The snow on the bottom pressed (挤压)together., it became ice. The ice was very wide and thick. It began to move down the mountain. It was like a river of ice. It was a glacier(冰河). Sometimes the glacier moved only a few inches(英寸) each day. As it moved, it took rocks and dirt with it. It changed the land. In some places, it left hills. In some places, when the glacier melted, it made rivers and lakes. A million years ago, there were many big glaciers. Glaciers covered many parts of the world. The glaciers changed the land. Glaciers are still at work today. A glacier in the north of Canada is cutting a new path(路) down the side of a mountain. This glacier will change the land, too. 1. The snow that fell on the mountain A. became snowman B. melted C. became ice D. turned to rain 2. The word in the story that means a river of ice is __________.


中考英语阅读理解题集锦(word) 一、初三英语阅读理解(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读理解 Once there was an emperor. He had a beautiful garden. In the garden, there was a little nightingale(夜莺) singing very beautifully. One day, the emperor heard about this little bird's beautiful voice. He asked his guards to bring her to him. When the emperor heard the nightingale's voice, he said, "Put her in a golden cage, so she can stay and sing for me whenever I want to hear her." The little bird was so unhappy about being kept in the cage that she stopped singing one day. The emperor was very angry. He ordered the scientists in his palace to make a robot bird for him. The bird could sing very beautifully too. The emperor was pleased. Soon the robot bird became old. It no longer sang beautiful songs. Just at that time, the emperor was ill and he became very weak. One morning, while lying in bed, the emperor wanted it to sing once again. But the robot bird could not sing any more. Suddenly, the nightingale landed on the window. She began to sing her most beautiful song. The emperor was very happy! He became better and better each day. After the emperor was well, he changed a lot and became kind to his people. From then on, all his people cherished(爱戴) him for his love and kindness. (1)Why did the little bird stop singing? A. Because she was ill. B. Because she was not free. C. Because she was hungry. D. Because she was too excited. (2)What made the emperor become better and better? A. The robot's beautiful voice. B. His men's voice. C. The little bird's nice dance. D. The little bird's beautiful song. (3)According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? A. A little nightingale lived in the emperor's beautiful garden. B. The nightingale went on singing songs for the emperor after she was kept in a cage. C. One day, the robot bird was broken and it couldn't sing. D. The emperor gave up listening to songs after he got sick. (4)What can we learn from the passage? A. If we keep a bird, we can enjoy the beautiful songs. B. Don't make a robot because it can get broken easily. C. A bird can help people get away from illness. D. If we are kind to someone, he or she will be also kind to us. 【答案】(1)B (2)D (3)A (4)D 【解析】【分析】主要讲了国王因为小夜莺动听的歌声把小鸟关在笼子里,结果小鸟难过不再唱歌,国王让科学家做了一只机器小鸟,一天机器小鸟也不唱歌了,国王病了,原来


初三英语专题训练 附加疑问句(Tag Questions) 附加疑问句由陈述句加简短附加问句构成,中间用逗号隔开,用以要求对方证实所述之事。其特点是“形式相反,前后一致”。即“前肯后否,前否后肯”的相反形式和前后两部分的动词时态要一致的要求。 中考聚焦 反意疑问句是一种特殊的疑问句,其重点在于其附加问句的主语和谓语这两个部分,因而附加问句主语和谓语的确定是对此知识点命题的重点。另外,由于对反意疑问句做回答的特殊性及易错性,对其回答方式的考查也常常出现,而且由于对反意疑问句作回答与语境或情景联系较紧,所以考查方式越来越受重视。 1.陈述部分的肯定与否定 1)陈述部分的否定意义仅由否定前缀或后缀的词来表达,则应将其视为肯定形式,疑问部分用否定形式, 2)陈述部分含有few,hardly,little,neither,never,,no,no one,none,not,nobody,nothing,seldom等词,通常将其视为否定形式,反意疑问句部分用肯定形式。 e.g He disliked her,didn’t he?他以前不喜欢她,是吗? Few people can do the work,can they?几乎没有人能做这项工作,是吗? 2.疑问部分的主语 1)如果陈述部分的主语是单数名词(代词),则根据单数名词的性在疑问部分用he/she/it 做主语,如陈述部分的主语是复数名词(代词),疑问部分则用they做主语 2)当陈述部分是there be句型时,疑问部分要用there 3)当陈述部分主语是everthing,anything,something,this,that以及动名词或不定式时,疑问部分的主语用it。当陈述部分的主语是everybody,anybody,somebody,no one,nobody时,疑问部分主语用they或he e.g The children are having breakfast,aren’t they?孩子们在吃早饭,是吗? There is nothing on the table is there?桌子上什么都没有,是吗? Nothing is wrong with your computer,is it?你的电脑没什么毛病,是吗? 3.疑问部分的谓语 1)如陈述部分有助动词,情态动词或系动词be,在疑问部分仍然使用该助动词,情态动词或系动词的适当形式。 2)如果陈述部分没有助动词,情态动词或系动词,疑问部分的谓语动词要用do的形式3)陈述部分的must,may,can表推测时,疑问部分的谓语要与must,may,can后面的动词形式相一致。 e.g Joy will leave for America tomorrow,won’t she?乔伊明天要去美国,是吗? The boys like skating,don’t they?这些男孩喜欢滑冰,是吗? Jim may be at home now,isn’t he?吉姆可能在家里,是吗 4.反意疑问句有以下常见的特殊形式 1)陈述部分是I am..结构时,反意疑问句用aren’t I? 2)陈述部分是祈使句时,反意疑问句用will you? 3)开头的祈使句,反意疑问句部分用shall we? 注意:Let us(him,me)开头的祈使句,反意疑问句部分只用will you 4)当陈述部分是一个带that从句做宾语的主从结构时,反意疑问句一般应与主句的主语和谓语保持一致。


九年级英语阅读理解训练题及答案五 (一 Snow fell on the mountain. It snowed and snowed. The snow did not melt(融化. It became deep and heavy. The snow on the bottom pressed (挤压together., it became ice. The ice was very wide and thick. It began to move down the mountain. It was like a river of ice. It was a glacier(冰河. Sometimes the glacier moved only a few inches(英寸each day. As it moved, it took rocks and dirt with it. It changed the land. In some places, it left hills. In some places, when the glacier melted, it made rivers and lakes. A million years ago, there were many big glaciers. Glaciers covered many parts of the world. The glaciers changed the land. Glaciers are still at work today. A glacier in the north of Canada is cutting a new path (路down the side of a mountain. This glacier will change the land, too. 1. The snow that fell on the mountain A. became snowman B. melted C. became ice D. turned to rain 2. The word in the story that means a river of ice is __________.


【英语】初三英语阅读理解试题经典及解析 一、阅读理解 1.根据短文理解,选择正确答案。 B People all have problems. If we don't deal with these problems, we can easily become unhappy. Worrying about our problems can affect how we do at school. It can also influence the way we behave with our families. So how do we deal with our problems? There are many ways and here is one of them Most of us have probably been angry with our friends, parents or teachers. Perhaps they said something you didn't like, or you felt they were unfair. Sometimes people can stay angry for years about a small problem. Time goes by, and good friendship may be lost. When we are angry, however, we are usually the ones affected. Perhaps we have seen young children playing together. Sometimes they have disagreements, and decide not to talk to each other. However, this usually does not last for long. This is an important lesson for us to learn.(1)What is the writer? A. A shopkeeper. B. A doctor. C. A student. D. A dentist. (2)What is the main idea of the passage? A. How to deal with problems. B. How to do at school. C. How to behave with families. D. How to talk to each other. (3)What will happen if people stay angry for long according to the text? A. They feel unfair. B. They may get sick. C. Good friendship may be lost. D. They may miss each other. (4)Children decide not to talk to each other probably because_______. A. they become unhappy B. they have different ideas C. they worry about a small problem D. they want disagreements (5)From the passage, we know an important lesson for us is A. playing together B. learning to forget C. staying angry D. feeling unfair 【答案】(1)C (2)A (3)C (4)B (5)B 【解析】【分析】人与人之间难免会有磕磕碰碰,相处的时候出现了问题怎么办?本文告

初三英语下学期 中考英语 语法填空训练单元 易错题难题专题强化试卷检测试卷

初三英语下学期中考英语语法填空训练单元易错题难题专题强化试卷检测 试卷 一、英语语法填空汇编 1.语法填空 Chen Yujie studies at a boarding school in Ningbo, Zhejiang. She used to go back to her home in Cixi every week ________ (get) money from her parents. It was not a short ride home and the trips were tiring. Chen hoped her parents could put the money on a bank card, ________ she didn't have to travel so often. She decided to discuss ________ with her parents during TV time after dinner. "It's usually the most relaxing time for our family," said Chen. She ________ the right time. After a few turns of lobbying(游说), her parents ________ agreed with Chen. For most teenagers like Chen, talking to parents can be difficult or even worrying. So they have to choose a right time. American magazine Highlight recently surveyed 1,521 ________ (kid)aged 6~12 in the country, asking questions like" When you want to talk to your parents about something important, when is ________ best time to do it?". Results show that American kids seem to know when their parents are most receptive(乐于接受的). Mealtime is discovered to be their favourite time to talk to their parents. Bedtime comes ________ (two), followed by time spent in the car. ________ (China)teenagers seem to have a similar tendency(倾向)towards the problem. A newspaper in Zhejiang did a survey ________ it. The result shows most teenagers in the city would choose mealtime to talk to their parents. So do you have anything to talk to your parents? Choose a good time. 【答案】 to get;so;it;chose;finally;kids;the;second;Chinese;of 【解析】【分析】本文介绍了青少年和父母交流的问题,对大多数青少年来说,与父母交谈可能很困难,甚至令人担忧。所以他们必须选择正确的时间。 (1)句意:她常常每周回到在慈溪的家为了从父母那里取钱。此处是不定式做目的状语,为了,故填to get。 (2)句意:陈希望她的父母可以把钱打到银行卡上,这样她不用经常回家了。根据put the money on a bank card和she didn't have to travel so often可知,把钱打到银行卡上的结果是这样她不用经常回家了,故此处是连词表示结果,so是连词,故填so。 (3)句意:她决定晚饭后看电视时和她的父母讨论这件事。discuss后缺少宾语,it指代把钱打到银行卡上这件事,故用it指代一件事,故填it。 (4)句意:她选择了正确时间。此处缺少谓语动词,根据下文choose mealtime to talk to their parents选择用餐时间和父母交谈,可知是选择时机,choose是动词,描述过去用一般过去时,choose的过去式是chose,故填chose。 (5)句意:在几次游说下,她的父母终于同意了陈的意见。副词修饰动词agreed,finally,终于,是副词,故填finally。 (6)句意:美国杂志最近重点调查了该国15216名6-12岁的儿童。基数词1521后是名词复数,故填kids。


班级: 姓名: 考场: 座号: 密封线 An old lady in a plane had a blanket (毯子over her head and she did not want to take it off . The air hostess spoke to her, but the old lady said, “I have never been in a plane before , and I am frightened. I am going to keep this blanket over my head until we are back on the ground again !” Then the captain came. He said, “Madam, I am the captain of this plane. The weather is fine, there are no clouds in the sky, and everything is going very well. ”But she continued to hide. So the captain turned and started to go back. Then the old lady looked out from under the blanket with one eye and said, “I am sorry, young man, but I don’t like planes and I am never going to fly again. But I’ll say one thing, ”She continued kindly, “You and yo ur wife keep your plane very clean!” 1. An old lady had _________ . A. glasses B. a blanket over her head C. a coat D. a basket 2. A. She didn’t want to ________ . A. take it off B. turn it off C. get on D. talk about it 3. _________ spoke to her . A. The air hostess


2020初三英语阅读理解及答案 下面有一篇文章,希望同学们用10分钟将此题做完,然后对照讲解找到准确的答案。 Passage 1 If you look at the sky one night and see something moving and shining that you have never seen before, it might be a comet (彗星). A comet sometimes looks like a star. Like a planet, a comet has no light of its own. It shines from the sunlight it reflects (反射). Like the earth, a comet goes round the sun, but on a much longer path (轨道) than the earth travels. If a comet isn’t a sta r, what is it then? Some scientists think that a large part of a comet is water frozen into pieces of ice and mixed with iron and rock dust and perhaps a few big pieces of rock. When sunshine melts (融化) the ice in the comet, great clouds of gas go trailing after it. These clouds, together with the dust, form a long tail. Many people perhaps have seen a comet. However no one knows how many comets there are. There may be millions of comets, but only a few come close enough for us to see. An Englishman named Edmund Halley, who lived from 1656 to 1742, found out a lot about the paths that comets take through the sky. Some comets move out of our sight and never come back. Others keep coming back at regular times. A big comet that keeps coming back was named after Halley because


九年级上册英语阅读理解题20套(带答案) 一、英语阅读(日常生活类) 1.阅读理解 One day, Tom's teacher, Miss Mak, held a class meeting. "There will be a flag day next Saturday. Does anyone want to join this meaningful event (活动)?" asked Miss Mak. Tom was interested in raising money for homeless children but he was not brave enough to talk to the strangers, so he kept quiet in his seat. "Tom, you haven't sold flags before," said Miss Mak suddenly. "Would you like to have a try?" Tom was hesitant(犹豫的),but he finally nodded. On the flag day, Tom and Angela sold flags in a busy street. "Ex-cuse me, Could y-o-u pl-ea-se buy ...?" said Angela softly to the first person she met. The man smiled and put five-dollar coin into Angela's collection bag. Then she said thanks and put a flag under his shoulder. "I did it!" said Angela happily. "It's your turn now." Feeling nervous. Tom began to shake. Soon, he saw a young lady walking towards him. The lady was smiling and holding a few coins in her hand. She asked, "Are you selling flags for Fund for the Homeless Childred?" Tom's face became red and said yes. Then the lady made the donation(捐赠) and Tom gave her a flag. "You made it!" laughed Angela. In the next couple of hours, Angela and Tom sold flags quickly and bravely. Al last, their collection bags were so heavy that they had to hold them with both arms. They felt very proud.(1)Why did Tom keep quiet in his seat? A. He had other plans. B. He didn't like Miss Mak. C. He was not interested in the activity. D. He was not brave enough to talk to the strangers.(2)When Miss Mak asked Tom to have a try, he finally . A. laughed B. nodded C. refused D. cried (3)Where did Tom and Angela sell flags? A. In a busy street. B. In their school. C. In a tall building. D. In a small garden.(4)How much did the first man pay Angela for the flag? A. Five dollars. B. Ten dollars. C. Fifteen dollars. D. Twenty dollars.(5)How did Tom and Angela feel after they sold the flags? A. Bored. B. Shy. C. Confident. D. Sad. 【答案】(1)D (2)B (3)A (4)A (5)C 【解析】【分析】文章大意:Tom与Angela在学校组织的卖小国旗活动中,战胜了自己,出色地完成了任务。 (1)细节理解题。根据文中的语句Tom was interested in raising money for homeless children but he was not brave enough to talk to the strangers, so he kept quiet in his seat.理解可知,Tom不敢与陌生人说话,所以保持了沉默,故选D。


九年级英语专项练习---单词拼写部分(Unit 1-9) Name____________ 1. Do you study English by l__________ to tapes? 2. Reading a_________ can help practice p_______________. 3. He thinks English grammar is boring, but I feel d_____________. 4. I cannot understand what he said, because he speaks too q_________, I hope he can speak s_________. 5. I don't know how to p__________ these English words. 6. Don’t l________ at others’ m___________, it will h__________ their feelings. 7. ---Sorry to trouble you? ---It doesn’t m___________. 8. L_______ on, I r_________ the i____________ of learning English. 9. To i__________ your vocabulary, you should read English newspapers and magazines more often. 10. I am a__________ to speak in front of others because I am shy. 11. You can’t pass the exam u_________ you study hard. 12. My English is not good enough, and I often have t________ making c__________ sentences. 13. Doing lots of listening practice is one of the s_________ of becoming a good language l_________. 14. He is a s_________ and he has been in the army for three years. 15. He is r_________ as one of the best students in our school. 16. I don't know how to d_________ with the problems. 17. A teacher must do his d__________. So must a student.
